he may have once worn
Например, мужчина, который поддерживает себя в хорошей физической форме, сохраняет ясную голову в напряженной ситуации… возможно,
он когда-то носил униформу.
Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man
holds it fast;
who keeps
the Sabbath from profaning it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil.
A man
respects himself,
mind must respect all his words with respect.
There’s something very suspicious about a man
booze under lock and key.
I can’t believe I was married to a man
license in
I have to believe that a man
looks you in the eye and gives you
word will
Я должна верить, что человек, дающий обещание, глядя тебе в глаза, сдержит его.
A man without
word is no better than
Results: 4016,
Time: 0.1574
I’m looking for an appropriate word to describe someone who is a man of his word.
Trustworthy springs to mind but doesn’t seem appropriate, as it doesn’t imply an honorable connotation associated with a person who keeps their word.
62.6k10 gold badges141 silver badges211 bronze badges
asked Aug 2, 2014 at 9:34
My answer may seem worthless but I think it would be better if you use «a man of his word» (not «a man his word»). Or would ‘truthful’ be appropriate?
answered Aug 2, 2014 at 9:52
A man of integrity.
according to ODO:
1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. «he is known to be a man of integrity»
synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character,
principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue,
decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness,
The three-word term is a recognised collocation, almost a compound noun (12.4 m Google hits). The adjective ‘integritous’ does exist but is rarely used.
answered Aug 2, 2014 at 9:55
Edwin AshworthEdwin Ashworth
74.3k11 gold badges138 silver badges235 bronze badges
Is there a reason «honorable» doesn’t suit? especially since you seem to be looking for something with that kind of connotation specifically?
The two basic definitions I seem to find mean either
1. in keeping with that standard code of conduct called honorable
(as in chivalry, or actions considered honorable in a specific group) OR
2. having and keeping their own code of conduct, consistently
(keeping their given word, being responsible for their own actions)
The second definition is perfectly in line with your meaning, the first might have some additional connotations depending on the context you use it in and who gets to define ‘honorable’ in that context.
From Dictionary.com, honorable includes
- in accordance with or characterized by principles of honor; upright:
They were all honorable men.- of high rank, dignity, or distinction; noble, illustrious, or distinguished.
- worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable.
- bringing honor or credit; consistent with honor.
The first mentions an outside standard of honor, the last two deal with self-consistency and reliability.
answered Jun 18, 2016 at 8:33
8971 gold badge6 silver badges9 bronze badges
«True to his word»
According to the Cambridge Dictionaries-
true to your word: keeping a sincere promise:
True to his word, he paid back the money he borrowed from us.
Another expression would be «a man of his word», as has been pointed out already.
This Google N-Gram suggests that the phrase «true to his word» has been used quite frequently over the years, as compared to «a man of his word».
answered Aug 2, 2014 at 10:23
Manish GiriManish Giri
2,3471 gold badge10 silver badges24 bronze badges
An old-fashioned expression goes,
He’s a man whose word is his bond.
The word bond is borrowed from the world of finance and insurance, and it concerns the guarantee of payments in the future, given certain criteria and circumstances which are laid out in a contract, or bond.
A man or woman who gives you their word (or guarantee) they will do something in the future is a man or woman whose word alone, and not an official-looking contract on a piece of paper, is sufficient, to guarantee their performance.
In other words, a person whose word is his bond is a person with whom you can forge an agreement by simply shaking hands to «seal the deal.»
In a litigious society such as ours in the US, shaking hands to seal a deal is rarely heard of, since a written contract is more persuasive in a court of law when and if the agreement is breached.
answered Aug 2, 2014 at 16:10
19.2k2 gold badges27 silver badges60 bronze badges
My two options closest to what you’re after:
- faithful. From Merriam-Webster:
faithful implies unswerving adherence to a person or thing or to the oath or promise by which a tie was contracted
- steadfast
Now, or if you want to make sure that refers to the man’s keeping his word, perhaps you could modify those and say steadfast in his word, faithful in his word or faithful to his word.
answered Jun 18, 2016 at 8:49
3,3816 gold badges33 silver badges47 bronze badges
A man or woman is said to give their word (about some subject). To give one’s word means to promise.
Then, that man or woman will either keep their word or not keep it. That means they will respect the promise they made, or not. If they do not keep it, they have broken it.
And that’s the long and short of this business.
And I take this opportunity to say that even a lowlife, criminal or scoundrel can give someone their word.
It has nothing to with whether a person is honest at his or her core. It depends on their relationship to the person to whom they have given their word.
In short, if you give your word, the question is: Are you going to keep it or not?
give someone’s one word in Merriam Webster
answered Sep 5, 2018 at 20:16
13k1 gold badge26 silver badges52 bronze badges
The qualities that women want in a man vary according to personal opinion, but there are certain qualities of a good man you should look for to ensure he’s a cut above the rest.
What does it mean to be a good man? Is there a list of traits you must tick off to graduate and earn the title, or is it something a little more fluid? After all, nobody is perfect, right? Learning the qualities of a good man is a little more complex than that.
There is no solid list covering the qualities of a good man because personal preferences vary from person to person, but there are a few staple points everyone can agree on.
Whether you are trying to become a better man or you’re trying to work out if a guy you’re seeing has these personality traits, it’s important to understand the key qualities of a good man, as this will set the tone of any relationship. [Read: These are the traits that make men attractive to women]
Remember that no one is perfect
Are you reading this to double-check that you have the qualities of a good man? Has someone told you that you aren’t good? Are you not sure what defines a good man? Well, the fact that you are concerned tells us you definitely have some qualities of a good man. But, there is always room for improvement.
It could be that you’ve started dating someone, and you want to be sure about their potential for long-term dating.
A key thing to remember is that no one is perfect; even good men aren’t perfect. A good man makes mistakes. A good man can make bad decisions. And a good man is still just a man doing his best.
So, as much as possible, try not to be too hard on yourself or the guy you’re seeing. We can all improve, but most times, it’s not easy. [Read: These are the signs of insecurity that insecure people can’t hide]
Spotting qualities that define a good man
The thing about spotting the characteristics of a good man is that they won’t often jump out at you. A good man won’t throw his goodness in your face.
A good man is exactly how people should be – he is just good. It isn’t shocking or noteworthy in everyday life, and you won’t necessarily be able to pinpoint the characteristics of his goodness in passing. Sure, he may help an elderly woman cross the street or feed stray animals, but it goes beyond that.
The best way to spot the characteristics of a good man is interaction and satisfaction. You come away from spending time with him feeling good about yourself and about him.
He makes you smile, not necessarily because he is funny or amusing, but because that is just him. The characteristics of a good man are listable, but the main one is just a feeling he gives you. You just know he is downright good. [Read: Surefire ways to know if you’re dating a true gentleman]
The good qualities that make up a good man
Each good man is unique. He has his own assets and certain characteristics. He is good at perking up someone who’s down, or caring for animals, or listening. You don’t need to have all of these qualities of a good man or even most of them. You just have to always try your best and be willing to improve.
Also, if you’re thinking about dating a guy, don’t assume he must have every single one of these points ticked off! [Read: Tips to fall in love with yourself and be a better you]
1. He cares about others
Obvious alert! We know you’ve heard this before, but it still needs to be said. One of the best ways to spot a good man is by observing how he treats others. Anyone can say they care about others, but that shouldn’t just mean your family and friends.
An ideal guy thinks about others’ well-being and is considerate of their feelings. He doesn’t just feel for them and move on. He makes his caring known through actions. It could be anything from donating to charities or paying for the coffee of the person behind him. [Read: How to become a better person in a relationship & be happier too]
2. He isn’t vain
We can all be a little vain, and there is nothing wrong with caring about how you look. But vanity isn’t just about appearances. A quality of a good man is a lack of self-importance. He is confident in who he is but doesn’t feel a need to show off.
