A sentence for the word articulate

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word articulate? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

An enlarged hamulus may articulate with the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone.
My students articulate an acute awareness, if not a full understanding, of academic labor issues.
The articulate, well-groomed man had arrived from Florida a few weeks earlier.
He turned out to be very passionate, articulate, enthusiastic and thoughtful.
In interviews, he is so polished and articulate that his teammates rag him as an Ivy Leaguer.
The joys of living with art and sharing the experience are more difficult to articulate.
Greta, you strike me and always have, as a very rational, articulate woman, a thinking woman.
His golden glows and ghostly, bluish lights articulate masses more elemental than any particular subject in nature.
Underneath that homeless-person exterior is an articulate, widely read man.
Thoughtful and articulate with a warming, thick Scouse accent Nick has some pretty candid views about life and rock ‘n’ roll.
If it continues to be a problem, they’re going to have to speak up and articulate their position.
He was clearly uncomfortable with the analogy, but does not clearly articulate many objections to it.
Elementary-school children may more directly articulate their feelings of sadness or anger about a parent’s departure.
They have no means within the current political order to articulate their own interests or be heard.
The Atdabanian epoch saw the emergence of the calcareous shelled Nisusiidae, the earliest and most primitive of the articulate brachiopods.
Billingsella in contrast has a laminar secondary shell characteristic of other, quite distinct, groups of articulate brachiopods.
Terebratulids are one of the only two living orders of articulate brachiopods, the other being the Rhynchonellida.
In the most recent classification they are considered a distinct class related to the articulate line.
The epipodials are parallel, and both articulate with identifiable tarsal elements.
Dangling from the head was an innumerable collection of articulate tentacles.

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Examples from Classical Literature

His face was shining, his eyes flashing with excitement as he translated into articulate language the speech of the horns and sirens.
By and by, the rushing noise began to sound like articulate language.
Similarly, no articulate sound is cognizable until the inarticulate sounds which go to make it up have been learned.
A sound of craving and eagerness that had nothing articulate in it but blood.
They, rather than the newspapers, crystallize it and give it articulate expression.
The scutes of some extinct forms articulate with one another by a peg and socket arrangement as in some Ganoid fish.
We have articulate evidence of the denial of the two sacraments by the docetic idealists of Asia Minor.
My egomania, like a swollen thing, has become impossible to articulate or to reduce to the impotent ironies of clay and paint.
But stress has done more than articulate or unify sequences that in their own right imply a syntactic relation.
I have grown tired of the articulate utterances of men and things.
Man alone, says Smellie, enjoys the power of communicating and expressing his ideas by articulate and artificial language.
The neural arches of the vertebrae articulate one with another by the articular facets, each of which has a capsular ligament.
My soul was so completely touched, that I could not articulate.
When finally he was able to articulate it was in broken gasps.
His voice was rather feeble, but clear, articulate, and musical.
At that moment he heard a powerful and sonorous voice articulate behind him a formidable series of oaths.
The buccal machinery, or articulate speech, is the language of the mind.
The calcaneum does not articulate with the fibula, except in Macrauchenia.
She looked benevolently at Denham, who said nothing articulate, and then at Katharine, who smiled but said nothing either, upon which Mrs.
He is unable to speak or to articulate any sound with distinctness.

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articulate — перевод на русский


Now I’m going to lift this transfixion, and you’ll be able to speak freely, easily and articulately.

Сейчас я сниму это состояние, и ты будешь говорить четко, свободно и легко.

Raise your arms slowly and articulately.

Поднимите руки, медленно и четко.

I articulate the president’s message and to honestly inform the press, and through them, the public about what is happening on any given day.

Я чётко передаю послание президента и честно информирую прессу, и через неё, общественность о том, что происходит в тот или иной день.

I am here to articulate the president’s message and to honestly inform the press and, through them, the public about what is happening on any given day.

Я здесь, чтобы чётко передавать послание президента и честно информировать прессу, и через неё, общественность о том, что происходит в тот или иной день.

