A bad word to call a girl

Last updated on June 10, 2022 by Michelle Devani

The thing about words (especially harmful ones), is that they seldom stay with the speaker. Like fireworks, they burn high and bright in the heat of the moment and die there for many people. Unfortunately, it works quite differently for the people on the receiving end.

Nevertheless, people who intentionally choose to hurt another person with their choice of words know the exact impact it’s going to have. It’s even more painful when it comes from someone you care about. 

Friends say some things that hurt each other’s feelings when upset, or use foul language more when they want their words to sting. 

I guess it doesn’t come as much of a surprise then that negative words dominate language instead of positive statements or things. Still, if you were wondering what to say to a girl that’s almost guaranteed to hurt her feelings, here are 103 examples.

103 Bad Words To Hurt A Girl

  • “Dumb.”

No one enjoys being called dumb, but it not only hurts a girl more coming from a person she likes, it also stays with her for a long time.

  • “Cheap.”


Whether you mean that in terms of money or her sex life, being called cheap is painful to hear, period.

  • “Slut.”

Ladies playfully call each other slut for fun nowadays, but that doesn’t mean they want to hear it from a guy.

  • “Loose.”

This is another disapproving and derogatory language, it’s simply another way of calling a girl a hoe, slut, whore, etc.

  • “Attention whore.”

She doesn’t have to sleep around to find the word ‘whore’ hurtful. Shaming her for trying too hard to attract attention can have the same effect. 

  • “Ugly.”

Regardless of how strong her sense of self is, being called ugly by the opposite sex hurts a lot. Even if it’s for fun.

  • “Loser.”

Even the highest achiever in the room has moments of self-doubt. Imagine how bad that can make someone feel if they think other people think of them that way too.

  • “Freak.”

Calling a girl a freak either suggests that she’s physically deformed or so obsessed with something it looks like an addiction. Both instances hurt.

  • “Fat.”

There’s nothing constructive in telling a girl she’s gained weight in a manner that blunt. It’s worse if she likes you, that seemingly harmless information might make her self-conscious for life.

  • “Bitch.”

Bitch is an insult to women, whether she is your boss, girlfriend, sister, or friend. It’s a way to call someone aggressive, bossy, unreasonable, or just nasty.

  • “Nag.”

This is more painful when used during an argument or conversation about things in her life that are obviously important to her. 

  • “Lazy.”

Being called lazy by someone whose opinions matter to you is not only painful to hear, but it’s also a quick way to lower a person’s self-esteem.

  • “Hormonal.”

“Is it that time of the month already?” and its variants are upsetting because they’re incredibly reductive of women. 

  • “Dirty”

As in unclean and filthy, not the good kind we sometimes use in the bedroom.

  • “Dry”

Whether you say it about her behavior or personality, being called boring or dry isn’t exactly a compliment.

  • “Gold-digger”

Implying that she’s only ever after the money is not nice to hear, especially when she expects better from you.

  • “Fake.”

If you want to end up in a woman’s black book for life, call her fake.

  • “Why can’t you be more like your friend?”

You’ve probably heard never to compare your partner to other people. But to now use her friend?

  • “Why can’t we be fun like this other couple?”

Likewise, comparing your relationship with another couple who seem to be doing better is a no-no. It’s one way to make her feel inadequate.

  • “You’re just a girl.”

you're just a girl

Telling someone they can’t do something because ‘it’s a man’s job’ is not right, especially when said in that tone.

Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted?
Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren’t a priority for their boyfriend or husband. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can’t spend some quality time with you like they used to.

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  • “I’m sorry but…”

The ‘but’ invalidates the apology, and that hurts because you’re obviously not sorry.

  • “I do but…”

Similarly, ‘I do’ doesn’t quite have the effect it should when that word ‘but’ follows. 

  • “I’m moving out of town, I think we should break up.”

Springing two huge news on one person in one breath with no prior notice? Now that’s mean.

  • “Shut up!”

It is rude to shut someone up while they’re still talking but even worse when you yell it.

