4 cent per word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

They will pay 10 cents per word.

Many publications pay as little as 25 cents per word, which hardly covers the cost of reporting complex and dangerous stories.

Многие издания платят независимым журналистам всего по 25 центов за слово, что едва ли покрывает затраты на освещение сложных и опасных тем.

At a rate of fifteen cents per word, the public can send messages across the Atlantic.

По цене 15 центов за слово, любой желающий мог послать сообщение через Атлантику.

His work was published in «Galaxy» and for other pulp magazines that paid up to four cents per word for each story.

Его работы публиковались в журнале «Galaxy» и других подобных изданиях, которые платили до четырех центов за слово.

At the highest level, you pay 50 cents per word, and so the average article is $200 to $300, I think.

На самом высоком уровне вы платите 50 центов за слово, и поэтому я думаю, что средняя статья составляет от 200 до 300 долларов.

So, if that’s your barometer, charging five cents per word and translating 500 words an hour might actually boost your income from where it is now.

Если такой переводчик станет брать по 5 центов за слово и переводить по 500 слов в час, его доходы могут сильно вырасти.

The price of translation is generally somewhere between 6 and 10 cents per word, so a text of 1000 words, for example, can bring in $75, and that’s not too bad!

Стоимость перевода обычно составляет от 6 до 10 центов за слово, поэтому, например, текст в 1000 слов может принести 75 долларов, и это не так уж и плохо!

For example, a translator earning 15 cents per word and producing 500 finished words per hour is effectively earning $75 per hour, well beyond the hourly rate that most translators report earning for tasks such as editing or proofreading.

Например, переводчик, который переводит 500 слов в час по ставке 15 центов за слово, фактически зарабатывает 75 долларов США в час, что намного больше той почасовой ставки, которую, судя по сообщениям, большинство переводчиков берут за редактуру или корректуру.

Compensation: 8 cents per word

Because we generally price our work in cents per word, discounts can seem inconsequential.

Поскольку мы обычно назначаем расценки в центах за слово, скидки могут казаться незначительными.

10 cents per word for up to 100 words

8 to 15 cents per word, depending on difficulty of the text.

For example if you want to earn $60.00 an hour, you can achieve this by translating 600 words per hour at 10 cents per word, 400 words per hour at 15 cents per word or 300 words per hour at 20 cents per word.

В таком случае вы можете переводить 600 слов в час и брать 10 центов за слово, 400 слов по 15 центов или 300 слов по 20 центов.

We pay 10 cents per word for World English.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 14. Точных совпадений: 14. Затраченное время: 49 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Fractions in English: decimal and simple

как читаются дроби на английском

Numbers are words with which we determine the number or order of objects when counting. We know that in English, as in Russian, there are cardinal and ordinal numbers. Now we will discuss how the concept of fraction is expressed in English (fractional numbers).

Simple fractional numbers

To understand the intricacies of using fractional numbers in English, you need to recall some information from the mathematics course. What fractions did you study in school? The correct answer is simple and decimal. It is in this vein that we will talk about fractional numbers.

Common fractions consist of a quantitative numerator and an ordinal denominator:

  • 1 / 12 — one-twelfth
  • 1 / 7 — one-seventh

You should remember the words half — half, third — third and a quarter — quarter… We use them to refer to smaller ones. That is, such as

  • 1/3 — a third,
  • ½ — a half,

that is, it literally translates as one third and one half.

Please note that in such, if the denominator is the number 1, then we simply use article a instead of one. Examples:

  • ¾ — three quarters,
  • ¼ — a quarter,
  • 2/4 — two quarters.

If the numerator is more than one, the denominator is used in plural form:

  • 5/6 — five-sixths
  • 8/10 — eight-tenths

In mixed numbers, the fractional part is added to the whole union and:

  • 5 1/3 — five and one-third

Nouns associated with a fractional number are used in the singular and with a preposition of:

  • 1/4 mile — one quarter of a mile

Mixed-fraction nouns are plural and without the preposition of:

  • 5 1/7 kilograms — five and one seventh kilograms

Decimal fractions in English

Now let’s talk about decimal fractions in English (decimal fractions)… In Russian, we separate the whole number from the fraction using a comma in such fractions.

In English, a period is used for the same procedure.

You can easily remember how decimal points are read. 5.5 — five point five. That is, we are talking quantitative and the point between them. When a point is followed by two or more numbers, there are two readings in English: 1.34 — one point thirty-four (or three four). That is, you can name each digit separately or say the number (thirty-four).

