A prefix word for pre

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «pre-«

This morpheme tends to mean «before«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: predict, prepare, preheat

See the full list below:

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  • present

  • president

  • press

  • previous

  • pressure

  • presence

  • pretty

  • previously

  • prevent

  • prefer

  • precisely

  • preparation

  • presumably

  • presentation

  • prepare

  • precise

  • premier

  • preference

  • presidential

  • pregnant

  • preliminary

  • precious

  • premium

  • preserve

  • prey

  • pregnancy

  • prevention

  • predict

  • prejudice

  • predominantly

  • pretend

  • precision

  • presidency

  • preservation

  • prestige

  • prevalence

  • presently

  • predictable

  • predecessor

  • precedent

  • premature

  • pre-tax

  • preferably

  • prediction

  • prestigious

  • preferable

  • prescription

  • predator

  • preoccupation

  • presume

  • prevalent

  • pre-war

  • presumption

  • presenter

  • prevail

  • preface

  • pretence

  • preventive

  • predominant

  • preparatory

  • prelude

  • present-day

  • preacher

  • predicament

  • prehistoric

  • precedence

  • presbyterian

  • prerogative

  • premise

  • precarious

  • prerequisite

  • preview

  • predictably

  • prentice

  • predatory

  • preferential

  • preach

  • precaution

  • preclude

  • prescribe

  • premiership

  • prematurely

  • premiere

  • pre-school

  • precursor

  • predictive

  • precipitation

  • precipitate

  • precede

  • pretext

  • predominance

  • predominate

  • preamble

  • precondition

  • pre

  • prescriptive

  • precinct

  • predicate

  • preventative

  • pre-trial

  • presidium

  • pre-emptive

  • preamp

  • preponderance

  • pretentious

  • pre-eminent

  • predation

  • pre-

  • preposterous

  • predictability

  • precariously

  • precautionary

  • prejudicial

  • prednisolone

  • preheat

  • prep

  • pre-industrial

  • presbytery

  • pre-empt

  • predisposition

  • pre-eminence

  • pretender

  • predictor

  • preparedness

  • preside

  • prefix

  • pretreatment

  • precocious

  • pres

  • presentable

  • presuppose

  • preset

  • precipitous

  • preservative

  • presupposition

  • predicative

  • premonition

  • preventable

  • presto

  • prenatal

  • prehistory

  • prettily

  • precept

  • prewar

  • predilection

  • president-elect

  • prefect

  • pretension

  • precipice

  • preferentially

  • presumptuous

  • pre-emption

  • preoperative

  • presynaptic

  • presentational

  • preschool

  • predispose

  • preposition

  • presumptive

  • pres.

  • prepatent

  • preferment

  • predestination

  • pre-production

  • prettiness

  • precis

  • premiss

  • preregistration

  • pretreated

  • prenominal

  • pre-eminently

  • prefecture

  • prest

  • preterm

  • predate

  • pressurise

  • prescient

  • prejudge

  • premarital

  • pre-defined

  • prevarication

  • preincubation

  • pretentiousness

  • presbyterianism

  • pre-date

  • precession

  • preincubated

  • precatory

  • pre-packaged

  • preen

  • prescience

  • preserver

  • presenile

  • preoccupy

  • pre-service

  • predominately

  • premenstrual

  • prebendary

  • pretax

  • prepayment

  • prefab

  • prednisone

  • prematurity

  • prepositional

  • premultiplication

  • presage

  • premalignant

  • prelate

  • preclinical

  • prebend

  • precentor

  • preconception

  • pre-release

  • prevaricate

  • preeminent

  • preparative

  • prem

  • pre-tour

  • preempt

  • prehensile

  • precariousness

  • premultiply

  • pressurize

  • preponderant

  • precipitately

  • precociously

  • predication

  • predicator

  • premaxilla

  • premeditation

  • pretrial

  • prepossessing

  • precognition

  • predestinarian

  • pre-conciliar

  • pressman

  • pre-eclampsia

  • prefatory

  • predynastic

  • preselected

  • prefectural

  • pre-test

  • pressure-cooker

  • premedication

  • preconscious

  • preeminence

  • preoperatively

  • preindustrial

  • prepacked

  • precast

  • prefigure

  • precipitously

  • precocity

  • preconceptual

  • press-gang

  • pre-agreed

  • pre-cooked

  • pre-existent

  • pressie

  • preemptive

  • premonitory

  • prebiotic

  • pretentiously

  • preceptory

  • prementum

  • prequel

  • pressurisation

  • predetermine

  • preternaturally

  • pre-launch

  • preimmune

  • prester

  • preparer

  • preponderantly

  • prescriber

  • prefabrication

  • preciously

  • presentiment

  • pre-tournament

  • preseason

  • prefilter

  • preglacial

  • preputial

  • prepuce

  • prespecified

  • presumptively

  • pretense

  • preternatural

  • pre-teen

  • pre-theoretical

  • prepackaged

  • prepattern

  • preamplifier

  • prefrontal

  • premenopausal

  • presbyter

  • presser

  • prezzie

  • preciousness

  • precipitant

  • preppy

  • pretectum

  • prettify

  • preposterously

  • premaxillary

  • pregenital

  • preplanned

  • pre-med

  • pre-prandial

  • preachy

  • prehistorian

  • prelingually

  • prescribable

  • preverbal

  • preformation

  • pretarsus

  • presymptomatic

  • predella

  • pre-decimal

  • pre-emptively

  • preselect

  • pre-interview

  • prevert

  • prepyloric

  • pre-owned

  • presciently

  • presidentially

  • preadolescent

  • prenominally

  • prebendal

  • pressgang

  • presumptuously

  • preterite

  • preeminently

  • preformationist

  • prego

  • premolar

  • prelapsarian

  • precociousness

  • prescientific

  • pressureless

  • predestinarianism

  • pre-cancerous

  • pretor

  • presale

  • prejudicially

  • pre-echo

  • pre-embryo

  • pre-process

  • pre-record

  • premandibular

  • presentee

  • prescutum

  • prevocational

  • pressor

  • premorbid

  • preposed

  • preattentive

  • prequalification

  • presentment

  • preservationist

  • prestissimo

  • prebooked

  • preceptor

  • preinitiation

  • preciseness

  • prenatally

  • preplan

  • precoated

  • prepublication

  • prepotent

  • prescriptivism

  • pressmark

  • predecease

  • predicatively

  • predischarge

  • pre-exist

  • pre-game

  • presidio

  • pre-nuptial

  • prefs

  • prejudgment

  • premenstrually

  • present-tense

  • premodern

  • preplanning

  • prepossession

  • preprandial

  • presentist

  • pressurization

  • presumptuousness

  • pressingly

  • pretibial

  • prepubertal

  • precampaign

  • precatively

  • precedency

  • precess

  • preferability

  • prehispanic

  • preimplantation

  • preciosity

  • prelim

  • premixed

  • precoded

  • prescriptiveness

  • prescriptively

  • prestidigitation

  • pretraining

  • pretzel

  • previewer

  • prez

  • precooked

  • predatorial

  • prediabetic

  • predicable

  • prescriptivity

  • pre-arrange

  • pre-exilic

  • premix

  • preliterate

  • pre-marriage

  • pre-op

  • pre-symptomatic

  • prelogical

  • prepositionally

  • prepubescent

  • prescan

  • presacral

  • preadaptation

  • preadapted

  • preambular

  • prefiguration

  • prearrangement

  • preludial

  • prepackage

  • prenuptial

  • prepreg

  • prescriptivist

  • preservice

  • preprint

  • precapitalist

  • precedented

  • precedential

  • preceptress

  • preemption

  • preedy

  • predissociation

  • prefactor

  • prefigurative

  • preintegration

  • prelacy

  • precipitancy

  • precipitantly

  • premeal

  • premaritally

  • precleared

  • preponderate

  • prepress

  • preppie

  • prerun

  • presbyterium

  • preselection

  • precommitment

  • precompiler

  • presinusoidal

  • preposterousness

  • pressmaster

  • prestenotic

  • prethrombotic

  • pretheoretical

  • preventively

  • prevue

  • precordial

  • precursory

  • precut

  • pred

  • predacious

  • predawn

  • predecided

  • predefine

  • predesigned

  • predetermination

  • predictively

  • prewarmed

  • premelting

  • prepupal

  • pretention

  • pre-charged

  • pre-combat

  • prep.

  • preproduction

  • pressly

  • prehepatic

  • pre-exponential

  • preprandially

  • pre-hung

  • prestation

  • predose

  • pre-order

  • pre-stressed

  • prepartum

  • premalignancy

  • preprogram

  • presention

  • preprepared

  • presswork

  • presynaptically

  • preachiness

  • prestigiously

  • prettification

  • pretransplant

  • prethee

  • prepunctual

  • preadmission

  • preadsorbed

  • preadsorption

  • preem

  • preannounce

  • preflight

  • prefinished

  • preferr

  • prehensility

  • preheater

  • preggy

  • preinfusion

  • preignition

  • preinterview

  • preincubating

  • preg

  • prelinguistic

  • premedical

  • premarriage

  • premillennialism

  • preocular

  • preneoplastic

  • preassigned

  • preparator

  • prepay

  • predomination

  • preretirement

  • prerenal

  • presaturation

  • prebagged

  • presentence

  • prespinal

  • presorted

  • prestained

  • prestructured

  • presyncope

  • pretest

  • pretournament

  • prebook

  • prebreakfast

  • prebuilt

  • prec.

  • precancerous

  • preelection

  • prefabricate

  • prechilled

  • prefiltration

  • pregnance

  • preformationism

  • prehension

  • prehospital

  • precip

  • preknowledge

  • prehistorical

  • preform

  • precipitato

  • precipitator

  • premigration

  • precisian

  • premotor

  • premoral

  • premodification

  • precisionist

  • premedicated

  • preoral

  • preoccipital

  • preordination

  • prepackaging

  • preordain

  • precloacal

  • predisposal

  • prerational

  • prerevolutionary

  • precognitive

  • presbyopia

  • presbyterial

  • presbyacusis

  • preromantic

  • precolonial

  • presentability

  • presentative

  • preservable

  • preservational

  • precompetitive

  • presider

  • precompile

  • presidentiable

  • presolar

  • pressbox

  • presternum

  • pressable

  • presubmission

  • preconcerted

  • prestudy

  • presuppositional

  • press-up

  • prev

  • preventability

  • preconsonantal

  • preventional

  • preventible

  • preconstructed

  • prevocalic

  • prevision

  • prediscovery

  • precoordination

  • precordium

  • preweighed

  • prewash

  • predacity

  • predatorily

  • predefinition

  • prewarn

  • predentary

  • predeterminable

  • predicability

  • predictiveness

  • pre-acquired

  • pre-Adamite

  • pre-alpha version

  • pre-amp

  • pre-anal

  • pre-announce

  • pre-Cana

  • pre-charge

  • pre-Christian

  • pre-Code

  • pre-Columbian

  • pre-dreadnought

  • pre-drink

  • pre-drinking

  • pre-ejaculate

  • pre-ejaculatory

  • pre-notice

  • pre-occluded

  • pre-occlusion

  • pre-oral

  • pre-packaged bankruptcy

  • pre-Palestinian

  • pre-placode

  • pre-planetary

  • pre-pone

  • pre-preg

  • pre-primary

  • pre-radicalization

  • Pre-Raphaelite

  • pre-render

  • pre-rhotic

  • pre-Roman

  • pre-salt layer

  • pre-shared

  • pre-shared key

  • pre-Socratic

  • Preadamism

  • Preadamite

  • preadamitic

  • preadapt

  • preadaptive

  • preadded

  • preaddressed

  • preadipocyte

  • preadipose

  • preadjust

  • preadjustment

  • preadjuvant

  • preadministration

  • preadmissions

  • preadmit

  • preadmittance

  • preadmonish

  • preadmonition

  • preadolescence

  • preadoption

  • preadult

  • preadvertise

  • preadvertisement

  • preadvised

  • Přemyslid

  • preage

  • preaggregation

  • preagricultural

  • prealar

  • prealbumin

  • prealgebra

  • prealigned

  • prealignment

  • preallable

  • preallocate

  • preallocation

  • preallotted

  • prealphabetic

  • Prealps

  • preambivalent

  • preambivalently

  • preambulary

  • preambulate

  • preambulation

  • preambulatory

  • preambulous

  • preamendment

  • preamplification

  • preamplified

  • preamplify

  • preanaesthetic

  • preanæsthetic

  • preanal

  • preanalytic

  • preboned

  • prebooking

  • preboom

  • preboost

  • preboot

  • preborn

  • prebound

  • prebreach

  • prebreaded

  • prebreak

  • prebreeder

  • prebriefed

  • prebronchial

  • prebronchodilator

  • prebrowned

  • prebubble

  • prebuccal

  • prebudget

  • prebuffer

  • prebuild

  • prebulimic

  • preburnished

  • preburst

  • prebusiness

  • prebuttal

  • prebuttered

  • prebuy

  • prebuyout

  • precache

  • precaffeinated

  • precalc

  • precalced

  • precalculate

  • precalculation

  • precalculus

  • precalibrated

  • precambered

  • Precambrian

  • precancel

  • precancelation

  • precancellation

  • precancer

  • precancerosis

  • precandidacy

  • precandidate

  • precanonical

  • precant

  • precap

  • precapillary

  • precapitalistic

  • precapsulotomy

  • precardiac

  • precare

  • precariat

  • precarity

  • precarization

  • precarized

  • precatalyst

  • precatalytic

  • precatatonic

  • precategory

  • precation

  • precative

  • precaucus

  • precaudal

  • precautional

  • precautionarily

  • precautious

  • precautiously

  • precautiousness

  • precava

  • precaval

  • precedaneous

  • precedaneously

  • precedentially

  • precedentless

  • precedently

  • precedingly

  • precel

  • precell

  • precellence

  • precellency

  • precellent

  • precellular

  • precensor

  • precensorship

  • precentorial

  • precentorship

  • precentour

  • precentral

  • precentrix

  • precepit

  • preceptial

  • preception

  • preceptive

  • preceptorial

  • preceptorship

  • preceptour

  • preceramic

  • precerebellar

  • precerebellary

  • precerebellin

  • preconventional

  • preconviction

  • precook

  • precool

  • precooler

  • precoordinated

  • precoracoid

  • precorneal

  • precoronal

  • precoronoid

  • precorrect

  • precorrection

  • precorrelation

  • precorroded

  • precosmic

  • precotylar

  • precotyloid

  • precounsel

  • precoup

  • precourse

  • precourtship

  • precover

  • precovery

  • precracked

  • precrafted

  • precranial

  • precrash

  • precrease

  • precreative

  • precredit

  • precremation

  • precrime

  • precrisis

  • precritical

  • precrural

  • precrystallization

  • precubist

  • precultivated

  • precultural

  • preculture

  • precum

  • precuneus

  • precure

  • precurrer

  • precurse

  • precursive

  • precursor tip

  • precursorship

  • precurtain

  • precurved

  • precycle

  • precystectomy

  • predacean

  • predaceous

  • predaceousness

  • predaciousness

  • predal

  • predance

  • predative

  • predatively

  • predator bug

  • predator-bug

  • predatorially

  • predatoriness

  • predatory conference

  • predatory journal

  • predatory pricing

  • prede

  • predeal

  • predealt

  • predeath

  • predebate

  • predebriefing

  • predecay

  • predeceaser

  • predecessive

  • predecessoress

  • predecessorial

  • predecessour

  • predecimal

  • predecimalisation

  • predecimalization

  • predeclaration

  • predeclare

  • predecoherence

  • prededication

  • predefection

  • predefined function

  • predegraded

  • predeliberate

  • predeliberation

  • predelineation

  • predelinquency

  • predelinquent

  • predelivery

  • predelusional

  • predementia

  • predemocratic

  • predendritic

  • predental

  • predentate

  • predentin

  • predeparture

  • predeployed

  • predeployment

  • predeposit

  • predeposited

  • predeposition

  • predepositionally

  • prederivatised

  • predescribed

  • predesign

  • predesignate

  • predessert

  • predestinary

  • predestinate

  • predestinative

  • predestinator

  • predestine

  • predestiny

  • predeterminant

  • predeterminate

  • predeterminedness

  • predeterminer

  • predeterminism

  • predevaluation

  • predevelop

  • predevelopment

  • predevote

  • prediabetes

  • prediagnosed

  • prediagnosis

  • prediagnostic

  • predial

  • predialysis

  • prediapausal

  • prediapause

  • prediastolic

  • predicably

  • predicamental

  • predicand

  • predicant

  • predicatable

  • predicate calculus

  • predicate logic

  • predicate noun

  • predicatid

  • predicational

  • predicative adjective

  • predicative adverbial

  • predicative case

  • predicativism

  • predicativist

  • predicativity

  • predicatory

  • predicrotic

  • predictableness

  • predictand

  • predicter

  • prediction market

  • predictional

  • predictionary

  • predictive coding

  • predictive market

  • predictive parser

  • predictive text

  • predictivity

  • predictor variable

  • predictory

  • predifferentiated

  • predigest

  • predigestion

  • predigital

  • predikant

  • predilate

  • predilect

  • predilute

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (16)

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I love to teach new English vocabulary with clear examples. For example, The prefix pre- is part of the word prefix. A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. The pre in prefix means the beginning, or before. You will learn lots of other common English words that use the prefix pre in this blog post.


I have grouped the words into nouns verbs and adjectives. You will also find a fun video for helpful review and a free PDF Word List download so you can study this vocabulary any place at any time. Keep reading.

Table of Contents

  • The Prefix PRE- Meaning 
    • Prefix Origin
  • Prefixes and Hyphens (-)
  • Words with the Prefix PRE- 
  • Examples – Nouns with the Prefix PRE-
  • Examples – Verbs with the Prefix PRE-
  • Examples – Adjectives with the Prefix PRE-
  • Printable Prefix PRE- PDF Word List

The Prefix PRE- Meaning 

The Prefix PRE- is used in verbs, nouns, and adjectives to mean before. 

  • Preheat means heat before.
  • Prepay means to pay in advance.
  • Preseason means before the regular season begins.

pre prefix – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

The Prefix PRE- is used in the word PREFIX, which means: a letter or group of letters added before a word.

prefix noun OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

Prefix Origin

This prefix came to English from the Latin word prae-. SOURCE

Prefixes and Hyphens (-)

How can I tell if my prefix word needs a hyphen or not? That’s a great question, even for native English speakers. Hyphens are things we only need to worry about in written English, in English conversation we can’t see hyphens.

Sometimes we need to send an email so we want to use the correct spelling in our message. Here is a basic guide to using hyphens according to Grammar Monster:

Most prefixed words can be written with or without a hyphen after the prefix.


So there is some freedom in our choice to use a hyphen or not. Our goal is to communicate our ideas clearly to our conversation partners, here are a few guidelines to help you achieve that goal in your English writing. 

  1. The prefixes- ex- and self- will always use a hyphen.
    1. Ex-wifeSelf-evaluation
  • https://worldenglishblog.com/how-to-teach-the-prefix-ex/
  • https://worldenglishblog.com/the-prefix-self/
  1. Break up matching vowels. This makes your message clear. This applies to prefixes that end in a vowel like CO- and DE-
    1. De-escalateCo-opt
  • https://worldenglishblog.com/the-prefix-de/ 
  • https://worldenglishblog.com/the-prefix-co/

This applies to the suffix PRE- words pre-empt and pre-exist.

  1. If the vowels don’t match we can usually leave out the hyphen
    1. Deactivate (No hyphen is ok.)
  2. Be careful if your prefix word looks exactly the same or similar to another word. Adding a hyphen makes your meaning clear.
    1. For example, re-cover means to cover again – The verb recover means to get well again after being ill, hurt, etc. (Using a hyphen is necessary to make the meaning of your word clear.) 
  3. Still not sure? Trust your spell checker! I use Grammarly. You can download the FREE version here: Grammarly

My choice to write the word with or without a hyphen (-) is completely random. Both spellings are usually fine. *Except for the matching vowel words mentioned above: pre-empt and pre-exist.

Words with the Prefix PRE- 

I tried to only include words that add the prefix to an existing English word or have the feeling of before in their definition. I didn’t include words like precise that don’t have before or earlier in their meaning.
If you can think of any common words that use the suffix pre to mean before or earlier let me know in the comments.

Examples – Nouns with the Prefix PRE-

Precaution – something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger

  • As a precaution, I always carry an umbrella when traveling in case of rain.

Preconception – an idea or opinion that is formed before you have enough information or experience

  • Wendy had a preconception that all politicians are dishonest. It changed after she met the town’s new mayor. She really likes him.

The Prefix PRE- Wendy had a preconception that all politicians are dishonest.

Precondition – something that must happen or exist before something else can exist or be done

  • The bank requires proof of a stable source of income as a precondition for getting a loan.

Predestination – the theory or the belief that everything that happens has been decided or planned in advance by God or by fate and that humans cannot change it

  • Some believe in predestination, the idea that events are predetermined by a higher power.

Predisposition –  a condition that makes somebody/something likely to behave in a particular way or to have a particular illness

  • She has a predisposition to migraines. Severe headaches run in her family.

Prefabrication – the practice of making sections of something, especially a building, that can be put together later

  • The house was built using prefabrication techniques.

Preface – an introduction to a book, especially one that explains the author’s aims

  • The author wrote a preface to the novel to provide context for the reader.

Prejudice – an unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex, etc.

  • The prejudice against people with disabilities is often based on a lack of understanding and education about their abilities.

Premed – a course or set of classes that students take in preparation for medical school

  • He is premed and planning to become a doctor.

The Prefix PRE- He is premed and planning to become a doctor.

Pre-order – an order for a product that is not yet available

  • Concert tickets are now available for pre-order.

Preponderance – ​if there is a preponderance of one type of people or things in a group, there are more of them than others

  • The preponderance of evidence suggests that he is guilty.

Preposition – a word or group of words, such as in, from, to, out of and on behalf of, used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time or method

  • The preposition “IN” can be used to indicate a relationship in time or location. 

Learn more about prepositions here >> 50 of the Most Common English Prepositions (Examples + PDF)

Preproduction – the work that is done before the process of producing something, especially a film, begins

  • The film is currently in preproduction and is set to begin filming next month.

Preregistration – the act of registering for something before the usual time or before something starts

  • Preregistration is required to attend the conference.

Preschool – a school for children between the ages of about two and five

  • My daughter is going to preschool for the first time next week.

The Prefix PRE- My daughter is going to preschool for the first time next week.

Preschooler – students enrolled in preschool

  • Kindergarten teachers work very hard. I can’t imagine spending a day in a room full of preschoolers

Preserve– a type of jam made by boiling fruit with a large amount of sugar

  • Kevin’s mom used to make the best strawberry preserves. I always ate some with my breakfast when I slept at his house. 

Presumption –  the act of supposing that something is true, although it has not yet been proved or is not certain

  • It was a presumption on her part to assume that everyone would be available for the meeting on that day.

Presupposition – something that you believe to be true and use as the beginning of an argument even though it has not been proved; the act of believing it is true

  • The presupposition of this argument is that the problem is a real and pressing issue. There is no evidence that this is true.

Pretext – a false reason that you give for doing something, usually something bad, in order to hide the real reason; an excuse

  • Gordon used a pretext to leave early from work. He is sneaky.

Prevention – the act of stopping something bad from happening

  • Regular exercise and a healthy diet are key to the prevention of chronic diseases.

Preview – an occasion at which you can see a film, a show, etc. before it is shown to the general public

  • I  went to a movie preview one time in Los Angeles. It was so much fun, there were lots of stars and Paparazzi at the event. 

The Prefix PRE- I  went to a movie preview one time in Los Angeles. It was so much fun

Examples – Verbs with the Prefix PRE-

Preapprove – to approve (something or someone) in advance

  • The bank preapproved the loan, which made it easier to buy the house.

Pre-book – to arrange to have something such as a room, table, seat, or ticket in advance

  • You should pre-book your hotel during the busy travel months. Good hotel rooms can sell out fast.

Precede – to happen before something or come before something/somebody in order

  • The parade will precede the game tomorrow.

Precipitate –  to make something, especially something bad, happen suddenly or sooner than it should

  • The sudden announcement of the company’s bankruptcy precipitated a panic among its employees.

Predate –  to be built or formed, or to happen, at an earlier date than something else in the past

  • This is a very valuable old coin. It predates the founding of the Roman Empire.

The Prefix PRE- This valuable old coin predates the founding of Rome.

Predict – ​to say that something will happen in the future

  • Meteorologists use mathematical models to predict the weather.

Pre-empt –  to prevent something from happening by taking action to stop it

  • The company preempted the competition by launching its new product first.

Pre-exist – to exist from an earlier time

  • The ancient ruins pre-exist the arrival of the Spanish explorers arriving in the New World.

Preface – to say something before you start making a speech, answering a question, etc.

  • Let me preface this by saying that I’m not an expert on the subject.

Prefer – to like one thing or person better than another; to choose one thing rather than something else because you like it better

  • I like iced tea but I prefer iced coffee. 

Preheat – to heat an oven to a particular temperature before you put food in it to cook

  • Before baking the cake, make sure to preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

The Prefix PRE- Before baking the cake, make sure to preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Prejudice – to influence somebody so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion about somebody/something

  • The lawyer was attempting to prejudice the jury against the defendant. 

Preload – to load something in advance

  • The company preloads all new computers with basic office software.

Pre-order – to place an order for a product before it is available

  • You can pre-order the book on Amazon to receive it as soon as it is released.

Prepay – paid for in advance

  • Oscar prefers to prepay for his airplane tickets to save money.

The Past Participle prepaid is often used as an adjective.

  • The prepaid cell phone plan doesn’t require a contract.

Prepare – to make something or somebody ready to be used or to do something

  • It is important to prepare for natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes.

Pre-record – to record music, a television program, etc. in advance, so that it can be broadcast or used later

  • The TV show was prerecorded weeks before broadcast.

The Prefix PRE- The TV show was prerecorded weeks before broadcast.

The Past Participle pre-recorded is used as an adjective.

  • The news show used pre-recorded footage.

Pre-sell – to help sell a product, service, etc., especially one that is not yet available, by using advertising and other techniques to attract consumers’ attention

  • The company is preselling its new product before it becomes available in stores next month.

Preserve – 1) to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept

  • After the scandal, the president tried desperately to preserve his reputation. Most people felt that it was too late. 

2) to keep something in its original state in good condition

  • My great-uncle lives in a perfectly preserved 18th-century house.

Presoak – to soak beforehand

  • To soften the beans, we must presoak them for at least 4 hours. Overnight is better.

Presume – to suppose that something is true, although you do not have actual proof

  • Without further evidence, we cannot presume that the accused is guilty.

Presuppose – to accept something as true or existing and act on that basis, before it has been proved to be true

  • The article presupposes a basic understanding of quantum physics. It’s over my head.

Prevent – to stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from happening

  • The security measures put in place are meant to prevent theft.

Preview – to see a film, a television program, etc. before it is shown to the general public and write an account of it for a newspaper or magazine

  • My friend is a film critic, he gets to preview many big movies before they even come to the theater. He is lucky. 

Pre-wash – to give clothing an extra wash before the main wash, especially in a machine

  • Melanie pre-washed her jeans before putting them in the washing machine. She hopes to get rid of the wine stain

Examples – Adjectives with the Prefix PRE-

Precooked – (of food) prepared and partly cooked in advance so that it can be quickly heated and eaten later

  • For a quick and easy meal, I usually buy precooked chicken from the grocery store.

The Prefix PRE- I usually buy precooked chicken from the grocery store.

Predawn – in or relating to the part of the day just before the first light appears

  • The predawn sky was lit up with beautiful shades of pink and orange.

Predetermined – decided in advance so that it does not happen by chance

  • The predetermined schedule for the events meant that there was no room for unexpected delays or changes.

Predominant – most obvious or easy to notice

  • The predominant color in the painting was blue, with hints of yellow in the background.

Prefabricated – (especially of a building) made in sections that can be put together later

  •  The house was made of prefabricated materials and took only a few days to build.

Prehistoric – connected with the time in history before information was written down

  • The dinosaurs lived during the prehistoric era.

The Prefix PRE- The dinosaurs lived during the prehistoric era.

Pre-Industrial – refers to a time before there were machines and tools to help perform tasks

  • The Industrial Revolution occurred from 1750 to 1850. Pre-industrial societies use lots of physical work and animal labor to take care of their needs. 

Premeditated – (of a crime or bad action) planned in advance

  • She premeditated the murder for several weeks before committing the crime.

Prenatal – relating to the medical care given to pregnant women

  • Prenatal vitamins are important for a healthy pregnancy.

Preoccupied –  (with something) thinking and/or worrying continuously about something so that you do not pay attention to other things

  • He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn’t hear his phone ringing.

Preowned – not new; owned by somebody else before

  • The used car was labeled as “preowned” on the dealership’s lot.

The Prefix PRE- My first car was a pre-owned Honda Civic.

Preseason – ​taking place before the regular sports season begins

  • Preseason training usually starts about 10 weeks before the regular season opens.

Prescientific – of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a period before the rise of modern science or a state prior to the application of the scientific method

  • The prescientific explanation for the movement of the stars was that they were pulled by gods riding chariots.

Preshow – of, relating to, or taking place during the time preceding a show

  • Tonight is my first big performance. I’ve got the preshow jitters. 

[Preshow jitters is a common expression. Jitters is a noun that means – feelings of being anxious and nervous, especially before an important event or before having to do something difficult] SOURCE

Preteen – ​connected with young people of about 11 or 12 years of age

  • The preteen years can be a challenging time as children go from childhood to adolescence.

Prewar – happening or existing before a war, especially before the Second World War

  • Life in pre-war Britain was very different.

Printable Prefix PRE- PDF Word List

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Check out these other great prefix and suffix blog posts. 

Quick Summary

Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The prefix pre-, which means “before,” appears in numerous English vocabulary words, for example: predict, prevent, and prefix! An easy way to remember that the prefix pre- means “before” is through the word prevent, for when you come “before” something else to stop it from happening, you prevent it.

«Pre-«: The Prefix of Prefixes

Today we will focus on the prefix pre-, which means “before.” Prefixes are morphemes which begin words, attaching to a word’s main part, or root, adding to the meaning of the word in some way. The word prefix itself has the prefix pre- in it. A prefix is an affix which is fastened or fixed “before” the primary root or stem of a word.

When you try to prevent something, you come “before” it to put a halt to it, thereby keeping it from happening. Someone who is being precise cuts off all inaccuracies “beforehand” to keep only the exact facts. If you’re filled with prejudice towards a particular person, you have judged her “before” knowing her full story.

When you preview a movie, you see it “beforehand” to see if it’s appropriate for younger viewers. By seeing the movie ahead of time, you don’t have to predict or say “beforehand” whether the movie is good or not, since not all predictions are accurate. In this way you prepare in advance, getting ready “before” it’s too late. This is a fine way of taking a precaution, or a being careful “beforehand.”

Sometimes it’s hard for voters to know for whom they will prefer to vote, or which candidate they will carry “before” others when it comes to casting their ballot. It can be a hard choice to know for whom to vote for president, or that person who sits “before” us all governing the country.

Hopefully this preview of the prefix pre- will lead towards precision “before” seeing any words with pre- in them!

  1. prefix: morpheme fastened ‘before’ a root of a word
  2. prevent: come ‘before’
  3. precise: cut ‘before’
  4. prejudice: judge ‘before’
  5. preview: see ‘before’
  6. predict: say ‘before’
  7. prepare: get ready ‘before’
  8. precaution: a being cautious ‘beforehand’
  9. prefer: carry ‘before’ others
  10. president: leader who sits ‘before’ all others

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  • Etymology: Word Origins

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  • precipitate

    To precipitate something is to bring it about before its time or very quickly.

  • predilection

    If you have a predilection for something, you have a preference for it.

  • precursor

    A first event is a precursor to a second event if the first event is responsible for the development or existence of the second.

  • precept

    A precept is a rule or principle that teaches correct behavior.

  • presage

    To presage a future event is to give a sign or warning that something (usually) bad is about to happen.

  • prefatory

    Prefatory comments refer to an introduction to a book or speech.

  • precocious

    A precocious child shows advanced intelligence or skill at an unusually young age.

  • unprepossessing

    Something or someone that is unprepossessing is not impressive or is unattractive.

  • preponderance

    A preponderance of things of a particular type in a group means that there are more of that type than of any other.

  • presumptuous

    When you are presumptuous, you act improperly, rudely, or without respect, especially while attempting to do something that is not socially acceptable or that you are not qualified to do.

  • prevaricate

    If you prevaricate, you avoid giving a direct or honest answer, usually because you want to hide the truth or want to delay or avoid making a hard decision.

  • prescient

    Someone who is prescient knows or is able to predict what will happen in the future.

  • omnipresent

    Something that is omnipresent appears to be everywhere at the same time or is ever-present.

  • preamble

    A preamble is an introduction to a formal document that explains the document’s purpose.

  • precipitous

    A precipitous cliff or drop is very steep or falls sharply.

  • preclude

    When you preclude something from happening, you prevent it from doing so.

  • preconception

    A preconception is a conceived notion that you already have, usually in the form of a bias or prejudice of some kind.

  • predecessor

    A predecessor comes before someone else in a job or is an ancestor of someone.

  • predicament

    If you are in a predicament, you are in a difficult situation or unpleasant mess that is hard to get out of.

  • predispose

    If someone is predisposed to something, they are made favorable or inclined to it in advance, or they are made susceptible to something, such as a disease.

  • predominant

    Something predominant is the most important or the most common thing in a group.

  • prerogative

    Your prerogative is your right or privilege to do something.

  • unprecedented

    Something unprecedented has never occurred; therefore, it is unusual, original, or new.

  • pretentious

    If you are pretentious, you think you are really great in some way and let everyone know about it, despite the fact that it’s not the case at all.

  • preliminary

    A preliminary action is one that comes before and leads up to a main occurrence.

  • prejudice

    A prejudice against another person—of whom there is no previous knowledge—is an unfair judgment, opinion, or dislike of them.

  • premise

    A premise to an argument is a foundation or idea upon which the argument is based.

  • prevail

    To prevail against someone is to defeat them or be stronger than they are.

  • prelude

    A prelude is an introduction to a musical piece or something that comes before an event.

  • prefigure

    When something prefigures a future occurrence, it foreshadows, hints at, or suggests that it may very well happen.

  • predict

    When you predict something, you say what is going to happen in the future.

  • prevent

    When you prevent something, you keep it from happening.

  • prepare

    When you prepare for something, such as a test, you get ready for it.

  • prefer

    When you prefer one thing over another, you like it or want it more than the other thing.

  • previous

    Something that happened at a previous time happened earlier or before the present time.

  • preserve

    When you preserve something, such as a forest or food, you take care of it to keep it from being used or harmed.

  • precede

    be earlier in time

  • prediction

    the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)

  • predisposed

    made susceptible

  • preface

    furnish with a preface or introduction

  • prefix

    attach a prefix to

  • pregnancy

    the state of being pregnant

  • premeditate

    consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand

  • preposition

    a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word

  • preposterous


  • present

    give an exhibition of to an interested audience

  • prevention

    the act of preventing

Related Roots

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Prefixes of pre

Suffixes of pre

  • press

    • noun the state of demanding notice or attention
      pressure; insistency; imperativeness; insistence.
      • the insistence of their hunger
      • the press of business matters
    • noun the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
      public press.