  • “You just don’t do it for me anymore.”

Ouch. You’re essentially saying she isn’t good enough for you anymore.

  • “Snap out of it.”

This can be helpful in some instances, but it hurts when you use it to dismiss someone’s feelings.

  • “I hate you.”

Words that convey extremely negative emotions are not fun to hear, I’ll tell you that.

  • “I don’t hate you, I’m just done with you.”

But then again, hearing someone say they hate you isn’t quite as painful as when they just don’t care anymore.

  • “You’re not my mother!”

Listen, in case you didn’t know, I think I speak for all women when I say we hate that line.

  • “Whatever.”

“Whatever, really? That’s all you have to say?” is the natural reaction that one word elicits in us.

  • “Can you do something right for once?”

If you mean to suggest that she has never done anything right before, this phrase covers it.

  • “You disgust me.”

Ah, this is just terrible. Too bad to use on a person at all, let alone loosely.

  • “Who will want you now?”

Like she’s some sort of damaged good no one would ever move to? If you mess with someone’s self-esteem with words like this, that would be a really low move.

  • “Midget.”

This is an insult to not just the person you’re saying it to, but to actual people out there who get treated differently just because of their height.

  • “Too tall.”

Calling someone too tall because she’s female is a bad move.

  • “Hysterical.”

This is often used interchangeably with hormonal for women.

  • “Calm down.”

calm down

If you’ve ever been told to calm down during an argument when all you did was try to be heard, you know how it feels to hear it.

  • “Try-hard.”

This word implies that she isn’t good enough to be where she is. Imagine people calling you that?

  • “Crazy”

Calling a person crazy as an insult still hurts even though we play with the word a lot.

  • “Skinny.”

Body-shaming isn’t cool whether you’re calling someone fat or skinny. Don’t tell her to eat more unless you’re deliberately trying to be an ass. 

  • “Heartless.”

Calling her heartless because of a decision she made in a situation that’s obviously out of her hands is just mean.

  • “Useless.”

Useless is a pretty cruel word to use for a person and should be reserved for a government that deserves it.

  • “Prude.”

Calling someone prude because their lifestyle doesn’t match yours is juvenile but still painful.

  • “Killjoy.”

Another way to call her a prude.

  • “Goody two-shoes.”

Want to leave her wondering what guys really want? Words like Goody two-shoes and Mrs. Grundy ought to do it.

  • “Uptight.”

 Ouch, that hurts.

  • “Stuck-up.”

Calling her stuck-up without ever trying to find out her reasons for staying aloof is terrible. 

  • “Dyke.”

This term is homophobic, misogynistic, and all-around derogatory to use on a woman. 

  • “Weirdo”

She probably feels different from other people already, calling her weirdo will only upset her and make her withdraw even further.

  • “Nerd”

I don’t even get how being brilliant became an insult but then the way you say it also counts.

  • “That’s why nobody likes you.”

Don’t be the reason someone thinks this about themself.

  • “You are a terrible person.”

This would hit harder if the recipient has feelings for you or respects you enough to value your opinion of them.

  • “You messed up again.”

‘Again’ means you’ve been keeping a score of her mess-ups. Less heavy words have kept people down mentally.

  • “You have issues.”

Who doesn’t, right? But that doesn’t mean we want to go around hearing about it from people.

  • “What is it this time?”

This says “it’s always something with you,” or any other thing that suggests your patience is wearing thin.

  • “I’m tired of your sh!t.”

It’s just as bad when you come right out and say it.

  • “Your ex was right.”

It would hurt to see a man I confided in about something hurtful, throw it back in my face.

  • “What was I thinking getting involved with you?”

Wow. That’s the first thing I would say, and it wouldn’t be because of enthusiasm.

  • “I regret ever _______ you.”

Fill that gap with loving, marrying, sleeping with, and you get the same reaction: hurt.

  • “You are just a failure.”

you are just a failure

As normal as failure is, we still feel terrible when it happens to us. However, it’s a different kind of hurt when people around us define us by them.

