A better word today

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I wish that I could find better words today to tell you I’m sorry.

Мне бы хотелось найти слова лучше, чтобы сказать тебе, что я сожалею.

Другие результаты

From the watch face, you can swipe to the right to access the Blaze’s other main «apps» (for lack of a better word): Today, Exercise, FitStar, Timer, Alarms and Settings.

На циферблате вы можете провести вправо, чтобы получить доступ к другим основным «приложениям» Blaze (из-за отсутствия лучшего слова): сегодня, упражнения, FitStar, таймер, будильники и настройки.

If you get a sign, being in a negative state, whether it is anger, nervousness or irritation towards anyone or anything…, you better remember my words today and think before you start using exactly this sign as guidance for your future choices.

Если вы отрицательно настроены, будь то гнев, нервозность или раздражение к кому-то или к чему-то, и получаете знак, хорошо бы вам вспомнить мои сегодняшние слова и задуматься, действительно ли вам надо впредь руководствоваться в своих выборах именно этим знаком.

The more attempts are made today to drop this UNR ‘rot’ (regretfully, I can’t find a better word), the better.

Чем больше сегодня будет попыток отойти от этой унровской «гнили» (к сожалению, сказать иначе не могу), тем лучше.

Communication, today, is the better word.

We must have a better word than ‘prefabricated’.

«Наверно, можно найти слово получше вместо «заранее изготовленный».

Or maybe inspiration is a better word to use.

Так что, возможно, скромнее это лучшее слово для использования.

Biology needs a better word than error for the driving force in evolution.

Биология нуждается в каком-то ином слове, лучшем, чем слово ошибка, для обозначения направляющей силы эволюции…

My first words today must go to our team members.

«Мои первые слова сегодня должны быть обращены к членам нашей команды.

Seems hard to find words today.

You can make money with your words today.

Фактически, вы можете зарабатывать деньги со своих слов сегодня.

Truth is possibly the most used word today.

«Кризис» — пожалуй, самое употребляемое слово сегодня.

Good to find your words today, Vis.

Сегодня потрясающий день, чтобы выразить свои мысли, Рыбы.

We don’t use that word today to describe appearance.

Мы употребляем это слово не для того, чтобы обозначить так элемент презентации.

Writing these words today is a victory.

Many still miss the Word today.

I so needed this word today.

I must find a better word.

I need to choose better words.

I think I was, for lack of a better word, scared.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 756. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 624 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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This-this cacophony which follows us into our homes and into our beds and

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Эта- эта какофония, следующая за нами в наши дома и в наши постели,

In his paintings such as the Mona Lisa and Virgin


the Rocks,

he used light and shade with such subtlety that, for want of a better word, it became known as Leonardo’s»sfumato» or»smoke.

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В его картинах, таких как Мона Лиза и Мадонна в скалах,

он использовал свет и тень с такой проницательностью, что, за неимением лучшего слова, его стали называть Леонардо« дым».

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I don’t


to burn anyone’s cover or undermine this investigation, but I would like to rule out any possibility that Arthur might have been…


lack of a better word, sloppy during his assignations,


personal reasons.

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Не хочу подрывать ничье прикрытие или расследование, но я бы хотела исключить любую возможность, что Артур мог бы… как бы получше выразиться, в силу личных причин поступить небрежно во время этих встреч.

You have been wondering, I am sure, what I have planned


you during these-

for want of 

a better word— lessons?».

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Я уверен, ты задавался вопросом, чем я планирую с тобой заниматься в течение наших- из-за отсутствия лучшего слова— уроков?».

You have been wondering, I am sure, what I have planned


you dur ing these-

for want of 

a better word— lessons?».

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Я уверен, ты задавался вопросом, чем я планирую с тобой заниматься в течение наших- из-за отсутствия лучшего слова— уроков?».

