A sentence for the word perspective

perspective — перевод на русский


No perspective, huh?

Ни перспективы, да?

The sand too from the early hours deprived of shadows and perspective abolishes distances, making them impassable.

С самого раннего утра песок, лишенный теней и перспективы, уничтожает расстояния, превращая их в бесконечность.

Perspectives 2000

«Перспективы 2000″

This underdeveloped form of ruling class… is also the expression of the economic underdevelopment; its only perspective is the delay in this development… in certain regions of the world.

Данная недоразвитая форма правящего класса является также выражением общей экономической отсталости, для неё нет иной перспективы, кроме как навёрстывать своё отставание.

Our anonymous critic nevertheless has the merit of having illustrated better than the others the utter ineptitude of the antihistorical perspective he advocates and the real motivations behind these impotent people’s pretended disdain for reality.

У нашего анонимного критика, однако, есть заслуга в том, что он лучше других проиллюстрировал чрезвычайную неуместность антиисторической перспективы, которую он защищает, и реальные причины показного презрения этих бессильных людей к действительности.

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It can only be decided objectively, in years to come, in the true perspective of history.

Этот вопрос должен решаться объективно, с точки зрения истории…

From an extraterrestrial perspective, our global civilization is clearly on the edge of failure in the most important task it faces:

С точки зрения внеземного разума наша всеобщая цивилизация вот-вот может потерпеть крах в самой важной своей задаче:

Has it ever occurred to you that today, looked at from Jane Austen’s perspective… would look even worse?

А тебе не приходило в голову, что с точки зрения Джейн Остин наша современность выглядела бы ещё глупей?

Different perspectives on progress.

Разные точки зрения на прогресс.

It does prove, though, how everything is a matter of perspective.

Однако, это доказывает, что все зависит от точки зрения.

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The female perspective is very important maam, I thought that she’d-

Женская точка зрения очень важна, сеньора, я подумал, что она…

But how slowly, in our human perspective, life evolved from the molecules of the early oceans to the first bacteria.

Но как же медленно, с человеческой точки зрения, развивалась жизнь. От молекул в ранних океанах до первых бактерий.

Look at it from our perspective, please.

Пожалуйста, посмотрите на это с нашей точки зрения.

If you could see things… From my perspective, you’d understand.

Если бы ты видел все с моей точки зрения, ты бы понял.

Of course, more often than not… he can’t find her external genitalia… through all that body armor… so dinner ends up being kind of a bust… from a biological perspective.

Конечно, гораздо чаще он может найти её наружные гениталии в её панцире. Обед заканчивается кутежом с биологической точки зрения.

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Being British but educated in America gave him a different perspective. A kind of detachment.

Англичанин, получивший образование в Америке, он имел свой взгляд на вещи.

That’s a very human perspective, Will.

Это очень человеческий взгляд, Уилл.

Forgive me, but, from my perspective, you live in luxury.

Простите меня, но, на мой взгляд, вы живете в роскоши.

A, from my perspective, not much really did happen.

«А» — на мой взгляд, ничего такого не произошло.

Fresh perspective.

— Он внес свежий взгляд. — Вот как?

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— A third party can provide perspective.

— Человек со стороны может им помочь.

Let me help you see this from a different perspective.

Я помогу вам взглянуть на ситуацию с другой стороны.

Let’s look at this from a different perspective.

Давайте посмотрим на это с другой стороны.

From our perspective, yes. But time is relative.

С нашей стороны, да, но время относительно.

Now I’m gonna continue to move and, from your perspective, I’m going to vanish.

Теперь, я продолжаю двигаться, и теперь, с вашей стороны я исчезаю.

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But up there in the cosmos an inescapable perspective awaits.

Но там, во вселенной нас ждет неизбежное будущее.

So just get it in perspective, yeah?

Так что просто смотрите в будущее, ага?

Dad being a bird really hinges on our perspective.

От того станет ли папа птицей, зависит наше будущее.

You are not mature enough to have a realistic perspective.

Ты недостаточно взрослый, чтобы ясно представлять будущее.

And his death that helped her to put everything in perspective.

И это именно его смерть помогла ей все поставить на будущее.

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Thank you for that perspective, Cher.