  • “You’re overreacting.”

This information hurts in the same way that calling a woman hormonal does. 

  • “You are pathetic.”

This is up there among words that would definitely be too painful to hear for anyone.

  • “You are just like every other girl.”

While this would ordinarily not be an insult, it can be if you present it maliciously.

  • “I’d rather eat sand than spend one more day with you.”

This is a loaded statement in any situation, but saying it to a lady who’s trying to get back together with you might ruin her.

  • “Beauty really isn’t everything.”

The annoying part is nobody said it was, but when you act like something she did disillusion you, it doesn’t feel good.

  • “You’ve taught me everything I don’t want in a girl.”

Break this out when you’re trying to be mean to an ex-girlfriend.

  • “You are just being dramatic.”

This is offensive because it totally dismisses the reason for the ‘drama’ and just aims to make her feel bad.

  • “You’re gonna eat all that?”

Many women are naturally conscious of their body and what they eat, so statements like this can be embarrassing, to say the least. 

  • “That’s not very ladylike.”

You can also try picking on everything she does and making her feel like less of a ‘lady’ every chance you get.

  • “At least I’m not a/an ______ like you.”

Judgmental, petty, small, and similar adjectives define men who talk to women like this cause it truly hurts.

  • “You are too sensitive.”

Telling someone to put a lid on their emotions on account of being overly sensitive is the worst.

  • “Insensitive.”

On the other hand, telling people they aren’t female-enough because they don’t show ‘feminine care’ is just as bad. 

  • “Are you done?”

This is one of those words we use without even knowing their effect on the recipient.

  • “Don’t flatter yourself.”

While we use this without spiteful intent sometimes, it can also imply that the person is overestimating their worth.

  • “I deserve better than you.”

This may be the truth, but that doesn’t make it easy to hear.

  • “You think you can do better than me? Lol”

This, on the other hand, is condescending and shows that you think very little of the recipient and way too highly of yourself.

  • “Slow”

There’s nothing positive about calling people slow or retarded, male or female.

  • “You look fine for your age.”

Believe it or not, this is not a compliment.

  • “I’m a man, you’ve gotta respect me.”

i'm a man, you've gotta respect me

If I were friends with a guy who thinks he deserves respect just because of his gender, I’d be pained for even knowing him.

  • “You try, you’re just not it.”

Acknowledging that they try but will never be enough nonetheless makes it even harder to hear.

  • “You are ok.”

Context obviously matters here. If the height of your compliment for a woman is always that she’s ok (read: average), you’re already doing a good job of hurting her.

  • “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Gaslighting is so terrible that experts call it a form of emotional abuse.

  • “Jeez, relax a little.”

Aka, you’re uptight. I don’t care if it’s the truth or not, it’s harsh.

  • “I honestly don’t give a f*ck.”

I’d take someone telling me point blank that they hate me over indifference any day.

  • «You’re going to make some guy very lucky one day.»

Might as well add the ‘but not me.’

  • «You’re not my type.»

This is certainly not the worst thing to say to someone. Some even call it kind compared to the alternative. Still, it hurts to hear.

  • «Act your age.»

Age is always a sensitive topic, whether you’re asking or forcing it on someone.

  • «You’re not all that. I lied.»

The joke’s on you, though, because she’ll get over the heartache you cause and find out that she’s all that and more.

  • «I’m in love with your friend.»

i'm in love with your friend

Imagine someone you’re dating comes up to you and tells you this?

  • “Bitter feminist.”

Though feminists own this narrative, some people still get off on calling women bitter when they aren’t ‘being a sweetie.’

  • “You’re a lady, act like it.”

You have no right to tell a person how to act, FYI. But then, that doesn’t mean being rebuked like that won’t get to her.

  • “My ex was a lot more ______ than you.”

Being compared to your ex would hurt her and most likely make her leave you.

  • “You’re just like your mother.”

This is a low-low, especially if she told you stuff about her mom in confidence.

