A non existent word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The ability to connect dictionaries at the post-processing stage increases the probability of correct character recognition and eliminates the possibility that non-existent words may appear in the text.

Возможность подключения словарей на этапе постобработки увеличивает вероятность правильного распознавания символов и позволяет исключить возможность появления несуществующих в языке слов.

They also have no problem reading non-existent words or pseudowords, which is further evidence of damage to the direct path.

Кроме того, у них нет проблем с чтением несуществующих слов или псевдопаролей, и это еще раз свидетельствует о повреждении пути прямого доступа.

If you omit the non-existent words, then that verse will say something like this, «Therefore a wife must have on her head authority for angels.»

Если опустить несуществующие слова, то данный стих будет звучать следующим образом: «Поэтому жена должна иметь на голове власть для ангелов».

I’ve also employed the use of non-existent words.

Другие результаты

Usually publishers include a non-existent word dictionary, and Atlas put a non-existent island.

They may fail to realize that they are using the wrong words or using a non-existent word and often they are not fully aware that what they say doesn’t make sense.

Они могут не понимать, что они используют неправильные слова или используют несуществующее слово, и часто они не полностью осознают, что то, что они говорят, не имеет смысла.

Greed is a word non-existent in their dictionary of sins and morals.

However, often what they say doesn’t make a lot of sense or they pepper their sentences with non-existent or irrelevant words.

Однако часто то, что они говорят, не имеет большого смысла, или они пересказывают свои предложения несуществующими или нерелевантными словами.

Acrolecticism is a non existent word.

Boredom is a non-existent word

You have used a non-existent word.

The key word here is non-existent.

The Development Account could not subsist on non-existent surpluses from other accounts, in other words on nothing.

Счет развития не может пополняться из несуществующих остатков на других счетах, иными словами, из ничего.

Certainly, absolute equality is non-existent in this world; but the word was aimed against the unjust and unnecessary inequalities of the old social order.

Конечно, абсолютного равенства не существует в современном мире, но призыв этот направлен против несправедливого и неоправданного неравенства старого общественного порядка.

A suggestion was made that the words «null and void» in the third sentence of article 21, paragraph (1) should be replaced by the words «non-existent or invalid».

Было внесено предложение заменить слово «ничтожность» в третьем предложении пункта 1 статьи 25 словами «несуществующим или недействительным».

In the area of Kailash, they begin to hear strange sounds, see non-existent objects, and when they try to say at least a word they simply cannot move their tongues.

В районе Кайласа они начинают слышать странные звуки, видеть несуществующие предметы, а при попытке сказать хоть слово просто не могут пошевелить языком.

Certainly, absolute equality is non-existent in this world; but the word was aimed against the unjust and unneces- sary inequalities of the old social order.

Полного равенства в мире, естественно, быть не может; однако это понятие нацелено против несправедливости и неоправданной разнокачественности, которые допускал старый социальный порядок.

This word is translated so many different ways, but its main meaning is to make something useless, null and void, inoperative, powerless, but not necessarily non-existent, destroyed or annihilated.

У перевода этого слова есть очень много вариантов, но основное его значение — делать что-то бесполезным, утратившим законную силу, бездействующим, бессильным, но совершенно не подразумевается, что это что-то непременно должно перестать существовать, быть полностью разрушенным или истребленным.

In the fourth preambular paragraph, the phrase «which limits the scope of implementation efforts» should be inserted after the word «non-existent«.

В четвертый пункт преамбулы после слова «отсутствует» следует добавить слова «что ограничивает масштаб усилий по его реализации».

In other words, the advantages of a form of air-conditioning that uses natural fluids, with low energy consumption, combined with the benefits of an almost non-existent visual impact.

Другими словами, преимущества кондиционирования с использованием натуральных жидкостей, низким потреблением энергии, в сочетании с практически незаметным внешним видом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 34. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 181 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Ghost Words

A ghost word is a nonexistent word that has made its way into a reference work by mistake. One well-known example of a ghost word is the word «Dord», which appeared in a 1934 American dictionary defined as density, as it is used in physics and chemistry. » Dord» was added to the dictionary when a typesetter who was making entries into the dictionary misread the engtry » D or d» and typed it as «Dord». In reality the letter «d» was used to refer to density in phisics or chemistry. When the error was discovered, the ghost word «Dord» was removed from the dictionary. Not all ghost words are recognized as errors, removed from reference works, and forgotten. One example of awell- established ghost word is the word «syllabus». The Roman writer Cicero had correctly used the Latin word sittabus in his writing to refer to the title and author label on a manuscript. In 1470 edition of Cicero’s works sittabus was miswritten as a » syllabus», the miswritten ghost word «syllabus» has now achieved status as a commonly used word reffering to an outline of the contentes of a course.

Last week, Dictionary.com published a fun list of words that don’t exist. What does that mean? Well, they’re not just random letters, they are words that you might expect to exist because of other words that look like their opposites. Confused? Here’s an example.


Discombobulated is a real word in English. Usually when we add the prefix dis-, we are creating the opposite of another word. For example, we can take agree, add dis-, and we get the opposite: disagree. Right? This works for lots of words: appear/disappear, approve/disapprove, believe/disbelieve, connect/disconnect. But discombobulate is funny, because combobulate is not a word. It doesn’t exist.


