A french word for cooking

Whether you’re a budding chef, enthusiastic foodie, or just trying to expand your knowledge of the French language and culture, there are two main kinds of French cooking vocabulary you need to know: cooking words commonly used in French recipes, and French cooking words that have been borrowed into English.

Let’s look at the most common words from these two groups.

French cooking words

A kitchen countertop and sink. Above it we see a shelf with dishes, bowls, and other vessels. On the left side is a mounted wall clock. The kitchen looks a bit old-fashioned and like something in a French farmhouse.

Here are some French cooking words you’ll commonly find in French recipes and other food-related writing.

General French cooking words

  • la cuisine: cooking. This includes talking about a type of cooking – for instance, la cuisine française (French cooking).  Note that cuisine can also mean “kitchen”.
  • la cuisson : cooking or baking/how something is cooked/baked.
  • le temps de cuisson: cooking/baking time.
  • une recette:  a recipe. Note that this word can have other meanings in different contexts, including “receipt”.
  • feu doux/feu moyen/feu vif: low/medium/high heat.
  • une cuillère à café (sometimes abbreviated càc):  teaspoon.
  • une cuillère à soupe (sometimes abbreviated càs):  tablespoon.
  • les ingrédients (m) – ingredients.
  • la cuisson de la viande:Doneness (How much your meat is cooked):
  • tartare/cru/crue – raw (usually served seasoned)
  • bleu – very rare
  • saignant – rare
  • À point – medium rare to medium (note that the French tend not to cook meat as thoroughly as in countries like the US
  • bien cuit – well-done
  • un fond : stock. Note that the word fond can have other meanings, depending on the context.
  • un bouillon:  broth. These are often sold in the form of cubes.
  • un soupçon de : a hint of (a very small dash of).
  • la chapelure: breadcrumbs/breading.
  • la pâte: dough or paste (not to be confused with les pâtes (pasta)).
  • un sachet de…:  a small packet of…. Some cooking and baking essentials in France come in pre-packaged packets. This includes:
  • la levure chimique – baking powder
  • le sucre vanillé – vanilla sugar (used much more frequently than vanilla extract, although one can be substituted for the other (Roughly 1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla extract=1 sachet de sucre vanillé)
  • le bicarbonate de soude : baking soda.
  • un jaune d’œuf: an egg yolk.
  • les blancs d’œuf (m): – egg whites.
  • un bouquet garni: a selection of herbs sold mixed together, usually not ground up. These typically include thyme, laurel, parsley, sage, coriander, and rosemary, but the selection can vary slightly. Still, the overall taste will be what your recipe calls for.
  • fait(e)(s) maison : homemade.
  • doré(e): golden brown.
  • sucré : sweet.
  • salé : savory.

Kitchen appliances and utensils in French

  • le four: oven.
  • la plaque chauffante/la table de cuisine: stovetop.
  • la cuisinière: stove (appliance that includes a stove top and oven).
  • la plaque de cuisson: oven tray/baking sheet.
  • un couteau: a knife.
  • une fourchette: a fork.
  • une cuillère: a spoon.
  • une assiette : a dish.
  • un bol: a bowl.
  • un verre: a glass.
  • une tasse: a mug.
  • un mixer: a mixer/blender/food processor.
  • une poêle: a frying pan.
  • une casserole: a sauce pan (a typical pot with a single handle). Also, when talking about a meal, this word has the same meaning as in English (casserole, a sort of stew).
  • un fait-tout (sometimes written faittout) : a stew pot.
  • un couvercle: lid.
  • un moule: a cake mold.
  • une louche:  a ladle.
  • un fouet/un batteur : a whisk. Note that un batteur is used to mean an egg whisk (rotating whisk).
  • une spatule: a spatula.
  • une cocotte-minute/un autocuiseur : a pressure cooker.
  • une friteuse: a fryer/chip pan. This is a must-have appliance for families in the north of France, where French fries are a common accompaniment at meals!
  • une râpe: a grater.
  • un tablier: an apron.
  • une toque : a chef’s hat.

If you’d like to learn more French cooking utensil vocabulary, this extensive and very specific list is a helpful resource.

French cooking verbs

A person with a rainbow-striped apron uses a rolling pin to flatten dough. We only see their forearms, hands, and the flour-covered contertop, as well as some blurry cookie cutters in the foreground.

Most of these verbs can be used on their own, but in recipes, you’ll often see them preceded by auxiliaries like faire or laisser.

There may be some grammar behind that decision in certain cases, but it also seems to be due to politeness. It’s quite direct to say Cuis la viande, instead of Faire cuire la viande

Note that the participles of most of these verbs can be used as cooking adjectives. For instance, farcir (to stuff) and farci(e)(s) (stuffed).  Many also have noun derivatives as well — for example, trancher (to slice), tranché(e)(s) (sliced), une tranche (a slice).

  • cuire: to cook/to bake.
  • chauffer: to warm.
  • préchauffer: to preheat.
  • réchauffer: to reheat.
  • porter à ébullition: to bring to a boil.
  • bouillir: to boil.
  • mijoter: to simmer. Fun fact: As this blogger points out, mijoter can also be used in figurative language to talk about someone plotting something. I love that idea of something quietly heating up.
  • faire revenir: to brown.  Unlike the other verbs on this list, when used in a cooking context, revenir is always used with faire.
  • mettre au four/enfourner: put into the oven.
  • fondre/faire fondre: to melt. Fondre is what a substance does; faire fondre (literally: make melt) is what the cook does.  
  • poêler: to cook in a frying pan.
  • frire: to fry. This verb is almost always used with faire.
  • réduire: to reduce (boil something down to thicken it).
  • rôtir: to roast.
  • cuire à la vapeur: to steam.
  • refroidir: to cool. You’ll often see this with the verb laisser (Laisser refroidir = Let cool).
  • congeler/décongeler: to freeze/to defrost.
  • ajouter: to add.
  • rajouter: to add again or in addition to other ingredients. Most French recipes will use the word rajouter. This is because, even if it’s the first or only time an ingredient is being added, other ingredients are already present. For instance, you might read something like: Verser le lait dans un bol. Rajouter le sucre. (Pour the milk into the bowl. Then add the sugar.) 
  • verser : to pour. Interestingly, this is one of the few French cooking verbs that’s usually used on its own (not with a helping verb) in recipes.
  • remuer: to stir.
  • mélanger: to mix.
  • fouetter: to whip.
  • mixer: to mix in a mixer/blender. Note that while mélanger is the general verb for “to mix”, mixer is only used when talking about mixing via a blender or mixer.
  • découper: to slice/to chop/to carve.
  • ciseler: to chop.
  • trancher: to slice.
  • hacher: to chop/to mince.
  • farcir: to stuff
  • saupoudrer: to dust/sprinkle.
  • enrober: to coat.
  • beurrer: to butter/to grease a baking pan or mold.
  • démouler: to unmold (remove from a pan or mold).
  • râper: to grate.
  • éplucher/peler: to peel.
  • assaisonner: to season.
  • étaler: to spread.
  • pétrir: to knead.
  • laisser reposer: let sit.

French cooking words in English

Duck confit sits on top of a mixture of beans, and slices of canadian bacon, as well as herbs and potatoes. The tablecloth beneath is red and white checkered, and there is a fork on the left side, and a blue and white checkered napkin rolled up above it.
Duck confit

A number of French cooking words are also used in English. Some of these are highly specific culinary terms, but there are some that you’ll come across in recipes and on restaurant menus, as well as food-related books, podcasts, reviews, and so on.

Here are some of the most common of these terms, with their correct French pronunciation.
But note that since these words are being used by English-speakers, you may not hear them pronounced this way by everyone. Depending on your local culture, you may have to tone down your French accent when you say them in order to be understood. 

  • au gratin: sprinkled with cheese or breadcrumbs.
  • au jus: meat served with a sauce or gravy made from the juices it released when cooked.
  • au poivre: seasoned with a pepper sauce or rub.
  • bain-marie: sometimes called a double boiler. A cooking process in which food is placed in a small pot in or over a larger pot of boiling water. This steams the content of the smaller pot. There are many reasons why the bain-marie technique is used.
  • chiffonade: a technique for cutting vegetables into long string-like pieces.  Unlike most of the French cooking words in English that are on this list, chiffonade is somewhat of a faux-ami. Although it can be used the same way in French, for French people, it much more commonly refers to very thinly sliced ham or other cold cuts.
  • consommé: clarified bouillon.
  • confit: food (typically meat or potatoes) that is cooked in grease or oil at a low temperature for a long period of time.
  • roux: a mixture of flour and fat that’s used to thicken a sauce.
  • sauté : food that is cooked in a frying pan and periodically tossed to move it around.
  • julienne: to cut food (usually vegetables) into thin, matchstick-like pieces.

Where can I find more French cooking vocabulary?

The words on this list are the most common French cooking words you’ll come across. But there are a lot more to discover, especially if you’re interested in cooking or baking at an advanced or professional level.

If you’re looking for more French cooking vocabulary, this webpage includes a list of extremely specific French cooking verbs (as well as many of the ones covered here).  And for cooking experts, this very extensive list could be useful.

What to know if you want to follow a French recipe

A person wearing a black jacket and jeans seasons a cut of meat on a wooden cutting board. The countertop around it is cluttered with glasses, a bottle of vegetable oil, and salt. In the background, the person's other hand is reaching towards the skillet, where they may also be sprinkling seasoning.

You’ve got the vocabulary to follow a basic French recipe. But there are a few other things you should know before you get cooking (or baking).

Most French recipes use the metric system.

Remember that most French recipes will use the metric system. Luckily, fellow Americans can easily convert these measurements into the empiric system by doing an online search or even asking a virtual assistant like Alexa or Google Home to do the conversion. 

