5 letter word for a country

What is a five letter word for country?

Countries – 5 letters

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Haiti W O D
India W O D
Italy W O D
Japan W O D

What’s a four letter word for territory?

All Crossword-Answers for: Territory

Clue Answer Letters
Territory with 4 Letters
Territory AREA 4
Territory LAND 4
Territory TURF 4

What is it called when you add territory to existing territory?

Annexation is the adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit. An example of an annexation in the United States was when the Republic of Texas was admitted to the Union in 1845 as the 28th state.

What is a territory occupied by a nation?

Answer for the clue “The territory occupied by a nation “, 7 letters: country.

What is the synonym of territory?

country, state, land, dependency, colony, dominion, protectorate, fief, possession, holding. domain, county, district, zone, sector, quarter. soil. archaic demesne. 2’mountainous territory’

What is Kyoto cash?

3 letter answer(s) to kyoto cash YEN.

Is the addition of a new territory to an existing country?

lands. (To annex is to join a new territory to an existing country.)

What is the seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country called?

This seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country is called imperialism. As occurred throughout most of Africa, stronger countries dominated the political, economic, and social life of the weaker countries.

Is equipped with 3 letters?

All Crossword-Answers for: Equip

Clue Answer Letters
Equip with 3 Letters
Equip ARM 3
Equip FIT 3
Equip KIT 3

Are there any synonyms for the word country?

Synonyms for country include nation, state, commonwealth, province, republic, kingdom, land, realm, territory and duchy. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

Are there any countries that have five letter names?

In Africa, the countries that have five-letter names are: In Asia, seven countries have five-letter names. These nations include: In Oceania, there are four countries with five-letter names.

Which is the opposite of the word country?

“He quit the bustle of the city to live a simple country life.” Of, or provided by, the state rather than an independent, commercial company Find more words! What is the opposite of country?

Do you have a list of 5 letter words?

By keeping a list of 5 letter words close at hand, you can level TOUGH opponents with sharp skills and consistent play. Remember to check out our other word lists too! Read more about 5 letter words.

When do you use another word for territory?

Here’s a list of similar wordsfrom our thesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts ▼▲ An area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state Land with regard to its physical features An area in which one has certain rights, responsibilities or knowledge A place where one lives, operates or frequents

Are there 2 or 3 letter abbreviations for countries?

List of Country Abbreviations While the 2-letter system is widely accepted internationally, you also see the 3-letter country abbreviation codes, like CAN for Canada , used by computers and world organizations.

Synonyms for country include nation, state, commonwealth, province, republic, kingdom, land, realm, territory and duchy. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

Which is an example of a 5 letter country?

Chile is an example of a five letter country. There are 24 countries that have five letter names in English. These countries are scattered all over the world in different continents. However, eight of the 24 countries are located in Africa: Benin, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Niger, and Sudan.

Five Letter Countries 2021

  • Benin.
  • Egypt.
  • Gabon.
  • Ghana.
  • Kenya.
  • Libya.
  • Niger.
  • Sudan.

Likewise, What countries have 9 letters?

9 Letter Countries

  • Argentina.
  • Australia.
  • Cape Verde.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Guatemala.
  • Indonesia.
  • Lithuania.
  • Macedonia.

Also, What country has the longest name?

Often referred to as the UK, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the longest country name, boasting of 56 characters.

Secondly, What country has 7 letters in its name?

Apart from the six countries highlighted above, other countries that have seven letters in their names include Andorra, Austria, Bahamas, Burundi, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Granada, Hungary, Iceland, Morocco, Ireland, Moldova, Lesotho, Namibia, and Nigeria.

Furthermore What country has 11 letters in its name? The number of letters in a country’s name has been determined based on its commonly used name. For example, « Saudi Arabia » contains 11 letters, but the country’s official name, the « Kingdom of Saudi Arabia » contains many more.

How many 5 letter countries are there?

There are 24 countries that have five letter names in English. These countries are scattered all over the world in different continents. However, eight of the 24 countries are located in Africa: Benin, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Niger, and Sudan.

What is the hardest country to pronounce?

Maldives, Iraq, Uruguay, Niger – These are some countries that are really hard to pronounce.