In other


if the DPRK leader is again in the mood for


meeting, Trump might need the support


his Chinese colleagues, just as if the US wants to achieve a better deal, by increasing pressure on Iran,

where China’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement will be just right.

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Другими словами если лидер КНДР снова будет настроен на встречу, Трампу может понадобиться поддержка китайских коллег, также как и в том случае, если США захочет добиться более выгодной сделки, усилив давление


Иран, где

выход Китая из ядерного соглашения придется в самый раз.

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Mr. NEAGU(Romania): My words


congratulations are reserved


the next meeting, when we shall, I hope, have a better opportunity, and I do not


to delay the proceedings


this session.

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Г-н НЯГУ( Румыния)( перевод с английского): Слова поздравления я приберегу до следующего заседания, когда, как я надеюсь, у нас будет более благоприятная возможность, да я и не хочу затягивать работу этого заседания.

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In other


the reflector only guides better reception for the direction you want it to go, But if you own devices on the back of the reflector they certainly will record


decrease in signal strength.

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Другими словами, только отражатель направляет лучший сигнал для направления вы хотите, чтобы идти, но если у вас есть устройства на задней части отражателя они, безусловно, будут регистрировать уменьшение силы сигнала.

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In other


if Bs want to enjoy and have a good time in


absolutely clean, clear, crystal water, you should reflect on the purchase


chemicals for swimming pools.

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Иными словами, если Вы хотите насладиться и хорошо провести время в абсолютно чистой, прозрачной, хрустальной воде, то стоит задуматься и над покупкой химии для бассейнов.

It is meant


those whom we want to teach to read good books, think deeply, and to develop fine and accurate feeling for words,- said the initiator


the»Tuva chitayushchaya project, journalist Inna Printseva.

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Всем, кого мы хотим научить читать хорошие книги, глубоко мыслить, тонко и точно чувствовать слово,- говорит инициатор проекта« Тува читающая», журналист Инна Принцева.

Although the words«checking» and«inspection» are synonyms, it has been deemed appropriate to use the former


with respect to the seller’s delivery obligation under A4 and

to reserve the latter for the particular case when a«pre-shipment inspection» is performed, since such inspection normally is only required when the buyer or the authorities


the export or import country want to ensure that the goods conform with contractual or official stipulations before they are shipped.

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Хотя слова« проверка» и« осмотр» почти синонимы, представилось целесообразным использовать первое


в отношении обязательства продавца по доставке в соответствии со статьей А. 4. и

оставить второе


для конкретного случая, когда выполняется« осмотр перед отгрузкой», так как такой осмотр обычно необходим только когда покупатель или органы власти страны экспорта или импорта хотят убедиться, что товар отвечает условиям договора или официальным условиям, прежде чем



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So, listen, he’s not gonna


to hear

a word

out of my mouth except for the best way to shine



or the optimal way to load luggage into


Pullman car, so.

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Так, он не захочет ничего от меня слушать, за исключением лучшего способа полировки ботинок или

оптимального метода погрузки багажа в пульман, так что.

For those who want to learn or are starting to learn the English language, they are very


at playing this game


learning words in English.

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Для тех, кто хочет узнать или начинает изучать английский язык, они очень хорошо играть в эту игру, чтобы узнать английские слова.

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I have once

heard on radio


very interesting definition




politician:“a man that makes promises, so that he might be believed and then, he can give explanations why he hasn’t kept his promises, so that he is believed again”. Don’t be one


these people and don’t make empty promises and don’t accept to be


leader only


the position, without having


certain action plan and knowing what you want to do for the good



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Однажды я услышал

по радио интересное определение политическа, а именно« человек, который дает обещания, в которые верят, а потом также может объяснить почему он не сдержал ни одного из своих обещаний, ему точно также поверят» Не будь одним из этих людей и не давай пустые обещания, не


быть руководителем только ради позиции, без определенного плана действия, без знания того, что ты конкретно желаешь сделать для блага людей и как ты можешь сделать это.

