A key word thing


  • 1 Key Word : Thing
    • 1.1 1     Verb + thing
    • 1.2 2     Do + thing
    • 1.3 3     Verb + not + thing
    • 1.4 4     Common adjective collocations
  • 2 Answer Key
    • 2.1 Ex 1 :

Key Word : Thing

1     Verb + thing

Use the correct form of these verbs :

make               need               pack                wash up

  1. We’ll have to stop at the supermarket. We _____________ a few basic things like bread and milk.
  2. My dad’s a sculptor. He _____________ things out of wood he finds on the beach.
  3. Peter, you haven’t _____________ the breakfast things yet. Do them before you go to school, please.
  4.  _____________  your things. We’re leaving in 10 minutes.

accept              look at             make               think                turn out

  1. He’s not sure what he’s going to do, so he’s taken a few days off to _____________ things over.
  2. You should try to change the situation rather than _____________ things as they are.
  3. I don’t know if things are going to work out between John and me. => Don’t worry. I’m sure things will_____________ OK.
  4. You’re only _____________ things worse by ignoring her. I think you two need to talk things over.
  5. Try to _____________ things from my point of view for a change.

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2     Do + thing

Match the halves of these situations :

  1. I’ll be late home tonight.
  2. Philip is definitely different!
  3. The phone never stops ringing!
  4. I’m sorry I’ve got to get on with some work.
  5. I know people who cheat in exams.

a          That’s why it’s impossible to get things done.

b          I’d never do a thing like that.

c          Yes, he does have a funny way of doing things.

d          I’ve got loads of things to do at work.

e          I’ve got better things to do than stand chatting!

  1. I can’t get the video to work.
  2. I rang and told him what I thought of him!
  3. I wish I had listened to you!
  4. The Minister’s resigned!
  5. He asked me how much I earned.

f           It’s just not the done thing to ask that.

g          Good. It was the proper thing to do.

h          Yes, it was a foolish thing to do.

i           I would have done the same thing myself.

j           I’ve done all the right things! I think it’s broken.

3     Verb + not + thing

Use the correct form of these verbs :

do                    eat                   miss                 say                   see

  1. I’m sorry, I can’t ___________ a thing without my specs. Could you read the menu out to me?
  2. I’m going to the party as early as I can. I don’t want to ___________ a thing.
  3. They have cheated you out of your money, but I’m afraid you can’t ___________  a thing about it.
  4. I’m absolutely starving. I haven’t ___________ a thing all day.
  5. I heard that Frank is losing his job. I haven’t ___________ a thing about it to anyone.

4     Common adjective collocations

Use these adjectives to complete the sentences :

bad                  funny             good

last                   main                slightest

  1. It’s a____________ thing you remembered to bring the bottle opener! I completely forgot!
  2. He’s easily upset. He loses his temper at the ____________ little thing.
  3. Too much exercise can be a ____________ thing. You can easily damage your body.
  4. The____________ thing in this type of situation is to remain calm.
  5. A ____________ thing happened to me on the way to work this morning.
  6. I only want to help you. The____________ thing I want to do is to make you unhappy.


1. Note the following common expressions:

Try not to let things get you down. Remember the saying, ‘Things can only get better!’

She offered to help me, but I assured her that I had things under control.

I demanded a meeting with the manager to get a few things straight.

2. Notice this expression:

Books may one day become a thing of the past

3. This expression is used when you make a mistake socially:

Oh, sorry, I’ve just said the wrong thing, haven’t I?

Answer Key

Ex 1 :

l need              2. makes          3. washed up   4. Pack            5. think

6 accept           7. turn out       8. making        9. look at

Ex 2: l-d          2-c       3-a       4-e       5-b       6-j        7-i        8-h       9-g       10-f

Ex 3: l. see       2. miss             3. do    4. eaten            5. said

Ex 4: l. good   2. slightest       3. bad 4. main            5. funny           6. last

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Другие результаты

All you need to do is to alter some key words, and give things a slight twist.

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это изменить некоторые мысли и высказать некоторые убеждения.

And this whole key word thing is really crazy.

This means we are returning to our ability to ‘make’ (key word) things happen again, to BE in COMMAND of our lives and to achieve what we desire to because we finally understand how.

