A science word that starts with you

Table of Contents

  1. Whats a science word that starts with U?
  2. What are good words that start with U?
  3. What is the word that starts with U?
  4. What is a bad word that starts with U?
  5. What bad words start with e?
  6. What starts with U for show and tell?
  7. What is a 7 letter word starting with U?
  8. What is a good U word?
  9. What is a 7 letter word that starts with N?
  10. What is a 5 letter word that starts with U?
  11. What 4 letter word starts with U?
  12. What 3 letter word starts with U?
  13. What is a short U word?
  14. What word ends in U?
  15. What’s a 3 letter word that ends with u?
  16. What starts with F and ends in U?
  17. What word ends in Q?
  18. Is Q ever used without u?
  19. Is Qu a word?

uranium – Uranium is the name for the element with atomic number 92 and is represented by the symbol U.

What are good words that start with U?

List of Positive Words that Start with U

  • Ultimate.
  • Unconditional.
  • Unequaled.
  • Unequivocal.
  • Unerring.
  • Upbeat.
  • Upright.
  • Upstanding.

What is the word that starts with U?

4 letter words that start with U

  • uber.
  • udon.
  • udos.
  • ughs.
  • ugly.
  • ukes.
  • ulan.
  • ules.

What is a bad word that starts with U?

List Of Negative Words That Starts With U

Number List Of Negative Words That Starts With U
2 Uglier
3 Ugliest
4 Ugliness
5 Ugly

What bad words start with e?

List Of Negative Words That Starts With E

Number List Of Negative Words That Starts With E
1 Earsplitting
2 Eccentric
3 Eccentricity
4 Effigy

What starts with U for show and tell?

Show and Tell Letter U Ideas:

  • umbrella.
  • unicorn.
  • uniform (sports uniform, school uniform, police uniform)
  • picture of an uncle.
  • ukulele.
  • Ursula (from The Little Mermaid)
  • umpire.
  • DVD of the movie Up.

What is a 7 letter word starting with U?

7 Letters and Start With U

Word Length Vowels
Unclear 7 3
Unaware 7 4
Umbrage 7 3
Unusual 7 4

What is a good U word?

Positive Words That Start With U

Uber Ubiquitous Ultra
Unanimous Unassuming Unbelievable
Unbelievably Unbiased Unburden
Uncommon Unconditional Unconventional
Undaunted Undefeated Undeniable

What is a 7 letter word that starts with N?

7 letter words that start with N

  • nabbers.
  • nabbing.
  • nacelle.
  • nadiral.
  • naffing.
  • naganas.
  • naggers.
  • naggier.

What is a 5 letter word that starts with U?

Five Letter Words Starting with ‘U’

  • udals6
  • udder7
  • udons6
  • ugali6
  • ugged8
  • uhlan8
  • uhuru8
  • ukase9

What 4 letter word starts with U?

4 letter words starting with U

  • udon.
  • udos.
  • ughs.
  • ugly.
  • ukes.
  • ulan.
  • ulna.
  • ulus.

What 3 letter word starts with U?

3 Letter U Words

Word Scrabble® Points Words with Friends® Points
uke 7 8
ugh 7 8
usk 7 8
ump 7 10

What is a short U word?

When you spin the wheel, words containing a short “u” sound appear, including jump, mug, sun, jug, duck, bus, truck, up, pup, umbrella, plum, and drum.

What word ends in U?

5 letter words that end with U

  • adieu.
  • barbu.
  • bayou.
  • bijou.
  • buchu.
  • butsu.
  • chiru.
  • cornu.

What’s a 3 letter word that ends with u?

3-letter words ending with U

Elu emu
esu ETU
FCU feu
FIU flu

What starts with F and ends in U?

Start With F and End In U

Word Length Syllables
Froufrou 8 2
Fondu 5 2
Fichu 5 2
Fabliau 7 4

What word ends in Q?

5-letter words that end in q

  • umiaq.
  • tranq.
  • talaq.
  • qepiq.
  • actiq.
  • obliq.
  • pociq.
  • ywhaq.

Is Q ever used without u?

