500 words in microsoft word

Answer: 500 words is 1 page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced.

You’ve just written 500 words for your assignment. If you set your font size to 12 pt and the font type to Times New Roman with single spacing, these words are going to take up one full page, and maybe two pages for double spacing. Remember, the number of pages for 500 words may vary according to the font type, font size and line spacings you choose, but 1 page is a good estimate.

By word count

How many words do you need to write?

Number of words

Number of pages

(single spaced)

Number of pages

(double spaced)






1 1/5



1 3/5





1 1/5

2 2/5


1 1/2



1 3/5

3 1/5





2 2/5

4 4/5





































By page count

How many pages do you need to write?

Number of pages

Number of words

(single spaced)

Number of words

(double spaced)































Use our word counter tool to check your word count, and find out how many pages they make up!

In this tough competition for achieving success in every field of life. You have to make documents and write many pages and many articles. And for making those articles perfect.

You should have proper knowledge about various things. Word spacings, word counts, how many keywords are necessary to make your article good and how can you make your article more attractive.

The knowledge of all these things gives you an edge over others. By making your projects more eye-catching. In this article, we will let you know how many words are 6 pages double spaced.   And how you can actually frame your word project.

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Considerable Points Before Knowing How Many Words Are 6 Pages Double Spaced

Before starting any project on MS Word, you should have an idea about the length of your project and for what purpose you want to make it. Like, If you want to make it for office purposes, you’ll have to use some ideal font for it.

But if you are making it for children, the font should be attractive to read.

Font size, spacing, design, and margins are some of the facts that affect the word limit of the page.

Font Size

The size of the font in which you are writing depends on the demands of your work. Font size is inversely proportional to the number of words that can fit on a page.

Experts recommend font size 12 with single spacing. This can be used in mostly all types of documents and cover 500 words per page.

Line Spacing

Line spacing is differently demanded by different institutions as per the purpose.

It refers to the distance between two lines in the document and it is generally recommended that the lines should be single-spaced.

Double line spacing apparently covers 250 words on a page and single line spacing covers 500 words in a page.

Font Style

Font style should be according to the purpose of the project and can be decided depending on the same. The number of words also depends on the font style of the document.


Although MS Word provides various sizes for margins, 2.54 cm from all sides is considered a standard one.

Increasing the size of the margins reduces the number of words. And you can increase the word limit of a page by decreasing the gap in margins. Check here If you want to know how to change margins in ms word.

Detailed Analysis for How Many words are 6 Pages Double Spaced

Now before starting your document writing, let us give you a detailed idea about the word counts.  And different numbers of pages needed in the document. Let’s begin with 6 pages double-spaced.

How Many Words are 6 Pages Double Spaced

When we talk about the number of words and pages, double spacing with a standard margin can provide you space for 250 words in a single page.

And when you multiply it 6 times then you’ll get 6*250, i.e.1500 words. Now it depends on your project and the pictures included in it.

How Many Words Can Be Written on a Page

Taking all the standard units of measurement like Margins, font size, and font style, then with double spacing approx.

250 words can be written in a page, and with single spacing, the number will increase to 500.

Many times you have to add various things like tables, images, flowcharts, etc., to your document. In that case, word limits can obviously differ according to the activity, and changes are done in the project.

These observations are purely based on experiences and can be changed according to your convenience.

How Many Words is One Page Double-Spaced?

Considering the size of the font, i.e 12 with a margin size of 2.54 cm from all sides, then with double spacing you can write 250 words in one page.

We are providing this data with the consideration that you are not adding anything extra to your document.

How Many Pages are 500 Words Double-Spaced?

Until now we were discussing the number of words that can be fitted on various pages. Now let us examine the number of pages that will be required to fill the number of words.

Let’s say that we have taken the size of the margin by 1 inch. And font size is 12.

Now if we are using a standard font style like Arial.  And not adding any other thing in the document, then we can write 250 words in 1 page. According to that, we will page for writing 500 words.

How Many Words are 5 Pages Double Spaced

For 5 pages, consider the remaining things the same, i.e., 1 inch for the margin and size 12 for the font.  Then we can say that we will need at least 1,250 words.

As we now know that for 1 page with double-spaced lining, 250 words can be filled.  then for 5 pages, we can easily fill 1250 words.