13 Places You’ve Been Pronouncing Wrong Your Whole Life

  1. Azerbaijan. Image Credit: Turidei. …
  2. Kyrgyzstan. Image Credit: Pinterest. …
  3. Suriname. …
  4. Uruguay. …
  5. Iraq. …
  6. Oman. …
  7. Giza (Egypt) …
  8. Bengaluru (India)

What country is this Steniktanurm?

Steniktanurm is the anagram of the country Turkmenistan.

What country is 10 letters long?

El Salvador is the only country in the Americas with ten letters and is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. “El Salvador” means the “The Savior” in Spanish, named by Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado.

What word takes 3 hours to say?


All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce.

What is the strangest country in the world?

5 Of The Weirdest Countries In The World

  1. 1 Bhutan. “We do not believe in Gross National Product. …
  2. 2 Kazakhstan. Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat put Kazakhstan on the map in 2006, and left millions scratching their head about the weird Central Asian country. …
  3. 3 North Korea. …
  4. 4 Belarus. …
  5. 5 Armenia.

Which country has difficult names?

10 Difficult Place Names (hard to spell but fun to visit!)

  • Oaxaca, Mexico (pronounced: Wa-hah-kah) …
  • Reykjavík, Iceland (pronounced: Rake-yah-vik) …
  • Gloucestershire, England (pronounced: Gloster-shear) …
  • Versailles, France (pronounced: Ver-sigh) …
  • Milngavie, Scotland (pronounced: Mill-guy)

What country is this lantern shed?

Singapore: The official name is Republic of Singapore and its capital is Singapore, a city state. It is an island located in maritime Southeast Asia. It is in the southern part of Malay peninsula.

What country is Dr Nelia?

On unscrambling the words « DR NELIA, » the name of the country formed is Ireland.

What is the shortest word?

Share. Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea.

What is titin full name?

isoleucine for the protein also known as titin, which is involved in striated muscle formation. In nature, DNA molecules can be much bigger than protein molecules and therefore potentially be referred to with much longer chemical names. … However, this name, proposed by B.

What’s the longest word in Japanese?

It is read as “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarigoe”. It is 37 letters long and is comprised of 18 syllables. It is a very odd word, as it is defined as “the growl a tiger makes when it is about to about to bit someone”.

Which is the most beautiful country in the world 2020?

Most Beautiful Countries In The World 2021

  • Sweden.
  • Indonesia.
  • Wales.
  • Iceland.
  • Romania.
  • Italy.
  • Bali.
  • The Netherlands.

What is the most beautiful country in the world?

Italy is truly the world’s most beautiful country. It flaunts the most inspiring cultural treasures and magnificent scenery, which you cannot find anywhere in the world. Venice, Florence and Rome with their diverse architecture, Tuscany with its rolling hills, vineyards and snow-peaked mountains will mesmerize you.

Who is the richest country in the world?

Five countries are regarded as the wealthiest countries globally, and we will talk about each one below.

  • Luxembourg. The European country of Luxembourg has been classified and defined as the wealthiest country in the world. …
  • Norway. The GDP of Norway ranks as the second-largest in the world. …
  • Switzerland. …
  • Ireland. …
  • Iceland.

What is the hardest city to spell?

Research conducted by cruise agent Bolsover Cruise Club found that the Slovenian city Ptuj is the world’s hardest city to pronounce, with 92% failing to know the correct pronunciation.

What are the hardest words to spell?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell. Let the misspelling begin with the misspelled word misspell. …
  • Pharaoh. This misspelled word falls into the error category of ‘you spell it like it sounds’. …
  • Weird. Fear the confusing power of the’ I before E’! …
  • Intelligence. …
  • Pronunciation. …
  • Handkerchief. …
  • logorrhea. …
  • Chiaroscurist.

How many countries are in the world?

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

What country is lit the incense?

The name of the country formed by unscrambling « lit the incense » is Liechtenstein. Explanation: Liechtenstein is located in Alps in Central Europe.

How do you fix jumbled words?

7 Tips to Solve Jumble Puzzles

  1. Tip 2: Try to find letters that often go together in words like “BR” or “TH”.
  2. Tip 3: Move the vowels and consonants apart.
  3. Tip 4: See if you can match certain consonants with vowels to make even a short word.