If you want to receive daily news or entertaining messages, you need to send


keyword: HS(verses about separation), MD(fashion news), MS(tips for lovers), PS(advices on the psychology


relationships), RN(wise


about happiness),

SG(poems about boredom), SH(poems about love), SX(wise words about love), TX»Good Night!

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Если вы хотите ежедневно получать интересующие вас новости или развлекательные сообщения вам необходимо отправить ключевое


HS( Стихи о разлуке), MD( Новости моды), MS( Советы для влюбленных), PS( Советы по психологии отношений), RN( Мудрые


о счастье), SG( Стихи о

скуке), SH( Стихи о любви), SX( Мудрые слова о любви), TX SMS» Спокойной ночи»!

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In other


having true egoism,


person becomes disinterested and spontaneously wants to do something useful, he naturally lives for the good


all according to divine laws.

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Другими словами, имея истинный эгоизм, человек становится бескорыстным и ему спонтанно хочется сделать что-то полезное, он естественным образом живет для блага всех по божественным законам.

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It is in this way that the Lord wants our joy to be perfect, according to the words


the angel sent to the shepherds: Behold, I bring you




great joy, for today


Saviour is born


you, who is Christ the Lord'(Lk 2:19).

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Он возжелал, чтобы наша радость была полной, как ангел говорил пастырям:« Я возвещаю вам великую радость, которая будет всем людям ибо ныне родился вам в городе Давидовом Спаситель, Который есть Христос Господь» Лк 2,

Although the words«checking» and«inspection» are synonyms, it has been deemed appropriate to use the former


with respect to the seller’s delivery obligation under A4 and

to reserve the latter


the particular case when a«pre-shipment inspection» is performed, since such inspection normally is only required when the buyer or the authorities


the export or import country want to ensure that the goods conform with contractual or official stipulations before they are shipped.

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И оставить второе слово для конкретного случая, когда выполняется» осмотр перед отгрузкой», так как такой осмотр обычно необходим только когда покупатель или органы власти страны экспорта или импорта хотят убедиться, что


отвечает условиям договора или официальным условиям, прежде чем товар отгружен.

The communities and movements that are part of‘Together


Europe’ want to serve the Church and various different local churches; they seek the renewal


the church through the creation


new relationships and by listening


to the Word



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Те общины и движения, которые в него входят, хотят служить Церкви, разным церквам; они стремятся к обновлению церкви через созидание новых отношений и через более внимательное вслушивание в Слово Божье.

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I will have more to say about the

current situation in Ukraine later in this meeting, but


now I want to say a few words about your leadership


the SMM and the good work you and your monitors are doing every day.

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Я также выступлю по нынешней ситуации

в Украине позже в ходе сегодняшнего заседания, но сейчас я хочу сказать несколько слов о вашем руководстве СММ и хорошей работе, которую вы и ваши наблюдатели выполняете каждый день.

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Ironically, we do not manufacture guns or dangerous drugs. However, we seem to be the victims


our own geographical locations, where these two elements, combined with crime, constitute


new era


exploitation in which our young people, because


their innocence and fervour, are the prime targets


exploitation by universal and— sad to say—

unscrupulous regional»businessmen», for

want of a better


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Парадоксально, что, хотя мы не производим оружия или опасных наркотиков, тем не менее, мы становимся жертвами своего собственного географического положения, когда эти два элемента в сочетании с преступностью превращаются в новую модель эксплуатации, при которой наши молодые люди в силу своей неискушенности и пыла становятся главными жертвами эксплуатации со стороны международных и, к сожалению, недобросовестных региональных<< деловых людей>> в их стремлении к лучшему миру.

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The camera was aimed at the front


the store, but that didn’t matter; wherever you pointed it, it was aimed at


certain black dog that wasn’t any dog God had ever made in


little town called for the

want of a better word

Polaroidsville, which He also hadn’t ever made. FLASH!