In such fractions, each digit is read separately. By the way, point in English is point, and zero has two options — nought (UK) and zero (USA). If a decimal integer is represented by a zero, it is often omitted when reading it. For example:

  • — nought point one / point one
  • — nought point two / point two
  • — nought point three / point three
  • — nought point nought one / point nought one
  • — nought point nought two / point nought two
  • — nought point nought three / point nought three
  • 36 — three point three six
  • 92 — six point nine two
  • 71 — eight point seven one
  • 705 — six four point seven nought five

Percentages and degrees

And a few words about interest. Percentage is denoted by — % and the word percent:

  • 3% — three per cent
  • 4/5% — four fifths per cent / four fifths of one per cent


  • square — squared
  • cube — cubed
  • from the 4th degree onwards — to the power of (the value of the degree)
  • 4 to the 8th power — four to the power of eight

An exercise

Translate the submitted sentences:

  • Please pour me 1/3 cup of water.
  • For example, Pour me a third of a glass of water, please.
  • This meal contains 2.2 grams of fat.
  • I scored 9.89 points on this test.
  • My sister’s height is 160.8 cm.
  • A cucumber is 3/5 water.
  • The book is 2.56 cm thick.
  • The pound rate for today is 77.65 rubles.
  • This jacket costs $ 63.32.
  • Grades 5/7 performed well on the test.
  • Michael spends ¾ of his time studying.

If you know how to correctly write and pronounce fractions in English, then you can be sure that the quality of your speech will improve significantly. Enjoy!

Source: https://englandlearn.com/grammatika/prostye-i-desyatichnye-drobi

Numbers in English: ordinal, cardinal, fractional

как читаются дроби на английском

Counting in English, as well as education and the use of cardinal and ordinal numbers are topics familiar to many English learners literally from elementary grades.

But fractions can cause real difficulties not only in the study of mathematics, but also in the study of English.

Fractions are not so rare in everyday speech and become especially important when it comes to some precise economic, industrial, medical and scientific data.

Air contains 23.15% of oxigen. Air is 23,15% oxygen.
Add 1/3 of the milk to the dough. Add 1/3 milk to the dough.

As many remember from the school mathematics course, fractions are divided into simple (1/3, 4/5, 5 4/5) and decimal (0.5; 3.16; 12.425). Let’s take a closer look at how each of these types is written and pronounced.

Simple fractions

A fraction consisting of a numerator and a denominator (1/8), separated by a bar, is called simple. Simple fractions, called mixed fractions, contain, in addition to the fractional component, an integer, for example, 9 1/8. When pronouncing such fractions, it should be borne in mind that the numerator in them is pronounced as a cardinal number, and the denominator as an ordinal number, for example:

1 / 5 — one fifth — one fifth The youngest son has got only one fifth from his father’s inheritance. The youngest son received only one fifth of his father’s inheritance.

It should be noted that to denote simple fractions in speech, words are often used denoting parts of a whole, for example, «half» — a half, quarter — a quarter, for example:

7 ½ seven and a half — seven and a half During the hungry men competition he was able to eat seven and a half apple pies. During the competition for the biggest appetite, he was able to eat seven and a half apple pies.
5 ¼ five and a quarter — five and a quarter During the test I managed to complete only five and a quarter of all the tasks. During the test, I was able to complete only five tasks and a quarter.
2/13 — Twothirteenths — two thirteenths Doing sums Jason got two thirteenths as a result. Solving the examples, Jason got two thirteenths as a result.

Moreover, if it is possible to designate a fraction by means of the words a quarter and a half, then it is this that is considered preferable. That is, ½ should be called, for example, not one second, but one half.

If the numerator is represented by a digit that is greater than one «1», then the denominator must be in the plural:

3/4 — three fourths — three quarters.

If the fraction is a mixed version of an integer and a simple fraction (8 3/5), then first name the whole number, add the word and (and), and then pronounce the fraction in the usual order, for example:

8 3/5 — eight and three fifths

The following table shows examples of reading simple fractions in English:

Fraction Spelling Transfer Example Translation of the example
½ one half half We did that task for one half of the necessary time. We completed this task in half of the allotted time.
¼ one quarter (one-fourth) quarter (one fourth) She has read only one quarter of the book by now. She has only read a quarter of the book to date.
1/9 one-ninth one ninth One ninth of all the explosives in this box is enough to explode the whole building. One-ninth of the explosive in this box is enough to blow the entire building into the air.
3final match. three-sixteenths three sixteenths The answer to that difficult maths problem was three –sixteenths. The answer to this difficult math problem is three-sixteenths.
2/5 two-fifths two fifths The guests have eaten two-fifths of all the birthday cake before the party started. The guests ate two-fifths of the entire birthday cake before the party even started.
11 ½ eleven and a half eleven and a half We have been living next door to each other for eleven and a half months. We have lived next door to each other for eleven and a half months.
6 ¼ six and a quarter six and a quarter Her total weight gain was about six and a quarter pounds. Her total weight gain was six and a quarter.