    • More ‘press’ Meaning
    • press Idioms/Phrases
    • press Associated Words
    • press Prefix/Suffix Words
    • press Related Words
  • present

    • noun the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech
      • that is enough for the present
      • he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow
    • noun something presented as a gift
      • his tie was a present from his wife

    • More ‘present’ Meaning
    • present Idioms/Phrases
    • present Associated Words
    • present Prefix/Suffix Words
    • present Related Words
  • president

    • noun an executive officer of a firm or corporation
    • noun the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government
      United States President; President of the United States; Chief Executive.
      • the President likes to jog every morning

    • More ‘president’ Meaning
    • president Idioms/Phrases
    • president Associated Words
    • president Prefix/Suffix Words
    • president Related Words
  • pressure

    • noun the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit)
      pressure level; force per unit area.
      • the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
    • noun a force that compels
      • the public brought pressure to bear on the government

    • More ‘pressure’ Meaning
    • pressure Idioms/Phrases
    • pressure Associated Words
    • pressure Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressure Related Words
  • presence

    • noun the state of being present; current existence
      • he tested for the presence of radon
    • noun the immediate proximity of someone or something
      • she blushed in his presence
      • he sensed the presence of danger
      • he was well behaved in front of company

    • More ‘presence’ Meaning
    • presence Idioms/Phrases
    • presence Associated Words
    • presence Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presence Related Words
  • present

    • noun the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech
      • that is enough for the present
      • he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow
    • noun something presented as a gift
      • his tie was a present from his wife

    • More ‘present’ Meaning
    • presented Associated Words
    • presented Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presented Related Words
  • previous

    • adjective satellite just preceding something else in time or order
      • the previous owner
      • my old house was larger
    • adjective satellite (used especially of persons) of the immediate past
      late; former.
      • the former president
      • our late President is still very active
      • the previous occupant of the White House

    • More ‘previous’ Meaning
    • previous Idioms/Phrases
    • previous Associated Words
    • previous Prefix/Suffix Words
    • previous Related Words
  • prepared

    • adjective made ready or fit or suitable beforehand
      • a prepared statement
      • be prepared for emergencies
    • verb make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
      set; prepare; fix; set up; gear up; ready.
      • Get the children ready for school!
      • prepare for war
      • I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill

    • More ‘prepared’ Meaning
    • prepared Associated Words
    • prepared Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepared Related Words
  • prevent

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; preclude; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
      • We must prevent the cancer from spreading
      • His snoring kept me from falling asleep
      • Keep the child from eating the marbles

    • More ‘prevent’ Meaning
    • prevent Associated Words
    • prevent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevent Related Words
  • pretty

    • adjective satellite pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing
      • pretty girl
      • pretty song
      • pretty room
    • adjective satellite (used ironically) unexpectedly bad
      • a pretty mess
      • a pretty kettle of fish

    • More ‘pretty’ Meaning
    • pretty Idioms/Phrases
    • pretty Associated Words
    • pretty Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretty Related Words
  • previously

    • adverb at an earlier time or formerly
      • she had previously lived in Chicago
      • he was previously president of a bank
      • better than anything previously proposed
      • a previously unquestioned attitude
      • antecedently arranged

    • More ‘previously’ Meaning
    • previously Associated Words
    • previously Related Words
  • preparation

    • noun the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose
      • preparations for the ceremony had begun
    • noun a substance prepared according to a formula
      • the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine

    • More ‘preparation’ Meaning
    • preparation Idioms/Phrases
    • preparation Associated Words
    • preparation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preparation Related Words
  • presentation

    • noun the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward)
      • she gave the trophy but he made the presentation
    • noun a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view
      demonstration; presentment.
      • the presentation of new data
      • he gave the customer a demonstration

    • More ‘presentation’ Meaning
    • presentation Idioms/Phrases
    • presentation Associated Words
    • presentation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presentation Related Words
  • precisely

    • adverb indicating exactness or preciseness
      exactly; just.
      • he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do
      • it was just as he said—the jewel was gone
      • it has just enough salt
    • adverb in a precise manner
      incisively; exactly.
      • she always expressed herself precisely

    • More ‘precisely’ Meaning
    • precisely Associated Words
    • precisely Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precisely Related Words
  • present

    • noun the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech
      • that is enough for the present
      • he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow
    • noun something presented as a gift
      • his tie was a present from his wife

    • More ‘present’ Meaning
    • presents Associated Words
    • presents Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presents Related Words
  • prepare

    • verb make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
      set; fix; set up; gear up; ready.
      • Get the children ready for school!
      • prepare for war
      • I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill
    • verb prepare for eating by applying heat
      cook; ready; fix; make.
      • Cook me dinner, please
      • can you make me an omelette?
      • fix breakfast for the guests, please

    • More ‘prepare’ Meaning
    • prepare Idioms/Phrases
    • prepare Associated Words
    • prepare Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepare Related Words
  • preferred

    • adjective satellite more desirable than another
      • coffee is preferable to tea
      • Danny’s preferred name is `Dan’
    • verb like better; value more highly
      • Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels
      • We prefer sleeping outside

    • More ‘preferred’ Meaning
    • preferred Associated Words
    • preferred Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preferred Related Words
  • prevention

    • noun the act of preventing
      • there was no bar against leaving
      • money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza

    • More ‘prevention’ Meaning
    • prevention Idioms/Phrases
    • prevention Associated Words
    • prevention Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevention Related Words
  • pregnancy

    • noun the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
      maternity; gestation.

    • More ‘pregnancy’ Meaning
    • pregnancy Idioms/Phrases
    • pregnancy Associated Words
    • pregnancy Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pregnancy Related Words
  • prefer

    • verb like better; value more highly
      • Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels
      • We prefer sleeping outside
    • verb select as an alternative over another
      opt; choose.
      • I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant
      • She opted for the job on the East coast

    • More ‘prefer’ Meaning
    • prefer Idioms/Phrases
    • prefer Associated Words
    • prefer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefer Related Words
  • precise

    • adjective sharply exact or accurate or delimited
      • a precise mind
      • specified a precise amount
      • arrived at the precise moment
    • adjective satellite (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth; strictly correct
      accurate; exact.
      • a precise image
      • a precise measurement

    • More ‘precise’ Meaning
    • precise Idioms/Phrases
    • precise Associated Words
    • precise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precise Related Words
  • pressed

    • adjective satellite compacted by ironing
    • verb exert pressure or force to or upon
      • He pressed down on the boards
      • press your thumb on this spot

    • More ‘pressed’ Meaning
    • pressed Associated Words
    • pressed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressed Related Words
  • prepare

    • verb make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
      set; fix; set up; gear up; ready.
      • Get the children ready for school!
      • prepare for war
      • I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill
    • verb prepare for eating by applying heat
      cook; ready; fix; make.
      • Cook me dinner, please
      • can you make me an omelette?
      • fix breakfast for the guests, please

    • More ‘prepare’ Meaning
    • preparing Associated Words
    • preparing Related Words
  • preceding

    • adjective existing or coming before
    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; predate; forgo; antedate; precede.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools

    • More ‘preceding’ Meaning
    • preceding Associated Words
    • preceding Related Words
  • preserve

    • noun a domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone
      • medicine is no longer a male preserve
    • noun a reservation where animals are protected

    • More ‘preserve’ Meaning
    • preserve Idioms/Phrases
    • preserve Associated Words
    • preserve Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preserve Related Words
  • preference

    • noun a strong liking
      predilection; taste; penchant.
      • my own preference is for good literature
      • the Irish have a penchant for blarney
    • noun a predisposition in favor of something
      predilection; orientation.
      • a predilection for expensive cars
      • his sexual preferences
      • showed a Marxist orientation

    • More ‘preference’ Meaning
    • preference Idioms/Phrases
    • preference Associated Words
    • preference Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preference Related Words
  • presidential

    • adjective relating to a president or presidency
      • presidential aides
      • presidential veto
    • adjective befitting a president
      • criticized the candidate for not looking presidential

    • More ‘presidential’ Meaning
    • presidential Idioms/Phrases
    • presidential Associated Words
    • presidential Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presidential Related Words
  • preference

    • noun a strong liking
      predilection; taste; penchant.
      • my own preference is for good literature
      • the Irish have a penchant for blarney
    • noun a predisposition in favor of something
      predilection; orientation.
      • a predilection for expensive cars
      • his sexual preferences
      • showed a Marxist orientation

    • More ‘preference’ Meaning
    • preferences Associated Words
    • preferences Related Words
  • predict

    • verb make a prediction about; tell in advance
      anticipate; forebode; foretell; call; promise; prognosticate.
      • Call the outcome of an election
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; prefigure; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘predict’ Meaning
    • predicted Associated Words
    • predicted Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predicted Related Words
  • preliminary

    • noun a minor match preceding the main event
    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      overture; prelude.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner

    • More ‘preliminary’ Meaning
    • preliminary Idioms/Phrases
    • preliminary Associated Words
    • preliminary Related Words
  • preserved

    • adjective prevented from decaying or spoiling and prepared for future use
    • verb keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
      carry on; preserve; continue; bear on; uphold.
      • preserve the peace in the family
      • continue the family tradition
      • Carry on the old traditions

    • More ‘preserved’ Meaning
    • preserved Associated Words
    • preserved Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preserved Related Words
  • pressure

    • noun the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit)
      pressure level; force per unit area.
      • the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
    • noun a force that compels
      • the public brought pressure to bear on the government

    • More ‘pressure’ Meaning
    • pressures Associated Words
    • pressures Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressures Related Words
  • precious

    • adjective satellite characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for
      cherished; wanted; treasured.
      • a cherished friend
      • children are precious
      • a treasured heirloom
      • so good to feel wanted
    • adjective satellite of high worth or cost
      • diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are precious stones

    • More ‘precious’ Meaning
    • precious Idioms/Phrases
    • precious Associated Words
    • precious Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precious Related Words
  • pregnant

    • adjective carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life
    • adjective satellite rich in significance or implication
      meaning; significant.
      • a meaning look

    • More ‘pregnant’ Meaning
    • pregnant Idioms/Phrases
    • pregnant Associated Words
    • pregnant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pregnant Related Words
  • presumably

    • adverb by reasonable assumption
      • presumably, he missed the train

    • More ‘presumably’ Meaning
    • presumably Associated Words
    • presumably Related Words
  • prescribed

    • adjective satellite set down as a rule or guide
    • verb issue commands or orders for
      prescribe; order; dictate.

    • More ‘prescribed’ Meaning
    • prescribed Associated Words
    • prescribed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescribed Related Words
  • predict

    • verb make a prediction about; tell in advance
      anticipate; forebode; foretell; call; promise; prognosticate.
      • Call the outcome of an election
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; prefigure; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘predict’ Meaning
    • predict Associated Words
    • predict Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predict Related Words
  • preservation

    • noun the activity of protecting something from loss or danger
    • noun the condition of being (well or ill) preserved

    • More ‘preservation’ Meaning
    • preservation Idioms/Phrases
    • preservation Associated Words
    • preservation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preservation Related Words
  • present

    • noun the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech
      • that is enough for the present
      • he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow
    • noun something presented as a gift
      • his tie was a present from his wife

    • More ‘present’ Meaning
    • presenting Associated Words
    • presenting Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presenting Related Words
  • prevent

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; preclude; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
      • We must prevent the cancer from spreading
      • His snoring kept me from falling asleep
      • Keep the child from eating the marbles

    • More ‘prevent’ Meaning
    • prevented Associated Words
    • prevented Related Words
  • prediction

    • noun the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)
      anticipation; prevision.
    • noun a statement made about the future
      forecasting; prognostication; foretelling.

    • More ‘prediction’ Meaning
    • prediction Associated Words
    • prediction Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prediction Related Words
  • pressing

    • noun the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure
      press; pressure.
      • he gave the button a press
      • he used pressure to stop the bleeding
      • at the pressing of a button
    • noun a metal or plastic part that is made by a mechanical press

    • More ‘pressing’ Meaning
    • pressing Associated Words
    • pressing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressing Related Words
  • preface

    • noun a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
      prolusion; foreword.
    • verb furnish with a preface or introduction
      introduce; precede; premise.
      • She always precedes her lectures with a joke
      • He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

    • More ‘preface’ Meaning
    • preface Idioms/Phrases
    • preface Associated Words
    • preface Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preface Related Words
  • prevent

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; preclude; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
      • We must prevent the cancer from spreading
      • His snoring kept me from falling asleep
      • Keep the child from eating the marbles

    • More ‘prevent’ Meaning
    • preventing Associated Words
    • preventing Related Words
  • precision

    • noun the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
      • he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton
      • note the meticulous precision of his measurements

    • More ‘precision’ Meaning
    • precision Idioms/Phrases
    • precision Associated Words
    • precision Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precision Related Words
  • prejudice

    • noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
      preconception; bias.
    • verb disadvantage by prejudice

    • More ‘prejudice’ Meaning
    • prejudice Associated Words
    • prejudice Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prejudice Related Words
  • premises

    • noun land and the buildings on it
      • bread is baked on the premises
      • the were evicted from the premises
    • noun a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
      premiss; assumption; premise.
      • on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play

    • More ‘premises’ Meaning
    • premises Associated Words
    • premises Related Words
  • presently

    • adverb in the near future
      before long; shortly; soon.
      • the doctor will soon be here
      • the book will appear shortly
      • she will arrive presently
      • we should have news before long
    • adverb at this time or period; now
      • he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations
      • currently they live in Connecticut

    • More ‘presently’ Meaning
    • presently Associated Words
    • presently Related Words
  • prevalence

    • noun the quality of prevailing generally; being widespread
      • he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future
    • noun (epidemiology) the ratio (for a given time period) of the number of occurrences of a disease or event to the number of units at risk in the population

    • More ‘prevalence’ Meaning
    • prevalence Associated Words
    • prevalence Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevalence Related Words
  • prey

    • noun a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
      fair game; target; quarry.
      • he fell prey to muggers
      • everyone was fair game
      • the target of a manhunt
    • noun animal hunted or caught for food

    • More ‘prey’ Meaning
    • prey Idioms/Phrases
    • prey Associated Words
    • prey Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prey Related Words
  • prevailing

    • adjective satellite most frequent or common
      rife; dominant; predominant; prevalent.
      • prevailing winds
    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; prevail; reign; rule; predominate.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood

    • More ‘prevailing’ Meaning
    • prevailing Associated Words
    • prevailing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevailing Related Words
  • premium

    • noun payment for insurance
      insurance premium.
    • noun the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value
      • they paid a premium for access to water

    • More ‘premium’ Meaning
    • premium Idioms/Phrases
    • premium Associated Words
    • premium Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premium Related Words
  • preparation

    • noun the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose
      • preparations for the ceremony had begun
    • noun a substance prepared according to a formula
      • the physician prescribed a commercial preparation of the medicine

    • More ‘preparation’ Meaning
    • preparations Associated Words
    • preparations Related Words
  • predominantly

    • adverb much greater in number or influence
      • the patients are predominantly indigenous

    • More ‘predominantly’ Meaning
    • predominantly Associated Words
    • predominantly Related Words
  • prediction

    • noun the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)
      anticipation; prevision.
    • noun a statement made about the future
      forecasting; prognostication; foretelling.

    • More ‘prediction’ Meaning
    • predictions Associated Words
    • predictions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predictions Related Words
  • presidency

    • noun the tenure of a president
      presidential term; administration.
      • things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration
    • noun the office and function of president
      • Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was customary before his time

    • More ‘presidency’ Meaning
    • presidency Idioms/Phrases
    • presidency Associated Words
    • presidency Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presidency Related Words
  • prevent

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; preclude; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
      • We must prevent the cancer from spreading
      • His snoring kept me from falling asleep
      • Keep the child from eating the marbles

    • More ‘prevent’ Meaning
    • prevents Associated Words
    • prevents Related Words
  • preaching

    • noun an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)
      discourse; sermon.
    • noun a moralistic rebuke
      • your preaching is wasted on him

    • More ‘preaching’ Meaning
    • preaching Idioms/Phrases
    • preaching Associated Words
    • preaching Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preaching Related Words
  • prescription

    • noun directions prescribed beforehand; the action of prescribing authoritative rules or directions
      • I tried to follow her prescription for success
    • noun a drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist
      prescription medicine; prescription drug; ethical drug.
      • he told the doctor that he had been taking his prescription regularly

    • More ‘prescription’ Meaning
    • prescription Idioms/Phrases
    • prescription Associated Words
    • prescription Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescription Related Words
  • pretend

    • noun the enactment of a pretense
      • it was just pretend
    • verb make believe with the intent to deceive
      affect; feign; dissemble; sham.
      • He feigned that he was ill
      • He shammed a headache

    • More ‘pretend’ Meaning
    • pretend Associated Words
    • pretend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretend Related Words
  • preserve

    • noun a domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone
      • medicine is no longer a male preserve
    • noun a reservation where animals are protected

    • More ‘preserve’ Meaning
    • preserving Associated Words
    • preserving Related Words
  • prevalent

    • adjective satellite most frequent or common
      rife; dominant; predominant; prevailing.
      • prevailing winds

    • More ‘prevalent’ Meaning
    • prevalent Associated Words
    • prevalent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevalent Related Words
  • prestige

    • noun a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.
      • he wanted to achieve power and prestige

    • More ‘prestige’ Meaning
    • prestige Associated Words
    • prestige Related Words
  • precede

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; predate; forgo; antedate.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘precede’ Meaning
    • preceded Associated Words
    • preceded Related Words
  • president

    • noun an executive officer of a firm or corporation
    • noun the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government
      United States President; President of the United States; Chief Executive.
      • the President likes to jog every morning

    • More ‘president’ Meaning
    • presidents Associated Words
    • presidents Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presidents Related Words
  • presume

    • verb take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
      assume; take for granted.
      • I assume his train was late
    • verb take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission
      make bold; dare.
      • How dare you call my lawyer?

    • More ‘presume’ Meaning
    • presumed Associated Words
    • presumed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presumed Related Words
  • premise

    • noun a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
      premiss; assumption.
      • on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play
    • verb set forth beforehand, often as an explanation
      • He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand

    • More ‘premise’ Meaning
    • premise Idioms/Phrases
    • premise Associated Words
    • premise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premise Related Words
  • preacher

    • noun someone whose occupation is preaching the gospel
      preacher man; sermonizer; sermoniser.

    • More ‘preacher’ Meaning
    • preacher Idioms/Phrases
    • preacher Associated Words
    • preacher Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preacher Related Words
  • precipitation

    • noun the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time
      • the storm brought several inches of precipitation
    • noun the process of forming a chemical precipitate

    • More ‘precipitation’ Meaning
    • precipitation Idioms/Phrases
    • precipitation Associated Words
    • precipitation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitation Related Words
  • presentation

    • noun the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward)
      • she gave the trophy but he made the presentation
    • noun a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view
      demonstration; presentment.
      • the presentation of new data
      • he gave the customer a demonstration

    • More ‘presentation’ Meaning
    • presentations Associated Words
    • presentations Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presentations Related Words
  • premature

    • adjective born after a gestation period of less than the normal time
      • a premature infant
    • adjective satellite too soon or too hasty
      • our condemnation of him was a bit previous
      • a premature judgment

    • More ‘premature’ Meaning
    • premature Idioms/Phrases
    • premature Associated Words
    • premature Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premature Related Words
  • predictable

    • adjective capable of being foretold

    • More ‘predictable’ Meaning
    • predictable Associated Words
    • predictable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predictable Related Words
  • prevail

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; reign; rule; predominate.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb be valid, applicable, or true
      hold; obtain.
      • This theory still holds

    • More ‘prevail’ Meaning
    • prevailed Associated Words
    • prevailed Related Words
  • preventive

    • noun remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
      preventative; prophylactic.
      • the doctor recommended several preventatives
    • noun any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
      incumbrance; preventative; encumbrance; interference; hitch; hindrance; hinderance.

    • More ‘preventive’ Meaning
    • preventive Idioms/Phrases
    • preventive Associated Words
    • preventive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preventive Related Words
  • prentice

    • noun works for an expert to learn a trade
      learner; apprentice.

    • More ‘prentice’ Meaning
    • prentice Associated Words
    • prentice Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prentice Related Words
  • prevail

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; reign; rule; predominate.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb be valid, applicable, or true
      hold; obtain.
      • This theory still holds

    • More ‘prevail’ Meaning
    • prevail Idioms/Phrases
    • prevail Associated Words
    • prevail Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevail Related Words
  • precedent

    • noun an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
      case in point.
    • noun (civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions
      common law; case law.

    • More ‘precedent’ Meaning
    • precedent Idioms/Phrases
    • precedent Associated Words
    • precedent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precedent Related Words
  • preach

    • verb deliver a sermon
      • The minister is not preaching this Sunday
    • verb speak, plead, or argue in favor of
      • The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house

    • More ‘preach’ Meaning
    • preached Associated Words
    • preached Related Words
  • precaution

    • noun a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.
      guard; safeguard.
      • he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution
      • an insurance policy is a good safeguard
      • we let our guard down
    • noun the trait of practicing caution in advance

    • More ‘precaution’ Meaning
    • precautions Associated Words
    • precautions Related Words
  • predict

    • verb make a prediction about; tell in advance
      anticipate; forebode; foretell; call; promise; prognosticate.
      • Call the outcome of an election
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; prefigure; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘predict’ Meaning
    • predicting Associated Words
    • predicting Related Words
  • presumption

    • noun an assumption that is taken for granted
      given; precondition.
    • noun (law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed

    • More ‘presumption’ Meaning
    • presumption Idioms/Phrases
    • presumption Associated Words
    • presumption Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presumption Related Words
  • premier

    • noun the person who holds the position of head of the government in the United Kingdom
      Prime Minister; PM.
    • noun the person who is head of state (in several countries)
      chancellor; prime minister.

    • More ‘premier’ Meaning
    • premier Associated Words
    • premier Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premier Related Words
  • preach

    • verb deliver a sermon
      • The minister is not preaching this Sunday
    • verb speak, plead, or argue in favor of
      • The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house

    • More ‘preach’ Meaning
    • preach Idioms/Phrases
    • preach Associated Words
    • preach Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preach Related Words
  • predictive

    • adjective satellite of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions
      prognosticative; prognostic.

    • More ‘predictive’ Meaning
    • predictive Associated Words
    • predictive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predictive Related Words
  • preferable

    • adjective satellite more desirable than another
      • coffee is preferable to tea
      • Danny’s preferred name is `Dan’

    • More ‘preferable’ Meaning
    • preferable Associated Words
    • preferable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preferable Related Words
  • preview

    • noun an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
      prevue; trailer.
    • noun a screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public

    • More ‘preview’ Meaning
    • preview Idioms/Phrases
    • preview Associated Words
    • preview Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preview Related Words
  • predominant

    • adjective satellite most frequent or common
      rife; dominant; prevalent; prevailing.
      • prevailing winds
    • adjective satellite having superior power and influence
      preponderant; overriding; paramount; preponderating; predominate.
      • the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism

    • More ‘predominant’ Meaning
    • predominant Associated Words
    • predominant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predominant Related Words
  • predecessor

    • noun one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office)
    • noun something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
      herald; forerunner; harbinger; precursor.

    • More ‘predecessor’ Meaning
    • predecessors Associated Words
    • predecessors Related Words
  • pretended

    • adjective satellite adopted in order to deceive
      false; put on; assumed; fictitious; fictive; sham.
      • an assumed name
      • an assumed cheerfulness
      • a fictitious address
      • fictive sympathy
      • a pretended interest
      • a put-on childish voice
      • sham modesty
    • verb make believe with the intent to deceive
      affect; feign; pretend; dissemble; sham.
      • He feigned that he was ill
      • He shammed a headache

    • More ‘pretended’ Meaning
    • pretended Associated Words
    • pretended Related Words
  • predicate

    • noun (logic) what is predicated of the subject of a proposition; the second term in a proposition is predicated of the first term by means of the copula
      • `Socrates is a man’ predicates manhood of Socrates
    • noun one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the predicate contains the verb and its complements
      verb phrase.

    • More ‘predicate’ Meaning
    • predicate Idioms/Phrases
    • predicate Associated Words
    • predicate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predicate Related Words
  • prejudice

    • noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
      preconception; bias.
    • verb disadvantage by prejudice

    • More ‘prejudice’ Meaning
    • prejudices Associated Words
    • prejudices Related Words
  • predecessor

    • noun one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office)
    • noun something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
      herald; forerunner; harbinger; precursor.

    • More ‘predecessor’ Meaning
    • predecessor Associated Words
    • predecessor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predecessor Related Words
  • precursor

    • noun a substance from which another substance is formed (especially by a metabolic reaction)
    • noun a person who goes before or announces the coming of another

    • More ‘precursor’ Meaning
    • precursor Associated Words
    • precursor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precursor Related Words
  • pretending

    • noun the act of giving a false appearance
      pretence; feigning; pretense; simulation.
      • his conformity was only pretending
    • verb make believe with the intent to deceive
      affect; feign; pretend; dissemble; sham.
      • He feigned that he was ill
      • He shammed a headache

    • More ‘pretending’ Meaning
    • pretending Associated Words
    • pretending Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretending Related Words
  • press

    • noun the state of demanding notice or attention
      pressure; insistency; imperativeness; insistence.
      • the insistence of their hunger
      • the press of business matters
    • noun the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
      public press.

    • More ‘press’ Meaning
    • presses Associated Words
    • presses Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presses Related Words
  • preferably

    • adverb more readily or willingly
      rather; sooner.
      • clean it well, preferably with warm water
      • I’d rather be in Philadelphia
      • I’d sooner die than give up

    • More ‘preferably’ Meaning
    • preferably Associated Words
    • preferably Related Words
  • prehistoric

    • adjective satellite belonging to or existing in times before recorded history
      • prehistoric settlements
      • prehistoric peoples
    • adjective of or relating to times before written history
      • prehistoric archeology

    • More ‘prehistoric’ Meaning
    • prehistoric Idioms/Phrases
    • prehistoric Associated Words
    • prehistoric Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehistoric Related Words
  • prestigious

    • adjective satellite having an illustrious reputation; respected
      esteemed; honored.
      • our esteemed leader
      • a prestigious author
    • adjective satellite exerting influence by reason of high status or prestige
      • a prestigious professor at a prestigious university

    • More ‘prestigious’ Meaning
    • prestigious Associated Words
    • prestigious Related Words
  • preoccupied

    • adjective satellite deeply absorbed in thought
      deep in thought; bemused; lost.
      • as distant and bemused as a professor listening to the prattling of his freshman class
      • lost in thought
      • a preoccupied frown
    • verb engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently or obsessively
      • His work preoccupies him
      • The matter preoccupies her completely—she cannot think of anything else

    • More ‘preoccupied’ Meaning
    • preoccupied Associated Words
    • preoccupied Related Words
  • precedence

    • noun status established in order of importance or urgency
      priority; precedency.
      • …its precedence as the world’s leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals
      • national independence takes priority over class struggle
    • noun preceding in time
      antecedency; anteriority; priority; antecedence; precedency.

    • More ‘precedence’ Meaning
    • precedence Associated Words
    • precedence Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precedence Related Words
  • presume

    • verb take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
      assume; take for granted.
      • I assume his train was late
    • verb take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission
      make bold; dare.
      • How dare you call my lawyer?

    • More ‘presume’ Meaning
    • presume Associated Words
    • presume Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presume Related Words
  • predator

    • noun someone who attacks in search of booty
      vulture; piranha; marauder.
    • noun any animal that lives by preying on other animals
      predatory animal.

    • More ‘predator’ Meaning
    • predators Associated Words
    • predators Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predators Related Words
  • preoccupation

    • noun an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attention
    • noun the mental state of being preoccupied by something
      absorption; preoccupancy; engrossment.

    • More ‘preoccupation’ Meaning
    • preoccupation Associated Words
    • preoccupation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preoccupation Related Words
  • predictor

    • noun someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)
      forecaster; soothsayer; prognosticator.
    • noun information that supports a probabilistic estimate of future events
      • the weekly bulletin contains several predictors of mutual fund performance

    • More ‘predictor’ Meaning
    • predictor Idioms/Phrases
    • predictor Associated Words
    • predictor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predictor Related Words
  • preschool

    • noun an educational institution for children too young for elementary school

    • More ‘preschool’ Meaning
    • preschool Associated Words
    • preschool Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preschool Related Words
  • prefer

    • verb like better; value more highly
      • Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels
      • We prefer sleeping outside
    • verb select as an alternative over another
      opt; choose.
      • I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant
      • She opted for the job on the East coast

    • More ‘prefer’ Meaning
    • prefers Associated Words
    • prefers Related Words
  • premium

    • noun payment for insurance
      insurance premium.
    • noun the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value
      • they paid a premium for access to water

    • More ‘premium’ Meaning
    • premiums Associated Words
    • premiums Related Words
  • prerequisite

    • noun something that is required in advance
      • Latin was a prerequisite for admission
    • adjective satellite required as a prior condition or course of study

    • More ‘prerequisite’ Meaning
    • prerequisite Associated Words
    • prerequisite Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prerequisite Related Words
  • preacher

    • noun someone whose occupation is preaching the gospel
      preacher man; sermonizer; sermoniser.

    • More ‘preacher’ Meaning
    • preachers Associated Words
    • preachers Related Words
  • preclude

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; prevent; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb make impossible, especially beforehand
      close out; rule out.

    • More ‘preclude’ Meaning
    • preclude Associated Words
    • preclude Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preclude Related Words
  • predict

    • verb make a prediction about; tell in advance
      anticipate; forebode; foretell; call; promise; prognosticate.
      • Call the outcome of an election
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; prefigure; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘predict’ Meaning
    • predicts Associated Words
    • predicts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predicts Related Words
  • predictor

    • noun someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)
      forecaster; soothsayer; prognosticator.
    • noun information that supports a probabilistic estimate of future events
      • the weekly bulletin contains several predictors of mutual fund performance

    • More ‘predictor’ Meaning
    • predictors Associated Words
    • predictors Related Words
  • prenatal

    • adjective occurring or existing before birth
      antenatal; antepartum.
      • the prenatal period
      • antenatal care

    • More ‘prenatal’ Meaning
    • prenatal Idioms/Phrases
    • prenatal Associated Words
    • prenatal Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prenatal Related Words
  • prefix

    • noun an affix that is added in front of the word
    • verb attach a prefix to
      • prefixed words

    • More ‘prefix’ Meaning
    • prefix Idioms/Phrases
    • prefix Associated Words
    • prefix Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefix Related Words
  • prescribe

    • verb issue commands or orders for
      order; dictate.

    • More ‘prescribe’ Meaning
    • prescribe Associated Words
    • prescribe Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescribe Related Words
  • preparatory

    • adjective satellite preceding and preparing for something
      propaedeutic; preparative.
      • preparatory steps

    • More ‘preparatory’ Meaning
    • preparatory Idioms/Phrases
    • preparatory Associated Words
    • preparatory Related Words
  • preferential

    • adjective satellite manifesting partiality
      • a discriminatory tax
      • preferential tariff rates
      • preferential treatment
      • a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting

    • More ‘preferential’ Meaning
    • preferential Associated Words
    • preferential Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preferential Related Words
  • preserves

    • noun fruit preserved by cooking with sugar
      preserve; conserve; conserves.
    • noun a domain that seems to be specially reserved for someone
      • medicine is no longer a male preserve

    • More ‘preserves’ Meaning
    • preserves Associated Words
    • preserves Related Words
  • predetermined

    • adjective satellite set in advance
      • a preset plan of action
      • at a predetermined time
    • verb determine beforehand

    • More ‘predetermined’ Meaning
    • predetermined Associated Words
    • predetermined Related Words
  • precarious

    • adjective satellite affording no ease or reassurance
      • a precarious truce
    • adjective satellite fraught with danger
      touch-and-go; parlous; perilous.
      • dangerous waters
      • a parlous journey on stormy seas
      • a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat
      • the precarious life of an undersea diver
      • dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery

    • More ‘precarious’ Meaning
    • precarious Associated Words
    • precarious Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precarious Related Words
  • prescription

    • noun directions prescribed beforehand; the action of prescribing authoritative rules or directions
      • I tried to follow her prescription for success
    • noun a drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist
      prescription medicine; prescription drug; ethical drug.
      • he told the doctor that he had been taking his prescription regularly

    • More ‘prescription’ Meaning
    • prescriptions Associated Words
    • prescriptions Related Words
  • precipitate

    • noun a precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering
    • verb bring about abruptly
      • The crisis precipitated by Russia’s revolution

    • More ‘precipitate’ Meaning
    • precipitate Idioms/Phrases
    • precipitate Associated Words
    • precipitate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitate Related Words
  • precept

    • noun rule of personal conduct
    • noun a doctrine that is taught
      teaching; commandment.
      • the teachings of religion
      • he believed all the Christian precepts

    • More ‘precept’ Meaning
    • precepts Associated Words
    • precepts Related Words
  • prepare

    • verb make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
      set; fix; set up; gear up; ready.
      • Get the children ready for school!
      • prepare for war
      • I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill
    • verb prepare for eating by applying heat
      cook; ready; fix; make.
      • Cook me dinner, please
      • can you make me an omelette?
      • fix breakfast for the guests, please

    • More ‘prepare’ Meaning
    • prepares Associated Words
    • prepares Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepares Related Words
  • predicament

    • noun a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
      plight; quandary.
      • finds himself in a most awkward predicament
      • the woeful plight of homeless people

    • More ‘predicament’ Meaning
    • predicament Associated Words
    • predicament Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predicament Related Words
  • preoperative

    • adjective satellite happening or done before and in preparation for a surgical operation

    • More ‘preoperative’ Meaning
    • preoperative Associated Words
    • preoperative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preoperative Related Words
  • precipitate

    • noun a precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering
    • verb bring about abruptly
      • The crisis precipitated by Russia’s revolution

    • More ‘precipitate’ Meaning
    • precipitated Associated Words
    • precipitated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitated Related Words
  • precede

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; predate; forgo; antedate.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘precede’ Meaning
    • precedes Associated Words
    • precedes Related Words
  • predator

    • noun someone who attacks in search of booty
      vulture; piranha; marauder.
    • noun any animal that lives by preying on other animals
      predatory animal.

    • More ‘predator’ Meaning
    • predator Associated Words
    • predator Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predator Related Words
  • prelude

    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      overture; preliminary.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner
    • noun music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera

    • More ‘prelude’ Meaning
    • prelude Idioms/Phrases
    • prelude Associated Words
    • prelude Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prelude Related Words
  • presuppose

    • verb take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand
      • I presuppose that you have done your work
    • verb require as a necessary antecedent or precondition
      • This step presupposes two prior ones

    • More ‘presuppose’ Meaning
    • presupposes Associated Words
    • presupposes Related Words
  • pretext

    • noun something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason
    • noun an artful or simulated semblance
      guise; pretence; pretense.
      • under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

    • More ‘pretext’ Meaning
    • pretext Associated Words
    • pretext Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretext Related Words
  • prevail

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; reign; rule; predominate.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb be valid, applicable, or true
      hold; obtain.
      • This theory still holds

    • More ‘prevail’ Meaning
    • prevails Associated Words
    • prevails Related Words
  • precursor

    • noun a substance from which another substance is formed (especially by a metabolic reaction)
    • noun a person who goes before or announces the coming of another

    • More ‘precursor’ Meaning
    • precursors Associated Words
    • precursors Related Words
  • prefer

    • verb like better; value more highly
      • Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels
      • We prefer sleeping outside
    • verb select as an alternative over another
      opt; choose.
      • I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant
      • She opted for the job on the East coast

    • More ‘prefer’ Meaning
    • preferring Associated Words
    • preferring Related Words
  • precede

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; predate; forgo; antedate.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘precede’ Meaning
    • precede Idioms/Phrases
    • precede Associated Words
    • precede Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precede Related Words
  • preside

    • verb act as president
      • preside over companies and corporations

    • More ‘preside’ Meaning
    • presided Associated Words
    • presided Related Words
  • predicate

    • noun (logic) what is predicated of the subject of a proposition; the second term in a proposition is predicated of the first term by means of the copula
      • `Socrates is a man’ predicates manhood of Socrates
    • noun one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the predicate contains the verb and its complements
      verb phrase.