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Куда бы он ни направлял ее, нацелена она была на некого черного пса, к созданию которого Бог не имел ни малейшего отношения, в маленьком городке, названном для удобства Полароидсвиллом, который также возник не по воле Господа. ВСПЫШКА!

Mr. Mukhopadhaya(India) announced further revisions to the draft resolution: in

the last line


paragraph 3, the words“human rights in accordance with” should be inserted after the words“in order to promote”; and, in the tenth preambular paragraph


the Spanish text, the word“Ombudsman” had been inappropriately translated by“instituciones de mediación” and should be left as“Ombudsman”

for want of a better


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Г-н МУКХОПАДХАЙЯ( Индия) объявляет о дополнительных изменениях в тексте резолюции:

во второй строке пункта 3 постановляющей части слова» в целях поощрения международных стандартов» следует заменить на» в целях поощрения прав человека в соответствии с международными стандартами»; в испанском варианте текста в десятом пункте преамбулы термин» ombudsman» неправильно переведен как»

instituciones de mediación» и должен быть восстановлен в целях обеспечения надлежащего перевода.

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form to practice the Management


Chronic Patients- MCP- searching


the best adherence to treatment, also known as the English word“compliance”, what is really important and wanted in entities and Patients Association(Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Alzheimer’s and many others).

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Это форма практики управления хроническими больными- МСР- поиск наилучшего соблюдения режима лечения, также известного как английское слово« соблюдение», что действительно важно и необходимо в организациях и ассоциации пациентов( диабет, дислипидемия, болезнь Альцгеймера и многие другие). другие.

Результатов: 32,
Время: 0.0257





Here’s today’s Wordle solution plus a helpful hint.

In Pictures via Getty Images

It’s already May 10th, which means we’re just about 40 days from the start of summer (and my birthday—yikes!)

On this day in history, some pretty big and important—and sometimes awful—things happened. Here are a few:

  • Back in 1503, the most famous colonizer of them all, Christopher Columbus, discovered the Cayman Islands. 31 years later, French navigator Jacques Cartier reached Newfoundland (which is an awesome place to travel, by the way).
  • In 1634, Essex County, Massachusetts was founded—home to the town of Salem, where the infamous witch trials took place just 51 years later.
  • In 1774, Louis XVI was crowned king of France. Just one year later, the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia appointed George Washington as Supreme Commander. Not long after these men would become allies against the British.
  • On this day in 1865, Confederate President Jefferson Davis was captured by Union troops in Georgia.
  • Seven years later, Victoria Woodhull became the first woman to be nominated for the president of the US by the Equal Rights Party in New York City.
  • In 1877, president Rutherford B. Hayes had the very first telephone installed in the White House. Technology!
  • The notorious and controversial J. Edgar Hoover was appointed head of the FBI on this day in 1924. Hoover remained head of the FBI for 48 years until his death on May 2nd, 1972.
  • On this day in 1940, Hitler’s forces invaded Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France, kicking WWII into high gear and showing the world that the Nazi menace was a very clear and present danger.

Anyways, that’s a lot of stuff! I’ll stop there because this is a Wordle post, not a “what happened on this day?” post! I just thought it would be fun to look up some historical events for something different. Let’s get to today’s Wordle!

Today’s Wordle #325 Answer & Hint

Spoilers, obviously. You’ve been warned.

Here’s your hint: “The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.”

And the answer is . . . .

Wordle #325 answer

Credit: Erik Kain

This is a pretty tricky word! I know I was feeling pretty stumped for a while on this one.

In a lot of ways, it’s ironic that I got the ‘C’ in green on my first guess. There are lots of words with a ‘C’ in spot three like that, but not a ton I can easily think of off the top of my head. And yet, bacon just happened to do the trick.

I chose bacon because I just made myself a BLT for dinner tonight—I toasted the sandwich in bacon grease which was delicious—so obviously I had bacon on my mind and it was a pretty good guess.