How Many Pages is 2,500 Words Double Spaced

Let us say that you have fulfilled all the standard requirements. Like choosing an ideal margin, taking a font size near 12, taking an optimal font style, and not adding any picture in it. Then it will be 10 times what a single page can be filled with 250 words.

Then we can easily say that for 2500 words, we will require 10 pages in MS word.

How To Double Space Lines In Microsoft Word

This is the easiest task that anyone can do. You have to select the whole text in your MS Word document. Then when you see the toolbar, on the right-hand side you’ll notice an option for line and paragraph spacing on it.

You can easily choose any one of the options according to your preferences.

How Many Words are 6 Pages Double Spaced

250 words are 1 page
500 words are 2 pages
750 words are 3 pages
1000 words are 4 pages
1250 words are 5 pages
1500 words are 6 pages
1750 words are 7 pages
2000 words are 8 pages
2250 words are 9 pages
2500 words are 10 pages
2750 words are 11 pages
3000 words are 12 pages
3250 words are 13 pages
3500 words are 14 pages
3750 words are 15 pages
4000 words are 16 pages
4250 words are 17 pages
4500 words are 18 pages
4750 words are 19 pages
5000 words are 20 pages

Page’s Perspective with Double Spaced:

1 page are 250 words.
2 pages are 500 words.
3 pages are 750 words.
4 pages are 1000 words.
5 pages are 1250 words.
6 pages are 1500 words.
7 pages are 1750 words.
8 pages are 2000 words.
9 pages are 2250 words.
10 pages are 2500 words.
11 pages are 2750 words.
12 pages are 3000 words.
13 pages are 3250 words.
14 pages are 3500 words.
15 pages are 3750 words.
16 pages are 4000 words.
17 pages are 4250 words.
18 pages are 4500 words.
19 pages are 4750 words.
20 pages are 5000 words.

FAQs for How Many Words are 6 Pages Double Spaced

What is 6 pages double spaced?

When we talk about 6 pages of double space.  Then it says the number of words that we can write in 6 pages of the MS Word document page.  Also double spacing between the lines. Generally, we do not alter the margins and take 1-inch margins from all sides. And also about the font size, then it is usually taken as 12.

How many pages is 7 000 words double spaced?

For seven thousand words, when we divide 7000 by 250.  As we know that for one page we need 250 words, then we get 28 as the answer. From this, we get to know that for 7000 words, we will need 28 pages of MS Word.

What is 7 pages double spaced?

7 pages double spaced means that the distance between the lines of the page is double spaced. Approx. 1750 words are covered in seven pages and the font size is near 12 only in addition to the margin which is approx. 2.54 cm. Every criterion is standardly taken and can be altered according to the preferences.

How many pages are 1500 words double spaced 12?

For 1500 words to write in MS word document with double spacing. You will require approximately 6 pages of it. We assume that you have chosen the ideal margin for your page and the font size is 12. Calculation of words and pages is like a cakewalk. All you have to learn is a few things and you can easily master this.

Scott Serrano

Scott Serrano has a computer science degree but he is a writer by profession. His writings are thoroughly creative, focused, and fully researched based. He loves to clarify people with his writing style and make them effective convince. In his free time, he is a very good football player as well.

Sometimes, even if you were given a word count limit, you might still wonder, how long is that 500-word essay? How many pages is that? Well, that will depend on various factors, specifically:

  • Spacing
  • Font
  • Margins
  • Header
  • Footer

Your formatting requirements can be different, so make sure to read your assignment sheet attentively before writing. We will assume that your document’s settings are standard, which means you’re using Times New Roman (12pt) and default margins.

In that case, how many pages are 500 words? The answer to your question is:

The average length of a 500-word essay is one single-spaced page or two double-spaced pages.

Below is a table you can use as a generalized reference for papers that are 250–500 words long.

a table showing what different number of words amount to in terms of pages

Another Way of Checking Your Essay’s Length

You can also use Microsoft Word to check how many pages and words are in your essay. Those details are displayed in the lower left-hand corner of MS Word’s interface. In Google Docs, press Ctrl+Shift+C to see the word, character, and page count of your essay. That said, pretty much every word processor should have this feature, no matter what operating system you’re using.

lower left-hand side corner of Microsoft Word
In Microsoft Word
Google Docs word count window
In Google Docs

Do you want to know the number of pages even before writing? Then, you can take any article, copy-paste it into your text editor, and see how many words and pages it shows. That method is effective if your paper’s format isn’t standard. If that’s the case, you should set all the parameters (spacing, margins, etc.) as you need them before pasting.