Find a man who’s not vain and doesn’t think the world revolves around him. [Read: 15 things guys do that are big turn-offs to girls]
3. He respects women
This is essential if you want to be a good man *or even a halfway decent one*. Sadly, it seems to be a quality that many men these days lack.
Respecting women isn’t about saying you respect women and then proceeding to treat them like sex objects. It isn’t just about protecting women, and it’s not only about seeing women as true equals.
Part of this is also about feeling comfortable with your wife or girlfriend making more money than you. It is about letting her make her own decisions and respecting her choices. [Read: How to respect women without patronizing them]
4. He speaks up for what is right
A good man is not just someone who wouldn’t do bad things but also someone who speaks up about others’ bad actions. For example, he may not harass women at work, but if he sees a woman being harassed, he’ll step in.
One of the main qualities of a good man is knowing the difference between right and wrong and standing up for it.
5. He steps back when necessary
Yes, a good man gets involved but also knows when to back off and avoid crossing the line. If you are having a conversation with women about periods, just listen. Sure, everyone has their opinions, but there is a time and a place to share them.
Even if your involvement has good intentions and righteousness, it is not always called for. [Read: Inspiring male feminist ideas from men around the world]
6. He is kind to his elders
The elderly are one of the most forgotten and mistreated groups in the world, yet without them, we wouldn’t have half the knowledge we have today. A quality of a good man is not just holding the door open for a struggling woman but treating elders equally.
Find a guy who appreciates all that the elderly have to offer the world and what they have already done.
7. He is open-minded
A good man can come from any background and have a number of opinions and stances, but what makes him a good man is his ability to keep an open mind. This does not mean you have to change your beliefs, but be willing to listen to others.
It is about accepting an opinion or belief other than your own without needing to fight or criticize. [Read: 20 intellectual conversation topics that ignite meaningful communication]
8. He appreciates all races, religions, sexualities, and cultures
Acceptance is a big part of being a good man, but it isn’t just about not being homophobic, racist, or sexist. A good man goes above the status quo and truly appreciates everyone for their differences and uniqueness.
He doesn’t just tolerate what he doesn’t know. He loves it, respects it, and sees it as a blessing. Guys like these are game-changers, and they make the world a better place.
9. He is patient
Sure, he can beep his horn on the highway and curse out the guy that cut him off, but he is patient in other ways. One of the qualities of a good man is patience with others and himself. He gives himself time to make things happen.
In addition, he waits until others are ready. He doesn’t go overboard, push people, or make others uncomfortable. And it isn’t just about waiting. He understands that people work at different speeds, and he appreciates the work it takes to reach whatever goal. [Read: 15 things women look for in a man before falling for him]
10. He is generous
You do not have to hand out watches to everyone you know to be a good man. Being generous means being generous with your time and your kindness. Sure, it can mean donating to charity or giving back, but it also means helping a neighbor bring in their groceries.
It means feeding your friend’s pet when they are out of town. Essentially, it means taking time away from yourself and giving it to others.
11. He is aware
Many people think the best thing to do in the world is to turn the other cheek. That can be to the news, to wrongdoings, and more. We are not saying all good men are educated in every area of every topic. But, a good man makes it a priority to know what is going on around him.
He cares about what is happening with the people in his life and around the world and wants to stay informed. [Read: How to be a good citizen of the world while living at home]
12. He listens
Listening is what makes a good man. We don’t mean how you listened in school, but interacting and really processing what you see and hear. He can have a conversation with someone and absorb what they say and respond carefully. He looks straight into your eyes while you’re talking to show that he’s listening. In connection, he is a good communicator and is able to carry any conversation.
13. He communicates his feelings
A good man knows how to communicate his feelings. He isn’t afraid to show his softer side. But that’s not all; he is a good man because he shares his emotions in order to better his relationships, something that many men find difficult to do. [Read: Steps to better communication in a relationship]
14. He cares for animals and the environment
Again, we don’t mean he has to be vegan or live a zero-waste lifestyle. But a man who takes time to recycle when he can is a good man. A man who sees a stray cat or dog and calls the local animal charity rather than moving along is a good man.
15. He doesn’t mock others
We all make fun and tease. We all make jokes. But, the difference between a good man and a not-so-good man is that he won’t make jokes at the expense of others.
Find the man who may joke about his buddy’s less-than-great basketball skills but won’t mock a woman for her size, his friend for crying, or a stranger for their fashion choices. [Read: How to be nice – 20 easy tips to make everyone love being around you]
16. He is humble
Self-confidence and humility live along a fine line. But a good man balances the two.
He feels good about who he is and what he has without being boastful. Perhaps he loves his life and works hard but doesn’t brag about it. He has nice things or is surrounded by good people but doesn’t show off. [Read: The subtle differences between a confident and a cocky man]
17. He has humility
We all indeed care what others think once in a while, and that is totally fine and human. But, a good man knows when to laugh at himself. He knows when to take himself seriously and when to laugh until his drink comes out of his nose.
He’ll admit when he’s wrong without rigidness or hesitance. He knows when he makes mistakes, and instead of hiding them, he comes cleans and does better next time. [Read: Do you meet the qualifications for being a self-righteous dick?]
18. He asks questions
Just as a good man listens, he also asks questions. This is a part of caring. He genuinely wants to know how your grandma is and if you got that promotion.
He wants to learn more about you and the world. As we said, a good man is always trying to improve himself, not to prove a point, but just to be a better person. Knowledge is what gets him there. [Read: How to make someone happy – 20 ways to help them sparkle]
19. He is kind and empathetic
We know this seems basic, but it is important. Kindness is not about being agreeable. It is about spreading goodness. It can be anything from telling a cashier to have a good day, opening the door for a stranger, or offering your umbrella to someone.
He also shows empathy and tries to understand what other people are going through. [Read: Things to look for in a guy before dating him]
20. He admits when he’s wrong
Being able to admit your mistakes, especially misunderstandings, is one of the most emotionally intelligent and mature things a man can do. Being able to analyze your past behavior and grow and change from it is something a good man aspires to. Many women may think that they hit the jackpot if they found a man with high emotional intelligence, and it’s true!
21. He is honest
A good man knows honesty is the best policy. He is not a saint but is honest when it really matters. He doesn’t keep secrets from those he cares about.
This means you’ll feel more trusting towards him, which is one of the key cornerstones of a successful and loving relationship. [Read: Types of creepy guys that aren’t worth your time]
22. If he says he’s going to do something, he does it
A good man keeps his word. If he says he is going to do something, you can be sure that he will follow through. He is dependable and reliable and won’t let you down or cancel last minute unless something comes up that he really can’t get out of.
Being reliable is one of the key qualities of a good man and, sadly, something we don’t see a lot of these days.
23. He can laugh at himself
A good man has a solid sense of humor in life. He can see the lightness in any situation and has no problem laughing at himself.
Being around him is a fun experience, not because it’s a joke a minute, but because he connects with humor whenever he can, and that makes things lighter. He won’t become annoyed or sulk when he embarrasses himself; he’ll just take it on the chin and laugh. [Read: How to be funny – 28 must-know tips to make everyone love your humor]
24. He has a quiet confidence
A good man builds his confidence from within. He feels good about who he is and how he treats others. A good man doesn’t require acceptance or approval but is proud of himself.
He isn’t arrogant and does not have power issues. Instead, he radiates a sense of quiet confidence that is not only attractive but something that makes you feel comfortable and protected whenever he is around. [Read: The subtle differences between a confident and arrogant man]
25. He challenges himself and others
A good man is someone who always strives to be better. He knows he isn’t perfect and isn’t trying to be, but he pushes himself outside his comfort zone. When necessary, he also challenges others to do the same and helps people to reach their potential.