If after a fractional numeral that does not contain an integer part, there is a noun associated with it, then it is used with the preposition of, and stands in the singular, for example:

1/5 kilogram — one fifth of a kilogram — one-fifth of a kilogram

½ meter — one half of a meter — half a meter

The transfer of nouns associated with mixed fractions (consisting of an integer part and a fractional part) is carried out without a preposition and in the plural, for example:

8 ¼ miles — eight and one fourth miles

11 1/3 kilograms — eleven and one third kilograms

Decimal fractions

A fraction in which the whole and fractional parts are separated by a comma is called decimal (2,5). At the same time, an important difference between English and Russian with regard to decimal fractions is the fact that in Russian the whole and fractional parts are separated by a comma, and in English by a period, for example:

Russian version English version
2,5 2.5
1, 124 1.124

In Russian, such a dot serves to separate every three digits from right to left within a long number. In English, a comma serves a similar purpose, for example:

Russian version English version
2.500 2,500
1.140 1,140

Decimal fractions are read as follows: after the whole part, the word is used point  (dot) or decimal (decimal fraction), and then the numbers following the dot are named in order, for example:

4.271 — four point / decimal two seven one

5.34 — five point / decimal three four

If zero is used for the integer part, then it will be read as nought (nothing) in British English and zero (zero) in its American version, for example:

0.5 — nought / zero point / decimal five

0.8 — nought / zero point / decimal eight

In the case when the integer part is equal to zero, it may not be read at all:

0.7 — point / decimal seven

Zeros that appear after a period can be pronounced as «o» [əu].

The following table shows examples of decimal fractions:

Fraction Spelling Transfer Example Translation of the example
8.251 eight point two five one eight point two hundred fifty one thousandth

Source: https://crownenglishclub.ru/dlya-nachinayushhih/chislitelnye-v-anglijskom-yazyke-poryadkovye-kolichestvennye-drobnye.html

как читаются дроби на английском
Download this online tutorial in PDF

We need fractional numbers to denote non-integer quantities, that is, the number of certain (second, fifth, tenth) parts of a unit.

In English fractional numbers are read differently depending on whether they are decimal or simple.

Recall that decimal fractions include fractions with a comma (in the English version — with a dot), and simple ones — those with a fractional bar (¾, ⅚).

Decimal fractions

These fractions in English are easy to read: we just name all the characters in order. If there is a zero at the beginning, then in colloquial speech it can be omitted. If you do decide to pronounce it, do not forget about the difference between American and British English: in the first version, «zero» reads «nought», in the second — «zero». If there are zeros after a period, they can be read as «o» [əu]. Here are some examples of fractions in English:

  • 0.4 — nought point four / point four
  • 0.02 — nought point nought two / point nought two / point o two
  • 0.34 — nought point three four / point three four
  • 1.11 — one point one one 12.842 — one two point eight four two
  • 66.6 — six six point six
  • 999.209 — nine nine nine point two nought nine / nine nine nine point two o nine

Ordinal fractions

The formation of these fractions is somewhat more complicated. For simple fractions, two rules work here:

  1. The numerator is read as a cardinal number (one, two, three), and the denominator is read as an ordinal (first, second, third).
  2. If the numerator is greater than one, the ending -s is appended to the denominator.

If there is an integer part in the fraction, then it is added to the fractional part using the union and. Examples:

  • ⅓ — one third / a third
  • ⅗ — three fifths
  • ⅛ — one eighth / an eighth
  • ⅞ — seven eighths
  • 1⅔ — one and two thirds
  • 9¾ — nine and three fourths / nine and three quarters
  • 5½ — five and a half

As for the percentages, as in Russian, they are indicated by the symbol% ​​(per cent):

  • 17% — seventeen per cent
  • 1⅛% — one and one eighth per cent / one and an eighth per cent
  • 2.02% — two point nought two per cent / two point o two per cent

Source: http://englishgu.ru/drobi-na-angliyskom/

Fractional numbers in English

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Numbers are words with which we determine the number or order of objects when counting. We know that in English, as in Russian, there are cardinal and ordinal numbers. You can read more about each of these groups in the articles of the same name on the blog. It remains to talk about fractional numbers in English (fractional numbers). How are these concepts expressed in the language we are studying?

To understand the intricacies of using fractional numbers in English, you need to recall some information from the mathematics course. What fractions did you study in school? The correct answer is simple and decimal. It is in this vein that we will talk about fractional numbers.