  • “Who hurt you?”

Probably you, or your kind, but try asking anyway.

  • “You _____ like a boy.”

This would hit just about as much as being told you ‘walk’ like a girl.

  • “Don’t be such a brat.”

Another way of saying you’re overreacting, hormonal, a drama queen, etc.

  • “It’s just sex, take a chill pill.”

This is like telling her to calm down but worse.

  • “Stay away from me.”

Even if you don’t mean permanently, being asked to be left alone by someone you care about can feel harsh. 

  • “You are worthless to me now.”

Might as well leave it at ‘you are worthless’ and just own your heartlessness.

  • “You are so stupid.”

I’m sure this needs no explanation.

  • “I’m so disappointed in you.”

i'm so disappointed in you

Expressing disappointment in what your partner did is not the worst thing, but directing it at them directly? That’s mean.

  • “You are an embarrassment.”

Sigh. If you had even the faintest idea of how damaging these four words can be, you wouldn’t use them.

  • Nothing.

“Harsh words can hurt one’s feelings, but silence breaks your heart.”


What are some hurtful words?

The following are some hurtful words you should avoid saying to people: wimp, whore, slut, gay, dyke, retarded, stupid, dumb, try-hard, useless, worthless, midget, weirdo, etc. Phrases like shut up, you’re not enough/pathetic/a failure also fall within the category.

How can I forget a hurtful word?

You can consciously remind yourself that you are not what other people say you are and find one positive word for each negative one. It can also help to write the words on a piece of paper and burn it.

What to say to someone who is hurting?

Acknowledge their pain and empathize with them. Assure them you will try to be there for them as much as they need in this difficult period, so they know they’re not alone. Encourage them to talk about it if they want but don’t force it. Finally, if you don’t know what to say, just listen.

How do you get over a girl that hurts you?

You can start by removing yourself from situations that put you in the same place, if possible. If not, keep your contact with her to needs-only. Give yourself some time to grieve your relationship. Talk to your loved ones about your feelings and try to socialize more.

Do words really hurt?

Like a dagger to the heart, yes, words hurt. They stay with you long after the person who said them might have forgotten. A single statement can have an impact so profound on you that it affects you for as long as you live.

To End Things Off,

I understand some of the points here aren’t exactly new information, but like I said, the tone matters just as much, if not more than the words themselves. There’s hardly any excuse to be unkind, so even if you must use this, do it sparingly. If you liked this article, kindly leave a comment and share it with others.

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Michelle Devani

My name is Michelle Devani, and I’ve been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.

The word “girl” can be tricky.

I would know. Since I go by the moniker Grammar Girl, you won’t be surprised that I’m fine with the word; but I’ve been criticized by people who say I’m a grown woman and should identify as such.

To the complainers, I say I can call myself whatever I want, thank you.

Nevertheless, I see their point.

Entire insults are framed around the word “girl” (e.g., “throw like a girl” and “run like a girl”), and right now one of the hottest videos on YouTube is the Always #LikeAGirl campaign, which shows how telling kids they “hit like a girl” makes them think that girls are weak and somehow bad.

The video, complete with stirring music, tries to retake the word, encouraging girls to embrace their girlness and feel powerful. They ask, “Why can’t ‘run like a girl’ also mean ‘win the race?’”

“Girl” has an interesting history, and its meanings—both literal and subtle—have changed over and over again in English.

Back in the 1300s, “girl” meant a child of either sex. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) notes that a “knave girl” was a boy. Meanings change, and  about 100 years later, “girl” meant a young female, and by the late 1800s, “girl” was also being used for women (although the OED notes that such use was often derogatory). Researchers publishing in the journal American Speech have shown that the females we think of as women are becoming younger—it’s not unusual to refer to 16-year-old girls as women—and that the word “woman” calls to mind sexual overtones more often than “girl” or “lady.” A Google Ngram search shows that “like a girl” insults have been increasing (at least in books) since the 1980s.