The letter Q is almost always followed by a U in English, but that isn’t always the case. Scrabble players tend to struggle with words using a Q, but experienced players know they don’t need a U to follow it.

Is Qu a word?

No, qu is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Last Updated: December 19, 2021 | Author: Mark Dent


  • 1 What are the 26 science words?
  • 2 What is a science word that starts with y?
  • 3 What is a science word that starts with V?
  • 4 What is a science word that starts with Z?
  • 5 What is a science word for E?
  • 6 What is a science word that starts with R?
  • 7 What science word starts with J?
  • 8 What science word starts with Q?
  • 9 What is a science word for K?
  • 10 What is a science word for N?
  • 11 What is a science word for s?
  • 12 What word in science starts with H?

What are the 26 science words?

Possible answers include: A – astronomy, B – biology, C – chemistry, D – diffusion, E – experiment, F – fossil, G – geology, H – heat, I – interference, J – jet stream, K – kinetic, L – latitude, M – motion, N – neutron, O – oxygen, P – physics, Q – quasar, R – respiration, S – solar system, T – thermometer, U – …

What is a science word that starts with y?

yttrium – Yttrium is an element with an atomic number of 39 and atomic weight of 88.90585.

What is a science word that starts with V?

vanadium – Vanadium is the name for the element with atomic number 23 and is represented by the symbol V. It is a member of the transition metals group.

What is a science word that starts with Z?

zirconium – Zirconium is the name for the element with atomic number 40 and is represented by the symbol Zr. It is a member of the transition metals group.

What is a science word for E?

electron – An electron is a negatively charged component of an atom. Electrons exist outside of and surrounding the atom nucleus. Each electron carries one unit of negative charge and has a very small mass as compared with that of a neutron or proton.

What is a science word that starts with R?

radiation – Radiation is the emission and propagation of energy in the form of waves, rays or particles.

Joule is technically a science word starting with the letter J. It’s a unit SI energy measurement described as the “energy transferred to an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one metre”.

What science word starts with Q?

quantum – A quantum is a discrete packet of energy or matter. Quantum also means the minimum value of a physical property involved in an interaction. quantum mechanics – The physical science used to calculate and analyze the energies and spatial distributions of small particles confined to very small regions of space.

What is a science word for K?

kalium – Kalium is the German name for the element potassium. Kalium is the source of the symbol K for potassium on the periodic table.

What is a science word for N?

newton – A newton is the SI unit of force. The symbol for newton is N.

What is a science word for s?

Science Words That Start With S: Scientist; Seismology; Satellite; Spectrum; Surface; Season; Spectacular; Synergy.

What word in science starts with H?

hydrogen – Hydrogen is the name for the nonmetal element with atomic number 1 and is represented by the symbol H.

Science words that start with U is a list of all the cool and interesting science words starting with the letter u. There are many science words beginning with u and they can be very silly and funny.

Science is filled with interesting words that start with the letter U. From Unabomber to Umbrella Vector, this science dictionary presents the most common scientific words starting with U.

Science word start with u

Science Glossary of Words Starts With Letter ‘U’

Ultraviolet Radiation: Electromagnetic radiations are of different types with different wavelengths. Among those, ultraviolet radiation is one part and exists within the range of wavelength 10nm to 400 nm. Based on wavelength range, ultraviolet radiation lies shorter to visible rays and longer to X-rays. In regards to frequency, it ranges between 30 PHz to 750 THz. Sun is the main source of ultraviolet radiation, constituting 10% of total electromagnetic radiation.

Coming to human health, the UV rays from the sun are not good for health and cause many kinds of cancer. Of Course, it is natural but overexposure to it may put you in several medical conditions.

Unimolecular Reaction: Any type of reaction which involves only one molecule as a reacting substance refers to a unimolecular reaction. The single reactant molecule rearranges itself to form at least one or more than one product. The best common example of unimolecular reactions is radioactive decay reactions, where an atom rearranges itself and emits particles. Racemization, cis-trans isomerization, and ring-opening process in a chemical reaction also come under unimolecular reactions.

