A sentence for the word accommodation

Chancellor has said he will abolish hospital accommodation charges for pensioners.
The accommodation has an outdoor pool, sun terrace, sun loungers, poolside snack bar, gardens and a pool table.
Polystyrene blocks are to be removed from the crew accommodation and the starboard side of the engine room and stored ashore.
They are looking for scenic routes with comfortable overnight accommodation.
The price is based on two people sharing self-catering accommodation, which will be allocated on arrival.
The gate lodge is to be turned into accommodation for the full-time caretaker who will look after the site.
I don’t know if he has any money, or whether they have arranged any transport or accommodation for him.
Careercare subsequently arranged travel and accommodation and she was flown to the UK over the weekend to start working the following Monday.
An airline which no longer operates has no obligation to arrange return flights or accommodation for its passengers.
Completing the accommodation are two further bedrooms, both roomy doubles with polished timber floorboards.
The basis for its conclusion was that the main reason for moving from the old home was to acquire more roomy accommodation generally.
Employers with live-in domestic workers could deduct 10 percent for accommodation, but only if it complied with the minimum standards set.
Vulnerable people living rough in Lancaster face a waiting list for emergency accommodation.
The cabin provides accommodation for 11 fully equipped troops or four litters with a medical officer for medical evacuation missions.
The pocket information pack also includes a detailed listing of places to visit and includes restaurants and accommodation.
Sixteen residents have been put up in temporary accommodation and 43 are trapped in their homes because they are in the gunman’s line of fire.
The accommodation includes an entrance hall with polished timber flooring, ceiling coving, recessed lighting and understairs storage.
The dog has a kennel in the officers’ accommodation and a life jacket for trips in the sea boat.
You may find cheaper accommodation out of the city centres and in surrounding satellite towns.
They tell lies, they give false addresses, they even take out temporary accommodation in the area.

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Synonym: adjustment, fitting. Similar words: accommodating, accommodate, recommendation, commotion, immolation, predation, commodity, foundation. Meaning: [ə‚kɒmə’deɪʃn]  n. 1. making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances 2. a settlement of differences 3. in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality 4. living quarters provided for public convenience 5. the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a need 6. (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the lens of the eye. 

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1. The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.

2. Accommodation is expensive in Beijing.

3. Our accommodation is barely adequate.

4. First-class accommodation is available on all flights.

5. Good, that’s the accommodation sorted.

6. The resort provides accommodation to suit every pocket.

7. The price includes accommodation and car rental.

8. Are you looking for furnished accommodation?

9. The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.

10. The price includes accommodation and ferry crossing.

11. Accommodation is expensive in this city.

12. Many old people choose to live in sheltered accommodation.

13. The government will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people.

14. There are three categories of accommodation — standard, executive and deluxe.

15. Some ministers will have to hot-desk until more accommodation can be found.

16. Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.

17. He got lumberedwith the job of finding accommodation for the whole team.

18. We will arrange accommodation on request.

19. There’s accommodation for about five hundred students on campus.sentence dictionary

20. Can you provide accommodation for thirty people?

21. Our accommodation is rather cramped.

22. All students are offered free accommodation.

23. Accommodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels.

24. Accommodation was basic to say the least.

25. I’ve offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week’s accommodation.

26. Hostels are usually provided as a stopgap until the families can be housed in permanent accommodation.

27. The local authority may assist you to obtain alternative accommodation.

28. Local housing authorities have been compelled by the housing crisis to make offers of sub-standard accommodation.

29. The actual estimate for extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation was an annual £9.18m.

30. Surveys show a trend away from home-ownership and towards rented accommodation.

More similar words: accommodating, accommodate, recommendation, commotion, immolation, predation, commodity, foundation, degradation, trepidation, incommodious, accusation, acclamation, communication, accumulation, acculturation, telecommunications, accordion, ratification, gratification, to date, nation, be good at, up to date, oration, station, elation, immodest, mutation, duration. 


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word accommodation, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use accommodation in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «accommodation». In addition, we also show how different variations of accommodation can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are accommodationist. If you click on the variation of accommodation that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Accommodation in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word accommodation in a sentence.