    • More ‘predicate’ Meaning
    • predicated Associated Words
    • predicated Related Words
  • precedent

    • noun an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
      case in point.
    • noun (civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions
      common law; case law.

    • More ‘precedent’ Meaning
    • precedents Associated Words
    • precedents Related Words
  • preside

    • verb act as president
      • preside over companies and corporations

    • More ‘preside’ Meaning
    • preside Idioms/Phrases
    • presiding Associated Words
    • presiding Related Words
  • predicate

    • noun (logic) what is predicated of the subject of a proposition; the second term in a proposition is predicated of the first term by means of the copula
      • `Socrates is a man’ predicates manhood of Socrates
    • noun one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the predicate contains the verb and its complements
      verb phrase.

    • More ‘predicate’ Meaning
    • predicates Associated Words
    • predicates Related Words
  • pregnancy

    • noun the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
      maternity; gestation.

    • More ‘pregnancy’ Meaning
    • pregnancies Associated Words
    • pregnancies Related Words
  • preamble

    • noun a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose)
    • verb make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document

    • More ‘preamble’ Meaning
    • preamble Associated Words
    • preamble Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preamble Related Words
  • precaution

    • noun a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.
      guard; safeguard.
      • he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution
      • an insurance policy is a good safeguard
      • we let our guard down
    • noun the trait of practicing caution in advance

    • More ‘precaution’ Meaning
    • precaution Associated Words
    • precaution Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precaution Related Words
  • prerogative

    • noun a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
      privilege; exclusive right; perquisite.
      • suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males

    • More ‘prerogative’ Meaning
    • prerogative Idioms/Phrases
    • prerogative Associated Words
    • prerogative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prerogative Related Words
  • predatory

    • adjective satellite characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding
      marauding; raiding.
      • bands of marauding Indians
      • predatory warfare
      • a raiding party
    • adjective satellite living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey
      raptorial; rapacious; vulturous; vulturine; ravening.
      • a predatory bird
      • the rapacious wolf
      • raptorial birds
      • ravening wolves
      • a vulturine taste for offal

    • More ‘predatory’ Meaning
    • predatory Idioms/Phrases
    • predatory Associated Words
    • predatory Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predatory Related Words
  • premiere

    • noun the first public performance of a play or movie
    • verb be performed for the first time
      • We premiered the opera of the young composer and it was a critical success

    • More ‘premiere’ Meaning
    • premiere Idioms/Phrases
    • premiere Associated Words
    • premiere Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premiere Related Words
  • preexisting

    • adjective satellite existing previously or before something
      pre-existent; preexistent; pre-existing.
      • variations on pre-existent musical themes
    • verb exist beforehand or prior to a certain point in time
      • Did this condition pre-exist?

    • More ‘preexisting’ Meaning
    • preexisting Associated Words
    • preexisting Related Words
  • prep

    • noun preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)
      preparation; homework.

    • More ‘prep’ Meaning
    • prep Idioms/Phrases
    • prep Associated Words
    • prep Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prep Related Words
  • prescribe

    • verb issue commands or orders for
      order; dictate.

    • More ‘prescribe’ Meaning
    • prescribing Associated Words
    • prescribing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescribing Related Words
  • pretension

    • noun a false or unsupportable quality
      pretense; pretence.
    • noun the advancing of a claim
      • his pretension to the crown
      • the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort

    • More ‘pretension’ Meaning
    • pretensions Associated Words
    • pretensions Related Words
  • prematurely

    • adverb (of childbirth) before the end of the normal period of gestation
      • the child was born prematurely
    • adverb too soon; in a premature manner
      • I spoke prematurely

    • More ‘prematurely’ Meaning
    • prematurely Associated Words
    • prematurely Related Words
  • preclude

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; prevent; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb make impossible, especially beforehand
      close out; rule out.

    • More ‘preclude’ Meaning
    • precluded Associated Words
    • precluded Related Words
  • prescott

    • noun a town in central Arizona

    • More ‘prescott’ Meaning
    • prescott Idioms/Phrases
    • prescott Associated Words
    • prescott Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescott Related Words
  • predominance

    • noun the state of being predominant over others
      prepotency; predomination.
    • noun the quality of being more noticeable than anything else
      • the predomination of blues gave the painting a quiet tone

    • More ‘predominance’ Meaning
    • predominance Associated Words
    • predominance Related Words
  • preparedness

    • noun the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action)
      preparation; readiness.
      • putting them in readiness
      • their preparation was more than adequate

    • More ‘preparedness’ Meaning
    • preparedness Associated Words
    • preparedness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preparedness Related Words
  • prescriptive

    • adjective pertaining to giving directives or rules
      • prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage

    • More ‘prescriptive’ Meaning
    • prescriptive Idioms/Phrases
    • prescriptive Associated Words
    • prescriptive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescriptive Related Words
  • predation

    • noun an act of plundering and pillaging and marauding
    • noun the act of preying by a predator who kills and eats the prey

    • More ‘predation’ Meaning
    • predation Associated Words
    • predation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predation Related Words
  • predictability

    • noun the quality of being predictable

    • More ‘predictability’ Meaning
    • predictability Associated Words
    • predictability Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predictability Related Words
  • prehistory

    • noun the time during the development of human culture before the appearance of the written word
      prehistoric culture.

    • More ‘prehistory’ Meaning
    • prehistory Associated Words
    • prehistory Related Words
  • precondition

    • noun an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else
      condition; stipulation.
    • noun an assumption that is taken for granted
      presumption; given.

    • More ‘precondition’ Meaning
    • precondition Associated Words
    • precondition Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precondition Related Words
  • pressure

    • noun the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit)
      pressure level; force per unit area.
      • the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
    • noun a force that compels
      • the public brought pressure to bear on the government

    • More ‘pressure’ Meaning
    • pressured Associated Words
    • pressured Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressured Related Words
  • predisposition

    • noun susceptibility to a pathogen
    • noun an inclination beforehand to interpret statements in a particular way

    • More ‘predisposition’ Meaning
    • predisposition Associated Words
    • predisposition Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predisposition Related Words
  • preponderance

    • noun superiority in power or influence
      • the preponderance of good over evil
      • the preponderance of wealth and power
    • noun a superiority in numbers or amount
      • a preponderance of evidence against the defendant

    • More ‘preponderance’ Meaning
    • preponderance Associated Words
    • preponderance Related Words
  • pretence

    • noun a false or unsupportable quality
      pretension; pretense.
    • noun an artful or simulated semblance
      guise; pretense; pretext.
      • under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

    • More ‘pretence’ Meaning
    • pretence Idioms/Phrases
    • pretence Associated Words
    • pretence Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretence Related Words
  • predictably

    • adverb in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree
      • predictably, he did not like the news

    • More ‘predictably’ Meaning
    • predictably Associated Words
    • predictably Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predictably Related Words
  • prefrontal

    • adjective satellite anterior to a frontal structure
      • a prefrontal bone
      • prefrontal lobes

    • More ‘prefrontal’ Meaning
    • prefrontal Idioms/Phrases
    • prefrontal Associated Words
    • prefrontal Related Words
  • prejudiced

    • adjective satellite emanating from a person’s emotions and prejudices
    • verb disadvantage by prejudice

    • More ‘prejudiced’ Meaning
    • prejudiced Associated Words
    • prejudiced Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prejudiced Related Words
  • pretense

    • noun the act of giving a false appearance
      pretence; feigning; pretending; simulation.
      • his conformity was only pretending
    • noun pretending with intention to deceive
      pretence; dissembling; feigning.

    • More ‘pretense’ Meaning
    • pretense Idioms/Phrases
    • pretense Associated Words
    • pretense Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretense Related Words
  • preclude

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; prevent; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb make impossible, especially beforehand
      close out; rule out.

    • More ‘preclude’ Meaning
    • precludes Associated Words
    • precludes Related Words
  • prerequisite

    • noun something that is required in advance
      • Latin was a prerequisite for admission
    • adjective satellite required as a prior condition or course of study

    • More ‘prerequisite’ Meaning
    • prerequisites Associated Words
    • prerequisites Related Words
  • preheat

    • verb heat beforehand
      • Preheat the oven!

    • More ‘preheat’ Meaning
    • preheat Associated Words
    • preheat Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preheat Related Words
  • predominate

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; prevail; reign; rule.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb appear very large or occupy a commanding position
      tower; loom; hulk.
      • The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
      • Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

    • More ‘predominate’ Meaning
    • predominate Associated Words
    • predominate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predominate Related Words
  • precinct

    • noun a district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes

    • More ‘precinct’ Meaning
    • precinct Idioms/Phrases
    • precinct Associated Words
    • precinct Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precinct Related Words
  • precautionary

    • adjective satellite taken in advance to protect against possible danger or failure
      • gave precautionary advice
      • I would take precautionary steps to keep him away

    • More ‘precautionary’ Meaning
    • precautionary Associated Words
    • precautionary Related Words
  • prefect

    • noun a chief officer or chief magistrate
      • the prefect of Paris police

    • More ‘prefect’ Meaning
    • prefect Idioms/Phrases
    • prefect Associated Words
    • prefect Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefect Related Words
  • preset

    • adjective satellite set in advance
      • a preset plan of action
      • at a predetermined time

    • More ‘preset’ Meaning
    • preset Associated Words
    • preset Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preset Related Words
  • presupposition

    • noun the act of presupposing; a supposition made prior to having knowledge (as for the purpose of argument)

    • More ‘presupposition’ Meaning
    • presuppositions Associated Words
    • presuppositions Related Words
  • prewar

    • adjective existing or belonging to a time before a war
      • prewar levels of industrial production

    • More ‘prewar’ Meaning
    • prewar Associated Words
    • prewar Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prewar Related Words
  • pretoria

    • noun city in the Transvaal; the seat of the executive branch of the government of South Africa
      capital of South Africa.

    • More ‘pretoria’ Meaning
    • pretoria Associated Words
    • pretoria Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretoria Related Words
  • prepaid

    • adjective satellite used especially of mail; paid in advance
    • verb pay for something before receiving it

    • More ‘prepaid’ Meaning
    • prepaid Associated Words
    • prepaid Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepaid Related Words
  • preposition

    • noun a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word
    • noun (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)

    • More ‘preposition’ Meaning
    • preposition Idioms/Phrases
    • preposition Associated Words
    • preposition Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preposition Related Words
  • precept

    • noun rule of personal conduct
    • noun a doctrine that is taught
      teaching; commandment.
      • the teachings of religion
      • he believed all the Christian precepts

    • More ‘precept’ Meaning
    • precept Associated Words
    • precept Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precept Related Words
  • pretrial

    • noun (law) a conference held before the trial begins to bring the parties together to outline discovery proceedings and to define the issues to be tried; more useful in civil than in criminal cases
      pretrial conference.

    • More ‘pretrial’ Meaning
    • pretrial Idioms/Phrases
    • pretrial Associated Words
    • pretrial Related Words
  • prerogative

    • noun a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
      privilege; exclusive right; perquisite.
      • suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males

    • More ‘prerogative’ Meaning
    • prerogatives Associated Words
    • prerogatives Related Words
  • prefecture

    • noun the district administered by a prefect (as in France or Japan or the Roman Empire)
    • noun the office of prefect

    • More ‘prefecture’ Meaning
    • prefecture Associated Words
    • prefecture Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefecture Related Words
  • presuppose

    • verb take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand
      • I presuppose that you have done your work
    • verb require as a necessary antecedent or precondition
      • This step presupposes two prior ones

    • More ‘presuppose’ Meaning
    • presuppose Associated Words
    • presuppose Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presuppose Related Words
  • prejudicial

    • adjective satellite (sometimes followed by `to’) causing harm or injury
      detrimental; damaging; prejudicious.
      • damaging to career and reputation
      • the reporter’s coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant
    • adjective tending to favor preconceived ideas
      • the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population

    • More ‘prejudicial’ Meaning
    • prejudicial Associated Words
    • prejudicial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prejudicial Related Words
  • precondition

    • noun an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else
      condition; stipulation.
    • noun an assumption that is taken for granted
      presumption; given.

    • More ‘precondition’ Meaning
    • preconditions Associated Words
    • preconditions Related Words
  • prescribe

    • verb issue commands or orders for
      order; dictate.

    • More ‘prescribe’ Meaning
    • prescribes Associated Words
    • prescribes Related Words
  • prefix

    • noun an affix that is added in front of the word
    • verb attach a prefix to
      • prefixed words

    • More ‘prefix’ Meaning
    • prefixes Associated Words
    • prefixes Related Words
  • preposterous

    • adjective satellite incongruous; inviting ridicule
      derisory; ludicrous; idiotic; cockeyed; ridiculous; absurd; laughable; nonsensical.
      • the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework
      • that’s a cockeyed idea
      • ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer
      • a contribution so small as to be laughable
      • it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion
      • a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history
      • her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous

    • More ‘preposterous’ Meaning
    • preposterous Associated Words
    • preposterous Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preposterous Related Words
  • preferentially

    • adverb in a preferential manner
      • he was treated preferentially

    • More ‘preferentially’ Meaning
    • preferentially Associated Words
    • preferentially Related Words
  • preoccupation

    • noun an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attention
    • noun the mental state of being preoccupied by something
      absorption; preoccupancy; engrossment.

    • More ‘preoccupation’ Meaning
    • preoccupations Associated Words
    • preoccupations Related Words
  • presbyterian

    • noun a follower of Calvinism as taught in the Presbyterian Church

    • More ‘presbyterian’ Meaning
    • presbyterians Associated Words
    • presbyterians Related Words
  • pretend

    • noun the enactment of a pretense
      • it was just pretend
    • verb make believe with the intent to deceive
      affect; feign; dissemble; sham.
      • He feigned that he was ill
      • He shammed a headache

    • More ‘pretend’ Meaning
    • pretends Associated Words
    • pretends Related Words
  • premise

    • noun a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
      premiss; assumption.
      • on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play
    • verb set forth beforehand, often as an explanation
      • He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand

    • More ‘premise’ Meaning
    • premised Associated Words
    • premised Related Words
  • precinct

    • noun a district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes

    • More ‘precinct’ Meaning
    • precincts Associated Words
    • precincts Related Words
  • precipitating

    • adjective satellite bringing on suddenly or abruptly
      • the completion of the railroad was the precipitating cause in the extinction of waterborne commerce
    • verb bring about abruptly
      • The crisis precipitated by Russia’s revolution

    • More ‘precipitating’ Meaning
    • precipitating Associated Words
    • precipitating Related Words
  • predisposed

    • adjective satellite made susceptible
      • because of conditions in the mine, miners are predisposed to lung disease
    • verb make susceptible
      • This illness predisposes you to gain weight

    • More ‘predisposed’ Meaning
    • predisposed Associated Words
    • predisposed Related Words
  • preconceived

    • adjective (of an idea or opinion) formed beforehand; especially without evidence or through prejudice
      • certain preconceived notions
    • verb conceive beforehand
      • a preconceived notion

    • More ‘preconceived’ Meaning
    • preconceived Associated Words
    • preconceived Related Words
  • preside

    • verb act as president
      • preside over companies and corporations

    • More ‘preside’ Meaning
    • preside Idioms/Phrases
    • preside Associated Words
    • preside Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preside Related Words
  • precipice

    • noun a very steep cliff

    • More ‘precipice’ Meaning
    • precipice Associated Words
    • precipice Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipice Related Words
  • precocious

    • adjective characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)
      • a precocious child
      • a precocious achievement
    • adjective satellite appearing or developing early
      • precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias

    • More ‘precocious’ Meaning
    • precocious Idioms/Phrases
    • precocious Associated Words
    • precocious Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precocious Related Words
  • preemptive

    • adjective satellite designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence
      • a preemptive business offer

    • More ‘preemptive’ Meaning
    • preemptive Idioms/Phrases
    • preemptive Associated Words
    • preemptive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preemptive Related Words
  • presuppose

    • verb take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand
      • I presuppose that you have done your work
    • verb require as a necessary antecedent or precondition
      • This step presupposes two prior ones

    • More ‘presuppose’ Meaning
    • presupposed Associated Words
    • presupposed Related Words
  • presupposition

    • noun the act of presupposing; a supposition made prior to having knowledge (as for the purpose of argument)

    • More ‘presupposition’ Meaning
    • presupposition Associated Words
    • presupposition Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presupposition Related Words
  • presley

    • noun United States rock singer whose many hit records and flamboyant style greatly influenced American popular music (1935-1977)
      Elvis Aron Presley; Elvis Presley.

    • More ‘presley’ Meaning
    • presley Idioms/Phrases
    • presley Associated Words
    • presley Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presley Related Words
  • presume

    • verb take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
      assume; take for granted.
      • I assume his train was late
    • verb take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission
      make bold; dare.
      • How dare you call my lawyer?

    • More ‘presume’ Meaning
    • presumes Associated Words
    • presumes Related Words
  • precipitate

    • noun a precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering
    • verb bring about abruptly
      • The crisis precipitated by Russia’s revolution

    • More ‘precipitate’ Meaning
    • precipitates Associated Words
    • precipitates Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitates Related Words
  • preeminent

    • adjective satellite greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
      • our greatest statesmen
      • the country’s leading poet
      • a preeminent archeologist

    • More ‘preeminent’ Meaning
    • preeminent Associated Words
    • preeminent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preeminent Related Words
  • preschooler

    • noun a child who attends a preschool or kindergarten
      kindergartener; kindergartner.

    • More ‘preschooler’ Meaning
    • preschoolers Associated Words
    • preschoolers Related Words
  • preposition

    • noun a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word
    • noun (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)

    • More ‘preposition’ Meaning
    • prepositions Associated Words
    • prepositions Related Words
  • predilection

    • noun a predisposition in favor of something
      preference; orientation.
      • a predilection for expensive cars
      • his sexual preferences
      • showed a Marxist orientation
    • noun a strong liking
      taste; penchant; preference.
      • my own preference is for good literature
      • the Irish have a penchant for blarney

    • More ‘predilection’ Meaning
    • predilection Associated Words
    • predilection Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predilection Related Words
  • presenter

    • noun someone who presents a message of some sort (as a petition or an address or a check or a memorial etc.)
    • noun an advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc.)

    • More ‘presenter’ Meaning
    • presenter Associated Words
    • presenter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presenter Related Words
  • preventative

    • noun remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
      preventive; prophylactic.
      • the doctor recommended several preventatives
    • noun any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
      incumbrance; encumbrance; interference; hitch; hindrance; preventive; hinderance.

    • More ‘preventative’ Meaning
    • preventative Associated Words
    • preventative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preventative Related Words
  • precipitous

    • adjective satellite done with very great haste and without due deliberation
      hasty; precipitate; overhasty; precipitant.
      • hasty marriage seldom proveth well»- Shakespeare
      • hasty makeshifts take the place of planning»- Arthur Geddes
      • rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion
      • wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king
    • adjective satellite extremely steep
      sharp; abrupt.
      • an abrupt canyon
      • the precipitous rapids of the upper river
      • the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings
      • a sharp drop

    • More ‘precipitous’ Meaning
    • precipitous Associated Words
    • precipitous Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitous Related Words
  • preemption

    • noun the judicial principle asserting the supremacy of federal over state legislation on the same subject
    • noun the right of a government to seize or appropriate something (as property)

    • More ‘preemption’ Meaning
    • preemption Associated Words
    • preemption Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preemption Related Words
  • prepositional

    • adjective of or relating to or formed with a preposition
      • prepositional phrase

    • More ‘prepositional’ Meaning
    • prepositional Idioms/Phrases
    • prepositional Associated Words
    • prepositional Related Words
  • pretentious

    • adjective making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction
      • a pretentious country house
      • a pretentious fraud
      • a pretentious scholarly edition
    • adjective intended to attract notice and impress others
      • an ostentatious sable coat

    • More ‘pretentious’ Meaning
    • pretentious Associated Words
    • pretentious Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretentious Related Words
  • pretty

    • adjective satellite pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing
      • pretty girl
      • pretty song
      • pretty room
    • adjective satellite (used ironically) unexpectedly bad
      • a pretty mess
      • a pretty kettle of fish

    • More ‘pretty’ Meaning
    • prettiest Associated Words
    • prettiest Related Words
  • predispose

    • verb make susceptible
      • This illness predisposes you to gain weight

    • More ‘predispose’ Meaning
    • predisposing Associated Words
    • predisposing Related Words
  • predestination

    • noun previous determination as if by destiny or fate
    • noun (theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind)
      predetermination; foreordination; preordination.

    • More ‘predestination’ Meaning
    • predestination Associated Words
    • predestination Related Words
  • presumptuous

    • adjective satellite excessively forward
      assumptive; assuming.
      • an assumptive person
      • on a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide
      • the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants

    • More ‘presumptuous’ Meaning
    • presumptuous Associated Words
    • presumptuous Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presumptuous Related Words
  • presumption

    • noun an assumption that is taken for granted
      given; precondition.
    • noun (law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed

    • More ‘presumption’ Meaning
    • presumptions Associated Words
    • presumptions Related Words
  • predispose

    • verb make susceptible
      • This illness predisposes you to gain weight

    • More ‘predispose’ Meaning
    • predispose Idioms/Phrases
    • predispose Associated Words
    • predispose Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predispose Related Words
  • presumptive

    • adjective satellite having a reasonable basis for belief or acceptance
      • the presumptive heir (or heir apparent)
    • adjective satellite affording reasonable grounds for belief or acceptance
      • presumptive evidence
      • a strong presumptive case is made out

    • More ‘presumptive’ Meaning
    • presumptive Idioms/Phrases
    • presumptive Associated Words
    • presumptive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presumptive Related Words
  • preconception

    • noun an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence
      preconceived notion; prepossession; preconceived opinion; preconceived idea; parti pris.
      • he did not even try to confirm his preconceptions
    • noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
      bias; prejudice.

    • More ‘preconception’ Meaning
    • preconceptions Associated Words
    • preconceptions Related Words
  • predominate

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; prevail; reign; rule.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb appear very large or occupy a commanding position
      tower; loom; hulk.
      • The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
      • Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

    • More ‘predominate’ Meaning
    • predominates Associated Words
    • predominates Related Words
  • premarital

    • adjective relating to events before a marriage
      antenuptial; prenuptial.
      • prenuptial agreement

    • More ‘premarital’ Meaning
    • premarital Associated Words
    • premarital Related Words
  • preservative

    • noun a chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition
    • adjective satellite tending or having the power to preserve
      • timbers should be treated with a preservative substance

    • More ‘preservative’ Meaning
    • preservative Associated Words
    • preservative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preservative Related Words
  • prednisone

    • noun a dehydrogenated analogue of cortisol (trade names Orasone or Deltasone or Liquid Pred or Meticorten); used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of arthritis and as an immunosuppressant
      Meticorten; Liquid Pred; Orasone; Deltasone.

    • More ‘prednisone’ Meaning
    • prednisone Associated Words
    • prednisone Related Words
  • preliminary

    • noun a minor match preceding the main event
    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      overture; prelude.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner

    • More ‘preliminary’ Meaning
    • preliminaries Associated Words
    • preliminaries Related Words
  • preventable

    • adjective capable of being prevented
      • conscious of preventable human suffering»- A.L.Guerard

    • More ‘preventable’ Meaning
    • preventable Associated Words
    • preventable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preventable Related Words
  • pressurize

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      supercharge; pressurise.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurize’ Meaning
    • pressurized Associated Words
    • pressurized Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressurized Related Words
  • prelate

    • noun a senior clergyman and dignitary
      hierarch; high priest; primate; archpriest.

    • More ‘prelate’ Meaning
    • prelates Associated Words
    • prelates Related Words
  • predication

    • noun (logic) a declaration of something self-evident; something that can be assumed as the basis for argument

    • More ‘predication’ Meaning
    • predication Associated Words
    • predication Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predication Related Words
  • predominate

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; prevail; reign; rule.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb appear very large or occupy a commanding position
      tower; loom; hulk.
      • The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
      • Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

    • More ‘predominate’ Meaning
    • predominated Associated Words
    • predominated Related Words
  • presume

    • verb take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
      assume; take for granted.
      • I assume his train was late
    • verb take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission
      make bold; dare.
      • How dare you call my lawyer?

    • More ‘presume’ Meaning
    • presuming Associated Words
    • presuming Related Words
  • preclinical

    • adjective of or relating to the early phases of a disease when accurate diagnosis is not possible because symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared

    • More ‘preclinical’ Meaning
    • preclinical Idioms/Phrases
    • preclinical Associated Words
    • preclinical Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preclinical Related Words
  • prefix

    • noun an affix that is added in front of the word
    • verb attach a prefix to
      • prefixed words

    • More ‘prefix’ Meaning
    • prefixed Associated Words
    • prefixed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefixed Related Words
  • prelate

    • noun a senior clergyman and dignitary
      hierarch; high priest; primate; archpriest.

    • More ‘prelate’ Meaning
    • prelate Idioms/Phrases
    • prelate Associated Words
    • prelate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prelate Related Words
  • prepayment

    • noun payment in advance

    • More ‘prepayment’ Meaning
    • prepayment Associated Words
    • prepayment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepayment Related Words
  • precariously

    • adverb in a precarious manner
      • being a precariously dominant minority is a difficult position for human nature to cope with

    • More ‘precariously’ Meaning
    • precariously Associated Words
    • precariously Related Words
  • preach

    • verb deliver a sermon
      • The minister is not preaching this Sunday
    • verb speak, plead, or argue in favor of
      • The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house

    • More ‘preach’ Meaning
    • preaches Associated Words
    • preaches Related Words
  • pretty

    • adjective satellite pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing
      • pretty girl
      • pretty song
      • pretty room
    • adjective satellite (used ironically) unexpectedly bad
      • a pretty mess
      • a pretty kettle of fish

    • More ‘pretty’ Meaning
    • prettier Associated Words
    • prettier Related Words
  • preservative

    • noun a chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition
    • adjective satellite tending or having the power to preserve
      • timbers should be treated with a preservative substance

    • More ‘preservative’ Meaning
    • preservatives Associated Words
    • preservatives Related Words
  • presbytery

    • noun building reserved for the officiating clergy

    • More ‘presbytery’ Meaning
    • presbytery Associated Words
    • presbytery Related Words
  • preeminence

    • noun high status importance owing to marked superiority
      note; distinction; eminence.
      • a scholar of great eminence

    • More ‘preeminence’ Meaning
    • preeminence Associated Words
    • preeminence Related Words
  • pretender

    • noun a person who makes deceitful pretenses
      fraud; shammer; imposter; impostor; pseudo; faker; pseud; role player; fake; sham.
    • noun a claimant to the throne or to the office of ruler (usually without just title)

    • More ‘pretender’ Meaning
    • pretender Associated Words
    • pretender Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretender Related Words
  • predominate

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; prevail; reign; rule.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb appear very large or occupy a commanding position
      tower; loom; hulk.
      • The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
      • Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

    • More ‘predominate’ Meaning
    • predominately Associated Words
    • predominately Related Words
  • premenstrual

    • adjective of or relating to or occurring during the period just before menstruation

    • More ‘premenstrual’ Meaning
    • premenstrual Idioms/Phrases
    • premenstrual Associated Words
    • premenstrual Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premenstrual Related Words
  • premonition

    • noun a feeling of evil to come
      foreboding; boding; presentiment.
      • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
      • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case
    • noun an early warning about a future event

    • More ‘premonition’ Meaning
    • premonition Associated Words
    • premonition Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premonition Related Words
  • prefabricate

    • verb to manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings
    • verb produce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally

    • More ‘prefabricate’ Meaning
    • prefabricated Associated Words
    • prefabricated Related Words
  • pretension

    • noun a false or unsupportable quality
      pretense; pretence.
    • noun the advancing of a claim
      • his pretension to the crown
      • the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort

    • More ‘pretension’ Meaning
    • pretension Associated Words
    • pretension Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretension Related Words
  • presidio

    • noun a fortress established in the southwestern United States by the Spanish in order to protect their missions and other holdings
      • Tucson was first settled as a walled presidio

    • More ‘presidio’ Meaning
    • presidio Associated Words
    • presidio Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presidio Related Words
  • predestined

    • adjective satellite established or prearranged unalterably
      foreordained; predestinate.
      • his place in history was foreordained
      • a sense of predestinate inevitability about it
      • it seemed predestined since the beginning of the world
    • verb decree or determine beforehand

    • More ‘predestined’ Meaning
    • predestined Associated Words
    • predestined Related Words
  • preface

    • noun a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
      prolusion; foreword.
    • verb furnish with a preface or introduction
      introduce; precede; premise.
      • She always precedes her lectures with a joke
      • He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

    • More ‘preface’ Meaning
    • prefaces Associated Words
    • prefaces Related Words
  • premeditated

    • adjective characterized by deliberate purpose and some degree of planning
      • a premeditated crime
    • verb consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand
      • premeditated murder

    • More ‘premeditated’ Meaning
    • premeditated Associated Words
    • premeditated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premeditated Related Words
  • predisposition

    • noun susceptibility to a pathogen
    • noun an inclination beforehand to interpret statements in a particular way

    • More ‘predisposition’ Meaning
    • predispositions Associated Words
    • predispositions Related Words
  • preempt

    • noun a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding
      pre-empt; preemptive bid.
    • verb acquire for oneself before others can do so

    • More ‘preempt’ Meaning
    • preempted Associated Words
    • preempted Related Words
  • preside

    • verb act as president
      • preside over companies and corporations

    • More ‘preside’ Meaning
    • presides Associated Words
    • presides Related Words
  • precession

    • noun the motion of a spinning body (as a top) in which it wobbles so that the axis of rotation sweeps out a cone
    • noun the act of preceding in time or order or rank (as in a ceremony)
      precedency; precedence.

    • More ‘precession’ Meaning
    • precession Idioms/Phrases
    • precession Associated Words
    • precession Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precession Related Words
  • prescient

    • adjective satellite perceiving the significance of events before they occur
      • extraordinarily prescient memoranda on the probable course of postwar relations»-R.H.Rovere

    • More ‘prescient’ Meaning
    • prescient Associated Words
    • prescient Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescient Related Words
  • premier

    • noun the person who holds the position of head of the government in the United Kingdom
      Prime Minister; PM.
    • noun the person who is head of state (in several countries)
      chancellor; prime minister.

    • More ‘premier’ Meaning
    • premiered Associated Words
    • premiered Related Words
  • presenter

    • noun someone who presents a message of some sort (as a petition or an address or a check or a memorial etc.)
    • noun an advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc.)

    • More ‘presenter’ Meaning
    • presenters Associated Words
    • presenters Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presenters Related Words
  • pressure

    • noun the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit)
      pressure level; force per unit area.
      • the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
    • noun a force that compels
      • the public brought pressure to bear on the government

    • More ‘pressure’ Meaning
    • pressuring Associated Words
    • pressuring Related Words
  • preceptor

    • noun teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)

    • More ‘preceptor’ Meaning
    • preceptor Associated Words
    • preceptor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preceptor Related Words
  • preeclampsia

    • noun abnormal state of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and fluid retention and albuminuria; can lead to eclampsia if untreated

    • More ‘preeclampsia’ Meaning
    • preeclampsia Associated Words
    • preeclampsia Related Words
  • preempt

    • noun a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding
      pre-empt; preemptive bid.
    • verb acquire for oneself before others can do so

    • More ‘preempt’ Meaning
    • preempt Associated Words
    • preempt Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preempt Related Words
  • presence

    • noun the state of being present; current existence
      • he tested for the presence of radon
    • noun the immediate proximity of someone or something
      • she blushed in his presence
      • he sensed the presence of danger
      • he was well behaved in front of company

    • More ‘presence’ Meaning
    • presences Associated Words
    • presences Related Words
  • preform

    • verb form into a shape resembling the final, desired one
    • verb form or shape beforehand or determine the shape of beforehand

    • More ‘preform’ Meaning
    • preformed Associated Words
    • preformed Related Words
  • prematurity

    • noun the state of being premature

    • More ‘prematurity’ Meaning
    • prematurity Associated Words
    • prematurity Related Words
  • premier

    • noun the person who holds the position of head of the government in the United Kingdom
      Prime Minister; PM.
    • noun the person who is head of state (in several countries)
      chancellor; prime minister.

    • More ‘premier’ Meaning
    • premiers Associated Words
    • premiers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premiers Related Words
  • presentable

    • adjective satellite fit to be seen
      • presentable clothes

    • More ‘presentable’ Meaning
    • presentable Associated Words
    • presentable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presentable Related Words
  • precambrian

    • noun the eon following the Hadean time and preceding the Phanerozoic eon; from about 3,800 million years ago until 544 million years ago
      Precambrian eon; Precambrian period; Precambrian aeon.

    • More ‘precambrian’ Meaning
    • precambrian Idioms/Phrases
    • precambrian Associated Words
    • precambrian Related Words
  • predate

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; forgo; antedate; precede.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘predate’ Meaning
    • predates Associated Words
    • predates Related Words
  • preface

    • noun a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
      prolusion; foreword.
    • verb furnish with a preface or introduction
      introduce; precede; premise.
      • She always precedes her lectures with a joke
      • He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

    • More ‘preface’ Meaning
    • prefaced Associated Words
    • prefaced Related Words
  • preclude

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; prevent; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb make impossible, especially beforehand
      close out; rule out.

    • More ‘preclude’ Meaning
    • precluding Associated Words
    • precluding Related Words
  • predate

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; forgo; antedate; precede.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘predate’ Meaning
    • predated Associated Words
    • predated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predated Related Words
  • prearrange

    • verb arrange beforehand

    • More ‘prearrange’ Meaning
    • prearranged Associated Words
    • prearranged Related Words
  • preserver

    • noun a skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish buildings or antique furniture
      restorer; refinisher; renovator.
    • noun a cook who preserves fruits or meat

    • More ‘preserver’ Meaning
    • preserver Idioms/Phrases
    • preserver Associated Words
    • preserver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preserver Related Words
  • preoperative

    • adjective satellite happening or done before and in preparation for a surgical operation

    • More ‘preoperative’ Meaning
    • preoperatively Related Words
  • prettily

    • adverb in a pretty manner
      • all this is most prettily done

    • More ‘prettily’ Meaning
    • prettily Associated Words
    • prettily Related Words
  • prefatory

    • adjective satellite serving as an introduction or preface
      prefatorial; introductory.

