A lot of formal word

I was wondering which one of the following sentences is most appropriate:

  1. I have been provided with a lot of information.
  2. I have been provided with lots of information.

Jasper's user avatar


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asked Dec 7, 2015 at 23:09

Zeya Van Noten's user avatar

Both are correct.

I personally find «lots» to be more informal than «a lot,» but both are on the informal side. They can be used (more or less) interchangeably.

answered Dec 7, 2015 at 23:11

Alex K's user avatar

Alex KAlex K

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I’m no native Englishman, but I always had felt that «a lot» implies plural (like in «parking lot» vs. «parking slot»), so using «lots of» really makes no sense.

answered Nov 18, 2022 at 9:10

U. Windl's user avatar

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  • #1

Hello, I would like to know if «a lot of» can be used in both formal and informal contexts. And/or if there is a better way of saying «a lot of people» in a formal context.
Thank you.

    • #2

    I would use «many people» instead of «a lot of» in formal writing. «A lot of» is a relatively informal phrase and, though it can be used, isn’t typically seen in formal writing.


    • #3

    I agree with frosty. «A lot of» is informal and in formal writing it would be better to use, «many people», «a large number of people», «quite a few people», etc.

    • #4

    Thak you so much, both of you. Good luck.

    When do we use a lot of and when lots of?

    These phrases are mainly used in informal English – lots of sounds a bit more informal than a lot of. Both forms are used in singular and in plural sentences.

    It is not the phrase a lot of or lots of which determines singular or plural, but the noun of the sentence (here: water and computers).

    1. Informal English


    • A lot of water is wasted.
    • Lots of water is wasted.


    • A lot of computers are needed at schools.
    • Lots of computers are needed at schools.

    2. Formal English

    In formal English we use plenty of or much and many instead of a lot of/lots of.


    • Plenty of water is wasted.
    • Much water is wasted.


    • Plenty of computers are needed at schools.
    • Many computers are needed at schools.

    • Вопрос

    Какая разница между выражениями a lot, a lot of и lots of (много, множество) и когда нужно их использовать?

    Manuel, Spain

    • Ответ

    So, Manuel, a learner of English from Spain, wants to know the difference between a lot of, lots of and quite simply, a lot. The first point to make here is that English can be more or less formal and lots of is just a more conversational form of a lot of. So you could say or write:

    Что ж, испанец Мануэль изучает английский язык и хочет узнать различие между a lot of, lots of и, что совсем просто, a lot. Первое, на что здесь стоит обратить внимание, — это то, что английский язык может быть более или менее формальным, и lots of является просто разговорной формой выражения a lot of. Так, вы можете сказать или написать:

    There are a lot of people over there.

    Там много людей.

    Or you could say:

    Или вы можете сказать:

    There are lots of people over there.

    Там много людей.

    The last one’s chattier — it’s less formal. And that’s an easy way to remember it, I think.

    Последний пример более разговорный – он менее официальный. И таким образом, я думаю, его легко запомнить.

    Grammatically speaking, a lot of or lots of is used before a noun,

    Если говорить о грамматике, то a lot of или lots of употребляются перед существительным,

    There are a lot of people

    Здесь много людей

    or what we call a ‘noun phrase’ — a group of words that serves as a noun. Now, can you spot the noun phrase in this sentence?

    или перед так называемым «составным существительным» — группой слов, которая выполняет роль существительного. Можете ли вы определить составное существительное в этом предложении?

    There are a lot of Spanish people living in London.

    В Лондоне живёт множество испанцев.

    And the noun phrase is, Spanish people living in London: There are a lot of Spanish people living in London.

    Составное существительное здесь – Spanish people living in London: В Лондоне живёт множество испанцев.

    A lot, or for that matter, lots without of, is used in answers. If the question is, ‘Are there many Spanish people living in London?’ the answer will be:

    A lot или просто lots без of, используется в ответах. Если вопрос такой: «Много ли испанцев живет в Лондоне?», ответ будет:

    Yes, a lot.

    Да, много.

    Or if you want to sound chattier, more conversational:

    Или, если вы хотите произнести это непринуждённее, более разговорно:

    Yes, lots.

    Да, много.

    Things do, however, get a bit more complicated in the question and the negative. If a noun is countable, in a negative or question, we normally use many instead of a lot.

    Однако с вопросами и отрицаниями дело обстоит сложнее. Если существительное исчисляемое, в отрицании или вопросе мы обычно используем many вместо a lot.

    Are there many British tourists in Spain?

    Много ли в Испании британских туристов?

    There aren’t many Spanish tourists in Outer Mongolia.

    Во Внешней Монголии немного испанских туристов.

    But if a noun is uncountable — that’s a mass noun like food or money or love — we use much.

    Но если существительное неисчисляемое – то есть обозначающее некоторую массу, вещество, как еда, или деньги, или любовь – мы используем much.

    I haven’t got much money.

    У меня немного денег.

    Is there much food in the fridge?

    Много ли еды в холодильнике?

    To finish then, another quick test. Which of these three sentences is grammatically okay?

    Чтобы подытожить, ещё один быстрый тест. Какое из этих трёх предложений грамматически верно?

    a) I haven’t got much money, but I’ve got much love.
    b) I’ve got much money but I haven’t got much love.
    c) I haven’t got much money but I’ve got a lot of love.

    And the answer is c) I haven’t got much money but I’ve got a lot of love. So if you got that, well done!

    И ответ – с) У меня немного денег, но много любви (отрицание, much/утверждение, a lot of). Так что, если вы поняли это, отлично!

    Susan Fearn

    • Примечание

    В разделе «Английские слова и выражения» на нашем сайте вы можете познакомиться с ещё одним словом, обозначающим «много, множество, большое количество» – «shedload» или «shedloads».


    Указатель изучаемых английских слов и словосочетаний:

    A, B
    C, D
    E, F
    G, H
    I, J
    K, L
    M, N
    O, P
    Q, R
    S, T
    U, V
    W, X
    Y, Z


    Обновлено на

    14 марта 2022

    • Чешский
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    There is no difference e.g. A lot of books. Lots of books. Loads of books. A lot of books.

    • Английский (британский вариант)

    • Гуджарати
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    There IS a difference. A lot of, lots and loads of are nouns. they are used to mean plenty. «A lot of work» «lots of work» «loads of work». A lot of is formal whilst the other two are more informal, loads of being the most colloquial. a lot, however, is also an adverb «I work a lot».

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    В чем разница между a lot of и lots of и loads of и a lot  ?

    • В чем разница между a lot of и lots of и tons of ?


      I think it’s the same thing, just written differently. Examples:

      These 2 sentences are both correct:
      «There was a lot of seagulls at the bea…

    • В чем разница между a lot of и lots of ?


      @sebastianrosales Both are the same meaning. I have a lot of friends. I have lots of friends.

    • В чем разница между a lot of и many и lots of ?


      Almost no difference at all but some words are more formal than others. In my opinion, the most formal is «many», then «a lot of», then the m…

    • В чем разница между a lot of и many ?


      It is around the same! Many would be a better word

    • В чем разница между quite a lot of

      и quite a bit of и rather a lot of ?


      there is no difference

    • В чем разница между a bunch of и a lot of ?


      they kind of mean the same thing, «a bunch of» is informal and «a lot of» is just normal, you could also say «an abundance of» to sound extra…

    • В чем разница между a lot of и lots of и plenty of ?


      These are all essentially the same but you might use them to give slightly different meanings. Here is an example sentence showing the slight…

    • В чем разница между a host of и a lot of ?


      please, provide context.

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      I have a lot of hobby.
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