  1. All accommodation has kitchen facilities.

  2. The amount of accommodation provided was reduced.

  3. It was converted to private accommodation in 1999.

  4. It also contained grand accommodation for the king.

  5. Inside the castle Henry remodelled the royal accommodation.

  6. The stadium had covered accommodation for 40,000 spectators.

  7. These added passenger accommodation, but in cramped conditions.

  8. The subdivided house is still in use today as domestic accommodation.

  9. Works included 26 blast-proof shelters, a control room, and tented accommodation.

  10. Yashima was fitted as a flagship with accommodation for an admiral and his staff.

  11. Hard stands were provided, along with accommodation, workshops and five helipads.

  12. Finding accommodation was one of the greatest challenges faced by black travelers.

  13. The residence has associated cattle yards, an airstrip, and workers’ accommodation.

  14. They were relieved to move to the more spacious accommodation at the Université de Montréal in March.

  15. Bush strove to improve the food and accommodation, and to provide organized games and nightly movies.

  16. It was staffed by 30 people from various agencies and provided accommodation for up to 100 residents.

  17. First class accommodation was available for 1+1⁄2d a mile, reduced to 1d a mile for third class.

  18. Many took the opportunity to visit London, where accommodation was made available in Westminster Hall.

  19. The third floor had a second chapel and access to the roof, and may have held additional accommodation.

  20. Atop them were warehouses, refrigerated storages, and accommodation and mess facilities for 200 people.

  21. Both the military defences and the internal accommodation of these castles were significantly improved.

  22. The CERN Theory Group was based in Copenhagen until their new accommodation in Geneva was ready in 1957.

  23. It also would potentially reduce INTERFET’s vehicle and accommodation areas and the airport to quagmires.

  24. Sharp had lost his own son to cancer and offered Fox and his companions free accommodation at his hotels.

  25. During World War 2 St James provided hostel accommodation for services personnel while on leave in Sydney.

  26. The two types were similar in layout, apart from the accommodation, though the AS-57 was larger all round.

  27. Argus became an accommodation ship at Chatham in December and she was approved for scrapping on 6 May 1946.

  28. First and third class accommodation was provided in open saloons, second class being withdrawn from the Met.

  29. Between 1978 and 1981 Atlantic College rebuilt them in the original 17th-century style to serve as student accommodation.

  30. There are numerous places of interest and fine shops, and good accommodation is offered to visitors at reasonable prices.

  31. After lobbying for improved accommodation conditions, Brooks was involved in a physical altercation with the team manager.

  32. She was 66 feet (20 m) long, with a beam of 18.7 feet (5.7 m), a hold depth of 8.7 feet (2.7 m), and accommodation for six.

  33. These services included recreation facilities, cheap meals, advice on accommodation, a bookstall and stocks of military kit.

  34. Bounty was a small vessel, 91 feet (28 m) in overall length, with a complement of 46 men crammed into limited accommodation.

  35. On arrival, as their leaders talked to the press, the marchers retired to their overnight accommodation in London’s East End.

  36. Brooks’ protests against the accommodation was overshadowed by a much-publicised physical confrontation with a team official.

  37. The marines manned the aft section of guns and slung their hammocks between the crew’s accommodation and the officers’ cabins.

  38. At the time, the castle’s accommodation was in such poor condition that he did not stay there the night before his coronation.

  39. This complex, which became known as The Geysers, soon became a tourist attraction, and a settlement grew up to provide accommodation and serve as a gateway to The Geysers.

  40. The administrators and engineers lived in the government town established at Richland Village, which eventually had accommodation in 4,300 family units and 25 dormitories.

  41. York Cottage, originally known as Bachelors’ Cottage, was built by Edward, Prince of Wales, soon after he acquired Sandringham to provide further accommodation for guests.

  42. Sharp was intrigued by the story of a one-legged kid «trying to do the impossible» and run across the country; so he offered food and accommodation at his hotels en route.

  43. The barracks provided accommodation for a wartime complement of six officers and 180 NCOs and men, though in peacetime only small maintenance detachments occupied the fort.

Accommodationist in a sentence

Accommodationist is a variation of accommodation, below you can find example sentences for accommodationist.

  1. He was viewed as an accommodationist and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) referred to him as the «great peace chief.» He also supervised the tribal police of about 300 men.

Synonyms for accommodation

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word accommodation has the following synonyms: adjustment and fitting.

General information about «accommodation» example sentences

The example sentences for the word accommodation that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «accommodation» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «accommodation».

accommodation — перевод на русский


Well, I was wondering if you could offer me accommodation for a few nights?

Я хотел поинтересоваться, можете ли вы предложить мне жильё на несколько дней?

— We seek meagre accommodations.

— Нужно скромное жилье.

Equity minimum, two shows a night, accommodation included.

Минимальная ставка, два представления за ночь, жилье и питание.