I chose to call myself Grammar Girl primarily because I liked the alliteration and because I wanted present information in a fun, friendly, and—most important—unintimidating way. In that sense, I was taking advantage of the harmlessness and frivolity associated with the word “girl.”

“Most of us were called ‘girl’ at some point in our lives,” writes Ashley Jennings, founder of Girlmade, an accelerator that caters to businesses owned by women in Reno, Nev. “For most of us it was a neutral word. Neither good nor bad, it just was.” She too was taking advantage of positive associations from “girl” when choosing her company name: “We could all use a little more innocence, risk taking, and pure pleasure seeking, if we are to be successful entrepreneurs.”

Kristy Dalton, CEO of Government Social Media, also seems to be taking advantage of the light-heartedness of the word “girl” with her quirky GovGirl videos (and again, advantageous alliteration!). Who can make government services fun? A girl, of course.

People have asked, if alliteration was important, why didn’t I use the word “gal” instead? “Gal” is much younger word, etymologically speaking. It arose around 1800 as a regional or colloquial pronunciation of “girl.” Today, though, it has a sense of being old-fashioned. The use of “gal” peaked in American English around 1940, which explains why it calls to mind the Andrew Sisters wearing military uniforms singing about the boogie woogie bugle boys of Company B. Those were gals—great gals—but I didn’t want to reinforce notion that the only person who cares about grammar is your grandma.

“Grrl” was an interesting option. The journal American Speech included “grrl” in a 1997 new-word roundup, and I remember immediately loving the growling, fierce feeling I got the first time I saw that word. I considered calling myself Grammar Grrl instead of Grammar Girl, but in the end, the irony of the misspelling was too much.

Context also matters. If a friend greets me with “Hey, girl!” That’s great. If I walk into an office and the receptionist calls his boss and says, “That girl is here for your meeting,” that’s not great. If I’m in the South, and a waitress calls me “honey,” it’s cute because it’s what they do there. If I’m in a business meeting and a man or a woman calls me “honey,” it’s not cute. It’s insulting in that context.

I suspect context is also one reason we don’t often use “boy” to refer to men. The racist connection is too prominent in our minds, yet this Julia Roberts line from the movie “Notting Hill” shows that “boy” can still work in some situations: “I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” Note how “girl” and “boy” reinforce the idea of vulnerability that is essential to the scene.

Finally, while we’re here, let me put on my Grammar Girl hat and tell you about “woman” versus “female”: If you wouldn’t use the word “man,” don’t use “woman.” If you wouldn’t write “man lawyer,” you shouldn’t write “woman lawyer.” The adjective you’re looking for is “female,”  and you should use it sparingly: use it if you have a good reason to highlight someone’s sex, such as when someone is the first female astronaut to visit Mars.

  • Тексты песен 🎧
  • BAD!



Shawty heard you bad, word, so profane
Something like a bad word, want your love
Call me when you can, girl, goin’ up, goin’ down
In and out, turn around
Shawty heard you bad, word, so profane
Something like a bad, word, want your love
Call me when you can, girl, goin’ up, goin’ down
In and out, turn around, love the way you movin’ now
Источник https://alllyr.ru/song192021

I might be insane, yeah
But I love the pain, yeah
Feel it in my brain, yeah, oh

Real life, she just wanna heal right
‘Cause I give them chills, right

Shawty heard you bad, word, so profane
Something like a bad word, want your love
In and out, turn around
Shawty heard you bad, word, so profane
Something like a bad, word, want your love
Call me when you can, girl, goin’ up, goin’ down
In and out, turn around, love the way you movin’ now

5 из 5
Оценок: 1.

Взято с https://alllyr.ru/lyrics/song/192021-xxxtentacion-bad/

Перевод песни XXXTENTACION — BAD!