    • More ‘prefatory’ Meaning
    • prefatory Associated Words
    • prefatory Related Words
  • precipitously

    • adverb very suddenly and to a great degree
      • conditions that precipitously increase the birthrate
      • prices rose sharply
    • adverb abruptly; in a precipitous manner
      • the mountains rose precipitously from the shore

    • More ‘precipitously’ Meaning
    • precipitously Associated Words
    • precipitously Related Words
  • presentment

    • noun an accusation of crime made by a grand jury on its own initiative
    • noun a document that must be accepted and paid by another person

    • More ‘presentment’ Meaning
    • presentment Idioms/Phrases
    • presentment Associated Words
    • presentment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presentment Related Words
  • preview

    • noun an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
      prevue; trailer.
    • noun a screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public

    • More ‘preview’ Meaning
    • previewing Associated Words
    • previewing Related Words
  • prey

    • noun a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
      fair game; target; quarry.
      • he fell prey to muggers
      • everyone was fair game
      • the target of a manhunt
    • noun animal hunted or caught for food

    • More ‘prey’ Meaning
    • preyed Associated Words
    • preyed Related Words
  • preset

    • adjective satellite set in advance
      • a preset plan of action
      • at a predetermined time

    • More ‘preset’ Meaning
    • presets Associated Words
    • presets Related Words
  • preview

    • noun an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
      prevue; trailer.
    • noun a screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public

    • More ‘preview’ Meaning
    • previews Associated Words
    • previews Related Words
  • predispose

    • verb make susceptible
      • This illness predisposes you to gain weight

    • More ‘predispose’ Meaning
    • predisposes Associated Words
    • predisposes Related Words
  • prescribe

    • verb issue commands or orders for
      order; dictate.

    • More ‘prescribe’ Meaning
    • prescriber Associated Words
    • prescriber Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescriber Related Words
  • prefigure

    • verb imagine or consider beforehand
      • It wasn’t as bad as I had prefigured
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; predict; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘prefigure’ Meaning
    • prefigured Associated Words
    • prefigured Related Words
  • predate

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; forgo; antedate; precede.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘predate’ Meaning
    • predate Associated Words
    • predate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predate Related Words
  • precast

    • adjective satellite of structural members especially of concrete; cast into form before being transported to the site of installation

    • More ‘precast’ Meaning
    • precast Associated Words
    • precast Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precast Related Words
  • preferment

    • noun the act of preferring
      • the preferment went to the younger candidate
    • noun the act of making accusations
      • preferment of charges

    • More ‘preferment’ Meaning
    • preferment Associated Words
    • preferment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preferment Related Words
  • prepare

    • verb make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc
      set; fix; set up; gear up; ready.
      • Get the children ready for school!
      • prepare for war
      • I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill
    • verb prepare for eating by applying heat
      cook; ready; fix; make.
      • Cook me dinner, please
      • can you make me an omelette?
      • fix breakfast for the guests, please

    • More ‘prepare’ Meaning
    • preparer Associated Words
    • preparer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preparer Related Words
  • presto

    • adjective satellite (of tempo) very fast
    • adverb suddenly
      • Presto! begone! ’tis here again»- Swift

    • More ‘presto’ Meaning
    • presto Associated Words
    • presto Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presto Related Words
  • presentational

    • adjective of or relating to a presentation (especially in psychology or philosophy)
      • what Whitehead calls `perception in the presentational immediacy’

    • More ‘presentational’ Meaning
    • presentational Associated Words
    • presentational Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presentational Related Words
  • preclusion

    • noun the act of preventing something by anticipating and disposing of it effectively
      forestalling; obviation.

    • More ‘preclusion’ Meaning
    • preclusion Associated Words
    • preclusion Related Words
  • predicative

    • adjective of adjectives; relating to or occurring within the predicate of a sentence
      • `red’ is a predicative adjective in `the apple is red’

    • More ‘predicative’ Meaning
    • predicative Associated Words
    • predicative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predicative Related Words
  • precipice

    • noun a very steep cliff

    • More ‘precipice’ Meaning
    • precipices Associated Words
    • precipices Related Words
  • president

    • noun an executive officer of a firm or corporation
    • noun the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government
      United States President; President of the United States; Chief Executive.
      • the President likes to jog every morning

    • More ‘president’ Meaning
    • presidente Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presidente Related Words
  • premiership

    • noun the office of premier

    • More ‘premiership’ Meaning
    • premiership Associated Words
    • premiership Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premiership Related Words
  • presentiment

    • noun a feeling of evil to come
      foreboding; boding; premonition.
      • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
      • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case

    • More ‘presentiment’ Meaning
    • presentiment Associated Words
    • presentiment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presentiment Related Words
  • prefectural

    • adjective of or relating to a prefecture
      • a prefectural museum

    • More ‘prefectural’ Meaning
    • prefectural Associated Words
    • prefectural Related Words
  • preheat

    • verb heat beforehand
      • Preheat the oven!

    • More ‘preheat’ Meaning
    • preheated Associated Words
    • preheated Related Words
  • presidium

    • noun a permanent executive committee in socialist countries that has all the powers of some larger legislative body and that acts for it when it is not in session

    • More ‘presidium’ Meaning
    • presidium Associated Words
    • presidium Related Words
  • predilection

    • noun a predisposition in favor of something
      preference; orientation.
      • a predilection for expensive cars
      • his sexual preferences
      • showed a Marxist orientation
    • noun a strong liking
      taste; penchant; preference.
      • my own preference is for good literature
      • the Irish have a penchant for blarney

    • More ‘predilection’ Meaning
    • predilections Associated Words
    • predilections Related Words
  • prednisolone

    • noun a glucocorticoid (trade names Pediapred or Prelone) used to treat inflammatory conditions
      Prelone; Pediapred.

    • More ‘prednisolone’ Meaning
    • prednisolone Associated Words
    • prednisolone Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prednisolone Related Words
  • premiss

    • noun a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
      assumption; premise.
      • on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play
    • verb take something as preexisting and given

    • More ‘premiss’ Meaning
    • premisses Associated Words
    • premisses Related Words
  • predicament

    • noun a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
      plight; quandary.
      • finds himself in a most awkward predicament
      • the woeful plight of homeless people

    • More ‘predicament’ Meaning
    • predicaments Associated Words
    • predicaments Related Words
  • presbyter

    • noun an elder in the Presbyterian Church

    • More ‘presbyter’ Meaning
    • presbyters Associated Words
    • presbyters Related Words
  • prey

    • noun a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
      fair game; target; quarry.
      • he fell prey to muggers
      • everyone was fair game
      • the target of a manhunt
    • noun animal hunted or caught for food

    • More ‘prey’ Meaning
    • preying Associated Words
    • preying Related Words
  • premiss

    • noun a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
      assumption; premise.
      • on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play
    • verb take something as preexisting and given

    • More ‘premiss’ Meaning
    • premiss Idioms/Phrases
    • premiss Associated Words
    • premiss Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premiss Related Words
  • pretense

    • noun the act of giving a false appearance
      pretence; feigning; pretending; simulation.
      • his conformity was only pretending
    • noun pretending with intention to deceive
      pretence; dissembling; feigning.

    • More ‘pretense’ Meaning
    • pretenses Associated Words
    • pretenses Related Words
  • preordain

    • verb foreordain or determine beforehand
      foreordain; predestine.

    • More ‘preordain’ Meaning
    • preordained Associated Words
    • preordained Related Words
  • prefect

    • noun a chief officer or chief magistrate
      • the prefect of Paris police

    • More ‘prefect’ Meaning
    • prefects Associated Words
    • prefects Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefects Related Words
  • presbyter

    • noun an elder in the Presbyterian Church

    • More ‘presbyter’ Meaning
    • presbyter Associated Words
    • presbyter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presbyter Related Words
  • preparative

    • adjective satellite preceding and preparing for something
      preparatory; propaedeutic.
      • preparatory steps

    • More ‘preparative’ Meaning
    • preparative Associated Words
    • preparative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preparative Related Words
  • pretzel

    • noun glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot

    • More ‘pretzel’ Meaning
    • pretzels Associated Words
    • pretzels Related Words
  • presage

    • noun a foreboding about what is about to happen
    • noun a sign of something about to happen
      omen; prognostic; prodigy; prognostication; portent.
      • he looked for an omen before going into battle

    • More ‘presage’ Meaning
    • presaged Associated Words
    • presaged Related Words
  • predominate

    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; prevail; reign; rule.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
    • verb appear very large or occupy a commanding position
      tower; loom; hulk.
      • The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
      • Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

    • More ‘predominate’ Meaning
    • predominating Associated Words
    • predominating Related Words
  • presumptively

    • adverb by reasonable assumption
      • presumably, he missed the train

    • More ‘presumptively’ Meaning
    • presumptively Associated Words
    • presumptively Related Words
  • pretender

    • noun a claimant to the throne or to the office of ruler (usually without just title)
    • noun a person who makes deceitful pretenses
      fraud; shammer; imposter; impostor; pseudo; faker; pseud; role player; fake; sham.

    • More ‘pretender’ Meaning
    • pretenders Associated Words
    • pretenders Related Words
  • prefecture

    • noun the district administered by a prefect (as in France or Japan or the Roman Empire)
    • noun the office of prefect

    • More ‘prefecture’ Meaning
    • prefectures Associated Words
    • prefectures Related Words
  • prescience

    • noun the power to foresee the future

    • More ‘prescience’ Meaning
    • prescience Associated Words
    • prescience Related Words
  • premiere

    • noun the first public performance of a play or movie
    • verb be performed for the first time
      • We premiered the opera of the young composer and it was a critical success

    • More ‘premiere’ Meaning
    • premieres Associated Words
    • premieres Related Words
  • pretence

    • noun a false or unsupportable quality
      pretension; pretense.
    • noun an artful or simulated semblance
      guise; pretense; pretext.
      • under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

    • More ‘pretence’ Meaning
    • pretences Associated Words
    • pretences Related Words
  • pretext

    • noun something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason
    • noun an artful or simulated semblance
      guise; pretence; pretense.
      • under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

    • More ‘pretext’ Meaning
    • pretexts Associated Words
    • pretexts Related Words
  • premolar

    • noun a tooth having two cusps or points; located between the incisors and the molars

    • More ‘premolar’ Meaning
    • premolar Associated Words
    • premolar Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premolar Related Words
  • precondition

    • noun an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else
      condition; stipulation.
    • noun an assumption that is taken for granted
      presumption; given.

    • More ‘precondition’ Meaning
    • preconditioning Associated Words
    • preconditioning Related Words
  • prelude

    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      overture; preliminary.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner
    • noun music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera

    • More ‘prelude’ Meaning
    • preludes Associated Words
    • preludes Related Words
  • prepubertal

    • adjective satellite (especially of human beings) at the age immediately before puberty; often marked by accelerated growth

    • More ‘prepubertal’ Meaning
    • prepubertal Associated Words
    • prepubertal Related Words
  • presidency

    • noun the tenure of a president
      presidential term; administration.
      • things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration
    • noun the office and function of president
      • Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was customary before his time

    • More ‘presidency’ Meaning
    • presidencies Associated Words
    • presidencies Related Words
  • presage

    • noun a foreboding about what is about to happen
    • noun a sign of something about to happen
      omen; prognostic; prodigy; prognostication; portent.
      • he looked for an omen before going into battle

    • More ‘presage’ Meaning
    • presage Associated Words
    • presage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presage Related Words
  • prepackaged

    • adjective satellite prepared and wrapped beforehand and ready for sale
      • prepackaged foods

    • More ‘prepackaged’ Meaning
    • prepackaged Associated Words
    • prepackaged Related Words
  • preternatural

    • adjective satellite surpassing the ordinary or normal
      • Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel» — George Will
      • his uncanny sense of direction
    • adjective satellite existing outside of or not in accordance with nature
      nonnatural; otherworldly; transcendental.
      • find transcendental motives for sublunary action»-Aldous Huxley

    • More ‘preternatural’ Meaning
    • preternatural Associated Words
    • preternatural Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preternatural Related Words
  • precis

    • noun a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
      synopsis; outline; abstract.
    • verb make a summary (of)

    • More ‘precis’ Meaning
    • precis Associated Words
    • precis Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precis Related Words
  • precariousness

    • noun extreme dangerousness
    • noun being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance
      uncertainty; uncertainness.
      • the uncertainty of the outcome
      • the precariousness of his income

    • More ‘precariousness’ Meaning
    • precariousness Associated Words
    • precariousness Related Words
  • preconception

    • noun an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence
      preconceived notion; prepossession; preconceived opinion; preconceived idea; parti pris.
      • he did not even try to confirm his preconceptions
    • noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
      bias; prejudice.

    • More ‘preconception’ Meaning
    • preconception Associated Words
    • preconception Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preconception Related Words
  • presuppose

    • verb take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand
      • I presuppose that you have done your work
    • verb require as a necessary antecedent or precondition
      • This step presupposes two prior ones

    • More ‘presuppose’ Meaning
    • presupposing Associated Words
    • presupposing Related Words
  • preponderant

    • adjective satellite having superior power and influence
      overriding; paramount; preponderating; predominant; predominate.
      • the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism

    • More ‘preponderant’ Meaning
    • preponderant Associated Words
    • preponderant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preponderant Related Words
  • press

    • noun the state of demanding notice or attention
      pressure; insistency; imperativeness; insistence.
      • the insistence of their hunger
      • the press of business matters
    • noun the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
      public press.

    • More ‘press’ Meaning
    • press Idioms/Phrases
    • presser Associated Words
    • presser Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presser Related Words
  • premolar

    • noun a tooth having two cusps or points; located between the incisors and the molars

    • More ‘premolar’ Meaning
    • premolars Associated Words
    • premolars Related Words
  • preeminently

    • adverb to a preeminent degree; with superiority or distinction above others; in a preeminent manner
      • a wide variety of pre-eminently contemporary scenes

    • More ‘preeminently’ Meaning
    • preeminently Associated Words
    • preeminently Related Words
  • premeditation

    • noun planning or plotting in advance of acting
    • noun (law) thought and intention to commit a crime well in advance of the crime; goes to show criminal intent

    • More ‘premeditation’ Meaning
    • premeditation Associated Words
    • premeditation Related Words
  • prepayment

    • noun payment in advance

    • More ‘prepayment’ Meaning
    • prepayments Associated Words
    • prepayments Related Words
  • prefigure

    • verb imagine or consider beforehand
      • It wasn’t as bad as I had prefigured
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; predict; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘prefigure’ Meaning
    • prefigures Associated Words
    • prefigures Related Words
  • pressman

    • noun someone whose occupation is printing
    • noun a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
      newspaperman; newswriter; correspondent; newspaperwoman.

    • More ‘pressman’ Meaning
    • pressman Associated Words
    • pressman Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressman Related Words
  • premonition

    • noun a feeling of evil to come
      foreboding; boding; presentiment.
      • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
      • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case
    • noun an early warning about a future event

    • More ‘premonition’ Meaning
    • premonitions Associated Words
    • premonitions Related Words
  • pretzel

    • noun glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot

    • More ‘pretzel’ Meaning
    • pretzel Idioms/Phrases
    • pretzel Associated Words
    • pretzel Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretzel Related Words
  • premix

    • noun a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients

    • More ‘premix’ Meaning
    • premixed Associated Words
    • premixed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premixed Related Words
  • prenuptial

    • adjective relating to events before a marriage
      antenuptial; premarital.
      • prenuptial agreement

    • More ‘prenuptial’ Meaning
    • prenuptial Associated Words
    • prenuptial Related Words
  • preen

    • verb clean with one’s bill
      • The birds preened
    • verb pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

    • More ‘preen’ Meaning
    • preening Associated Words
    • preening Related Words
  • prerecorded

    • adjective satellite recorded at one time for transmission later
    • verb record before presentation, as of a broadcast

    • More ‘prerecorded’ Meaning
    • prerecorded Associated Words
    • prerecorded Related Words
  • preschooler

    • noun a child who attends a preschool or kindergarten
      kindergartener; kindergartner.

    • More ‘preschooler’ Meaning
    • preschooler Associated Words
    • preschooler Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preschooler Related Words
  • predate

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; forgo; antedate; precede.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘predate’ Meaning
    • predating Associated Words
    • predating Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predating Related Words
  • preschool

    • noun an educational institution for children too young for elementary school

    • More ‘preschool’ Meaning
    • preschools Associated Words
    • preschools Related Words
  • prenatal

    • adjective occurring or existing before birth
      antenatal; antepartum.
      • the prenatal period
      • antenatal care

    • More ‘prenatal’ Meaning
    • prenatally Associated Words
    • prenatally Related Words
  • preform

    • verb form into a shape resembling the final, desired one
    • verb form or shape beforehand or determine the shape of beforehand

    • More ‘preform’ Meaning
    • preform Associated Words
    • preform Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preform Related Words
  • prettiness

    • noun the quality of being appealing in a delicate or graceful way (of a girl or young woman)

    • More ‘prettiness’ Meaning
    • prettiness Associated Words
    • prettiness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prettiness Related Words
  • prejudgment

    • noun a judgment reached before the evidence is available

    • More ‘prejudgment’ Meaning
    • prejudgment Associated Words
    • prejudgment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prejudgment Related Words
  • precocity

    • noun intelligence achieved far ahead of normal developmental schedules

    • More ‘precocity’ Meaning
    • precocity Associated Words
    • precocity Related Words
  • precipitately

    • adverb at breakneck speed
      • burst headlong through the gate

    • More ‘precipitately’ Meaning
    • precipitately Associated Words
    • precipitately Related Words
  • prey

    • noun a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
      fair game; target; quarry.
      • he fell prey to muggers
      • everyone was fair game
      • the target of a manhunt
    • noun animal hunted or caught for food

    • More ‘prey’ Meaning
    • preys Associated Words
    • preys Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preys Related Words
  • prepuce

    • noun a fold of skin covering the tip of the clitoris
    • noun a fold of skin covering the tip of the penis

    • More ‘prepuce’ Meaning
    • prepuce Associated Words
    • prepuce Related Words
  • prep

    • noun preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)
      preparation; homework.

    • More ‘prep’ Meaning
    • prepped Associated Words
    • prepped Related Words
  • preterite

    • noun a term formerly used to refer to the simple past tense

    • More ‘preterite’ Meaning
    • preterite Associated Words
    • preterite Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preterite Related Words
  • precordial

    • adjective in front of the heart; involving the precordium

    • More ‘precordial’ Meaning
    • precordial Associated Words
    • precordial Related Words
  • pressurise

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      pressurize; supercharge.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurise’ Meaning
    • pressurised Associated Words
    • pressurised Related Words
  • preadolescent

    • adjective satellite of or relating to or designed for children between the ages of 9 and 12
      • a preteen party
      • preteen clothing

    • More ‘preadolescent’ Meaning
    • preadolescent Associated Words
    • preadolescent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preadolescent Related Words
  • preoccupy

    • verb engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently or obsessively
      • His work preoccupies him
      • The matter preoccupies her completely—she cannot think of anything else
    • verb occupy or take possession of beforehand or before another or appropriate for use in advance
      • the army preoccupied the hills

    • More ‘preoccupy’ Meaning
    • preoccupy Associated Words
    • preoccupy Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preoccupy Related Words
  • press

    • noun the state of demanding notice or attention
      pressure; insistency; imperativeness; insistence.
      • the insistence of their hunger
      • the press of business matters
    • noun the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
      public press.

    • More ‘press’ Meaning
    • press Idioms/Phrases
    • prest Associated Words
    • prest Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prest Related Words
  • pressor

    • noun any agent that causes a narrowing of an opening of a blood vessel: cold or stress or nicotine or epinephrine or norepinephrine or angiotensin or vasopressin or certain drugs; maintains or increases blood pressure
      vasoconstrictor; vasoconstrictive.
    • adjective increasing (or tending to increase) blood pressure
      • pressor reflexes

    • More ‘pressor’ Meaning
    • pressor Associated Words
    • pressor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressor Related Words
  • preseason

    • noun a period prior to the beginning of the regular season which is devoted to training and preparation

    • More ‘preseason’ Meaning
    • preseason Associated Words
    • preseason Related Words
  • preheat

    • verb heat beforehand
      • Preheat the oven!

    • More ‘preheat’ Meaning
    • preheating Associated Words
    • preheating Related Words
  • premonitory

    • adjective satellite warning of future misfortune

    • More ‘premonitory’ Meaning
    • premonitory Associated Words
    • premonitory Related Words
  • prefigure

    • verb imagine or consider beforehand
      • It wasn’t as bad as I had prefigured
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; predict; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘prefigure’ Meaning
    • prefigure Associated Words
    • prefigure Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefigure Related Words
  • preceptor

    • noun teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)

    • More ‘preceptor’ Meaning
    • preceptors Associated Words
    • preceptors Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preceptors Related Words
  • preservationist

    • noun someone who advocates the preservation of historical sites or endangered species or natural areas

    • More ‘preservationist’ Meaning
    • preservationists Associated Words
    • preservationists Related Words
  • precancerous

    • adjective of or relating to a growth that is not malignant but is likely to become so if not treated

    • More ‘precancerous’ Meaning
    • precancerous Associated Words
    • precancerous Related Words
  • preteen

    • noun a preadolescent boy or girl (usually between 9 and 12 years of age)
      • little league is intended for the preteens
    • adjective satellite of or relating to or designed for children between the ages of 9 and 12
      • a preteen party
      • preteen clothing

    • More ‘preteen’ Meaning
    • preteen Associated Words
    • preteen Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preteen Related Words
  • preserver

    • noun a skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish buildings or antique furniture
      restorer; refinisher; renovator.
    • noun a cook who preserves fruits or meat

    • More ‘preserver’ Meaning
    • preservers Associated Words
    • preservers Related Words
  • preview

    • noun an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
      prevue; trailer.
    • noun a screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public

    • More ‘preview’ Meaning
    • previewed Associated Words
    • previewed Related Words
  • predecease

    • verb die before; die earlier than
      • She predeceased her husband

    • More ‘predecease’ Meaning
    • predeceased Associated Words
    • predeceased Related Words
  • presage

    • noun a foreboding about what is about to happen
    • noun a sign of something about to happen
      omen; prognostic; prodigy; prognostication; portent.
      • he looked for an omen before going into battle

    • More ‘presage’ Meaning
    • presages Associated Words
    • presages Related Words
  • predication

    • noun (logic) a declaration of something self-evident; something that can be assumed as the basis for argument

    • More ‘predication’ Meaning
    • predications Associated Words
    • predications Related Words
  • preempt

    • noun a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding
      pre-empt; preemptive bid.
    • verb acquire for oneself before others can do so

    • More ‘preempt’ Meaning
    • preempts Associated Words
    • preempts Related Words
  • prehension

    • noun the act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)
      grasping; seizing; taking hold.

    • More ‘prehension’ Meaning
    • prehension Associated Words
    • prehension Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehension Related Words
  • preciousness

    • noun the quality possessed by something with a great price or value
      costliness; dearness.
    • noun the positive quality of being precious and beyond value
      pricelessness; invaluableness; valuableness.

    • More ‘preciousness’ Meaning
    • preciousness Associated Words
    • preciousness Related Words
  • prevarication

    • noun a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth
    • noun intentionally vague or ambiguous
      equivocation; evasiveness.

    • More ‘prevarication’ Meaning
    • prevarication Associated Words
    • prevarication Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevarication Related Words
  • prefigure

    • verb imagine or consider beforehand
      • It wasn’t as bad as I had prefigured
    • verb indicate by signs
      omen; auspicate; bode; betoken; portend; foreshadow; predict; foretell; augur; prognosticate; forecast; presage.
      • These signs bode bad news

    • More ‘prefigure’ Meaning
    • prefiguring Associated Words
    • prefiguring Related Words
  • prehensile

    • adjective adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object
      • a monkey’s prehensile tail
    • adjective satellite having a keen intellect
      • poets—those gifted strangely prehensile men»- A.T.Quiller-Couch

    • More ‘prehensile’ Meaning
    • prehensile Associated Words
    • prehensile Related Words
  • precipitant

    • noun an agent that causes a precipitate to form
    • adjective satellite done with very great haste and without due deliberation
      hasty; precipitate; overhasty; precipitous.
      • hasty marriage seldom proveth well»- Shakespeare
      • hasty makeshifts take the place of planning»- Arthur Geddes
      • rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion
      • wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king

    • More ‘precipitant’ Meaning
    • precipitant Associated Words
    • precipitant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitant Related Words
  • prepossessing

    • adjective satellite creating a favorable impression
      • strong and vigorous and of prepossessing appearance
    • verb possess beforehand

    • More ‘prepossessing’ Meaning
    • prepossessing Associated Words
    • prepossessing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepossessing Related Words
  • preliminary

    • noun a minor match preceding the main event
    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      overture; prelude.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner

    • More ‘preliminary’ Meaning
    • preliminarily Associated Words
    • preliminarily Related Words
  • preclusive

    • adjective satellite made impossible

    • More ‘preclusive’ Meaning
    • preclusive Associated Words
    • preclusive Related Words
  • preexistent

    • adjective satellite existing previously or before something
      pre-existent; preexisting; pre-existing.
      • variations on pre-existent musical themes

    • More ‘preexistent’ Meaning
    • preexistent Associated Words
    • preexistent Related Words
  • prepubescent

    • adjective satellite (especially of human beings) at the age immediately before puberty; often marked by accelerated growth

    • More ‘prepubescent’ Meaning
    • prepubescent Associated Words
    • prepubescent Related Words
  • prevision

    • noun a prophetic vision (as in a dream)
    • noun the power to foresee the future

    • More ‘prevision’ Meaning
    • prevision Associated Words
    • prevision Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevision Related Words
  • preface

    • noun a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book
      prolusion; foreword.
    • verb furnish with a preface or introduction
      introduce; precede; premise.
      • She always precedes her lectures with a joke
      • He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

    • More ‘preface’ Meaning
    • prefacing Associated Words
    • prefacing Related Words
  • pretentiousness

    • noun lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity
      splashiness; pompousness; ostentation; puffiness; inflation; pomposity; ostentatiousness.
    • noun the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)
      pretension; largeness.

    • More ‘pretentiousness’ Meaning
    • pretentiousness Associated Words
    • pretentiousness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretentiousness Related Words
  • preconditioned

    • adjective satellite having already been put into a suitable condition
      • a surface preconditioned to receive paint
      • customers preconditioned to buy a product
    • verb put into the required condition beforehand

    • More ‘preconditioned’ Meaning
    • preconditioned Associated Words
    • preconditioned Related Words
  • predetermine

    • verb determine beforehand
    • verb cause to be biased

    • More ‘predetermine’ Meaning
    • predetermine Associated Words
    • predetermine Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predetermine Related Words
  • preservationist

    • noun someone who advocates the preservation of historical sites or endangered species or natural areas

    • More ‘preservationist’ Meaning
    • preservationist Associated Words
    • preservationist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preservationist Related Words
  • prepay

    • verb pay for something before receiving it

    • More ‘prepay’ Meaning
    • prepay Associated Words
    • prepay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepay Related Words
  • preempt

    • noun a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding
      pre-empt; preemptive bid.
    • verb acquire for oneself before others can do so

    • More ‘preempt’ Meaning
    • preempting Associated Words
    • preempting Related Words
  • preternaturally

    • adverb in a supernatural manner
      • she was preternaturally beautiful

    • More ‘preternaturally’ Meaning
    • preternaturally Associated Words
    • preternaturally Related Words
  • preemptive

    • adjective satellite designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence
      • a preemptive business offer

    • More ‘preemptive’ Meaning
    • preemptively Associated Words
    • preemptively Related Words
  • preen

    • verb clean with one’s bill
      • The birds preened
    • verb pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

    • More ‘preen’ Meaning
    • preen Idioms/Phrases
    • preen Associated Words
    • preen Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preen Related Words
  • presbyopia

    • noun a reduced ability to focus on near objects caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens after age 45

    • More ‘presbyopia’ Meaning
    • presbyopia Associated Words
    • presbyopia Related Words
  • prefab

    • noun a prefabricated structure
    • adjective satellite manufactured in standard sizes to be shipped and assembled elsewhere
      • a pre structure

    • More ‘prefab’ Meaning
    • prefab Associated Words
    • prefab Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefab Related Words
  • precedential

    • adjective satellite having precedence (especially because of longer service)
      • precedential treatment for senior members of the firm

    • More ‘precedential’ Meaning
    • precedential Associated Words
    • precedential Related Words
  • prejudge

    • verb judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence

    • More ‘prejudge’ Meaning
    • prejudge Associated Words
    • prejudge Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prejudge Related Words
  • prep

    • noun preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)
      preparation; homework.

    • More ‘prep’ Meaning
    • prepping Associated Words
    • prepping Related Words
  • prefix

    • noun an affix that is added in front of the word
    • verb attach a prefix to
      • prefixed words

    • More ‘prefix’ Meaning
    • prefixing Associated Words
    • prefixing Related Words
  • precognition

    • noun knowledge of an event before it occurs

    • More ‘precognition’ Meaning
    • precognition Associated Words
    • precognition Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precognition Related Words
  • presage

    • noun a foreboding about what is about to happen
    • noun a sign of something about to happen
      omen; prognostic; prodigy; prognostication; portent.
      • he looked for an omen before going into battle

    • More ‘presage’ Meaning
    • presaging Associated Words
    • presaging Related Words
  • preexistence

    • noun existing in a former state or previous to something else

    • More ‘preexistence’ Meaning
    • preexistence Associated Words
    • preexistence Related Words
  • precipitant

    • noun an agent that causes a precipitate to form
    • adjective satellite done with very great haste and without due deliberation
      hasty; precipitate; overhasty; precipitous.
      • hasty marriage seldom proveth well»- Shakespeare
      • hasty makeshifts take the place of planning»- Arthur Geddes
      • rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion
      • wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king

    • More ‘precipitant’ Meaning
    • precipitants Associated Words
    • precipitants Related Words
  • prejudice

    • noun a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
      preconception; bias.
    • verb disadvantage by prejudice

    • More ‘prejudice’ Meaning
    • prejudicing Associated Words
    • prejudicing Related Words
  • preamble

    • noun a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose)
    • verb make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document

    • More ‘preamble’ Meaning
    • preambles Associated Words
    • preambles Related Words
  • preliterate

    • adjective satellite not yet having acquired the ability to read and write
    • adjective satellite used of a society that has not developed writing

    • More ‘preliterate’ Meaning
    • preliterate Associated Words
    • preliterate Related Words
  • preform

    • verb form into a shape resembling the final, desired one
    • verb form or shape beforehand or determine the shape of beforehand

    • More ‘preform’ Meaning
    • preforms Associated Words
    • preforms Related Words
  • preteen

    • noun a preadolescent boy or girl (usually between 9 and 12 years of age)
      • little league is intended for the preteens
    • adjective satellite of or relating to or designed for children between the ages of 9 and 12
      • a preteen party
      • preteen clothing

    • More ‘preteen’ Meaning
    • preteens Associated Words
    • preteens Related Words
  • presbytery

    • noun building reserved for the officiating clergy

    • More ‘presbytery’ Meaning
    • presbyteries Associated Words
    • presbyteries Related Words
  • presentism

    • noun the doctrine that the Scripture prophecies of the Apocalypse (as in the Book of Revelations) are presently in the course of being fulfilled

    • More ‘presentism’ Meaning
    • presentism Associated Words
    • presentism Related Words
  • presentiment

    • noun a feeling of evil to come
      foreboding; boding; premonition.
      • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
      • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case

    • More ‘presentiment’ Meaning
    • presentiments Associated Words
    • presentiments Related Words
  • preterit

    • noun a term formerly used to refer to the simple past tense

    • More ‘preterit’ Meaning
    • preterit Associated Words
    • preterit Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preterit Related Words
  • prebendary

    • noun a canon who receives a prebend for serving the church

    • More ‘prebendary’ Meaning
    • prebendary Associated Words
    • prebendary Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prebendary Related Words
  • preen

    • verb clean with one’s bill
      • The birds preened
    • verb pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

    • More ‘preen’ Meaning
    • preened Associated Words
    • preened Related Words
  • precede

    • verb be earlier in time; go back further
      antecede; forego; predate; forgo; antedate.
      • Stone tools precede bronze tools
    • verb come before
      • Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify

    • More ‘precede’ Meaning
    • preceeding Associated Words
    • preceeding Related Words
  • presciently

    • adverb with foresight
      • more presciently than they superiors, these workers grasped the economic situation

    • More ‘presciently’ Meaning
    • presciently Associated Words
    • presciently Related Words
  • prevalence

    • noun the quality of prevailing generally; being widespread
      • he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future
    • noun (epidemiology) the ratio (for a given time period) of the number of occurrences of a disease or event to the number of units at risk in the population

    • More ‘prevalence’ Meaning
    • prevalences Related Words
  • predetermination

    • noun (theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind)
      foreordination; preordination; predestination.
    • noun a mental determination or resolve in advance; an antecedent intention to do something
      • he entered the argument with a predetermination to prove me wrong

    • More ‘predetermination’ Meaning
    • predetermination Associated Words
    • predetermination Related Words
  • presocratic

    • adjective before the time of Socrates

    • More ‘presocratic’ Meaning
    • presocratic Associated Words
    • presocratic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presocratic Related Words
  • precentor

    • noun the musical director of a choir
      cantor; choirmaster.

    • More ‘precentor’ Meaning
    • precentor Associated Words
    • precentor Related Words
  • preaching

    • noun an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)
      discourse; sermon.
    • noun a moralistic rebuke
      • your preaching is wasted on him

    • More ‘preaching’ Meaning
    • preachings Associated Words
    • preachings Related Words
  • preposterously

    • adverb so as to arouse or deserve laughter
      ridiculously; ludicrously; laughably.
      • her income was laughably small, but she managed to live well

    • More ‘preposterously’ Meaning
    • preposterously Associated Words
    • preposterously Related Words
  • preachy

    • adjective satellite inclined to or marked by tedious moralization

    • More ‘preachy’ Meaning
    • preachy Associated Words
    • preachy Related Words
  • prefiguration

    • noun an example that prefigures or foreshadows what is to come
    • noun the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand
      foreshadowing; adumbration.

    • More ‘prefiguration’ Meaning
    • prefiguration Associated Words
    • prefiguration Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prefiguration Related Words
  • prepossession

    • noun the condition of being prepossessed
      • the king’s prepossession in my favor is very valuable
    • noun an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence
      preconceived notion; preconceived opinion; preconception; preconceived idea; parti pris.
      • he did not even try to confirm his preconceptions

    • More ‘prepossession’ Meaning
    • prepossessions Associated Words
    • prepossessions Related Words
  • pressurize

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      supercharge; pressurise.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurize’ Meaning
    • pressurize Idioms/Phrases
    • pressurize Associated Words
    • pressurize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressurize Related Words
  • prepose

    • verb place before another constituent in the sentence; Japanese postposes them»
      • English preposes the adpositions

    • More ‘prepose’ Meaning
    • preposed Related Words
  • prelapsarian

    • adjective of or relating to the time before the Fall of Adam and Eve

    • More ‘prelapsarian’ Meaning
    • prelapsarian Associated Words
    • prelapsarian Related Words
  • precision

    • noun the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
      • he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton
      • note the meticulous precision of his measurements

    • More ‘precision’ Meaning
    • precisions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precisions Related Words
  • presentness

    • noun the quality of being the present
      • a study of the pastness of the present and…of the presentness of the past»- R.E.Spiller

    • More ‘presentness’ Meaning
    • presentness Associated Words
    • presentness Related Words
  • predicate

    • noun (logic) what is predicated of the subject of a proposition; the second term in a proposition is predicated of the first term by means of the copula
      • `Socrates is a man’ predicates manhood of Socrates
    • noun one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the predicate contains the verb and its complements
      verb phrase.