26. He brings positivity to the lives of others
A good man does not drain energy and happiness from others. Instead, he wants to leave people better and happier than they were before him.
His happy-go-lucky demeanor is enjoyable to be around, and when he leaves the room, people feel warm and uplifted. [Read: How to be more positive – 24 steps to a happy and dramatic life shift]
27. He shows gratitude
A good man doesn’t take things for granted. He appreciates the opportunities he has and the people in his life, and he shows that gratitude daily.
He has also good manners. You won’t catch him forgetting to say “thank you” when someone does something nice for him – even for small things.
28. He is direct when necessary
He knows that being direct with good news and bad is the best way to be in most situations. A good man has fears and hesitations but knows when to push those aside to focus on the task at hand.
That doesn’t mean he will deliver bad news in a harsh manner. Instead, he will choose the right method to avoid upsetting or hurting another person. You always know where you stand with a good man. [Read: Ways to break the bad news without a huge blow out]
29. He has morals he lives by
A good man has a strong sense of right and wrong. But at the same time, he doesn’t see the world in black and white like good and bad. He’s always open to hearing others’ thoughts and ways of living. But, he has faith in his moral compass and treats people according to it.
He will not betray his morals and spiritual beliefs for the sake of anything, and that means he’s genuine at all times.
30. He is supportive
A good man will not judge someone for their choice of life partner, job, or anything else. He will support those around him.
If you’re going through a hard time, a good man will be there for you in any way he can. That doesn’t mean he will always drop everything, but he’s there to listen, even if over the phone. [Read: 17 signs of a supportive partner who encourages you and your goals]
31. He makes an effort when it counts
A good man is not lazy or selfish. He has his moments, as we all do, but he wants to make the effort to make others happy. He doesn’t do it for recognition or approval but simply because he cares.
He’s not going to be buying you flowers every day, but he will make the right effort when the moment calls for it.
32. He’s trustworthy
If you can’t trust the dude, he’s a waste of time, and you better let him go! Can a relationship work without trust? You’ll constantly be on edge, paranoid, and convinced that he’s out doing all manner of nastiness with someone who isn’t you.
A guy’s trustworthiness is key. In fact, it’s the biggest of them all, so always listen to your gut on this one. [Read: The devious signs of sneaky people that should make you run]
33. He has a general plan for his life
It’s not a great sign when a guy has no idea what he wants in life and doesn’t seem to care that he has no plan at all. We’re not suggesting he should have his life mapped out, but a general direction is always something to look for.
This means he has determination and drive. These are not only attractive traits in a man but are qualities of a good one.
34. He’s determined
When he wants something, does he go after it with gusto? It’s an attractive quality. It’s something you should definitely be on the lookout for – it means he has fire in his belly!
It also means that he’ll be determined in helping the people around him. Find someone who doesn’t give up until the moment calls for it. [Read: The need for purpose in life]
35. He isn’t completely money-focused
A guy who has money at the top of his priority list and focuses his entire life on getting more is not someone to build a future with. Sure, money is important, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. A guy who focuses on love and experiences is a far better bet.
A good man knows this and focuses on a balance of the two. [Read: On the flip side, here’s what makes a girl dateable and a real catch]
36. He is intelligent
While a good man doesn’t have to have the highest IQ in the world, he’s smart enough to be able to hold an intelligent conversation about something other than the weather. This way, you’ll never be bored and have to resort to talking about the same thing every day.
He’s also keen to learn more and is probably a good reader. [Read: Intellectual questions to cue smart talk with anyone]
37. He is selfless
Whenever someone needs him, he does his best. If it means not going to the game he had planned to attend, so be it. He won’t make you feel guilty about becoming his priority, either.
Remember that everyone can be selfish on occasion, but overall, he’s very selfless with his time and attention. That’s one of the important qualities of a good man. It’s not all about him.
38. He is emotionally stable
A guy who lashes out at others and blames them for things that go wrong is not only not a fun person to be around; it is a major red flag. One of the best qualities of a good man is the ability to regulate his emotions and focus on the bigger picture.
Of course, sometimes he will be sad or angry, but he’s able to appreciate that these feelings come and go. He has a balance that allows him to get on with his life. A lot of women naturally want the kind of man who doesn’t let their emotions take over. [Read: 20 signs of emotional maturity and traits that reveal a mature mind]
39. He is practical
People assume that the word ‘practical’ means boring. It’s often thought about in negative terms. However, that’s not the case! A good guy is practical because he’s able to get things done.
He makes a plan and sees it through. He doesn’t rely on pie-in-the-sky ideas and dreams that never work out. It’s his practical side that helps him be dependable and reliable.
40. He makes others feel safe
One of the lesser-known best qualities of a good man is the ability to make people around him feel calm and safe. He has a certain aura that helps people to feel relaxed and looked after.
It’s mostly because of his kindness and empathy. He doesn’t enjoy seeing people upset or worried, and he does his best to take those negative emotions away as much as he can. This is one quality that many women want in a man and always look for in a romantic relationship, as being with a guy like this makes you worry less about your safety. [Read: Key differences – protective boyfriend or controlling boyfriend?]
41. He is creative
A good man knows that sometimes, a little imagination gets you a long way. He’s able to sit down with kids and play without feeling awkward or embarrassed. When it comes to fun times, he doesn’t mind throwing himself into games and using his creative mind to make things so much more enjoyable.
He might also enjoy creative hobbies. All of this means he’s in touch with his emotions and able to enjoy life. [Read: 15 compelling reasons to date an artistic, creative person]
A good man is a man worth being and searching for
You likely have a few of these qualities already. So, you’ve already made progress without doing anything! However, it’s equally as likely that you have some work to do. No problem!
Self-improvement is never time wasted, and by working through the points slowly, you’ll improve your awareness and your personality over time. That doesn’t mean you’ll become a totally different person. It just means you become a better version of yourself.
If you’re looking for a guy with these qualities, now you have all the information you need so that you won’t settle for anything less. Don’t expect him to have every single one, but a guy with a good few is someone with a good heart and a willingness to improve.
[Read: Self-concept – How we create and develop it to control our happiness]
Nobody is perfect, but if you have these qualities of a good man, or someone you want to date does, you’re right where you need to be.
Liked what you just read? Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest and we promise, we’ll be your lucky charm to a beautiful love life.
Have you heard The Phrase: A Man’s Word?
Of course you have. “A man’s word,” or “A man is only as good as his word.” It’s an old cliche, rarely used outside of conversations with your Grandpa.
And is it even true?
You could be as good as your money, or your status, or your image or your skill-set. But that’s all superficial stuff.
Your word is directly linked to your honour, trustworthiness and integrity.
Imagine a Man’s Word
You’re a brave soldier. You give your word to protect your outpost. But… you fall asleep and everyone is slaughtered.
Or you make a business deal, and give your word not to be a cheat. But you do cheat, and get caught.
You tell your woman you’re going to be loyal and monogamous… then she finds you at the local brothel, playing the piano with a harlot on your lap.
Your word is your:
- Responsibility
- Integrity
- Honour
- Trust
- Loyalty
- Truth
- Professionalism
- Style
- Consistency
- Dependability
Without your word, you’re nobody
Just another human flicking around your society, breaking promises and making grand empty gestures. You’re a liar and a cheat, a small time value sucker of low character, best set to clean toilets, or sell cigarettes in prison.
I’ve had a few clients sign up for my coaching programs, and then back out at the last minute. They tell me they have financial problems, or life problems, or whatever they come up with. They can’t tell the truth and say:
“I’m scared Tony.”