If you’re following a recipe with a lot of measurements, it’s a good idea to do the conversions and write them down before you get started.

You may have to substitute packaging or ingredients.

Another thing you’ll find is that some French ingredients are packaged differently where you live, or just flat-out may not be available. A good example of this is sucre vanillé ; where I’m from in America, it’s much more typical to use vanilla extract.

If you can’t find an equivalent ingredient or you aren’t sure of how much of a substitute to use, again, an online search will usually give you good results. Another technique is to see if a recipe for the dish you want to make exists in your native language. Even if you want to follow the French one, the native language recipe could shed some light on ingredient substitutions.

You can use French cooking/recipe videos, or even watch them for practice.

Many recipes aren’t just written down; countless professional, semi-professional, and amateur cooks make videos. These can provide a helpful visual aid, although if you don’t have an advanced level of French, or if you prefer to learn vocabulary by seeing it written down, written recipes may be a better option.

Still, French cooking videos are certainly an excellent way to hear these words and watch how the dish you’re interested in is prepared, so you could plan to follow a written recipe in French, but also watch a video that goes along with it, or even a video from another source, for practice.

Not all French recipes are traditional.

One last thing to know is that like many cultures, the current trend for French chefs of all levels of expertise is to “modernize” or do their own spin on traditional recipes. This can be a fun way to discover a new approach, but it’s not so great if you just want to make traditional coq au vin (trust me!). So, if you want to be sure that you’re following a traditional French recipe, do a search for [name of dish/dessert] and “traditionnel(le)”. 

Another be sure you’re making the traditional version of a dish or dessert is to look it up on Wikipedia. Many typical French foods and meals have entries there, and you’ll usually find their typical ingredients (as well as regional variations) listed. You can keep that in mind when searching for your recipe.

Where can I find French recipes?

You don’t have to seek out a French cookbook or French chef to find a great French recipe. The internet is a perfect resource.

There are so many websites that feature French recipes, from French magazines’ websites, to lifestyle and cooking blogs, to French cooking videos on YouTube, to sites like Marmiton, where users post recipes (and rate them, as well).

You can even look for recipes with particular modifications by including terms like végétarien (vegetarian), sans gluten (gluten free), or my personal favorite, facile (easy), in your search. What a time to be alive!

Do French people always eat home-cooked meals?

An adult woman, probably the mom, stands behind a little girl and puts her hands over the girl's, as they mix or knead something in a ceramic baking dish. In the background, we see a kitchen shelf and another little girl looking on.

In an article about French stereotypes, I shared what might seem like a sad truth with you guys: Although France is famous for its refined cuisine, not all French people always sit down to an exquisite, five-star meal at home.

In fact, while the average French person eats 75% of their meals at home, numerous studies show that as the world gets more fast-paced and global, French people are taking less time to prepare food. Nowadays, many families will sit down to at least a few frozen or pre-prepared meals in a given week.

This doesn’t necessarily mean junk food or TV dinners, though. For instance, Picard is a famous French chain that only sells frozen food. While some of it is junk food level, there are also tons of things like frozen veggies and lean meats and fish.

I hope that reading this doesn’t make you worry that French cuisine will disappear. The traditions are still alive, and people still continue to cook for their families, friends, and simply for themselves if they enjoy it.

And that goes for baking, too. In fact, making crepes or an easy cake recipe is a typical rainy-day activity for French parents and grandparents to do with young kids. (My family’s personal favorite is this gâteau au yaourt).

If you’d like to keep the tradition of French cooking alive, why not try to make some French recipes?  Now you know basic French cooking vocabulary and how to find French recipes online – so why not give it a go?

Bon appétit!

Do you have a favorite French recipe? Feel free to share it in the comments!

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French cooking terms explained

Here is the definitive list of common French cooking terms — a useful partner to cookbooks, or watching your favourite cookery show. If we have missed any let us know.

A la Meuniere

This translates as “in the style of the millers wife”, and refers to fish that is floured, sautéed in butter, and then served up with the butter, lemon juice and some parsley.


The allumette measures approximately ⅛ in/2 mm by ⅛ in/2 mm by 2½ in/6 cm inches. It’s also the starting point for the brunoise.


A roasting pan or baking dish partially filled with water to allow food to cook more slowly and be protected from direct high heat. Used for custards and terrines.


Batonnet translates to “little stick”. The batonnet measures approximately ¼in/5 mm by ¼in/½ mm x 2½-3 inches or about 8cm. It is also the starting point for the small dice.


A creamy pudding made with cream and eggs, then set using gelatin.


A classic french white sauce, made with milk, flour and butter and then flavoured with bay leaves, and nutmeg. You can read more about the french mother sauces here.


Small dollops of dough that are fried — very much like fritters.

Beurre Manié

Butter and flour mixed together in equal parts and used to thicken stews, soups, and casseroles.

Beurre Noisette

Browned butter.


A smooth, creamy soup made from a base of shellfish stock.


To place fruit or vegetables in boiling water so the skin can be removed more easily.


A stew made from meat that has not been browned or fried. Usually refers to stews made of lamb, chicken or veal.


Small puff pastry cases with a savoury filling, usually served as an Hors d’Oeuvre.


A broth or stock, usually a meat, some vegetables and a bouquet garni boiled in water.

Bouquet Garni

A mixture of fresh herbs tied together with string and used to flavour stews, soups etc. It refers to a mix of parsley, bay leaf, thyme (and sometimes celery stalk). The bouquet is removed before serving.


To burn a food to caramelize the sugar on a foods surface.


Vegetables cut into very small diced pieces, based on a julienne cut, but just turned 90° and diced.


An appetizer consisting of a small bread or biscuit base covered with a flavoured topping such as Pâté.


The carafe is a container without handles used for serving wine and other drinks. Unlike a decanter, a carafes does not have a stopper at the top either.


A beautifully concise example of French cooking terms, Cartouche is a French term that basically means “scroll” or “packet.” It’s a paper lid that is used to slow down the reduction of moisture in cooking. A lid only lets a little moisture escape, whereas using no lid lets lots of moisture escape.


Charcuterie refers to cooked meats or patés.


Browned breadcrumbs.


A French term describing a dish that is first cooked and then chilled for service.


A chauffoir is warming pan or stove.


Another one of my favourite French cooking terms. A chiffonade is made by rolling up herbs, or leafy greens like spinach and cutting them into very fine shreds.


To remove the backbone from a rack of ribs.

Choucroute garnie

Choucroute garnie is French for dressed sauerkraut, and is finely cut cabbage that has fermented and is served with sausages or fresh meats.


Choux Pastry, or Pâte à Choux, is a light pastry dough made from butter, water, flour, and eggs. Instead of a raising agent its high moisture content creates steam during cooking to puff the pastry. Amongst others, choux pastry is used make profiteroles, croquembouches, and éclairs.


Another one of the French cooking terms which is now common in English language too, a compote is a dessert consisting of fruit stewed in a sugar syrup, originates from the 17th century.


The process of cooking a meat in its own fats, and sometimes then storing that meat covered in those fats. 


A French term for rough chopping ingredients — usually referring to tomatoes.


A richly flavoured, clear soup. To achieve this, egg whites are added and the soup is simmered to allow the inpurities to be skimmed off.


A thick sauce usually made from one main ingredient, such as raspberry coulis.

Court Bouillon

Flavoured liquid used for cooking fish.

Crème brulée

A rich egg custard, which is them topped with sugar, and then under heat (like a blowtorch or grill) to caramelise the sugars into a crisp layer.


Very thin pancakes.


A mixture of potato with ground cooked meat, fish or poultry formed into balls, patties or other shapes and coated with a breading before frying.


Bread piece dipped in butter and baked until it is crisp.


Crust. Sometimes refers to a pastry crust, sometimes to toasted or fried bread.


Small cubes of fried, or recooked bread used as a garnish in salads and soups.

A roasting pan or baking dish partially filled with water to allow food to cook more slowly and be protected from direct high heat. Used for custards and terrines.

Creamy pudding that is made with cream and eggs, then set with gelatin.

Fritters. Small dollops of dough that are fried.

Beurre Manié
Butter and flour mixed together in equal parts and used to thicken liquids.

Beurre Noisette
Browned butter.

A shellfish soup that has been thickened.

A stew made from meat that has not been browned or fried. Usually refers to stews made of lamb, chicken or veal.

Small puff pastry cases.

Broth or stock.

Bouquet Garni
A mixture of fresh herbs tied together with string and used to flavor stews, soups etc. It refers to a mix of parsley, bay leaf, thyme (and sometimes celery stalk). The bouquet is removed before serving.

Brunoise brunoise2
Vegetables cut into very small diced pieces.

An appetizer consisting of a small bread or biscuit base covered with a flavored topping.

Browned bread crumbs.

To remove the backbone from a rack of ribs.

To chop roughly

Broth that has been made clear.

A thick sauce usually made from one main ingredient, such as raspberry coulis.

Court Bouillon
Flavored liquid used for cooking fish.

Crêpes Findlay Foods , Dictionary of French Cooking Terms - Crapes Image
Very thin pancakes.

A mixture of potato with ground cooked meat, fish or poultry formed into balls, patties or other shapes and coated with a breading before frying.

Bread piece dipped in butter and baked until it is crisp.

Crust. Sometimes refers to a pastry crust, sometimes to toasted or fried bread.

Small cubes of bread used as a garnish is salads and soups.

Small mold shaped like a castle used for molding salads or baking cakes.

To deglaze, to loosen browned juices and fat from the bottom of a frying pan or saucepan by adding liquid, bringing to a boil and stirring. The liquid is usually water, wine or broth.

