A prefix word for post

What words go with post?

10-letter words that start with post

  • postseason.
  • postscript.
  • postmodern.
  • postpartum.
  • posthumous.
  • postmaster.
  • postmortem.
  • postbellum.

What is another name for post?

What is another word for post?

vacancy opening
position role
posting work
place appointment

How do you use the prefix post?

The prefix post- means, “after” or “behind.” It is added to adjectives without a hyphen: postcolonial, postsurgical. Post can be used on its own as a preposition meaning, “after”: “Your mouth will be extremely dry post surgery.” In this context post is a separate word.

What is the root word of Post?

The English prefix post- means “after.” Examples using this prefix include postgame and postseason. An easy way to remember that the prefix post- means “after” is through the word postpone, for when you postpone something, you put it on your agenda to do “after” the current time.

What is a prefix for post?

prefix. Definition of post- (Entry 8 of 9) 1a : after : subsequent : later postdate. b : behind : posterior : following after postlude postconsonantal. 2a : subsequent to : later than postoperative.

Is Pseudo a prefix?

The prefix pseudo- (from Greek ψευδής, pseudes, “lying, false”) is used to mark something that superficially appears to be (or behaves like) one thing, but is something else. Subject to context, pseudo may connote coincidence, imitation, intentional deception, or a combination thereof.

What does pone mean?

a baked or fried bread usually made of cornmeal. a loaf or oval-shaped cake of any type of bread, especially cornbread.

Is Super a prefix?

Super-: Prefix meaning meaning above, more than normal, or excessive. As in superaspirin, superbug, superjacent, supernumerary, supersize, supertaster. From the Latin preposition super meaning above. See also: Hyper-.

What is another name for super?

What is another word for super?

excellent magnificent
outstanding superb
superior amazing
dazzling extraordinary
glorious marvellousUK

Is Super a word?

“Super” (from the same word in Latin, meaning above, over or beyond) has been around as an adjective and noun since the mid-19th century and as a prefix long before that.

What does super mean the prefix?

super- Prefix. Latin, over, above, in addition, from super over, above, on top of — more at over.

How do you use the word super?

“Super” is all at once ubiquitous and in a most perverse position: as an adverb, the kind that modifies an adjective. The adverbial super has usurped “really” (really!) and “pretty,” and has left “very” so far in the dust that the latter has acquired a kind of anachronistic charm.

What is the compound word of super?

a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, with the basic meaning “above, beyond.” Words formed with super- have the following general senses: “to place or be placed above or over” (superimpose; supersede), “a thing placed over or added to another” (superscript; superstructure; supertax), “situated over” ( …

Which word part means power?

dynam/o. Prefix denoting power, energy, or strength.

What are word parts?

Those word parts are prefix , word root , suffix , and combining form vowel . When a word root is combined with a combining form vowel the word part is referred to as a combining form .

What does Bucco mean?

a combining form meaning “cheek,” “mouth,” used in the formation of compound words: buccolingual.

What does osso bucco mean?

: a dish of veal shanks braised with vegetables, white wine, and seasoned stock.

What does osso bucco translate to?

Ossobuco or osso buco is Italian for “bone with a hole” (osso “bone”, buco “hole”), a reference to the marrow hole at the centre of the cross-cut veal shank.

What does Osso mean in Spanish?

Noun. osso (masc.) ( plural ossa, ossi) (skeleton) bone. bagnato fino all’osso, drenched to the skin.

What does Oso mean in slang?

Other Significant Other

What does Oso mean in Japanese?

oso means “Otter” in English. Sometimes oso doesn’t mean the animal, see homonyms. oso written with kanji is 獺. oso written with katakana is オソ. oso written with hiragana is おそ.

Is Olio a word?

Yes, olio is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does Olio mean in slang?

miscellaneous collection of things

What does Olio mean in English?

olio in American English 1. a highly spiced stew of meat and vegetables; olla. 2. a collection, or miscellany, as of musical numbers.

What does Pan Olio mean?

a dish of many ingredients; hodgepodge; medley or potpourri; miscellany: an olio of gadgets. Not to be confused with: oleo – margarine: I prefer butter to oleo.

Where did the term Olio come from?

olio (n.) savory medley dish of Iberian origin, 1640s, from Spanish olla, Portuguese olha, both from Vulgar Latin *olla “pot, jar.” With the common mistake of -o for -a in English words from Spanish. The sense was transferred from the pot to what went into it.

Is Olio a stew?

Olio is an English name for the Spanish stew also known as Olla podrida. Aglio e olio, an Italian pasta dish.

What are the different meanings of the word Olio?

1 : olla podrida sense 1 The Spanish restaurant offered an olio containing a variety of ingredients. 2a : a miscellaneous mixture : hodgepodge … an incredible bourgeois olio of fancy stonework, stained glass, and light-opera staircases …—

What does Titulary mean?

titulary – of or relating to a legal title to something; “titulary rights” titular.

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Learning the prefix post- is a great way to quickly and easily increase your English vocabulary. I have collected some common words that use this prefix and organized them in a way that’s easy to understand. 

The prefix post- is used in nouns, verbs, and adjectives to mean after.
A post-graduate is someone who continues to study after they have graduated from University. 

You will find new vocabulary that uses the prefix post- and see their definitions with natural example sentences to help you understand these words. Start using them in your own conversations today.

Table of Contents

  • The Prefix Post-
  • The Word Post・Noun and Verb
  • Post Words Relating To Mail
  • Post Prefix Spelling
  • The Prefix Post- (Verbs)
  • The Prefix Post- (Nouns)
  • The Prefix Post- (Adjectives and Adverbs)
  • The Prefix Post- PDF

post- prefix (in nouns, verbs, and adjectives)

  • a postgraduate

Word Origin:
from Latin post ‘after, behind’.

The Word Post・Noun and Verb

post noun

1. (also mail North American English, British English)

[uncountable] the official system used for sending and delivering letters, packages, etc.