I can offer you comfortable accommodations.

Я могу предложить вам жилье.

I thought perhaps I might be able to negotiate for better accommodations.

Я думал, что, возможно, я смогу договориться о лучшем жилье.

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Just once, to step aside… This is a private accommodation secured by Sire Uri and his party.

«Дженестесс» — частное размещение… охраняемое Зайа Ури и его партией.

I arranged for the appropriate accommodations.

Я организовываю подходящее размещение.

Malcolm, we need to talk about accommodation.

Малькольм, нам надо обсудить размещение.

Sorry for the accommodations.

Прошу прощения за размещение.

Yeah, you know, and the accommodation is very… Ah!

Да, и размещение очень…

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Get me the finest accommodations…

Обеспечат лучшие условия…

I move this assembly consider a humble and dutiful petion be dispatched to his Majesty, one that includes a plain statement that the colony desires immediate negotiation and accommodation of these unhappy disputes, and that we are willing to enter into measures

Я призываю собрание подготовить простую и уважительную петицию, которую мы направим его Величеству, и в которой будет сказано то, что колонии хотят немедленно вступить в диалог и прийти к компромиссу в этих несчастных спорах, и что мы готовы выполнить все условия

Until you find more permanent accommodations.

Пока не найдешь условия получше.

Anyway, I think you’ll like our accommodations.

В любом случае, я думаю тебе понравятся наши условия.

We’re not offering the same accommodation.

Мы не предлагаем те же условия

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These days, accommodations in jail are hard to get.

Сейчас трудно получить проживание в тюрьме.

I used my influence to extend your accommodations at the lagoon.

Это было непросто, но мне удалось продлить ваше проживание в лагуне.

We are providing the inspection team with accommodation.

Мы предоставляем этой группе проживание.

Food, accommodations.

Еда, проживание.

How much do you require for the girl’s accommodation?

Сколько вы просите за проживание девушки?

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Is the accommodation to your liking, Ping-Cho?

Тебе нравятся апартаменты, Пин-Чо?

But once you start delivering on your end of our little bargain, I might be able to move you to better accommodations.

Но раз уж вы стали сотрудничать, когда мы завершим нашу маленькую сделку я мог бы перевести вас в более удобные апартаменты.

I knew the accommodations would be nice

Я знала, что апартаменты будут хорошими

— [ Grunts ] — I knew the accommodations would be nice.

Я знала, что апартаменты будут хорошими

Gentlemen, please show our guests to their accommodations.

Джентльмены, пожалуйста, покажите нашим гостям их апартаменты.

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We are not interested in your accommodations, Commander.

Возможно, вы желаете… Нас не интересуют ваши удобства, коммандер.

You don’t get to pick your accommodations.

Тебе не положено выбирать себе удобства.

I trust you’re finding your accommodations adequate?

Надеюсь, ты находишь удобства достаточными?

Oh, what… you mean aside from the bracelets and the luxury accommodations?

А, что.. ты имеешь в виду, несмотря на браслетики и шикарные удобства?

I will arrange things… to provide them with accommodations immediately.

Я прослежу… чтобы они получили все удобства… немедленно.

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He refuses to change my accommodations.

Он отказался поменять мое место проживания.


Место проживания?

I think you’ll find your new accommodations a lot more comfortable than county lock-up.

Думаю, что твоё новое место проживания понравится тебе куда больше, чем тюремные камеры.

I have a town car outside and a hillside bungalow at the chateau marmont that’ll do until we can find more permanent accommodations.

У меня на улице машина и коттедж на склоне холма в Шато Мармон, где мы можем пожить, пока не найдем постоянное место проживания.

To whom does one speak about accommodations?

Кого (кому) делает один говорить о месте проживания?

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When I work past 11:00, the government is required to pay for in-town accommodations.

Если я работаю позже 11:00 правительство обязано оплачивать помещение в центре города.

Well, for us humans finding accommodations isn’t as easy as convincing some poor schlep he’s in love with you with one touch of your soft, Succu-busty hand.

Ну, для нас, людей, найти помещение это не так просто, как убедить некоторых бедных подонков что ты его любовь на всю жизнь, одним прикосновением твоей нежной… суккубской руки…

I apologize for the… unpleasant accommodation.

Я прошу извинить за… неприятное помещение.

From what Jack and Owen saw, they reckon that the main house contains Copley’s office, medical research suites and the accommodation for the clinical trials subjects.