A Man’s Word To Himself
If a student flakes on me, I won’t re-accept him as a student, not for any money.
I’m glad they flaked. They have no integrity. They’re not to be trusted.
There’s nothing dishonourable about saying, “I’m afraid.” But giving your man’s word, and then breaking it because of fear…
He’s breaking his word to himself. That he would take part of his life that’s broken, and fix it.
When a man breaks his word, he destroys credibility, with himself
- Say you will do something, you do it
- Make a date or meeting, you arrive on time
- Give a promise, you keep it
- Start a project, you finish it
Men of their word are known to be trusted, superior, and reliable. A man who breaks his word is known to be weak, unreliable, and inferior.
If you do it, that’s how you’ll feel about yourself.
Your actions have consequences
My teen nephew loves his absentee Dad. Every time they talk on social media, he promises to come visit. But he never does. It’s always some excuse, like work, or money. The truth is, he’s lazy, disorganized, and dysfunctional.
And every time he breaks his word, his son loses respect.
Respect is hard to gain, easy to lose
Boys make excuses, men take responsibility.
Being a man of your word will allow you to rise above your station, to achieve great power, and mastery over others and yourself. It will grant you access to powerful people, and lift you to the realms of epic greatness.
Keeping Your Word is Easy
If you make a contract with yourself that you will approach women every day for thirty days, make more money, go to the gym five days a week, succeed at work, write a book, quit smoking, or finish a large project, and you honour your word—you will achieve power, influence and glory.
However, if you can’t keep your word even to yourself, why would anyone trust you?
A man without his word is destined for a life of menial labour, serving the needs of powerful men (and women).
You won’t attract great lovers, or create works of art that inspire. You’ll just be another guy, wandering through life, aimlessly.
He doesn’t exist, because he never commits.
Women and their word
You haven’t heard the saying, “A woman’s word,” because traditionally, women depended on men for their survival.
While men hunted, worked, and provided, women ran the household and raised kids. If a man didn’t keep his word, she’d be.. screwed. Probably by every lonely guy in town with a few coins. A man’s word meant the difference between a good life, and bad one.
If your woman’s word is stronger than yours, then get ready to find a new girlfriend.
- Do what you say you will do
- Keep your promises
- Build relationships
- Create more than you consume
Always Whenever Possible, Keep Your Word
Then what’s the solution? It’s simple. Keep your word, or don’t give it.
You’ve been talking about writing that book… so write it!
You’re going to lose the gut… so do it!
You want to find a girlfriend… so go out at find her!
Do what you say you’re going to do
Should you break your word, then be accountable and correct the issue as best you can.
how often do you break your word? If it’s often, then I ask you…are you rich, do you have a great and happy girlfriend and are you surrounded by loyal friends that will grant you favors and help you on your path?
If not, it’s not too late to change this. Just start keeping your word, and make this your most valuable character trait.
Benefits of Keeping Your Word
- Stronger, more loyal relationships
- A sense of identity
- A richer family and social life
- Be more trusted in your social circles
- More social opportunity
There’s very little downside to keeping your word.
Maybe you’ll have to move a friend’s couch in the rain, or stay at work and cram in overtime. Perhaps you won’t get to finish that last level in your favorite video game. But the result of keeping your word is that you’ll have respect.
Keeping Your Word is Like Money in The Bank
Every time you keep your word, it’s like putting money into the bank. Your reputation is that you’re reliable, honest, and trustworthy. When you need a favor, people will be happy to help, because they understand your character and if they ask you for something, you’ll keep your promises.
You Can Always Say No
It’s better to say no, then to break your word. At least you’re honest.
I had a friend who recently asked me to watch his children while he went to a swinger party. I always hate saying no to friends, but I was working on a big project, and didn’t want to commit this time. So I said no.
He’s still my friend.
Saying no mean’s you won’t break your word.
A Man Who Keeps His Word Gains Respect
Respect is a powerful emotion. It mean’s people trust you. With trust, comes responsibility, sure. But a little responsibility can lead to amazing growth. There’s nothing wrong with it.
Have You Been Running From Responsibility?
Perhaps it’s time to evaluate your reputation. Are you know as the guy who isn’t dependable? Who breaks his word?
Would you rather be the go to guy for problem solving? The winner? The man of honor?
It’s up to you who you want to be.
Start by trying a little harder to keep your word.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «держит свое слово» на английский
keep his word
keeps his promises
keep their word
keeps her word
does what he says
kept its word
keeps its word
man of his word
Однако с другими мужчинами он, с другой стороны, практически всегда держит свое слово.
With men, on the other hand, he will almost always keep his word.
Человек ничего не значит в этом мире, если он не держит свое слово.
A man is nothing in this world if he doesn’t keep his word.
Успешный лидер всегда держит свое слово.
Для меня крайне важно, когда человек держит свое слово.
Людям нравится иметь дело с теми, кто держит свое слово.
У нас не осталось другого выбора, кроме как работать с теми, кто держит свое слово, кто при всех различиях в подходах все-таки привержен поиску общих позиций, урегулирования, которое будет сохранять Сирию в качестве единого территориально целостного государства.
We had no choice but to work with those who keep their word and who, although they hold different views, agree to coordinate positions on a settlement that will preserve Syria as a united and territorially integral state.
Он был человеком, который держит свое слово.
Я нахожу его человеком, который держит свое слово.
Ту славится тем, что держит свое слово.
Успешный лидер всегда держит свое слово.
И, к счастью для вас, мой брат всегда держит свое слово.
Приятно найти кого-нибудь, кто держит свое слово.
Человек с характером держит свое слово.
Успешный лидер всегда держит свое слово.
Он держит свое слово, в этом ему можно довериться.
Это немного дестабилизирует его, но он держится и держит свое слово», — сказала адвокат.
It destabilizes him a bit, but he has hung and kept his word, said the lawyer.
Однако с другими мужчинами он, с другой стороны, практически всегда держит свое слово.
But, with women, on the other hand, he hardly ever keeps his word.
Он должен быть надежным человеком, который держит свое слово и обещания.
Да хотя бы тем, что он держит свое слово.
Он был человеком, который держит свое слово.
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Хозяин своего слова
Хозяин своего слова
[khozyain svoego slova]
— a man of his word
What it means:
A responsible person who can be trusted. A person who keeps his word and fulfils his promises.
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man of his word
one who keeps promises, is dependable
хозяин своего слова, держит слово
You can depend on his promise to help. He’s a man of his word.
English-Russian mini useful dictionary > man of his word
man of his word
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > man of his word
man of his word
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > man of his word
man of his word
человек слова, хозяин своего слова
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > man of his word
man of his word
Новый англо-русский словарь > man of his word
man of his word
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > man of his word
a man of his word
человек слова, хозяин своего слова
I’m a man of my word; and what I say, I do. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Caravan’, ‘A Stoic’) — я человек слова и что говорю, то и делаю.
Of course, the Breckinridges were… men of their word. (W. Du Bois, ‘The Ordeal of Mansart’, ch. 1) — Конечно, Брекинриджи… умели держать свое слово.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > a man of his word
a man of his word
чeлoвeк cлoвa, xoзяин cвoeгo cлoвa
I’m a man of my word, and what I say, I do (J. Galsworthy)
Concise English-Russian phrasebook > a man of his word
a man of his word
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a man of his word
Large English-Russian phrasebook > man
word [wɜ:d]
1) сло́во;
in a word, in one word одни́м сло́вом; коро́че говоря́
to put in ( или to say) a word for smb. замо́лвить за кого́-л. слове́чко
to take smb. at his word пойма́ть кого́-л. на сло́ве
2) ( часто
) речь, разгово́р;
3) обеща́ние, сло́во;
4) замеча́ние;
to say a few words вы́сказать не́сколько замеча́ний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т.п.)
