A sentence for the word interrogative

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.




As declarative sentences, interrogative ones can be one-member and two-member, simple and compound.

Как и поветсвовательные предложения, вопросительные могут быть односоставными и двусоставными, простыми и сложными.

We can talk, raising or lowering the voice, thereby pronouncing narrative or interrogative sentences.

Мы можем говорить, повышая или понижая голос, тем самым произнося повествовательные или вопросительные предложения.

Listen to the sentences and say how many interrogative, imperative and negative sentences you’ve heard.

Прослушайте предложения и скажите, сколько вопросительных, утвердительных, отрицательных предложений вы услышали.

These are used for the declarative, interrogative and negative.

Они используются в утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных конструкциях.

An interrogative word in the second group is often in the end of a sentence.

Во второй группе вопросительное слово чаще ставится в конец предложения.

Try to practise it answering the questions with the interrogative word «rдe».

Попробуйте проработать это, отвечая на простые вопросы с вопросительным словом «где».

The word order in an interrogative sentence depends on the way it has been formed.

Порядок слов в вопросительном предложении зависит от того, каким образом оно было построено.

Using of interrogative words it’s an opportunity to enrich their speech, get necessary information, maintain the dialogue with the interlocutor.

Использование вопросительных слов — это возможность обогатить свою речь, получить необходимую информацию, поддержать диалог с собеседником.

Do not be afraid of question marks, courageously formulate interrogative sentences.

Не бойтесь вопросительных знаков, смело формулируйте вопросительные предложения.

It is also better not to use interrogative sentences in the wording of the plan.

Так же в формулировках плана лучше не использовать вопросительные предложения.

A question is an interrogative expression…

A large number (more than 3) interrogative, exclamation or other marks may result in your removal from the chat.

Большое количество (больше З) вопросительных, восклицательных или других знаков подряд привело к удалению сообщения.

Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

The child begins to use verbose sentences, interrogative and exclamatory forms, and over time and complex subordinate clauses.

Ребенок начинает пользоваться многословными предложениями, вопросительной и восклицательной формами, а со временем и сложными придаточными предложениями.

Express authorization or request by a modal verb can be possible only in the affirmative and interrogative sentences.

Выражение разрешения или просьбы с помощью модального глагола can возможно лишь в утвердительных или вопросительных предложениях.

Phrase began to pass from mouth to mouth, just like without interrogative intonation.

Фраза стала переходить из уст в уста, только, похоже, без вопросительной интонации.

Subject/verb inversion is not required in questions, and thus the recognition of declarative or interrogative may depend entirely on intonation.

Инверсия предмета/глагола не требуется в вопросах, и таким образом признание декларативных или вопросительных может зависеть полностью от интонации.

The stylistic device of inversion should not be confused with grammatical inversion which is a norm in interrogative constructions.

Стилистический прием инверсии не следует путать с грамматической инверсией, которая является нормой в вопросительных конструкциях.

The machine will play out a future timescale regarding the input of that question or interrogative speech and then produce the possible results.

Машина воспроизведет шкалу времени будущего относительно ввода этого вопроса или вопросительной речи, а затем выдаст возможные результаты.

On this basis, as is known, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and motivating.

По этому признаку, как известно, предложения подразделяются на повествовательные, вопросительные и побудительные.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат interrogative

Результатов: 223. Точных совпадений: 223. Затраченное время: 73 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

вопросительный, вопросительное слово, дознание


- вопросительный, вопрошающий

interrogative look [tone of voice] — вопросительный /вопрошающий/ взгляд [-ая интонация]

- грам. вопросительный

an interrogative sentence [pronoun, adverb] — вопросительное предложение [местоимение, наречие]

- редк. любопытный


- грам. вопросительное слово
- редк. вопрос
- редк. допрос; дознание

Мои примеры


interrogative pronoun — вопросительное местоимение  
interrogative sentence — вопросительное предложение  
interrogative adverb — вопросительное наречие  
interrogative look — вопросительный /вопрошающий/ взгляд  
an interrogative sentence — вопросительное предложение  
interrogative flag — вопросительный вымпел  
indirect interrogative sentence — косвенное вопросительное предложение  
interrogative logic — вопросительная логика  
interrogative morpheme — вопросительная морфема  
interrogative particle — вопросительная частица  

Примеры с переводом

She had an interrogative expression on her face.

У неё было вопросительное выражение лица.

Though she phrased it as an interrogative, it was clear that the utterance was more of a command.