I figured niche made sense for guess #2 because if nothing else it would eliminate more letters, though it didn’t help me figure out where the ‘O’ went. Trump was not my first choice for guess #3. I actually thought of “trunk” and “truck” first but both used letters I’d already guessed, so trump it was, and trump was a big fat zero.

I knew lacey wouldn’t work because of the ‘A’ but I wanted to see if the ‘E’ went in that spot and whether there was a ‘Y’ in the word. At this point, I now still knew very little but I’d eliminated a ton of letters and it was just a matter of juggling what I knew with what I had left. Eventually gecko came to me as I started toying around with the ‘O’ in the final position.

Great word! And, I must say, a pretty great hint. Sure, Gordon Gekko doesn’t spell his name like the lizard, but it’s close enough!

Be well, dearest Wordlers! See you on the flipside!

P.S. Wordle Bot was very rude about this one, saying that after ‘niche’ I only had “one possible solution” while also noting that ‘locus’ would have been a better guess than ‘niche.’ But wouldn’t ‘locus’ be another possible solution? And if it’s not simply because it’s not on the solution list, well how are we supposed to know that?

Whatever, Wordle Bot is a jerk and he can go jump off a cliff, the jerky jerk face.


Something is amiss. The Wordle answers have branched. Yesterday, some players got ‘fetus’ instead of ‘shine’ and today some players got ‘butch’ instead of ‘gecko’—probably because when the New York Times removed ‘fetus’ due to recent political stuff, it didn’t work quite right and has thrown Wordle into a kind of multiverse of madness. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

But yeah, if ‘gecko’ doesn’t work for you today, it’s probably ‘butch.’ Very weird!

Video Transcript
Section 1
Hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish and in today’s lesson, we’re gonna look at this small but very important word and we’re gonna learn twelve better ways to say but. Well, maybe not better but definitely different and definitely more interesting.

But is an incredibly useful word and we use it a lot in English. But if you want to bring your English up to the next level and you want to expand your vocabulary, learning some alternative words and some expressions to use instead of but is an excellent way to do it.

So are you ready to stop saying but?

Let’s dive in.

Let me start by saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using but. English speakers use but all the time but by adding some variety to your vocabulary and expanding the range of English words that you use regularly will help you to sound less repetitive, less robotic when you’re speaking. Plus it’s fun to try new things.

Hey ladies! Do you want to practise English in real conversations with really lovely speaking partners?

Stop watching lessons at home on your own and come join us at Hey Lady! Hey Lady! is an online community for women. We’ll help you to meet new speaking partners and practise real conversations in English.

We offer a free trial so that you can experience everything on offer in a full membership and it’s free for ten days. I’ve put the link down in the description below so that you can start your free trial today.

In this lesson, I’m gonna start with the most casual words and phrases that you can use instead of but. But as we go further through the lesson they’re going to get a little more formal and perhaps there’ll be some new ones that you’re not super familiar with.

I’m going to use this little scale down here to help explain how formal or how informal something is. The scale’s out of five with one being the most informal and five being the most formal.


Though, for example, is really quite casual but nevertheless is really quite formal.

We can use though and although instead of but to show contrast.

  • I wanted an ice cream but I didn’t have any money.
  • I wanted an ice cream though I didn’t have any money.

Both though and although are more flexible than but because they can go in the middle of the sentence like we see here or at the beginning of our sentence like this.

  • Although I didn’t have any money, I wanted an ice cream.

Though can even go right at the very end.

  • I wanted an ice cream, I didn’t have any money though.

In spoken English though is more common than although.


Although is slightly more formal.

Actually I want to talk specifically about though especially when it comes at the end of the sentence because it is so common in spoken English.

You’ve probably heard it before and maybe you’ve wondered what on earth it meant or maybe you thought it was one of those things that native speakers say even though it’s not proper grammar.

It is though! It is proper grammar.