To extract juices from meat, fish or vegetables, usually by salting them, then soaking or washing. It is usually done to remove a strong taste.

To skim off the scum that accumulates at the top of a stock or sauce.

Finely chopped raw mushrooms, used as a stuffing. Sometimes combined with chopped ham or scallops.

Sirloin steak.

The term used to refer to something served before the main course but is used now to refer to the actual main course.

Dessert or sweet, but not including pastries.

A thin slice of meat that is often pounded out to make it thinner.


Flamber or Flambé Findlay Foods,  Dictionary of French Cooking Terms - Flamber
To set alcohol on fire.

Something that is iced or set on or in a bed of ice.

A stew made from poultry, meat or rabbit that has a white sauce.

Glace de Viande
Reduced brown stock used to add color and flavor to sauces.

Gratiner or Au Gratin
To sprinkle the surface of a cooked food with bread crumbs and butter, and sometimes cheese and brown under the broiler. The finished food is referred to as au gratin as in au gratin potatoes.

Hors d’Oeuvres
First course or appetizer.

Jus or Jus de Viande
The juices that occur naturally from cooking.

Jus Lié
A thickened gravy.

Ingredients used for thickening sauces, soups or other liquids.

Small diced mixed vegetables, usually containing at least one root vegetable. Sometimes also means a mixture of fruit, like fruit salad.

French word for a covered earthenware container for soup. The soup is both cooked and served in it.

Mirepoix Findlay Foods, Dictionary of French Cooking Terms - Mirepoix
A mixture of braising vegetables.

To hand meat, game or poultry.

A cake tin that is wider at the base than at the top and only about 1″ in depth.

To coat, mask or cover with something.

The word literally means «nut». It usually means nut brown in color. For example, beurre noisette is butter browned over heat until it becomes a nut brown color. It can also refer to boneless rack of lamb that is rolled, tied and cut into rounds. The word can also refer to hazelnuts.

Nouvelle Cuisine
A term that refers to the style of cooking that features lighter dishes with lighter sauces and very fresh ingredients.

A very thick mixture, usually made from a combination of flour, butter and milk, that is used as a base for dishes such as soufflés and fish cakes.

To coat with egg and crumbs before frying.

Papillote Findlay Foods, Dictionary fo French Cooking Terms - Papillote
A wrapping of parchment paper around fish or meat used for cooking. The paper retains moisture in the food.

Refers to potatoes molded into balls with a melon scoop and fried or roasted.

A basic mixture or paste. Often refers to uncooked dough or pastry.

A paste made of liver, pork or game.

A sweet or pastry, it also refers to a cake shop.

To insert fat, bacon, ham etc into meat or poultry.

A young chicken.

Minced fish or meat mixture that is formed into small shapes and poached. It also refers to a shape that the minced mixture is made into.

A stew

Reheated food.

Flour mixed with water or egg white and used to seal pans when cooking food slowly. Often used when cooking a ragoût.

To quickly fry meats or vegetables in hot fat to warm them through.

Roux Findlay Foods, Dictionary of French Cooking Terms - Roux
Melted butter to which flour has been added. Used as a thickener for sauces or soups.

Garlic and oil emulsion used as flavoring.

A deep frying pan with a lid, used for recipes that require fast frying, then slow cooking.

Pâté or mixture of minced ingredients, baked or steamed in a loaf shaped container.

A dish cooked in a mold that is higher than it is wide and has sloping sides.

A type of sauce made from butter, flour, cream and stock.

Vol-au-vent Findlay Foods, Dictionary of French Cooking Terms - Vol-au-vent
A large pastry case made of puff pastry that is usually used as a container for creamed dishes, such as creamed chicken.

Parler de cuisine, de repas.  Кухня, готовка

Le cocktail коктейль, вечерний приём

Un plateau-repas поднос с отделениями (для обедов на работе, в самолёте и пр.)

Un pain-surprise хлеб с сюрпризом

Un canapé (au pâté, au saumon…)  ломтик поджаренного хлеба с какой-л закуской (с паштетом, с лососем…)

Une terrine  паштет

Des petits fours печенье

Manger « sur le pouce » (peu et vite) есть наскоро, на ходу; всухомятку

Crever =  mourir de faim, de soif умирать с голоду, умирать/ истомиться от жажды

Manger « au lance-pierre » (= très vite et mal). кое-как, наспех

Manger un morceau перекусить, проглотить, съесть кусочек чего-либо

Avoir un petit creux немного проголодаться

Grignoter перекусывать / перекусить

Avoir une de ces faims  быть очень голодным

Avoir  « la gueule  de bois »  чувствовать себя как с похмелья

Boire un coup / un verre глотнуть чего-либо; выпить по рюмочке

Déboucher =  Ouvrir une bouteille откупоривать

Faire quelques excès (= avoir trop mangé ou trop bu)  переборщить ( с едой, выпивкой); выпить/ съесть лишнее

Picoler  (=  boire trop) напиваться, et après, être pompette навеселе, пьяненький, под мухой  < bourré(e)  (= ivre)  напившийся

Arroser  обмыть

Le goût Вкус

Aigrelet кисловатый, с кислинкой  < aigre кислый; терпкий; острый

Fade (= sans goût) безвкусный, пресный

Amer (-ère) горький

Épicé(e) = relevé(e) пряный, острый < pimenté(e) более острый

Sirupeux (-euse) сладковато-тошнотворный

Écœurant(e) (= trop sucré ou trop gras) сладковато-тошнотворный

Préparer un plat Готовить (приготовить блюдо)

Éplucher (des légumes) снимать кожуру, шелуху, очищать

Couper en rondelles/en morceaux… резать (нарезать) кружочками / кусками

Faire revenir (= faire sauter) / faire cuire обжарить, тушить

Remuer перемешивать

Battre les œufs взбить яйца

Étaler la pâte раскатать тесто

Verser un liquide налить что-то

Répartir ( poser de manière régulière) распределять, раскладывать

Couvrir накрыть, усыпать

Vous voulez goûter ? Хотите попробовать?  Ça a un petit goût… / un arrière-goût…Есть небольшой привкус…

Qu’est-ce que tu en dis ? Что ты об этом думаешь?

Qu’est-ce que vous dites de l’assaisonnement ? Как вам заправка (для салата)?

Ça ne va pas le/la rendre trop… ? Это не сделает его слишком…?

Ça risque de devenir trop… / J’ai peur que ça devienne trop… Боюсь его пере (солить, сластить и т.д.) Боюсь что будет слишком …(сладким, соленным  и т.д.)

Je vais relever (≠ adoucir) la sauce.    Я сделаю соус более острым (≠ подслащу).

Cela peut masquer (= cacher) le goût. Это может перебить вкус.


  1. Le piment d’Espelette est un piment délicat originaire du Pays Basque.
  2. « Entamer » открыть (баночку) un pot consiste à l’ouvrir pour la première fois. Ensuite, le pot est « entamé ».

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  2. French Cooking Terms

It’s A Glossary

French cooking terms are often seen in recipe books and restaurants.

They are there to guide you with the recipes, but can sometimes be confusing if you don’t know what they mean.

How often have we seen a recipe we like, but are not sure
what the cooking terms mean? 

Here is a list of the most common French cooking terms to
help you with your recipes and understanding restaurant menus.

For Your Convenience French Cooking Terms In Alphabetical Order

Acidulate: To make foods or liquids slightly acidic by
adding vinegar or lemon juice to it.

Affriander: A French term for an appetising presentation to
a dish.

Affrioler: A French term for enticing one’s guests to the
table with hors d’oeuvres and small samplings.

Arroser (baste): To spoon melted butter or fat or liquid
over food as they cook.

À La: A French term meaning “in the style of”

À La Carte: A French menu term referring to the price of
individual items. One of the French cooking terms most often seen on the menu
in restaurants.

Amuse Bouche means ‘amuse the mouth’ – small samples of food
offered before a meal to whet the appetite.

Aperitif: a light alcoholic beverage served before a meal.

Assation: A term for cooking foods in their own natural
juices without adding extra liquids.

Au Bleu: A French term for the method of preparing fish the
minute it has been killed – the fish is plunged into a boiling court bouillon,
which turns the skin a metallic blue colour.

Au Jus: A French term for meats served in their natural

Au Poivre means ‘with pepper’, either coating the meat with
peppercorns or serving with a pepper sauce.

Baste: To spoon, brush or pour fat over a roast as it is
cooking to add flavour and to glaze it.

Bain-marie: A water-bath for oven cooking delicate terrines
and desserts. Usually the dish is placed in a roasting tin half filled with
water in the oven.

Beurre Manié: A paste made by mixing equal quantities of
butter and flour. It is stirred into stock or sauce at the end of the cooking
to aid thickening.

Beurre noisette: A simple sauce made by cooking butter until
it is brown and ‘nutty’

Blackened: A technique where meat or fish is coated with a
seasoning and then seared in a cast-iron skillet in which oil has reached its
smoking point.

Blanch (blancher): To plunge food into boiling water and
boil it until it has softened or is partially cooked. It is used to remove a
strong taste from some foods such as cabbage or onions.

Blanchir: To place in boiling water so as to whiten and
loosen the skins, usually of meats.

Blanquette: A meat stew, usually of veal, with an egg and
cream sauce and garnished with onions and mushrooms.

Blend (mélanger): To mix less vigorous than beating, using a
fork or spoon.

Bleu: French term for a cut of meat cooked until is only
warmed through or rare.

Blondir: A French term for lightly browning foods in a fat.

Boil (bouillir): Liquids heated until they are rolling and
sending up bubbles. A slow boil is when there is only a bubble here and there –
to simmer. When there is very little movement in the water – to poach.

Bon Femme: A French term used to describe food cooked in a
simple or rustic manner.