Несмотря на то, что она сказала это в вопросительной форме, в её выражении отчетливо слышался приказ.

“Did you go to school today?” is an interrogative sentence.

“Вы сегодня ходили в школу?” — это вопросительное предложение.

Put this statement into the interrogative.

Представьте это предложение в вопросительной форме.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): interrogative
мн. ч.(plural): interrogatives

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Interrogative and relative pronouns кто(= who) and что(= what) have no gender and number.

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Вопросительные и относительные местоимении кто(= кто) и что(= что) не имеют рода и числа.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

They are formed from interrogative pronominal adverbs with the help of prefixes ни- and не.

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Образуются от вопросительных местоименных наречий с помощью приставок ни- и не.

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There are also interrogative adverbs, which are used to form questions.

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Кроме того имеются вопросительные наречия, использующиеся в вопросительных предложениях.

As declarative sentences, interrogative ones can be one-member and two-member, simple and compound.

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Как и поветсвовательные предложения, вопросительные могут быть односоставными и двусоставными, простыми и сложными.

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Так, например, в английском языке which является также вопросительным словом.

Intonation in alternative interrogative sentences, when there are two intonation centers.

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Интонация в вопросительных альтернативных предложениях, когда есть два интонационных центра.

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Indefinite pronouns are declined as pronouns from which they are formed interrogative and relative pronouns.

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Неопределенные местоимения склоняются по типу местоимений, от которых они образуются вопросительных и относительных.

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Они используются в утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных конструкциях.

The first group includes those sentences where interrogative word is interrogative pronoun or adverb.

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Первая группа- это те предложения, в которых вопросительное слово выражается вопросительным местоимением или наречием.

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Try to practise it answering the questions with the interrogative word»rдe».

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Попробуйте проработать это, отвечая на простые вопросы с вопросительным словом« где».

You will study the simple present of the verb to be in negative,

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Глагол to be в Present Simpleв отрицательных,

Words and expressions; dialogue; adjectives; interrogative pronouns; text;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Слова и выражения, диалог, прилагательное, вопросительные местоимения, текст.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Perhaps, on such an interrogative note I should end the first part.

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SP-4 is typical for an incomplete interrogative sentence with a comparative conjunct а А вы?

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ИК- 4 типична для неполного вопросительного предложения с сопоставительным союзом а А вы?

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Such sentences have either narrative or interrogative intonation.

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The interrogative is formed by using the words ka(«or»)

or ka lae»or not.

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Интеррогатив образуется при использовании слов ka(« или»)

или ka lae« или нет».

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Words and expressions; dialogue; derivative words; interrogative pronouns; text;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Слова и выражения, диалог, производные глаголы неопределенные местоимения, текст.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Words and expressions; dialogue; derivative verbs; interrogative pronouns; text;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Слова и выражения, диалог, суффиксальные глаголы неопределенные местоимения, текст.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Interrogative, Imperative, Negative and Comparative Particles(no. 41 to 46),

two of which allow for question, request or command without deviation from the invariant word-pattern.

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Вопросительные, повелительные, отрицательные и сравнительные частицы(№ 41-

46), добавление которых к неизменяемой фразе позволяют превратить ее в вопрос, повеление или отрицание:, например: no( n)( не, нет), peti выражает повеление.

One noun, as well as the demonstratives and the interrogative«which», take a plural by simply prefixing k-L:

úú»cow»→ kuu’cows’; á̱yɨ»which(one)?»→ ká̱yɨ»which(ones)?

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Одно существительное, а также указательные и вопросительные местоимения« который» образуют мн. ч. добавлением префикса k- с низким( L) тоном: uu« корова»> kùù«

коровы»; ei« который?»> kèì« которые?»?

The interrogative pronoun(who/what) is only attested in the ergative singular(afeš),

and once in the absolutive singular au.

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Вопросительное местоимение( кто/ что) засвидетельствованы только в эргативном падеже ед. ч.( afeš)

и один раз в абсолютиве ед. ч. au.

Students will learn the use and formation of personal, demonstrative, collective, interrogative, relative, indefinite,

definite and reflexive pronouns, as well as the derivative, causative and passive verbs.

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Они выучат личные, указательные, вопросительные, относительные, неопределенные,

определенные и возвратные местоимения, образование производных, каузативных и пассивных форм глагола, а также смогут грамотно употреблять существительное, прилагательное и числительное в предложениях.

These examples show that the interrogative word»kyдa» is similar everywhere and the action implies that

a person goes somewhere, makes movement, but prepositions are different in all cases.