    • More ‘predicate’ Meaning
    • predicating Associated Words
    • predicating Related Words
  • prefabrication

    • noun the manufacture of sections of a building at the factory so they can be easily and rapidly assembled at the building site

    • More ‘prefabrication’ Meaning
    • prefabrication Associated Words
    • prefabrication Related Words
  • pressman

    • noun someone whose occupation is printing
    • noun a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
      newspaperman; newswriter; correspondent; newspaperwoman.

    • More ‘pressman’ Meaning
    • pressmen Associated Words
    • pressmen Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressmen Related Words
  • preadolescent

    • adjective satellite of or relating to or designed for children between the ages of 9 and 12
      • a preteen party
      • preteen clothing

    • More ‘preadolescent’ Meaning
    • preadolescents Associated Words
    • preadolescents Related Words
  • premix

    • noun a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients

    • More ‘premix’ Meaning
    • premix Associated Words
    • premix Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premix Related Words
  • presumptuously

    • adverb in a presumptuous manner
      • he presumptuously overstepped the doctor’s orders

    • More ‘presumptuously’ Meaning
    • presumptuously Associated Words
    • presumptuously Related Words
  • preponderating

    • adjective satellite having superior power and influence
      preponderant; overriding; paramount; predominant; predominate.
      • the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism
    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; overbalance; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘preponderating’ Meaning
    • preponderating Associated Words
    • preponderating Related Words
  • pressburg

    • noun capital and largest city of Slovakia
      capital of Slovakia; Pozsony; Bratislava.

    • More ‘pressburg’ Meaning
    • pressburg Associated Words
    • pressburg Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressburg Related Words
  • prelacy

    • noun prelates collectively
    • noun the office or station of a prelate

    • More ‘prelacy’ Meaning
    • prelacy Associated Words
    • prelacy Related Words
  • presentist

    • noun a theologian who believes that the Scripture prophecies of the Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation) are being fulfilled at the present time

    • More ‘presentist’ Meaning
    • presentist Associated Words
    • presentist Related Words
  • prenominal

    • adjective of adjectives; placed before the nouns they modify
      • `red’ is an attributive adjective in `a red apple’

    • More ‘prenominal’ Meaning
    • prenominal Associated Words
    • prenominal Related Words
  • presidio

    • noun a fortress established in the southwestern United States by the Spanish in order to protect their missions and other holdings
      • Tucson was first settled as a walled presidio

    • More ‘presidio’ Meaning
    • presidios Associated Words
    • presidios Related Words
  • precociously

    • adverb in a precocious manner
      • her child behaves precociously

    • More ‘precociously’ Meaning
    • precociously Associated Words
    • precociously Related Words
  • prebend

    • noun the stipend assigned by a cathedral to a canon

    • More ‘prebend’ Meaning
    • prebend Idioms/Phrases
    • prebend Associated Words
    • prebend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prebend Related Words
  • precooked

    • adjective satellite cooked partially or completely beforehand
      • frozen precooked meals from the supermarket
    • verb cook beforehand so that the actual preparation won’t take long
      • precook the rice

    • More ‘precooked’ Meaning
    • precooked Associated Words
    • precooked Related Words
  • presymptomatic

    • adjective of or relating to the early phases of a disease when accurate diagnosis is not possible because symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared

    • More ‘presymptomatic’ Meaning
    • presymptomatic Associated Words
    • presymptomatic Related Words
  • preside

    • verb act as president
      • preside over companies and corporations

    • More ‘preside’ Meaning
    • presider Associated Words
    • presider Prefix/Suffix Words
    • presider Related Words
  • precipitator

    • noun removes dust particles from gases by electrostatic precipitation
      electrostatic precipitator; Cottrell precipitator.

    • More ‘precipitator’ Meaning
    • precipitator Idioms/Phrases
    • precipitator Associated Words
    • precipitator Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitator Related Words
  • prep

    • noun preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)
      preparation; homework.

    • More ‘prep’ Meaning
    • preps Associated Words
    • preps Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preps Related Words
  • prepossession

    • noun the condition of being prepossessed
      • the king’s prepossession in my favor is very valuable
    • noun an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence
      preconceived notion; preconceived opinion; preconception; preconceived idea; parti pris.
      • he did not even try to confirm his preconceptions

    • More ‘prepossession’ Meaning
    • prepossession Associated Words
    • prepossession Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepossession Related Words
  • precognitive

    • adjective satellite foreseeing the future
      clairvoyant; second-sighted.

    • More ‘precognitive’ Meaning
    • precognitive Associated Words
    • precognitive Related Words
  • presentment

    • noun an accusation of crime made by a grand jury on its own initiative
    • noun a document that must be accepted and paid by another person

    • More ‘presentment’ Meaning
    • presentments Associated Words
    • presentments Related Words
  • preferment

    • noun the act of preferring
      • the preferment went to the younger candidate
    • noun the act of making accusations
      • preferment of charges

    • More ‘preferment’ Meaning
    • preferments Associated Words
    • preferments Related Words
  • preciseness

    • noun clarity as a consequence of precision
    • noun the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
      • he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton
      • note the meticulous precision of his measurements

    • More ‘preciseness’ Meaning
    • preciseness Associated Words
    • preciseness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preciseness Related Words
  • predaceous

    • adjective satellite hunting and killing other animals for food
    • adjective satellite living by or given to victimizing others for personal gain
      predacious; predatory.
      • predatory capitalists
      • a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal»- Peter S. Prescott
      • a predacious kind of animal—the early geological gangster»- W.E.Swinton

    • More ‘predaceous’ Meaning
    • predaceous Associated Words
    • predaceous Related Words
  • precursory

    • adjective satellite warning of future misfortune

    • More ‘precursory’ Meaning
    • precursory Associated Words
    • precursory Related Words
  • pressurize

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      supercharge; pressurise.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurize’ Meaning
    • pressurizing Associated Words
    • pressurizing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressurizing Related Words
  • preponderantly

    • adverb much greater in number or influence
      • the patients are predominantly indigenous

    • More ‘preponderantly’ Meaning
    • preponderantly Associated Words
    • preponderantly Related Words
  • preoccupy

    • verb engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently or obsessively
      • His work preoccupies him
      • The matter preoccupies her completely—she cannot think of anything else
    • verb occupy or take possession of beforehand or before another or appropriate for use in advance
      • the army preoccupied the hills

    • More ‘preoccupy’ Meaning
    • preoccupies Associated Words
    • preoccupies Related Words
  • preoccupy

    • verb engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently or obsessively
      • His work preoccupies him
      • The matter preoccupies her completely—she cannot think of anything else
    • verb occupy or take possession of beforehand or before another or appropriate for use in advance
      • the army preoccupied the hills

    • More ‘preoccupy’ Meaning
    • preoccupying Associated Words
    • preoccupying Related Words
  • preussen

    • noun a former kingdom in north-central Europe including present-day northern Germany and northern Poland
      • in the 19th century Prussia led the economic and political unification of the German states

    • More ‘preussen’ Meaning
    • preussen Associated Words
    • preussen Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preussen Related Words
  • precipitation

    • noun the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time
      • the storm brought several inches of precipitation
    • noun the process of forming a chemical precipitate

    • More ‘precipitation’ Meaning
    • precipitations Associated Words
    • precipitations Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitations Related Words
  • presumable

    • adjective satellite capable of being inferred on slight grounds
      supposable; surmisable.

    • More ‘presumable’ Meaning
    • presumable Associated Words
    • presumable Related Words
  • presidentship

    • noun the office and function of president
      • Andrew Jackson expanded the power of the presidency beyond what was customary before his time

    • More ‘presidentship’ Meaning
    • presidentship Associated Words
    • presidentship Related Words
  • predicator

    • noun an expression that predicates

    • More ‘predicator’ Meaning
    • predicator Associated Words
    • predicator Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predicator Related Words
  • preponderate

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; overbalance; outbalance.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘preponderate’ Meaning
    • preponderate Associated Words
    • preponderate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preponderate Related Words
  • precipitator

    • noun removes dust particles from gases by electrostatic precipitation
      electrostatic precipitator; Cottrell precipitator.

    • More ‘precipitator’ Meaning
    • precipitators Related Words
  • prelim

    • noun a minor match preceding the main event
    • noun an examination taken by graduate students to determine their fitness to continue
      preliminary examination; preliminary exam.

    • More ‘prelim’ Meaning
    • prelim Associated Words
    • prelim Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prelim Related Words
  • pressing

    • noun the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure
      press; pressure.
      • he gave the button a press
      • he used pressure to stop the bleeding
      • at the pressing of a button
    • noun a metal or plastic part that is made by a mechanical press

    • More ‘pressing’ Meaning
    • pressings Associated Words
    • pressings Related Words
  • prejudicial

    • adjective satellite (sometimes followed by `to’) causing harm or injury
      detrimental; damaging; prejudicious.
      • damaging to career and reputation
      • the reporter’s coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant
    • adjective tending to favor preconceived ideas
      • the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population

    • More ‘prejudicial’ Meaning
    • prejudicially Associated Words
    • prejudicially Related Words
  • prejudge

    • verb judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence

    • More ‘prejudge’ Meaning
    • prejudging Associated Words
    • prejudging Related Words
  • preakness

    • noun an annual race for three-year-old horses; held at Pimlico in Baltimore, Maryland

    • More ‘preakness’ Meaning
    • preakness Associated Words
    • preakness Related Words
  • prey

    • noun a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
      fair game; target; quarry.
      • he fell prey to muggers
      • everyone was fair game
      • the target of a manhunt
    • noun animal hunted or caught for food

    • More ‘prey’ Meaning
    • preyer Associated Words
    • preyer Related Words
  • prevaricate

    • verb be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
      beat around the bush; equivocate; tergiversate; palter.

    • More ‘prevaricate’ Meaning
    • prevaricate Associated Words
    • prevaricate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prevaricate Related Words
  • prejudge

    • verb judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence

    • More ‘prejudge’ Meaning
    • prejudged Associated Words
    • prejudged Related Words
  • preemie

    • noun an infant that is born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
      premature baby; premie; preterm infant; premature infant; preterm baby.

    • More ‘preemie’ Meaning
    • preemies Associated Words
    • preemies Related Words
  • prevent

    • verb keep from happening or arising; make impossible
      forbid; preclude; foreclose; forestall.
      • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
      • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
    • verb stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
      • We must prevent the cancer from spreading
      • His snoring kept me from falling asleep
      • Keep the child from eating the marbles

    • More ‘prevent’ Meaning
    • prevent Idioms/Phrases
    • preventer Associated Words
    • preventer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preventer Related Words
  • premedical

    • adjective preparing for the study of medicine
      • premedical students
    • adjective satellite preceding and preparing for the study of medicine
      • premedical courses

    • More ‘premedical’ Meaning
    • premedical Associated Words
    • premedical Related Words
  • prebend

    • noun the stipend assigned by a cathedral to a canon

    • More ‘prebend’ Meaning
    • prebends Associated Words
    • prebends Related Words
  • prevenient

    • adjective satellite in anticipation

    • More ‘prevenient’ Meaning
    • prevenient Associated Words
    • prevenient Related Words
  • preemie

    • noun an infant that is born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
      premature baby; premie; preterm infant; premature infant; preterm baby.

    • More ‘preemie’ Meaning
    • preemie Associated Words
    • preemie Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preemie Related Words
  • precess

    • verb move in a gyrating fashion
      • the poles of the Earth precess at a right angle to the force that is applied

    • More ‘precess’ Meaning
    • precess Associated Words
    • precess Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precess Related Words
  • prepossess

    • verb possess beforehand
    • verb cause to be preoccupied
      • The idea of his failure prepossesses him

    • More ‘prepossess’ Meaning
    • prepossessed Associated Words
    • prepossessed Related Words
  • preconcerted

    • adjective satellite previously arranged or agreed on
      • following preconcerted plans

    • More ‘preconcerted’ Meaning
    • preconcerted Associated Words
    • preconcerted Related Words
  • predestinate

    • verb foreordain by divine will or decree
      foreordain; predestine.
    • adjective satellite established or prearranged unalterably
      foreordained; predestined.
      • his place in history was foreordained
      • a sense of predestinate inevitability about it
      • it seemed predestined since the beginning of the world

    • More ‘predestinate’ Meaning
    • predestinated Associated Words
    • predestinated Related Words
  • preheat

    • verb heat beforehand
      • Preheat the oven!

    • More ‘preheat’ Meaning
    • preheater Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preheater Related Words
  • precipitancy

    • noun the quality of happening with headlong haste or without warning
      precipitateness; abruptness; suddenness; precipitance; precipitousness.

    • More ‘precipitancy’ Meaning
    • precipitancy Associated Words
    • precipitancy Related Words
  • predetermine

    • verb determine beforehand
    • verb cause to be biased

    • More ‘predetermine’ Meaning
    • predetermines Associated Words
    • predetermines Related Words
  • predestinarian

    • noun anyone who submits to the belief that they are powerless to change their destiny
      determinist; fatalist; predestinationist.
    • adjective of or relating to predestination; holding the doctrine of predestination

    • More ‘predestinarian’ Meaning
    • predestinarian Associated Words
    • predestinarian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predestinarian Related Words
  • precocial

    • adjective (of hatchlings) covered with down and having eyes open; capable of leaving the nest within a few days

    • More ‘precocial’ Meaning
    • precocial Associated Words
    • precocial Related Words
  • prehistorical

    • adjective satellite belonging to or existing in times before recorded history
      • prehistoric settlements
      • prehistoric peoples

    • More ‘prehistorical’ Meaning
    • prehistorical Associated Words
    • prehistorical Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehistorical Related Words
  • preformation

    • noun a theory (popular in the 18th century and now discredited) that an individual develops by simple enlargement of a tiny fully formed organism (a homunculus) that exists in the germ cell
      theory of preformation.

    • More ‘preformation’ Meaning
    • preformation Idioms/Phrases
    • preformation Associated Words
    • preformation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preformation Related Words
  • pressurise

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      pressurize; supercharge.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurise’ Meaning
    • pressurise Associated Words
    • pressurise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressurise Related Words
  • prentice

    • noun works for an expert to learn a trade
      learner; apprentice.

    • More ‘prentice’ Meaning
    • prentices Associated Words
    • prentices Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prentices Related Words
  • prevaricate

    • verb be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
      beat around the bush; equivocate; tergiversate; palter.

    • More ‘prevaricate’ Meaning
    • prevaricated Associated Words
    • prevaricated Related Words
  • predation

    • noun an act of plundering and pillaging and marauding
    • noun the act of preying by a predator who kills and eats the prey

    • More ‘predation’ Meaning
    • predations Associated Words
    • predations Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predations Related Words
  • prevalent

    • adjective satellite most frequent or common
      rife; dominant; predominant; prevailing.
      • prevailing winds

    • More ‘prevalent’ Meaning
    • prevalently Associated Words
    • prevalently Related Words
  • premise

    • noun a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
      premiss; assumption.
      • on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play
    • verb set forth beforehand, often as an explanation
      • He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand

    • More ‘premise’ Meaning
    • premising Associated Words
    • premising Related Words
  • pretentiously

    • adverb in a pretentious manner
      • this author writes pretentiously

    • More ‘pretentiously’ Meaning
    • pretentiously Associated Words
    • pretentiously Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretentiously Related Words
  • presumptuousness

    • noun audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to
      presumption; assumption; effrontery.
      • he despised them for their presumptuousness

    • More ‘presumptuousness’ Meaning
    • presumptuousness Associated Words
    • presumptuousness Related Words
  • predigested

    • adjective satellite artificially partially digested as by enzymatic action
      • predigested foods are a boon for those who are ill or have impaired digestion
    • verb digest (food) beforehand

    • More ‘predigested’ Meaning
    • predigested Associated Words
    • predigested Related Words
  • preciously

    • adverb extremely
      • there is precious little time left

    • More ‘preciously’ Meaning
    • preciously Associated Words
    • preciously Related Words
  • precipitin

    • noun an antibody that causes precipitation when it unites with its antigen

    • More ‘precipitin’ Meaning
    • precipitin Associated Words
    • precipitin Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precipitin Related Words
  • preassemble

    • verb to manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings

    • More ‘preassemble’ Meaning
    • preassembled Associated Words
    • preassembled Related Words
  • prescriptive

    • adjective pertaining to giving directives or rules
      • prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage

    • More ‘prescriptive’ Meaning
    • prescriptively Associated Words
    • prescriptively Related Words
  • preventive

    • noun remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
      preventative; prophylactic.
      • the doctor recommended several preventatives
    • noun any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
      incumbrance; preventative; encumbrance; interference; hitch; hindrance; hinderance.

    • More ‘preventive’ Meaning
    • preventively Associated Words
    • preventively Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preventively Related Words
  • precess

    • verb move in a gyrating fashion
      • the poles of the Earth precess at a right angle to the force that is applied

    • More ‘precess’ Meaning
    • precessing Associated Words
    • precessing Related Words
  • preventive

    • noun remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
      preventative; prophylactic.
      • the doctor recommended several preventatives
    • noun any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
      incumbrance; preventative; encumbrance; interference; hitch; hindrance; hinderance.

    • More ‘preventive’ Meaning
    • preventives Associated Words
    • preventives Related Words
  • prepose

    • verb place before another constituent in the sentence; Japanese postposes them»
      • English preposes the adpositions

    • More ‘prepose’ Meaning
    • preposing Related Words
  • pressingly

    • adverb in a pressing manner

    • More ‘pressingly’ Meaning
    • pressingly Associated Words
    • pressingly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressingly Related Words
  • prescript

    • noun prescribed guide for conduct or action

    • More ‘prescript’ Meaning
    • prescript Associated Words
    • prescript Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prescript Related Words
  • predetermine

    • verb determine beforehand
    • verb cause to be biased

    • More ‘predetermine’ Meaning
    • predetermining Associated Words
    • predetermining Related Words
  • prescriptivism

    • noun (ethics) a doctrine holding that moral statements prescribe appropriate attitudes and behavior
    • noun (linguistics) a doctrine supporting or promoting prescriptive linguistics

    • More ‘prescriptivism’ Meaning
    • prescriptivism Associated Words
    • prescriptivism Related Words
  • prebendary

    • noun a canon who receives a prebend for serving the church

    • More ‘prebendary’ Meaning
    • prebendaries Associated Words
    • prebendaries Related Words
  • precedency

    • noun status established in order of importance or urgency
      priority; precedence.
      • …its precedence as the world’s leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals
      • national independence takes priority over class struggle
    • noun preceding in time
      antecedency; precedence; anteriority; priority; antecedence.

    • More ‘precedency’ Meaning
    • precedency Associated Words
    • precedency Related Words
  • precordium

    • noun the external surface of the body overlying the heart and stomach

    • More ‘precordium’ Meaning
    • precordium Associated Words
    • precordium Related Words
  • prefixation

    • noun formation of a word by means of a prefix

    • More ‘prefixation’ Meaning
    • prefixation Associated Words
    • prefixation Related Words
  • preexist

    • verb exist beforehand or prior to a certain point in time
      • Did this condition pre-exist?

    • More ‘preexist’ Meaning
    • preexist Associated Words
    • preexist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preexist Related Words
  • preceptorship

    • noun the position of preceptor

    • More ‘preceptorship’ Meaning
    • preceptorship Associated Words
    • preceptorship Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preceptorship Related Words
  • prefer

    • verb like better; value more highly
      • Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels
      • We prefer sleeping outside
    • verb select as an alternative over another
      opt; choose.
      • I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant
      • She opted for the job on the East coast

    • More ‘prefer’ Meaning
    • prefered Related Words
  • prevaricate

    • verb be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
      beat around the bush; equivocate; tergiversate; palter.

    • More ‘prevaricate’ Meaning
    • prevaricating Associated Words
    • prevaricating Related Words
  • prefigurative

    • adjective satellite indistinctly prophetic
      adumbrative; foreshadowing.

    • More ‘prefigurative’ Meaning
    • prefigurative Associated Words
    • prefigurative Related Words
  • predacious

    • adjective satellite hunting and killing other animals for food
    • adjective satellite living by or given to victimizing others for personal gain
      predatory; predaceous.
      • predatory capitalists
      • a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal»- Peter S. Prescott
      • a predacious kind of animal—the early geological gangster»- W.E.Swinton

    • More ‘predacious’ Meaning
    • predacious Associated Words
    • predacious Related Words
  • preponderate

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; overbalance; outbalance.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘preponderate’ Meaning
    • preponderates Associated Words
    • preponderates Related Words
  • prevarication

    • noun a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth
    • noun intentionally vague or ambiguous
      equivocation; evasiveness.

    • More ‘prevarication’ Meaning
    • prevarications Associated Words
    • prevarications Related Words
  • prevailing

    • adjective satellite most frequent or common
      rife; dominant; predominant; prevalent.
      • prevailing winds
    • verb be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
      dominate; prevail; reign; rule; predominate.
      • Money reigns supreme here
      • Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood

    • More ‘prevailing’ Meaning
    • prevailingly Associated Words
    • prevailingly Related Words
  • predecease

    • verb die before; die earlier than
      • She predeceased her husband

    • More ‘predecease’ Meaning
    • predeceases Associated Words
    • predeceases Related Words
  • prevention

    • noun the act of preventing
      • there was no bar against leaving
      • money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza

    • More ‘prevention’ Meaning
    • preventions Associated Words
    • preventions Related Words
  • predecease

    • verb die before; die earlier than
      • She predeceased her husband

    • More ‘predecease’ Meaning
    • predecease Associated Words
    • predecease Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predecease Related Words
  • predestinate

    • verb foreordain by divine will or decree
      foreordain; predestine.
    • adjective satellite established or prearranged unalterably
      foreordained; predestined.
      • his place in history was foreordained
      • a sense of predestinate inevitability about it
      • it seemed predestined since the beginning of the world

    • More ‘predestinate’ Meaning
    • predestinate Associated Words
    • predestinate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predestinate Related Words
  • prepay

    • verb pay for something before receiving it

    • More ‘prepay’ Meaning
    • prepaying Associated Words
    • prepaying Related Words
  • pressurise

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      pressurize; supercharge.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurise’ Meaning
    • pressurising Associated Words
    • pressurising Related Words
  • prevacid

    • noun antacid (trade name Prevacid) that suppresses acid secretion in the stomach

    • More ‘prevacid’ Meaning
    • prevacid Associated Words
    • prevacid Related Words
  • precess

    • verb move in a gyrating fashion
      • the poles of the Earth precess at a right angle to the force that is applied

    • More ‘precess’ Meaning
    • precesses Associated Words
    • precesses Related Words
  • prejudgment

    • noun a judgment reached before the evidence is available

    • More ‘prejudgment’ Meaning
    • prejudgments Associated Words
    • prejudgments Related Words
  • prefab

    • noun a prefabricated structure
    • adjective satellite manufactured in standard sizes to be shipped and assembled elsewhere
      • a pre structure

    • More ‘prefab’ Meaning
    • prefabs Associated Words
    • prefabs Related Words
  • prevision

    • noun a prophetic vision (as in a dream)
    • noun the power to foresee the future

    • More ‘prevision’ Meaning
    • previsions Associated Words
    • previsions Related Words
  • premier

    • noun the person who holds the position of head of the government in the United Kingdom
      Prime Minister; PM.
    • noun the person who is head of state (in several countries)
      chancellor; prime minister.

    • More ‘premier’ Meaning
    • premiering Associated Words
    • premiering Related Words
  • presbyopic

    • adjective able to see distant objects clearly

    • More ‘presbyopic’ Meaning
    • presbyopic Associated Words
    • presbyopic Related Words
  • press

    • noun the state of demanding notice or attention
      pressure; insistency; imperativeness; insistence.
      • the insistence of their hunger
      • the press of business matters
    • noun the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
      public press.

    • More ‘press’ Meaning
    • pressly Associated Words
    • pressly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressly Related Words
  • preexist

    • verb exist beforehand or prior to a certain point in time
      • Did this condition pre-exist?

    • More ‘preexist’ Meaning
    • preexisted Associated Words
    • preexisted Related Words
  • preachment

    • noun a sermon on a moral or religious topic

    • More ‘preachment’ Meaning
    • preachments Associated Words
    • preachments Related Words
  • prepacked

    • adjective satellite prepared and wrapped beforehand and ready for sale
      • prepackaged foods

    • More ‘prepacked’ Meaning
    • prepacked Associated Words
    • prepacked Related Words
  • preposition

    • noun a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word
    • noun (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)

    • More ‘preposition’ Meaning
    • prepositioned Related Words
  • precatory

    • adjective satellite expressing entreaty or supplication
      • precatory overtures

    • More ‘precatory’ Meaning
    • precatory Associated Words
    • precatory Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precatory Related Words
  • preposition

    • noun a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word
    • noun (linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)

    • More ‘preposition’ Meaning
    • prepositioning Related Words
  • prelims

    • noun written matter preceding the main text of a book
      front matter.
    • noun a minor match preceding the main event
      prelim; preliminary.

    • More ‘prelims’ Meaning
    • prelims Associated Words
    • prelims Related Words
  • prestidigitation

    • noun manual dexterity in the execution of tricks
      sleight of hand.

    • More ‘prestidigitation’ Meaning
    • prestidigitation Associated Words
    • prestidigitation Related Words
  • prehension

    • noun the act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)
      grasping; seizing; taking hold.

    • More ‘prehension’ Meaning
    • prehensions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehensions Related Words
  • prelature

    • noun prelates collectively
    • noun the office or station of a prelate

    • More ‘prelature’ Meaning
    • prelature Associated Words
    • prelature Related Words
  • precociousness

    • noun intelligence achieved far ahead of normal developmental schedules

    • More ‘precociousness’ Meaning
    • precociousness Associated Words
    • precociousness Related Words
  • pretty

    • adjective satellite pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing
      • pretty girl
      • pretty song
      • pretty room
    • adjective satellite (used ironically) unexpectedly bad
      • a pretty mess
      • a pretty kettle of fish

    • More ‘pretty’ Meaning
    • pretties Associated Words
    • pretties Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretties Related Words
  • preciosity

    • noun the quality of being fastidious or excessively refined

    • More ‘preciosity’ Meaning
    • preciosity Associated Words
    • preciosity Related Words
  • preexist

    • verb exist beforehand or prior to a certain point in time
      • Did this condition pre-exist?

    • More ‘preexist’ Meaning
    • preexists Associated Words
    • preexists Related Words
  • preachment

    • noun a sermon on a moral or religious topic

    • More ‘preachment’ Meaning
    • preachment Associated Words
    • preachment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preachment Related Words
  • predictive

    • adjective satellite of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions
      prognosticative; prognostic.

    • More ‘predictive’ Meaning
    • predictively Associated Words
    • predictively Related Words
  • precooled

    • adjective satellite cooled in advance

    • More ‘precooled’ Meaning
    • precooled Associated Words
    • precooled Related Words
  • predicatively

    • adverb occurring within the predicate phrase
      • predicatively used adjectives

    • More ‘predicatively’ Meaning
    • predicatively Associated Words
    • predicatively Related Words
  • pressor

    • noun any agent that causes a narrowing of an opening of a blood vessel: cold or stress or nicotine or epinephrine or norepinephrine or angiotensin or vasopressin or certain drugs; maintains or increases blood pressure
      vasoconstrictor; vasoconstrictive.
    • adjective increasing (or tending to increase) blood pressure
      • pressor reflexes

    • More ‘pressor’ Meaning
    • pressors Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pressors Related Words
  • preset

    • adjective satellite set in advance
      • a preset plan of action
      • at a predetermined time

    • More ‘preset’ Meaning
    • presetting Associated Words
    • presetting Related Words
  • prefiguration

    • noun an example that prefigures or foreshadows what is to come
    • noun the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand
      foreshadowing; adumbration.

    • More ‘prefiguration’ Meaning
    • prefigurations Related Words
  • prepotency

    • noun the state of being predominant over others
      predominance; predomination.

    • More ‘prepotency’ Meaning
    • prepotency Associated Words
    • prepotency Related Words
  • preponderate

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; overbalance; outbalance.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes

    • More ‘preponderate’ Meaning
    • preponderated Associated Words
    • preponderated Related Words
  • prettify

    • verb make more beautiful
      fancify; beautify; embellish.

    • More ‘prettify’ Meaning
    • prettified Associated Words
    • prettified Related Words
  • premenstrual

    • adjective of or relating to or occurring during the period just before menstruation

    • More ‘premenstrual’ Meaning
    • premenstrually Associated Words
    • premenstrually Related Words
  • preemption

    • noun the judicial principle asserting the supremacy of federal over state legislation on the same subject
    • noun the right of a government to seize or appropriate something (as property)

    • More ‘preemption’ Meaning
    • preemptions Associated Words
    • preemptions Related Words
  • preen

    • verb clean with one’s bill
      • The birds preened
    • verb pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

    • More ‘preen’ Meaning
    • preens Associated Words
    • preens Related Words
  • preprandial

    • adjective preceding a meal (especially dinner)
      • a preprandial drink

    • More ‘preprandial’ Meaning
    • preprandial Associated Words
    • preprandial Related Words
  • preservation

    • noun the activity of protecting something from loss or danger
    • noun the condition of being (well or ill) preserved

    • More ‘preservation’ Meaning
    • preservations Associated Words
    • preservations Related Words
  • preterist

    • noun a theologian who believes that the Scripture prophecies of the Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation) have already been fulfilled

    • More ‘preterist’ Meaning
    • preterist Associated Words
    • preterist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preterist Related Words
  • prehistorical

    • adjective satellite belonging to or existing in times before recorded history
      • prehistoric settlements
      • prehistoric peoples

    • More ‘prehistorical’ Meaning
    • prehistorically Associated Words
    • prehistorically Related Words
  • pretension

    • noun a false or unsupportable quality
      pretense; pretence.
    • noun the advancing of a claim
      • his pretension to the crown
      • the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort

    • More ‘pretension’ Meaning
    • pretensioned Related Words
  • pretermit

    • verb disregard intentionally or let pass
    • verb leave undone or leave out
      omit; drop; overleap; leave out; overlook; miss; neglect.
      • How could I miss that typo?
      • The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten

    • More ‘pretermit’ Meaning
    • pretermitted Related Words
  • prescript

    • noun prescribed guide for conduct or action

    • More ‘prescript’ Meaning
    • prescripts Associated Words
    • prescripts Related Words
  • predecease

    • verb die before; die earlier than
      • She predeceased her husband

    • More ‘predecease’ Meaning
    • predeceasing Associated Words
    • predeceasing Related Words
  • pretorian

    • adjective of or relating to a Roman praetor
      pretorial; praetorial; praetorian.
      • praetorial powers
    • adjective satellite characteristic of or similar to the corruptible soldiers in the Praetorian Guard with respect to corruption or political venality
      • a large Praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious…and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble»- Arthur M.Schlesinger Jr.

    • More ‘pretorian’ Meaning
    • pretorian Idioms/Phrases
    • pretorian Associated Words
    • pretorian Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretorian Related Words
  • premie

    • noun an infant that is born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
      premature baby; preterm infant; premature infant; preemie; preterm baby.

    • More ‘premie’ Meaning
    • premie Associated Words
    • premie Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premie Related Words
  • preventative

    • noun remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
      preventive; prophylactic.
      • the doctor recommended several preventatives
    • noun any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
      incumbrance; encumbrance; interference; hitch; hindrance; preventive; hinderance.

    • More ‘preventative’ Meaning
    • preventatives Associated Words
    • preventatives Related Words
  • premix

    • noun a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients

    • More ‘premix’ Meaning
    • premixing Associated Words
    • premixing Related Words
  • precedence

    • noun status established in order of importance or urgency
      priority; precedency.
      • …its precedence as the world’s leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals
      • national independence takes priority over class struggle
    • noun preceding in time
      antecedency; anteriority; priority; antecedence; precedency.

    • More ‘precedence’ Meaning
    • precedences Related Words
  • premeditate

    • verb consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand
      • premeditated murder
    • verb think or reflect beforehand or in advance
      • I rarely premeditate, which is a mistake

    • More ‘premeditate’ Meaning
    • premeditate Associated Words
    • premeditate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • premeditate Related Words
  • preanal

    • adjective situated in front of the anus

    • More ‘preanal’ Meaning
    • preanal Associated Words
    • preanal Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preanal Related Words
  • prehend

    • verb take hold of; grab
      clutch; seize.
      • The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter
      • She clutched her purse
      • The mother seized her child by the arm
      • Birds of prey often seize small mammals

    • More ‘prehend’ Meaning
    • prehended Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehended Related Words
  • preform

    • verb form into a shape resembling the final, desired one
    • verb form or shape beforehand or determine the shape of beforehand

    • More ‘preform’ Meaning
    • preforming Associated Words
    • preforming Related Words
  • predestine

    • verb decree or determine beforehand
    • verb foreordain by divine will or decree
      foreordain; predestinate.

    • More ‘predestine’ Meaning
    • predestines Associated Words
    • predestines Related Words
  • prehend

    • verb take hold of; grab
      clutch; seize.
      • The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter
      • She clutched her purse
      • The mother seized her child by the arm
      • Birds of prey often seize small mammals

    • More ‘prehend’ Meaning
    • prehend Associated Words
    • prehend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehend Related Words
  • premix

    • noun a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients

    • More ‘premix’ Meaning
    • premixes Associated Words
    • premixes Related Words
  • precipitin

    • noun an antibody that causes precipitation when it unites with its antigen

    • More ‘precipitin’ Meaning
    • precipitins Related Words
  • predestine

    • verb decree or determine beforehand
    • verb foreordain by divine will or decree
      foreordain; predestinate.

    • More ‘predestine’ Meaning
    • predestine Associated Words
    • predestine Prefix/Suffix Words
    • predestine Related Words
  • prelude

    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      overture; preliminary.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner
    • noun music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera

    • More ‘prelude’ Meaning
    • preluding Related Words
  • prestissimo

    • adjective satellite (of tempo) as fast as possible
    • adverb extremely fast; as fast as possible
      • this passage should be played prestissimo

    • More ‘prestissimo’ Meaning
    • prestissimo Associated Words
    • prestissimo Related Words
  • pretty

    • adjective satellite pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing
      • pretty girl
      • pretty song
      • pretty room
    • adjective satellite (used ironically) unexpectedly bad
      • a pretty mess
      • a pretty kettle of fish

    • More ‘pretty’ Meaning
    • prettied Associated Words
    • prettied Related Words
  • prepuberty

    • noun a period of two years immediately prior to the onset of puberty when growth and changes leading to sexual maturity occur

    • More ‘prepuberty’ Meaning
    • prepuberty Associated Words
    • prepuberty Related Words
  • prepay

    • verb pay for something before receiving it

    • More ‘prepay’ Meaning
    • prepays Associated Words
    • prepays Related Words
  • prelude

    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      overture; preliminary.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner
    • noun music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera

    • More ‘prelude’ Meaning
    • preluded Associated Words
    • preluded Related Words
  • prevaricator

    • noun a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly

    • More ‘prevaricator’ Meaning
    • prevaricator Associated Words
    • prevaricator Related Words
  • precedented

    • adjective having or supported or justified by a precedent

    • More ‘precedented’ Meaning
    • precedented Associated Words
    • precedented Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precedented Related Words
  • preterist

    • noun a theologian who believes that the Scripture prophecies of the Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation) have already been fulfilled

    • More ‘preterist’ Meaning
    • preterists Related Words
  • prexy

    • noun the head administrative officer of a college or university

    • More ‘prexy’ Meaning
    • prexy Associated Words
    • prexy Related Words
  • pretor

    • noun an annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic

    • More ‘pretor’ Meaning
    • pretor Associated Words
    • pretor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretor Related Words
  • prearrange

    • verb arrange beforehand

    • More ‘prearrange’ Meaning
    • prearrange Associated Words
    • prearrange Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prearrange Related Words
  • prehistory

    • noun the time during the development of human culture before the appearance of the written word
      prehistoric culture.