Simple fractions in English

In English, in common fractions, the numerator is expressed as a cardinal number, and the denominator as an ordinal. Therefore, do not forget about how ordinal numbers are formed. Moreover, if the numerator is a digit greater than one, the denominator will also have a -s ending at the end. For example:

  • ½ — a half / one half
  • ⅓ — a third / one third
  • ¼ — a fourth / one fourth / a quarter / one quarter
  • ⅕ — a fifth / one fifth
  • ⅙ — a sixth / one sixth
  • ⅔ — two thirds
  • ¾ — three fourths / three-quarters
  • ⅘ — four fifths
  • ⅚ — five sixths
  • 1 ½ — one and a half
  • 2 ¼ — two and a fourth
  • 3 ⅓ — three and a third

What is the number of the noun accompanying the fractional number in English? The noun behind the fraction will be in the singular, and in front of it will be the preposition of:

  • ⅔ kilogram (two thirds of a kilogram)
  • ¾ kilometer (three fourths of a kilometer)
  • ½ liter (one half of a liter)

If the noun is a mixed number, we use the plural noun:

  • 2 ½ kilograms (two and a half kilograms)
  • 3 ¾ kilometers (three and three fourths kilometers)

Fractional numbers in english table

Any beginner to learn a foreign language cannot do without learning numbers. Proficiency in English opens up many opportunities and doors for a person, entering into which you can become an employee of a prestigious company, a student of the best university or a knowledgeable traveler. Of course, this requires deep knowledge, which consists in studying not only general provisions, but various nuances.

One of these aspects that requires a thorough study is grammar, and in particular English numbers, as they are often used in conversation. Numbers in English are relatively easy to learn. You can memorize them using interesting colorful pictures, clearly structured tables, funny songs and funny tongue twisters. In general, there are many ways, but the main thing is a stable result.

All numerals in English can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Ordinal, which answer the question What? (which?)
  • Quantitative, which characterize the number of persons or objects and answer the question How many? (how many?)

This article is devoted to the rules for the formation of English numbers, simple and decimal fractions, as well as how to say «first», «second» So, let’s start

  • How to form English numbers?

How to form English numbers?

All numerals by the method of education can be divided into several classes:

  • Compound, consisting of several words
  • One-word derivatives + suffix “–ty” (tens from 20 to 90) or “–teen” (from 13 to 19)
  • Simple, one-word

Well, with simple ones everything is clear. So let’s go straight to derivatives. To form this category, you need to add the suffix “–teen” to the numbers from 3 to 9. At the same time, some letters can go down or change: 13 — three + teen = thirteen; 16 — six + teen = sixteen. In such words, the stress falls on the suffix.

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Derivatives from 20 to 90 are formed according to a similar scheme — the suffix “–ty” is appended to the numbers from 2 to 9: 30 — three + ty = thirty; 80 — eight + ty = eighty. The letters in some numbers may also change. In this case, the root is stressed.

Composite are formed according to the scheme: tens + ones or hundreds + tens + ones, etc. For example, you need to form the number «32», then you need to say only two words — «thirty» and «two». So, «thirty two» is thirty-two. You can also create other compound concepts: 56 — fifty + six = fifty six; 39 — thirty + nine = thirty nine. Numbers up to a thousand are formed similarly: hundreds + tens + ones: 522 — five hundred twenty two.

So we delved into English grammar and morphology a little.


Fractional numbers in English, in contrast to Russian, are very often indicated with a dot: 2.5; 12.99; 135. 7. A comma is usually used by English speakers to write large numbers of numbers, dividing every three places from right to left, starting from one thousand: 1,000; 25,000; 74, 024, 199.

There are also some nuances in the designation and pronunciation of simple and decimal fractions. When the number in the form of such a designation is «4.254», then everything is simple here — «four point two five four» is pronounced. But when it is «0.63», then here you can say differently: the American version is «zero point sixty three», and in the British one — «sixty threehundredths».

Most often, the second variation is used in international communication, so you need to learn not superficially, but in more depth, so as not to get confused when talking with foreigners. However, in verbal communication with friends or Americans, it is quite possible to use the shortened form. In relation to simple fractions, words such as «a quarter» and «a half» are very often used: 8 ½ — eight and a half; 3 ¼ — three four and a quarter; 4/16 — four sixteenth.

Table «Simple fractions»
Fraction Spelling
½ one half
¼ one-quarter (one fourth)
1/10 or 0.1 one tenth
5/16 five sixteenths
2/3 two thirds
7 ½ seven and a half
2 ¼ two and a quarter

It is worth noting that in ordinary fractions, in the numerator — quantitative, and in the denominator — ordinal numbers, as in Russian. When the numerator is greater than «1», then the denominator is used in the plural: 2/3 — two thirds — two thirds. In a mixed number, the integers are pronounced as a quantitative, and the fraction with the help of the conjunction «and» is added to it: 3 1/7 — three and one seventh — four whole and one seventh.