  • I’m expecting an important letter, did you check the post this morning? (UK English
  • I’m expecting an important letter, did you check the mail this morning? (North American English

post prefix - The Post means the mail in the U.K.

2. Internet a message sent to a discussion group on the internet; a piece of writing that forms part of a blog

  • This is a blog post about the prefix post-.

3. a job, especially an important one in a large organization

  • an academic post/a government post/a military post
  • After he got his degree in political studies, James got a nice government post in Ottawa. 

SYNONYM position

4. (often in compounds)

a piece of wood or metal that is set in the ground in a position pointing upwards, especially to support something or to mark a point

  • The storm damaged most of my fence. I have to buy some new fence boards and fence posts today. 

post prefix - a wooden post

There’s an old signpost at the top of the hill.

(as) dumb as a post – (informal) very dumb
・”Oliver is a great football player, but when you talk to him you realize that he’s as dumb as a post.”

post verb
1. to put information or pictures on a website

  • Wendy posted photos from her trip on Facebook.

2. to put somebody, especially a soldier, in a particular place so that they can guard a building or area

  • A police officer was posted outside the door to protect the witness. 

3. to put a notice, etc. in a public place so that people can see it

  • The final exam scores are posted outside the classroom door. 

SYNONYM display

4. to pay money to a court so that a person accused of a crime can go free until their trial

  • The suspect had the choice to remain in jail or post a $5,000 bond to go free until the trial. 

Keep Somebody Posted (about/on something) – to regularly give somebody the most recent information about something and how it is developing

・”We are still waiting to hear from the bank, but I’ll keep you posted. If I hear something I will tell you right away.”

Post Words Relating To Mail

postal – adjective – ​connected with the official system for sending and delivering letters, etc.

  • The U.S. postal system began on July 26, 1775. SOURCE

Below are some common compound words with the adjective postal. 

  • postal code
    “Don’t forget to write the postal code on the bottom of the envelope.” 
  • postal district (UK)
    “I don’t live in that postal district anymore.” 
  • postal ballot 
    “Many countries have chosen to stop using postal ballots in elections.” 

Go Postal (especially North American English, informal) to become very angry
“I hate giving my boss bad news, he always goes postal on me even though it’s not my fault. I’m just the messenger.”

postbox – A public box that you can drop letters into that you wish to be delivered.

  • Walk down Center Street and turn right on 11th Avenue. There’s a big red postbox on the corner, you can’t miss it.

Learn how to use the common English expression You Can’t Miss It at my blog post here: You can’t miss it – English expression (Images & Video)

post prefix - postbox

postcard – A card that you send in the mail without an envelope. Usually, there’s a picture on one side. 

  • Walter sent his family many postcards from his trip around South America. 

post office – A government office that sells stamps and helps you to send letters, packages Etc. 

  • Every November I take Christmas presents for my family to the post office near my house. It takes a few weeks for the gifts to get to Canada from Japan so I have to send them out early. 

post office box (Also called a P.O. box) – An address or location, usually in an office, where you can have mail delivered. 

  • I use a P.O. Box for business mail. It’s easier. 

post prefix - Postman/Postwoman - The person who delivers mail to your house. 

Postman/Postwoman – The person who delivers mail to your house. 

  • I go jogging every morning. I always say hi to the postman when I see him. 

Post Prefix Spelling

Some of the words on this list are written with a hyphen (-) and some are not. Many of these words can be written either way. The spelling I included in this list comes from the way it is written in the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary or another source that I used. (Often Wikipedia.)

I have written them with correct spelling but there may be more than one way to spell each word. (Basically – don’t stress about it too much!)

You can see the results here for my grammar and spell-check software Grammarly. Postseason and post-season are both acceptable spellings BUT… post season, written as two words, is not

Grammarly is great for finding and correcting spelling and grammar errors. Sign up for FREE and save time with your English writing. (I use Grammarly too. A lot!)

I found a list online of 1000 words that begin with the prefix post. I went through this long list and tried to find the words starting with this prefix that are connected to common English words. The new word has a clear meaning of AFTER or behind.

I included some common words whose meaning is behind or after but they are not true prefix words. The word that comes after POST- is not a common word that is used by itself. See if you can tell which ones they are.

Next, I put these words in the category groups as an easy reference for you.

If you can think of any words with this prefix that I left out, please tell me in the comments!

The Prefix Post- (Verbs)

post-date – post-date something to write a date on a check that is later than the actual date so that the check cannot be cashed (= exchanged for money) until that date

  • I post-dated the check and gave it to the repairman. 

postpone – to arrange for an event, etc. to take place at a later time or date than originally planned

  • The couple decided to postpone the wedding until next year. 
  • The concert has been postponed until next month due to the weather.

Word origin: late 15th cent.: from Latin postponere, from post ‘after’ + ponere ‘to place’.

post up – to take up a position against a defender in the post in basketball while standing with one’s back to the basket

  • Grayson is the tallest player on the team so the coach tells him to post up every game.

post prefix - post up

The Prefix Post- (Nouns)

postgraduate – a person who already holds a first degree and who is doing advanced study or research

  • The school sent out the information to all postgraduates
  • After completing her undergraduate degree, she decided to pursue a postgraduate degree in law.

posthumanism – a philosophical term used to mean “after humanism” or “beyond humanism.” Humanism is the philosophical idea that stresses the potential of humans due to their ability to think and reason. (I included this word because I often hear it in philosophical discussions. I don’t think it’s very common in conversation though.)

post-impressionism – the work or style of a group of artists in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century that came after and reacted against Impressionism (= a style of painting developed in France in the late nineteenth century)

post-Impressionist – an artist who paints in the style of post-Impressionism

  • ‎Vincent van Gogh was a popular post-impressionist painter. (Post-impressionist is the name for an artist who painted during this time.)

post-it – post-it note – a small piece of colored, sticky paper that you use for writing a note on, and that can be easily removed

  • My office is covered in Post-it notes, they help me to remember all the tasks I have to do in a day. 
  • I always have Post-it notes handy to jot down reminders and to-do lists.

post prefix - post-it note

I always use Post-it notes to organize my school work.

postmodernist – an artist, architect or writer who works in the style of postmodernism

  • The author is known for her postmodernist novels that blur the lines between reality and fiction.
  • Andy Warhol is an example of a postmodernist artist.

postmodernism – a style and movement in art, architecture, literature, etc. in the late 20th century that reacted against modern styles, for example by mixing features from traditional and modern styles

post-mortem – a medical examination of the body of a dead person in order to find out how they died

  • The police medical examiner carried out a post-mortem to determine the cause of death.

post-nasal drip – More mucus than normal gathers and drips down the back of your throat.