Bouquet Garni: This is one of the French cooking terms most
often seen. It is a bunch of herbs used to flavor dishes usually consisting of
parsley, thyme, bay and celery leaves.

Braise (braiser): To brown food in fat then cook in a
casserole with a small amount of liquid.

Brulée: A French term to describe ‘burnt’ as in crème brulée.

Brunoise: A French term used to describe a specific cut or
mixture of vegetables – usually small dice, braised in butter.

Capers: Are flower buds from the Caper bush, also called Flinders Rose. The flower buds and caper berries are pickled and used in dishes for flavoring. They have a mustard and black pepper taste.

Cartouche: Is a piece of parchment paper that is used to keep (usually meat) submerged when braising or placed on the top of sauces or pudding to prevent a skin from forming on the top.

Castor Sugar: Is a very fine sugar between the consistency of white granulated sugar and icing sugar (or powdered sugar). To create your own castor sugar buzz granulated sugar in the blender until finer but not powder (being careful not to breathe in the dust).

Champignon: A French term for any edible mushroom or the
particular dish they accompany.

Charcuterie: Products such as salami, sausages, pates and
similar forcemeats usually based on pork and pork offal.

Court bouillon: A mixture of water, herbs, vegetables and
either wine or vinegar, used mainly for cooking fish.

Croquettes: Small fish cakes or meat and/or vegetable

Deglaze (deglacer): After meat has been sautéed or cooked in
a pan, liquid is poured in and the bits of meat and juices scraped into the
liquid. This deglaze is important for a good sauce.

Degrease (degraisser): To remove fat from the surface of hot

Dice (couper en des): To cut food into cubes the shape of a

Farci: Stuffed.

À la Ficelle: Suspended by a length of string.

Flambé: is a cooking procedure in which alcohol is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames. The word means «flamed» in French. From Wikipedia

Fold (incorporer): To blend a delicate mixture such as egg
whites when beaten e.g. soufflé.

Fouetter (Beat): To mix food or liquid thoroughly using a
spoon, fork or whisk etc.

Fumet: Concentrated fish stock.

En Gelée: Cold, jellied.

Gibelotte: Meat stewed in wine in a casserole.

Au Gratin: To brown the top of a dish either in the oven or
under a grill. Usually of cheese or breadcrumbs mixture.

Julienne: To cut vegetables or citrus rind into short, thin
strips. Vegetables used to garnish are often cut in this manner to decorate.

Lardon: Are thin cubes or strips about ¼ inch thick of bacon fat from pork, used to add flavor to dishes.

Marinate: To soak foods in a liquid so as they absorb the
flavor for example beef marinated in red wine. Again this is one of the French
cooking terms we most often use.

Mesclun: A salad mix of young lettuce leaves and herbs such
as rocket, lamb’s lettuce, dandelion leaves, basil, chervil and endive.
Traditionally found in the south of France.

Mirepoix: A flavouring employed mostly in braising meat,
which is usually composed of finely diced or chopped carrots, leeks, onions,
celery, lean bacon and bay leaf and thyme, all cooked gently in oil or butter.

Nap, napper: To cover food with a sauce

Paupiette: Thin rolled, stuffed escalope slice of meat.

Roux: A mixture of flour and butter, or fat, blended
together over a low heat and which serves as the basic thickening agent for
most sauces.

Sauté: To fry lightly and quickly in a small amount of
butter of fat, tossing and turning, during the cooking process, instead of
allowing to sizzle.

Velouté: A thick cream soup.

Didn’t find the word(s) you are looking for? Try Gayot.com

Once you have an idea of what the French cooking terms mean
it will make it much easier when making your wonderful French recipes.

You will find French cooking terms used in many cook books
and it is useful to have a knowledge of them.

I do hope these have helped a little.

You might also find French Food Vocabulary and Oven Temperature Conversion useful too.

More Great Recipes

Although many of the terms below do not relate specifically for baking, you may encounter from time to time, a collection of these terms used through professional kitchens around the world.


A la Literally means ‘in the style of.’ A la Translates from French as ‘in the fashion of’.
A la Broche Meat roasted on a spit.
A la Carte Menu items prepared fresh to order. A French term, A la carte translates as ‘by the menu’.
A la Grecque Translates from the French as ‘in the Greek style’.
A L’Espagnole Literally translates from French as, ‘in the Spanish style’.
Al a Minuta A French term literally meaning cooked in a minuet; often applied to food cooked at the table, for example traditional stroganoff.
Al Dente An Italian term which describes the consistency of pasta when cooked correctly. Al dente literally translates as “to the tooth”, i.e. the pasta should be slightly firm to the bite.
Abatis Chicken giblets.
Abats Offal. A French term indicating the head, heart, livers, kidney, tongue, feet, etc, of an animal.
Aboyeur A person responsible for the calling of an order within a kitchen, making sure that each section is aware of any requirements.
Agneau Lamb. See also ‘mouton’.
Aiguille a Brider A trussing needle.
Aiguille a Larder A larding needle.
Aiguillettes Thin long strips, vertically cut, principally of duck breast and other poultry. From the French word aiguille meaning ‘little needle’.
Aile The wing of poultry or game, also known as ‘aileron’.
Airelles Cranberries.
Akami Japanese term describing a cut from the lean loin of a tuna fish, used in sushi and sashimi.
Akami Japanese term describing a cut from the lean loin of a tuna fish, used in sushi and sashimi.
Alfresco Outdoors, in the open air. An Italian term meaning ‘in the fresh’.
Aloyau A whole unboned sirloin of beef.
Amandine A French term meaning cooked, filled or served with almonds. For example salmon amandine. From the French word amande meaning ‘almond’.
Amuse-Bouches Cocktail canapés.
Amuse-Gueule Translates from the French as to ‘entertain the mouth’.
Anglaise Means plain in style. When applied to fish it means flour, egg washed and bread crumbed. In the case of vegetables it often means boiled. In French cooking it is egg beaten with oil and seasoning..
Animelles A French term indicating the delicate tender parts of a lamb, especially the fillet and loin. Also referred to as ’criadillas’.
Annoncer To call out orders in a kitchen or restaurant.
Antipasti Food served at the beginning of an Italian meal, either as a starter or as a snack. Antipasti translates from Italian as ‘before food’.
Aperitif An alcoholic beverage drunk before the beginning of a meal. A French term derived from the Latin word aperire meaning ‘to open’.
Apparell A culinary term for a prepared mixture ready for further processing. For example bombe apparell or croquette apparell.
Apricoter To coat with strained and reduced apricot jam.
Aretes Fish bones.
Aromatic Having a distinctive and pleasant smell; fragrant. Derived from the Greek word aromatikos meaning ‘spice’.
Assaisonner To season.
Asseoir A French word meaning to ‘to seat’.
Assiette A French word meaning to ‘place at table’. See also ashet.
Assiette Anglaise A selection of sliced cold meats.
Au Bleu A method of preparing and cooking trout in court-bouillon, a specific dish known as ‘truit au bleu’.
Au Four Baked in an oven.
Au Gratin Sprinkled with breadcrumbs, cheese or both and browned under a grill before serving. Translates as ‘with a crust’.
Au Jus Describes a meat which is served in its own cooking juices. Translates as ‘with the juice‘.
Au Naturel A food that is served plainly and simply, often uncooked unseasoned food. Translates as ‘in the natural state’.
Au Vin Blanc Prepared with the addition of white wine.