Это означает, что мы снова возвращаемся к своей способности «делать» вещи, УПРАВЛЯТЬ своей жизнью и достигать желаемого, поскольку, наконец, знаем и понимаем как это сделать.

In time, things will come, but the key word here is time.

Of course finding the right key words is a whole other thing.

The next thing is that they don’t bother updating and expanding their key word list.

не утруждают себя обновлением и расширением списка ключевых слов

However, the key word here is «field of view», as that’s the only thing that differs.

Тем не менее, ключевым словом здесь является «поле зрения», как единственная вещь, которая на самом деле будет различаться.

They browse everyone’s websites to identify the actual copy written on the page along with things like use of key words and phrases.

Они просматривают ваш сайт (и все остальные), чтобы идентифицировать фактическую копию контента, написанную на странице, а также такие вещи, как использование ключевых слов и фраз.

Key words: investment contracts, capital construction projects, immovable property, future thing, rights of investors

Ключевые слова: инвестиционные договоры, объекты капитального строительства, недвижимость, будущая вещь, права инвесторов

Only thing missing was a mention of Nancy Lieder and ZetaTalk. [and from another] The key words used in this latest segment, dated August 17, 2010, is Nibiru and Collision.

Не хватало только упоминаний о Нэнси Лидер и ZetaTalk. [и от другого] Ключевые слова, используемые в этом последнем сегменте от 17 августа 2010, это Нибиру и Столкновение.

My point here is that the key word to being a good messenger is balance-balance in all things.

Я хочу сказать, что ключевое слово в том, чтобы быть хорошим посланником — это баланс, баланс во всем.

The key word for them is improvement, since those born on this day are convinced that the things around them are not as good as they could be.

Ключевое слово для них — это улучшение, поскольку рожденные в этот день убеждены, что вещи вокруг них не настолько хороши, как могли бы быть.

Key words: Mongolian traditional culture, symbolic of things, everyday life, folklore, customs, bones

Ключевые слова: монгольская традиционная культура, символика вещи, повседневность, фольклор, обрядовая практика, кости

The significant thing is when your website can be found by correct key words and your site can turn your visitors into customers.

Важно что-бы ваш сайт можно было найти по правильным ключевым словам и ваш сайт мог сделать из ваших посетителей — покупателей.

Other key words include different forms of exercise: Walk, exercise, run, dance, bike-ride; and doing things with those close to them: friends, family, husbands, kids.

Среди других ключевых слов были разные формы физической активности: прогулки, тренировки, бег, танцы, езда на велосипеде; и близкие им виды занятий: пребывание с друзьями, семьёй, супругами, детьми.

The key words for this all-senses experience are openness and sincerity, and this is the only thing you should bring with you when you come to the concert.

Ключевыми словами, описывающими это всеохватывающее чувство, прожимающее вас насквозь, являются чистосердечие и простодушие, и это как раз и есть то, что вам следует прихватить с собой, приезжая на концерт.

The key word here is undoubtedly «learning», the ability to see, understand and feel in nature the most essential, fundamental things, that was to become the backbone of any piece of art.

Ключевое слово здесь, несомненно, «познание» — умение увидеть, понять и почувствовать в натуре то главное, коренное, что впоследствии и станет сутью художественного произведения.

«Johnny Depp», «based on the novel by Stephen King» — key words that should make you see «Secret Window», putting all the important and unimportant things for later.

«Джонни Депп», «по роману Стивена Кинга» — ключевые слова, которые должны заставить вас посмотреть «Тайное окно», отложив все важные и неважные дела на потом.

Once you have learned one language, whatever it may be, the most valuable thing you will have learned is all the key words for searches.

Когда вы выучите один язык, каким бы он ни был, самое ценное, что вы выучите, — это все ключевые слова для поиска.

For example, one of the things Google itself tells us is that if you have a web page about a certain product or service, make sure that the key word or phrase appears multiple times on the page.