  • Ian suffers from post-nasal drip. He’s always coughing and clearing his throat. 
  • Post-nasal drip can cause a sore throat and cough.

post-partum – post-partum depression – a medical condition in which a woman feels very sad and anxious in the period after her baby is born, and may have negative thoughts or problems dealing with normal life

  • Post-partum depression can occur after giving birth and may require medical treatment.
  • Soon after her baby was born, Jeanette experienced some post-partum depression

post-traumatic stress disorder – a mental illness following a very frightening or shocking experience, which usually involves feeling anxious and depressed and having frightening thoughts

  • Many soldiers experience post-traumatic stress disorder when they returned home after combat. This condition is sometimes referred to as PTSD

postscript – an extra message that you add at the end of a letter after you sign your name

  • I added a postscript to my letter to include some additional information.
  • Whenever I write a letter to my wife I always add a postscript at the bottom of the page. P.S. I love you!

post prefix - P.S. means post script

The Prefix Post- (Adjectives and Adverbs)

postapocalyptic  – existing or occurring after a catastrophically destructive disaster or apocalypse (Often used to describe the setting of films, books, etc.

  • Postapocalyptic movies and books imagine a world after a catastrophic event like a nuclear war or a pandemic.
  • “Mad Max: Fury Road” is my favorite postapocalyptic movie.

postgame / post-match – occurring after a game

  • I like to hear what the players have to say in the postgame interviews. 

post prefix - After the victory, the team enjoyed a postgame celebration in the locker room. 

After the victory, the team enjoyed a postgame celebration in the locker room. 

post hoc – ​(of an argument, etc.) happening after the event, especially when one event is the cause of another

  • The pharmaceutical company gave a post hoc analysis of the first clinical trials of their new vaccine. 

post-haste – adverb – as quickly as you can

  • I need this report finished post-haste.
  • He rushed to the airport post-haste to catch his flight.

Word origin: mid-16th cent.: from the direction “haste, post, haste”, formerly given on letters.

posthumous – happening, done, published, etc. after a person has died

  • He was awarded a posthumous medal for bravery. 
  • The posthumous publication of his final novel was very successful.

posthumously – adverb – after a person has died

  • The author passed away in March but his last novel was published posthumously in September of that year.

postmodern – connected with or influenced by postmodernism

  • The gallery was full of postmodern paintings from famous artists. 
  • The postmodern architecture of the building features asymmetrical shapes and unusual materials.

postnatural – used to describe organisms that have been intentionally altered by humans.

  • It’s becoming more difficult the create vaccines that are effective against postnatural infections.

postnuclear – After the discovery of nuclear energy OR After a nuclear war.

  • The story is about people trying to survive in a postnuclear world. 

post-punk – Music – rock music that emerged in the late 1970s as musicians moved away from the raw sounds of punk rock

(I included this because I grew up in the 1980s. I listened to a lot of New Wave Music which came out of the Post-Punk movement. 

  • New Order was one of my favorite bands when I was in high school. They formed out of the post-punk group Joy Division.

post prefix - The post-punk scene in the early 80s was exciting.

The post-punk scene in the early 80s was exciting.

post-romantic – Art and Culture – refers to cultural attitudes coming from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, after the period of Romanticism

  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky is a well-known Russian post-romantic composer.
  • The Post-romantic period in music saw a return to emotional expression and individuality.

postseason – taking place after the end of the regular sports season, when teams play additional games to decide which team is best in a particular sport

  • My brother is not a huge baseball fan, but he enjoys watching postseason games. They’re usually more exciting than the regular season games. 

post prefix - postseason

post-Soviet – This refers to the time after the Soviet Union ended its communist ideology and allowed many states to become independent from Russia.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-Soviet_states https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-Soviet_conflicts 

postsecondary –  of, relating to, or being education following secondary school

  • Postsecondary education refers to education beyond high school, such as college or vocational training.
  • Many companies require their applicants to have some kind of postsecondary education.

post prefix - postsecondary

posterior – located behind something or at the back of something

  • Lance has to do rehabilitation to fix his posterior shoulder instability. 
  • The posterior part of the brain is responsible for processing visual information.

Word origin: early 16th cent. (as a plural noun denoting descendants): from Latin, comparative of posterus ‘following’, from post ‘after’.

post-truth – relating to circumstances in which people respond more to feelings and beliefs than to facts – Political –

  • We’re living in a post-truth era my feelings are more important than facts. 
  • Post-truth politics is characterized by the use of emotional appeals and misinformation to influence public opinion.

post-war – existing, happening, or made in the period after a war, especially the Second World War

  • The emperor lost all political and military power in post-war Japan.
  • Much of Europe faced significant challenges in the post-war period, including rebuilding and economic recovery.

