A loving music word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Serena Ledner

Score: 4.7/5
(43 votes)

lover. music. musicianship. musicophile. -Phile, -Philia, -Phily.

What is a music lover called?

a music lover. See also: Music, -Phile, -Philia, -Phily.

What is a Musicophile?

Noun. musicophile (plural musicophiles) One who loves music.

How do you say music lover?


  1. bacchanal.
  2. buff.
  3. aerophile.
  4. metalhead.
  5. devotee.
  6. aficionado.
  7. follower.

What is a Melomaniac?

Medical Definition of melomaniac

1 : an individual exhibiting melomania. 2 : an individual (as a person or dog) that is inordinately and abnormally affected by musical or other tones in certain ranges of sound.

21 related questions found

What is Selenophile?

: a plant that when growing in a seleniferous soil tends to take up selenium in quantities greater than can be explained on a basis of chance.

What do u call someone who is always happy?

Pollyanna. noun. old-fashioned someone who is always very happy and believes that only good things will happen.

How do you describe a song you love?

Here are the vocabularies for “describe a song or a piece of music you like” with examples:

  • A huge/big fan of (phrase) really like someone. …
  • Uplift one’s spirit (phrase) fill with high spirits; fill with optimism. …
  • Overload with (phrase) to put too many people or things in or on something. …
  • Down-to-earth (adj) practical.

What do you call a lover of nature?

One who loves woods or forests. nemophilist. tree lover. tree hugger. dendrologist.

Can u be addicted to music?

In short, not really. Experts don’t formally recognize music addiction as a mental health diagnosis. … A 2011 study involving 10 people who experience chills when listening to music suggests that music can trigger a dopamine release when it produces an intensely positive emotional response — aka the chills.

Is musicophilia real?

Musicophilia, or abnormal craving for music, is a poorly understood phenomenon that has been associated in particular with focal degeneration of the temporal lobes.

What is the main tune in a song?

Melody. We might consider melody to be the single most important element within a song. In everyday language, this is the element we call ‘the tune’. In technical terms, however, the melody is a series of pitches, or notes, that are organised to form a shape or pattern.

What is a Nemophilist?

Nemophilist: a person who loves or is fond of woods or forests.

Who is a nature lover?

By definition, a “nature lover” is someone who thrives on spending time in the outdoors and observing wild animals and plants.

What is a person called who loves to travel?

Hodophile – the very word for travel lovers. A Hodophile is “One who loves to travel.”

How do you describe a beautiful song?

  • melodious,
  • musical,
  • harmonic,
  • harmonizing,
  • tuneful,
  • concordant,
  • mellifluous,
  • dulcet,

How do you respond when someone dedicates a song to you?

How do you respond when someone dedicates a song to you? In my opinion the least you can do is say thank you or else you can tell them how you feel about them. But never lie! Come on, be happy!!

How can I dedicate a song?

Assuming you have already searched for the song (of course) you will see a blue icon «D» (dedication) right next to the song. Click on that icon and write down your dedication. As soon as the song plays the dedication will show on the music page and also rotate on the right side of the page. Cool huh?

What do you call a person with a beautiful smile?

Blithesome, genial, convivial.

Is always smiling a good thing?

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, other natural painkillers, and serotonin. 9 Together, these brain chemicals make us feel good from head to toe. Not only do they elevate your mood, but they also relax your body and reduce physical pain. Smiling is a natural drug.

How do you describe someone who is happy?

Pleased — This word means between “happy” and “satisfied.” … Cheerful — This is when someone is visibly happy. They walk into the room, and you can see it in the way they walk, what they say and the massive smile on their face. Exuberant — This is like cheerful — but even stronger.

What is melody example?

Melody is used by every musical instrument. For example: Solo vocalists use melody when they sing the main theme of a song. … Some choruses sing the same notes in unison, like in the traditions of ancient Greece.

What are the 5 basic elements of music?

While there are many different approaches to describing the building blocks of music, we often break music down into five basic elements: melody, texture, rhythm, form, and harmony.

What makes a good theme in music?

A good theme can make people instantly recognize a franchise, associate a character with good or evil, and provide inspirational material for an entire composition. We’ll look at two basic ways an idea can be fleshed out into a full theme. … When I talk about themes in this tutorial, I mean complete 8-bar melodies.

Translation for «music loving» to russian

Music loving

  • любящий музыку

  • музыка любя

  • Examples
  • Similar phrases

Similar context phrases

  • love of music

  • music-loving

  • loves music

  • lover of music

  • love for music

Translation examples

  • любящий музыку

  • музыка любя

любящий музыку

A music-loving hobo with a heart of gold?

Любящий музыку хобо с золотым сердцем.

музыка любя

He loves rocking musicLoves a happy heart…

Он любит громкую музыку, любит счастливые сердца.