Например, одна из вещей, которые сама Google сообщает нам, что если у вас есть веб-страница, посвященная определенному товару или услуге, убедитесь, что ключевое слово или фраза появляются на странице несколько раз.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Table of Contents

  1. What is the key word?
  2. What is an example of a keyword?
  3. Is key word one word?
  4. What are the 100 most common words in English?
  5. What are key words in reading?
  6. How do you find keywords?
  7. What is a key word in a story?
  8. What are the types of keywords?
  9. What is the meaning of the key word of in math?
  10. How do I find best keywords?
  11. How do I find local keywords?
  12. What are the most popular keywords?
  13. What are good keywords?
  14. How do I create keywords?
  15. How do keywords work?
  16. How do you target keywords?
  17. What are target keywords?
  18. What is keywords in blogging?
  19. How do I find competitors keywords?
  20. What is a good keyword difficulty?
  21. What is the keyword strategy?
  22. How do I find SEO keywords?
  23. How do I check traffic for keywords?
  24. What is a ranking keyword?
  25. How many keywords should I use per page?
  26. What is blog example?
  27. Where do I put keywords in blogger?

Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find what they’re looking for. For example, if you were looking to buy a new jacket, you might type something like “mens leather jacket” into Google. Even though that phrase consists of more than one word, it’s still a keyword.

What is the key word?

: a word that is a key: such as. a usually keyword / ˈkē-​ˌwərd / : a significant word from a title or document used especially as an index to content. b : a word exemplifying the meaning or value of a letter or symbol.

What is an example of a keyword?

Anything searched on a search engine, whether a single word or a phrase, is considered a keyword. For example, here’s the results page for the keyword “what plants grow in the desert.”

Is key word one word?

You’re free to use either one, but I would personally opt for the way I just defined them. In your example, key words would mean important words. Keywords is a separate word and has specific meanings. It can be used to mean important words in the same way that key words can.

What are the 100 most common words in English?

The 100 most common words in English

1. the 21. at 61. some
2. of 22. be 62. her
3. and 23. this 63. would
4. a 24. have 64. make
5. to 25. from 65. like

With the keyword approach, students:

  • Highlight important facts or ideas in a passage.
  • Write a “gist” sentence that summarizes the highlighted ideas or facts.
  • Select a ‘keyword’ that will help them to recall a central idea about the article or passage.
  • Create a mental picture to remember the keyword, and then.

How do you find keywords?

In order to identify keywords, you need to have a research question. Having a research question is much easier than just a topic. Topics are often too broad to give you relevant results. To create a research question, think about the parameters of your assignment.

What is a key word in a story?

Keywords are one or more words used to indicate the content of your book. Simply put, metadata and keywords are what make your book appear when a reader goes looking for a specific thing online, whether that thing is a book or not.

What are the types of keywords?

There are three types of keywords described by their length:

  • Short-tail keywords (also known as head, broad, or generic keywords)
  • Mid-tail keywords.
  • Long-tail keywords.

What is the meaning of the key word of in math?


How do I find best keywords?

Niche Keyword Research Guide: How to Find Keywords in Your Industry Niche

  1. Step 1: Use a Keyword Research Tool to Find Niche Keywords. Before you can get started in earnest, of course, you need to choose your niche.
  2. Step 2: Refine Your Niche Keyword List.
  3. Step 3: Determine How Competitive Your Niche Keyword Phrases Are.

How do I find local keywords?

Find Local Keywords Think of the different areas that you service and where your customers come from. If you deliver products or travel for services, include those cities, towns, counties, townships, and area names in the content on your website and blog posts.

What are the most popular keywords?

Top 100 Google searches globally

Keyword Search Volume
1 facebook 1.4B
2 youtube 1.2B
3 google 594.1M
4 gmail 428.6M

What are good keywords?

Understanding Keyword Types Head keywords are usually just 1 or 2 words and have a high search volume. Body keywords are 2 to 3 word phrases with a good search volume, not high, not low. Long tail keywords consist of four or more words strung together with a low search volume. These account for the bulk of web traffic.

How do I create keywords?

A Quick Review: Five Steps to Generating Keywords

  1. Have a well-formed research question.
  2. Extract core terms from this research question.
  3. Brainstorm a list of alternative terms or phrases for each core term.

How do keywords work?

Part of the SEO process is using keywords: words and phrases that describe what your content is about. Then Google uses that information to determine which content is relevant to a particular search query, and how the page should rank in searches for a particular term. That’s what gives a web page its search ranking.