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Words beginning with the prefix ″post-″ This morpheme is frequently used to indicate’after ‘. Following are some of the most typical terms that include it: postwar, postscript, and postdate. See the following for the whole list:

  1. The prefix ‘post-‘ is used in the following words: Following this morpheme, the phrase ″after a while″ is commonly used. Postwar, postscript, and postdate are some of the most typical terms that incorporate it. For more information, please see the following:


  • 1 What does the prefix post mean?
  • 2 How many Scrabble Words start with post?
  • 3 What prefix means post?
  • 4 How do you use the prefix post?
  • 5 Is post after a word?
  • 6 What is the suffix of post?
  • 7 What part of speech is post?
  • 8 What language does post come from?
  • 9 Why is it called post?
  • 10 How do you write pre and post?
  • 11 What is the example of post?
  • 12 Does the word post mean before?
  • 13 What is the plural of post?
  • 14 What is the prefix in post dated?
  • 15 What is sub prefix?
  • 16 What is an antonym for post?
  • 17 What does the prefix post refer to?
  • 18 What words start with prefix?

What does the prefix post mean?

POST is a prefix that denotes AFTER and BEHIND, and it is the ROOT-WORD for this paragraph. There is another name for post that has to do with mailing, postage, and the United States Postal Service. What is the meaning of the prefix ex?

How many Scrabble Words start with post?

There are 676 words that begin with the letter post. Discover post-related words with our Scrabble word finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, or WordHub word solver. Alternatively, you may use our Unscramble word solver to discover the best probable play! Words that finish in post, Words that contain post are all related.

Prefix. Post-modernism is defined as (Entry 8 of 9) 1a: following: subsequently: a later postdate Following after the postlude postconsonantal, b stands for behind: posterior. 2a: subsequent to: after the fact of the operation; postoperatively

How do you use the prefix post?

The prefix post- denotes ″after″ or ″behind,″ respectively. It is used in conjunction with adjectives that do not contain a hyphen, such as postcolonial and postsurgical. A post can be used as a preposition, indicating that something will happen afterward: ″Your mouth will be exceedingly dry after operation.″ In this context, the term ″post″ is used as a distinct word.

Is post after a word?

  1. If you want to exhibit or publish anything (for example, post a notice), you may use the word post.
  2. You can also use the verb post to dispatch someone to their place of duty (eg, post a guard).
  3. The improper use of the term post as a synonym for after is most likely a result of the prefix post- being used in the first place.
  4. Post- is used as a modifier (rather than as a distinct word) to indicate that something happened after, after that, or after that.

What is the suffix of post?

  1. If you want to exhibit or publish something (for example, post a notice), you may use the word post.
  2. You can also use the verb post to send someone to their area of responsibility (eg, post a guard).
  3. The improper use of the word post as a synonym for after is most likely a result of the prefix post- being used before the word post.
  4. Post- is used as a modifier (rather than as a distinct word) to indicate that something happened after, thereafter, or afterward.

What part of speech is post?

Post can be used as a noun, an adverb, a verb, or a preposition, among other things.

What language does post come from?

In turn, the term Post is derived from the Old French poste, which in turn is derived from the past participle of the Latin verb ponere, which means ‘to lay down or set.’ As an example, the Royal Mail distributes mail in the United Kingdom, although in North America, the United States Postal Service and Canada Post both deliver mail.

Why is it called post?

In turn, the term Post is derived from the Old French poste, which in turn is derived from the past participle of the Latin verb ponere, which means ‘to lay down or put somewhere.’ The Royal Mail delivers mail in the United Kingdom, whereas the United States Postal Service and the Canadian Postal Service provide mail in North America.

How do you write pre and post?

When connecting the prefixes post and pre to words, a hyphen is not required in the majority of cases. In preparation for the birth of their first child, Samantha and Rick attended prenatal classes together. prior to, following

  1. When the root word is written in all capital letters:
  2. In cases when the root word begins with the same letter as the last letter of the prefix:

What is the example of post?

A post is a circular wooden component that is placed into the ground to support a fence, such as the one that surrounds your garden. To post anything is described as to place something in a public place, such as a flyer or a sign, and leave it there. When you attach a flier promoting a bake sale to a bulletin board, that is an example of a post.

Does the word post mean before?

Post refers to after. Pre is an abbreviation for before. Your doctor would do a post-surgical check-up on you once the procedure was completed.

What is the plural of post?

Noun: 1 post /post/ Noun: plural: 1 posts

What is the prefix in post dated?

The prefix ″post″ is an abbreviation for ″after.″ (For example, posthumously, postoperatively, and so on.) As a result, the prefix ″post″ in the phrase POSTDATED means ″after today’s date.″

What is sub prefix?

1: under: beneath subsurface subaqueous: beneath subsoil

What is an antonym for post?

Antonyms. a lack of conformance a lack of dissuasion an upgrade a downgrade post a notice about the denote bill (English)

What does the prefix post refer to?

  1. Contrary to anti-, post- is a prefix that means after, behind, or posterior; it is the opposite of anti- To view the complete response, please click here.
  2. In the same vein, what does the prefix post indicate?
  3. After, thereafter, later, subsequent to, posterior to is a prefix that may be used to build compound words.
  4. It was first employed in loanwords from Latin (postscript), but it is now used freely in the formation of composite words (post-Elizabethan; postfix; postgraduate; postorbital).

What words start with prefix?

Adrowse, aphyric, atwitch, astomate, askeletal, acerebellar, and aquake are all words that come to mind. Term etymology » All languages » English » Terms by etymology » Fundamental Prefixes and suffixes in words » a-. Words in the English language that begin with the prefix a-

Оглавление —> Словообразование —> Структура производных слов —> Структура составных слов —> Префиксы

Каждый префикс имеет смысл, который влияет на значение всего производного слова. Слова, которые начинаются на тот или иной префикс всегда можно объединить в одну группу, можно назвать эту группу семьей, которая связана воедино одним и тем же префиксом. Проще говоря, слова начинаются одинаково , с одних и тех же букв, да сами слова помимо одинакового начала имеют значения, на которые повлиял один и тот же префикс. Само собой разумеется, что значения слов в группе, объединенной одним и тем же префиксом варьируются в зависимости от значения корневого слова или основы.

Всегда проще всего выяснить смысл префикса, тогда значения английских слов с соответствующим префиксом намного легче запоминаются.