Badam An Asian term, meaning an almond processed for cooking.
Ballotine Fish, meat or poultry that has been boned, stuffed, rolled and tied in a bundle. Usually braised or poached. A term traditionally applied only to poultry.
Barbue Brill.
Bard To cover the breast of a bird with thin slices of fat prior to roasting. A French term, derived from the Arabic word bardaa meaning ‘padded saddle’.
Barde De Lard A thin slice of salted and fatty bacon.
Barista A person employed to operate an espresso machine in a coffee shop. An Italian word, barista translates as ‘worker in’ or ‘owner of’ a bar.
Baron Legs with the loins attached.
Baron D’agneau The saddle and legs of lamb or mutton left in one piece and roasted. Also a double loin of beef left in one piece and cooked whole.
Barquette A boat shaped pastry case.
Basting The spooning of melted fat over foods, usually over roasted or grilled meats, to prevent them becoming dry and enhance flavour.
Batarde The French term for butter sauce.
Batterie De Cuisine A set of cooking utensils, pots, pans, etc. A French phrase translating as ‘set of implements for cooking‘.
Beard The removal of the beard from shell fish.
Beat To mix or stir moist ingredients together vigorously in order to combine them, make smooth or to incorporate air.
Beurre Manie An equal quantity of flour and butter, rubbed together and used for thickening sauces
Bien Cuit Well cooked.
Biscotto The Italian word for ‘biscuit’.
Bisque The name given to certain shellfish soups that are thickened with rice, originally prepared using breadcrumbs.
Bistro A Russian word meaning ‘quick’.
Blanc A liquor of water, salt and lemon juice, which is slightly thickened with flour and used For cooking. Also the French term for white.
Blanch The placing of root vegetables into cold water or green vegetables into boiling water, brining to the boil, draining off and then refreshing in cold water. To cook potatoes in oil without them taking any colour. To quickly plunge into boiling water to add the removal of a skin, e.g. tomatoes. Derived from the French word blanchir meaning to ‘whiten’.
Blanchir A French word meaning to ‘whiten’.
Blanquette A white stew cooked in a stock from which the sauce is to be made.
Blin A Russian word meaning ‘pancake’.
Blini A buckwheat pancake.
Blonde The French term for pale yellow, derived from the Latin word blundus.
Blue A term meaning extremely rare, almost without cooking; for example a blue steak.
Boeuf Beef.
Bolt To filter an ingredient, especially flour, through a sieve or muslin cloth. Also known by the French term buleter.
Bombay Duck Canned, smoked and especially dried bummaloe fish, usually dried, salted and then grilled. Imported from India and served as a pungent relish with curry dishes. The name comes from Bombay in Indian, form where the fish was originally exported.
Bombe An ice cream made in a dome shaped mould.
Bonbon A sweet confection; something that is sweet. A French word translating as ‘good-good’
Bon Ton A French term meaning of good taste or style; literaly translates as ‘good tone’.
Bonne A dated term for a female waitress. A French term translating as ‘good girl’.
Bonne Bouche A small piece of tasty food. A French term literaly translating as ‘good mouth.’
Boteillier A butler, derived from the old French word boteillier meaning ‘cup-bearer’.
Bouchee Small puff pastry cases. From the French word bouche meaning ‘mouth’.
Bouillon Unqualified stock.
Boulangerie The bakery section.
Boult To filter an ingredient, especially flour, through a sieve or muslin cloth. Also known by the French term buleter.
Bouquet Garni A collection of herbs placed inside a small muslin bag or into a metal infuser, to facilitate their removal after use. Traditionally they were tied inside two pieces of celery. Also known as a faggot.
Braciola Thin slices of meat wrapped around a stuffing and poached in white wine. An Italian word meaning ‘cooked over coals’.
Braiser A French term indicating the slow cooking of a food, usually covered and with only a small amount of liquid or stock.
Braisiere A braising pan.
Brasare An Italian word meaning to ‘cook slowly’.
Brasserie A restaurant serving a wide range of both food and drink. Derived from the old French word bracier meaning ‘brew’.
Brider To truss poultry of feathered game.
Brin A sprig.
Brine Water containing a significant amount of salt, used for curing and preserving meat, fish or vegetables.
Briser To break bones.
Broach A spit used for roasting meat over an open fire. Also a tool used for making holes in casks. Derived from the old French word broche meaning ‘long needle’.
Brochettes A kebab skewer, taken from the French word broche meaning ‘long needle’. Any food, especially fish or meat that is cooked on a brochette. Also known as an attereaux.
Broil To grill.
Broye Bruised.
Bruscare An Italian word meaning to ‘roast over coals’.
Brun The French term for brown in colour.
Brunoise Small neat dice, usually of vegetables. Also a garnish for consomme.
Buffets A self-service meal of various dishes set out on a service table or counter. A selection of refreshments. A French word translating as ‘sideboard’.
Buleter A French term meaning to filter an ingredient, especially flour, through a sieve or muslin cloth. Also known as bolting.


Caldi Italian term indicating that the food is served hot.
Canapé A small cushion of toasted bread on which savoury foods are served
Carte Du Jour A menu displaying the dishes available in a restaurant on a particular day. A French term literaly translating as ‘card of the day’.
Cartoccio A cartouche, an Italian word meaning ‘paper coronet’.
Cartouche A circle of greaseproof paper cut to size and placed on top of a sauce to prevent a skin forming as the liquid cools. A small hole in placed in the centre to allow steam to escape. From the French word carta meaning ‘paper’.
Cassolette A small china container or pot, usually heatproof, used for serving one portion of fine ragouts, eggs etc.
Chantilly Whipped cream flavoured with icing sugar and white wine or brandy.
Chapelure A French term indicating brown bread crumbs.
Charcuterie Cold cooked meats, usually cured. Derived from the old French char cuite meaning ‘cooked flesh’.
Chateaubriand The head end of a fillet of beef. A thickly cut beefsteak obtained from the middle part of a prim fillet. Named after the 19th century French nobleman Francois Rene de Chateaubriand.
Chaud-Froid A creamed veloute, béchamel or demi-glace with added gelatine or aspic that sets when cold and is used for masking cold savoury foods. A French term literaly translating as ‘hot-cold’.
Chaufroiter A French term indicating a food that has been coated with chaud-froid sauce.
Chef Translates from the French as the boss, top man, a chief.
Sous Chef: Second in command, French for underling, one beneath.
Chef de Partie: Known for many things, a bit chef able to cover many aspects of the kitchen. Head of a section.
Chef de Cuisine: Speciality chef, also known as cuisinier.
Commis Chef: An apprentice or assistant.
Master chef: A chef demonstrating exceptional ability, knowledge and skill.
Chemise The lining of a mould with a savoury jelly or fruit ice cream.
Chiffon A term describing a food with a light fluffy texture, usually created by the addition of whipped egg white or gelatine. Derived from the French word chiffe meaning ‘flimsy stuff’.
Chiffonade Coarsely shredded lettuce, spinach or other salad vegetable. Traditionally sautéed in butter and used as a garnish for soups.
Chine A French term indicating the removal of the spine from a cut of meat. Also any cut of meat that includes a piece of the backbone.
Chinois A fine-meshed conical sieve that requires the food to be pushed through with a ladle or spoon. Most often used to strain sauces.
Choucroute A sauerkraut popular in the Alsace region of France.
Cimier A saddle of venison, usually of stag.
Ciseler To score both sides of a small fish to allow heat to penetrate quicker. Also to shred finely.
Clarify To clear stocks, soups or cooking fats.
Cloche A round silver, metal or glass cover designed to keep food hot. Glass is often used to cover cakes and cheeses, helping to keep them fresh and aid display. A very strong, saltless, chicken stock produced by sweating chicken trimmings in butter with mushrooms, covered with white stock, and reduced by boiled slowly for an hour. A French word meaning ‘bell’.
Cloute An onion studded with cloves and used to flavour a white sauce. Derived from the French word clou meaning ‘clove’.
Coat To cover a food with an outer coating such as breadcrumbs, icing or sauce.
Cocotte A small dish used for the cooking and service of a single portion. Derived from the Latin word cucuma meaning ‘cooking pot’.
Cocotte a Oeuf An individual porcelain egg dish.
Column Cutters Long cylindrical cutters used in cold buffet work.
Compote Fresh or dried fruit cooked in a light syrup.
Condimenter To season with condiments. Derived from the Latin word condimentum meaning ‘to preserve’.
Condire A French word meaning ‘to preserve’.
Confit A method of cooking meat slowly in its own fat, then storing it in that fat. Usually applied to duck, goose and pork, with vegetables also then being cooked in the same fat. Derived from the Latin word conficere meaning ‘put or make together’.
Consommé A basic clear soup. Derived from the Latin word consummare meaning ‘accomplish’.
Consommer A French word meaning to ‘use up’.
Contiser A French term indicating the insertion of thinly sliced truffle into meat or fish.
Contrefilet A boned sirloin of beef.
Coquere An old French word meaning ‘cook’.
Corbeille de Fruit’s A basket of fresh fruit.
Cordon A thin thread of sauce. Derived from the old French word corde meaning ‘small cord’.
Coulis A thin puree of fruit or vegetables used as a garnish. Derived from the old French word coleis meaning ‘flowing’. Traditionally also an essence produced from shellfish, and used as a base for sauces.
Coupe A silver cup or goblet. A combination ice cream with fruit and liqueur.
Couronne To arrange and serve food in the shape of a crown.
Court-Bouillon A liquor made from carrots, onions, wine, peppercorns and herbs. Often used for cooking fish.
Crapandine Poultry and game split down the back and laid flat for roasting.
Crèmeux A French term indicating ‘creamy’.
Crepe A thin pancake usually served rolled or folded with a sweet or savoury filling. Derived from the old French word crespe meaning ’curled’.
Croquant A French term indicating crisp crackling.
Croquettes Cooked foods, often potatoes, moulded into cylinder shaped pieces, egg, breadcrumb and fried. Derived from the French word croquer meaning ‘to crunch’.
Croustadines Small pieces of puff pastry cut into various shapes and used as ‘bouchees’.
Croute A cushion of fried bread upon which foods are served. A pastry crust. Derived from the old French word crouste meaning ‘crust’.
Croutes De Flute A French loaf cut into thin slices and toasted on both sides.
Crouton A small cube of fried bread used to garnish soup. Bread cut into heat or other fancy shapes, fried and used to garnish various foods. A French word meaning ‘little crust’.
Cru Raw.
Crudités A selection of raw vegetables eaten as an appetizer or snack, often served with a dip or as a garnish. Celery, cucumber, baton carrots, young asparagus tips, small cauliflower florets, mangetout and baby sweet corn are some of the vegetables used. Derived from the Latin word cruditas meaning ‘raw’.
Crustaces et Coquillages Indicates shellfish.
Cuisine A style of cooking noted for its high quality. A range of food produced by a restaurant, individual or country. A French word meaning ‘kitchen’, and derived from the Latin word coquina meaning ‘to cook’.
Cuisine Minceur A low-calorie form of French cooking. A French term translating as ‘slimness cooking’.
Cuisson A liquid used for cooking.
Cuissot A large leg of pork or venison.
Cuit Cooked.
Cutlet A cut of meat taken from the leg or rib sections; usually applied to lamb, pork or veal. Derived from the French word cotelette meaning ‘little rib’.