How do you target keywords?

Here’s an easy three-step process for targeting keywords with blog content.

  1. Step 1: Identify Keyword Opportunities. Before you can target anything, you need to determine what keyword phrases are likely to bring in relevant traffic.
  2. Step 2: Narrow Down Your Topic.
  3. Step 3: Write and Optimize Your Post.

What are target keywords?

A target keyword is a particular word or phrase that a website knows potential traffic/customers may use when utilising a search engine and seeking out the services that the particular website offers.

What is keywords in blogging?

A keyword is a primary term or phrase that describes the content of a blog post or webpage. A related keyword is a term or phrase that is closely tied to a primary keyword. They help marketers identify variations of phrases that searchers may be using to find content related to a topic.

How do I find competitors keywords?

The 8 Best Tools for Finding Competitor Keywords

  1. BuzzSumo. We’ve talked about BuzzSumo numerous times in the past, and that’s because it’s awesome.
  2. SEM Rush.
  3. SpyFu.
  4. Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer.
  5. AdWords’ Auction Insights.
  6. Crowdsourcing Keyword Research.
  7. Tag Clouds.
  8. WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool.

What is a good keyword difficulty?

KDS Between 30% and 70% – Moderate Difficulty Keywords Thus, these are your best best when it comes to selecting the right keywords as you have a realistic chance to compete for these. And, they also have a high search volume, it is worth your time to target these.

What is the keyword strategy?

A keyword strategy contains every decision you take based upon your findings in your keyword research project, whether it’s about the content you’re planning to write or how you are going to track the results in Analytics. Keyword strategy is about how you want to target those keywords, now and in the future.

How do I find SEO keywords?

How to Research Keywords for Your SEO Strategy

  1. Step 1: Make a list of important, relevant topics based on what you know about your business.
  2. Step 2: Fill in those topic buckets with keywords.
  3. Step 3: Understand How Intent Affects Keyword Research and Analyze Accordingly.
  4. Step 4: Research related search terms.

How do I check traffic for keywords?

Keyword Traffic: 3 Steps to Get More Traffic with Keywords

  1. Identify content topics that your audience will find informative and useful.
  2. Prioritize your content production efforts to target the most valuable, high commercial intent keywords.
  3. Structure your paid search campaigns to target relevant keywords with tightly organized ad groups.

What is a ranking keyword?

Keyword ranking—where your site is ranked in search engines for a keyword—has a major impact on your Web traffic, lead generation, and conversions. Research shows that more than half of all search engine users click on a result on the first page, and the higher you rank on that SERP, the better off you are.

How many keywords should I use per page?

It’s much more likely that you’ll want to target two or three keywords per page, even if they’re just close variations. Any more than four is a bit crowded; after all, each page only has one title tag and meta description. With a range of keywords per page determined, we can estimate how many keywords we’ll track.

What is blog example?

A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

Where do I put keywords in blogger?

  1. Sign in to your Blogger account.
  2. Click on your blog’s title and click “Template.”
  3. Click “Edit Html” and a pop-up window will appear.
  4. Click the “Proceed” button.
  5. Locate the “head” tag, which is usually found in the first several lines of HTML code.
  6. Insert under the “head” tag to define your keywords.

  • Copyright

    • #2

    These are two totally different contexts. In s1, they’re words that are key/important. In s2, they’re search-related keywords.

    You’ll have to decide which is appropriate for your use.

    • #3

    Hi Copyright,

    Thanks for your nice reply.

    Let me confirm one thing.
    Do you mean as follows?

    Key word is a word that is key/important.
    Keyword is a search-related word.
    These meanings don’t depend on the context or the usage and are fixed.

    In other words, I’d like to know if their meanings depend on the context or the usage because you emphasized context or usage.

    You said «You’ll have to decide which is appropriate for your use. «
    So I think you mean their meanings don’t depend on the context or the usage. But it’s a little bit ambiguous for me.
    Please help me.

    • #4

    The one-word «keyword» could be considered as a special use of the two-word version «key word». If you write an article and are asked to provide a few keywords to help people find the article, you will almost certainly choose words that are important to the subject.

