A sentence for the word acquire

Things acquire monetary value on the basis of their prestige, not the other way around.
The probe was also used to help train flight controllers how to acquire radio signals from space.
The hospital can acquire land owned by residents in the vicinity if it really needs parking space.
But the urgency of the drive to dislodge the Iraqi leader largely flows from the threat that he will acquire nuclear weapons.
Naturally, having gone to such pains to acquire new clients, enterprising energy companies are loath to part with them.
I don’t particularly agree the council should acquire private properties as they are grossly mismanaged when in council hands.
Well-to-do commoners used their money to acquire public office and landed property, which in turn paved the way for ennoblement.
The comedy duo have infiltrated the building and even managed to acquire their own office.
They are most likely to acquire this stock of knowledge by studying economics at school.
Our goal is to help them acquire the background they need in how buildings go together pragmatically.
Analysts say he may eventually need to acquire a Wall Street firm to beef up investment banking.
A dolorimeter may also be used to assist the examiner to acquire the feel of 4 kg of force.
That transaction was followed by a deal to acquire Reeds Rains, an estate agent based in the north of England.
He had forborne his opportunity to acquire his title directly from the seller with whom he had negotiated for purchase of the farm.
The text says nothing about the woman ascending into heaven to acquire a heavenly position.
For a learner to acquire skills in a foreign language, correctness of speech in his mother tongue should be taught.
D does not acquire cash from P, but is the recipient of either a credit transfer or a cheque.
These child care services should also have a francization component for children who need to acquire skills or improve their skills in French.
But before you book the talent, hire the heli, and print up those premiere-party invites, you need to acquire the right equipment.
There may also be requests for bus depots and other civic amenities, for which we may acquire more land.

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acquire — перевод на русский


To live better, to own things I couldn’t afford, to acquire this good taste you enjoy and which I’m reluctant to give up.

Чтобы жить лучше, наслаждаться жизнью, приобрести этот тонкий вкус, от которого будет нелегко отказаться.

Mister Rolling would like to acquire the right of ownership for this invention.

Мистеру Роллингу желательно приобрести право собственности на это изобретение.

It takes generations to acquire it.

Требуются поколения, чтобы приобрести его

And you can’t acquire grace.

Невозможно приобрести грацию.

I worked most of my life to acquire and catalog… these priceless pieces that you see before you.

Я потратил большую часть жизни на то, чтобы приобрести и упорядочить бесценные сокровища, которые вы видите перед собой.

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A family that can help you acquire the industrial acreage you’re looking for.

Семья, которая поможет вам получить промышленный участок, который вы ищете.

If it has taken so long for the solar system to acquire it why was not one of us of the outer galaxies asked to provide it?

Если столько понадобилось Солнечной Системе, чтобы получить его, почему вы не попросили о помощи ни одну из внешних галактик?

Transporting down to surface of planet Rigel-12 to acquire replacement lithium crystals.

Мы транспортируемся на поверхность Ригеля-12 чтобы получить новые кристаллы лития.

The motion under discussion relates to Corleone Group’s proposal to acquire 100,000,000 newly issued Class A voting shares.

Рассматриваемое ходатайство… касается предложения группы Корлеоне вложить 1 00 миллионов в новые акции класса А и получить контроль над компанией.

acquired by giving a lemon bitter to suck to the Child?

…чтобы получить ее, Ребенку дали пососать кусочек лимона… — Вы не покинуты…

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It had, by that time, acquired a coat of black enamel so that it looked nothing more than a fairly interesting black statuette.

И еще, к тому времени, сокол приобрел покрытие из черной эмали, чтобы он выглядел ничем более, как интересной статуэткой из черного камня.

I acquired it legally, sir, and these people wish to buy it.

Я приобрел ее законым путем, сэр, и эти господа желают ее купить.

What have you acquired in twenty years, besides your scars?

— Что ты приобрёл за двадцать лет, кроме своих шрамов?

You know, I acquired that ulster from Gilbert and Sullivan.

Знаете, я приобрёл этот плащ у Гилберта и Салливана.

Since I have acquired some immunity, perhaps the others…

Поскольку я приобрел некоторый иммунитет, может, другие…

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Once the Idol has acquired fame, he must behave and talk like anybody would imagine he would behave if he had been a success.

Как только Идол приобретает известность… Он должен вести себя… И разговаривать так, чтобы никто не мог предположить, что он на самом деле другой…

Depending on where it is, or when it crops up, each card acquires an almost poignant density.