Darne A round cut of fish taken across the bone. The middle section of a salmon.
Dariole A small flower pot shaped mould. A French word translating as ‘custard tart’.
Deglacer The swilling out of a pan with wine or stock in order to use the sediment.
Degorger The use of salt to draw water out of a food. The use of salt to draw out the bitter juices of some foods, for example aubergines.
Degraiser To degrease, the removal of fat from the surface of sauces, soups, stocks, etc.
Dejeuner Luncheon.
Demi-Deuil A French term indicating poultry that has been studded with truffle.
Demi-Glace Equal quantities of brown stock and brown sauce then reduced by half. Half glazed reduced espagnole.
Denerver A French term indicating the removal of sinew.
Denoyauter A French term indicating the removal of the stone from a fruit, for example an olive.
Depouiller A French term indicating the slow, continuous, cooking of a food in order to remove any fat or scum as it rises to the surface. To skim.
Desosser To bone, the removal of bones from meat, poultry, etc.
Dessaler A French term indicating the removal of salt.
Devilled The addition of hot condiments.
Diable Devilled.
Dice To cut food into small equal sized cubes.
Dorer To cook a food until it is a golden-brown colour.
Double De Mouton The two legs of mutton or lamb cooked whole and in one piece.
Douilles Piping tubes.
Dress The cleaning, trimming and garnishing of food ready for presentation.
Duxelles Finely copped mushroom and shallots, sweated in half oil and butter then seasoned and garnished with fresh chopped parsley. Allowed to dry, then used for sauces, soups and stuffing. Named after the Marquis d’Uxelles, a 17th centaury French nobleman.
Duxelles Stuffing Dry Duxelles simmered in white wine until completely reduced, then tomato is added along with crushed garlic and breadcrumbs. Used to stuff vegetables.


Eau De Vie Literaly translates as ‘water of life’, eau de vie is the French name given to any number of fruit brandies. Especially used to flavour sauces and sweets, they include examples such as kirsch (cherry) and framboise (raspberry).
Ebarber A French term indicating the removal of the border from oysters, mussels or fish.
Ecumer To skim.
Emincer To slice thinly, or to cut into very small pieces.
Empanadillas Small crescent shaped pastries traditionally served as tapas. Available with a variety of either sweet or savoury fillings.
En Branche Vegetables cooked and served as whole leaves.
Endive An edible plant with tightly packed curly leaves, used as a salad or garnish. A term used in North America to indicate chicory.
Entrecote Steak from a boned sirloin. A French word translating as ‘between the rib’.
Entrée A light dish or appetiser served before the main course during a formal dinner. Also a dish served as an accompaniment to a main meal. Traditionally a main course dish consisting of meat or poultry. See also under ‘appetiser’.
Entremets Traditionally a light dish served between the main course and desert at a formal dinner. Also a sweet dessert served at the end of a meal, or after the cheese course of a formal meal. A French word translating as ‘between the course’.
Epaule A French term indicating the ‘shoulder’.
Eplucher A French term indicating to ‘peal’ or ‘skin’.
Escalope A thin slice of boneless meat of fish, especially veal and poultry beaten flat prior to cooking. A French word meaning ‘shell’.
Escarole Endive salad.
Espagnole Brown sauce.
Essence De Volaille A very strong, saltless, chicken stock produced by sweating chicken trimmings in butter with mushrooms, covered with a white stock, and boiled slowly for an hour.
Estomac A French term indicating the stomach of an animal.
Estouffade Traditionally a brown stock, but more commonly a beef stew.
Etamine A muslin cloth used for straining sauces, soups and other liquids.
Etuver To stew, braise or steam meat in its own juice. An old French word literaly meaning ‘steam bath’.


Farce A French stuffing, often made from sausage meat, also known as forcemeat. Derived from the Latin word farcire meaning ‘to stuff’.
Farci A French term meaning to be stuffed with forcemeat; usually applied to fish, poultry and vegetables. Derived from the Latin word farcire meaning ‘to stuff’.
Farinaceous Any food that contains or consists mainly of starch; potatoes, rice and noodles for example. Farinaceous is a term generally taken to mean any pasta dish.
Farineux et Riz Indicates farinaceous and rice dishes.
Faux-filet A boned-out sirloin.
Feuillete A puff pastry case cut into a diamond, round, square or triangular shape. Derived from the French word feuille meaning ‘leaf’.
Fines Herbs This is a traditional mixture of the fresh herbs chervil, chives, tarragon and parsley. Often referred to in many classical French recipes.
Flambé Food covered in a warm spirit and then set alight in order to impart flavour. Derived from the old French word flamber meaning ‘to pass through flame’.
Fleuron A small crescent shaped piece of puff pastry, used as a garnish for fish.
Floured To cover or coat food, work surfaces or utensils with flour.
Foie Gras Fat goose liver
Fold The mixing of a light airy mixture with a heavier one. The two are blended together with a spatula or spoon in a gentle motion, combining the mixture without loosing any air.
Fond A basic simplified stock.
Fond De Volaille A white poultry stock.
Fouette To whisk.
Fourre Stuffed with a filing, for example an omelette.
Frappe Chilled. A beverage chilled or poured over crushed ice. Also a dish consisting of fruit-flavoured water ice, served as a starter or cold dessert.
Frapper A French word meaning to ‘chill’.
Freddi Italian term indicating that the food is served cold.
Friandises An alternative name for petits fours.
Fricassee A white stew of meat or poultry in which the food is cooked in the sauce. Derived from French word fricasser meaning to ‘cut up and cook in sauce’.
Frire A French word translating as ‘fry’.
Fritto Misto An Italian term indicating a deep-fried mixture of meat or fish together with vegetables. Literaly translating as ‘fried mixture’.
Friture Frying fat or oil, also a pan set-aside containing hot oil or fat and used for frying.
Froth A mousse. Either a very light and fluffy forcemeat, or light iced cream.
Fume Smoked. Derived from the Latin word fumus meaning ‘smoke’.
Fume Negro Literally meaning black smoke.
Fumet A strongly flavoured, concentrated stock prepared by cooking meat, fish or vegetables. An essence of fish or game.


Galantine A dish consisting of boned fish, meat or poultry which is shaped, usually stuffed and cooked in a stock, cooled, glazed with aspic and served.
Garni A French term indicating garnished. Derived from the French word garnir meaning ‘adorn’.
Garnish A decorative item, usually edible, used to decorate a dish.
Gibier Indicates game dishes.
Givre Frosted.
Glace Iced. To glaze cakes or pastries with apricot jam, fondant or icing. Also to be dusted with icing sugar and browned under a salamander.
Glace De Viande A meat glaze. Usually a brown stock reduced slowly to a glue-like consistency, although poultry and fish glazes may be produced in the same way.
Glacer A French term meaning to colour a dish under a grill.
Glacier An ice cream maker. A chef that specializes in pastry work and ice cream.
Glaze To coat with melted butter, jelly or sauce. To colour a sauce or sugar coated dish under a grill. To baste a meat with its own juices, to brush meat etc.
Gratinate Sprinkled with breadcrumbs or cheese and browned under a salamander.
Gravlax Raw salmon cured with salt and fresh dill, usually served with a sweet mustard sauce. Also known in Sweden as ‘gravad lax’ and in Norway as ‘gravlaks’.
Grease The coating of a tin or baking tray with butter, fat or oil in order to prevent sticking. Animal fat, especially from cooked meat. Derived from the Latin word crassus meaning ‘fat’.
Grenouilles Frogs’ legs.
Gros Sel Coarse salt. See also ‘migonette’.


Hache A French word meaning ‘minced’.
Hacher To chop.
Haute Cuisine Classic, high-quality French cooking. Translates into English as ‘high cooking’.
Historier To decorate or embellish a dish.
Hors D’Oeuvre Small starter dishes, served hot or cold, an appetizer. A French term that translates as ‘outside the work’.
Hure The cooked head of a pig or boar.


Insalata Italian term for salads.


Jardinière To cut into thin baton shapes.
Julienne To cut into very thin baton strips.
Jus A basic thin gravy, consisting mainly of the natural juices of the food it is served with. Also the juice of a fruit. for example lemon. A French word translating as ‘juice’. See also brown stock.
Jus de Citron Lemon juice.
Jus de Veau A brown veal gravy, produced from blanched veal bones browned together with mirepoix. Covered with white stock and boiled for several hours, skimmed and strained.
Jus de Viande A simple and basic gravy. Produced from the natural juices of roasted meat, deglazed with a little brown stock.
Jus Lie Thickened gravy.
Jus Roti Roast gravy.


Knock-Up The creation of ridges around the edge of a pie by pressing with the fingers.
Knock Back To push back a yeast dough after it has risen.


Larding The insertion of small strips of fat through a piece of lean meat. Usually pork fat is used, as this helps keep the meat moist during cooking.
Lardons Small strips of bacon.
Le Buffet Froid The cold buffet.
Le Chateaubriand The top end of a fillet of beef.
Le Chaud-Froid A creamed veloute with added gelatine, used for masking cold dishes.
Le Contrefilet A boned sirloin of beef.
Le Court-Bouillon A blanc used for the cooking of oily fish, calf’s brain etc.
Leaven To add yeast or other agent to a food in order to make it rise, especially a dough. To cause a bread or cake to rise by the addition of leaven. Derived from the Latin word levare meaning ‘to rise’.
Legumes et Pommes de Terre Indicates vegetables and potatoes.
Liaison A blend of egg yolk and cream used as a thickening agent. The addition of cream or butter to a soup or sauce. Derived from the French word lier meaning ‘bind’.
Lier A French word meaning ‘bind’.
Luter The sealing of a cocotte with pastry paste prior to cooking.