Decimal Fractions Table
Fraction Spelling
9.2416 nine point two four one six
0.005 five thousandths
0.54 fifty four hundredths
0.2 two tenths
1.8 one point eight
third thirdly
Secondly secondly
firstly firstly

Download Tables of English fractional numbers

That’s all! Having studied this article and previous posts about numbers, now you know everything about English numbers, you can pronounce them correctly, name dates and make big indicators. Although it is very difficult to immediately remember all the numbers, fractions and the rules for their formation, this should not push you away from the intention to learn the language. Look for a variety of educational songs, rhymes, tongue twisters, download and repeat tables, watch videos — all means are good in learning!

I wish you success and good mood!

Source: https://englishfull.ru/uroki/drobnye-chisla.html

Fractions in English

Good afternoon dear friends!

Are any of you interested in mathematics? Or maybe you have a technical profession or are you dreaming of going to a mathematical university abroad? Interested in learning about exact sciences in a foreign language? Then read the article fractions in English.

Let’s start with the ordinary

As we remember, there are two types: decimal (decimals) and ordinary (fractions). First, let’s remember the ordinal numbers?
Let’s start with the common ones. The question of how simple fractions are written in English can be immediately answered easily: exactly the same as in Russian, that is, they can be found with a vertical bar (3/8, 4/7) or with a horizontal one.

But how they are read in English is interesting. The upper, which we call the numerator, is always a cardinal number. That is, the one that we use when counting: three, five, seven. By the way, do you remember the lesson about introductory words?

The bottom, the denominator, or denominator, is always ordinal. That is, answering the question «What?» (first, fourth, fifth, tenth). As we remember, in order to form them, in most cases it is necessary to add –th to the quantitative. Except for first (first), second (second), third (third), fifth (fifth), where the form of the word changes.

If the numerator is a number greater than one, then the denominator is in the plural. For example, 3/8 is read as three eighths. The ordinal eighth is in the plural, because in the numerator 3. We do exactly the same with tens and hundreds. 23/45 reads twenty three forty fifths or 56/127 — fifty-six one hundred and twenty sevenths.

You should remember the words half — half, third — third and quarter — quarter. We use them to refer to smaller ones. That is, such as 1/3 — a third, ½ — a half, that is, literally translated as one third and one half. Note that in such cases, if the denominator is 1, then we simply use the article a instead of one.

Here are some more examples: ¾ — three quarters, ¼ — a quarter, 2/4 — two quarters.

Common simple fractions

The second option is decimals. Remember? Those that are written in one line. And here there is a difference in how they are spelled from Russian. We separate the whole from hundreds and tens by commas, and here it is done using a period. This spelling must be remembered, since they put a comma in whole numbers to separate hundreds, for example, million (million) — 1,000,000.

Writing decimals

You can easily remember how decimal points are read. 5.5 — five point five. That is, we are talking quantitative and the point between them. When a point is followed by two or more numbers, there are two readings in English: 1.34 — one point thirty-four (or three four). That is, you can name each digit separately or say the number (thirty-four).

Subscribe to my blog. Find even more useful articles and rules, and you will also receive as a gift a basic phrasebook in three languages, English, German and French. Its main plus is that there is Russian transcription, therefore, even without knowing the language, you can easily master colloquial phrases.

In the next case, it will probably be easier to say as 4.694 — four point six nine four.
How to pronounce if the whole consists of more than one digit? We call it not separately by numbers, but an integer: 300.1 — three hundred point one, 420.15 — four hundred and twenty point one five (or fifteen).

How to speak decimals with a leading zero. Let’s say 0.07. You can read it according to the usual scheme, or you can, without naming the first zero, immediately start from the point — point zero seven. Zero can also be replaced with oh.

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But how world currencies and their fractions are pronounced is an exception. Nobody names the point here anymore. And is used instead. For example, $ 1.56 is one dollar and fifty-six cents or £ 7.29 is seven pounds and twenty nine. Try now to check the exchange rates online and figure out how to read the fraction in English.

How to read decimals

Now let’s see how this knowledge can be useful to you in real life. Let’s practice reading fractions and translating.

Translate the sentences presented:

  1. Please pour me 1/3 cup of water.
    For example, Pour me a third of a glass of water, please.
  2. This meal contains 2.2 grams of fat.
  3. I scored 9.89 points on this test.
  4. My sister’s height is 160.8 cm.
  5. A cucumber is 3/5 water.
  6. The book is 2.56 cm thick.
  7. The pound rate for today is 77.65 rubles.
  8. This jacket costs $ 63.32.
  9. Grades 5/7 performed well on the test.
  10. Michael spends ¾ of his time studying.

Enriched with new knowledge? Subscribe to the Viva Europe blog and get even more useful information about foreign languages. Or get inspired by travel articles across Europe.

I have a special training lesson with exercises for you!