Ultra-High Frequency: The radio frequencies ranging between 300 megahertz (MHz) and 3 gigahertz (GHz) denotes ultra-high frequency. These frequencies are highly useful for manufacturing cell phones, satellite communication, and television broadcasting. In short form, UHF denotes ultra-high frequency. Forex: We can find these high frequencies in personal radio services, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi mechanisms.

Ultra-Low Frequency: Ultra-low frequencies are frequencies that range between 300 and 3000 Hz of the electromagnetic spectrum. And in short and abbreviated form, denoted as ULF. Mainly, these low frequencies are useful for communicating with submarines. According to earlier researches on these low frequencies tell that they are harmful to human health on long exposure. 

UN ID: UN ID is the harm identifier number value useful for determining hazardous and flammable chemicals. This number comes in four-digit, ranging from UN0001 to about UN3500. And assigned by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. The other alternate names for UN ID are United Nations number and UN Identifier. Forex: UN2074 is the UN number of acrylamide. 

Unit: In a chemical laboratory, a unit is a standardized unit useful for denoting the measurements of liquid substances. Forex: Metre is the standard unit for measuring lengths and liter is the standard unit that represents volume. 

Universal Gas Constant: Universal gas constant, otherwise known as ideal gas constant, and molar gas constant is a standardized physical gas constant. The letter ‘R’ symbolizes the universal gas constant and is almost equivalent to Boltzmann’s Constant. The value of R is 8.3144621(75) J/K·mol and we can see gas constant in ideal gas law i.e. PV= nRT; Where R= Universal Gas Constant

Unit Cell: In crystallography, the smallest and repeating unit of cubic structure is the unit cell. It is the main building unit of a crystal lattice structure.

Universal Indicator: Universal indicator is a factor that determines the pH values of the solutions made of many compounds. It tells the color changes happening in the solution in the form of pH values ranging between 0-14 and determines whether the solution is an acid or base. Here are the common pH indicators that work as standard: Red= 0 ≥ pH ≥ 3; Yellow= 3 ≥ pH ≥ 6; Green 7; Blue= 8 ≥ pH ≥ 11; Purple= 11 ≥ pH ≥ 14.

Unpaired Electron: In chemistry, the electron which stays single and occupies the atomic orbital solely instead of pairing with other electrons is the unpaired electron. In general, any type of atomic orbital can host two electrons moving in opposite spins. 

Universal Solvent: The liquid or liquid solution, which can dissolve almost all the substances in it rather than any other liquids is the universal solvent. Water is the best common example of universal solvent since water dissolves more substances when compared to other liquid substances. Because it has a polar bonding arrangement of hydrogen and oxygen atoms which has a positive charge on one side and a negative charge on the other side. 

Unsaturated: In chemistry, the term unsaturated denotes too many definitions such as:

1) Any chemical compound which contains double or triple bonds between the carbon atoms refers to an unsaturated compound.

2) The type of solution which can absorb or dissolve any type of other added substances is nothing but unsaturated. 

3) The chemical compounds that tend to undergo additional reactions to produce one or more products denote unsaturated compounds. Forex: Alkenes and Alkynes

Unsaturated Solution: The chemical solution referred to as unsaturated solution when the concentration of solute is lower than the saturation value of solvent is the unsaturated solution. To put it simply, when you put solute into the solvent solution, all the amount of solute gets dissolved and is ready to dissolve more amount as well. 

Unsaturated Fat: The beneficial type of fats that stay in liquid form at room temperature, encompassed of more than two carbon double bonds in unsaturated fat. We can get natural unsaturated fats from plants such as myristoleic acid, palmitoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and linoleic acid. And the foods that contain unsaturated fats include avocado, olive oil, nuts, etc. 

Ununhexium: Ununhexiumis the substituent name for a chemical element that is synthetic holding the atomic number 116 i.e. Livermorium. Since it is man-made, it is available in lesser amounts and hence only useful in the research fields. The chemical symbol for Ununhexium is Uuh. 

Ununoctium: Ununoctium is the earlier name for super heavy chemical element i.e. Oganesson. It has the atomic number 118 and symbol ‘Uuo’ for the earlier name and ‘Og’ for the current one. It is not a natural chemical element and was artificially prepared for the first time in 2002 at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. 