    • #5

    Hi Hildy1,

    Thanks for your nice reply.

    Do you mean their meanings don’t depend on the context or the usage and are fixed?

    So sorry to ask the same question many times.

    • #6

    In AE, either is correct, whatever the meaning, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, which I consider the most reliable source.

    • #7

    Hi Parla,

    I looked up the words in American Heritage Dictionary.
    It says as in the quotation marks.

    «keyword also key word n. 1. A word that serves as a key to code or cipher. 2. A significant or descriptive word. 3. A word used as a reference point for finding other words or information.»

    So I think the meanings of keyword and key word are quite the same.
    So I think their meanings do depend on the context or the usage.

    Am I right?

    The phrase in the quotation marks is quoted from American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.


    • #8

    Setting aside the dictionary, I’ll just tell you how I use the words I mentioned in post 2:

    In the first line of the second amendment, a key word is «militia»: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.*

    To help people find our company online, we are including these keywords: drain cleaning, roto-rooter, plumbing repair.

    I only use keyword in a search context. Others can do as they like. :)

    *Although this version is better: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    • #9

    Hi Copyright,

    Thanks for your nice replies.

    I agree with you about the explanation of dictionaries. They usually omit small differences between similar words because they have to list many entries. I well understand their situation or standpoint.

    Your new explanation is so clear for me and all of my questions are completely solved.


    • #10

    My point was that you can spell it either as one word or two; both are considered correct in AE. (Yes, you’ve quoted the dictionary correctly.)

    • #11

    Hi Parla,

    Thanks for your nice reply.

    Yes, now I know both are correct.
    But my point is their meanings or nuances are the same or different.
    Are their meanings or nuances the same or different?
    What do you think or feel?

    Dale Texas

    • #12

    Their meanings are totally different, we’re not talking about «nuances.» :) I think that got lost in the spelling discussions. As Copyright said in post 2, «These are two totally different contexts. In s1, they’re words that are key/important. In s2, they’re search-related keywords.»

    Identifying some words out of a bigger text as being extremely important or relevant for understanding is a subjective judgement and an action of «labeling» somewhat similar to identifying the actual topic(s). You might circle some words in teaching students to grasp the essence of what is being said, or even just write them down for yourself as quick notes. That is s1.

    s2 is an aid to more efficient online searching for texts or a particular text, rather like having placed markers or tabs in dictionaries or encyclopedias in pre-internet, real-book days.

    Judging and selecting is not at all the same as searching.

    If I write «The whole city of Paris is beautiful» I can say I find two words that are essential,PARIS, BEAUTIFUL. Those words are «key.» That is what my sentence is «about» as opposed to finding subjects and verbs.

    If my little sentence gets published online and I want to search for it, that is keywording, trying to find it out of the millions of hits on the internet I’d get if I just enter «Paris.»

    I notice my pronunciation as far as stress goes is different:

    s1 «The key WORDS are «Paris» and Beautiful.»

    s2. «Some keywords (by me pronounced something like KEE-wards) to find my sentence might be «Paris» or «beautiful.»

    My preference is to use only key word for essence and keyword for search. Even for those who use keyword for both, it may well be that many do in fact stress the words differently in speech.

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015

    • #13

    Hi Dale Texas,

    Thanks for your nice reply.

    Your explanation is so powerful, full of confidence, and blowing everything away.
    I’m so happy to know you have the same opinion as Copyright.
    I feel the ice crystal in my brain, my question, is melting away.


    Dale Texas


    • #15

    So I think their meanings do depend on the context or the usage.

    Indeed they do, keeley, as do so many words in English.

    Even written as one word, «keyword» can have different meanings. In a search-related context, the meaning is the one already described by others, above. In the context of cyphers or codes, it’s a word that provides a basis for encoding and decoding a message. In a sentence such as «Secrecy is the keyword in this operation», it means that secrecy is the most important factor or consideration.


    • #16

    Hi Wordsmyth,

    Thanks for your nice reply.

    Now I well understand the difference between key word and keyword is a very, very subtle problem.


    Marcius Sanctus

    • #17

    I understood a little, BUT in the example above should I write keywords or key words when I write an essay and put an abstract. also, the one with hyphen exists? key-words??