В зависимости от местонахождения или результата перемещения, каждая карта приобретает почти осязаемую плотность.

«‘How does President Rambal-Cochet acquire his properties? . «‘

Как мсье Рамбаль-Коше приобретает собственность.

The ‘self’ leaving the previous ‘body’, acquires a new one ln the formation of five Oblations:

Я покидающее старое «тело» приобретает новое Вера,Луна,Дождь,Пища,Семя как утверждается в Упанишадах

— Raste killed the dreaded Darffot. He’s acquired a fearsome magic deadly to the rest of us.

— Охотник, который убивает ужасного Дарфота, приобретает страшную силу смертельную для всех остальных.

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The knowledge I acquired in the good old bank I applied to my problems in the infantry.

Знания, приобретенный мной в старом добром банке,.. ..я применял в своей службе пехотинца.

So he has acquired immune deficiency syndrome probably…

Значит, у него приобретенный иммунодефицит, а именно…

It’s an acquired taste.

Это — приобретенный вкус.

A little talent I acquired.

Небольшой приобретенный талант.

Because language is something that people acquire.

Язык — навык приобретённый.

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Listen, How would you like to acquire a little land around Bordeux?

Скажи-ка, ты случайно не хочешь купить земли в районе Альби?

You can acquire the land for what we paid for it.

Ты можешь купить землю по цене, которую мы за неё заплатили.

He desires the one thing his wealth can’t acquire, the prime ministership.

Ему нужно то, что нельзя купить — пост премьер-министра.

that if Duggan can be made to acquire this diamond, you and she may then repay him with his own goddamn money.

что если заставить Даггана купить этот алмаз, вы с ней можете расплатиться с ним его собственными деньгами.

So, you, Duke Perkins and Reverend Coggins conspired to acquire a vast amount of propane?

Значит, вы, Дюк Перкинс и Священник Коггинс сговорились купить большую партию пропана?

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I believed, along with the cardinal… that we could do far more good in this world… by becoming self-supporting… which, of course, implied acquiring property. No!

Я уверовал, как и кардинал что мы сможем действовать куда лучше в этом мире став самодостаточными что, конечно же, подразумевает приобретение некоторой недвижимости.

Acquiring anything valuable always involves a certain amount of risk… and I believe that that knife is valuable… in more ways than one.

Приобретение любой ценной вещи подразумевает риск а я думаю, что этот нож очень ценный и весьма.

I love her as a collector does his most prized item. Once acquired, it becomes his sole reason to live.

И я люблю ее так, как коллекционер обхаживает наиболее драгоценный… экспонат своей коллекции, находка и приобретение которого являлись исключительным смыслом его существования.

Anything worth acquiring… usually does.

Как и любое другое ценное приобретение.

I have spent a cool grand on acquiring the resumption of an equitable temperature.

А я потратил косарь на приобретение возвращения приемлимой температуры.

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My agents in Singapore have obtained copies of letters to British government from certain persons wishing to acquire interests in Siam or parts thereof.

мои агенты в Сингапуре достали копии писем правительству Британии от лиц, которые желали бы заполучить часть Сиама.

Due to some fault, I was also able to acquire the Draags’ knowledge.

Случайность позволила мне заполучить знания Tраагов

We’re not trying to acquire laborers.

Мы не стараемся заполучить рабочих.

Use any means necessary to acquire technology to help Earth in the battle against the Goa’uld or other unforeseen aggressors.

Используя любые необходимые средства, заполучить технологии, которые помогут Земле в битве против Гоаулдов или иных неожиданных агрессоров.

much blood has been spilt to acquire it i pray that mine will be the last

Много крови было пролито, чтобы заполучить его, и я молюсь, чтобы моя была последней.

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Anyway, we have the means of acquiring weapons

С другой стороны, у нас есть способ добыть оружие.

If someone can show me another way to acquire naqahdah, I’m listening.

Теперь, если кто-то сможет мне показать другое решение, чтобы добыть наквадака или сможет сделать линейный крейсер без этого, я слушаю.

You’ll assist Carina in acquiring the rock.

Вы поможете Карине добыть камень.

Gentlemen, this next items something that we went to a great deal of trouble to acquire.

Господа, чтобы добыть следующий лот, нам пришлось пережить много неприятностей.

If you want your execution to proceed, then you must acquire more of this drug from your neighboring states.