    • More ‘prehistory’ Meaning
    • prehistories Related Words
  • prettify

    • verb make more beautiful
      fancify; beautify; embellish.

    • More ‘prettify’ Meaning
    • prettify Associated Words
    • prettify Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prettify Related Words
  • prejudge

    • verb judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence

    • More ‘prejudge’ Meaning
    • prejudges Associated Words
    • prejudges Related Words
  • preterite

    • noun a term formerly used to refer to the simple past tense

    • More ‘preterite’ Meaning
    • preterites Associated Words
    • preterites Related Words
  • prepossess

    • verb possess beforehand
    • verb cause to be preoccupied
      • The idea of his failure prepossesses him

    • More ‘prepossess’ Meaning
    • prepossess Associated Words
    • prepossess Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prepossess Related Words
  • prestidigitator

    • noun someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience
      illusionist; conjurer; magician; conjuror.

    • More ‘prestidigitator’ Meaning
    • prestidigitator Associated Words
    • prestidigitator Related Words
  • pressurize

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      supercharge; pressurise.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurize’ Meaning
    • pressurizes Associated Words
    • pressurizes Related Words
  • pretext

    • noun something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason
    • noun an artful or simulated semblance
      guise; pretence; pretense.
      • under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

    • More ‘pretext’ Meaning
    • pretexting Related Words
  • presume

    • verb take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
      assume; take for granted.
      • I assume his train was late
    • verb take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission
      make bold; dare.
      • How dare you call my lawyer?

    • More ‘presume’ Meaning
    • presumedly Associated Words
    • presumedly Related Words
  • premiership

    • noun the office of premier

    • More ‘premiership’ Meaning
    • premierships Associated Words
    • premierships Related Words
  • pregnanediol

    • noun a compound found in women’s urine during certain phases of the menstrual cycle and in the urine of pregnant women

    • More ‘pregnanediol’ Meaning
    • pregnanediol Associated Words
    • pregnanediol Related Words
  • pressurize

    • verb increase the pressure on a gas or liquid
      supercharge; pressurise.
    • verb maintain a certain pressure
      • the airplane cabin is pressurized
      • pressurize a space suit

    • More ‘pressurize’ Meaning
    • pressurizer Associated Words
    • pressurizer Related Words
  • pretension

    • noun a false or unsupportable quality
      pretense; pretence.
    • noun the advancing of a claim
      • his pretension to the crown
      • the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort

    • More ‘pretension’ Meaning
    • pretensioning Related Words
  • preservable

    • adjective satellite capable of being preserved

    • More ‘preservable’ Meaning
    • preservable Associated Words
    • preservable Related Words
  • prove

    • verb be shown or be found to be
      turn up; turn out.
      • She proved to be right
      • The medicine turned out to save her life
      • She turned up HIV positive
    • verb establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
      shew; demonstrate; show; establish.
      • The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound
      • The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture

    • More ‘prove’ Meaning
    • preve Associated Words
    • preve Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preve Related Words
  • pretorian

    • adjective of or relating to a Roman praetor
      pretorial; praetorial; praetorian.
      • praetorial powers
    • adjective satellite characteristic of or similar to the corruptible soldiers in the Praetorian Guard with respect to corruption or political venality
      • a large Praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious…and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble»- Arthur M.Schlesinger Jr.

    • More ‘pretorian’ Meaning
    • pretorians Related Words
  • prehend

    • verb take hold of; grab
      clutch; seize.
      • The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter
      • She clutched her purse
      • The mother seized her child by the arm
      • Birds of prey often seize small mammals

    • More ‘prehend’ Meaning
    • prehending Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehending Related Words
  • predomination

    • noun the state of being predominant over others
      predominance; prepotency.
    • noun the quality of being more noticeable than anything else
      • the predomination of blues gave the painting a quiet tone

    • More ‘predomination’ Meaning
    • predomination Associated Words
    • predomination Related Words
  • pregnant

    • adjective carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life
    • adjective satellite rich in significance or implication
      meaning; significant.
      • a meaning look

    • More ‘pregnant’ Meaning
    • pregnantly Associated Words
    • pregnantly Related Words
  • precise

    • adjective sharply exact or accurate or delimited
      • a precise mind
      • specified a precise amount
      • arrived at the precise moment
    • adjective satellite (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth; strictly correct
      accurate; exact.
      • a precise image
      • a precise measurement

    • More ‘precise’ Meaning
    • preciser Associated Words
    • preciser Related Words
  • premature

    • adjective born after a gestation period of less than the normal time
      • a premature infant
    • adjective satellite too soon or too hasty
      • our condemnation of him was a bit previous
      • a premature judgment

    • More ‘premature’ Meaning
    • prematures Related Words
  • preassemble

    • verb to manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings

    • More ‘preassemble’ Meaning
    • preassembly Associated Words
    • preassembly Related Words
  • prevue

    • noun an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
      preview; trailer.

    • More ‘prevue’ Meaning
    • prevue Associated Words
    • prevue Related Words
  • prettiness

    • noun the quality of being appealing in a delicate or graceful way (of a girl or young woman)

    • More ‘prettiness’ Meaning
    • prettinesses Related Words
  • prepupal

    • adjective satellite of an inactive stage in the development of some insects, between the larval and the pupal stages
      • the prepupal stage

    • More ‘prepupal’ Meaning
    • prepupal Associated Words
    • prepupal Related Words
  • preordination

    • noun (theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind)
      predetermination; foreordination; predestination.

    • More ‘preordination’ Meaning
    • preordination Associated Words
    • preordination Related Words
  • predestinarian

    • noun anyone who submits to the belief that they are powerless to change their destiny
      determinist; fatalist; predestinationist.
    • adjective of or relating to predestination; holding the doctrine of predestination

    • More ‘predestinarian’ Meaning
    • predestinarians Related Words
  • precook

    • verb cook beforehand so that the actual preparation won’t take long
      • precook the rice

    • More ‘precook’ Meaning
    • precooking Associated Words
    • precooking Related Words
  • precognition

    • noun knowledge of an event before it occurs

    • More ‘precognition’ Meaning
    • precognitions Associated Words
    • precognitions Related Words
  • pressmark

    • noun a mark consisting of characters written on a book; used to indicate shelf location
      call mark; call number.

    • More ‘pressmark’ Meaning
    • pressmark Associated Words
    • pressmark Related Words
  • prettify

    • verb make more beautiful
      fancify; beautify; embellish.

    • More ‘prettify’ Meaning
    • prettifying Associated Words
    • prettifying Related Words
  • precook

    • verb cook beforehand so that the actual preparation won’t take long
      • precook the rice

    • More ‘precook’ Meaning
    • precook Associated Words
    • precook Prefix/Suffix Words
    • precook Related Words
  • precast

    • adjective satellite of structural members especially of concrete; cast into form before being transported to the site of installation

    • More ‘precast’ Meaning
    • precasting Related Words
  • precession

    • noun the motion of a spinning body (as a top) in which it wobbles so that the axis of rotation sweeps out a cone
    • noun the act of preceding in time or order or rank (as in a ceremony)
      precedency; precedence.

    • More ‘precession’ Meaning
    • precessions Associated Words
    • precessions Related Words
  • preferent

    • adjective satellite preferred above all others and treated with partiality
      favored; pet; favorite; preferred; favourite; best-loved.
      • the favored child

    • More ‘preferent’ Meaning
    • preferent Associated Words
    • preferent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • preferent Related Words
  • premeditated

    • adjective characterized by deliberate purpose and some degree of planning
      • a premeditated crime
    • verb consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand
      • premeditated murder

    • More ‘premeditated’ Meaning
    • premeditatedly Associated Words
    • premeditatedly Related Words
  • preterition

    • noun suggesting by deliberately concise treatment that much of significance is omitted
      paraleipsis; paralepsis; paralipsis.

    • More ‘preterition’ Meaning
    • preterition Associated Words
    • preterition Related Words
  • pretermit

    • verb disregard intentionally or let pass
    • verb leave undone or leave out
      omit; drop; overleap; leave out; overlook; miss; neglect.
      • How could I miss that typo?
      • The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten

    • More ‘pretermit’ Meaning
    • pretermit Associated Words
    • pretermit Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pretermit Related Words
  • precipitance

    • noun the quality of happening with headlong haste or without warning
      precipitateness; abruptness; suddenness; precipitancy; precipitousness.

    • More ‘precipitance’ Meaning
    • precipitance Associated Words
    • precipitance Related Words
  • prejudgement

    • noun a judgment reached before the evidence is available

    • More ‘prejudgement’ Meaning
    • prejudgement Associated Words
    • prejudgement Related Words
  • prehend

    • verb take hold of; grab
      clutch; seize.
      • The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter
      • She clutched her purse
      • The mother seized her child by the arm
      • Birds of prey often seize small mammals

    • More ‘prehend’ Meaning
    • prehends Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prehends Related Words
  • predestinate

    • verb foreordain by divine will or decree
      foreordain; predestine.
    • adjective satellite established or prearranged unalterably
      foreordained; predestined.
      • his place in history was foreordained
      • a sense of predestinate inevitability about it
      • it seemed predestined since the beginning of the world

    • More ‘predestinate’ Meaning
    • predestinating Associated Words
    • predestinating Related Words
  • preparative

    • adjective satellite preceding and preparing for something
      preparatory; propaedeutic.
      • preparatory steps

    • More ‘preparative’ Meaning
    • preparatives Related Words
  • precative

    • adjective satellite expressing entreaty or supplication
      • precatory overtures

    • More ‘precative’ Meaning
    • precative Associated Words
    • precative Related Words
  • preview

    • noun an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
      prevue; trailer.
    • noun a screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public

    • More ‘preview’ Meaning
    • previewer Associated Words
    • previewer Related Words
  • prevaricate

    • verb be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information
      beat around the bush; equivocate; tergiversate; palter.

    • More ‘prevaricate’ Meaning
    • prevaricates Associated Words
    • prevaricates Related Words
  • preheat

    • verb heat beforehand
      • Preheat the oven!

    • More ‘preheat’ Meaning
    • preheats Associated Words
    • preheats Related Words

Derived words of pre

  • expression

    • noun the feelings expressed on a person’s face
      facial expression; look; aspect; face.
      • a sad expression
      • a look of triumph
      • an angry face
    • noun expression without words
      reflexion; reflection; manifestation.
      • tears are an expression of grief
      • the pulse is a reflection of the heart’s condition

    • More ‘expression’ Meaning
    • expression Idioms/Phrases
    • expression Associated Words
    • expression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expression Related Words
  • expressed

    • adjective satellite communicated in words
      uttered; verbalised; verbalized.
      • frequently uttered sentiments
    • verb give expression to
      evince; express; show.
      • She showed her disappointment

    • More ‘expressed’ Meaning
    • expressed Associated Words
    • expressed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressed Related Words
  • interpretation

    • noun a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something
      reading; version.
    • noun the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance
      rendition; rendering.
      • her rendition of Milton’s verse was extraordinarily moving

    • More ‘interpretation’ Meaning
    • interpretation Idioms/Phrases
    • interpretation Associated Words
    • interpretation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpretation Related Words
  • represent

    • verb take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to
      correspond; stand for.
      • Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an ‘h’ in Greek stands for an ‘s’ in Latin
    • verb express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol
      symbolise; typify; symbolize; stand for.
      • What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?

    • More ‘represent’ Meaning
    • represent Associated Words
    • represent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • represent Related Words
  • represented

    • adjective represented accurately or precisely
      delineate; delineated.
    • verb take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to
      represent; correspond; stand for.
      • Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an ‘h’ in Greek stands for an ‘s’ in Latin

    • More ‘represented’ Meaning
    • represented Associated Words
    • represented Prefix/Suffix Words
    • represented Related Words
  • spread

    • noun process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
    • noun a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures
      • gap between income and outgo
      • the spread between lending and borrowing costs

    • More ‘spread’ Meaning
    • spread Idioms/Phrases
    • spread Associated Words
    • spread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spread Related Words
  • representation

    • noun a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image
      mental representation; internal representation.
    • noun a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

    • More ‘representation’ Meaning
    • representation Idioms/Phrases
    • representation Associated Words
    • representation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representation Related Words
  • express

    • noun mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system
      express mail.
    • noun public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops
      • he caught the express to New York

    • More ‘express’ Meaning
    • express Idioms/Phrases
    • express Associated Words
    • express Prefix/Suffix Words
    • express Related Words
  • represent

    • verb take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to
      correspond; stand for.
      • Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an ‘h’ in Greek stands for an ‘s’ in Latin
    • verb express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol
      symbolise; typify; symbolize; stand for.
      • What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?

    • More ‘represent’ Meaning
    • represents Associated Words
    • represents Prefix/Suffix Words
    • represents Related Words
  • supreme

    • adjective satellite final or last in your life or progress
      • the supreme sacrifice
      • the supreme judgment
    • adjective satellite greatest in status or authority or power
      • a supreme tribunal

    • More ‘supreme’ Meaning
    • supreme Idioms/Phrases
    • supreme Associated Words
    • supreme Prefix/Suffix Words
    • supreme Related Words
  • depression

    • noun a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
    • noun a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
      slump; economic crisis.

    • More ‘depression’ Meaning
    • depression Idioms/Phrases
    • depression Associated Words
    • depression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depression Related Words
  • representative

    • noun a person who represents others
    • noun an advocate who represents someone else’s policy or purpose
      spokesperson; interpreter; voice.
      • the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government

    • More ‘representative’ Meaning
    • representative Idioms/Phrases
    • representative Associated Words
    • representative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representative Related Words
  • comprehensive

    • noun an intensive examination testing a student’s proficiency in some special field of knowledge
      comp; comprehensive examination.
      • she took her comps in English literature
    • adjective including all or everything
      • comprehensive coverage
      • a comprehensive history of the revolution
      • a comprehensive survey
      • a comprehensive education

    • More ‘comprehensive’ Meaning
    • comprehensive Idioms/Phrases
    • comprehensive Associated Words
    • comprehensive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehensive Related Words
  • representative

    • noun a person who represents others
    • noun an advocate who represents someone else’s policy or purpose
      spokesperson; interpreter; voice.
      • the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government

    • More ‘representative’ Meaning
    • representatives Associated Words
    • representatives Related Words
  • impression

    • noun a vague idea in which some confidence is placed
      feeling; belief; opinion; notion.
      • his impression of her was favorable
      • what are your feelings about the crisis?
      • it strengthened my belief in his sincerity
      • I had a feeling that she was lying
    • noun an outward appearance
      • he made a good impression
      • I wanted to create an impression of success
      • she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting

    • More ‘impression’ Meaning
    • impression Idioms/Phrases
    • impression Associated Words
    • impression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impression Related Words
  • represent

    • verb take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to
      correspond; stand for.
      • Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an ‘h’ in Greek stands for an ‘s’ in Latin
    • verb express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol
      symbolise; typify; symbolize; stand for.
      • What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?

    • More ‘represent’ Meaning
    • representing Associated Words
    • representing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representing Related Words
  • expression

    • noun the feelings expressed on a person’s face
      facial expression; look; aspect; face.
      • a sad expression
      • a look of triumph
      • an angry face
    • noun expression without words
      reflexion; reflection; manifestation.
      • tears are an expression of grief
      • the pulse is a reflection of the heart’s condition

    • More ‘expression’ Meaning
    • expressions Associated Words
    • expressions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressions Related Words
  • interpreted

    • adjective satellite understood in a certain way; made sense of
      • a word taken literally
      • a smile taken as consent
      • an open door interpreted as an invitation
    • verb make sense of; assign a meaning to
      see; interpret; construe.
      • What message do you see in this letter?
      • How do you interpret his behavior?

    • More ‘interpreted’ Meaning
    • interpreted Associated Words
    • interpreted Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpreted Related Words
  • widespread

    • adjective satellite widely circulated or diffused
      • a widespread doctrine
      • widespread fear of nuclear war
    • adjective satellite distributed over a considerable extent
      • far-flung trading operations
      • the West’s far-flung mountain ranges
      • widespread nuclear fallout

    • More ‘widespread’ Meaning
    • widespread Associated Words
    • widespread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • widespread Related Words
  • appreciate

    • verb recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
    • verb be fully aware of; realize fully
      take account.
      • Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?

    • More ‘appreciate’ Meaning
    • appreciate Associated Words
    • appreciate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • appreciate Related Words
  • representation

    • noun a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image
      mental representation; internal representation.
    • noun a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something

    • More ‘representation’ Meaning
    • representations Associated Words
    • representations Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representations Related Words
  • interpret

    • verb make sense of; assign a meaning to
      see; construe.
      • What message do you see in this letter?
      • How do you interpret his behavior?
    • verb give an interpretation or explanation to

    • More ‘interpret’ Meaning
    • interpret Associated Words
    • interpret Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpret Related Words
  • appreciation

    • noun understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something
      grasp; hold.
      • he has a good grasp of accounting practices
    • noun delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values)
      taste; perceptiveness; discernment.
      • arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success
      • to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste

    • More ‘appreciation’ Meaning
    • appreciation Associated Words
    • appreciation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • appreciation Related Words
  • interpretation

    • noun a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something
      reading; version.
    • noun the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance
      rendition; rendering.
      • her rendition of Milton’s verse was extraordinarily moving

    • More ‘interpretation’ Meaning
    • interpretations Associated Words
    • interpretations Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpretations Related Words
  • compression

    • noun an increase in the density of something
      densification; concretion; compaction.
    • noun the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together
      condensation; contraction.
      • the contraction of a gas on cooling

    • More ‘compression’ Meaning
    • compression Idioms/Phrases
    • compression Associated Words
    • compression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compression Related Words
  • express

    • noun mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system
      express mail.
    • noun public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops
      • he caught the express to New York

    • More ‘express’ Meaning
    • expressing Associated Words
    • expressing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressing Related Words
  • impressed

    • adjective satellite deeply or markedly affected or influenced
    • verb have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
      strike; affect; move; impress.
      • This child impressed me as unusually mature
      • This behavior struck me as odd

    • More ‘impressed’ Meaning
    • impressed Associated Words
    • impressed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressed Related Words
  • impressive

    • adjective making a strong or vivid impression
      • an impressive ceremony
    • adjective satellite producing a strong effect
      • gave an impressive performance as Othello
      • a telling gesture

    • More ‘impressive’ Meaning
    • impressive Idioms/Phrases
    • impressive Associated Words
    • impressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressive Related Words
  • spreading

    • noun process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
    • noun the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate
      airing; public exposure; dissemination.

    • More ‘spreading’ Meaning
    • spreading Associated Words
    • spreading Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spreading Related Words
  • depressed

    • adjective satellite lower than previously
      • the market is depressed
      • prices are down
    • verb lower someone’s spirits; make downhearted
      depress; dispirit; dismay; deject; demoralise; get down; cast down; demoralize.
      • These news depressed her
      • The bad state of her child’s health demoralizes her

    • More ‘depressed’ Meaning
    • depressed Associated Words
    • depressed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depressed Related Words
  • oppression

    • noun the act of subjugating by cruelty
      • the tyrant’s oppression of the people
    • noun the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority: «after years of oppression they finally revolted»

    • More ‘oppression’ Meaning
    • oppression Associated Words
    • oppression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oppression Related Words
  • comprehension

    • noun an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result)
      • how you can do that is beyond my comprehension
      • he was famous for his comprehension of American literature
    • noun the relation of comprising something
      • he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work

    • More ‘comprehension’ Meaning
    • comprehension Associated Words
    • comprehension Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehension Related Words
  • appreciated

    • adjective satellite fully understood or grasped
      comprehended; apprehended.
      • dangers not yet appreciated
      • these apprehended truths
      • a thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known
    • verb recognize with gratitude; be grateful for

    • More ‘appreciated’ Meaning
    • appreciated Associated Words
    • appreciated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • appreciated Related Words
  • express

    • noun mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system
      express mail.
    • noun public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops
      • he caught the express to New York

    • More ‘express’ Meaning
    • expresses Associated Words
    • expresses Related Words
  • depreciation

    • noun a decrease in price or value
      • depreciation of the dollar against the yen
    • noun decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use
      wear and tear.

    • More ‘depreciation’ Meaning
    • depreciation Idioms/Phrases
    • depreciation Associated Words
    • depreciation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depreciation Related Words
  • interpreting

    • noun an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious
      rendition; interpretation; rendering.
      • the edict was subject to many interpretations
      • he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables
      • often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child’s intended meaning
    • verb make sense of; assign a meaning to
      see; interpret; construe.
      • What message do you see in this letter?
      • How do you interpret his behavior?

    • More ‘interpreting’ Meaning
    • interpreting Associated Words
    • interpreting Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpreting Related Words
  • suppression

    • noun the failure to develop some part or organ
    • noun the act of withholding or withdrawing some book or writing from publication or circulation
      • a suppression of the newspaper

    • More ‘suppression’ Meaning
    • suppression Associated Words
    • suppression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • suppression Related Words
  • impression

    • noun a vague idea in which some confidence is placed
      feeling; belief; opinion; notion.
      • his impression of her was favorable
      • what are your feelings about the crisis?
      • it strengthened my belief in his sincerity
      • I had a feeling that she was lying
    • noun an outward appearance
      • he made a good impression
      • I wanted to create an impression of success
      • she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting

    • More ‘impression’ Meaning
    • impressions Associated Words
    • impressions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressions Related Words
  • entrepreneur

    • noun someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it

    • More ‘entrepreneur’ Meaning
    • entrepreneurs Associated Words
    • entrepreneurs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • entrepreneurs Related Words
  • suppressed

    • adjective kept from public knowledge by various means;
    • verb to put down by force or authority
      inhibit; stamp down; subdue; suppress; curb; conquer.
      • suppress a nascent uprising
      • stamp down on littering
      • conquer one’s desires

    • More ‘suppressed’ Meaning
    • suppressed Associated Words
    • suppressed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • suppressed Related Words
  • expressive

    • adjective satellite characterized by expression
      • a very expressive face

    • More ‘expressive’ Meaning
    • expressive Idioms/Phrases
    • expressive Associated Words
    • expressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressive Related Words
  • repression

    • noun a state of forcible subjugation
      • the long repression of Christian sects
    • noun (psychiatry) the classical defense mechanism that protects you from impulses or ideas that would cause anxiety by preventing them from becoming conscious

    • More ‘repression’ Meaning
    • repression Associated Words
    • repression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • repression Related Words
  • unprecedented

    • adjective having no precedent; novel
      • an unprecedented expansion in population and industry

    • More ‘unprecedented’ Meaning
    • unprecedented Associated Words
    • unprecedented Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unprecedented Related Words
  • comprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; apprehend; dig; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb to become aware of through the senses
      • I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon

    • More ‘comprehend’ Meaning
    • comprehend Associated Words
    • comprehend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehend Related Words
  • expressly

    • adverb with specific intentions; for the express purpose
      • she needs the money expressly for her patients

    • More ‘expressly’ Meaning
    • expressly Associated Words
    • expressly Related Words
  • suppress

    • verb to put down by force or authority
      inhibit; stamp down; subdue; curb; conquer.
      • suppress a nascent uprising
      • stamp down on littering
      • conquer one’s desires
    • verb come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority
      crush; oppress.
      • The government oppresses political activists

    • More ‘suppress’ Meaning
    • suppress Associated Words
    • suppress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • suppress Related Words
  • oppressed

    • adjective satellite burdened psychologically or mentally
      • laden with grief
      • oppressed by a sense of failure
    • verb come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority
      crush; suppress; oppress.
      • The government oppresses political activists

    • More ‘oppressed’ Meaning
    • oppressed Associated Words
    • oppressed Related Words
  • interpreter

    • noun someone who mediates between speakers of different languages
    • noun someone who uses art to represent something
      • his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature
      • she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles

    • More ‘interpreter’ Meaning
    • interpreter Associated Words
    • interpreter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpreter Related Words
  • compressed

    • adjective satellite pressed tightly together
      • with lips compressed
    • verb make more compact by or as if by pressing
      compact; compress; pack together.
      • compress the data

    • More ‘compressed’ Meaning
    • compressed Idioms/Phrases
    • compressed Associated Words
    • compressed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compressed Related Words
  • apprehension

    • noun fearful expectation or anticipation
      apprehensiveness; dread.
      • the student looked around the examination room with apprehension
    • noun the cognitive condition of someone who understands
      savvy; discernment; understanding.
      • he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect

    • More ‘apprehension’ Meaning
    • apprehension Idioms/Phrases
    • apprehension Associated Words
    • apprehension Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehension Related Words
  • supremacy

    • noun power to dominate or defeat
      mastery; domination.
      • mastery of the seas

    • More ‘supremacy’ Meaning
    • supremacy Idioms/Phrases
    • supremacy Associated Words
    • supremacy Prefix/Suffix Words
    • supremacy Related Words
  • interpretive

    • adjective satellite that provides interpretation

    • More ‘interpretive’ Meaning
    • interpretive Idioms/Phrases
    • interpretive Associated Words
    • interpretive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpretive Related Words
  • entrepreneurial

    • adjective of or relating to an entrepreneur
      • entrepreneurial risks
    • adjective satellite willing to take risks in order to make a profit

    • More ‘entrepreneurial’ Meaning
    • entrepreneurial Associated Words
    • entrepreneurial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • entrepreneurial Related Words
  • unpredictable

    • adjective not capable of being foretold
    • adjective satellite unknown in advance
      • an unpredictable (or indeterminable) future

    • More ‘unpredictable’ Meaning
    • unpredictable Associated Words
    • unpredictable Related Words
  • impress

    • noun the act of coercing someone into government service
    • verb have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
      strike; affect; move.
      • This child impressed me as unusually mature
      • This behavior struck me as odd

    • More ‘impress’ Meaning
    • impress Idioms/Phrases
    • impress Associated Words
    • impress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impress Related Words
  • oppressive

    • adjective satellite weighing heavily on the senses or spirit
      • the atmosphere was oppressive
      • oppressive sorrows
    • adjective satellite marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior
      tyrannous; tyrannical.
      • the oppressive government
      • oppressive laws
      • a tyrannical parent
      • tyrannous disregard of human rights

    • More ‘oppressive’ Meaning
    • oppressive Associated Words
    • oppressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oppressive Related Words
  • spread

    • noun process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
    • noun a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures
      • gap between income and outgo
      • the spread between lending and borrowing costs

    • More ‘spread’ Meaning
    • spreads Associated Words
    • spreads Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spreads Related Words
  • entrepreneur

    • noun someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it

    • More ‘entrepreneur’ Meaning
    • entrepreneur Associated Words
    • entrepreneur Prefix/Suffix Words
    • entrepreneur Related Words
  • depressive

    • noun someone suffering psychological depression

    • More ‘depressive’ Meaning
    • depressive Idioms/Phrases
    • depressive Associated Words
    • depressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depressive Related Words
  • repressed

    • adjective satellite characterized by or showing the suppression of impulses or emotions
      • her severe upbringing had left her inhibited
      • a very inhibited young man, anxious and ill at ease
      • their reactions were partly the product of pent-up emotions
      • repressed rage turned his face scarlet
    • verb put down by force or intimidation
      subdue; reduce; repress; quash; subjugate; keep down.
      • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
      • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
      • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land

    • More ‘repressed’ Meaning
    • repressed Associated Words
    • repressed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • repressed Related Words
  • empress

    • noun a woman emperor or the wife of an emperor

    • More ’empress’ Meaning
    • empress Idioms/Phrases
    • empress Associated Words
    • empress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • empress Related Words
  • spreadsheet

    • noun a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen

    • More ‘spreadsheet’ Meaning
    • spreadsheet Associated Words
    • spreadsheet Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spreadsheet Related Words
  • interpreter

    • noun someone who mediates between speakers of different languages
    • noun someone who uses art to represent something
      • his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature
      • she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles

    • More ‘interpreter’ Meaning
    • interpreters Associated Words
    • interpreters Related Words
  • representational

    • adjective (used especially of art) depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen
      • representational art
      • representational images

    • More ‘representational’ Meaning
    • representational Idioms/Phrases
    • representational Associated Words
    • representational Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representational Related Words
  • apprentice

    • noun works for an expert to learn a trade
      prentice; learner.
    • verb be or work as an apprentice
      • She apprenticed with the great master

    • More ‘apprentice’ Meaning
    • apprentice Associated Words
    • apprentice Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprentice Related Words
  • apprenticeship

    • noun the position of apprentice

    • More ‘apprenticeship’ Meaning
    • apprenticeship Associated Words
    • apprenticeship Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprenticeship Related Words
  • incomprehensible

    • adjective incapable of being explained or accounted for
      • inexplicable errors
      • left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons
    • adjective difficult to understand
      • the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible»- A. Einstein

    • More ‘incomprehensible’ Meaning
    • incomprehensible Associated Words
    • incomprehensible Related Words
  • repressive

    • adjective satellite restrictive of action
      repressing; inhibitory.
      • a repressive regime
      • an overly strict and inhibiting discipline

    • More ‘repressive’ Meaning
    • repressive Associated Words
    • repressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • repressive Related Words
  • interpret

    • verb make sense of; assign a meaning to
      see; construe.
      • What message do you see in this letter?
      • How do you interpret his behavior?
    • verb give an interpretation or explanation to

    • More ‘interpret’ Meaning
    • interprets Associated Words
    • interprets Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interprets Related Words
  • antidepressant

    • noun any of a class of drugs used to treat depression; often have undesirable side effects
      antidepressant drug.

    • More ‘antidepressant’ Meaning
    • antidepressants Associated Words
    • antidepressants Related Words
  • depressing

    • adjective causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
      cheerless; uncheerful.
      • the economic outlook is depressing
      • something cheerless about the room
      • a moody and uncheerful person
      • an uncheerful place
    • verb lower someone’s spirits; make downhearted
      depress; dispirit; dismay; deject; demoralise; get down; cast down; demoralize.
      • These news depressed her
      • The bad state of her child’s health demoralizes her

    • More ‘depressing’ Meaning
    • depressing Associated Words
    • depressing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depressing Related Words
  • apprehended

    • adjective satellite fully understood or grasped
      appreciated; comprehended.
      • dangers not yet appreciated
      • these apprehended truths
      • a thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known
    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; apprehend; dig; comprehend; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

    • More ‘apprehended’ Meaning
    • apprehended Associated Words
    • apprehended Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehended Related Words
  • suppress

    • verb to put down by force or authority
      inhibit; stamp down; subdue; curb; conquer.
      • suppress a nascent uprising
      • stamp down on littering
      • conquer one’s desires
    • verb come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority
      crush; oppress.
      • The government oppresses political activists

    • More ‘suppress’ Meaning
    • suppressing Associated Words
    • suppressing Related Words
  • compressor

    • noun a mechanical device that compresses gasses

    • More ‘compressor’ Meaning
    • compressor Idioms/Phrases
    • compressor Associated Words
    • compressor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compressor Related Words
  • misrepresentation

    • noun a misleading falsehood
      deceit; deception.
    • noun a willful perversion of facts

    • More ‘misrepresentation’ Meaning
    • misrepresentation Associated Words
    • misrepresentation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • misrepresentation Related Words
  • interpretative

    • adjective satellite that provides interpretation

    • More ‘interpretative’ Meaning
    • interpretative Idioms/Phrases
    • interpretative Associated Words
    • interpretative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpretative Related Words
  • unprepared

    • adjective without preparation; not prepared for
      • unprepared remarks
      • the shock was unprepared
      • our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared»- R.E.Danielson

    • More ‘unprepared’ Meaning
    • unprepared Associated Words
    • unprepared Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unprepared Related Words
  • antidepressant

    • noun any of a class of drugs used to treat depression; often have undesirable side effects
      antidepressant drug.

    • More ‘antidepressant’ Meaning
    • antidepressant Idioms/Phrases
    • antidepressant Associated Words
    • antidepressant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • antidepressant Related Words
  • apprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; dig; comprehend; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb take into custody
      nab; cop; pick up; nail; arrest; collar.
      • the police nabbed the suspected criminals

    • More ‘apprehend’ Meaning
    • apprehend Associated Words
    • apprehend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehend Related Words
  • appreciative

    • adjective satellite feeling or expressive of gratitude
      • was appreciative of his efforts
      • an appreciative word
    • adjective satellite having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion
      • appreciative of a beautiful landscape
      • an appreciative laugh from the audience

    • More ‘appreciative’ Meaning
    • appreciative Associated Words
    • appreciative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • appreciative Related Words
  • appreciable

    • adjective satellite enough to be estimated or measured
      • appreciable amounts of noxious wastes are dumped into the harbor

    • More ‘appreciable’ Meaning
    • appreciable Associated Words
    • appreciable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • appreciable Related Words
  • apprehensive

    • adjective satellite quick to understand
      • a kind and apprehensive friend»- Nathaniel Hawthorne
    • adjective satellite mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
      • apprehensive about her job
      • not used to a city and worried about small things
      • felt apprehensive about the consequences

    • More ‘apprehensive’ Meaning
    • apprehensive Associated Words
    • apprehensive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehensive Related Words
  • compress

    • noun a cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever)
    • verb make more compact by or as if by pressing
      compact; pack together.
      • compress the data

    • More ‘compress’ Meaning
    • compress Idioms/Phrases
    • compress Associated Words
    • compress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compress Related Words
  • appreciate

    • verb recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
    • verb be fully aware of; realize fully
      take account.
      • Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?

    • More ‘appreciate’ Meaning
    • appreciating Associated Words
    • appreciating Related Words
  • apprentice

    • noun works for an expert to learn a trade
      prentice; learner.
    • verb be or work as an apprentice
      • She apprenticed with the great master

    • More ‘apprentice’ Meaning
    • apprentices Associated Words
    • apprentices Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprentices Related Words
  • cypress

    • noun wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressus
    • noun any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones
      cypress tree.