размо́лвка, ссо́ра, перебра́нка;
to have words with smb. кру́пно поговори́ть, поссо́риться с кем-л.
7) ве́сти; изве́стие, сообще́ние;
to receive word of smb.’s coming получи́ть изве́стие о чьём-л. прие́зде
9) паро́ль;
10) деви́з; ло́зунг
а) ≅ после́дний крик мо́ды;
б) после́днее сло́во (в какой-л. области);
а) от него́ сло́ва не добьёшься;
б) он и разгова́ривать не жела́ет;
выража́ть слова́ми; подбира́ть выраже́ния;
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > word
1. сущ.
1) слово to write a word ≈ сделать запись to coin a word ≈ создать/придумать новое слово to mispronounce слово ≈ неправильно произнести слово to distort smb.’s words ≈ переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов to hang on (to) smb. ‘s words ≈ придираться к чьим-л. словам of few words ≈ немногословно She took the words right out of my mouth. ≈ Она читает мои мысли (говорит то, о чем я хотел сказать) to get a word in edgewise ≈ ввернуть словечко, сделать дельное замечание to have the last word ≈ сказать послпеднее слово (положить конец спору, распре) to take smb. at her/his word ≈ поймать на слове кого-л. Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. ≈ Об этом никому ни слова. There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. ≈ В газетах нет ни слова о происшествии. She would like to say a few words about the incident. ≈ Она хотела бы сказать несколько слов о происшествии. not to mince any words ≈ рассказать все без утайки angry words cross words sharp words choice word harsh word hasty words high-sounding words hollow words hypocritical words sincere words weasel words archaic words obsolete words borrowed words compound word dialectal words regional words foreign words four-letter words obscene words monosyllabic words nonce words portmanteau word simple words taboo word guide word household word in a word in one word put in a word say a word word in one’s ear it is not the word take at his word on the word with the word
2) часто мн. разговор, речь to put in a good word for smb. ≈ произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л. to have words ≈ крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л. (with smb.) warm words, hot words ≈ брань, крупный разговор fair words ≈ комплименты
3) замечание
4) обещание, слово to break one’s word ≈ не сдержать обещание, нарушить клятву one’s solemn word ≈ торжественное обещание one’s word of honor ≈ слово чести She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. ≈ Она пообещала мне, что отправит сообщение. She’s a woman of her word. ≈ Она человек слова. man of his word ≈ человек слова upon my word ≈ Честное слово!
5) вести;
известие, сообщение
6) приказание to give word ≈ отдать распоряжение word of command ≈ команда
7) пароль
лозунг ∙ hard words break no bones посл. ≈ брань на вороту не виснет a word spoken is past recalling посл. ≈ слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь a word to the wise ≈ умный с полуслова понимает big words last word sharp’s the word! in so many words code word
2. гл. выражать словами;
подбирать выражения
слово — primary * корневое слово — half a * полслова — to be not the * for it быть недостаточным для выражения или определения чего-л. — tactlessness is not the * for it! «бестактность» — это не то слово /это слишком слабо сказано/! — I am repeating his very /actual/ *s я повторяю его собственные слова, я дословно передаю сказанное им часто pl речь, разговор, слова — concluding *s заключительное слово — to have a * with smb. поговорить с кем-л. — to take (up) the * заговорить;
перебить( кого-л.) — to put smth. into *s, to give *s to smth. выразить что-л. словами — to put one’s thoughts into *s высказать /сформулировать/ свои мысли — to get /to put/ in a * вставить слово, вмешаться в разговор — *s fail me у меня не хватает слов — I have no *s to express my gratitude мне не хватает слов, чтобы выразить благодарность — a truer * was never spoken совершенно верно!;
лучше не скажешь — bold in * only смелый только на словах — «A * to the Reader» «К читателю» (введение к книге) pl размолвка, ссора — high /hard/ *s разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор — they had *s, *s passed between them они поссорились, между ними произошла ссора замечание, совет — a * in season своевременный совет — a * in smb.’s ear намек (тк. в ед. ч.) вести;
известие, сообщение — to receive * of smb.’s coming получить известие о чьем-л. приезде — please send me * as soon as possible пожалуйста, известите меня как можно скорее — please leave * for me at the office пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии (тк. в ед. ч.) обещание, заверение — to give one’s * дать слово;
обещать — to keep one’s * сдержать слово — a man of his * человек слова — to be as good as one’s * сдержать слово — to be better than one’s * сделать больше обещанного — to take smb. at his * поверить кому-л. на слово;
принять чьи-л. слова всерьез — his * is as good as his bond на его слово можно положиться;
его слово — лучшая гарантия — take my * for it (разговорное) уверяю вас, поверьте мне рекомендация, совет — to say /to put in/ a good * for smb. хвалить или отстаивать кого-л.;
замолвить за кого-л. словечко — to give smb. one’s good * рекомендовать кого-л. (на должность и т. п.) (тк. в ед. ч.) приказ, приказание — * of command( военное) команда — to give the *, to say the * отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/ — * to be passed! (военное) (морское) слушайте все! — his * is law его слово — закон — sharp’s the *! поторапливайся, живей! — mum’s the *! тихо!, ни слова об этом! пароль, пропуск пословица, поговорка слух, молва( the W.) (религия) Слово господне (о священном писании, особ. о Евангелии;
тж. W. of God, God’s W.) — to preach the W. проповедывать евангелие /христианство/ Слово, Бог-слово, Христос (тж. Eternal W.) — ministers of the W. (христианское) духовенство pl (музыкальное) (театроведение) текст, слова ( песни) ;
либретто( оперы) ;
текст (роли) (полиграфия) слово (условная единица объема, равная 5 печатным знакам) — 8000 *s = 1 печатный лист — a book of 160000 *s книга в 20 печатных листов (компьютерное) слово;
кодовая группа;
группа символов (биология) кодовое слово (в генетическом коде) > for *, to a * дословно, буквально, слово в слово > a man of few *s немногословный человек > a man of many *s велеречивый человек;
болтун > by * of mouth на словах, устно > in a /one/ * одним словом, короче говоря > in other *s другими словами, иначе говоря > in a few *s в нескольких словах, вкратце > without many *s без лишних слов > not a *! (разговорное) ни слова!, ни гу-гу!, молчок! > in * and deed на словах и на деле > a play on /upon/ *s игра слов, каламбур > big *s хвастовство > upon /on/ my * (даю) честное слово > my *! подумать только! > in the *s of… говоря словами /по выражению, по словам/ такого-то… > in so many *s определенно, ясно, недвусмысленно;
прямо, откровенно > on /with/ the * как только было сказано;
без промедления;
тут же, сейчас же > to hang on smb.’s *s ловить чьи-л. слова;
внимательно прислушиваться к кому-л. > beyond *s неописуемый, невыразимый > conduct beyond *s поведение, не поддающееся описанию > a * and a blow необдуманный поступок, скоропалительное действие > to eat /to swallow/ one’s *s брать свои слова обратно;
извиняться за сказанное > fair /good/ *s комплименты > fine *s красивые слова > fine /fair, soft/ *s butter no parsnips, *s are but wind (красивые) слова ничего не стоят > he has a kind /a good/ * for everyone у него для каждого человека найдется доброе слово > last *s последние /предсмертные/ слова > the last * (in smth.) последнее слово, новейшее достижение > the last * has not yet been said on this matter последнее слово по этому поводу еще не сказано, вопрос еще окончательно не решен > to have the last * сказать последнее слово (в споре) > not to know the first * about smth. ничего не понимать в чем-л., не знать азов чего-л. > he hasn’t a * to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься > to suit the action to the * смотреть, чтобы слово не расходилось с делом;
сказано — сделано > a * spoken is past recalling слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь > *s are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money только дурак верит на слово > a * to the wise умный с полуслова понимает > hard *s break no bones брань на вороту не виснет выражать словами;
подбирать слова, выражения;
формулировать — I should rather * it differently я бы сказал /сформулировал/ это иначе — how should it be *ed? как бы это выразить?