Note: Check out our other article — How Long an Essay Should Be — if you’re not sure about the length of your paper.


Where can I find some 500-word essay examples?

If you want to see what a 500-word essay looks like, here, you can download a PDF with several examples by Dr. Robert T. Koch Jr., Kathy Livingston, and others. All of them use a 5-paragraph structure and range from 300 to 600 words.

How do I write a 500-word essay?

A 500-word essay can be written the same way you write a basic one. It has an introduction, three or four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. To learn more, you can check this article or explore our General section.

How long does it take to write a 500-word essay?

On average, it would take you about three hours to write a high-quality 500-word essay. It will depend on several things, namely the complexity of your topic, how much you know about the subject, how good you are at academic writing, how fast you can type, etc.

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Translators charge a transparent price per word. Are you unaware of the number of words in your text?

The following instructions enable you to determine the word count of your documents and calculate a total estimate for your English to Dutch translation project.

  • How Many Words on an A4 Page?

    On average 400-500 words per a4 page

You might wonder how many words fit on an A4 page. As a rule of thumb, a standard A4 page with default margins, 12 point font size, and 1.5 line spacing contains on average 400 to 500 words.

When you include subheadings, white spacing, or images, you can expect an A4 sheet to have about 350 words.

How to Determine the Exact Word Count

Follow the instructions below to count words in Word or other word processors and determine the exact word count in your document.

  • Word Count in Word

    The word processor of Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word automatically displays the number of words in your document on the status bar.

If you do not see the word count in the status bar, do the following:

  • Right-click the status bar
  • Check the box Word Count

Screenshot of Word Count functionality in MS Word

Find the number of words, characters (spaces included or excluded), paragraphs, and lines by clicking on the displayed word count in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, on the Review tab under Proofing, click Word Count to see the detailed statistics (shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G).

  • Word Count in Google Docs

    The word processor of Docs Editors

Check Display word count while typing and then click OK to find the word count while you type or do the following:

  • At the top of the page, click Tools
  • Then, click Word count to find the total number of words, characters, and pages
  • Alternatively, use shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C

  • Word Count in Writer

    The word processor of LibreOffice

LibreOffice Writer shows the number of words and characters on the status bar.

To display extended statistics, double click the word count in the status bar or choose Tools (shortcut Alt+T) and then Word Count (shortcut Alt+W).

How to Determine the Total Cost for a Dutch Translation

Once you have determined the word count of your document, it’s easy to calculate a ballpark figure for the total cost of your English to Dutch translation project using the translation price calculator.

You can also simply multiply the number of words in your document with the quoted unit price.

If you need an exact price, it is best to send your document and request a tailor made quote for the project.

request a quote

I guess professional translators and other professionals who often deal with word and character count are well acquainted with this magic formula. Are you?

You may count your productiveness as, for example, 1 page per day. How much is it in characters? Characters with spaces? Lines? Being commonly asked to create text with a certain word count, I still sometimes get lost. So I took a page of plain text with a little formatting, and the statistics are…

Characters with spaces Characters without spaces Words Lines
10 pt 4972 4283 697 55
12 pt 3838 3311 535 46

Your word and character count may vary depending on page margin, applied font, font size, spacing, etc. For example, in a one page A4 with single line spacing, in Arial typeface are the following number of characters, words, and lines:

Characters with spaces Characters without spaces Words Lines
10 pt 5153 4391 769 93.7
12 pt 3542 3034 512 64.4
14 pt 2682 2307 378 48.8
16 pt 2129 1829 302 38.7

Once we change single to 1.5 line spacing in the text, figures contrast sharply:

Characters with spaces Characters without spaces Words Lines
10 pt 3426 2938 492 62.3
12 pt 2370 2039 332 43.1
14 pt 1840 1577 263 33.5
16 pt 1319 1123 196 24.0

Just to keep in mind, the average one spaced page usually contains about 3000 characters or 500 words. Depending on the text formatting, a page word count may include from 200 (large print) up to 600 words (academic book).

Count characters and words with the AnyCount tool for a precise estimate and get every single cent you’ve earned. Try it absolutely free here.

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