A sentence for the word famine

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word famine? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

There are economists who will tell you that peace and government prevent famine more effectively than food aid does.
An estimated 3.3 million people perished in the war, mainly through war-induced disease and famine.
A poorly thought out redistribution policy could result in famine and disaster similar to what has happened in Zimbabwe.
This disruption to farming in Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Southern Africa, comes as millions of people in the region face famine.
On the negative side, there is Mitchell, who felt that a pestilent and famine ridden land was peopled by lurking savages.
The port that served the corresponding function in the United States at the time of the famine was New York, not Philadelphia.
In Southern Africa, flood years have been followed by drought years causing widespread famine and death in the region.
The famine originated with the recurrent failure of the potato crop, devastating the Irish cottier and small farmer classes.
During the famine years it was used as a depot to distribute food to the starving people.
Today, 150 years later, the famine is still close to the surface in the folk memory here.
The prime minister formally declared the country to be suffering from serious famine.
Faced with severe drought, lack of food security is creating conditions of famine.
The World Food Programme, the leading agency in dealing with famine and humanitarian disasters, is facing a crisis of its own.
An estimated 10 million are facing starvation throughout the southern region of Africa due to famine and drought.
Unfortunately, the result is a digressive book of little practical political use to those able to respond tangibly to famine.
The immediate cause of the famine is the drought in the southern part of the island and the cyclone that hit the east this year.
Given the hortative intent of this paper, there is not the opportunity to provide a detailed rendition of accountings during the Irish famine.
Harassed by famine and excessive taxes, people will resort to eating leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, fruits, flowers and seeds.
The Irish famine, from 1845 to 1848, was a unique event in modern European demography and its effects comparable to those of the Black Death.
The electricity famine is a result of overinvestment and an overheated economy.

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Examples from Classical Literature

Weak as were the French, lowered by fever and by famine, they were still an overmatch for their adversaries.
He begins by calling their attention to the great probability of a famine in Ireland consequent upon the potato blight.
That morning a rumor had reached the village of a famine in the island of Crete.
If we except the islands of the Inner Hebrides, the famine of 1846 was restricted in Scotland to the primary districts.
We never would have known of the famine in Tanugamanono if it had not been for Pola.
For nearly twelve hours a gang of men dug at the drift, and succeeded in freeing the leat and saving the town from a water famine.
Zacatecas and Durango, besides being ravaged by the savages, are suffering from the visitation of a general famine.
The development of synthetic foods, the use of algae and fungi, rules out famine as a limiting factor.
All further thoughts of poetical composition were, however, dispelled, by the threatened famine in the Lot-et-Garonne.
In the third year of his life there came a great famine to the Mackenzie Indians.
And long before margate was reached half of our company was sick with famine.
Yet this avenue, opprobrious and disgustful as it was, afforded the only means of escaping from the worst extremes of famine.
And first there insued barrennesse of ground, and thereby famine amongest the people, and morraine of Cattell.
All day long he had tried to stifle the cry of that same famine, that same hunger of unplaced energy, by industrious work.
Fire, avalanches, famine, and disease all did their best to extirpate the brotherhood.
It showed him strong and cold and untempted, preferring famine and neglect and misery to any debt or burden of a service done.
That was in case of an enemy or a famine when the people might be tempted to eat it.
I could have pronounced him, alone, to be a young man aged by famine and sickness.
He sojourneth in Chanaan, and then by occasion of a famine, goeth down to Egypt.
In 860 began the first great popular rising, a revolt caused by famine in the province of Chekiang.

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Preventing the Next African Famine
Предотвратить новый голод в Африке

Elsewhere in Africa there was famine.
Где-то в другом месте Африки был голод.

As Lemkin knew, terror followed famine:
Лемкин знал, что террор последовал за голодом:

Famine stared us in the face.
Нам грозил голод.

In 2001 we experienced an awful famine.
В 2001 мы претерпели ужасный голод.

Famine mostly is a rural event now.
В настоящее время, голод — в основном, явление сельское.

It was the middle of that awful famine.
Это произошло в самый разгар ужасного голода.

Famine and Hope in the Horn of Africa
Голод и надежда на Африканском Роге

And this was yet another famine in Ethiopia.
В Эфиопии наступил очередной голод,

Yet again, famine stalks the Horn of Africa.
В очередной раз голод преследуют Африканский Рог.

As famine spread that summer, Stalin refined his explanation:
Поскольку голод распространялся тем летом, Сталин детализировал свое объяснение:

Because of the famine, the cattle starved to death.
Из-за нехватки кормов скот умер от голода.

For several years Morioka had suffered a harsh famine.
Несколько лет в Мориоке был страшный голод.

And yet Ethiopia did not experience famine last year.
Тем не менее, в Эфиопии не начался голод.

In the end, the famine failed: Ukraine was not destroyed.
В конце концов голод завершился, и Украина выстояла.

Furthermore, famine has rapidly declined over the past half century.
Далее, за прошедшие пятьдесят лет сократилась проблема голода.

After the famine, Stalin launched a new wave of terror.
После этого голода Сталин инициировал новую волну террора.