I was with you, a philologist of the English language, Ekaterina Martynova.
I wish you all a good day!

Source: https://vivaeurope.ru/languages/english/fractions

The fractions

1/2 — a half1 / 3 — a / one third 3/4 — three quarters2 / 9 — two ninths 0.25 — zero / nought point two five 2.456 — two point four five six7.089 — seven point o [ou] eight nine

.7 — point seven

2/3 — two thirds 3/4 — three fourths / quarters 4/7 — four sevenths 7/18 — seven eighteenths 9/10 — nine tenths2 1/2 — two and a half3 1/4 — three and a quarter / fourth two fifths of a ton2 / 5 kilometer — quarter of a kilometer

1/2 kilometer — half a kilometer

Note! Vulgar fraction decimal (fraction) proper [improper] fraction

continued fraction

В simple fractions the numerator is expressed as a cardinal number, and the denominator is expressed as an ordinal number: 1 / 3- a (one) third, 1/5 — a (one) fifth, 1/8 — an (one) eighth. However, 1/2 reads: a (one) half (and not: one second), 1/4 — a (one) quarter (less often: a fourth).

When the numerator is greater than one, the denominator takes the ending -s: 2/3 — two thirds; 3/5 — three fifths, 5/6 — five sixths.

2/3 ton — read: two thirds of a ton; 3/4 kilometer — read: three quarters of a kilometer;

1/2 ton — read: half a ton (Note the absence of an article in front of hall and the absence of a preposition of in front of a noun)

The noun to which the mixed number belongs is used in the plural: 2 1/2 tons — read: two and a half tons or two tons and a half);

4 1/3 tons — read: four and a third tons or four tons and a third.

The decimal fractions

When reading a mixed number, the whole number of which is equal to one, the noun is used in the plural when it is read after the mixed number.

When a noun is read between one and a fraction, it is used in the singular: 1 1/2 hours — read: one and a half hours or one (an) hour and a half);

1 1/3 pounds (read: one and a third pounds or one (a) pound and a third).

When reading in decimal fractions, the integer is separated from the fraction by a dot.

If integer is zero, then it is often not read: 0.25-nought point two five or point two five 0.1 — read: nought (In America, 0 reads zero) point one or point one; 0.01 — read: nought point nought one or point nought one; 0.2 — (zero) point two.2 — point two

0.5 — (zero) point five

A noun following a decimal is singular when the decimal integer is zero:

0.25 ton — read: nought point two five of a ton.

If the integer is greater than zero:2.35 — read: two point three five; 3.4 — three point four 3.215 — three point two one five 32.305 — read: three two (or thirty-two) point three nought five

53.75 — fifty-three point seven five

If the integer is greater than zero, the noun following the decimal is in the plural: 1.25 tons — read: one point two five tons;

23.76 tons — read: two three point seven six tons or twenty-three point seven six tons.

Source: http://begin-english.ru/angliyskie-slova-po-temam/drobi-na-angliyskom

Fractional numbers in English — rules and examples

Counting in English, as well as education and the use of cardinal and ordinal numbers are topics familiar to many English learners literally from elementary grades. But fractions can cause real difficulties not only in the study of mathematics, but also in the study of English. Fractions are not so rare in everyday speech and become especially important when it comes to some precise economic, industrial, medical and scientific data.

Air contains 23.15% of oxigen. Air is 23,15% oxygen.
Add 1/3 of the milk to the dough. Add 1/3 milk to the dough.

As many remember from the school mathematics course, fractions are divided into simple (1/3, 4/5, 5 4/5) and decimal (0.5; 3.16; 12.425). Let’s take a closer look at how each of these types is written and pronounced.

Math Actions in English

The most common simple fractions.

Even if your professional activity is in no way connected with the exact sciences, you need to know at least basic mathematical operations in English. They are found not only in special literature, but also in films, books, and everyday speech. In this article, we will look at terms related to arithmetic problems, fractions, percentages. At the end, I provide the voiced flashcards with basic words on the topic of mathematics.

Please note that only mathematical terms are discussed here. If you’re looking for information on numerals, I recommend this article: Numbers in English.


Basic math in English: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

The most common mathematical terms are related to arithmetic. Please note that in Russian we have words such as:

  1. Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication is the name of the action.
  2. Add, subtract, divide, multiply is a verb denoting an action.
  3. Plus, minus, divide, multiply — the name of the action that we use in speech, when we read the expression, it is this that is used most often.

In English, the same is true, so we represent arithmetic operations in the form of a table:

Action name (n) Action name (verb) Used in speech

Addition — addition Add — add Plus — plus
Subtraction — subtraction Subtract — subtract Minus — minus
Multiplication — multiplication Multiply by — multiply by Times — multiply
Division — division Divide by — divide by Divided by — to divide
Equality — equality Equals to is equal to — equal to something Equals to is equal to is — equals

The arithmetic problem itself (for example, 2 + 2) is called problem (scientifically) or catfish (colloquial), solution or answer — answer, and the verb «decide» — to solve (the problem).