Если вы хотите осуществить свою казнь тогда вы должны добыть этот прпарат в соседних штатах.

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Did you acquire it?


Where did you acquire it?

Где вы это достали?

We had acquired some ice cream somehow, and we decided that it would be good to store the ice cream in his undergarments on his person.

Мы каким-то образом достали мороженое, и решили, что будет забавно спрятать мороженое в его подштанниках надетых на нем.

And now, with the help of the real boy you’ve acquired, We can take our first steps.

Теперь, с помощью настоящего мальчика, что вы достали, мы сделаем первые шаги.

You seem quite excited after having acquired that footage?

что запись достали?

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Synonym: earn, gain, obtain, secure. Antonym: lose, miss. Similar words: acquisition, acquiescence, require, required, inquire about, requirement, acquainted, inquiry. Meaning: [ə’kwaɪə]  v. 1. come into the possession of something concrete or abstract 2. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect 3. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes) 4. locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar 5. win something through one’s efforts 6. gain knowledge or skills 7. gain through experience. 

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1. It is at our mother’s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them. 

2. What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret. 

3. To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, but to spend it wisely most difficult of all. 

4. She does research into how children acquire language.

5. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure .

6. Many children acquire a phobic horror of dogs.

7. We should work hard to acquire a good knowledge of French.

8. He managed to acquire a thin veneer of knowledge to mask his real ignorance.

9. It is harder to conceal ignorance than to acquire knowledge.

10. To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. W. Somerset Maugham 

11. How long will it take to acquire the necessary skills?

12. Manning hoped to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible.

13. We should acquire more firsthand information.

14. She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.

15. I tried to acquire the information I needed.

16. As people grow older,(sentencedict.com) their faces acquire more character.

17. We acquire much of our world knowledge through education.

18. Less formally educated people can acquire professional competence.

19. Students examined how children acquire language.

20. The robot can acquire the object.

21. Learners of languages acquire vocabulary through practice.

22. Here is your opportunity to acquire a luxurious one bedroom home.

23. A New York investor offered to acquire the company’s shares for $13 each.

24. If you want to acquire profound knowledge,[sentencedict.com]you must start from the ABC.

25. To remove any ambiguity we have to acquire more accurate information.

26. Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.

27. How did the gallery come to acquire so many Picassos?

28. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 

29. My sister couldn’t take her desk with her to the new house: that’s how I came to acquire it.

30. Before a child can learn a musical instrument he or she first needs to acquire the necessary manipulative skills.

More similar words: acquisition, acquiescence, require, required, inquire about, requirement, acquainted, inquiry, wire, tire, hire, quite, quilt, equip, equity, liquid, fire up, empire, on fire, satire, retire, admire, direct, quietly, retired, inspire, quite a few, iniquity, entirely, director. 


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word acquire, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use acquire in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «acquire».

Acquire in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word acquire in a sentence.