The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price of a paperclip.
Новости, войны, мир, голод, всё имеет цену булавки.

Similarly alarmist predictions about imminent worldwide famine have also been falsified.
Аналогично, предсказания паникеров по поводу надвигающегося всемирного голода также были фальсифицированы.

he called the Ukrainian famine a classic case of Soviet genocide.
он назвал украинский голод классическим примером советского геноцида.


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War, earthquake, winds, fire, famine, the plague…

Война, землятресения, ветер, огонь, голод, бедствия…

It’s worse than bandits, the plague, famine, fire, or war.

Это хуже, чем бандиты или бедствия, голод, огонь или войны.

Chaos reigned in the Capital, famine and riot in the provinces.

В столице царил хаос, в провинциях — голод и бунты.

Famine, overwork, bullet wounds, snakebites Saito.

Голод, измождение от работы, пулевые ранения, змеиные укусы Саито.

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Resources from existing projects will be redirected to help communities threatened by famine.

Средства, выделяемые в рамках существующих проектов, будут перенаправлены для оказания помощи общинам, которым угрожает голод.

The following summer saw widespread famine and crop loss.

Однако на следующее лето в мире случился массовый голод и потеря урожая.

My mom survived famine during World War II.

К примеру, моя бабушка пережила голодомор во Второй мировой войне.

But extreme weather events, famine and…

На континенте, сотрясаемом экстремальными погодными условиями, голодом и…

There was a ‘goods famine‘.

В стране в целом сложилась ситуация «товарного голода»1.

The third brings famine and economic imbalance.

Другая группа — о голоде и о хозяйственной разрухе.

Drought, famine and poor sanitation are other factors contributing to poor health conditions.

Другими причинами, способствующими ухудшению состояния здоровья населения, являются засухи, голод и неудовлетворительное положение дел в области санитарии.

Venezuela is now at the famine stage.

Венесуэлла, например, находится сегодня на грани голода.

Long-term situations where survival is in question can include famine and warfare.

Долгосрочные ситуации, когда речь идет о выживании, могут включать голод и войну.

Many thousands suffered from floods, famine, earthquakes.

Многие тысячи людей страдают от последствий наводнений, голода, землетрясений.

The famine that follows will be great.

Голод, который последует за этим, будет огромен.

1757: 9,000 people perish from disease and famine.

В 1757 г. — 9000 человек погибают от болезней и голода.

It was not a natural famine.

С самого начала это был не естественный голод.

It leads to food insecurity, sometimes to famine.

Это ведет к угрожающему дефициту продовольствия, а иногда и к голоду.

Millions of people were facing famine, severe malnutrition and drought.

Миллионы людей страдают от голода и острого недоедания, а также от засухи.

Headlines describe famine, wars, unemployment, pollution and disease.

В заголовках газет говорится о голоде, войнах, безработице, загрязнении окружающей среды и болезнях.

That the famine was caused by forced collectivization.

Этот закон был принят во время голода, вызванного насильственной коллективизацией.

And keep them alive in famine.

Так что держите их в голоде!».

Many families who left during the famine started to return.

Многие из соотечественников, кто покинул село во время голода, вернулись обратно.

He saved many during a famine.

Это помогло спасти многим жизни во время голода.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: absence, deficiency, lack, need, shortage, starvation, want. Antonym: plenty. Similar words: examine, family, familiar, unfamiliar, be familiar with, vitamin, laminated, examining. Meaning: [‘fæmɪn]  n. 1. an acute insufficiency 2. a severe shortage of food (as through crop failure) resulting in violent hunger and starvation and death. 

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1 More die by food than by famine

2 We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.

3 Many people die of famine every year.

4 Famine plagued a score of nations.

5 Widespread famine had triggered a number of violent protests.

6 Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.

7 Against a background of impending famine, heavy fighting took place.

8 I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims .

9 Pop stars have raised millions of pounds for famine relief in Africa.

10 Foreign aid from many countries poured into the famine area.

11 Famine and war have thinned down the population in this region.

12 Failure of crops often results in famine.

13 Famine hit that benighted country once more.

14 More money should be allocated for famine relief.

15 Many people starved to death in the famine.

16 Famine is often the sequel to war.

17 People found hoarding during the famine were punished.

18 The television reports about the famine were particularly distressing.

19 These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine.

20 Please give generously to famine relief.

21 The long drought was followed by months of famine.

22 A million people are facing famine .

23 War, famine,[www.Sentencedict.com] and flood are terrible evils.

24 Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems.

25 Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine

26 Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine.

27 A convoy of trucks containing supplies was sent to the famine area.

28 Yesterday’s coup brought further upheaval to a country already struggling with famine.

29 Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

30 Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine.

More similar words: examine, family, familiar, unfamiliar, be familiar with, vitamin, laminated, examining, examination, contaminate, contamination, mine, mineral, nominee, eminence, imminent, determine, prominent, undermine, determined, domineering, preeminently, eminent domain, famed, defame, famous, far-famed, defamatory, amid, amity. 

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