Macedoine A French term usually taken to mean mixed vegetables cut into 5mm dice, served hot or cold as a garnish or side dish; but traditionally it was also applied to assorted diced fruits.
Macerate The marinating of fruits in wine or liqueur, usually over night, in order to impart flavour and moisture.
Manche A Gigot Basically this is a handle that is attached to a cooked leg of lamb or mutton, used to give a firmer grip while carving.
Mangier A French word meaning ‘food’.
Marinade A blend of herbs, condiments, acids and oils used to impart flavour and improve the flavour of meat, poultry and game prior to cooking.
Mariner A French term describing the process of marinating meats in order to improve flavour and tenderness.
Mask The coating of an item with sauce.
Masquer To mask. To cover any hot or cold food with a sauce or jelly. Also to cover the bottom of a dish or mould with a sauce or jelly.
Matignon Equal amounts of thinly sliced carrots and onion, a third of the amount of raw ham and celery, simmered in butter with bay leaf and thyme, then deglaced with Madeira.
Mecerer To macerate, also to pickle briefly. A French term traditionally describing the process of preserving fruits in liquor.
Medallion The preparation of food into a flat round medallion shape.
Melange The combination of two or more fruits or vegetables prepared together. A French word meaning ‘to mix’.
Mesclun A mixture of young salad leaves, usually including dandelion, endive, radicchio and rocket. Literaly translates from the old French as ‘mixture’.
Meze An assortment of snacks served either as a starter or as a complete light meal. Especially popular in Asia and usually served including stuffed vine leaves, savoury pastries and spiced dips. Derived from the Persian word meza translating as ‘taste,’ or ‘relish’.
Mie-De-Pain Fresh white bread with the crusts removed, allowed to dry and rubbed through a course sieve to produce breadcrumbs. Used with flour and whisked egg to coat fish, meat, etc.
Mignardises An alternative name for petits fours.
Migonette Coarsely ground pepper. See also ‘gros sel’.
Mijoter A French term describing the process of simmering a food slowly for a long period.
Mille-Feuilles Translates as a thousand leaves, a puff pastry and cream slice. Translates from the French as a ‘thousand leaves’.
Mirepoix A selection of roughly cut vegetables and herbs used for the flavouring of soups and sauces. Traditionally in French cookery carrots, onions celery, bacon, bay leaf and thyme are used. Named after the Duc de Mirepoix an 18th centaury French diplomat and general.
Mirepoix-Bordelaise Carrots, onions, parsley stalks, bay leaf and thyme, stewed slowly in butter until moist. Used chiefly for hot lobster and shellfish dishes.
Mis-En-Place Literally translates as in its place. Basic preparations prior to service. Literally translates from the French as ‘in its place’.
Monter To whip egg, egg white or butter into a sauce, soup, etc.
Mornay A food served in a cheese sauce, for example cauliflower mornay. Named after the 17th century French writer Philip de Mornay.
Mortifer A French term meaning the hanging of meat, game or poultry.
Mouiller A French term meaning to moisten ingredients with water or stock prior to cooking.
Moule A mould.
Mousseline A mixture of pureed raw fish or poultry, blended with egg whites and cream until light and fluffy. Usually poached or baked in small moulds using a bain marie, and served with a strongly flavoured sauce.
Muslin A thin loosely woven cotton fabric, originally used to wrap butter, and traditionally used to strain soups, sauces, etc.


Napper A French term describing the coating of a prepared dish with sauce.
Noisette A small round cut of meat, often lamb. Also to be shaped or coloured like a nut. A French word translating as ‘little nut‘.
Noix A nut. Also the cushion piece of a leg of veal.


Oeuf Sur Le Plat Egg cooked in an egg dish.


Panache Mixed, multi coloured ice cream or jelly in a mould. Also mixed fruits or vegetables. Derived from the Italian word pennacchio meaning ‘plume of feathers’.
Panade A thick paste produced using starchy ingredients such as flour, potato or rice blended together with water or stock. Used as a thickener for sauces, or as a binding agent for stuffing. There are five basic types of panade: 1) White bread crumbs soaked in milk, lightly seasoned with salt and white pepper, then gently heated until the liquid evaporates, allowed to cool before use. 2) Choux paste produced without the addition of eggs. 3) Flour blended with egg yolks, melted butter, grated nutmeg, salt and white pepper, then softened with boiled milk and allowed to cool before use. 4) Rice cooked in a white consomme and blended into a smooth paste when cooked. 5) Potatoes prepared and cooked in milk, minced and seasoned with salt, white pepper, nutmeg, then reduced and blended with butter. Derived from the Latin word panis meaning ‘bread’.
Pane To pass fish, chicken, etc. through seasoned flour, beaten egg and white breadcrumbs.
Pantry A highly ventilated cold room used for storing food. A small closed space connected to a kitchen, and used for storing food and utensils. Derived from the French word paneterie meaning a ‘cupboard for bread’.
Papillote A term used to describe food that has been cooked and served inside a buttered paper bag to preserve flavour and moisture. Often grease proof paper or parchment is used, and a method traditionally reserved for the cooking of fish. A French word translating as ‘butterfly’.
Parer A French term meaning the trimming of any food and remove all superfluous parts.
Partie Any section of a kitchen that is responsible for a particular course. A French word translating as ‘divide’.
Pass To push through a metal sieve, strainer or muslin.
Passer To strain.
Pate Savoury mixtures of animal livers, blended with other meats, vegetables and condiments. They may be either smooth or coarse in texture. Also the French term for a pastry or other dough, and translating as ‘paste’.
Patisserie Indicates pastry. Also an establishment the specialises in the production and sale of cakes and pastries. Derived from the old French word pasticier meaning to ‘make pastry’.
Patty A small flat individual cake, produced from minced meat, vegetables or other ingredients.
Pauillac A milk fed lamb.
Paupiette A French term meaning a thin strip of meat, poultry or fish rolled in a stuffing and then poached.
Paysanne Literally means in a county style, usually vegetables cut into 15mm round or square shapes. Usually a combination of potatoes, carrots, turnips and cabbage.
Pesce Italian term indicating the seafood selection on a menu.
Petits Fours Very small bite size sweet biscuits or cakes, served at the end of a meal with coffee. See also ‘friandises’. A French term translating as ‘little oven’.
Piccata An Italian term describing thin slices of meat sautéed, and served in a spicy lemon and butter sauce.
Pincer A French term describing the browning of vegetables or bones in an oven.
Piquant Having a flavour, taste or smell that is spicy or savoury, often with a slightly tart or bitter edge to it.
Pipe The use of a piping bag for the ornamental decoration of food.
Piquer The insertion of large lardoons of bacon, fat, ham or truffle into meat or poultry. A French term meaning to ‘attach ingredients’.
Plier To fold over.
Pluck The removal of feathers from poultry and game. Also the stomach of a sheep traditionally used when making ‘haggis’.
Poach The cooking of a food by submerging it in a simmering liquid. Derived from the old French word pochier meaning to ‘enclose in a bag’.
Poele A frying pan.
Poissons et Coquillages Indicates fish dishes.
Polpetta An Italian term meaning a thin strip of meat, poultry or fish rolled in a stuffing and then poached.
Potages Indicates soups. A French word translating as ‘what is put in the pot’.
Prick This is the piercing of the skin of fruit, meat, vegetables, etc, to allow the release of air, fat or moisture.
Primeurs Early season fruit or vegetables, a term especially applied to spring vegetables. Derived from the Latin word primus meaning ‘first’.
Printaniere Literally means springtime, generally a garnish of spring vegetables.
Puree A smooth blend of food. Derived from the French word purer meaning to ‘squeeze out’.


Qandi To candice. An Arabic word meaning ‘crystallized into sugar’.
Quenelle Meat pounded, sieved and shaped like a brazil nut. Often poached. Derived from the German word knodel meaning ‘dumpling’.


Racines Root vegetables.
Rafraichir To chill a food. Also the rapid cooling of a food by running it under cold water.
Ragouts A rich slow-cooked Italian stew of meat and vegetables, often richly seasoned. Derived from the French word ragouter meaning ‘renew the appetite.
Ramekins Small round moulds, made of porcelain, glass or earthenware. Used for cold desserts and hot puddings, or for the presentation of sauces and dips. Derived from the Dutch word rameken meaning ‘little cream’.
Rape Grated.
Reduce The concentration of a sauce, stock or other dish by boiling.
Reduire To reduce a liquid to the desired consistency by gentle heating and evaporation.
Rechauffer The reheating of leftover food, literaly translating from the French as ‘reheat’. Derived from the Latin word calere meaning ‘make or be warm’.
Releve A braised or roasted joint of meat served with garnish.
Remouillage Bones boiled up again with fresh water after the stock has been poured off.
Render The heating of animal or poultry fat slowly until a liquid, before being strained and cooled. Beef dripping, for example, is extracted from beef fat. Derived from the Latin word reddere meaning ‘give back’.
Renverser To demould, to turn a food out onto a dish.
Repere A French term describing flour blended with water or egg whites, and used to seal the lids of cooking pots.
Revenir A French term describing the process of quickly frying meat or vegetables in hot oil, so sealing in flavour and juices prior to cooking.
Ribbon Long thin vegetable shavings produced using a peeler, typically of cucumber, carrot or courgette. Also a term describing the consistency of eggs beaten with sugar until stiff; when the whisk is removed the batter runs off in smooth, thick ribbons.
Rissoler To bake or fry sharply to a brown colour. For example pommes rissolees, browned potatoes.
Rocher A scoop of ice cream.
Rondeau A large shallow pan.
Rostir The act of roasting.
Roux Plain flour and fat, usually butter, cooked together and used as a thickener for sauces, soups, etc. Roux Blonde: 10oz of flour cooked in 8oz of butter to a light yellow colour. Roux Brun: 10oz of flour browned slowly in 8oz of dripping, used for brown stocks. Roux Blanc: 10oz of flour cooked slowly in 8oz of butter, stirred continually and kept white. Used for white sauces and soups.