Ununquadium: Ununquadiumis the term given to the chemical element in earlier days, which is currently popular with the name, Flerovium. The atomic number of Flerovium is 114 and by nature, this element is synthetic and highly radioactive. Uuq was the earlier symbol of Ununquadium and FI is the current symbol.

Ununpentium: Ununpentium was the earlier name and is currently popular with the chemical name ‘Moscovium’. It is a man-made chemical element with an atomic number 115 and was synthesized for the first time in the year 2003. This metal element is the resulting product of the chemical reaction between atoms of the element Americium-243 and the ions of calcium-48. By nature, it is a highly reactive radioactive element with the symbol ‘Uup’ for the earlier name and ‘Mc’ for the current name.

Ununseptium: The highly reactive synthetic chemical element with atomic number 117 and symbol Ts, Tennessine was popular with the name in earlier days as Ununseptium.Since it is an artificial element, it is available in every minute quantities but is well-known as the second heaviest element. It holds last to second place in the 7th period of the periodic table.

Uranium: Uranium is the term given to the chemical element of the periodic table which takes atomic number 92 and the symbol ‘U’. Uranium is a radioactive element but exposure to it may not cause hazardous health issues. Because human skin is resistant to alpha particles emitted by uranium elements. But of course, it is still dangerous to handle uranium because it may cause bone or liver cancer under certain conditions.  

Ununtrium: Ununtrium is the old name for the chemical element Nihonium. It is also a synthetic chemical element that takes up 113 atomic numbers and the symbol Nh. Nihonium-286 is the most stable isotope of this highly reactive radioactive element. Nihonium belongs to group 13 and period 7 in the periodic element.

Science Glossary of Words related to Biology and Astronomy

Unearth: Unearth is the term useful for something found in the ground by digging.

Universal: Universal is related to the people or things doing things together in the world. Anything related to the world and its objects is universal.

Unpredictable: The term unpredictable is useful for conditions that cannot be detected certainly. Forex: Unpredictable conditions

Unusual: In chemistry and biology, the word unusual refers to something that is not common or habitually done.

Ursine: Anything that is belonging to the bears is ursine.

Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally producing nutrient supplement in the human body. It works effectively as an anti-oxidant plus plays a major role in the functioning of the respiratory system. We also find coenzyme Q10 in many types of food and provide energy to all the body cells. Regulating blood sugar levels, recovers heart health, treating cancer, and controls migraine frequencies are the other functions of coenzyme Q10.

Ubiquitin: Ubiquitin is a small and regulatory protein that exists inside the muscles of all eukaryotic cells. It implements its functions by associating with a wide range of target proteins. It works effectively in the synthesis of new proteins and the destruction of any defective proteins. And it consists of 76 amino acids with a molecular mass of 8.6 kDa. 

Ubiquitin-Proteasome System: Ubiquitin-Proteasome System, shortly termed as UPS is a significant cellular quality control system that helps in the degradation of proteins in the tissues of eukaryotic cells. 

Under Dominance: Under dominance is opposite to overdominance which refers to the natural selection of phenotypic expression of the heterozygote. Either of the wild type and mutant homozygotes is also associated during under dominance. 

Unequal Crossing Over Unequal crossing over is a type of gene transfer either through duplication and deletion methods. It works by deleting some part of the actual DNA sequence and substituting it with duplicated genes. These duplicated genes may get separated either from the homologous chromosome of meiosis or the sister chromatid of mitosis. They are capable of interchanging DNA sequences of different chromosomes. 

Unequal Crossover: Unequal crossover is the cross-over between imperfectly arranged homologs. It is almost similar to unequal crossing over. 

Unicellular: Unicellular organism consists of only a single cell, unlike multicellular organisms. They are also popular as single-celled organisms. These single-celled organisms are classified into two main categories of organisms such as eukaryotic organisms and prokaryotic organisms. Forex: Protozoa, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Protista, Dinoflagellates, and Pneumococci. 