Спасибо за мнение, Шер.

Maybe he wants to hear things from a Ferengi perspective.

Может, он хочет услышать мнение ференги.

I look forward to hearing your perspective on Vulcans.

Не терпится услышать ваше мнение о вулканцах.

Frank would like a woman’s perspective.

Фрэнку бы хотелось узнать женское мнение.

It’s the part where I run down to Tiki Port and grab us dinner and we go over my files and you give me your perspective on some stuff.

Наступил момент, когда я пойду в Тики Порт, возьму нам ужин, мы пройдемся с тобой по моим файлам, и ты мне выскажешь свое мнение по некоторым моментам.

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No, mate, put yourself in his perspective, the way he sees things.

Я — красавец. — Нет, приятель! Посмотри на себя его глазами, и ты всё поймёшь.

Look at it from my perspective.

Посмотри на это моими глазами.

see things from his perspective.

посмотрите на всё его глазами.

Brady remembers pulling the knife out of the Judge’s chest and trying to save her from his own perspective, because that’s what he actually did.

Брейди вспоминает, как вытащил нож из груди судьи и пытался спасти её, глядя на происходящее собственными глазами, потому что он это по-настоящему делал.

Try to see this from my perspective.

Постарайся увидеть это моими глазами.

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«A religious experience can be a beautiful addition to living… «if you put it in the proper perspective and do not let it warp you.

Религиозный опыт может стать чудесным дополнением к твоему существованию, … если займет в нем надлежащее место и не будет подавлять тебя.

Taken altogether, they offer a fascinating perspective… on ancient history.

Тандем Спящего и Повелителя снов находит место во множестве… древних поверий.

This is my perspective.

Вот моё место.

See it from her perspective.

Поставьте себя на её место.

I mean, look at it from her perspective.

В смысле, поставь себя на её место.

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Maybe I wanted to see the world from a different perspective and I was an explorer at heart.

Может быть, я хотел увидеть мир под другим углом и в душе я был исследователем.

When I was young, I was too emotional to try to think from another’s perspective

Когда я был молодым, я был слишком эмоционален, чтобы смотреть на вещи под другим углом.

As with most puzzles… it needs to be viewed from a different perspective.

Как и во многих головоломках, нужно посмотреть под другим углом.

Cleveland, you’re approaching this from the wrong perspective.

Кивленд, ты смотришь на это не под тем углом.

Oh, seeing the world from another perspective.

Смотрю на мир под другим углом.

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перспектива, вид, виды на будущее, перспективный


- перспектива

- вид (вдаль)

a fine perspective opened before his eyes — перед ним открылся прекрасный вид

- виды на будущее

in perspective — а) изображённый с соблюдением законов перспективы; б) в истинном свете
we have a long perspective of happy days before us — у нас впереди много счастливых дней
to look through the wrong end of the perspective — преуменьшать значение (чего-л.)


- перспективный; сделанный по законам перспективы

perspective drawing — рисунок, сделанный по законам перспективы
perspective geometry — а) аксонометрия; б) начертательная геометрия

- арх. оптический, зрительный

perspective glass — увеличительное стекло

Мои примеры


the crime novel, written from the criminal’s perspective, is sometimes seen as a particular species of the detective story genus — детективный роман, написанный от лица преступника, иногда рассматривают как отдельный вид жанра детективов  
to draw in perspective — вычерчивать в перспективе  
the proper / right / true perspective — верная, правильная перспектива  
from a perspective — с точки зрения  
the wrong perspective — неправильная, неверная перспектива  
to look at smth. in perspective — смотреть на что-л. в перспективе  
to view a situation from a new perspective — увидеть ситуацию под новым углом, с новой точки зрения  
perspective bundle — перспективное расслоение  
perspective correspondence — перспективное соответствие  
perspective element — перспективный элемент  
perspective representation — перспективное изображение  

Примеры с переводом

The novel is written from a child’s perspective.

Роман написан от лица ребёнка.

The book examines the subject from a feminine perspective.

В данной книге эта тема рассмотрена с женской точки зрения.

His father’s death gave him a whole new perspective on life.

Смерть отца заставила его взглянуть на жизнь совсем по-другому.