I will give examples:

  • 2 + 2 = 4 — Two plus two equals four.
  • 7 — 2 = 5 — Seven minus two equals five.

Often instead of equals: or is equal to they just say is.

  • 5 × 3 = 15 — Five times three is fifteen.
  • 8 ÷ 4 = 2 — Eight divided by four is two.

Common fractions — common fractions

If your math is as “excellent” as mine, let me remind you the most basic thing about fractions.

Common fractions consist of numerator and denominator… Remember, the numerator is on top, the denominator is on the bottom

Source: https://langformula.ru/math-in-english/

How to read English numbers correctly

Numbers in English are a topic for beginners at the most. We teach children to count almost from the very first days, as they begin to speak, so doing it in English is not a problem for us at all.

Despite this, many often forget that numbers are needed not only to count. We see them, read them and pronounce them in dates, football scores, meeting times, etc.

Such cases often cause a problem: how to pronounce a set of numbers correctly? Today we will try to deal with the most common problems.

Arithmetic operations

Table 2.

Symbols Reading (in brackets — common designation)
+ Plus (And)
minus (take away)
x Multiplied by (Times)
÷ Divided by
= Equals (Is)
. Point
% Percent
(((1 + 6) — 2) x 2) ÷ 2.5 = 4 One plus six minus Two multiplied by Two divided by Two point five equals: four or One and six takeaways Two teams Two divided by Two point five is four
10% 100 = 10 Ten percent of one hundred equals: ten.


Instead of one, it is common to use the article “a”. For example, in numbers like 100 or 1/2, we say “A hundred” or “A half”.

Number squared, cubed, nth power

To some extent — this is to the power of + any number
22 is designated as «Two squared»
23 is designated as «Two cubed»
212 is designated as «Two to the power of twelve»


Table 3.

When to use Example
0 = oh After “dot” in decimal fractions 9.02 = «Nine point oh two.»
In the numbers of buses or rooms Room 101 = «Room one oh one.» Bus 602 = «Bus six oh two.»
In phone numbers 9130472 = «Nine one three oh four seven two.»
In years 1906 = «Nineteen oh six.»
0=nought Before “dot” in decimal fractions 0.06 = «Nought point oh six.»
0 = zero temperature -10 ° C = «10 degrees below zero.»
In American English, the number zero is 0 = «Zero»
0 = nil In football Chelsea 2 Manchester United 0 = «Chelsea two Manchester United nil.»
0 = love In tennis 20 — 0 = «Twenty love.»

Twelve, or a dozen

12 is often referred to as a dozen — a dozen, and 6 — a half dozen (half a dozen).

For example: 12 eggs = «A dozen eggs.»

6 eggs = «Half a dozen eggs.»

Thirteen (damn dozen)

Source: https://www.learnathome.ru/grammar/numerals-reading.html

Fractions in English (simple and decimal) — Fractions: how to read and pronounce


A deeper and more advanced level of language learning is to use in speech not only standard lexical constructions and phrases, but also specific terms. This includes fractions in English, since these structures are often complex.

As a rule, the numbers themselves in these numbers are familiar to the speaker, but the principles of reading here will be special, and it is important to follow these norms in order to correctly pronounce such constructions.

Therefore, it is important to consider what type of fractional numbers are in English, to give their varieties and reading features.

  • Main characteristics
  • common fractions
  • decimal fractions

Main characteristics

As in Russian, the purpose of English fractional numbers is to show a part of a number, not its integer value. These structures are relevant not only in mathematics, but also in everyday life, therefore, it is necessary to remember once and for all the rules for the formation of such structures.

By their type, fractional numbers in English are of two types: common fractions and decimal fractions. The peculiarities of education and pronunciation of each type should be discussed in more detail.

common fractions

Simple fractions are those that consist of a numerator and a denominator. Examples of these are fairly common, so it is important to know how they are read.

The numerator will be read as a cardinal number, and the denominator as an ordinal. But there are several nuances here. First, if the numerator is greater than one, then the -s ending is added to the ordinal numeral. Secondly, it is customary to write both parts with a hyphen:

3/5 — three-fifths; 2/7 — two-sevenths;

5/8 — five-eighths, etc.

Also, an integer can be added to such a fraction, which will be read normally. It is not superfluous to add that there are often displays using the words half and quarter:

· 2 ½ — two and a half;
3 ¼ — three and a quarter, etc.

decimal fractions

There are also special rules for how decimals are pronounced in English. These include those that in Russian are usually separated by a comma, and in English — by a dot. The word «point» itself sounds like point, and the main feature is that all the numbers before and after the point are pronounced separately, that is, without such structures as «hundredths», «thousandths», etc.