    • More ‘cypress’ Meaning
    • cypress Idioms/Phrases
    • cypress Associated Words
    • cypress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • cypress Related Words
  • comprehensible

    • adjective capable of being comprehended or understood
      • an idea comprehensible to the average mind

    • More ‘comprehensible’ Meaning
    • comprehensible Associated Words
    • comprehensible Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehensible Related Words
  • comprehended

    • adjective satellite fully understood or grasped
      appreciated; apprehended.
      • dangers not yet appreciated
      • these apprehended truths
      • a thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known
    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; apprehend; dig; comprehend; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

    • More ‘comprehended’ Meaning
    • comprehended Associated Words
    • comprehended Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehended Related Words
  • decompression

    • noun restoring compressed information to its normal form for use or display
    • noun relieving pressure (especially bringing a compressed person gradually back to atmospheric pressure)

    • More ‘decompression’ Meaning
    • decompression Idioms/Phrases
    • decompression Associated Words
    • decompression Prefix/Suffix Words
    • decompression Related Words
  • repress

    • verb put down by force or intimidation
      subdue; reduce; quash; subjugate; keep down.
      • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
      • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
      • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
    • verb conceal or hide
      muffle; strangle; stifle; smother.
      • smother a yawn
      • muffle one’s anger
      • strangle a yawn

    • More ‘repress’ Meaning
    • repress Associated Words
    • repress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • repress Related Words
  • depression

    • noun a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
    • noun a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
      slump; economic crisis.

    • More ‘depression’ Meaning
    • depressions Associated Words
    • depressions Related Words
  • suppressor

    • noun someone who suppresses
      • dictators are suppressors of free speech
    • noun a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene)
      suppressor gene; suppresser; suppresser gene.

    • More ‘suppressor’ Meaning
    • suppressor Idioms/Phrases
    • suppressor Associated Words
    • suppressor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • suppressor Related Words
  • comprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; apprehend; dig; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb to become aware of through the senses
      • I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon

    • More ‘comprehend’ Meaning
    • comprehending Associated Words
    • comprehending Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehending Related Words
  • apprehension

    • noun fearful expectation or anticipation
      apprehensiveness; dread.
      • the student looked around the examination room with apprehension
    • noun the cognitive condition of someone who understands
      savvy; discernment; understanding.
      • he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect

    • More ‘apprehension’ Meaning
    • apprehensions Associated Words
    • apprehensions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehensions Related Words
  • supremely

    • adverb to the maximum degree
      • he was supremely confident

    • More ‘supremely’ Meaning
    • supremely Associated Words
    • supremely Related Words
  • omnipresent

    • adjective satellite being present everywhere at once

    • More ‘omnipresent’ Meaning
    • omnipresent Associated Words
    • omnipresent Related Words
  • imprecise

    • adjective not precise
      • imprecise astronomical observations
      • the terms he used were imprecise and emotional

    • More ‘imprecise’ Meaning
    • imprecise Associated Words
    • imprecise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • imprecise Related Words
  • impregnate

    • verb fill, as with a certain quality
      infuse; tincture; instill.
      • The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide
    • verb infuse or fill completely
      • Impregnate the cloth with alcohol

    • More ‘impregnate’ Meaning
    • impregnated Associated Words
    • impregnated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impregnated Related Words
  • suppress

    • verb to put down by force or authority
      inhibit; stamp down; subdue; curb; conquer.
      • suppress a nascent uprising
      • stamp down on littering
      • conquer one’s desires
    • verb come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority
      crush; oppress.
      • The government oppresses political activists

    • More ‘suppress’ Meaning
    • suppresses Associated Words
    • suppresses Related Words
  • misinterpret

    • verb interpret falsely
    • verb interpret wrongly
      • I misread Hamlet all my life!

    • More ‘misinterpret’ Meaning
    • misinterpreted Associated Words
    • misinterpreted Related Words
  • spreadsheet

    • noun a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen

    • More ‘spreadsheet’ Meaning
    • spreadsheets Associated Words
    • spreadsheets Related Words
  • oppressor

    • noun a person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures

    • More ‘oppressor’ Meaning
    • oppressors Associated Words
    • oppressors Related Words
  • appreciate

    • verb recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
    • verb be fully aware of; realize fully
      take account.
      • Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?

    • More ‘appreciate’ Meaning
    • appreciates Associated Words
    • appreciates Related Words
  • reinterpretation

    • noun a new or different meaning
    • noun a new or different interpretation

    • More ‘reinterpretation’ Meaning
    • reinterpretation Associated Words
    • reinterpretation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • reinterpretation Related Words
  • appreciably

    • adverb to a noticeable degree
      • they weather was appreciably colder

    • More ‘appreciably’ Meaning
    • appreciably Associated Words
    • appreciably Related Words
  • depress

    • verb lower someone’s spirits; make downhearted
      dispirit; dismay; deject; demoralise; get down; cast down; demoralize.
      • These news depressed her
      • The bad state of her child’s health demoralizes her
    • verb lower (prices or markets)
      • The glut of oil depressed gas prices

    • More ‘depress’ Meaning
    • depress Idioms/Phrases
    • depress Associated Words
    • depress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depress Related Words
  • depreciate

    • verb belittle
      vilipend; deprecate.
      • The teacher should not deprecate his student’s efforts
    • verb lower the value of something
      • The Fed depreciated the dollar once again

    • More ‘depreciate’ Meaning
    • depreciated Associated Words
    • depreciated Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depreciated Related Words
  • unpredictability

    • noun the quality of being guided by sudden unpredictable impulses
    • noun the trait of being unpredictably irresolute
      • the volatility of the market drove many investors away

    • More ‘unpredictability’ Meaning
    • unpredictability Associated Words
    • unpredictability Related Words
  • oppress

    • verb come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority
      crush; suppress.
      • The government oppresses political activists
    • verb cause to suffer
      • Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union

    • More ‘oppress’ Meaning
    • oppress Idioms/Phrases
    • oppress Associated Words
    • oppress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oppress Related Words
  • immunosuppressive

    • noun a drug that lowers the body’s normal immune response
      immunosuppressive drug; immunosuppressant; immune suppressant drug; immunosuppressor.
    • adjective of or relating to a substance that lowers the body’s normal immune response and induces immunosuppression

    • More ‘immunosuppressive’ Meaning
    • immunosuppressive Idioms/Phrases
    • immunosuppressive Associated Words
    • immunosuppressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • immunosuppressive Related Words
  • immunosuppression

    • noun lowering the body’s normal immune response to invasion by foreign substances; can be deliberate (as in lowering the immune response to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ) or incidental (as a side effect of radiotherapy or chemotherapy for cancer)

    • More ‘immunosuppression’ Meaning
    • immunosuppression Associated Words
    • immunosuppression Related Words
  • compressing

    • noun applying pressure
    • verb make more compact by or as if by pressing
      compact; compress; pack together.
      • compress the data

    • More ‘compressing’ Meaning
    • compressing Associated Words
    • compressing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compressing Related Words
  • oppressor

    • noun a person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures

    • More ‘oppressor’ Meaning
    • oppressor Associated Words
    • oppressor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oppressor Related Words
  • expressionism

    • noun an art movement early in the 20th century; the artist’s subjective expression of inner experiences was emphasized; an inner feeling was expressed through a distorted rendition of reality

    • More ‘expressionism’ Meaning
    • expressionism Idioms/Phrases
    • expressionism Associated Words
    • expressionism Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressionism Related Words
  • misinterpretation

    • noun putting the wrong interpretation on
      mistaking; misunderstanding.
      • his misinterpretation of the question caused his error
      • there was no mistaking her meaning

    • More ‘misinterpretation’ Meaning
    • misinterpretation Associated Words
    • misinterpretation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • misinterpretation Related Words
  • vasopressin

    • noun hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also by nerve endings in the hypothalamus; affects blood pressure by stimulating capillary muscles and reduces urine flow by affecting reabsorption of water by kidney tubules
      Pitressin; ADH; antidiuretic hormone.

    • More ‘vasopressin’ Meaning
    • vasopressin Associated Words
    • vasopressin Related Words
  • impressively

    • adverb in an impressive manner
      • the students progressed impressively fast

    • More ‘impressively’ Meaning
    • impressively Associated Words
    • impressively Related Words
  • spree

    • noun a brief indulgence of your impulses
    • verb engage without restraint in an activity and indulge, as when shopping

    • More ‘spree’ Meaning
    • spree Idioms/Phrases
    • spree Associated Words
    • spree Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spree Related Words
  • reprehensible

    • adjective satellite bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure
      criminal; condemnable; deplorable; vicious.
      • a criminal waste of talent
      • a deplorable act of violence
      • adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife

    • More ‘reprehensible’ Meaning
    • reprehensible Associated Words
    • reprehensible Related Words
  • espresso

    • noun strong black coffee brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans

    • More ‘espresso’ Meaning
    • espresso Idioms/Phrases
    • espresso Associated Words
    • espresso Prefix/Suffix Words
    • espresso Related Words
  • compress

    • noun a cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever)
    • verb make more compact by or as if by pressing
      compact; pack together.
      • compress the data

    • More ‘compress’ Meaning
    • compresses Associated Words
    • compresses Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compresses Related Words
  • depredation

    • noun an act of plundering and pillaging and marauding
    • noun (usually plural) a destructive action
      • the ravages of time
      • the depredations of age and disease

    • More ‘depredation’ Meaning
    • depredations Associated Words
    • depredations Related Words
  • misrepresented

    • adjective satellite having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented
      twisted; perverted; distorted.
      • many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality
      • a perverted translation of the poem
    • verb represent falsely
      belie; misrepresent.
      • This statement misrepresents my intentions

    • More ‘misrepresented’ Meaning
    • misrepresented Associated Words
    • misrepresented Related Words
  • impregnable

    • adjective satellite immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
      unattackable; secure; unassailable; inviolable; strong.
      • an impregnable fortress
      • fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
      • a secure telephone connection
    • adjective satellite capable of conceiving

    • More ‘impregnable’ Meaning
    • impregnable Associated Words
    • impregnable Related Words
  • irrepressible

    • adjective satellite impossible to repress or control
      • an irrepressible chatterbox
      • uncontrollable laughter

    • More ‘irrepressible’ Meaning
    • irrepressible Associated Words
    • irrepressible Related Words
  • reinterpret

    • verb interpret from a different viewpoint
    • verb assign a new or different meaning to

    • More ‘reinterpret’ Meaning
    • reinterpreted Associated Words
    • reinterpreted Related Words
  • expressiveness

    • noun the quality of being expressive

    • More ‘expressiveness’ Meaning
    • expressiveness Associated Words
    • expressiveness Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressiveness Related Words
  • impressionist

    • noun a painter who follows the theories of Impressionism
    • adjective relating to or characteristic of Impressionism
      • impressionist music

    • More ‘impressionist’ Meaning
    • impressionist Idioms/Phrases
    • impressionist Associated Words
    • impressionist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressionist Related Words
  • inexpressible

    • adjective defying expression

    • More ‘inexpressible’ Meaning
    • inexpressible Associated Words
    • inexpressible Prefix/Suffix Words
    • inexpressible Related Words
  • expressionless

    • adjective satellite deliberately impassive in manner
      deadpan; unexpressive; impassive; poker-faced.
      • deadpan humor
      • his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read

    • More ‘expressionless’ Meaning
    • expressionless Associated Words
    • expressionless Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressionless Related Words
  • misrepresentation

    • noun a misleading falsehood
      deceit; deception.
    • noun a willful perversion of facts

    • More ‘misrepresentation’ Meaning
    • misrepresentations Associated Words
    • misrepresentations Related Words
  • compressor

    • noun a mechanical device that compresses gasses

    • More ‘compressor’ Meaning
    • compressors Associated Words
    • compressors Related Words
  • incompressible

    • adjective incapable of being compressed; resisting compression
      • mounds of incompressible garbage

    • More ‘incompressible’ Meaning
    • incompressible Associated Words
    • incompressible Related Words
  • repressor

    • noun an agent that represses

    • More ‘repressor’ Meaning
    • repressor Idioms/Phrases
    • repressor Associated Words
    • repressor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • repressor Related Words
  • apprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; dig; comprehend; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb take into custody
      nab; cop; pick up; nail; arrest; collar.
      • the police nabbed the suspected criminals

    • More ‘apprehend’ Meaning
    • apprehending Associated Words
    • apprehending Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehending Related Words
  • comprehensiveness

    • noun completeness over a broad scope
    • noun the capacity to understand a broad range of topics
      breadth; largeness.
      • a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject
      • a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views

    • More ‘comprehensiveness’ Meaning
    • comprehensiveness Associated Words
    • comprehensiveness Related Words
  • expressionist

    • noun an artist who is an adherent of expressionism
    • adjective of or relating to expressionism
      • expressionist art

    • More ‘expressionist’ Meaning
    • expressionist Associated Words
    • expressionist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressionist Related Words
  • expressway

    • noun a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic
      motorway; thruway; pike; freeway; throughway; superhighway; state highway.

    • More ‘expressway’ Meaning
    • expressway Associated Words
    • expressway Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressway Related Words
  • impressionable

    • adjective easily impressed or influenced
      impressible; waxy.
      • an impressionable youngster
      • an impressionable age
      • a waxy mind

    • More ‘impressionable’ Meaning
    • impressionable Associated Words
    • impressionable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressionable Related Words
  • impress

    • noun the act of coercing someone into government service
    • verb have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
      strike; affect; move.
      • This child impressed me as unusually mature
      • This behavior struck me as odd

    • More ‘impress’ Meaning
    • impressing Associated Words
    • impressing Related Words
  • unimpressed

    • adjective satellite not moved to serious regard
      • trying to appear unimpressed

    • More ‘unimpressed’ Meaning
    • unimpressed Associated Words
    • unimpressed Related Words
  • compressibility

    • noun the property of being able to occupy less space
      squeezability; sponginess.

    • More ‘compressibility’ Meaning
    • compressibility Associated Words
    • compressibility Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compressibility Related Words
  • depreciate

    • verb belittle
      vilipend; deprecate.
      • The teacher should not deprecate his student’s efforts
    • verb lower the value of something
      • The Fed depreciated the dollar once again

    • More ‘depreciate’ Meaning
    • depreciate Associated Words
    • depreciate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depreciate Related Words
  • comprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; apprehend; dig; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb to become aware of through the senses
      • I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon

    • More ‘comprehend’ Meaning
    • comprehends Associated Words
    • comprehends Related Words
  • deprecate

    • verb express strong disapproval of; deplore
    • verb belittle
      vilipend; depreciate.
      • The teacher should not deprecate his student’s efforts

    • More ‘deprecate’ Meaning
    • deprecated Associated Words
    • deprecated Related Words
  • apprenticed

    • adjective satellite bound by contract
      indentured; bound; articled.
    • verb be or work as an apprentice
      • She apprenticed with the great master

    • More ‘apprenticed’ Meaning
    • apprenticed Associated Words
    • apprenticed Related Words
  • repressing

    • adjective satellite restrictive of action
      repressive; inhibitory.
      • a repressive regime
      • an overly strict and inhibiting discipline
    • verb put down by force or intimidation
      subdue; reduce; repress; quash; subjugate; keep down.
      • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
      • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
      • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land

    • More ‘repressing’ Meaning
    • repressing Associated Words
    • repressing Related Words
  • osprey

    • noun large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years
      fish eagle; fish hawk; sea eagle; Pandion haliaetus.

    • More ‘osprey’ Meaning
    • osprey Associated Words
    • osprey Prefix/Suffix Words
    • osprey Related Words
  • unpretentious

    • adjective lacking pretension or affectation
      • an unpretentious country church
      • her quiet unpretentious demeanor
    • adjective not ostentatious
      unostentatious; unpretending.
      • his unostentatious office
      • unostentatious elegance

    • More ‘unpretentious’ Meaning
    • unpretentious Associated Words
    • unpretentious Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unpretentious Related Words
  • compressible

    • adjective capable of being compressed or made more compact
      • compressible packing materials
      • a compressible box
    • adjective satellite capable of being easily compressed

    • More ‘compressible’ Meaning
    • compressible Associated Words
    • compressible Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compressible Related Words
  • impressionistic

    • adjective of or relating to or based on an impression rather than on facts or reasoning
      • a surprisingly impressionistic review bearing marks of hasty composition
      • she had impressionistic memories of her childhood
    • adjective relating to or characteristic of Impressionism
      • impressionist music

    • More ‘impressionistic’ Meaning
    • impressionistic Associated Words
    • impressionistic Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressionistic Related Words
  • misrepresent

    • verb represent falsely
      • This statement misrepresents my intentions
    • verb tamper, with the purpose of deception
      wangle; fake; cook; fudge; falsify; manipulate.
      • Fudge the figures
      • cook the books
      • falsify the data

    • More ‘misrepresent’ Meaning
    • misrepresent Associated Words
    • misrepresent Prefix/Suffix Words
    • misrepresent Related Words
  • impress

    • noun the act of coercing someone into government service
    • verb have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
      strike; affect; move.
      • This child impressed me as unusually mature
      • This behavior struck me as odd

    • More ‘impress’ Meaning
    • impresses Associated Words
    • impresses Related Words
  • interpretable

    • adjective satellite capable of being understood
      • explainable phenomena

    • More ‘interpretable’ Meaning
    • interpretable Associated Words
    • interpretable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • interpretable Related Words
  • oppression

    • noun the act of subjugating by cruelty
      • the tyrant’s oppression of the people
    • noun the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority: «after years of oppression they finally revolted»

    • More ‘oppression’ Meaning
    • oppressions Related Words
  • deprecating

    • adjective satellite tending to diminish or disparage
      deprecatory; belittling; depreciatory; deprecative; depreciative; slighting.
      • belittling comments
      • managed a deprecating smile at the compliment
      • deprecatory remarks about the book
      • a slighting remark
    • verb express strong disapproval of; deplore

    • More ‘deprecating’ Meaning
    • deprecating Associated Words
    • deprecating Prefix/Suffix Words
    • deprecating Related Words
  • ypres

    • noun battle in World War I (1917); an Allied offensive which eventually failed because tanks bogged down in the waterlogged soil of Flanders; Germans introduced mustard gas which interfered with the Allied artillery
      third battle of Ypres; battle of Ypres.
    • noun battle in World War I (1915); Germans wanted to try chlorine (a toxic yellow gas) as a weapon and succeeded in taking considerable territory from the Allied salient
      second battle of Ypres; battle of Ypres.

    • More ‘ypres’ Meaning
    • ypres Idioms/Phrases
    • ypres Associated Words
    • ypres Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ypres Related Words
  • supremacist

    • noun a person who advocates the supremacy of some particular group or race over all others

    • More ‘supremacist’ Meaning
    • supremacist Idioms/Phrases
    • supremacist Associated Words
    • supremacist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • supremacist Related Words
  • reinterpret

    • verb interpret from a different viewpoint
    • verb assign a new or different meaning to

    • More ‘reinterpret’ Meaning
    • reinterpret Associated Words
    • reinterpret Prefix/Suffix Words
    • reinterpret Related Words
  • imprecision

    • noun the quality of lacking precision

    • More ‘imprecision’ Meaning
    • imprecision Associated Words
    • imprecision Prefix/Suffix Words
    • imprecision Related Words
  • misinterpret

    • verb interpret falsely
    • verb interpret wrongly
      • I misread Hamlet all my life!

    • More ‘misinterpret’ Meaning
    • misinterpret Associated Words
    • misinterpret Prefix/Suffix Words
    • misinterpret Related Words
  • omnipresence

    • noun the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once)
      ubiquity; ubiquitousness.

    • More ‘omnipresence’ Meaning
    • omnipresence Associated Words
    • omnipresence Related Words
  • impregnation

    • noun material with which something is impregnated
      • the impregnation, whatever it was, had turned the rock blue
    • noun the process of totally saturating something with a substance
      • the impregnation of wood with preservative
      • the saturation of cotton with ether

    • More ‘impregnation’ Meaning
    • impregnation Associated Words
    • impregnation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impregnation Related Words
  • suppressive

    • adjective satellite tending to suppress
      • the government used suppressive measures to control the protest

    • More ‘suppressive’ Meaning
    • suppressive Idioms/Phrases
    • suppressive Associated Words
    • suppressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • suppressive Related Words
  • depressant

    • noun a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person
      downer; sedative; sedative drug.
    • adjective capable of depressing physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent

    • More ‘depressant’ Meaning
    • depressants Associated Words
    • depressants Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depressants Related Words
  • depressant

    • noun a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person
      downer; sedative; sedative drug.
    • adjective capable of depressing physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent

    • More ‘depressant’ Meaning
    • depressant Associated Words
    • depressant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depressant Related Words
  • impressionist

    • noun a painter who follows the theories of Impressionism
    • adjective relating to or characteristic of Impressionism
      • impressionist music

    • More ‘impressionist’ Meaning
    • impressionists Associated Words
    • impressionists Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressionists Related Words
  • misapprehension

    • noun an understanding of something that is not correct
      misunderstanding; mistake.
      • he wasn’t going to admit his mistake
      • make no mistake about his intentions
      • there must be some misunderstanding—I don’t have a sister

    • More ‘misapprehension’ Meaning
    • misapprehension Associated Words
    • misapprehension Prefix/Suffix Words
    • misapprehension Related Words
  • bedspread

    • noun decorative cover for a bed
      counterpane; bed cover; bedcover; spread; bed covering.

    • More ‘bedspread’ Meaning
    • bedspread Idioms/Phrases
    • bedspread Associated Words
    • bedspread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bedspread Related Words
  • unexpressed

    • adjective satellite not made explicit
      unstated; unverbalised; unvoiced; unuttered; unverbalized; unspoken; unsaid.
      • the unexpressed terms of the agreement
      • things left unsaid
      • some kind of unspoken agreement
      • his action is clear but his reason remains unstated

    • More ‘unexpressed’ Meaning
    • unexpressed Associated Words
    • unexpressed Related Words
  • incomprehension

    • noun an inability to understand
      • his incomprehension of the consequences

    • More ‘incomprehension’ Meaning
    • incomprehension Associated Words
    • incomprehension Related Words
  • appreciatively

    • adverb with appreciation; in a grateful manner
      • he accepted my offer appreciatively

    • More ‘appreciatively’ Meaning
    • appreciatively Associated Words
    • appreciatively Prefix/Suffix Words
    • appreciatively Related Words
  • unrepresentative

    • adjective satellite not exemplifying a class
      • I soon tumbled to the fact that my weekends were atypical
      • behavior quite unrepresentative (or atypical) of the profession

    • More ‘unrepresentative’ Meaning
    • unrepresentative Associated Words
    • unrepresentative Prefix/Suffix Words
    • unrepresentative Related Words
  • impresario

    • noun a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments
      promoter; showman.

    • More ‘impresario’ Meaning
    • impresario Associated Words
    • impresario Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impresario Related Words
  • oppress

    • verb come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority
      crush; suppress.
      • The government oppresses political activists
    • verb cause to suffer
      • Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union

    • More ‘oppress’ Meaning
    • oppressing Associated Words
    • oppressing Related Words
  • unappreciated

    • adjective satellite not likely to be rewarded
      thankless; ungratifying.
      • grading papers is a thankless task
    • adjective satellite having value that is not acknowledged
      unsung; unvalued.

    • More ‘unappreciated’ Meaning
    • unappreciated Associated Words
    • unappreciated Related Words
  • depress

    • verb lower someone’s spirits; make downhearted
      dispirit; dismay; deject; demoralise; get down; cast down; demoralize.
      • These news depressed her
      • The bad state of her child’s health demoralizes her
    • verb lower (prices or markets)
      • The glut of oil depressed gas prices

    • More ‘depress’ Meaning
    • depresses Associated Words
    • depresses Related Words
  • compression

    • noun an increase in the density of something
      densification; concretion; compaction.
    • noun the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together
      condensation; contraction.
      • the contraction of a gas on cooling

    • More ‘compression’ Meaning
    • compressions Associated Words
    • compressions Prefix/Suffix Words
    • compressions Related Words
  • acupressure

    • noun treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body
      shiatsu; G-Jo.

    • More ‘acupressure’ Meaning
    • acupressure Associated Words
    • acupressure Related Words
  • unprejudiced

    • adjective free from undue bias or preconceived opinions
      • an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons
      • the impartial eye of a scientist

    • More ‘unprejudiced’ Meaning
    • unprejudiced Associated Words
    • unprejudiced Related Words
  • reinterpret

    • verb interpret from a different viewpoint
    • verb assign a new or different meaning to

    • More ‘reinterpret’ Meaning
    • reinterpreting Associated Words
    • reinterpreting Related Words
  • nonprescription

    • adjective purchasable without a doctor’s prescription
      • nonprescription drugs
      • an over-the-counter cold remedy

    • More ‘nonprescription’ Meaning
    • nonprescription Associated Words
    • nonprescription Related Words
  • spreader

    • noun a hand tool for spreading something
      • he used his knife as a spreader
    • noun a mechanical device for scattering something (seed or fertilizer or sand etc.) in all directions

    • More ‘spreader’ Meaning
    • spreader Associated Words
    • spreader Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spreader Related Words
  • immunosuppressed

    • adjective of persons whose immune response is inadequate

    • More ‘immunosuppressed’ Meaning
    • immunosuppressed Associated Words
    • immunosuppressed Related Words
  • uncompress

    • verb restore to its uncompressed form
      • decompress data

    • More ‘uncompress’ Meaning
    • uncompressed Associated Words
    • uncompressed Related Words
  • unpredictably

    • adverb in an erratic unpredictable manner
      • economic changes are proceeding erratically

    • More ‘unpredictably’ Meaning
    • unpredictably Associated Words
    • unpredictably Related Words
  • misinterpretation

    • noun putting the wrong interpretation on
      mistaking; misunderstanding.
      • his misinterpretation of the question caused his error
      • there was no mistaking her meaning

    • More ‘misinterpretation’ Meaning
    • misinterpretations Associated Words
    • misinterpretations Related Words
  • misrepresent

    • verb represent falsely
      • This statement misrepresents my intentions
    • verb tamper, with the purpose of deception
      wangle; fake; cook; fudge; falsify; manipulate.
      • Fudge the figures
      • cook the books
      • falsify the data

    • More ‘misrepresent’ Meaning
    • misrepresenting Associated Words
    • misrepresenting Related Words
  • repress

    • verb put down by force or intimidation
      subdue; reduce; quash; subjugate; keep down.
      • The government quashes any attempt of an uprising
      • China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently
      • The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land
    • verb conceal or hide
      muffle; strangle; stifle; smother.
      • smother a yawn
      • muffle one’s anger
      • strangle a yawn

    • More ‘repress’ Meaning
    • represses Associated Words
    • represses Related Words
  • apprehensively

    • adverb with anxiety or apprehension
      uneasily; anxiously.
      • we watched anxiously

    • More ‘apprehensively’ Meaning
    • apprehensively Associated Words
    • apprehensively Related Words
  • expressible

    • adjective capable of being expressed
      • an expressible emotion

    • More ‘expressible’ Meaning
    • expressible Associated Words
    • expressible Prefix/Suffix Words
    • expressible Related Words
  • deprecation

    • noun a prayer to avert or remove some evil or disaster
    • noun the act of expressing disapproval (especially of yourself)

    • More ‘deprecation’ Meaning
    • deprecation Associated Words
    • deprecation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • deprecation Related Words
  • unimpressive

    • adjective not capable of impressing

    • More ‘unimpressive’ Meaning
    • unimpressive Associated Words
    • unimpressive Related Words
  • cypress

    • noun wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressus
    • noun any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones
      cypress tree.

    • More ‘cypress’ Meaning
    • cypresses Associated Words
    • cypresses Related Words
  • uncomprehending

    • adjective satellite lacking understanding
      • tried to explain to her uncomprehending husband

    • More ‘uncomprehending’ Meaning
    • uncomprehending Associated Words
    • uncomprehending Prefix/Suffix Words
    • uncomprehending Related Words
  • depreciating

    • adjective satellite tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value
      depreciative; depreciatory.
      • a depreciating currency
      • depreciatory effects on prices
    • verb belittle
      vilipend; deprecate; depreciate.
      • The teacher should not deprecate his student’s efforts

    • More ‘depreciating’ Meaning
    • depreciating Associated Words
    • depreciating Related Words
  • overspread

    • verb spread across or over
      • A big oil spot spread across the water

    • More ‘overspread’ Meaning
    • overspread Associated Words
    • overspread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overspread Related Words
  • apprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; dig; comprehend; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb take into custody
      nab; cop; pick up; nail; arrest; collar.
      • the police nabbed the suspected criminals

    • More ‘apprehend’ Meaning
    • apprehends Associated Words
    • apprehends Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehends Related Words
  • inexpressible

    • adjective defying expression

    • More ‘inexpressible’ Meaning
    • inexpressibly Associated Words
    • inexpressibly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • inexpressibly Related Words
  • impressment

    • noun the act of coercing someone into government service

    • More ‘impressment’ Meaning
    • impressment Associated Words
    • impressment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impressment Related Words
  • nonpregnant

    • adjective not pregnant

    • More ‘nonpregnant’ Meaning
    • nonpregnant Associated Words
    • nonpregnant Related Words
  • imprecation

    • noun the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult)
      • he suffered the imprecations of the mob
    • noun a slanderous accusation

    • More ‘imprecation’ Meaning
    • imprecations Associated Words
    • imprecations Related Words
  • outspread

    • adjective satellite fully extended in width
      • outspread wings
      • with arms spread wide

    • More ‘outspread’ Meaning
    • outspread Associated Words
    • outspread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • outspread Related Words
  • oppress

    • verb come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority
      crush; suppress.
      • The government oppresses political activists
    • verb cause to suffer
      • Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union

    • More ‘oppress’ Meaning
    • oppresses Associated Words
    • oppresses Related Words
  • expressively

    • adverb with expression; in an expressive manner
      • she gave the order to the waiter, using her hands very expressively

    • More ‘expressively’ Meaning
    • expressively Associated Words
    • expressively Related Words
  • lamprey

    • noun primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue
      lamper eel; lamprey eel.

    • More ‘lamprey’ Meaning
    • lamprey Idioms/Phrases
    • lamprey Associated Words
    • lamprey Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lamprey Related Words
  • repression

    • noun a state of forcible subjugation
      • the long repression of Christian sects
    • noun (psychiatry) the classical defense mechanism that protects you from impulses or ideas that would cause anxiety by preventing them from becoming conscious

    • More ‘repression’ Meaning
    • repressions Associated Words
    • repressions Related Words
  • neoprene

    • noun a synthetic rubber that is resistant to oils and aging; used in waterproof products

    • More ‘neoprene’ Meaning
    • neoprene Associated Words
    • neoprene Related Words
  • decompress

    • verb restore to its uncompressed form
      • decompress data
    • verb decrease the pressure of
      depressurize; depressurise.
      • depressurize the cabin in the air plane

    • More ‘decompress’ Meaning
    • decompress Associated Words
    • decompress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • decompress Related Words
  • comprehensibility

    • noun the quality of comprehensible language or thought

    • More ‘comprehensibility’ Meaning
    • comprehensibility Associated Words
    • comprehensibility Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehensibility Related Words
  • appreciation

    • noun understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something
      grasp; hold.
      • he has a good grasp of accounting practices
    • noun delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values)
      taste; perceptiveness; discernment.
      • arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success
      • to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste

    • More ‘appreciation’ Meaning
    • appreciations Associated Words
    • appreciations Related Words
  • misrepresent

    • verb represent falsely
      • This statement misrepresents my intentions
    • verb tamper, with the purpose of deception
      wangle; fake; cook; fudge; falsify; manipulate.
      • Fudge the figures
      • cook the books
      • falsify the data

    • More ‘misrepresent’ Meaning
    • misrepresents Associated Words
    • misrepresents Related Words
  • overpressure

    • noun a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure
      • the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion

    • More ‘overpressure’ Meaning
    • overpressure Associated Words
    • overpressure Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpressure Related Words
  • suppressor

    • noun someone who suppresses
      • dictators are suppressors of free speech
    • noun a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene)
      suppressor gene; suppresser; suppresser gene.

    • More ‘suppressor’ Meaning
    • suppressors Associated Words
    • suppressors Related Words
  • deprecate

    • verb express strong disapproval of; deplore
    • verb belittle
      vilipend; depreciate.
      • The teacher should not deprecate his student’s efforts

    • More ‘deprecate’ Meaning
    • deprecate Idioms/Phrases
    • deprecate Associated Words
    • deprecate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • deprecate Related Words
  • depressor

    • noun any skeletal muscle that draws a body part down
      depressor muscle.
    • noun any nerve whose activity tends to reduce the activity or tone of the body part it serves
      depressor nerve.

    • More ‘depressor’ Meaning
    • depressor Idioms/Phrases
    • depressor Associated Words
    • depressor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depressor Related Words
  • supremo

    • noun the most important person in an organization

    • More ‘supremo’ Meaning
    • supremo Associated Words
    • supremo Prefix/Suffix Words
    • supremo Related Words
  • oppressively

    • adverb in a heavy and oppressive way
      • it was oppressively hot in the office

    • More ‘oppressively’ Meaning
    • oppressively Associated Words
    • oppressively Related Words
  • misinterpret

    • verb interpret falsely
    • verb interpret wrongly
      • I misread Hamlet all my life!

    • More ‘misinterpret’ Meaning
    • misinterpreting Associated Words
    • misinterpreting Related Words
  • supremacist

    • noun a person who advocates the supremacy of some particular group or race over all others

    • More ‘supremacist’ Meaning
    • supremacists Associated Words
    • supremacists Related Words
  • impregnate

    • verb fill, as with a certain quality
      infuse; tincture; instill.
      • The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide
    • verb infuse or fill completely
      • Impregnate the cloth with alcohol

    • More ‘impregnate’ Meaning
    • impregnate Associated Words
    • impregnate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impregnate Related Words
  • letterpress

    • noun printing from a plate with raised characters
      relief printing.

    • More ‘letterpress’ Meaning
    • letterpress Associated Words
    • letterpress Related Words
  • depredation

    • noun an act of plundering and pillaging and marauding
    • noun (usually plural) a destructive action
      • the ravages of time
      • the depredations of age and disease

    • More ‘depredation’ Meaning
    • depredation Associated Words
    • depredation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depredation Related Words
  • expressionist

    • noun an artist who is an adherent of expressionism
    • adjective of or relating to expressionism
      • expressionist art

    • More ‘expressionist’ Meaning
    • expressionists Associated Words
    • expressionists Related Words
  • representable

    • adjective satellite expressible in symbolic form
      • uniquely representable in the form…

    • More ‘representable’ Meaning
    • representable Associated Words
    • representable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representable Related Words
  • depreciate

    • verb belittle
      vilipend; deprecate.
      • The teacher should not deprecate his student’s efforts
    • verb lower the value of something
      • The Fed depreciated the dollar once again

    • More ‘depreciate’ Meaning
    • depreciates Associated Words
    • depreciates Related Words
  • supreme

    • adjective satellite final or last in your life or progress
      • the supreme sacrifice
      • the supreme judgment
    • adjective satellite greatest in status or authority or power
      • a supreme tribunal

    • More ‘supreme’ Meaning
    • supremes Prefix/Suffix Words
    • supremes Related Words
  • depressingly

    • adverb in a depressing manner or to a depressing degree

    • More ‘depressingly’ Meaning
    • depressingly Associated Words
    • depressingly Related Words
  • unprepossessing

    • adjective satellite creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression

    • More ‘unprepossessing’ Meaning
    • unprepossessing Associated Words
    • unprepossessing Related Words
  • leprechaun

    • noun a mischievous elf in Irish folklore

    • More ‘leprechaun’ Meaning
    • leprechaun Associated Words
    • leprechaun Prefix/Suffix Words
    • leprechaun Related Words
  • expressionistic

    • adjective of or relating to expressionism
      • expressionist art

    • More ‘expressionistic’ Meaning
    • expressionistic Associated Words
    • expressionistic Related Words
  • spree

    • noun a brief indulgence of your impulses
    • verb engage without restraint in an activity and indulge, as when shopping

    • More ‘spree’ Meaning
    • sprees Associated Words
    • sprees Related Words
  • reinterpretation

    • noun a new or different meaning
    • noun a new or different interpretation

    • More ‘reinterpretation’ Meaning
    • reinterpretations Associated Words
    • reinterpretations Related Words
  • decompress

    • verb restore to its uncompressed form
      • decompress data
    • verb decrease the pressure of
      depressurize; depressurise.
      • depressurize the cabin in the air plane

    • More ‘decompress’ Meaning
    • decompressed Associated Words
    • decompressed Related Words
  • immunosuppressant

    • noun a drug that lowers the body’s normal immune response
      immunosuppressive drug; immunosuppressive; immune suppressant drug; immunosuppressor.