    Keywords/key words: Workers. Poverty. Exploration and social protection.

    Thanks in advance.

    • #18

    «Social protection» isn’t a word at all — it’s a term.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In corpus linguistics a key word is a word which occurs in a text more often than we would expect to occur by chance alone.[1] Key words are calculated by carrying out a statistical test (e.g., loglinear or chi-squared) which compares the word frequencies in a text against their expected frequencies derived in a much larger corpus, which acts as a reference for general language use. Keyness is then the quality a word or phrase has of being «key» in its context.

    Compare this with collocation, the quality linking two words or phrases usually assumed to be within a given span of each other. Keyness is a textual feature, not a language feature (so a word has keyness in a certain textual context but may well not have keyness in other contexts, whereas a node and collocate are often found together in texts of the same genre so collocation is to a considerable extent a language phenomenon). The set of keywords found in a given text share keyness, they are co-key. Words typically found in the same texts as a key word are called associates.

    In politics, sociology and critical discourse analysis, the key reference for keywords was Raymond Williams (1976), but Williams was resolutely Marxist, and Critical Discourse Analysis has tended to perpetuate this political meaning of the term: keywords are part of ideologies and studying them is part of social criticism. Cultural Studies has tended to develop along similar lines. This stands in stark contrast to present day linguistics which is wary of political analysis, and has tended to aspire to non-political objectivity. The development of technology, new techniques and methodology relating to massive corpora have all consolidated this trend.

    There are, however, numerous political dimensions that come into play when keywords are studied in relation to cultures, societies and their histories. The Lublin Ethnolinguistics School studies Polish and European keywords in this fashion. Anna Wierzbicka (1997), probably the best known cultural linguist writing in English today, studies languages as parts of cultures evolving in society and history. And it becomes impossible to ignore politics when keywords migrate from one culture to another. Gianninoto (Underhill & Gianninoto 2019) demonstrates the way political terms like, «citizen» and «individual» are integrated into the Chinese worldview over the course of the 19th and 20th century. She argues that this is part of a complex readjustment of conceptual clusters related to «the people». Keywords like «citizen» generate various translations in Chinese, and are part of an ongoing adaptation to global concepts of individual rights and responsibilities. Understanding keywords in this light becomes crucial for understanding how the politics of China evolves as Communism emerges and as the free market and citizens’ rights develop. Underhill (Underhill & Gianninoto 2019) argues that this is part of the complex ways ideological worldviews interact with the language as an ongoing means of perceiving and understanding the world.

    Barbara Cassin studies keywords in a more traditional manner, striving to define the words specific to individual cultures, in order to demonstrate that many of our keywords are partially «untranslatable» into their «equivalents. The Greeks may need four words to cover all the meanings English-speakers have in mind when speaking of «love». Similarly, the French find that «liberté» suffices, while English-speakers attribute different associations to «liberty» and «freedom»: «freedom of speech» or «freedom of movement», but «the Statue of Liberty».


    1. ^ Scott, M. & Tribble, C., 2006, Textual Patterns: keyword and corpus analysis in language education, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 55.


    • Cassin, Barbara, 2014, «Dictionary of Untranslatables», Oxford, Princeton University Press.
    • Scott, M. & Tribble, C., 2006, Textual Patterns: keyword and corpus analysis in language education, Amsterdam: Benjamins, especially chapters 4 & 5.
    • Underhill, James, Gianninoto, Rosamaria, 2019, «Migrating Meanings: Sharing keywords in a global world», Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    • Wierzbicka, Anna, 1997, «Understanding Cultures through their Key Words», Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    • Williams, Raymond, 1976, «Keywords: A Vocabulary of culture and society», New York: Oxford University Press.