Unfavorable Reaction: In chemical thermodynamics, an unfavourable reaction is nothing but an endergonic reaction, where the emitted energy change exhibits positive. And these reactions need extra force to drive the reaction to further steps. Such a driving force helps in reducing the activation energy and thus drives the reaction to further steps. Also, in such reactions, the energy state of reactants is lesser than the energy state of products. 

 Uninemic Chromosome: Uninemic chromosome is a linear arrangement of gene sequences present in the form of the double helix of DNA. These chromosomes are seen in the nucleus of cells bounded with proteins. 

Uniparental Inheritance: The type of inheritance transmitted by organelle genes such as mitochondria and chloroplast of definite phenotypes from one parent to all progeny is uniparental inheritance. 

Unique DNA: Any type of DNA sequence that does not consist of any repetitive sequences refers to unique DNA. Mostly, structural genes and introns belonging to them come under unique DNA sequences. 

Unique Mutation: The type of mutation which exists and happens only once is a unique mutation. Forex: Mutation in vitamin D receptor gene

Unmixed Codon Family: A collection of four codons code for the same amino acid by sharing their primary two bases that come under the unmixed codon family. 

Unsaturated Hydrocarbon: Any chemical compound consisting of carbon atoms bonded through double or triple bonds is an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are ready to captivate additional hydrogen atoms. 

Unstable Mutation: In genetics, the type of mutation is reversible and is dynamic with high frequency. It works by regulating the introduction of the heritable controlling element, which is responsible for reversion. 

UTR: The full form of UTR is an untranslated region, which refers to the coding sequences on mRNA present on either side of it. There are two main types of UTR on mRNA i.e. 3’ UTR and 5’ UTR. 

Upstream: Upstream in genetics and molecular biology states the relative position of gene sequences on double-stranded DNA i.e. at 5’ end of DNA strand. 

Uracil: RNA is a composition of four types of chemical bases. Uracil is one of those chemical bases. This base substitutes by thymine while forming DNA.

Unusual Bases: Unusual bases are the bases formed after the transcription process of regular bases. 

URF: URF is an open reading frame whose functionality is not yet known. The full form of URF is the Unassigned Reading Frame. 

Uridine: Uridine is a significant nucleoside that consists of uridine as the base. It helps in treating life-threatening medical conditions caused due to overdose or intake of capecitabine or fluorouracil compounds. Such life-threatening side effects may connect to the heart, stomach, intestines, nervous system, and blood cells. 

Udometer: The medical instrument that is useful for measuring rainfall i.e. it measures the quantity of liquid precipitation in an area in a predefined period is the udometer. 

Urethroscope: Urethroscope is a laboratory device useful for examining the internal part of the urethra doe detecting any defects. And the process of examining the inside part of the bladder and urethra is urethroscopy. 

Ultra-microscope: An optical device that consists of a microscope to detect tiny particles by illuminating light at lower wavelengths at certain angles is nothing but an ultra-microscope. Mainly, this instrument is useful for observing the Tyndall effect on a dark background. 

Urinometer: Urinometer is a specific laboratory device designed for determining the specific gravity of urine and also helps in measuring the concentrating power of the kidney. 

Science words Starts with Letter u

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This worksheet includes a list of words that start with the letter U. Students can copy or type out the words and add them to a word search puzzle. The next step is for students to research the meanings of the words.

Worksheet for Science words starts with u


At the time we are living in the modern age. Day by day Many modern and scientific technologies are being discovered. In these circumstances, we use several types of science words in different situations. As well as in the current era, the scientific word is Intimately involved with us. Because We use the scientific word for various types of scientific research and experimental. We get many science words from scientific books, chemistry, biology, and different types of sources.

As a human being, we seem each person need to grow their science words vocabulary. Cause it’s very essential for every single people. That’s why we decide to share the list of science words. So that you can improve your brain with scientific words.