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Chile is an example of a five letter country.

Chile is an example of a five letter country.

There are 24 countries that have five letter names in English. These countries are scattered all over the world in different continents. However, eight of the 24 countries are located in Africa: Benin, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Niger, and Sudan. Other countries with 5 letter names include Chile, China, Haiti, India, Italy, Japan, Malta, Nauru, Nepal, Palau, Qatar, Samoa, Spain, Syria, Tonga, and Yemen. Some of these countries are briefly described below.

5 Letter Countries


Egypt is a unique country because it belongs to more than one continent, as it is considered part of both Asia and Africa. Consequently, it is referred to as a transcontinental country. Egypt is home to 84 million people, which ranks as the 15th most populous country in the world. The country’s capital city is Cairo, and its major exports are cotton, food products, oil, and aluminum. Egypt is known for its ancient pyramids and its historical development along the Nile River.


Chile is a magnificent and beautiful country located in South America. The capital of Chile is Santiago. The country has the largest swimming pool in the world, which is located at a resort in Algarrobo. The swimming pool is 1000 yards long and holds 66 million gallons of seawater. Furthermore, Chile is home to the Andes Mountains, which has one of the world’s largest active volcanoes, as well as the Atacama Desert, known as the world’s driest place. In fact, certain regions of the desert have never received a single drop of rain.


Haiti is a Caribbean country located in North America. It was the first Black-led sovereign state when it gained independence from French colonialism in the early 19th century. Explorer Christopher Columbus discovered Haiti in 1492. Haiti has the second-longest coastline in the Caribbean, which is 1,100 miles, and is also the most mountainous Caribbean nation. The capital city of Haiti is Port-au-Prince.


Malta is an island state located in the Mediterranean. It is the smallest member state of the European Union. The country consists of three islands: Gozo, Malta, and Comino. Malta is the main island, while Comino is the smallest island. Malta has a total population of 400,000 people and its capital city is Valletta. Malta was ranked as the 48th happiest country in the world by the United Nations in 2013. Major tourist attractions include the Azure Window (Gozo), Hagar Qim (Malta), the Blue Lagoon (Comino), and Mdina (Malta).

The Uniqueness of 5 Letter Countries

A description of the 5 letter nations reveals that each one is unique and exceptional. Some of the most popular tourist destinations include the Andes Mountains, Azure Window, Egyptian Pyramids, and the Atacama Desert.

5 Letter Countries

Five Letter Countries
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While the number of letters in a country’s name has no actual impact on real-world factors such as its degree of human development, internet speed, or level of beer consumption, it can still serve as an amusing way to collect countries into groups. Five-letter names are quite prolific among the world’s nations, having been chosen by 24 of the United Nations’ 193 members as well as several non-sovereign territories. Among name lengths ranging from a minimum of four letters to a maximum of more than 30 letters, only six-letter, seven-letter, and eight-letter country names are more common. Note that these counts are determined using each country’s common name, rather than their much longer official names or their nicknames.

Countries with five-letter names

Benin Ghana Kenya Niger Sudan
Chile Haiti Libya Palau Syria
China India Malta Qatar Tonga
Egypt Italy Nauru Samoa Yemen
Gabon Japan Nepal Spain

In total, there are 24 countries around the world with five-letter names. One-third of these nations—eight in total—are located on the continent of Africa. Seven are among the countries of Asia and four are located in Oceania. Europe has three, and both North America and South America each have a single five-letter country.

There also exist six nations that have five-letter names, but are not currently classified as self-sovereign countries by the United Nations. Four of these nations are dependent territories, joined by one province and one largely autonomous Special Administrative Region (SAR).

Territories with five-letter names

Five-Letter Countries / Countries with 5-Letter Names

Five-Letter Countries / Countries with 5-Letter Names

Five-Letter Countries / Countries with 5-Letter Names

  1. List of Countries — Britannica
  2. Five-letter countries — World Atlas
  3. List of Sovereign States — Wiki
  4. List of Countries and Dependencies — Wiki
  5. Countries of the World from A to Z — Nations Online


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