Милая, я слышал, что ты плохая, это слово такое грубое
Какое-то плохое, это слово, я же желаю твоей любви
Набери мне, когда сможешь, девочка, вверх и вниз
Туда и обратно, повернись
Милая, я слышал, что ты плохая, это слово такое грубое
Какое-то плохое, это слово, я же желаю твоей любви
Набери мне, когда сможешь, девочка, вверх и вниз
Туда и обратно, повернись, люблю, когда ты так двигаешься

Возможно, я сумасшедший, да
Источник https://alllyr.ru/lyrics/song/192021-xxxtentacion-bad/
Но я люблю боль, да
Почувствуй, это у меня в голове, о да
Реальная жизнь просто хочет исцелить
Потому что от меня мурашки по телу

Милая, я слышал, что ты плохая, это слово такое грубое
Какое-то плохое, это слово, я же желаю твоей любви
Набери мне, когда сможешь, девочка, вверх и вниз
Туда и обратно, повернись
Милая, я слышал, что ты плохая, это слово такое грубое
Какое-то плохое, это слово, я же желаю твоей любви
Набери мне, когда сможешь, девочка, вверх и вниз
Туда и обратно, повернись, люблю, когда ты так двигаешься

Читать на сайте: https://perevod-pesni.ru/veli

Взято с https://alllyr.ru/lyrics/song/192021-xxxtentacion-bad/

Whilst not considered derogatory when used by higher echelons of Egyptian society the term quickly became a racial slur within the ranks of the British Army during the second World War especially in the El Alamein region of Egypt. The modern usage of Fella is today considered rude and offensive to soldiers.

What does fella mean? Fella is a very informal way of saying fellow—a general term for a man or boy. . Fella is also used in the informal phrase big fella, referring to a particularly large man or object, as in He’s a big fella, ain’t he?

Does fella mean friend?

Fella is to refer to someone usually a male stranger in a friendly way. Friend is just friend.

Can you call a girl fella?

According to Etymology Online, fellow has been: . for « man, male person, » but not etymologically masculine. It would be perfectly acceptable to call a woman a fellow traveler, for instance. A similarly toned word for a woman, but not related to fellow, might be simply lady, or woman, as in, « my dear lady. ».

Is Fella an American word?

singular fella
——– ——
plural fellas

What does it mean when someone calls you fella?

Fella is a very informal way of saying fellow—a general term for a man or boy. . However, the plural form, fellas, is somewhat commonly used, especially by men or boys as an informal and familiar way to refer to their male friends (the fellas) or as a way to address them, in much the same way as the term guys.

Is fella a bad word?

The modern usage of Fella is today considered rude and offensive to soldiers. It infers that they are of a lesser social standing than that of their officers.

Where does the word fella come from?

The first records of the word fella come from before the 1800s. Although it’s ultimately a variant of the word fellow, it’s thought to derive from an altered pronunciation of another variant of fellow—feller. If it’s “guy’s night,” that means the fellas are hanging out (probably in a man cave).

What does fella mean?

Fella is a very informal way of saying fellow—a general term for a man or boy. . However, the plural form, fellas, is somewhat commonly used, especially by men or boys as an informal and familiar way to refer to their male friends (the fellas) or as a way to address them, in much the same way as the term guys.

When was the word fella invented?


What is the female version of fella?


Where did the word fella originate from?

The first records of the word fella come from before the 1800s. Although it’s ultimately a variant of the word fellow, it’s thought to derive from an altered pronunciation of another variant of fellow—feller.

What do you call a female suitor?

suitress (plural suitresses) A female supplicant or suitor.

Is Fella an Australian word?

In some forms of Aboriginal English, fellow (also spelt fella, feller, fullah, fulla, balla etc.) is used in combination with adjectives or numerals, e.g. big fella business = « important business », one-feller girl = « one girl ».

What is the female version of mate?

4 Answers. Mate/pal work just fine for ladies as long as they actually are your friend: best of mates, we’re just mates, pals together and so on, but, mate/pal doesn’t work as well as it does with men when the woman you are apologising to is unknown to you.

Whats the opposite of fella?

chick girl
—— ——
kiddo bud
sprat kiddy
moppet sprout
enemy female

What is an antonym for suitor?