Но есть префиксы, которые по форме совпадают с одним или несколькими самостоятельными словами. Понятно, что это вносит некоторую путаницу, тем более что самостоятельные слова могут входить в составные слова.Одним словом, если вы выучили значение такого префикса, то не факт, что слово, которое, на первый взгляд, начинается с знакомого уже префикса, является производным словом с этим самым префиксом. Поэтому, если попадается такой префикс, которые совпадает по форме с самостоятельными слова, то параллельно с этим префиксом надо просмотреть, соответственно, и слова.

Одним из таких префиксов является префикс POST. Давайте рассмотрим для начала сам префикс POST, а потом уже и самостоятельные слова , совпадающие с ним по форме.

Итак, префикс POST произошел от латинского слова “post”, которое имеет смысл — ПОСЛЕ и ПОЗАДИ.

В русском языке есть слова с приставкой “пост”, которые всем известны, например:

постскриптум, постфактум, постимпрессионизм, постнатальный;

Напишу несколько английских слов с префиксом POST.

POST-DATE (n) = дата, поставленная более поздним числом;

to POST-DATE = датировать более поздним числом;

POSTDILUVIAL (adj) = постделювиальный (геология); после потопа;

POSTERIOR (adj) = задний; последующий, дальнейший;

POSTERIOR (n) = зад, ягодицы;

POSTERIORITY (n) = следование за чем-то, позднейшее обстоятельство;

POSTERIORLY (adv) = сзади, позади;

POSTERN (n) = задняя дверь; боковая дорога или боковой вход;

POSTERITY (n) = потомство, последующее поколение;

POST-GLACIAL (adj) = послеледниковый;

POST-GRADUATE (n) = аспирант;

POST-GRADUATE (adj) = изучаемый, проходимый после окончания университета; аспирантский;

POSTHUMOUS (adj) = посмертный, рожденный после смерти отца;

POSTMERIDIAN (adj) = послеполуденный;

POST MERIDIEM (adv) = после полудня; сокращенная форма: P.M.

POST MORTEM (adv) = после смерти;

POST-MORTEM (n) = вскрытие трупа, аутопсия;

POST-MORTEM(adj) = посмертный;

to POST-MORTEM = подвергать вскрытию, производить вскрытие;

POST-NATAL (adj) = послеродовой, происходящий после рождения;

POST-NUPTIAL (adj) = происходящий после заключения брака;

POST-OBIT(n) = обязательство уплатить кредитору после получения наследства;

POST-OBIT (adj) = вступающий в силу после смерти кого-то;

to POSTPONE = откладывать, отсрочивать, переносить на более позднее время;

POSTPONEMENT (n) = отсрочка;

POSTPOSITION (n) = помещение , позиция позади; послелог; постпозиция ( лингвистика);

POSTPOSITIVE (adj) = постпозитивный, постпозиционный (грамматика);

POSTSCRIPT (n) = постскриптум, сокращенно: P.S.

POST-POSTSCRIPT (n) = второй постскриптум: P P.S.

POST-WAR (adj) = послевоенный;

POST-BELLUM (adj) = послевоенный, происшедший после войны;

Теперь рассмотрим несколько слов, которые являются самостоятельными единицами, но совпадающими по форме с префиксом POST.

Таких самостоятельных единиц всего три, и их надо хорошенько проработать , чтобы избежать путаницы и точно понимать смысл.

I. Первая самостоятельная единица имеет значение, связанное с почтой, и любой деятельностью, связанной с почтой.

POST(n) = почта, почтовое отделение, почтовый ящик, доставка почты.

to POST = отправлять по почте, опускать в почтовый ящик, ехать на почтовых, спешить и мчаться;

Есть и производные и составные слова, связанные с почтой:

POSTAGE (n) = почтовая оплата, почтовые расходы;

POSTAGE STAMP (n) = почтовая марка;

POSTAL (adj) = почтовый;

POSTCARD (n) = почтовая открытка; открытка;

II. Вторая самостоятельная единица имеет значение — пост, должность и положение. В русском языке тоже есть подобное слово с таким же значением: “пост”.

POST (n) = пост, должность, положение; военный пост, форт, укрепленный узел;

to POST = располагать, расставлять, ставить солдат;

III. Третья самостоятельная единица имеет значение: столб, ну и соответственно все слова, которые обозначают предметы, напоминающие столб а также все, что расклеивается на столбе, например: объявления, афиши, рекламы.

POST (n) = столб, стойка, мачта, свая, подпорка,

to POST = вывешивать, расклеивать афиши и объявления; заклеивать афишами или плакатами;

Напишу несколько производных слов.

POSTER (n) = расклейщик афиш; плакат, объявление, постер, афиша;

to POSTER = рекламировать; расклеивать рекламы;

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «post-«

This morpheme tends to mean «after«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: postwar, postscript, postdate

See the full list below:

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  • post

  • post-war

  • postgraduate

  • poster

  • postal

  • postcard

  • posture

  • postwar

  • postscript

  • postman

  • postage

  • postpone

  • postponement

  • posterior

  • posterity

  • post-mortem

  • postmodern

  • postmodernism

  • postulate

  • posthumous

  • postprandial

  • postmodernist

  • post-graduate

  • postoperative

  • post-operative

  • postsynaptic

  • postcode

  • posthumously

  • postnominal

  • postnatal

  • postbag

  • poststructuralism

  • post-modern

  • postdoctoral

  • postmaster

  • postural

  • postern

  • post-punk

  • postcranial

  • postmark

  • post-production

  • poststructuralist

  • postmortem

  • postclassical

  • post-match

  • post-

  • postmenopausal

  • postholder

  • post-structuralism

  • postbox

  • postoperatively

  • post-medieval

  • postprandially

  • postmistress

  • postmultiply

  • post-partum

  • postmultiplication

  • post-translational

  • posteriorly

  • postverbal

  • post-prandial

  • postmodernity

  • postroom

  • postie

  • post-traumatic

  • postbasic

  • postmodernization

  • postnominally

  • post-it

  • postwoman

  • postulation

  • postpartum

  • post-chaise

  • post-season

  • postmentum

  • postnotum

  • post-impressionism

  • post-processing

  • postclassic

  • postcoded

  • postcoital

  • postulant

  • post-haste

  • postdate

  • postfeminist

  • postfixed

  • post-apocalyptic

  • post-paid

  • postsurgical

  • postvocalic

  • postface

  • postindustrial

  • postlingual

  • postoccipital

  • post-captain

  • postprocedural

  • postposed

  • postfactum

  • postglacial

  • posthole

  • posthorn

  • postlude

  • postnatally

  • postneonatal

  • posttranslational

  • post-feminism

  • post-op

  • post-romantic

  • postbiblical

  • postvagotomy

  • postchallenge

  • postembryonic

  • postgastrectomy

  • postgrad

  • posthouse

  • postictal

  • postilion

  • postnasal

  • post-apocalypse

  • post-combat

  • postqualifying

  • post-doc

  • post-hardcore

  • posturally

  • post-nominal

  • postpubertal

  • post-rock

  • poststructural

  • postscriptum

  • postally

  • posttreatment

  • postbellum

  • postboy

  • postcardware

  • postreplicative

  • postqualification

  • postchaise

  • postcholecystectomy

  • postprimary

  • postclypeus

  • postcolonial

  • postcommunist

  • postcranially

  • postdoc

  • poste-haste

  • postering

  • posteriority

  • posteriorizing

  • postero-lateral

  • posteroanterior

  • posterolateral

  • postsecondary

  • postroad

  • posturingly

  • postulational

  • postviral

  • postexperience

  • postfeminism

  • postfixation

  • posthaemorrhagic

  • posthuman

  • postillion

  • postponable

  • postlaunch

  • postmatch

  • postmaturity

  • postmenopause

  • postmitotic

  • postmodification

  • postnuclear

  • postoesophageal

  • postorbital

  • postparty

  • postpharyngeal

  • POST

  • Post

  • post and pair

  • post box

  • post card

  • post chaise

  • post count

  • post factum

  • post festum

  • post game

  • post hanger

  • post haste

  • post hoc

  • post horn

  • post house

  • post mill

  • post mold

  • post mortem

  • post note

  • post oak

  • post oak bluff

  • post off

  • post office

  • post office box

  • post processing

  • post rider

  • post rock

  • post romantic

  • post scriptum

  • post town

  • post up

  • post-accelerate

  • post-anarchism

  • post-anarchist

  • post-bop

  • post-Columbian

  • post-creole continuum

  • post-decrement

  • post-disco

  • post-exposure prophylaxis

  • post-factual

  • post-fine

  • post-gasm

  • post-Gregg

  • post-grunge

  • post-house

  • post-House

  • post-humanism

  • post-humous

  • post-humously

  • post-irony

  • post-it note

  • post-kinetic

  • post-left

  • post-mediaeval

  • post-Muslim

  • post-nasal drip

  • post-noun

  • post-obit

  • post-office box

  • post-oral

  • post-order

  • post-ovulation

  • post-Panamax

  • post-postmodernism

  • post-punk revival

  • post-singularity

  • post-Soviet

  • post-tragus

  • post-transistor

  • post-traumatic stress disorder

  • post-truth

  • post-tympanic

  • post-up

  • Post-Zionism

  • Post-Zionist

  • postabdomen

  • postabdominal

  • postable

  • postabortal

  • postabortion

  • postabsorptive

  • postaccelerated

  • postaccident

  • postacetabular

  • postact

  • postactivation

  • postacute

  • postadministration

  • postzygotic

  • postadolescent

  • postadoption

  • postadrenalectomy

  • postadsorption

  • postage meter

  • postage stamp

  • postal authority

  • postal ballot

  • postal box

  • postal code

  • postal forgery

  • postal history

  • postal order

  • postal vote

  • postally used

  • postalveolar

  • postalveolarization

  • postalveolo-prepalatal

  • postamble

  • postamplification

  • postamputation

  • postanaesthetic

  • postanal

  • postanalytical

  • postanarchism

  • postanarchist

  • postanesthesia

  • postanesthetic

  • postaneurysmal

  • postangioplasty

  • postannealed

  • postanoxic

  • postanthesis

  • postanthetic

  • postantibiotic

  • postapartheid

  • postapocalypse

  • postapocalyptic

  • postapoplectic

  • postapoptotic

  • postapp

  • postapproval

  • postarrest

  • postarsphenamine

  • postarteriole

  • postarthritic

  • postassembly

  • postassessment

  • postathon

  • postatomic

  • postatrial

  • postattachment

  • postattack

  • postauricular

  • postautistic

  • postautopsy

  • postaxial

  • postaxial polydactyly

  • postbaccalaureate

  • postback

  • postbailout

  • postbankruptcy

  • postbariatric

  • postbase

  • postbaseline

  • postbath

  • postbattle

  • postbehavioral

  • postbehavioralism

  • postbinge

  • postbiological

  • postbiopsy

  • postbiotic

  • postbirth

  • postblack

  • postblackness

  • postbleach

  • postbleaching

  • postboom

  • postboomer