    • More ‘immunosuppressant’ Meaning
    • immunosuppressant Associated Words
    • immunosuppressant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • immunosuppressant Related Words
  • lamprey

    • noun primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue
      lamper eel; lamprey eel.

    • More ‘lamprey’ Meaning
    • lampreys Associated Words
    • lampreys Related Words
  • impregnate

    • verb fill, as with a certain quality
      infuse; tincture; instill.
      • The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide
    • verb infuse or fill completely
      • Impregnate the cloth with alcohol

    • More ‘impregnate’ Meaning
    • impregnating Associated Words
    • impregnating Related Words
  • unpremeditated

    • adjective satellite not prepared or planned in advance
      • asked an unpremeditated question
    • adjective not premeditated

    • More ‘unpremeditated’ Meaning
    • unpremeditated Associated Words
    • unpremeditated Related Words
  • repressor

    • noun an agent that represses

    • More ‘repressor’ Meaning
    • repressors Prefix/Suffix Words
    • repressors Related Words
  • impressiveness

    • noun splendid or imposing in size or appearance
      magnificence; grandness; richness.
      • the grandness of the architecture
      • impressed by the richness of the flora
    • noun the quality of making a strong or vivid impression on the mind

    • More ‘impressiveness’ Meaning
    • impressiveness Associated Words
    • impressiveness Related Words
  • suppressant

    • noun a drug that suppresses appetite
      appetite suppressant.

    • More ‘suppressant’ Meaning
    • suppressant Idioms/Phrases
    • suppressant Associated Words
    • suppressant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • suppressant Related Words
  • expressway

    • noun a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic
      motorway; thruway; pike; freeway; throughway; superhighway; state highway.

    • More ‘expressway’ Meaning
    • expressways Associated Words
    • expressways Related Words
  • deprecatory

    • adjective satellite tending to diminish or disparage
      belittling; deprecating; depreciatory; deprecative; depreciative; slighting.
      • belittling comments
      • managed a deprecating smile at the compliment
      • deprecatory remarks about the book
      • a slighting remark

    • More ‘deprecatory’ Meaning
    • deprecatory Associated Words
    • deprecatory Related Words
  • spreader

    • noun a hand tool for spreading something
      • he used his knife as a spreader
    • noun a mechanical device for scattering something (seed or fertilizer or sand etc.) in all directions

    • More ‘spreader’ Meaning
    • spreaders Associated Words
    • spreaders Related Words
  • unpretending

    • adjective not ostentatious
      unostentatious; unpretentious.
      • his unostentatious office
      • unostentatious elegance

    • More ‘unpretending’ Meaning
    • unpretending Associated Words
    • unpretending Related Words
  • bedspread

    • noun decorative cover for a bed
      counterpane; bed cover; bedcover; spread; bed covering.

    • More ‘bedspread’ Meaning
    • bedspreads Associated Words
    • bedspreads Related Words
  • suppressant

    • noun a drug that suppresses appetite
      appetite suppressant.

    • More ‘suppressant’ Meaning
    • suppressants Associated Words
    • suppressants Prefix/Suffix Words
    • suppressants Related Words
  • encopresis

    • noun involuntary defecation not attributable to physical defects or illness

    • More ‘encopresis’ Meaning
    • encopresis Associated Words
    • encopresis Related Words
  • depressive

    • noun someone suffering psychological depression

    • More ‘depressive’ Meaning
    • depressives Associated Words
    • depressives Related Words
  • imprecation

    • noun the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult)
      • he suffered the imprecations of the mob
    • noun a slanderous accusation

    • More ‘imprecation’ Meaning
    • imprecation Associated Words
    • imprecation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • imprecation Related Words
  • winepress

    • noun a press that is used to extract the juice from grapes

    • More ‘winepress’ Meaning
    • winepress Associated Words
    • winepress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • winepress Related Words
  • immunosuppressant

    • noun a drug that lowers the body’s normal immune response
      immunosuppressive drug; immunosuppressive; immune suppressant drug; immunosuppressor.

    • More ‘immunosuppressant’ Meaning
    • immunosuppressants Associated Words
    • immunosuppressants Related Words
  • unpredicted

    • adjective satellite without warning or announcement
      unheralded; unannounced.
      • they arrived unannounced
      • a totally unheralded telegram that his daughter…died last night»- M.A.D.Howe

    • More ‘unpredicted’ Meaning
    • unpredicted Associated Words
    • unpredicted Related Words
  • reinterpret

    • verb interpret from a different viewpoint
    • verb assign a new or different meaning to

    • More ‘reinterpret’ Meaning
    • reinterprets Associated Words
    • reinterprets Related Words
  • osprey

    • noun large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years
      fish eagle; fish hawk; sea eagle; Pandion haliaetus.

    • More ‘osprey’ Meaning
    • ospreys Associated Words
    • ospreys Related Words
  • empress

    • noun a woman emperor or the wife of an emperor

    • More ’empress’ Meaning
    • empresses Associated Words
    • empresses Related Words
  • semiprecious

    • adjective satellite used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones
      • such semiprecious stones as amethyst, garnet, jade, and tourmaline

    • More ‘semiprecious’ Meaning
    • semiprecious Associated Words
    • semiprecious Related Words
  • incomprehensible

    • adjective incapable of being explained or accounted for
      • inexplicable errors
      • left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons
    • adjective difficult to understand
      • the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible»- A. Einstein

    • More ‘incomprehensible’ Meaning
    • incomprehensibly Associated Words
    • incomprehensibly Related Words
  • vasopressor

    • noun any agent that produces vasoconstriction and a rise in blood pressure (usually understood as increased arterial pressure)

    • More ‘vasopressor’ Meaning
    • vasopressors Related Words
  • imprecisely

    • adverb in an imprecise manner
      • he expressed himself imprecisely

    • More ‘imprecisely’ Meaning
    • imprecisely Associated Words
    • imprecisely Related Words
  • unappreciative

    • adjective satellite not feeling or expressing gratitude
      • unappreciative of nature’s bounty

    • More ‘unappreciative’ Meaning
    • unappreciative Associated Words
    • unappreciative Related Words
  • vasopressor

    • noun any agent that produces vasoconstriction and a rise in blood pressure (usually understood as increased arterial pressure)

    • More ‘vasopressor’ Meaning
    • vasopressor Associated Words
    • vasopressor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • vasopressor Related Words
  • misapprehension

    • noun an understanding of something that is not correct
      misunderstanding; mistake.
      • he wasn’t going to admit his mistake
      • make no mistake about his intentions
      • there must be some misunderstanding—I don’t have a sister

    • More ‘misapprehension’ Meaning
    • misapprehensions Associated Words
    • misapprehensions Related Words
  • deprecating

    • adjective satellite tending to diminish or disparage
      deprecatory; belittling; depreciatory; deprecative; depreciative; slighting.
      • belittling comments
      • managed a deprecating smile at the compliment
      • deprecatory remarks about the book
      • a slighting remark
    • verb express strong disapproval of; deplore

    • More ‘deprecating’ Meaning
    • deprecatingly Associated Words
    • deprecatingly Related Words
  • misinterpret

    • verb interpret falsely
    • verb interpret wrongly
      • I misread Hamlet all my life!

    • More ‘misinterpret’ Meaning
    • misinterprets Associated Words
    • misinterprets Related Words
  • inexpressive

    • adjective satellite not expressive
      • an inexpressive face

    • More ‘inexpressive’ Meaning
    • inexpressive Associated Words
    • inexpressive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • inexpressive Related Words
  • oppressiveness

    • noun a feeling of being oppressed
    • noun unwelcome burdensome difficulty
      heaviness; onerousness; burdensomeness.

    • More ‘oppressiveness’ Meaning
    • oppressiveness Associated Words
    • oppressiveness Related Words
  • impresario

    • noun a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments
      promoter; showman.

    • More ‘impresario’ Meaning
    • impresarios Associated Words
    • impresarios Related Words
  • nonrepresentational

    • adjective of or relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature

    • More ‘nonrepresentational’ Meaning
    • nonrepresentational Associated Words
    • nonrepresentational Related Words
  • leprechaun

    • noun a mischievous elf in Irish folklore

    • More ‘leprechaun’ Meaning
    • leprechauns Associated Words
    • leprechauns Related Words
  • suppression

    • noun the failure to develop some part or organ
    • noun the act of withholding or withdrawing some book or writing from publication or circulation
      • a suppression of the newspaper

    • More ‘suppression’ Meaning
    • suppressions Associated Words
    • suppressions Related Words
  • uncomprehending

    • adjective satellite lacking understanding
      • tried to explain to her uncomprehending husband

    • More ‘uncomprehending’ Meaning
    • uncomprehendingly Associated Words
    • uncomprehendingly Related Words
  • decompressing

    • noun relieving pressure (especially bringing a compressed person gradually back to atmospheric pressure)
    • verb restore to its uncompressed form
      uncompress; decompress.
      • decompress data

    • More ‘decompressing’ Meaning
    • decompressing Associated Words
    • decompressing Related Words
  • apprentice

    • noun works for an expert to learn a trade
      prentice; learner.
    • verb be or work as an apprentice
      • She apprenticed with the great master

    • More ‘apprentice’ Meaning
    • apprenticing Associated Words
    • apprenticing Related Words
  • unpresentable

    • adjective satellite creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression

    • More ‘unpresentable’ Meaning
    • unpresentable Associated Words
    • unpresentable Related Words
  • depreciation

    • noun a decrease in price or value
      • depreciation of the dollar against the yen
    • noun decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use
      wear and tear.

    • More ‘depreciation’ Meaning
    • depreciations Associated Words
    • depreciations Related Words
  • impress

    • noun the act of coercing someone into government service
    • verb have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
      strike; affect; move.
      • This child impressed me as unusually mature
      • This behavior struck me as odd

    • More ‘impress’ Meaning
    • imprest Associated Words
    • imprest Related Words
  • impregnate

    • verb fill, as with a certain quality
      infuse; tincture; instill.
      • The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxide
    • verb infuse or fill completely
      • Impregnate the cloth with alcohol

    • More ‘impregnate’ Meaning
    • impregnates Associated Words
    • impregnates Related Words
  • apprehensible

    • adjective satellite capable of being apprehended or understood
      graspable; understandable; perceivable; intelligible.

    • More ‘apprehensible’ Meaning
    • apprehensible Associated Words
    • apprehensible Prefix/Suffix Words
    • apprehensible Related Words
  • uncompress

    • verb restore to its uncompressed form
      • decompress data

    • More ‘uncompress’ Meaning
    • uncompress Associated Words
    • uncompress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • uncompress Related Words
  • irrepressible

    • adjective satellite impossible to repress or control
      • an irrepressible chatterbox
      • uncontrollable laughter

    • More ‘irrepressible’ Meaning
    • irrepressibly Associated Words
    • irrepressibly Related Words
  • misapprehend

    • verb interpret in the wrong way
      misinterpret; misunderstand; misconceive; be amiss; misconstrue.
      • Don’t misinterpret my comments as criticism
      • She misconstrued my remarks

    • More ‘misapprehend’ Meaning
    • misapprehended Associated Words
    • misapprehended Related Words
  • deprecate

    • verb express strong disapproval of; deplore
    • verb belittle
      vilipend; depreciate.
      • The teacher should not deprecate his student’s efforts

    • More ‘deprecate’ Meaning
    • deprecates Associated Words
    • deprecates Related Words
  • suprematism

    • noun a geometric abstractionist movement originated by Kazimir Malevich in Russia that influenced constructivism

    • More ‘suprematism’ Meaning
    • suprematism Associated Words
    • suprematism Related Words
  • represser

    • noun an agent that represses

    • More ‘represser’ Meaning
    • represser Associated Words
    • represser Prefix/Suffix Words
    • represser Related Words
  • cupressus

    • noun type genus of Cupressaceae
      genus Cupressus.

    • More ‘cupressus’ Meaning
    • cupressus Idioms/Phrases
    • cupressus Associated Words
    • cupressus Related Words
  • depressor

    • noun any skeletal muscle that draws a body part down
      depressor muscle.
    • noun any nerve whose activity tends to reduce the activity or tone of the body part it serves
      depressor nerve.

    • More ‘depressor’ Meaning
    • depressors Associated Words
    • depressors Related Words
  • wingspread

    • noun distance between the tips of the wings (as of a bird or insect) when fully extended
    • noun linear distance between the extremities of an airfoil

    • More ‘wingspread’ Meaning
    • wingspread Associated Words
    • wingspread Related Words
  • impressible

    • adjective easily impressed or influenced
      waxy; impressionable.
      • an impressionable youngster
      • an impressionable age
      • a waxy mind

    • More ‘impressible’ Meaning
    • impressible Associated Words
    • impressible Related Words
  • capreolus

    • noun roe deer
      genus Capreolus.

    • More ‘capreolus’ Meaning
    • capreolus Idioms/Phrases
    • capreolus Associated Words
    • capreolus Related Words
  • catapres

    • noun an antihypertensive (trade name Catapres) that can be administered orally or via transdermal patches

    • More ‘catapres’ Meaning
    • catapres Associated Words
    • catapres Related Words
  • reprehension

    • noun an act or expression of criticism and censure
      reproof; reproval; rebuke; reprimand.
      • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face

    • More ‘reprehension’ Meaning
    • reprehension Associated Words
    • reprehension Related Words
  • inappreciable

    • adjective satellite too small to make a significant difference
      • inappreciable fluctuations in temperature

    • More ‘inappreciable’ Meaning
    • inappreciable Associated Words
    • inappreciable Related Words
  • appressed

    • adjective satellite pressed close to or lying flat against something
      • adpressed hairs along the plant’s stem
      • igneous rocks…closely appressed by this force»-L.V.Pirsson

    • More ‘appressed’ Meaning
    • appressed Associated Words
    • appressed Related Words
  • lipreading

    • noun perceiving what a person is saying by observing the movements of the lips
    • verb interpret by lipreading; of deaf people
      lipread; speech-read; lip-read.

    • More ‘lipreading’ Meaning
    • lipreading Associated Words
    • lipreading Related Words
  • representative

    • noun a person who represents others
    • noun an advocate who represents someone else’s policy or purpose
      spokesperson; interpreter; voice.
      • the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government

    • More ‘representative’ Meaning
    • representatively Associated Words
    • representatively Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representatively Related Words
  • interpretive

    • adjective satellite that provides interpretation

    • More ‘interpretive’ Meaning
    • interpretively Related Words
  • represent

    • verb take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to
      correspond; stand for.
      • Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an ‘h’ in Greek stands for an ‘s’ in Latin
    • verb express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol
      symbolise; typify; symbolize; stand for.
      • What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?

    • More ‘represent’ Meaning
    • representer Associated Words
    • representer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • representer Related Words
  • apprehensiveness

    • noun fearful expectation or anticipation
      apprehension; dread.
      • the student looked around the examination room with apprehension

    • More ‘apprehensiveness’ Meaning
    • apprehensiveness Associated Words
    • apprehensiveness Related Words
  • suprematist

    • noun an artist of the school of suprematism

    • More ‘suprematist’ Meaning
    • suprematist Associated Words
    • suprematist Related Words
  • representational

    • adjective (used especially of art) depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen
      • representational art
      • representational images

    • More ‘representational’ Meaning
    • representationally Related Words
  • uncomprehended

    • adjective satellite not fully understood
      • an uncomprehended mystery

    • More ‘uncomprehended’ Meaning
    • uncomprehended Associated Words
    • uncomprehended Related Words
  • comprehension

    • noun an ability to understand the meaning or importance of something (or the knowledge acquired as a result)
      • how you can do that is beyond my comprehension
      • he was famous for his comprehension of American literature
    • noun the relation of comprising something
      • he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work

    • More ‘comprehension’ Meaning
    • comprehensions Associated Words
    • comprehensions Related Words
  • overspread

    • verb spread across or over
      • A big oil spot spread across the water

    • More ‘overspread’ Meaning
    • overspreading Associated Words
    • overspreading Related Words
  • supreme

    • adjective satellite final or last in your life or progress
      • the supreme sacrifice
      • the supreme judgment
    • adjective satellite greatest in status or authority or power
      • a supreme tribunal

    • More ‘supreme’ Meaning
    • supremest Associated Words
    • supremest Related Words
  • decompress

    • verb restore to its uncompressed form
      • decompress data
    • verb decrease the pressure of
      depressurize; depressurise.
      • depressurize the cabin in the air plane

    • More ‘decompress’ Meaning
    • decompresses Associated Words
    • decompresses Related Words
  • lopressor

    • noun beta blocker (trade name Lopressor) used in treating hypertension and angina and arrhythmia and acute myocardial infarction; has adverse side effects (depression and exacerbation of congestive heart failure etc.)

    • More ‘lopressor’ Meaning
    • lopressor Associated Words
    • lopressor Related Words
  • appreciator

    • noun a person who is fully aware of something and understands it
      • he is not an appreciator of our dilemma

    • More ‘appreciator’ Meaning
    • appreciator Associated Words
    • appreciator Prefix/Suffix Words
    • appreciator Related Words
  • reprehend

    • verb express strong disapproval of

    • More ‘reprehend’ Meaning
    • reprehended Associated Words
    • reprehended Related Words
  • spreadeagle

    • verb defeat disastrously
      spread-eagle; rout.

    • More ‘spreadeagle’ Meaning
    • spreadeagled Associated Words
    • spreadeagled Related Words
  • comprehensive

    • noun an intensive examination testing a student’s proficiency in some special field of knowledge
      comp; comprehensive examination.
      • she took her comps in English literature
    • adjective including all or everything
      • comprehensive coverage
      • a comprehensive history of the revolution
      • a comprehensive survey
      • a comprehensive education

    • More ‘comprehensive’ Meaning
    • comprehensives Associated Words
    • comprehensives Related Words
  • misapprehend

    • verb interpret in the wrong way
      misinterpret; misunderstand; misconceive; be amiss; misconstrue.
      • Don’t misinterpret my comments as criticism
      • She misconstrued my remarks

    • More ‘misapprehend’ Meaning
    • misapprehend Associated Words
    • misapprehend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • misapprehend Related Words
  • impregnability

    • noun having the strength to withstand attack

    • More ‘impregnability’ Meaning
    • impregnability Associated Words
    • impregnability Related Words
  • depreciatory

    • adjective satellite tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value
      depreciating; depreciative.
      • a depreciating currency
      • depreciatory effects on prices
    • adjective satellite tending to diminish or disparage
      deprecatory; belittling; deprecating; deprecative; depreciative; slighting.
      • belittling comments
      • managed a deprecating smile at the compliment
      • deprecatory remarks about the book
      • a slighting remark

    • More ‘depreciatory’ Meaning
    • depreciatory Associated Words
    • depreciatory Related Words
  • espresso

    • noun strong black coffee brewed by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans

    • More ‘espresso’ Meaning
    • espressos Associated Words
    • espressos Related Words
  • expressionless

    • adjective satellite deliberately impassive in manner
      deadpan; unexpressive; impassive; poker-faced.
      • deadpan humor
      • his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read

    • More ‘expressionless’ Meaning
    • expressionlessly Associated Words
    • expressionlessly Related Words
  • supremacism

    • noun the belief that some particular group or race is superior to all others
      • white supremacism

    • More ‘supremacism’ Meaning
    • supremacism Associated Words
    • supremacism Related Words
  • entrepreneurial

    • adjective of or relating to an entrepreneur
      • entrepreneurial risks
    • adjective satellite willing to take risks in order to make a profit

    • More ‘entrepreneurial’ Meaning
    • entrepreneurially Related Words
  • reprehensibility

    • noun being reprehensible; worthy of and deserving reprehension or reproof

    • More ‘reprehensibility’ Meaning
    • reprehensibility Associated Words
    • reprehensibility Related Words
  • chloroprene

    • noun derivative of butadiene used in making neoprene by polymerization

    • More ‘chloroprene’ Meaning
    • chloroprene Associated Words
    • chloroprene Prefix/Suffix Words
    • chloroprene Related Words
  • unrepressed

    • adjective satellite not repressed
      • unrepressed hostilities

    • More ‘unrepressed’ Meaning
    • unrepressed Associated Words
    • unrepressed Related Words
  • reprehend

    • verb express strong disapproval of

    • More ‘reprehend’ Meaning
    • reprehend Associated Words
    • reprehend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • reprehend Related Words
  • cupressaceae

    • noun cypresses and junipers and many cedars
      family Cupressaceae; cypress family.

    • More ‘cupressaceae’ Meaning
    • cupressaceae Idioms/Phrases
    • cupressaceae Associated Words
    • cupressaceae Related Words
  • overpressure

    • noun a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure
      • the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion

    • More ‘overpressure’ Meaning
    • overpressured Related Words
  • repressive

    • adjective satellite restrictive of action
      repressing; inhibitory.
      • a repressive regime
      • an overly strict and inhibiting discipline

    • More ‘repressive’ Meaning
    • repressively Associated Words
    • repressively Related Words
  • depressurize

    • verb decrease the pressure of
      depressurise; decompress.
      • depressurize the cabin in the air plane

    • More ‘depressurize’ Meaning
    • depressurized Associated Words
    • depressurized Related Words
  • unpreventable

    • adjective not preventable
      • unpreventable hysteria

    • More ‘unpreventable’ Meaning
    • unpreventable Associated Words
    • unpreventable Related Words
  • impressment

    • noun the act of coercing someone into government service

    • More ‘impressment’ Meaning
    • impressments Associated Words
    • impressments Related Words
  • overpressure

    • noun a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure
      • the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion

    • More ‘overpressure’ Meaning
    • overpressures Related Words
  • unexpressive

    • adjective satellite deliberately impassive in manner
      deadpan; impassive; poker-faced; expressionless.
      • deadpan humor
      • his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read

    • More ‘unexpressive’ Meaning
    • unexpressive Associated Words
    • unexpressive Related Words
  • unsuppressed

    • adjective satellite given vent to
      • unsuppressed rage
      • unsuppressed feelings

    • More ‘unsuppressed’ Meaning
    • unsuppressed Associated Words
    • unsuppressed Related Words
  • appreciator

    • noun a person who is fully aware of something and understands it
      • he is not an appreciator of our dilemma

    • More ‘appreciator’ Meaning
    • appreciators Associated Words
    • appreciators Related Words
  • comprehensible

    • adjective capable of being comprehended or understood
      • an idea comprehensible to the average mind

    • More ‘comprehensible’ Meaning
    • comprehensibly Associated Words
    • comprehensibly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehensibly Related Words
  • unpressed

    • adjective satellite (of clothing) not smoothed with heat

    • More ‘unpressed’ Meaning
    • unpressed Associated Words
    • unpressed Related Words
  • unpretentiousness

    • noun the quality of being natural and without pretensions

    • More ‘unpretentiousness’ Meaning
    • unpretentiousness Associated Words
    • unpretentiousness Related Words
  • widespread

    • adjective satellite widely circulated or diffused
      • a widespread doctrine
      • widespread fear of nuclear war
    • adjective satellite distributed over a considerable extent
      • far-flung trading operations
      • the West’s far-flung mountain ranges
      • widespread nuclear fallout

    • More ‘widespread’ Meaning
    • widespreading Related Words
  • unpretentiously

    • adverb in an unpretentious manner
      • she was unpretentiously dressed even though she was the guest of honor

    • More ‘unpretentiously’ Meaning
    • unpretentiously Associated Words
    • unpretentiously Related Words
  • imprecision

    • noun the quality of lacking precision

    • More ‘imprecision’ Meaning
    • imprecisions Associated Words
    • imprecisions Related Words
  • spread

    • noun process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
    • noun a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures
      • gap between income and outgo
      • the spread between lending and borrowing costs

    • More ‘spread’ Meaning
    • spred Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spred Related Words
  • minipress

    • noun antihypertensive drug (trade name Minipress)

    • More ‘minipress’ Meaning
    • minipress Associated Words
    • minipress Related Words
  • apresoline

    • noun an antihypertensive drug (trade name Apresoline) that dilates blood vessels; used (often with a diuretic) to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure

    • More ‘apresoline’ Meaning
    • apresoline Associated Words
    • apresoline Related Words
  • overspread

    • verb spread across or over
      • A big oil spot spread across the water

    • More ‘overspread’ Meaning
    • overspreads Associated Words
    • overspreads Related Words
  • interpretative

    • adjective satellite that provides interpretation

    • More ‘interpretative’ Meaning
    • interpretatively Associated Words
    • interpretatively Related Words
  • sprechstimme

    • noun a style of dramatic vocalization between singing and speaking

    • More ‘sprechstimme’ Meaning
    • sprechstimme Associated Words
    • sprechstimme Related Words
  • reprehensibly

    • adverb in a manner or to a degree deserving blame or censure

    • More ‘reprehensibly’ Meaning
    • reprehensibly Associated Words
    • reprehensibly Related Words
  • compressibility

    • noun the property of being able to occupy less space
      squeezability; sponginess.

    • More ‘compressibility’ Meaning
    • compressibilities Related Words
  • isuprel

    • noun drug (trade name Isuprel) used to treat bronchial asthma and to stimulate the heart

    • More ‘isuprel’ Meaning
    • isuprel Associated Words
    • isuprel Related Words
  • express

    • noun mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system
      express mail.
    • noun public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops
      • he caught the express to New York

    • More ‘express’ Meaning
    • expresser Related Words
  • impregnation

    • noun material with which something is impregnated
      • the impregnation, whatever it was, had turned the rock blue
    • noun the process of totally saturating something with a substance
      • the impregnation of wood with preservative
      • the saturation of cotton with ether

    • More ‘impregnation’ Meaning
    • impregnations Associated Words
    • impregnations Related Words
  • comprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; apprehend; dig; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb to become aware of through the senses
      • I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon

    • More ‘comprehend’ Meaning
    • comprehender Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehender Related Words
  • depressurize

    • verb decrease the pressure of
      depressurise; decompress.
      • depressurize the cabin in the air plane

    • More ‘depressurize’ Meaning
    • depressurize Associated Words
    • depressurize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • depressurize Related Words
  • misapprehend

    • verb interpret in the wrong way
      misinterpret; misunderstand; misconceive; be amiss; misconstrue.
      • Don’t misinterpret my comments as criticism
      • She misconstrued my remarks

    • More ‘misapprehend’ Meaning
    • misapprehends Associated Words
    • misapprehends Related Words
  • decompression

    • noun restoring compressed information to its normal form for use or display
    • noun relieving pressure (especially bringing a compressed person gradually back to atmospheric pressure)

    • More ‘decompression’ Meaning
    • decompressions Associated Words
    • decompressions Related Words
  • suppresser

    • noun someone who suppresses
      • dictators are suppressors of free speech
    • noun a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene)
      suppressor gene; suppressor; suppresser gene.

    • More ‘suppresser’ Meaning
    • suppresser Idioms/Phrases
    • suppresser Associated Words
    • suppresser Related Words
  • deprecation

    • noun a prayer to avert or remove some evil or disaster
    • noun the act of expressing disapproval (especially of yourself)

    • More ‘deprecation’ Meaning
    • deprecations Associated Words
    • deprecations Related Words
  • impregnably

    • adverb in an impregnable manner
      • the sight of that bland, impregnably righteous face has been enough to make their blood run cold

    • More ‘impregnably’ Meaning
    • impregnably Associated Words
    • impregnably Related Words
  • spread

    • noun process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
    • noun a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures
      • gap between income and outgo
      • the spread between lending and borrowing costs

    • More ‘spread’ Meaning
    • spreaded Related Words
  • cypre

    • noun large tropical American tree of the genus Cordia grown for its abundant creamy white flowers and valuable wood
      princewood; Cordia alliodora; Equador laurel; salmwood; Spanish elm.

    • More ‘cypre’ Meaning
    • cypres Associated Words
    • cypres Prefix/Suffix Words
    • cypres Related Words
  • depreciative

    • adjective satellite tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value
      depreciating; depreciatory.
      • a depreciating currency
      • depreciatory effects on prices
    • adjective satellite tending to diminish or disparage
      deprecatory; belittling; deprecating; depreciatory; deprecative; slighting.
      • belittling comments
      • managed a deprecating smile at the compliment
      • deprecatory remarks about the book
      • a slighting remark

    • More ‘depreciative’ Meaning
    • depreciative Associated Words
    • depreciative Related Words
  • apprehender

    • noun a person who knows or apprehends
    • noun a person who seizes or arrests (especially a person who seizes or arrests in the name of justice)

    • More ‘apprehender’ Meaning
    • apprehender Associated Words
    • apprehender Related Words
  • winepress

    • noun a press that is used to extract the juice from grapes

    • More ‘winepress’ Meaning
    • winepresses Related Words
  • comprehend

    • verb get the meaning of something
      grok; apprehend; dig; grasp; compass; savvy; get the picture.
      • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
    • verb to become aware of through the senses
      • I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon

    • More ‘comprehend’ Meaning
    • comprehendingly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • comprehendingly Related Words
  • represser

    • noun an agent that represses

    • More ‘represser’ Meaning
    • repressers Related Words
  • postimpressionist

    • noun an artist of the Postimpressionist school who revolted against Impressionism

    • More ‘postimpressionist’ Meaning
    • postimpressionists Related Words
  • inexpressible

    • adjective defying expression

    • More ‘inexpressible’ Meaning
    • inexpressibles Associated Words
    • inexpressibles Related Words
  • unimpressionable

    • adjective not sensitive or susceptible to impression
      • an unimpressionable mind

    • More ‘unimpressionable’ Meaning
    • unimpressionable Associated Words
    • unimpressionable Related Words
  • comprehendible

    • adjective capable of being comprehended or understood
      • an idea comprehensible to the average mind

    • More ‘comprehendible’ Meaning
    • comprehendible Associated Words
    • comprehendible Related Words
  • depressurize

    • verb decrease the pressure of
      depressurise; decompress.
      • depressurize the cabin in the air plane

    • More ‘depressurize’ Meaning
    • depressurizing Associated Words
    • depressurizing Related Words
  • lipread

    • verb interpret by lipreading; of deaf people
      speech-read; lip-read.

    • More ‘lipread’ Meaning
    • lipread Associated Words
    • lipread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lipread Related Words
  • unpredictability

    • noun the quality of being guided by sudden unpredictable impulses
    • noun the trait of being unpredictably irresolute
      • the volatility of the market drove many investors away

    • More ‘unpredictability’ Meaning
    • unpredictabilities Related Words
  • outspread

    • adjective satellite fully extended in width
      • outspread wings
      • with arms spread wide

    • More ‘outspread’ Meaning
    • outspreading Associated Words
    • outspreading Related Words
  • adpressed

    • adjective satellite pressed close to or lying flat against something
      • adpressed hairs along the plant’s stem
      • igneous rocks…closely appressed by this force»-L.V.Pirsson

    • More ‘adpressed’ Meaning
    • adpressed Associated Words
    • adpressed Related Words
  • supremacy

    • noun power to dominate or defeat
      mastery; domination.
      • mastery of the seas

    • More ‘supremacy’ Meaning
    • supremacies Related Words
  • imprecate

    • verb wish harm upon; invoke evil upon
      curse; anathemise; damn; bedamn; anathemize; maledict; beshrew.
      • The bad witch cursed the child
    • verb utter obscenities or profanities
      cuss; curse; blaspheme; swear.
      • The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street

    • More ‘imprecate’ Meaning
    • imprecated Associated Words
    • imprecated Related Words
  • reprehend

    • verb express strong disapproval of

    • More ‘reprehend’ Meaning
    • reprehending Associated Words
    • reprehending Related Words
  • misapprehend

    • verb interpret in the wrong way
      misinterpret; misunderstand; misconceive; be amiss; misconstrue.
      • Don’t misinterpret my comments as criticism
      • She misconstrued my remarks

    • More ‘misapprehend’ Meaning
    • misapprehending Associated Words
    • misapprehending Related Words
  • unimpregnated

    • adjective satellite not having been fertilized
      unfertilised; unfertilized.
      • an unfertilized egg

    • More ‘unimpregnated’ Meaning
    • unimpregnated Associated Words
    • unimpregnated Related Words
  • impreciseness

    • noun the quality of lacking precision

    • More ‘impreciseness’ Meaning
    • impreciseness Associated Words
    • impreciseness Related Words
  • supremo

    • noun the most important person in an organization

    • More ‘supremo’ Meaning
    • supremos Associated Words
    • supremos Related Words
  • spreadeagle

    • verb defeat disastrously
      spread-eagle; rout.

    • More ‘spreadeagle’ Meaning
    • spreadeagle Associated Words
    • spreadeagle Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spreadeagle Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `pre`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `pre`, some are not.

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. precaution

    a measure taken in advance to ward off impending danger

    Before stepping from the passage between the buildings, I took the
    precaution of looking up and down the passageway to see if I was being observed.Crispin: The Cross of Lead

  2. precedent

    an example that is used to justify similar occurrences

    The Parliamentarian considered and said, “Since there is no
    precedent for the treatment of a double apprenticeship, there are no rules as to how it should be dealt with. The proposal is within our guidelines.”Scythe

  3. preclude

    make impossible, especially beforehand

  4. predecessor

    one who goes before you in time

    While he was obviously not a progressive man, he was courteous and reasonable, in marked contrast to his
    predecessor.Long Walk to Freedom

  5. prefix

    an affix that is added in front of the word

    Here the
    prefix in is for emphasis, as in words like incinerate, incoming and intense.Woe Is I

  6. prejudice

    a partiality preventing objective consideration of an issue

  7. premeditated

    characterized by deliberate purpose and a degree of planning

    The most effective off- the-cuff speeches are
    premeditated, and the best
    premeditated speeches appear off the cuff.Words Like Loaded Pistols

  8. premonition

    an early warning about a future event

    He took off the Ring, moved it may be by some deep
    premonition of danger, though to himself he thought only that he wished to see more clearly.The Return of the King

  9. prerequisite

    something that is needed or obligatory in advance

    A degree in English language is not a
    prerequisite for caring about where a bracket is preferred to a dash, or a comma needs to be replaced by a semicolon.Eats, Shoots & Leaves

  10. prescient

    perceiving the significance of events before they occur

    According to
    prescient predictions made by Austrian scientist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner in 1923, honeybee colonies are collapsing right on schedule.Seattle Times (Mar 3, 2011)

Created on September 28, 2012
(updated August 20, 2019)

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