Anhydride Acceleration Atmosphere
Abundance Abstraction Aldopentose
Alpha Carbon Amplitude Actinium
Airborne Activist Astronomy
Application Astrophysics Alluvial
Atrophy Absorption Aquifer
Archeology Acidulant Alkylate
Hydrogen Alpha Alignment
Alcoholysis Aeration Antigen

Science Words Starting With B:

Bond Energy Brine Biosphere
Bainite Balance Boyle’s Law
Base Anhydride Botany Biochemistry
Biodegradable Buoyancy Burette
Β-hydrogen Biome Biology

Science Words Beginning With C:

Calcium Calorie Capacity
Carbon Cycle Capillary Cell
Climatologist Catalyst Chemical
Cloud Centimeter Chemistry
Comet Chlorophyll Chromosome
Conductivity Cleavage Climate
Centripetal Force Chemical Formula Cuvette
Creature Crystal Cytoplasm

Science Words That Begin With D:

Data Dermatology Development
Datum Deciduous Docimology
Decomposition Dependency Doldrums
Demography Discovery Dynamics

Science Words That Start With E:

Earthquake Energy Ethical
Egyptology Entomology Euthenics
Ecology Epidermis Evolution
Elements Equilibrium Exobiology
Embryology Ergology Experiment

Science Words That Start With F:

Feldspar Flask Foliage
Finance Flowstone Forecast
Fissure Fluviology Frequency
Friction Funnel Futurology

Science Words That Start With G:

Galaxy Geology Glossology
Gastric Geophysics Glyptology
Gastronomy Geotechnics Graphemics
Genesiology Germination Gravitation
Geo-science Glassware Groundwater

Science Words That Begin With H:

Hagiology Hemisphere Hyaline
Heavens Heredity Hydrogen
Heliology Herpetologist Hydrography
Hemoglobin Historiology Hyetology

Science Words That Start With I:

Iatrology Immunology Interdependence
Ichthyology Indigenous Investigation
Iconography Inquiry Iridology
Imagination Insectology Isotopeisobar

Science Words Starting With J:

Junction Unit Joule Jurassic
Jaundice Jupiter

Science Words That Start With K:

Kilometer Kinesiology Kinetics
Karyology Ktenology Kinesics

Science Words That Start With L:

Laboratory Latitude Limestone
Larithmics Lexicology Limnology
Laser Lepidoptery Lithosphere

Science Words Beginning With M:

Magnet Mathematics Mechanical
Magnetics Mesology Metamorphosis
Mammalogy Meteorologist Meteorology
Mangrove Methyology Microbiologist
Microscopy Mineralogy Motion
Migration Monograph Myology

Science Words That Begin With N:

Nervous System Nephology Nocturnal
Naology Neurology Noology
Negligence Neutrons Nymphology

Science Words Beginning With O:

Observatory Oikology Orchidology
Oceanography Obsidian Organism
Obstetrics Ontology Ornithology
Oolites Oryctology Otology

Science Words That Begin With P:

Palaeobiology Pathology Phenomena
Paleontologist Percolate Philosophy
Paleontology Permutation Physics
Palynology Pestology Phytology
Particle Petri Dish Pollination
Preservation Pristine Propagation

Science Words That Start With Q:

Qualitative Data Quantum Quinology

Science Words That Begin With R:

Radiology Resistance Retort
Radiation Rubble Raciology
Redwoods Reflexology Runology

Science Words That Start With S:

Satellite Seepage Stalagmites
Sciagraphy Seismology Spectrum
Science Semiology Storiology
Scientist Sensors Substance
Sedentary Spectroscopy Survival

Science Words That Start With T:

Temperature Test Tube Thermals
Thermometer Technology Tropical
Telescope Temperate Teratology

Science Words That Start With U:

Unpredictable Unearth Ursine
Uranology Urology

Science Words That Start With V:

Virologist Variable Ventifact
Volcanology Valuable Vespiary
Victimolog Vulpine Vitrics

Science Words That Start With W:

Watch Glass Weather Weigh
Whitewater Weather Westerlies

Science Words That Start With X:

Xeriscape Xylology

Science Words That Start With Y:

Yttrium Yield Y-axis

Science Words That Start With Z:

Zenography Zoophysics Zoology
Zoonomy Zymology Zygote


Already you have understood that scientific words need to learn for every person. If you use science words in perfect places, then it will help you to improve your personality, creativity, and productivity. Cause using these types of words you can communicate with a scientific person. 

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