I’m here to articulate the president’s message and to honestly inform the press, and through them, the public about what is happening on any given day.

Лучший способ высказать это: я здесь, чтобы чётко передавать послание президента и честно информировать прессу, и через неё, общественность о том, что происходит в тот или иной день.

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I’ve had little experience with emotion and can’t articulate the sensation.

У меня мало опыта работы с чувствами я не могу сформулировать ощущения.

Paul has a clear stance on issues you have yet to articulate.

У Пола – конкретная позиция, а тебе свою только ещё предстоит сформулировать.

He felt love but couldn’t articulate it.

Oн ощущал любовь, но не мог сформулировать её.

Look, we’re trying to articulate U.S. policy on a broad variety of topics, so the speech has been vetted…

Смотрите, мы пытаемся сформулировать политику США по широкому кругу тем, поэтому речь была проверена …

But I would be remiss, sir, if I didn’t articulate my frustration with your unwarranted rejection of me.

Но было бы упущением, сэр, не сформулировать мое разочарование от вашего необоснованного отказа мне.

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Then one particularly sensitive, articulate teenager will say,

И тогда один чувствительный и красноречивый подросток скажет:

Bright, articulate, efficient.

Яркий, красноречивый, работоспособный.

Articulate, strong.

Красноречивый, сильный.

I just try and articulate… what’s on their minds and in their hearts.

Я просто стараюсь и красноречивый … что на их умах и в сердцах их.

Yes, I’ve also missed the congenial, articulate… and also very well-dressed Birgitte Nyborg… who comes here today… and fills the room with her visions of social solidarity… that, sorry for saying it … reminds me a little of what we used to call salon socialism.

Да, у меня добрая, красноречивая … и очень хорошо одетая Биргитте Нюборг пропустила … кто сегодня здесь…. и комната наполняется всеми ее видениями современной концепции солидарности … Что для мне, я вынужден сказать, немного напоминает то, что мы в салонах называем социализмом.

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You’ve been sitting there for 30 minutes, and that’s the first time you’ve been able to articulate why you’re here.

Вы сидите здесь уже 30 минут и вот только что сумели наконец-то выразить, зачем вы сюда пришли.

For any Designer to clearly articulate their point of view, a full show gives them the opportunity to paint that picture.

Для любого дизайнера, чтобы ясно выразить свою точку зрения, полное шоу даёт возможность нарисовать эту картину.

What’s the exact word to articulate the-the sense, the real…

какое же слово… дабы выразить чувство… истинного…

Can you articulate where these feelings come from?

Ты можешь выразить, откуда берутся эти чувства?

So this concept analysis report concludes… the American people want somebody to articulate their rage for them.

И в этом отчёте по анализу концепции заключено… что американцы хотят, чтобы кто-то выразил их гнев за них.

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Well, you know, it’s funny, George sometimes you don’t know how you’re feeling about something until a person like you comes along and articulates it so perfectly.

Знаешь, забавно, Джордж иногда ты сам не знаешь, что чувствуешь по отношению к человеку пока кто-нибудь вроде тебя не приходит и не формулирует это предельно чётко.

the system reorganizes itself, articulating new interests.

Система реорганизуется, формулирует новые интересы.

What’s much more important is all the things it can’t articulate.

Важнее всего то, что философия не способна формулировать.

— I never try to articulate it, though.

– хотя я никогда не пыталась формулировать это.

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Remember, you’re a human with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech.

Поймите, ведь вы — человек, которому бог дал душу… и способность выражать свои мысли словами!

But only recently have I been able to articulate my thoughts.

Да, но лишь недавно я обрёл способность выражать свои мысли…

Um, I know he doesn’t really articulate it, You know, well, or…

Я знаю, он не особенно хорошо это выражает или…

Not articulating the message.

Не выражать послание.

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There’s color introduced into it, and he’s not a frivolous person, so it’s really there to articulate the various components of the vacuum.