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Из этих примеров видно, что вроде бы вопросительное слово» куда» везде одинаковое и действие подразумевает,

что человек куда-то едет, идет, совершает движение, но предлоги во всех случаях разные.

Intonation with using interrogative words, in which tone decreases, and in the end of the sentence tone increases:

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Интонация с использованием вопросительных слов, при которых происходит понижение тона, а в конце предложения тон повышается:

Other forms: interrogatives

Interrogative describes something questioning or that asks a question — like the interrogative tone of a cop grilling a suspect.

It’s likely you first met the word interrogative in elementary school along with its pals — declaratory, exclamatory, and imperative. It can be an adjective or noun, but it always has to do with questions or being questioning. An interrogative sentence is one like «What time is it?» If your voice goes up at the end of a sentence because you’re seeking information, your tone is interrogative. If you keep asking question after question, you’ve being extremely interrogative.

Definitions of interrogative

  1. adjective

    relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood

    “not all questions have an
    interrogative construction”

  2. noun

    a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply


    interrogation, interrogative sentence, question

    see moresee less



    a question asked in cross-examination

    leading question

    a question phrased in such a way as to suggest the desired answer; a lawyer may ask leading questions on cross-examination

    yes-no question

    a question that can be answered by yes or no

    type of:


    a string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language

  3. noun

    some linguists consider interrogative sentences to constitute a mood

  4. adjective

    relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘interrogative’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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1. What is an Interrogative Sentence?

I’ll give you a hint: look at the title of this section. An interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks something. In other words, it’s a question! An interrogative sentence will always end with a question mark (?) and this makes them easy to spot. Along with the other types of sentences, like declarative and exclamatory sentences, interrogative sentences make up the common parts of conversations.

By using interrogative sentences, you can do a lot of different things. You can get information, make requests or suggestions, and lots more. Hopefully, this article will answer all your interrogative sentences about interrogative sentences!

2. Examples of Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences are a very important part of the way we talk to one another. They’re how we ask for input from other people and invite them to share what they think. Interrogative sentences are also the way we get information that we need.

Example 1

Dude, where’s my car?

In this example, we’re asking for information about where the car is. It’s a clear question, and we can tell right away because of the question mark and the question word “where”—we’ll talk more about these special words later on.

Example 2

Are you ready to leave?

This example has that question mark, but it doesn’t have a clear question word. It’s still asking for information, but in a different way. This is a yes-or-no question, which is another question type that I’ll explain in section IV.

Interrogative sentences are a necessary part of language, and you’ll definitely be familiar with them. Let’s get into the details, shall we? (See, there’s another question!)

3. Parts of Interrogative Sentences

a. Subject

Like any sentence, an interrogative sentence must have a subject. The subject of a sentence is the person, thing, or noun that is being described. In an interrogative sentence, the subject is being asked about.


Where is the house?

In this question, the subject is the house. We’re trying to figure out something about the house, and that makes the house the subject of the question.

b. Pronoun

Sometimes the subject might be harder to find, maybe if it’s a pronoun. A pronoun is a word like he or it that replaces a noun, so then you don’t have to keep repeating it.


Is she awake?

Now the subject of the sentence is she, because we’re asking about this girl and trying to find out if she is awake. The subject will always be the person, place, or thing that you are asking for information about.

If you’re having trouble finding the subject of an interrogative sentence, try rearranging the sentence into a statement that answers the question. In this example, “Is she awake?” would become “She is awake.” Now we can clearly see that the sentence is describing the subject “she” and the it is easier to find!

c. Verb

In the same way that every sentence needs a subject, an interrogative sentence needs a verb. A verb is an action word that describes what something is doing. In an interrogative sentence, the verb will help ask about the subject.

i. Linking Verb

It might be a linking verb. A linking verb connects the subject to more information about the subject. Common linking verbs are is, are, am, and any form of the verb “to be.” Often, these verbs will begin the question, because they help ask about the subject’s state of being.


Am I too early?

The linking verb am lets us ask about the state of being of the subject, which is I. If we rearrange the question into a statement we get “I am too early” and we can see the way the linking verb does its job. It links the subject, I, to more information: too early. This is the way that many questions are formed, with a linking verb at the beginning.

ii. Action Verb

Sometimes a question will use other kinds of verbs. You’re probably going to see action verbs a lot. An action verb is an action that can be done, like run or sleep.


            Did you read?