We have to look at everything from an international perspective.

Мы должны смотреть на всё с точки зрения международной перспективы.

I think Viv’s lost all sense of perspective.

Мне кажется, Вив совершенно разучилась адекватно воспринимать действительность.

It is desirable that the preservation of accidentals should be seen in proper perspective.

Желательно, чтобы световые эффекты были сохранены в правильной перспективе.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The figures have to be put into perspective.

Our work in Uganda and Romania adds a wider perspective.

…from his perspective as a billionaire, what the governor got paid was a piffling amount…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): perspective
мн. ч.(plural): perspectives

Definition of Perspective

the way an individual views something

Examples of Perspective in a sentence

After the near-fatal car accident, Sharon changed her perspective on life and decided to quit her job.


A judge’s perspective of the justice system is quite different from a convicted felon’s perspective.


While Ann was opposed to marriage in her early twenties, she has now changed her perspective and cannot wait to marry.


As a child matures his perspective on life will change.


When you look at the painting, you are viewing the artist’s perspective of the world.


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Use ‘perspective’ in a sentence | ‘perspective’ example sentences

1- I share his political perspective.

2- We must see the matter in its proper perspective.

3- As he grew up, he learned to put things in perspective.

4- Children’s drawings don’t generally show much sense of perspective.

5- Living in a foreign culture helps you to gain a different perspective on life.

6- The building in the painting is out of perspective, it appears much too small.

7- Paintings of the Middle Ages didn’t really show much perspective, everything looked flat.

8- As you get older, and gain more experience, you may develop a different perspective on life.

9- His newspaper column offers the left wing perspective on today’s political and social issues.

10- Detachment provides perspective, which in turn permits a certain amount of pattern recognition.

11- The early death of his business partner due to overwork has given him a new perspective on life.

12- The musical practices of the late Renaissance persisted well into the seventeenth century.

13- perspectiveAccording to the Marxist perspective, it is the family that is most responsible for the repression of women.

14- It is always interesting to read about one’s own country and its culture from the perspective of recent immigrants.

15- Sergio has an interesting perspective on the Mexican election because his uncle is a member of the Opposition party.

16- From the perspective of those involved in the export business in Canada, the low value of the Canadian dollar is not always considered as something bad.

17- Case studies are used by researchers in psychology to gain a historical perspective, which often helps in forming hypotheses about the causes of a psychological disturbance.

18- Martin Luther King, Jr.

19- once said that our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation, and this means we must develop a world perspective.

20- Martin Luther King, Jr.

21- once said that our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation, and this means we must develop a world perspective.

22- tributeYouth activist Craig Kielburger once observed that the perspective of children is desperately needed if we are to create a better and safer world for children, for youth, for everybody.

23- 661659Thankfully, adulthood has changed my hair and my perspective.

24- 242003From a public health perspective, alcohol taxes are important.

25- But polling by Abacus Data provides a somewhat different perspective.

26- You can instead choose to look at it from the daughter’s perspective.

27- They have little if any perspective and they often use poor judgment.

28- “The painting and perspective work is remarkable,” Schaub points out.

29- So yes, from that perspective it is revolutionizing what we’re doing.”

30- 843019This image is from a perspective above Pluto’s equatorial area.

31- Ryan Divish covers the Mariners and offers his perspective all season.

32- “From a practical perspective, what difference does this bill fix make?

33- Permalink Flag Paul Ross 15 hours ago Interesting post and perspective.

34- From the perspective of at least some colleges, $142,400 is not wealthy.

35- From my perspective, it’s a wake-up call, Bromenshenk wrote in an email.

36- The companies would seem to have little to fear from a legal perspective.

37- With a simple chocolate product, this man altered my perspective on life.

38- So from that perspective, you sort of end up taking your eye off the ball.

39- The fact that she survived the suicide attempt gave her a new perspective.

40- From Amazon’s perspective, the move to better link households makes sense.

41- From a technical perspective, the S&P 500 managed to hold the 2,040 level.

42- Bring perspective that Senate is an independent, non-partisan institution.

43- Williams says her health problems have given her a new perspective on life.

44- Indeed, Zeldin adds, Congress could use more members with this perspective.