  1. Steel company to acquire TC&I.

  2. Spielberg told Sheinberg to acquire the E.T.

  3. In another side quest, Link can acquire a horse.

  4. They acquire their adult plumage the following year.

  5. It is hard to acquire it as the first language in college.

  6. Intelligent, he was able to acquire knowledge with great ease.

  7. In 1981, Hoffmann helped Don Dokken acquire his first record deal.

  8. With popularity came pressure from those keen to acquire her work.

  9. You seemingly see, acquire, and participate in something new around every corner».

  10. In the months before departure, funds for the expedition became harder to acquire.

  11. Gabriel would acquire the manor houses of the Bremhill and Bromham parishes in 1562.

  12. At that time, the cyclone was also beginning to acquire some annular characteristics.

  13. Eli Lilly closed the transaction to acquire Icos for $2.3 billion on January 29, 2007.

  14. When he finally gave up his efforts to acquire an American work visa in 1984, he returned to Toronto.

  15. In 1911 Joyce travelled to Denmark to acquire dogs for this expedition, and took them on to Tasmania.

  16. In 1980, the cathedral’s parish set up a fund in Mynors’s name to acquire a collection of rare books.

  17. It called for the Army to acquire tracked APCs that were amphibious and could be carried by aircraft.

  18. In November, funds were allocated to acquire land for the construction in the 1953–1954 state budget.

  19. In 1958, he went to Michigan State University to acquire education and training in rural development.

  20. In 1934, the KJRM decided to acquire three such destroyers to operate in a division led by Dubrovnik.

  21. In addition, Auerbach had already used his territorial pick to acquire talented forward Tom Heinsohn.

  22. The Combined Development Trust also negotiated deals with Swedish companies to acquire ore from there.

  23. Molly Davidson had managed to acquire a small house in South Harrow, where Davidson spent his winters.

  24. For Small City Defense, this would not offer enough power to acquire the warheads at reasonable range.

  25. Gannets gradually acquire more white in subsequent seasons until they reach maturity after five years.

  26. In 1934, the KM decided to acquire three smaller destroyers to operate in a division led by Dubrovnik.

  27. Both television networks suffered as a result, with neither company being able to acquire five O&Os.

  28. The birds gradually acquire more white in subsequent seasons until they reach maturity after five years.

  29. For example, rivers that pass over limestone, which is mostly composed of calcium carbonate, will acquire carbonate ions.

  30. Later that year Chrysler was allowed to acquire a controlling interest in Rootes for a further investment of £20 million.

  31. George Steinbrenner bought the club in 1973 and regularly invested in new talent, using free agency to acquire top players.

  32. Wrzos bought Doris Piserchia’s first story, «Rocket to Gehenna», and was the first editor to acquire a story by Dean Koontz.

  33. The RAN planned to acquire 14 Grumman S-2E Tracker anti-submarine aircraft, and modernise Melbourne to operate the aircraft.

  34. At the time, it was customary for midshipmen to acquire nicknames, and Parsons was called «Deacon», a play on his last name.

  35. Lenin began to contemplate the possibility of suicide, asking both Krupskaya and Stalin to acquire potassium cyanide for him.

  36. The Chiefs of Staff Committee considered the issue of nuclear weapons in July 1946, and recommended that Britain acquire them.

  37. Much of Kruger’s efforts over the next year were dedicated to attempts to acquire a sea outlet for the South African Republic.

  38. In July 1946, the Chiefs of Staff Committee considered the issue of nuclear weapons, and recommended that Britain acquire them.

  39. The memorial takes the form of a 30-foot (9.1-metre) granite cross, quarried from Haytor on Dartmoor, and hewn from a single stone—the largest Lutyens was able to acquire.

  40. These two aircraft were among the last C-17s to have been built before the production line was closed, and it is not expected that the RAAF will acquire more Globemasters.

  41. This allows them to acquire the energy necessary for sustaining basic metabolic maintenance costs while storing additional energy necessary for migration and reproduction.

  42. During the late 1950s and 1960s, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) provided universities and colleges with grants to acquire small nuclear reactors for research programs.

  43. The radio series was a success and prompted the BBC to acquire the rights to the TV episodes, which it aired on BBC2 (in all UK regions simultaneously) from September 1991.

Synonyms for acquire

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word acquire has the following synonyms: assume, adopt, take on, take, develop, evolve, get, grow, produce, learn, larn, win and gain.

General information about «acquire» example sentences

The example sentences for the word acquire that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «acquire» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «acquire».

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ uhkwahyuhr ]

/ əˈkwaɪər /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), ac·quired, ac·quir·ing.

to come into possession or ownership of; get as one’s own: to acquire property.

to gain for oneself through one’s actions or efforts: to acquire learning.

Linguistics. to achieve native or nativelike command of (a language or a linguistic rule or element).

Military. to locate and track (a moving target) with a detector, as radar.



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Origin of acquire

1400–50; from Latin acquīrere “to add to one’s possessions, acquire” (ac- ac- + -quīrere, combining form of quaerere “to search for, obtain”); replacing late Middle English aquere from Middle French aquerre from Latin

synonym study for acquire


ac·quir·a·ble, adjectiveac·quir·a·bil·i·ty, nounac·quir·er, nounpre·ac·quire, verb, pre·ac·quired, pre·ac·quir·ing.

re·ac·quire, verb (used with object), re·ac·quired, re·ac·quir·ing.self-ac·quired, adjectiveun·ac·quir·a·ble, adjectiveun·ac·quired, adjectivewell-ac·quired, adjective

Words nearby acquire

acquest, acquiesce, acquiesced, acquiescence, acquiescent, acquire, acquired behaviour, acquired character, acquired characteristic, acquired drive, acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does acquire mean?

Acquire most commonly means to get, buy, or learn.