Here’s another one. We can add the suffixes —less and —ful to many nouns to turn them into adjectives. A person with no hope is hopeless. A person with lots of hope is hopeful. Something that causes no pain is painless, and something that causes a lot of pain is painful. Other examples are fear/fearless/fearful, care/careless/careful, color/colorless/colorful, use/useless/useful.

But we have another word in English: reckless. Reckless is similar in meaning to careless. Based on the pattern we looked at, you might think that reck is a noun and reckful is the opposite of reckless. But, as always, learning English is crazy, and reckful and reck do not exist in English.

A few more:

Disheveled is an adjective meaning not neat. But sheveled does not exist.

Nonchalant means cool, relaxed, and calm. But chalant does not exist.

Disgust is a strong feeling of unpleasantness or sickness. But gust does not exist.

More Free Online English Vocabulary Tips

Letters have the ability to form certain words that turn into what they are saying.


Words were mostly used to help in stopping F. However there were also other cases like showing that N is a coward.

Offensive words

There was only one offensive word seen throughout the series that being the word «FRICK». The word turns black and is shown on a red screen implying that it’s an offensive word. The letters appear to hate bad words, as they attack F for accidentally forming one.

Nonfunctional words

The only Nonfunctional word is «FRIENDS». It was just to show that the letters are friendly.

Non-existent words

Non-existent words are words that are unintentionally formed and do not mean anything. An example is the word «VAGNUM». Slang words are also non-existent, as they don’t form anything. An example is the slang word «BTW».

Stealth words

Stealth words are words that were not made intentionally. But does still make a word.

List of used words

Word Formed to Type Letters Used Outcome Episodes
CAB Used to help G find F faster Function CWillBiteVandalizers.pngA.pngB.png Alphabet Lore (A-Z...) 00-01-02.png G (First Appearance)










R (Reformed)


MAP Used to help G locate F (that stole N’s gem), along with other letters Function M.pngA.pngP.png MAP (Front).svg R (First Appearance)

T (Formed Again)


GUN Used to help kill F (that successfully killed C and biting P), but was instead fired upon P Function G.pngYou?.pngN.png GUN.png U


COWARD/coward Used to represent N’s cowardish attitude Function CWillBiteVandalizers.pngO.pngDouble v.pngA.pngR.pngD.png N.png W


Now I Know My ABCs…

VAN Used to help A, G, N, U, V, and M arrive at F’s cave (after C’s death and B’s immobility) Function V.pngA.pngN.png VAn.png W



FRIENDS/friends Was used to show how friendly the letters are Non-functional F.pngR.pngI.pngE.pngN.pngD.pngS.png FRIENDS IN Y.pngF r i e n d s lowercase.jpeg Y


fart Was used to prank L for hurting N Function F (lowercase).pngA(Lowercase).PNG.pngR (lowercase).pngLowercaset.png Fart once spellded.png
frick Was accidentally formed by L and O after pushing F in front of R, I, C, and K Offensive F (lowercase).pngR (lowercase).pngI (lowercase).pngLowercasec.pngLowercasek.png Frick but no black.png nZ…

Letters Used in Forming Words

  • A — 5 (CAB, MAP, COWARD/coward, fart)
  • B — 1 (CAB)
  • C — 3 (CAB, COWARD/coward, frick)
  • D — 2 (COWARD/coward, FRIENDS/friends)
  • E — 1 (FRIENDS/friends)
  • F — 3 (FRIENDS/friends, fart, frick)
  • G — 1 (GUN)
  • I — 2 (FRIENDS/friends, frick)
  • K — 1 (frick)
  • M — 1 (MAP)
  • N — 3 (GUN, VAN, FRIENDS/friends)
  • O — 1 (COWARD/coward)
  • P — 1 (MAP)
  • R — 3 (FRIENDS/friends, fart, frick)
  • S — 1 (FRIENDS/friends)
  • T — 1 (fart)
  • U — 1 (GUN)
  • V — 1 (VAN)
  • W — 1 (COWARD/coward)


  • The way the letters can make words is similar to WordWorld (Also sometimes referred to as Word World) & Alphablocks (A British computer-animated preschool television series which teaches children to spell with the use of four families of animated blocks known as Alphablocks, who represent each of their letters referred to as Alphalings)

  • #1

From Pecorino Plays Ball by Alan Madison:
«The white pill of a ball hopped to one of the gum-burbling boys, who scooped it,
then scorched it to the other gum burbler, who scatched it right up.»

I looked up scorch and scatch on the Internet and found no results related to baseball games. (I don’t misspell them. They are spelled like these in the book.)
I feel the words are used for rhyming with scoop.
What are their meanings here?
Thank you.

  • #2

then scorched it to the other gum burbler

He threw a scorcher (a throw so fast the ball metaphorically heats up).

who scatched it right up.»

He caught it. This is more of a «made-up» word than «scorched» is, although both are nonce usages intended to sound funny.

Wandering JJ

  • #3

It’s a game like catch, where a ball is thrown from one person and caught by another. Instead of catching the ball (like a tennis ball) with bare hands, the players have a Velcro pad in their hand to which the ball sticks. If you Google «scatch game» you should see some pictures.

From the context, I would guess that ‘scorched’ means ‘threw at speed’ and ‘scatched’ means ‘caught’.

Best of luck.

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