Даже цвет говорит об этом, он таков, чтобы акцентировать внимание на различных компонентах пылесоса.

He’s vey articulate Talks his way out of anything

Он очень хорошо говорит У него свой стиль речи

Which your brother failed to mention because he only seems to articulate things that are directly related to him getting laid.

Твой брат забыл об этом упомянуть, видимо, потому что говорит только то, что поможет ему получить перепихон.

Please articulate.

Пожалуйста, говорите.

How many times do I have to articulate this?

Сколько раз тебе говорить?

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word articulate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use articulate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «articulate». In addition, we also show how different variations of articulate can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are articulately and articulates. If you click on the variation of articulate that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Articulate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word articulate in a sentence.

  1. The core of the problem was the USAF’s inability to articulate a clear military purpose for MISS.

  2. During the early years of the war, the Chetniks failed to articulate or promote a strong political agenda.

  3. Osteochondrosis, or surficial pits in bone at places where bones articulate, is also known in Edmontosaurus.

  4. Meyer was interested in casting actors who could project and articulate feelings, even through alien makeup.

  5. Here, on the outer walls, the sculptures are not overdone, yet they are articulate and discreetly aesthetic.

  6. I think that probably is why I have used a very clear background against which the image can articulate itself».

  7. Unable to articulate what he felt was wrong with the piece, Wise recommended writing an entirely different piece.

  8. Weisman echoes this sentiment, characterizing Knight as «thoughtful, soft-spoken, articulate, and quite serious».

  9. The National Wildlife Federation described her as «a passionate, articulate, and tireless voice for the environment».

  10. Many of the ribs from the hip and the base of the tail bear enlarged outer ends that seem to articulate with each other.

  11. She was a thorough and articulate instructor, and her teaching notes were compiled for use in a student textbook in 1952.

  12. They said his refusal to articulate a specific campaign platform showed that he was trying to be all things to all people.

  13. They write that he is articulate, charming, and at ease in front of the public, as well as in television and radio studios.

  14. It is not until late in the play, after his experience with the pirates, that Hamlet is able to articulate his feelings freely.

  15. Hoult’s performance as Mark, a «ferociously bright and articulate but sexually confused sixth-former» received mixed responses from critics.

  16. The quadrate is too large to articulate with the squamosal, is preserved differently from the other bones, and was found several meters away.

  17. His arguments revealed his desire to articulate Athens’ needs and interests through a more activist foreign policy, wherever opportunity might provide.

  18. Unable to find a band that could articulate the material as he desired, but inspired by Prince, Reznor played all the instruments except drums himself.

  19. To me the job of an artist is to provide a useful and intelligent vocabulary for the world to be able to articulate feelings they experience every day.

  20. In Carnotaurus, three hyoid bones are preserved: a pair of curved, rod-like ceratobranchials that articulate with a single, trapezoidal element, the basihyal.

  21. Spencer Kornhaber of The Spinoff saw the album’s appeal as being that it allows listeners to express and articulate grief—Tom Faber of The Guardian found it did.

  22. Art, he suggests, can articulate areas of human experience, unapproachable through scientific rationality, by presenting ‘images’ of the inner world of the psyche.».

  23. Zinnemann recalled that Steiger was «very popular, extremely articulate and full of remarkable memories», and the two remained highly respectful of each other for life.

  24. They articulate the commonly made connection between technological developments and economic prosperity.» He also writes that the series espouses «Euro-cool consumerism».

  25. However, as Wollstonecraft scholar Mitzi Myers has made clear, Wollstonecraft manages to use this style of writing to articulate a stable and comprehensible self for the reader.

  26. The spooky stillness and the long, spacey pauses in conversation as characters struggled to articulate their feelings exaggerated the sense of time elongating and standing still.».

  27. The mandibular fossae (depressions) at the back of the upper jaw were deeper and broader than usual in pterodactyloids, creating large surfaces for the lower jaw to articulate with.