Sabayon Egg yolks and water cooked until creamy, may be used as a sweet sauce.
Saignant Underdone.
Saisir To seal meat over a moderate heat without browning.
Salamander A cooking utensil consisting of a metal plate fitted with a handle, designed to be heated and used for browning food. When hot it is held over the food to produce a brown or caramelized surface. A term often applied to mean a grill.
Salmagundis A French term literally meaning ‘seasoned salt meats’, but more generally used to indicate a mixture of different types of foods; often a mixed salad of various ingredients such as meat, poultry, fish and vegetables arranged in neat rows on a platter
Salpicar A Spanish word meaning ‘sprinkled with salt.’
Salpicon Meat, poultry, fish, or game cut into very small cubes for use in ragouts. Also finely diced fruits for use in sweets. Derived from the Spanish word salpicar meaning ‘sprinkle with salt’.
Sauté To cook quickly in shallow oil. The tossing of food in hot oil.
Scorch To burn the surface of a food slightly, a superficial burn.
Score Incisions made through meat, fish or vegetables to assist the cooking process. Often made to assist marinating. Derived from the old Norse word skor meaning to ‘notch’.
Seal The application of intense heat to meat or vegetables causing the pores to seal, so keeping in flavour.
Sear The browning of fish, poultry or meat quickly over a high heat, keeping the centre rare.
Season The addition of condiments to food so enhancing flavour.
Shred To cut into thin strips. Derived from the German word screade meaning ‘to cut’.
Shuck A term describing the removal of oysters and clams from their shells. Also the removal of corn from its husk, and the shelling of beans and peas.
Sift The working of ingredients through a sieve to form a fine powder; also used to aerate flour when baking. Derived from the old English word siftan.
Singe The burning off of the down of a plucked bird by passing over a flame.
Sippets A white loaf cut into 10mm slices with the crusts removed, then cut into small cubes and shallow fried until golden brown. Used as a garish for soups. Derived from the German word supan meaning to ‘take liquid’.
Skillet Another term for a frying pan, now more often referring to a small shallow metal dish used for the table service of sizzling stir fries. Derived from the old French word escuelete meaning ‘small platter’.
Skim The removal of fat or scum from the surface of a liquid, also known as skimming. Derived from the French word escumer meaning ‘scum’.
Snail Butter Butter creamed, and mixed with finely chopped shallots, crushed garlic, parsley, salt and pepper.
Snip The cutting of herbs or leaf vegetables into small pieces. Derived from the German word snippen, an imitation of the sound made by scissors.
Sop A piece of food that is soaked, or dipped, in a liquid before being eaten. Derived from the German word supan meaning to ‘take liquid’.
Sopp An English word meaning bread dipped into a liquid.
Soufflé A sweet or savoury, hot or cold, dish. Very light in texture, with a high egg white content. Derived from the French word souffler meaning ‘puff-up’.
Suer A French term indicating the slow cooking of meats, poultry, fish, etc in a pan with little fat.
Supreme A delicate fillet cut from poultry or fish.


Table D’Hote A meal of several courses, of a limited choice and at a set price. Translates from the French as ‘host’s table’.
Tamis An extremely fine sieve for straining food. Originally a piece of unbleached calico cloth.
Tammy An extremely fine woollen strainer.
Tenderize The breaking down of meat fibbers prier to cooking, so making it less chewy and more digestible. This is achieved by either pounding the meat, marinating or by sprinkling with a commercial tenderizer.
Terrine A small round or oval earthenware mould, or the food contained within it; usually straight sided and with a fitted lid. A term often used to describe a coarse pate or similar cold food served in a small dish. Derived from the old French word terrin meaning ‘earthen’.
The Pass The hot plate where food is plated and garnished ready for service in a restaurant. An interface between the kitchen and eatery where orders are placed and collected.
Tina A French term describing a square or rectangular earthenware casserole dish, originally used to cook foods au gratin. Any food cooked in such a dish.
Timbale A half conical shaped mould of various sizes. Also, a flat bottomed conical shaped silver serving dish. A type of hot meat loaf. Derived from the French word tamballe meaning ‘a drum’.
Tomated A French term indicating the addition of tomato puree to a preparation, so adding colour and flavour.
Tomber des Legumes A French term describing the cooking of prepared vegetables in water and butter, heated gently until the liquid is completely evaporated.
Tourner A French term meaning vegetables prepared and cut into a regular barrel shape.
Tranche A thin rectangular piece of puff pastry. Also to slice or cut foods. A French word meaning ‘slice’.
Trancher To carve or slice meat, fish, game, etc.
Troncon A French term meaning a cut of flat fish taken across the bone, sometimes also applied to a similar cut taken from an oxtail.
Trousse A French word meaning ‘to truss’.
Truss The tying of game or poultry with string to retain its shape during cooking. Derived from the French word trousser meaning ‘to tie’.
Turn The cutting of potatoes and other vegetables into barrel or olive shapes. To cut a groove or channel in a mushroom. Derived from the Latin word tornare meaning ‘turn on a lathe’.


Vandyking An English method of preparing whole fish by cutting a “v” shape into its tail, named after the painter Anthony Van Dyck, famous for his v-shaped beard. Also a method of preparing fruits and vegetables by cutting “v” shapes along the circumference, for example tomatoes.
Varak Ultra thin edible sheets of gold or silver used for cake and sweet decorations.
Veau Veal.
Veloute A basic sauce. The base of a creamy soup or sauce, the blend of fresh stock and a roux. An old French word meaning ‘velvety’.
Velveting A method of marinating meats used in Oriental cookery; a blend of corn flour, soy sauce and seasoning used to coat food prior to cooking.
Verjus The juice of an unripe fruit, especially sour grapes.
Vesiga A jelly like substance obtained from the spinal marrow of the great sturgeon. Used in Russian cookery.
Viandes Indicates meat dishes.
Voiler A French term describing small pieces of confectionary coated with spun sugar.
Vol-Au-Vent A puff pastry case. A French term translating as ‘flight in the wind’.
Volaille Indicates poultry dishes.


Whites The name given to the protective clothing worn by a chef. Traditionally consisting of a white cotton tunic or jacket, blue checked cotton trousers, white apron and hat. Its is now common for almost any colour or pattern to be used as part of the kitchen uniform.


Zabaione An Italian word for a ‘sabayon’.
Zakuska A selection of blinis and breads served with various toppings, especially caviar, and vodka. Traditionally served as a starter, but now more often served as a pre theatre buffet. A Russian word translating as ‘hors d’oeuvres’.
Zesting To grate the glossy rind from a citrus fruit.
Zuppe Italian term indicating the soup section on a menu.

French food

English French
Almond Une amande  
Baker Un boulanger  
Basil Le basilic  
Bin Une poubelle  
Boil Bouillir  
Butcher Le boucher  
Cake Un gâteau  
Cereals Les céréales  
Cheese Le fromage  
Chili pepper/capsicum Un piment  
Chili oil L’huile pimentée (f.)  
Chop Hacher  
Chop finely Émincer  
Chopper Un couperet/un hachoir  
Cinnamon La cannelle  
Clove (bud) Un clou de girofle  
Colander Une passoire/un égoutteur  
Coffee cup/teacup Une tasse  
Condiments Les condiments  
Cook (a) Un cuisinier  
Cook (to) Cuisiner  
Cooking oil L’huile alimentaire (f.)  
Cream La crème  
Crush Écraser/Presser  
Curry powder La poudre de curry  
Deep fried food La friture  
Dill L’aneth  
Double cream La crème fraîche épaisse  
Dutch oven Une cocotte  
Egg Un œuf  
Fish Le poisson  
Fishmonger Le poissonnier  
Flagon Un pichet  
Flour La farine  
Fryer Une friteuse  
Frying pan Une poêle  
Fry Frire  
Garlic L’ail (m.)  
Glass Un verre  
Ginger Le gingembre  
Hash Un hachis  
Kitchen La cuisine  
Kitchen counter Un comptoir de cuisine  
Kitchen hood Une hotte aspirante  
Kitchen stove Une cuisinière  
Kitchenware Un ustensile de cuisine  
Kettle Une bouilloire  
Knife Un mélange d’épices  
Ladle Un couteau  
Marinate Une louche  
Microwave Marine  
Milk Un micro-ondes (irregular plural)  
Mixed Spice Le lait  
Oat L’avoine (f.)  
Olive oil L’huile d’olive (f.)  
Onion Un oignon  
Oven Un four  
Pantry Le garde-manger  
Parsley Le persil  
Pastry Une pâtisserie  
Pastry cook Un pâtissier  
Pepper Le poivre  
Poach Pocher  
Pressure cooker Un autocuiseur/Une cocotte-minute  
Mold Un moule  
Mortar and pestle Un mortier et pilon  
Nutcraker Un casse-noix  
Rape seed oil L’huile de colza (f.)  
Rinse Rinçage  
Rosemary Le romarin  
Sage La sauge  
Salt Le sel  
Saucepan Une casserole  
Sea salt Le sel de mer  
Simmer Mijoter  
Skimmer Les épices  
Slice Un écumoire  
Slice (to) Une tranche  
Spit (for roasting) Trancher/Couper en rondelle  
Spatula Un rôtissoire  
Spices Une spatule  
Sprinkle Saupoudrer  
Spoon* Une cuillère  
Soup spoon* Une cuillère à soupe  
Steam La vapeur  
Steam (to) Cuire à la vapeur  
Sugar Le sucre  
Table Une table  
Table spoon* Une cuillère de service  
Tableware La vaiselle  
Tap Un robinet  
Teaspoon* Une petite cuillère  
Thermometer Un thermomètre  
Thyme Le thym  
Vanilla La vanille  
Vegetable oil L’huile végétable (f.)  
Vinegar Le vinaigre  
Wash Laver/Rincer  
Weighing scale Une balance  
Wheat Le blé  
Whisk Un fouet  
Wholemeal flour La farine complète  
Wine Le vin  
Yeast La levure  

*»Cuillère» may also be written
«cuiller». Both spelling are acceptable

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