The verb read is an action verb, because it is an action that we can do. By using action verbs, we can ask if someone has or will do that action. They’re helpful for making suggestions about things you want to do with friends—or asking if you really have to do those chores.

Questions can also use more than one kind of verb. In fact, that happens pretty often. But the most important thing to remember is that an interrogative sentence is still a sentence. They have to follow all the same verb rules as any other kind of sentence, even if they rearrange the words a little bit.

4. Question Words

Not all interrogative sentences will use question words, but they’re still very common. A question word is a word that helps ask for specific information. Question words are also called WH words, because most of them start with W-H.

Who, what, where, when, why, and how are all of the question words that will help you make interrogative sentences. Each of these words is meant to ask for a certain kind of information. Usually, a question will start with one of these question words.

Example 1

            When do you want to go to bed?

This interrogative sentence starts off with the question word when. This lets us know right away that the sentence is a question, and the answer to the question will involve a time. Each question word will do the same things when it is used in a question: tell us this is a question, and tell us what kind of information will be in the answer.

5. Types of interrogative sentences

a. Yes/No Questions

These types of interrogative sentences can be answered with a yes or a no. You’ve probably asked someone a yes or no question today!

Here are a few examples:

  • Have you brushed your teeth?
  • Does he like to read?
  • Can they come downstairs?

b. WH Questions

A WH interrogative sentence uses one of the question words that we talked about earlier. If you see any of the question words who, what, where, when, why, or how in a question, then you’re dealing with a WH interrogative sentence.

These questions ask for a specific kind of answer depending on which question word is used. Here are some examples and explanations of the answer that the question word wants.

  • When will you go to school?
    • Ask this question to find out a time.
  • Where is she going?
    • Ask this question to find out a location.

Questions that use how can be a bit trickier to answer. These are more open-ended than interrogative sentences that use the other question words. When you ask a how question, the answer should describe how something happens. Here’s an example how question and an example answer to help you understand.


            Question: How can I ask better questions?

            Answer: Start by figuring out what kind of information you want!

When you know what kind of information you want—time, location, person—you can quickly choose the right question word that will give you the answer you’re looking for.

c. Alternative Questions

An alternative interrogative sentence will give someone options to choose from. They’re similar to yes or no questions, but instead of yes or no the answer will choose an option from the question. There’s no limit to the amount of options you can put into an alternative interrogative sentence, but try to keep it to a small number. The person you’re asking might forget some of the options if you have too many! Here are some examples of alternative interrogative sentences. The different options are colored in red.

  • Do you want a candy cane or a chocolate bar?
  • Would you like this book or that book?
  • Should I get coffee, tea, or water?

Each of these questions offers a choice. They list options for someone to choose from, and that makes them alternative interrogative sentences.

d. Tag Questions

A tag question is just a declarative sentence with a question tagged onto the end. Declarative sentences make statements of fact. Usually the tag at the end will allow for a yes or no answer, but not always. Here’s a chart with declarative sentences and those same sentences turned into tag questions.

Declarative sentence Tag question
You have a new sweater. You have a new sweater, right?
The snow is pretty. The snow is pretty, isn’t it?

You can see how easy it is to form tag questions. Just add your question tag at the end and there it is! Tag questions can be useful when you want to spice up the way you ask questions, or when you don’t decide that you want to ask a question until the end of your sentence.

6. How to Write Interrogative Sentences

When you’re writing your interrogative questions, the most important thing to consider is the kind of information you’re looking for. Do you want a simple yes or no, or do you want someone to pick an option from a list? There are many ways you can ask something, but each one might give you a different answer. It’s important to understand how to ask correctly.

  1. Start by figuring out what you want to know.
  2. Then, go over the list of question types and decide which kind of interrogative sentence will give you the answer you want.

If you want to ask your friend to go to the movies, you probably want to use a yes/no question. Using a WH question with when might sound rude, because you’re assuming that your friend wants to go without asking them.

Some questions may ask for the same answer in different ways, and that gives you a choice. For example, a yes/no question can give you the same type of information as a tag question. Here are two examples that show how you can use different forms to get the same answer.

Example 1

Do you want to go to the movies?

This is a yes/no question. The person you’re asking will answer with a yes or a no.

Example 2

You want to go to the movies, right?

Now we’ve used a tag question, and the words get a bit rearranged. We’re still asking for the same information though, and the person can answer with a yes or a no just like before.

The difference is the way the question is asked. The first example, the yes/no question, seems a bit more polite than the tag question. The choice depends on how you want to ask the question and what information you want to know.

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