45- “Phil’s experience and wide perspective are a perfect fit for S2K Graphics.

46- It doesn’t make any sense from a public safety perspective,” Paterson said.

47- The feds are going to have to sort that out, but from the city perspective.

48- From the perspective of criminal policy, does the death penalty deter crime?

49- 809676The thing we’ll bring to it is that Larry’s perspective is different.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
personified – personifies – personify – personifying – personnel – personnels – persons – perspective – perspectives – perspicacity – perspiration – perspire – perspired – perspires – perspiring –

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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Perspective | Perspective Sentence

  • A change of perspective has been the consequence.
  • His perspective is extremely fine.
  • One example is the use of perspective in painting.
  • An external perspective view of this coil is shown in Fig.
  • Restoration in perspective of Dayr-el-Bahari 252.
  • The perspective of speech is virtually a part of the meaning.
  • That is to say, it is no perspective because there is too much perspective.
  • Here, again, an utter lack of knowledge and perspective is observable.
  • View in perspective of the Temple of Elephantiné 231.
  • Section in perspective of «Campbell’s tomb» 200.
  • Collie’s perspective was distorted through sudden disappointment.

How To Use Perspective In A Sentence?

  • The first pictures of earth from space changed our perspective on this sphere forever.
  • We also have our equivalent of perspective painting, in the invention of the holograph.
  • Nay, the perspective varies, and shows them quite otherwise than you thought them.
  • From a renaissance perspective he is still playing the game, albeit a different one.
  • And the meta-theatrical convention gives us new perspective on the greater story as well.
  • Her life had been too sound, too sweet, to give her any perspective on a situation of the kind.
  • A perspective view of one of these combined line signals and jacks is shown in Fig.
  • A perspective view of this Western Electric electrical restoring drop is shown in Fig.
  • He straightened and leaned away from her to give a proper perspective in which she could admire him.
  • It was a shift in perspective that allowed us to orient ourselves to mathematical objects from beyond the context of their own dimensionality.
  • All the houses were dark and in a perspective of complete solitude our two shadows dodged and wheeled about our feet.
  • Drawing and design were monstrous, and the laws of perspective and even of vision unknown or disregarded.
  • Vertical section in perspective of the Sarcophagus-chamber of the above tomb 201.
  • It was not his companions in his cups who understood him best, but the poets who saw his life in the illuminating perspective of distance.
  • Again, our renaissance insights and inventions aid us in our quest for a more dimensionalised perspective on our relationship to one another.
  • Our estimates of all things are more or less relative, so that perspective plays a large part in whatever we take account of.
  • The two perspective views show the general features of the drop and jack and the method by which the magnet coil may be withdrawn from the shell.
  • Standing at the end, and looking along either of these thoroughfares, one gets a curious perspective view.
  • The foreshortening of the parts, and all perspective treatments, are best avoided, as far as possible.
  • And so that side of the frame in which that woman appeared to one down the perspective of the great Allée was not permanent.
  • A post-renaissance perspective on economic issues has room for both to exist, simultaneously functioning on different orders of magnitude.
  • Pure thought and logic slowed Orren’s perspective for the explanation of the prophetic forecast.
  • Plate 2 contains a restored plan; plate 3 a view in perspective of the three highest terraces and of the hill which forms their support.
  • There is fine painting of distance in the low landscape and beautiful aerial perspective in the Summer sky with its floating clouds.
  • His perspective must first be broken on the wheel of experience, that he might know human nature, and the relative worth of men.
  • Is it the way you desire, or is it that there is a dim perspective in your visions of great heights to be scaled by yourself, of a great future for you to compass?
  • Following the events of the day with a careful scrutiny and interpreting them in her writings, she showed a remarkable gift of perspective and deduction and an intimate knowledge of politics.
  • A renaissance is a dimensional leap, when our perspective shifts so dramatically that our understanding of the oldest, most fundamental elements of existence changes.
  • They put, one day, crackers all along the avenue of the chateau at Marly, that led to the Perspective where she lodged.

Definition of Perspective

Of, in or relating to perspective. | (obsolete) Providing visual aid; of or relating to the science of vision; optical. | A view, vista or outlook.

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