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‘MUSIC-LOVING’ is a 11 letter
starting with M and ending with G

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for MUSIC-LOVING

We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word music-loving will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.

music-loving 7 letter words

music-loving 8 letter words

Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver «music-loving».

We’ve listed any clues from our database that match your search for «music-loving». There will also be a
list of synonyms for your answer.
The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they’re easy to

If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in

If your word «music-loving» has any anagrams, you can find them with our anagram solver or at this

We hope that you find the site useful.

Regards, The Crossword Solver Team

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Asked by: Serena Ledner

Score: 4.7/5
(43 votes)

lover. music. musicianship. musicophile. -Phile, -Philia, -Phily.

What is a music lover called?

a music lover. See also: Music, -Phile, -Philia, -Phily.

What is a Musicophile?

Noun. musicophile (plural musicophiles) One who loves music.

How do you say music lover?


  1. bacchanal.
  2. buff.
  3. aerophile.
  4. metalhead.
  5. devotee.
  6. aficionado.
  7. follower.

What is a Melomaniac?

Medical Definition of melomaniac

1 : an individual exhibiting melomania. 2 : an individual (as a person or dog) that is inordinately and abnormally affected by musical or other tones in certain ranges of sound.

21 related questions found

What is Selenophile?

: a plant that when growing in a seleniferous soil tends to take up selenium in quantities greater than can be explained on a basis of chance.

What do u call someone who is always happy?

Pollyanna. noun. old-fashioned someone who is always very happy and believes that only good things will happen.

How do you describe a song you love?

Here are the vocabularies for “describe a song or a piece of music you like” with examples:

  • A huge/big fan of (phrase) really like someone. …
  • Uplift one’s spirit (phrase) fill with high spirits; fill with optimism. …
  • Overload with (phrase) to put too many people or things in or on something. …
  • Down-to-earth (adj) practical.

What do you call a lover of nature?

One who loves woods or forests. nemophilist. tree lover. tree hugger. dendrologist.

Can u be addicted to music?

In short, not really. Experts don’t formally recognize music addiction as a mental health diagnosis. … A 2011 study involving 10 people who experience chills when listening to music suggests that music can trigger a dopamine release when it produces an intensely positive emotional response — aka the chills.

Is musicophilia real?

Musicophilia, or abnormal craving for music, is a poorly understood phenomenon that has been associated in particular with focal degeneration of the temporal lobes.

What is the main tune in a song?

Melody. We might consider melody to be the single most important element within a song. In everyday language, this is the element we call ‘the tune’. In technical terms, however, the melody is a series of pitches, or notes, that are organised to form a shape or pattern.

What is a Nemophilist?

Nemophilist: a person who loves or is fond of woods or forests.

Who is a nature lover?

By definition, a “nature lover” is someone who thrives on spending time in the outdoors and observing wild animals and plants.

What is a person called who loves to travel?

Hodophile – the very word for travel lovers. A Hodophile is “One who loves to travel.”

How do you describe a beautiful song?

  • melodious,
  • musical,
  • harmonic,
  • harmonizing,
  • tuneful,
  • concordant,
  • mellifluous,
  • dulcet,

How do you respond when someone dedicates a song to you?

How do you respond when someone dedicates a song to you? In my opinion the least you can do is say thank you or else you can tell them how you feel about them. But never lie! Come on, be happy!!

How can I dedicate a song?

Assuming you have already searched for the song (of course) you will see a blue icon «D» (dedication) right next to the song. Click on that icon and write down your dedication. As soon as the song plays the dedication will show on the music page and also rotate on the right side of the page. Cool huh?

What do you call a person with a beautiful smile?

Blithesome, genial, convivial.

Is always smiling a good thing?

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, other natural painkillers, and serotonin. 9 Together, these brain chemicals make us feel good from head to toe. Not only do they elevate your mood, but they also relax your body and reduce physical pain. Smiling is a natural drug.

How do you describe someone who is happy?

Pleased — This word means between “happy” and “satisfied.” … Cheerful — This is when someone is visibly happy. They walk into the room, and you can see it in the way they walk, what they say and the massive smile on their face. Exuberant — This is like cheerful — but even stronger.

What is melody example?

Melody is used by every musical instrument. For example: Solo vocalists use melody when they sing the main theme of a song. … Some choruses sing the same notes in unison, like in the traditions of ancient Greece.

What are the 5 basic elements of music?

While there are many different approaches to describing the building blocks of music, we often break music down into five basic elements: melody, texture, rhythm, form, and harmony.

What makes a good theme in music?

A good theme can make people instantly recognize a franchise, associate a character with good or evil, and provide inspirational material for an entire composition. We’ll look at two basic ways an idea can be fleshed out into a full theme. … When I talk about themes in this tutorial, I mean complete 8-bar melodies.

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