Opposite of a man who pursues a relationship with a particular woman, with a view to marriage. enemy. girlfriend. foe. hate.

Last Review : 10 days ago.

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Surprise your Russian friends with these phrases! Russian slang for “Hello”, “How are you”, “I don’t know”, “Wow” and other colloquial expressions.

Ways to Say “Hello!”

You know that we are very polite and quite distant in Russia, so the best way to say “hello” to a Russian person is long and difficult: Здравствуйте. Even if you are the same age as a person, you will still use this greeting. Perhaps you may find it a bit weird, but that’s how we say “hello.”

You can also say “Hi,” or Привет to your friends or to your classmates. But you will never say this to a person whom you see for the first time or to someone who is much older than you.

Another informal way to say “Hello” is Здрассте! The word Приветики! is used more by young girls. And Здоровó! is used among guys.

Another Way to Say “How are You?” and Some Answers

You have probably learned the phrase Как дела? or Как у тебя дела?. It’s very good! But if you want to use another phrase, remember Как жизнь?. Literally it means, “How is the life?”

How to Answer

  • Всё ништяк. Everything is perfect. Ништяк is slang, and you will never find this word in a dictionary. But we can translate it as “perfect.” It always means something good.
  • Лучше всех. I feel better than anyone.
  • Всё по-старому. Everything old, nothing     new.
  • Хреново. Very bad. Хреново is almost swearing. Be careful!

How to Say, “I Don’t Know”

  • Я не в курсе. I don’t know.
  • Понятия не имею. I don’t have any idea.
  • Хрен знает. Who knows. Хрен is almost swearing. Be careful! You can use it with friends but never with older people or in a formal situation.
  • Откуда я знаю? Why should I know it? Be careful with this phrase because it gives the impression that you’re rather annoyed.

How to Express Your Excitement

The most simple way to express excitement is to say Вау, which is the Russian pronunciation for the English word “wow.” It’s very popular among teenagers in Russia.

Other Russian phrases to express your excitement include:

  • Ух ты!
  • Ну ты даёшь!
  • Офигеть!
  • Обалдеть!
  • Ничего себе!
  • Нифига себе!

How to Say “It’s Cool”

  • Это классно!
  • Это клёво!
  • Это круто!
  • Это прикольно!

How to Say, “Damn”

  • Чёрт!
  • Блин!
  • Ё моё!
  • Чёрт возьми!
  • Ёлки палки!

You can use any of these phrases. Don’t worry, it’s not swearing.

How to Say That You’re Very Hungry

  • Я умираю с голоду. I’m dying from starvation.   
  • Есть у тебя что-нибудь похавать? Do you have anything to eat?    
  • У нас тут хавчика навалом. We have a lot of food.
  • Я сладкоежка. I like sweets.
  • Какая вкуснятина! Mmm… it’s yummy!

How to Call Boys

  • пацан
  • парень
  • чувак
  • братан
  • мужик

How to Call Girls

  • девчонка
  • девица
  • чика
  • баба

Be careful with the words девица, чика, and баба. It may sound offensive to a girl.

Another word to call a girl is мужик. Мужик literally means “man” (especially a worker in the countryside). It can be used for a girl if she did something amazingly well. For example, if she showed that she’s very brave or very smart. You can say to her Ну ты мужиииик! She will likely feel proud of herself. However, this depends on the girl; another girl may not like this phrase.

Drinking Slang

  • Давай выпьем за… Let’s drink to…
  • Давай за… It means the same that a previous phrase. Just don’t forget to add the word of what you’re drinking to. For example, любовь (love), тебя (you), родителей (parents), or праздник (holiday).
  • Пьян (пьяна) в хлам. Very drunk.
  • Бухой, бухая. Very drunk.
  • Я напился как свинья. I’m drunk as a pig.
  • Похмелье. Hangover.
  • Я завтра брошу пить. Tomorrow I will stop drinking.
  • Пора завязывать. It’s time to stop drinking.

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