address ~ вчт. адресное слово
alphabetic ~ вчт. буквенное слово
associatively located ~ вчт. слово найденное ассоциативным поиском
banner ~ вчт. начальное слово
I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
~ девиз;
big words хвастовство
binary ~ вчт. двоичное слово
block descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор блока
buzz ~ вчт. основное слово
call ~ вчт. вызывающее слово
~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами
check ~ вчт. контрольное слово
code ~ кодированное слово
command ~ вчт. имя команды
comparand ~ вчт. характеристический признак
computer ~ вчт. машинное слово
constant ~ вчт. константное слово
control ~ вчт. управляющее слово
data ~ вчт. слово данных
descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор
digital ~ вчт. цифровое слово
double ~ вчт. двойное слово
edit ~ вчт. редактирующее слово
empty ~ вчт. пустое слово
entry ~ док. порядковое слово описания
warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
fair words комплименты
full ~ вчт. слово
function ~ вчт. функциональная команда
~ пароль;
to give the word сказать пароль
~ приказание;
word of command воен. команда;
to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
half ~ вчт. полуслово
in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
to have words (with smb.) крупно поговорить, поссориться (с кем-л.)
he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься
I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
identifier ~ вчт. идентификатор
in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
короче говоря;
to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
короче говоря;
to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
index ~ вчт. модификатор
information ~ вчт. информационное слово
isolated ~ вчт. выбранное слово
a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
key ~ вчт. ключевое слово
the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) последнее слово (в какой-л. области) the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) = последний крик моды
the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
lock ~ вчт. блокировочное слово
long ~ вчт. двойное слово
matching ~ вчт. слово с совпавшим признаком
nonreserved ~ вчт. незарезервированное слово
numeric ~ вчт. цифровое слово
offensive ~ оскорбительное слово
to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
on (или with) the word вслед за словами
optional ~ вчт. дополнительное слово
packed ~ вчт. упакованное слово
parameter ~ вчт. параметр
partial ~ вчт. часть слова
primary ~ вчт. встроенная операция
processor status ~ вчт. слово состояния процессора
program status ~ вчт. слово состояния программы
in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
короче говоря;
to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
word вести;
известие, сообщение;
to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде
request ~ вчт. слово запроса
reserved ~ вчт. зарезервированное слово
~ замечание;
to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.)
search ~ вчт. признак
secondary ~ вчт. вторичная команда
selected ~ вчт. выбранное слово
the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
she had the last ~ ее слово было последним, = она в долгу не осталась
spoken ~ вчт. произносимое слово
status ~ вчт. слово состояния
to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
on (или with) the word вслед за словами
test ~ вчт. тестовое слово
unmarked ~ вчт. непомеченное слово
~ обещание, слово;
to give one’s word обещать;
a man of his word человек слова;
upon my word! честное слово!
upper half of ~ вчт. старшее полуслово
warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
fair words комплименты
wide ~ вчт. длинное слово
word вести;
известие, сообщение;
to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде ~ выражать словами;
подбирать выражения;
to word a telegram составить телеграмму ~ выражать словами ~ девиз;
big words хвастовство ~ заверение ~ замечание;
to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.) ~ замечание ~ известие ~ обещание, слово;
to give one’s word обещать;
a man of his word человек слова;
upon my word! честное слово! ~ обещание ~ пароль;
to give the word сказать пароль ~ пароль ~ приказ ~ приказание;
word of command воен. команда;
to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение ~ приказание ~ пропуск ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами ~ слово;
word for word слово в слово;
by word of mouth устно;
на словах ~ слово ~ вчт. слово ~ совет ~ сообщение ~ формулировыать ~ элемент информации
~ выражать словами;
подбирать выражения;
to word a telegram составить телеграмму
~ слово;
word for word слово в слово;
by word of mouth устно;
на словах
a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
~ приказание;
word of command воен. команда;
to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь
a ~ to the wise = умный с полуслова понимает
written-in ~ вчт. записанное слово
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > word
1. [wɜ:d]
1. слово
primary [simple, vernacular, accessory] word — корневое [простое, исконное, служебное] слово
tactlessness is not the word for it! — «бестактность» — это не то слово /это слишком слабо сказано/!
I am repeating his very /actual/ words — я повторяю его собственные слова, я дословно передаю сказанное им
2. речь, разговор, слова
to have a word with smb. — поговорить с кем-л.
to take (up) the word — заговорить; перебить ()
to put smth. into words, to give words to smth. — выразить что-л. словами
to put one’s thoughts into words — высказать /сформулировать/ свои мысли
to get /to put/ in a word — вставить слово, вмешаться в разговор
I have no words to express my gratitude — мне не хватает слов, чтобы выразить благодарность
a truer word was never spoken — ≅ совершенно верно!; лучше не скажешь
❝A word to the Reader❞ — «К читателю» ()
high /hard/ words — разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор
they had words, words passed between them — они поссорились, между ними произошла ссора
4. замечание, совет
a word in [out of] season — своевременный [непрошеный] совет
a word in smb.’s ear — намёк
sing вести; известие, сообщение
to receive word of smb.’s coming — получить известие о чьём-л. приезде
please send me word as soon as possible — пожалуйста, известите меня как можно скорее
please leave word for me at the office — пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии
sing обещание, заверение
to give one’s word — дать слово; обещать
to keep [to break] one’s word — сдержать [нарушить] слово
to take smb. at his word — поверить кому-л. на слово; принять чьи-л. слова всерьёз
his word is as good as his bond — на его слово можно положиться, его слово — лучшая гарантия
7. рекомендация, совет
to say /to put in/ a good word for smb. — хвалить отстаивать кого-л.; замолвить за кого-л. словечко
to give smb. one’s good word — рекомендовать кого-л. ()
sing приказ, приказание
to give the word, to say the word — отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/
sharp’s the word! — поторапливайся!, живей!
mum’s the word! — тихо!, ни слова об этом!
9. пароль, пропуск
10. пословица, поговорка
11. слух, молва
1) Слово господне (;
Word of God, God’s Word)
to preach the Word — проповедовать евангелие /христианство/
2) Слово, бог-слово, Христос (
Eternal Word)
муз., театр. текст, слова (); либретто (); текст ()
1) слово
2) код; кодовая группа; группа символов
for word, to a word — дословно, буквально, слово в слово
a man of many words — велеречивый человек; болтун
by word of mouth — на словах, устно
in a /one/ word — одним словом, короче говоря
in other words — другими словами, иначе говоря
in a few words — в нескольких словах, вкратце
a play on /upon/ words — игра слов, каламбур
upon /on/ my word — (даю) честное слово
my word! — подумать только!
in the words of… — говоря словами /по выражению, по словам/ такого-то…
in so many words — а) определённо, ясно, недвусмысленно; б) прямо, откровенно
on /with/ the word — как только было сказано; без промедления; тут же, сейчас же
to hang on smb.’s words — ловить чьи-л. слова; внимательно прислушиваться к кому-л.
beyond words — неописуемый, невыразимый
conduct beyond words — поведение, не поддающееся описанию
a word and a blow — необдуманный поступок, скоропалительное действие
to eat /to swallow/ one’s words — брать свои слова обратно; извиняться за сказанное
fair /good/ words — комплименты
fine /fair, soft/ words butter no parsnips, words are but wind — ≅ (красивые) слова ничего не стоят
he has a kind /a good/ word for everyone — у него для каждого найдётся доброе слово
last words — последние /предсмертные/ слова
the last word (in smth.) — последнее слово, новейшее достижение
the last word has not yet been said on this matter — последнее слово по этому поводу ещё не сказано, вопрос ещё окончательно не решён
not to know the first word about smth. — ничего не понимать в чём-л., не знать азов чего-л.
to suit the action to the word — смотреть, чтобы слово не расходилось с делом; ≅ сказано — сделано
a word spoken is past recalling — ≅ слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь
words are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money — ≅ только дурак верит на слово
a word to the wise — ≅ умный с полуслова понимает
hard words break no bones — ≅ брань на вороту не виснет
2. [wɜ:d]
выражать словами; подбирать слова, выражения; формулировать
I should rather word it differently — я бы сказал /сформулировал/ это иначе
how should it be worded? — как бы это выразить?