    External links[edit]

    • Understanding the role of text length, sample size and vocabulary size in determining text coverage, by Kiyomi Chujo and Masao Utiyama
    • Frequency Level Checker

    one thing let to another — one opportunity created another, make a really big thing of — emphasise, all things considered — having taken everything into account, I’ve got a thing for — I have strong feelings for , do your own thing — do what you want, the other thing of course is — we shouldn’t forget, a thing or two — a few things, the in thing — something is fashionable, the funny thing is — something is strange,

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    key words permuted — ключевые слова переставлены
    key words analyzer — анализатор ключевых слов (программное средство контроля согласованности технических требований)
    access to the file is available through key words — обращение к массиву обеспечивается ключевыми словами
    key word — ключевое слово
    key word in text — ключевое слово в тексте
    key word address — адрес ключевого слова
    key word generator — генератор слов (блоков) ключа
    key word in context — ключевое слово в контекстном окружении; предметный указатель
    key word breakpoint — точка прерывания по ключевому слову
    declarative key word — описательное ключевое слово
    key-word-out of context — система автоматического индексирования; ключевое слово вне контекста
    key-word-in-context index — указатель ключевых слов в контексте
    key-word-ont-of-context index — указатель ключевых слов вне контекста
    key-word-out-of-context index — указатель ключевых слов вне контекста
    the key Greek words are transliterated — ключевые греческие слова транслитерированы

    Автоматический перевод

    ключевые слова, основные слова

    Перевод по словам

    key  — ключевой, основной, главный, ключ, клавиша, кнопка, код, настраивать
    word  — слово, известие, речь, обещание, текст, вести, сформулировать, выражать словами


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    In her intro the author offers rather precise definitions of some of the key words that she will be using throughout her book.

    Во вступлении автор даёт довольно точные определения некоторых ключевых слов, которые она будет использовать на протяжении всей книги.

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  • I’ve always had … men in uniform! They look so handsome!


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  • You should never lose your temper with your students — it will only …


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  • These paintings may look like …, but every one of them is a fake.


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  • Cycling to work has become the … : it’s cheaper, healthier and very popular nowadays.


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  • I don’t want to … of it but you have been late for work three times this week :(


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  • Rock climbing is … : I’m afraid of heights!


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  • She’s always a crank … in the morning. You’d better leave her alone and wait till she is fully awaken.


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  • We always have a cup of cocoa … at night before going to bed.


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  • Dianne was a monster. …, she really enjoyed cruelty


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    keywords are particular words used, search or indexed within a document or volume of work.

    A key word is just a significant word.

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    В чем разница между keyword и key word ?

    • В чем разница между word и words ?


      Word is single and words is more than one

    • Что значит keyword?


      keyword is like a word that will help find or figure out something.hence the word key..it hints something.

    • В чем разница между word и letters и vocabulary ?


      A word can have one or more letters


      Letters are the alphabet

    • Покажите мне примеры предложений с towords.


      She worked her way towards her goal.

    • В чем разница между word и vocabulary ?


      Word is just the thing you use in a sentence vocabulary is a collection of words you know

    • Что значит key words?


      important words, that serve as «keys» to the meaning of the sentence/passage

    • В чем разница между the word и the words ?


      «The» is a definite article. It’s the only one in English.

      It doesn’t matter if there is one, or more, of the things it defines, as long as …

    • Покажите мне примеры предложений с Onword.


      “onward bound!” that’s the only time I hear the word)

    • В чем разница между key words и keywords ?


      keywords implies a search or computer/technical context.

      «To learn about Mexico in Google, try the keywords ‘Mexico, Spanish, Sinaloa, Tequi…

    • I think memorizing keyword and repeatedly saying words help me remember. это звучит нормально?
    • What could be attractive keyword is different case by case это звучит нормально?
    • 2.0 was used as a keyword at the conference and there were many people hoisting 2.0, promoted by …
    • В чем разница между man и men ?
    • В чем разница между I’m down for it и I’m up for it ?
    • В чем разница между signature и printed name ?
    • В чем разница между rape и molest ?
    • В чем разница между aren’t, isn,t и don’t, doesn’t ?
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    • В чем разница между ларёк и Забегаловка ?
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    • В чем разница между «Кыргызстана» и «Кыргызстане» ?
    • В чем разница между давайте слушать, что они рассказывают. и давайте послушаем, что они рассказыв…
    • В чем разница между будет запущена и запустится ?
    • В чем разница между Стучать у двери и стучать в дверь ?
    • В чем разница между ларёк и Забегаловка ?
    • В чем разница между мне хотелось купить себе такое же платье, как у подруги и мне хотелось купить…
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