Acquire has a lot of meanings that vary with context. Most of them refer to the act of getting something permanently. It has more specific meanings in linguistics and in the context of the military. It’s easy to misspell acquire as aquire, so don’t forget the c.

Example: When the merger is complete, our company will have acquired its largest competitor.

Where does acquire come from?

Acquire comes from the Latin acquīrere, which means “to add to one’s possessions.” It is derived from the Latin quīrere, meaning “to search,” and the prefix ac-, meaning “toward.” The first records of acquire come from the 1400s.

In general, to acquire something is to get it in some way. It has slightly different shades of meaning depending on the context. Perhaps most commonly, it is used in the context of business to mean “to purchase,” especially when referring to the purchase of a company or property (which can be called an acquisition). You could say you acquired some new possessions when talking about things you bought, but that sounds very formal (usually you’d just say you bought them). However, you might use acquire in this way if what you’ve bought took you a long time or a lot of effort to get, as in I managed to acquire this really rare comic book as a gift for my friend. But acquiring things isn’t just about buying them. You can acquire things by learning them, such as skills. In the context of linguistics, to acquire a language means to become fluent in it.

Acquire can also mean “to pick up gradually or accidentally.” You can acquire some things as a result of your actions, such as enemies or a reputation. This gradual acquiring process can happen to things, too, as in This cheese acquires its sharp flavor through aging. (Such cheese might be considered an acquired taste, meaning you won’t like it right away, but will instead acquire a liking for it over time by continuing to try it.)

In military terms, to acquire a target is to locate and track it via some kind of detection, such as radar. (This is most often heard in the action movie cliché target acquired).

Did you know … ?

How is acquire used in real life?

Acquire is often more formal than synonyms like get or buy. It can be used in all kinds of contexts, but it is commonly used to refer to obtaining property, businesses, or other financial assets.

BMC is set to Acquire Compuware, I see – looks like consolidation time for the mainframe software and support market.

— Dan Robinson (@TheDanRobinson) March 2, 2020

‘We know babies can easily acquire multiple languages, so we studied how they manage it. Found babies in bilingual homes adapt to their more complex environment by seeking out additional information’

Babies Who Hear 2 Languages At Home Are Quick Thinkers https://t.co/1c7Y4KKchn

— Sonia W. Soltero (@soniawsoltero) February 29, 2020

Kombucha is an acquired taste and why I made myself acquire that taste is a mystery to me

— 2π (@radinayy) May 22, 2019

Try using acquire!

Is acquire used correctly in the following sentence? 

Ms. Johnson was able to acquire several new properties over the past year.

Words related to acquire

achieve, amass, bring in, buy, collect, earn, gain, get, have, pick up, promote, take, win, access, annex, attain, catch, cop, corral, gather

How to use acquire in a sentence

  • Microsoft and Oracle already announced plans to make bids to acquire ByteDance.

  • Last month, the company announced it had acquired the production company behind the hit podcast “Serial.”

  • Last month, the company said it will acquire podcast production company Serial Productions.

  • That being said, the maker of Microsoft Office is not an obvious candidate to acquire a social video app popular with high schoolers.

  • Microsoft is reportedly in talks to acquire TikTok from its parent company ByteDance, which could avert a ban.

  • But none of them managed to be able to acquire the weapons or the bomb materials to carry out either event.

  • Every question—for services to buy or advice to acquire—comes with a number.

  • “We have been and will continue to work to acquire the drugs in accordance with the law,” McNaughton said via email.

  • Dodge did acquire the collection, and now his own runs to 125 bicycles, dating from 1820 to 1920.

  • According to media reports, Amazon, 21st Century Fox, Hearst, and Condé Nast are all vying to acquire StyleHaul.

  • A child may acquire while quite young and before any methodical education commences a certain feeling for regular form.

  • I found that I had been allowed to acquire certain bad habits and besetting sins—most people do.

  • “Doctrine”—the Monroe doctrine declared that no foreign power should acquire additional dominion in America.

  • Accustomed to the bustle and hurry of a soldier’s life, he was too old to acquire the tastes of a life of tranquillity.

  • Non-resident aliens can acquire no rights incident to residence here except as permitted by the federal government.

British Dictionary definitions for acquire


(tr) to get or gain (something, such as an object, trait, or ability), esp more or less permanently

Derived forms of acquire

acquirable, adjectiveacquirement, nounacquirer, noun

Word Origin for acquire

C15: via Old French from Latin acquīrere, from ad- in addition + quaerere to get, seek

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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