  28. The opposition had become more potent as well: Scullin was widely recognised as one of the parliament’s most gifted and articulate members; even his opponents respected his personal probity.

  29. The cercal blades of Megalograptus are believed to have been a considerable aid when swimming, acting like a biological rudder, but they were also able to articulate and move like a scissor.

  30. The speech helped to awaken Congress and the nation to the dire war calling, articulate ideological aims of the necessary armed conflict and appeal to the universal American belief of freedom.

  31. The editor of Opera magazine, Rodney Milnes, campaigned against surtitles on the grounds that «singers would give up trying to articulate clearly and audiences would cease focusing on the stage».

  32. The lacrimals articulate with both the frontals and the maxillaries, a trait that distinguishes Pennatomys from its closest relatives (which have lacrimals articulating mainly with the frontals).

Articulately in a sentence

Articulately is a variation of articulate, below you can find example sentences for articulately.

  1. Thompson was fluent in Setswana, the language of the Tswana people to Lobengula’s south-west, and therefore could communicate directly and articulately with the king, who also knew the language.

Articulates in a sentence

Articulates is a variation of articulate, below you can find example sentences for articulates.

  1. Bathurst articulates the group’s frustration at the delay:.

  2. The bone thickens close to the humerus joint, where it also articulates with the coracoid.

  3. Morrison observes that the film’s version of Anne articulates thoughts that the character would never say in the novel.

  4. The neck of Giganotosaurus was strong, and the axis bone (the neck vertebra that articulates with the skull) was robust.

  5. The first rib articulates with both the last cervical (neck) and first thoracic (chest) vertebrae, a synapomorphy of the Sigmodontinae.

  6. In one episode, Mark jokes about worrying if his virginity will heal back; Becky articulates her frustration by responding «What page is that on?

  7. The premaxilla is well-developed and usually free, meaning that it is not fused with the maxilla; instead, it articulates with the maxilla via ligaments, making it freely movable.

  8. In their descriptions of Plesiorycteropus, Lamberton and Patterson posited different interpretations of the location of the mandibular fossa, where the mandible (lower jaw) articulates with the cranium.

  9. In more derived teleosts the jaws are more powerful, with left and right ceratobranchials fusing to become one lower jaw; the pharyngobranchials fuse to create a large upper jaw that articulates with the neurocranium.

Synonyms for articulate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word articulate has the following synonyms: articulated, jointed, eloquent, facile, fluent, silver, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken, pronounced, speech-endowed, well-spoken, communicative, communicatory, spoken, enunciate, vocalize, vocalise, give voice, formulate, word, phrase, joint, pronounce, enounce, sound out and say.

General information about «articulate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word articulate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «articulate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «articulate».

членораздельный, артикулировать, выговорить, произносить


- членораздельный

articulate speech — членораздельная речь

- ясный, отчётливый

articulate shape — отчётливые очертания
each tiny figure in the pattern was articulate — каждая крошечная фигурка на рисунке была отчётливо видна

- ясный, хорошо составленный, сформулированный

articulate argument — ясно сформулированный /чёткий/ довод
articulate system of philosophy — стройная философская система

- умеющий хорошо выражать свои мысли

he is not very articulate — он не очень ясно /чётко/ выражает /формулирует/ свои мысли

- редк. вычлененный; стоящий отдельно; отграниченный от других

articulate area — отдельный район
articulate period of history — исторический период, стоящий особняком

- бот., зоол., анат. коленчатый, суставчатый; членистый
- шарнирный; сочленённый
- коленчатый


- произносить отчётливо, ясно

to articulate distinctly — иметь чёткую дикцию

- фон. артикулировать
- ясно выражать, формулировать

to articulate an idea [one’s grievances] — сформулировать мысль [свои жалобы]
to articulate one’s anger — излить в словах гнев

- координировать

to articulate a programme for all school grades — составить координированную программу для всех классов школы

- обыкн. pass связывать, соединять; сочленять суставами
- соединяться, сочленяться