Having though at the end of a sentence like this indicates a contrast or an opposing idea in exactly the same way as we use but.

You thought it wasn’t proper grammar but it is or: It is though.

That said

Here’s a good one! We can use the phrase that said when we speak and we use it to add an opinion that contrasts something that has just been said.

  • I like working from home. That said, I miss socialising in the office.

We can use the adverb however in the same way but however is slightly more formal and we can use it in both written English and spoken English. That said is mainly used in spoken English.

  • I like working from home however I miss socialising in the office.

However’s position in the sentence is a little bit more flexible. We can put it at the beginning of our sentence between the subject and a verb or at the end of a sentence as well.

On the one hand / On the other hand

I wonder if you know this one.

On the one hand and on the other hand is a two-part phrase and it shows the difference between points of view or different facts.

  • On the one hand, I’d like to earn more money.
  • On the other hand, I don’t want to work 40 hours a week.

You may hear just the second part of this expression used particularly in spoken English, it’s really common for native speakers just to drop the first part and then say on the other hand, as they mentioned the alternative fact, the different fact.

You’ll also commonly hear and or but added as well. It just helps the sentence to flow better and to sound a little bit more natural.

  • I’d like to earn more money but on the other hand, I don’t want to work a 40-hour week.


Now things are starting to get a little more formal.

Yet is another alternative to but. It’s a linking word just like but. We use it in exactly the same way.

  • A corkscrew is a simple yet effective tool.

Just like but, yet can link two sentences, two clauses or two words of the same grammatical type together. So two adjectives, two nouns or two sentences as long as they’re the same type. And that’s why you’ll always find but and yet in the middle of a sentence.

  • The cafe was busy yet calm.

Yet is definitely more formal than but, we use it to draw attention to something, an interesting fact or maybe an observation and because it’s a little less common than but, it’s gonna help you to sound a little more formal while you’re speaking or you’re writing.


Conversely. Is that new for you? Conversely means in an opposite way. We can use it to introduce a statement that is the opposite of what we’ve just said.

  • In 2020 parts of Australia experienced terrible bushfires. Conversely, those same areas are now experiencing flooding.

Conversely can be quite formal and so it’s often used in written English, not usually spoken.


Nevertheless is a much more formal way of saying but. Can you say it with me? Nevertheless.

It’s used in writing and especially in academic English. It would probably sound a little bit strange if you just slipped that into an everyday conversation with someone, your neighbour for example.

Nevertheless is an adverb so we can place it in a few different parts of our English sentences. It can come at the beginning of a clause.

  • We had a tiny chance of winning that match. Nevertheless, the loss was still disappointing.

Or we can put it at the end of a sentence.

  • We had a tiny chance of winning that match. The loss was disappointing nevertheless.

Sometimes we use but not to exclude something or not include it.

  • The library is open daily but not Sundays.

So the library is open every day excluding Sunday.

So when this is the case, we can replace but not with a number of different expressions and we’re going to focus on those now.

  • Except for
  • Apart from
  • Excluding
  • Bar

Except for
Apart from

Except for and apart from are definitely less formal and they’re quite neutral as well. You can use them in both formal and informal situations.

  • I’ve just finished all the presentation slides except for the last two.


Bar, on the other hand, is the most formal. You would probably use it at a work setting, you know in a professional context or perhaps informal or academic writing.

Have you heard of this word before? Have you heard it used in this way?

  • I finished all the presentation slides bar the last two.

So that’s it! Twelve alternatives to but. But is so common in English and it means that learning some of these alternatives will really help you to step up your conversation skills.

And if that sounds like something you want to do make sure you check out this lesson next. Hit subscribe, give this video a like.

Thank you for being here. I’ll see you in the next lesson!

mmmEnglish Video Lessons are a series of video lessons created to build confidence in English learners and focus on English in daily life. Download them and watch them anywhere! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be the first to get my new videos, and come and say hi on my Facebook page!!

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