  • postboost

  • postbop

  • postbounce

  • postbourgeois

  • postboxing

  • postbranchial

  • postbreakup

  • postbreeding

  • postbronchodilator

  • postbubble

  • postbuckling

  • postbulbar

  • postburn

  • postburst

  • postbuyout

  • postcampaign

  • postcancer

  • postcanine

  • postcapillary

  • postcapitalism

  • postcapitalist

  • postcapture

  • postcardiac

  • postcarding

  • postcardiotomy

  • postcardish

  • postcardlike

  • postcardy

  • postcare

  • postcaucus

  • postcaustic

  • postcaval

  • postcede

  • postcensal

  • postcentral

  • postcervical

  • postcesarean

  • postchalazal

  • postchemotherapeutic

  • postchemotherapy

  • postchiasmatic

  • postcinematic

  • postcingulid

  • postcingulum

  • postclassically

  • postclavicle

  • postclinic

  • postcloacal

  • postclosure

  • postcochlear

  • postcode lottery

  • postcognition

  • postcoital test

  • postcoitally

  • postcoitus

  • postcollapse

  • postcollege

  • postcollegiate

  • postcolonial anarchism

  • postcolonialism

  • postcolonialist

  • postcoloniality

  • postcolonially

  • postcolumn

  • postcombat

  • postcombustion

  • postcommissural

  • postcommissure

  • postcommissurotomy

  • postcommunion

  • postcommunism

  • postcommute

  • postconception

  • postconceptual

  • postconceptualism

  • postconceptualist

  • postconcert

  • postconciliar

  • postconcussion

  • postconcussional

  • postconcussive

  • postcondition

  • postconditional

  • postconditioning

  • postcondylar

  • postconflict

  • postconfluent

  • postconquest

  • postconsonantal

  • postconsonantally

  • postconstitutional

  • postconstruction

  • postconsumer

  • postcontrast

  • postconvalescence

  • postconvalescent

  • postconvention

  • postconventional

  • postconviction

  • postcopulatory

  • postcornu

  • postcoronary

  • postcoronoid

  • postcorporate

  • postcorrelation

  • postcostal

  • postcount

  • postcoup

  • postcourse

  • postcranium

  • postcrash

  • postcreole

  • postcrime

  • postcrisis

  • postcritical

  • postcritically

  • postcubital

  • postcubitus

  • postcursor

  • postcyberpunk

  • postdeadline

  • postdeal

  • postdebate

  • postdebriefing

  • postdecimal

  • postdecisional

  • postdefection

  • postdelivery

  • postdentary

  • postdeployment

  • postdeposition

  • postdepositional

  • postdepositionally

  • postdepression

  • postdermabrasion

  • postdeterminer

  • postdevaluation

  • postdevelopmental

  • postdevelopmentally

  • postdiagnosis

  • postdiastolic

  • postdict

  • postdiction

  • postdictive

  • postdictively

  • postdigestion

  • postdigital

  • postdilate

  • postdiluvial

  • postdiluvian

  • postdiphtheritic

  • postdisaster

  • postdiscal

  • postdischarge

  • postdisco

  • postdisplacement

  • postdive

  • postdivestiture

  • postdivorce

  • postdoctorally

  • postdoctorate

  • postdose

  • postdosing

  • postdraft

  • postdrilling

  • postdromal

  • postdrome

  • postdrug

  • postductal

  • poste restante

  • postea

  • postearthquake

  • postedit

  • posteditor

  • posteen

  • postehaste

  • postejaculatory

  • postejection

  • Postel

  • postelection

  • postelectoral

  • postelectronic

  • postelectrophoretic

  • Postell

  • postemancipation

  • postembolisation

  • postembolization

  • postembryo

  • postembryonal

  • postemergence

  • postemergency

  • postemigration

  • postempiricism

  • postempiricist

  • postencephalitic

  • postencephalitis

  • postendocytic

  • postendodontic

  • postengagement

  • postentocristid

  • postentry

  • postenvenomation

  • postepileptic

  • postepisode

  • postepistemological

  • poster boy

  • poster child

  • poster girl

  • poster paint

  • poster stamp

  • posterboard

  • posterboy

  • posterchild

  • posteriad

  • posterioanterior

  • posteriolateral

  • posterior auricular muscle

  • posterior chamber

  • posterior probability

  • posteriorization

  • posteriormost

  • posteriour

  • posteriourly

  • posterise

  • posterization

  • posterize

  • posterlike

  • postero-

  • posteroapical

  • posterobuccal

  • posterodistal

  • posterodistally

  • posterodorsal

  • posterodorsally

  • posterodorsolateral

  • posterodorsolaterally

  • posteroflexid

  • posteroflexus

  • posteroinferior

  • posteroinferiorly

  • posterolabial

  • posterolabially

  • posterolaterally

  • posterolaterodorsal

  • posterolingual

  • posterolingually

  • posteroloph

  • posterostylid

  • posteroventral

  • posteroventrally

  • posteroventrolateral

  • posteroventrolaterally

  • posteruptive

  • postesophageal

  • postessive

  • postessive case

  • postestimation

  • postestrus

  • postethnic

  • postevent

  • postexecution

  • postexercise

  • postexertional

  • postexile

  • postexilian

  • postexilic

  • postexist

  • postexistence

  • postexistent

  • postexocytotic

  • postexperiential

  • postexposure

  • postextension

  • postextracted

  • postextraction

  • postextrasystole

  • postextrasystolic

  • postfact

  • postfactory

  • postfactual

  • postfader

  • postfailure

  • postfamine

  • postfascist

  • postfault

  • postfebrile

  • postfederal

  • postfertile

  • postfertilization

  • postfeudal

  • postfight

  • postfilm

  • postfilmic

  • postfilter

  • postfiltration

  • postfinal

  • postfinalization

  • postfire

  • postfix

  • postfix notation

  • postfixal

  • postflare

  • postflexion

  • postflexural

  • postflight

  • postflood

  • postflop

  • postfolding

  • postformalin

  • postformation

  • postfossette

  • postfoundational

  • postfoundationalism

  • postfoundationalist

  • postfoundationally

  • postfracture

  • postfreeze

  • postfreezing

  • postfrontal

  • postfuck

  • postfuneral

  • postfurca

  • postfusion

  • postgadolinium

  • postgame

  • postganglionary

  • postganglionic

  • postgasm

  • postgastric

  • postgavage