Исходя из увиденного Джеком и Оуэном, в главном здание находятся офис Копли, медицинские исследовательские помещения и палаты для участников клинических испытаний. — А как насчет задней части зданий?

You haven’t got any living accommodation.

-У тебя нет жилого помещения.

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Most humbly therefore bending to your state I crave fit disposition for my wife due reference of place and exhibition in such accommodation and besort as levels with her breeding.

Поэтому, почтительно склоняясь, Прошу вас окружить жену заботой И предоставить содержанье, слуг, Жилище — словом, все, что подобает Ей по рожденью.

Contemporary living accommodation, conveniently situated close to all local amenities.

Современное жилище, удобно расположенное рядом со всеми местными учреждениями. О какой сумме речь идет?

Simple, crisp accommodation inside, Shelby bedding and ebony wood floor.

Простое, повседневное жилище. Постель в стиле Shelby и пол из чёрного дерева.

Settling in to your new accommodations?

Осваиваешься в своем новом жилище?

I believe I can be of assistance in helping Mr. Dempsy find appropriate accommodations.

По-моему, я могу помочь мистеру Демпси в поиске подходящего жилища.

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Surely some kind of accommodation can be made to end this peacefully.

Безусловно, можно найти компромисс, чтобы закончить все миром.

No. We would’ve reached an accommodation.

Мы бы нашли компромисс.

It’s called Accommodation.

они называются Компромисс.

I’m… a mediator between two sects of society that are trying to reach an accommodation.

Я — посредник между двумя частями общества, которые пытаются достичь компромисса.

Accommodations will not be necessary, not necessary at all.

Никакие компромиссы не потребуются, абсолютно никакие.

Отправить комментарий

жилье, помещение, приспособление, аккомодация, компромисс, приют, примирение


- приспособление (действие)
- амер. часто pl приют, пристанище; стол и ночлег; помещение

furnished accommodations — меблированные комнаты
hotel accommodation — номер в гостинице
accommodation allowance — квартирное пособие, квартирные
wanted accommodation for a married couple with small children in London — супруги с маленькими детьми снимут дом или квартиру в Лондоне (объявление)
hotel accommodation was scarce — в гостиницах свободных мест не было, почти все гостиницы были забиты
can we find accommodation at the hotel for the night? — можем ли мы устроиться на ночь /переночевать/ в этой гостинице?
what kind of accommodation can you get in this city? — как в этом городе можно устроиться с жильём?

- расквартирование войск
- pl. амер. место (в поезде, на пароходе и т. п.)

to book /to secure/ accommodations on the train [on the airplane, on the bus] — заказать билеты /зарезервировать места/ на поезд [на самолёт, на автобус]

- согласование; примирение; разрешение спора

to come to an accommodation — договориться; прийти к компромиссу

- удобство

for your accommodation — для вашего удобства

- оказание услуг
- психол. адаптация, аккомодация; притирка (об отношениях между людьми)
- амер. ссуда
- мор. расположение кают
- физиол. аккомодация (глаза)

Мои примеры


deluxe / first-class accommodation — благоустроенное жильё  
secure accommodation — безопасное помещение  
accommodation with every convenience — квартира со всеми удобствами  
to seek accommodation — искать жильё  
to make / work out an accommodation — выработать соглашение  
to reach an accommodation with creditors — заключить соглашение с кредиторами  
accommodation ladder — приставная лестница  
poorly furnished accommodation — бедно обставленное жилище  
accommodation capability — способность к адаптации, адаптивная способность  
accommodation car — ж.-д. вагон для местных пассажиров (дешевый, без удобств, для ездящих на небольшие расстояния)  

Примеры с переводом

The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.

В стоимость отдыха входит перелет и проживание.

They had begun to seek a possible accommodation.

Они начали искать возможный компромисс.

The cost of rented accommodation keeps going up.

Цены на съёмное жильё продолжают расти.

We reached an accommodation between both parties.

Мы достигли компромисса между обеими сторонами.

All students are offered free accommodation.

Всем студентам предоставляется бесплатное жильё /проживание, размещение/.

The accommodations on board the boat are a bit cramped.

Помещения на борту судна немного тесноваты.

Accommodation, without which society would be painful.

Умение приспосабливаться, без которого в обществе просто невозможно было бы жить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Accommodation is provided on-site.

First-class accommodation is available for a supplement.

He changed his schedule as an accommodation to his clients.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

accommodating  — любезный, вмещающий, услужливый, сговорчивый, уживчивый, уступчивый
accommodated  — приспособленный, обеспеченный

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