НБАРС > word
address word вчт. адресное слово alphabetic word вчт. буквенное слово associatively located word вчт. слово найденное ассоциативным поиском banner word вчт. начальное слово I should word it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе; a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь word девиз; лозунг; big words хвастовство binary word вчт. двоичное слово block descriptor word вчт. дескриптор блока buzz word вчт. основное слово call word вчт. вызывающее слово word (часто pl) речь, разговор; can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами check word вчт. контрольное слово code word кодированное слово command word вчт. имя команды comparand word вчт. характеристический признак computer word вчт. машинное слово constant word вчт. константное слово control word вчт. управляющее слово data word вчт. слово данных descriptor word вчт. дескриптор digital word вчт. цифровое слово double word вчт. двойное слово edit word вчт. редактирующее слово empty word вчт. пустое слово entry word док. порядковое слово описания warm (или hot) words брань, крупный разговор; fair words комплименты full word вчт. слово function word вчт. функциональная команда word пароль; to give the word сказать пароль word приказание; word of command воен. команда; to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение half word вчт. полуслово in so many words ясно, недвусмысленно; hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет to have words (with smb.) крупно поговорить, поссориться (с кем-л.) he hasn’t a word to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает; a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь he hasn’t a word to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься I should word it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе; a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь identifier word вчт. идентификатор in a word, in one word одним словом; короче говоря; to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко in a word, in one word одним словом; короче говоря; to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко in so many words ясно, недвусмысленно; hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет index word вчт. модификатор information word вчт. информационное слово isolated word вчт. выбранное слово a word in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету; it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано key word вчт. ключевое слово the last word (in (или on) smth.) последнее слово (в какой-л. области) the last word (in (или on) smth.) = последний крик моды the last word has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен; sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей! lock word вчт. блокировочное слово long word вчт. двойное слово matching word вчт. слово с совпавшим признаком nonreserved word вчт. незарезервированное слово numeric word вчт. цифровое слово offensive word оскорбительное слово to take (smb.) at his word поймать (кого-л.) на слове; on (или with) the word вслед за словами optional word вчт. дополнительное слово packed word вчт. упакованное слово parameter word вчт. параметр partial word вчт. часть слова primary word вчт. встроенная операция processor status word вчт. слово состояния процессора program status word вчт. слово состояния программы in a word, in one word одним словом; короче говоря; to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко word вести; известие, сообщение; to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде request word вчт. слово запроса reserved word вчт. зарезервированное слово word замечание; to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.) search word вчт. признак secondary word вчт. вторичная команда selected word вчт. выбранное слово the last word has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен; sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей! she had the last word ее слово было последним, = она в долгу не осталась spoken word вчт. произносимое слово status word вчт. слово состояния to take (smb.) at his word поймать (кого-л.) на слове; on (или with) the word вслед за словами test word вчт. тестовое слово unmarked word вчт. непомеченное слово word обещание, слово; to give one’s word обещать; a man of his word человек слова; upon my word! честное слово! upper half of word вчт. старшее полуслово warm (или hot) words брань, крупный разговор; fair words комплименты wide word вчт. длинное слово word вести; известие, сообщение; to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде word выражать словами; подбирать выражения; to word a telegram составить телеграмму word выражать словами word девиз; лозунг; big words хвастовство word заверение word замечание; to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.) word замечание word известие word обещание, слово; to give one’s word обещать; a man of his word человек слова; upon my word! честное слово! word обещание word пароль; to give the word сказать пароль word пароль word приказ word приказание; word of command воен. команда; to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение word приказание word пропуск word (часто pl) речь, разговор; can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами word слово; word for word слово в слово; буквально; by word of mouth устно; на словах word слово word вчт. слово word совет word сообщение word формулировыать word элемент информации word выражать словами; подбирать выражения; to word a telegram составить телеграмму word слово; word for word слово в слово; буквально; by word of mouth устно; на словах a word in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету; it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано word приказание; word of command воен. команда; to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение he hasn’t a word to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает; a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь a word to the wise = умный с полуслова понимает written-in word вчт. записанное слово
English-Russian short dictionary > word
1. n часто речь, разговор, слова
2. n размолвка, ссора
high words — разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор
3. n замечание, совет
4. n тк. вести; известие, сообщение
5. n тк. обещание, заверение
6. n рекомендация, совет
7. n тк. приказ, приказание
8. n пароль, пропуск
пословица, поговорка
9. n слух, молва
10. n рел. Слово господне
11. n рел. Слово, бог-слово, Христос
12. n рел. муз. театр. текст, слова; либретто; текст
control word — управляющее слово; командное слово; команда
13. n вчт. код; кодовая группа; группа символов
symbol word — слово обозначающее символ; название символа
14. n вчт. биол. кодовое слово
in a word — одним словом, короче говоря
in the words of … — говоря словами такого-то …
on the word — как только было сказано; без промедления; тут же, сейчас же
15. v выражать словами; подбирать слова, выражения; формулировать
Синонимический ряд:
1. expression (noun) affirmation; assertion; asseveration; comment; declaration; designation; expression; locution; remark; statement; term; utterance; vocable
4. order (noun) behest; bidding; charge; command; commandment; dictate; direction; directive; injunction; instruction; mandate; order
5. password (noun) catchword; countersign; password; shibboleth; signal; watchword
6. pledge (noun) assurance; commitment; guarantee; pledge; warrant
8. report (noun) account; advice; buzz; communication; cry; gossip; grapevine; hearsay; information; intelligence; message; murmur; news; on-dit; report; rumble; rumor; rumour; scuttlebutt; speerings; talk; tattle; tidings; tittle-tattle; whispering
10. express (verb) couch; express; formulate; phrase; put; style; voice
Антонимический ряд:
English-Russian base dictionary > word
archaic / obsolete words — устаревшие слова
dialectal / regional words — диалектные слова
four-letter / obscene words — непристойные, неприличные слова, ругательства
angry / cross / sharp words — резкие, оскорбительные слова
hollow / hypocritical words — неискренние, лживые слова
to distort smb.’s words — переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов
to say a few words about smth. — высказать своё мнение о чём-л.
She took the words right out of my mouth. — Она прямо читала мои мысли.
Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. — Об этом никому ни слова.
There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. — В газетах не было ни слова о происшествии.
— harsh word
— hasty words
— high-sounding words
— sincere words
— borrowed words
— compound word
— foreign words
— monosyllabic words
— guide word
— in a word
— in one word
[ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Word order[/ref]
[ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Word classes[/ref]
2) разговор, речь
to put in a good word for smb. — произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л.
3) замечание, высказывание
She said a few words about his last book. — Она сказала несколько слов о его последней книге.