Мои примеры


a theory first articulated by ancient philosophers — теория, которая была впервые сформулирована античными философами  
to articulate / pronounce a consonant — произносить согласный звук  
to articulate / enunciate / pronounce a sound — произносить звук  
to articulate one’s ideas — ясно изложить свои мысли  
to articulate an idea — сформулировать мысль  
articulate dispositions disposition — эшелонировать боевой порядок; расчленять боевой порядок  
articulate dispositions — эшелонировать боевой порядок; расчленять боевой порядок; эшелонировать  
articulate distinctly — иметь четкую дикцию  
articulate pass — связывать  
articulate anger — излить в словах гнев  
articulate a programme for all school grades — составить координированную программу для всех классов школы  

Примеры с переводом

I found it difficult to articulate my feelings.

Мне было трудно выразить свои чувства словами.

He had some trouble articulating his thoughts.

Он испытывает некоторые трудности с выражением своих мыслей.

She’s an intelligent and articulate speaker.

Она — умный и умеющий ясно выражать свои мысли оратор.

His enunciation is perfectly articulate.

У него великолепная дикция.

He was very articulate about his feelings on the subject.

Он очень ясно выразил свои чувства по данному вопросу.

Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.

Многие не в состоянии выразить словами то, насколько несчастными они себя чувствуют.

The baby is beginning to form articulate words and phrases.

Ребёнок начинает строить членораздельные слова и фразы.

Secret whispers of sorrow which may never be uttered in articulate and audible words.

Тайный шёпот грусти, который не может быть выражен словами чётко и вслух.

He was so drunk that he could barely articulate his words.

Он был так пьян, что едва мог произносить слова.

We disagree with the views articulated by the administration.

Мы не согласны с точкой зрения, сформулированной администрацией.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disarticulate  — разъединять, расчленять
inarticulate  — невнятный, нечленораздельный, молчаливый, немой, несочлененный
articulation  — артикуляция, сочленение, соединение, сустав, шарнир
articulated  — сочлененный

Формы слова

Antonym: inarticulate. Similar words: particular, particularly, in particular, calculate, speculate, participate, speculation, calculation. Meaning: [ɑː’tɪkjʊleɪt]  v. 1. provide with a joint 2. put into words or an expression 3. speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way 4. express or state clearly. adj. 1. expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language 2. consisting of segments held together by joints. 

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1. She’s unusually articulate for a ten-year-old.

2. A baby cannot use articulate speech.

3. She struggled to articulate her thoughts.

4. She is an articulate young woman.

5. She gave a witty, entertaining and articulate speech.

6. He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.

7. It is the school’s duty to articulate its practices to parents.

8. The teachers help the children to be more articulate about their strengths and weaknesses.

9. Be careful to articulate your words so that everyone in the room can understand you.

10. Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.

11. He was unusually articulate for a ten-year-old.

12. She cannot articulate her feelings very well.

12. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and build good sentences.

13. He was too drunk to articulate properly.

14. These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees.

15. Articulate speech is very important.

16. I’m a little deaf please articulate carefully.

17. That man is not very articulate.

18. She is the most articulate critic of government policy.

19. I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.

20. The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.

21. After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.

22. an injection to articulate arteries so that obstructions can be observed by x-ray.

23. Scientists should be literate and articulate as well as able to handle figures.

24. She is clearly the most articulate and self-possessed member of her family.

25. He was so drunk that he could barely articulate his words.

26. She was extremely bright, articulate, a prolific writer.

27. Brady is quick-witted and articulate.

28. Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.

29. When children first learn to talk, there are some sounds that they find difficult to articulate.

30. All we could hear were loud sobs, but no articulate words.

More similar words: particular, particularly, in particular, calculate, speculate, participate, speculation, calculation, article, artistic, particle, regulate, participant, stimulate, insulated, manipulate, participation, difficult, curriculum, agriculture, agricultural, secular, spectacular, partial, artifact, partially, regulator, vertical, regulatory, population. 

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