  • postgay

  • postgelation

  • postgender

  • postgendered

  • postgenderism

  • postgenderist

  • postgenital

  • postgeniture

  • postgenocide

  • postgenomic

  • postgenomics

  • postgeographic

  • postgermarial

  • postgermination

  • postgirl

  • postgiro

  • postglabellar

  • postglacially

  • postglenoid

  • postglobular

  • postglomerular

  • postgonite

  • postgraduation

  • postgrowth

  • postgrunge

  • posthardcore

  • postharvest

  • posthaste

  • posthatch

  • posthatchling

  • posthearing

  • posthegemonic

  • posthegemony

  • posthemiplegic

  • posthemorrhagic

  • posthepatic

  • posthepatitic

  • posthercynian

  • postherniation

  • postheroic

  • postherpes

  • postherpetic

  • posthetomy

  • posthioplasty

  • posthippie

  • posthippocampal

  • posthistorical

  • posthistory

  • posthitis

  • posthoc

  • posthockery

  • postholiday

  • postholocaust

  • posthorse

  • posthospital

  • posthospitalization

  • posthumanism

  • posthumanist

  • posthumanity

  • posthumous execution

  • posthumousness

  • posthurricane

  • posthyoid

  • posthypnosis

  • posthypnotic

  • posthypnotic suggestion

  • posthypocristid

  • posthypoglycaemic

  • posthypoglycemic

  • posthypoxic

  • postic

  • postical

  • postically

  • postiche

  • posticipate

  • posticous

  • posticously

  • postictally

  • postideological

  • postil

  • postilla

  • postillate

  • postillation

  • postillator

  • postiller

  • postimmigration

  • postimmunization

  • postimpact

  • postimperial

  • postimplant

  • postimplantation

  • postimplementation

  • postimpressionism

  • postimpressionist

  • postin

  • postinaugural

  • postinclusion

  • postincubation

  • postindependence

  • postindian

  • postinduction

  • postindustrialization

  • postindustrially

  • postinfarct

  • postinfarcted

  • postinfarction

  • postinfection

  • postinfectional

  • postinfectious

  • postinfestation

  • postinflammatory

  • postinflationary

  • postinflectional

  • postinfluenzal

  • postinformation

  • postinfundibular

  • posting house

  • postingestive

  • postinhibitory

  • postinitiation

  • postinjection

  • postinjury

  • postinoculation

  • postinsertion

  • postinspection

  • postinstitutional

  • postinstruction

  • postinstrumentation

  • postintegration

  • postintegrative

  • postintervention

  • postinterventional

  • postinterview

  • postintoxication

  • postintracoronary

  • postintroduction

  • postintroductory

  • postintubation

  • postinvasion

  • postinvasive

  • postique

  • postirony

  • postirradiated

  • postirradiation

  • postischaemic

  • postischemia

  • postischemic

  • postischial

  • postisolation

  • postisometric

  • postjudge

  • postjudice

  • postjunctional

  • postlactating

  • postlaminectomy

  • postlanding

  • postlapsarian

  • postlarva

  • postlarval

  • postlayoff

  • postlegal

  • postlegislation

  • postlegislative

  • postlesion

  • postlesional

  • postless

  • Postlewait

  • postliberal

  • postliberation

  • postlicensure

  • postlike

  • postliminiary

  • postliminious

  • postliminium

  • postliminy

  • postlingually

  • postliterary

  • postliterate

  • postlitigation

  • postlockout

  • postlumbar

  • postlunate

  • postlunch

  • Postma

  • postmagma

  • postmagmatic

  • postmaintenance

  • postmalarial

  • postmarathon

  • postmarital

  • postmaritally

  • postmarket

  • postmarketing

  • postmarriage

  • postmastectomy

  • Postmaster General

  • postmaster general

  • postmastership

  • postmastoid

  • postmaterial

  • postmaterialism

  • postmaterialist

  • postmaterialistic

  • postmating

  • postmature

  • postmeal

  • postmeasurement

  • postmediaeval

  • postmedial

  • postmedian

  • postmediastinal

  • postmedication

  • postmedieval

  • postmedium

  • postmeeting

  • postmeiotic

  • postmenarchal

  • postmenarchally

  • postmenarcheal

  • postmenarchial

  • postmeningitic

  • postmeningitis

  • postmenopausally

  • postmenstrual

  • postmenstrually

  • postmerger

  • postmeridian

  • postmessianic

  • postmetamorphic

  • postmicturition

  • postmidnight

  • postmigration

  • postmigratory

  • postmile

  • postmilitary

  • postmillennial

  • postmillennialism

  • postmillennium

  • postminimal

  • postminimalism

  • postminimalist

  • postmining

  • postmitochondrial

  • postmix

  • postmodernese

  • postmodernisation

  • postmodernise

  • postmodernistic

  • postmodernize

  • postmodernly

  • postmodifier

  • postmodify

  • postmolt

  • postmonsoon

  • postmoral

  • postmorbid

  • postmoult

  • postmove

  • postmovement

  • postmutational

  • postmyocardial

  • postmythical

  • postnarial

  • postnaris

  • postnasal drip

  • postnatal depression

  • postnate

  • postnational

  • postnationalism

  • postnatural

  • postnecrotic

  • postneonatally

  • postneuritic

  • postneurulation

  • postnews

  • postnomial

  • postnormal

  • postnotal

  • postnoun

  • postnucleation

  • postnup

  • postnuptial

  • postobese

  • postoblongata

  • postobservation

  • postocular

  • postoestrus

  • postoffer

  • postoffice

  • Poston

  • postonset

  • postop

  • postoperation

  • postoral

  • postorbitofrontal

  • postorder

  • postorgasmic

  • postorgasmic illness syndrome

  • postotic

  • postoutbreak

  • postoviposition

  • postovulation

  • postovulatory

  • postpaid

  • postpainterly

  • postpalatal

  • postpalatine

  • postparadigmatic

  • postparalytic

  • postparietal

  • postpartal

  • postpartisan

  • postpartisanship

  • postpartum depression

  • postparturient

  • postpatriarchal

  • postpatriarchy

  • postpausal

  • postpausally

  • postpay

  • postpedicel

  • postpenal

  • postpend

  • postperformance

  • postperfusion

  • postpericardiocentesis

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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