4) размолвка, ссора
to have words with smb. — крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л.
5) обещание, слово
She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. — Она дала мне слово, что доставит сообщение.
6) вести; известие, сообщение
to get the word out, to spread the word — сообщать
He sent us word that he would be late. — Он прислал нам сообщение о том, что будет поздно.
7) приказ, приказание, распоряжение, команда
Don’t move till I give the word. — Не двигайся, пока я не подам знак.
9) девиз; лозунг
поговорка, пословица
11) ; = the Word of God Слово Божие, Библия
12) текст , либретто
man of his word, woman of her word — человек слова, хозяин своего слова
to hang on / to smb.’s words — внимательно слушать, ловить каждое слово
to take smb. at her / his word — поймать кого-л. на слове
to put in / say a word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.
It’s too beautiful word words. — Слов нет — это прекрасно.
He hasn’t a word to throw at a dog. — От него слова не добьёшься.
Hard words break no bones. посл. — Брань на вороту не виснет.
A word spoken is past recalling. посл. — Слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь.
A word to the wise. посл. — Умный с полуслова понимает.
— last word
— in so many words
— code word
— fair words
— have a word in smb.’s ear
— It is not the word!
— Upon my word!
— Sharp’s the word!
— Mum’s the word!
1) формулировать, выражать словами; подбирать выражения
Unfortunately, your idea is coarsely worded. — К сожалению, ваша идея плохо сформулирована.
They worded it a long while. — Они долго говорили об этом.
заговаривать , приставать
Англо-русский современный словарь > word
1) слово; word for word слово в слово; буквально; by word of mouth устно; на словах; in a word, in one word одним словом; короче говоря; to put in (или to say) a word for smb. замолвить за кого-л. словечко; a word in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету; it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано; to take smb. at his word поймать кого-л. на слове; on (или with) the word вслед за словами
2) (часто pl) речь, разговор; can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами; to have words with smb. крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л.; warm (или hot) words брань, крупный разговор; fair words комплименты
3) замечание; to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.); she had the last word ее слово было последним,
она в долгу не осталась
4) обещание, слово; to give one’s word обещать; a man of his word человек слова; upon my word! честное слово!; to be as good as one’s word сдержать слово; to be better than one’s word сделать больше обещанного
5) вести; известие, сообщение; to receive word of smb.’s coming получить известие о чьем-л. приезде
6) приказание; word of command
команда; to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
7) пароль; to give the word сказать пароль
девиз; лозунг
big words хвастовство
the last word in (или on)
б) последнее слово (в какой-л. области)
the last word has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен
sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
in so many words ясно, недвусмысленно
hard words break no bones посл. ‘
брань на вороту не виснет
he hasn’t a word to throw at a dog
а) от него слова не добьешься;
б) он и разговаривать не желает
а word spoken is past recalling посл. ‘
слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь
а word to the wise
умный с полуслова понимает
выражать словами; подбирать выражения; to word a telegram составить телеграмму; I should word it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе; a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
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2 (v) сформулировать; формулировать
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[wɜrd /wɜːd]
слово; речь; разговор; размолвка, ссора; обещание; замечание; известие, сообщение; приказание; пароль; девиз, лозунг; текст
выражать словами, подбирать выражения, сформулировать, вести
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1. сущ.
1) слово
2) часто мн. разговор
3) замечание, высказывание (о чем-л., по поводу чего-л.)
4) обещание
5) вести
6) приказ
2. гл.
1) устар. говорить
2) формулировать, выражать словами; подбирать выражения
3) обращаться (к кому-л.) со словом, с речью
Новый англо-русский словарь > word
1. n геогр. остров Мэн
2. n мужчина, человек
a man of thirty — мужчина тридцати лет; тридцатилетний мужчина
a man of means — человек со средствами, состоятельный человек
3. n муж
4. n унив. студент; окончивший, выпускник
5. n пренебр. приятель
speak up, man!, speak up my man! — ну, говори же, друг!
hurry up, man! hurry up my man! — да поскорей же, приятель!
come along, man!, come along my man! — ну, пошли, мой милый!
6. n человечество, человеческий род
7. n слуга
8. n чаще рабочий
9. n солдат, рядовой, матрос
10. n рядовой состав
11. n пешка
12. n шашка, фишка
13. n игрок
14. n ист. вассал
15. n как компонент сложных слов означает занятие, профессию
heavy man — актёр, исполняющий трагические роли
one-dollar-a-year man — крупный капиталист, участвующий в деятельности правительственных органов и получающий номинальный оклад в один доллар в год
the next man — всякий другой, любой; первый встречный
the man for me, the man for my money — этот человек мне подходит, этот человек меня устраивает
many men, many minds — сколько голов, столько умов
why, shame upon you, man! — послушайте, как вам не стыдно?
16. v укомплектовывать кадрами, персоналом
17. v воен. мор. укомплектовывать личным составом; занимать людьми; ставить людей; посадить людей
18. v занять; стать
19. v собрать всё своё мужество, мужаться, взять себя в руки
lawless man — человек, находящийся вне закона
if is great karma, man! — всё обстоит прекрасно, друг!
20. v охот. приручать
Синонимический ряд:
1. boy (noun) beau; blade; boy; buck; chap; cuss; fellow; galoot; gent; gentleman; guy; he; male; skate; snap; swain; yeoman
3. human (noun) being; body; creature; human; individual; life; mortal; party; person; personage; soul; wight
4. human beings (noun) flesh; folk; Homo sapiens; human being; human beings; humanity; humankind; mankind; mortality; mortals; people; populace; race
6. partner (noun) boyfriend; consort; fancy man; hubby; lover; married man; master; mate; paramour; partner; spouse
7. policeman (noun) bluecoat; cop; Dogberry; gumshoe; John Law; officer; patrolman; peace officer; police officer; policeman
8. policemen (noun) cops; officers; patrolmen; peace officers; police; police officers; policemen
9. staff (verb) defend; fortify; garrison; guard; people; protect; staff; station
Антонимический ряд:
abandon; woman
English-Russian base dictionary > Man
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > word
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > man
a man of his word
A man who can be expected to keep or follow through with his promises or intentions; a truthful, trustworthy, or reliable person. (Feminine: «a woman of her word.») Bob, I’m a man of my word. If I tell you I’ll be at your house tomorrow morning at 10, then that’s when I’ll be there. I’ve found Martin to be a man of his word so far, so I’m confident he’ll get us the best deal possible. If Ted said that he’ll help you move, then he’ll definitely be here—he’s a man of his word.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
man of his word
A man who keeps promises, who can be trusted, as in You can count on Rudy-he’s a man of his word. This expression, which uses word in the sense of «a promise or undertaking,» was first recorded in 1542.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
- a man of his word
- be a man/woman of his/her word
- man of few words
- man of few words, a
- a man/woman of few words
- a man of few words
- man of many parts
- a man/woman of the world
- a man of the world
- kept man
Today’s topic might seem redundant, or too simple, or even silly to some people at first glance, because it is a part of our common language so everyone assumes they know what it means. I’m talking about your word. People use it all the time in phrases like; I give you my word, you have my word on it, my word is my bond, his word is good, I’ll keep my word, etc., etc…you have all heard these phrases before. So, we all know that to keep your word is the same thing as keeping a promise right? You say you are going to be somewhere at 6:00…that means you will be there at 6:00…not 6:05. If someone confides something to you in confidence and you give your word that you won’t tell a soul…you better not speak of it to anyone. What puzzles me is…if everybody knows what giving your word means, then why do so many people on a daily basis break their word? What puzzles me even further is why other people seem to just accept word breaking, as though it’s part of human nature or something and the people couldn’t help it? That’s really weird to me.
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