In the event that such a fraction starts from zero (there are two variants of this word: zero (Am.) And nought (Br.)), The word “zero” itself may not be pronounced, and the whole structure will begin with the word point. Here are some examples:

0.783 — point seven eight three; 2.39 — two point three nine;

35.17 — three five point one seven, etc.

Having studied the above rules, it will be easy to figure out how to read fractions in English. It is necessary to pay attention to some specific cases of pronunciation and note the differences with the Russian language, so as not to make mistakes and not form both types of fractions by analogy with Russian.

Common and decimal fractions

Source: https://mcenglish.ru/lexics/drobi-na-anglijskom

Numbers translator: translate numbers into english

If you have any doubts about how to spell a particular number in words in English or Russian, use our translator for numbers. In order to make a translation, enter the required number in the form of numbers and the program will calculate its written form.

At the moment, the translator’s limitation is a limit of 18 decimal places (for integer values) and 18 decimal places (for translating values ​​containing a fractional part).

As you can see above, several English spellings are given for the number to be translated. With these, you can tell the difference between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE). For each of them, in turn, several spelling options can also be provided, which one to use in the text depends on the context of the sentence.

This program equally easily copes with the translation of numbers into text, both for English and Russian. Those. if you need to write a number in words in Russian, just enter it in numerical format and click the «Translate» button.


When translating into Russian, the translator takes into account possible changes in gender for a given number, which are indicated by the following pictograms:
— feminine, — masculine, — neuter.

In addition to numbers, our program can also write various sums of money in words. In this case, the transfer is carried out immediately in three different currencies: rubles, dollars and pounds sterling.

— the button is used to switch between the modes «Number in words» and «Amount in words».

First of all, we focus on people learning English. language, but if this translator is useful to someone else (for example, when filling out business documents), we will be very happy.

Together with the «Sum in words» function, we have added automatic saving of translator settings. That. the next time you visit you will not have to select the number / currency mode again, everything will be ready for work.

Additional materials:

Source: http://eng5.ru/translator/numbers

Ordinary fractions

Reading simple fractions is quite simple, and very similar to how we read them in Russian. An ordinary fraction has two components: the numerator (the number above the line) and the denominator (the number below the line). The upper number (numerator) is read as a cardinal number (how much?), And the lower number (denominator) is read as an ordinal (which order?). In this case, the numerator one can be read as the article a:

1/3 — one third / a third 1/7 — one seventh / a seventh

1/9 — one ninth / a ninth

If the numerator is greater than one, then the denominator acquires a plural ending:

2/3 — two thirds
3/5 — three fifths

Remember that half when reading fractions is half, and a quarter can be read as (a / one) quarter or (a / one) fourth:

1/2 — one half / a half NOT one second 1/4 — one quarter / a quarter / one fourth

3/4 — three quarters / three fourths

If there is an integer in the fraction, then it is associated with a fraction using the word and:

1 1/2 — one and a half 3 2/3 — three and two thirds

2 1/4 — two and a quarter / two and a forth

Reading decimals

First of all, it is important to remember that English decimal fractions use a full stop, not a comma. In English decimal fractions, we do not say the words: tenths, hundredths, thousandths, but simply call numbers. And when reading decimal fractions, the word point is said and each digit is called separately:

2.25 — two point twentyfive
1.4 — one point four
6.785 — six point seven eight five

If there is no whole number, and there are numbers only after the dot, then they say nought or zero (in American English), or even miss zero in speech and writing:

0.2 — nought (zero) point two / point two 0.75 — nought (zero) point seven five / point seven five

0.03 — nought (zero) point nought three / point nought three


Often percentages are indicated in decimal fractions: per cent [pəˈsent] (percent AmE). The word per cent is used in the singular:

2.2% — two point two per cent 3.5% — three point five per cent 50% — fifty per cent

99% — ninety-nine per cent

The use of the word percents is possible only in relation to the school topic «Percents», but cannot be used with specific numbers.

Phone numbers, dates, and prices are also in doubt. It would seem that nothing complicated, but even the best students make mistakes when talking about these numbers. I recommend remembering the rules, and perhaps learning something new: Phone numbers, dates and prices in English.

See a mistake in the text? Select it and click on the arrow that appears or CTRL + Enter.

Pokemon, thanks! We tried to make the information as accessible as possible.

Ira, Maria, Fatima thank you for reading and giving feedback!

Anatoly, please clarify your question.

Thank you so much!!

Source: https://enginform.com/article/drobi-na-angliyskom

Numerals in English. Numbers and numbers in English

Numbers in English have two functions:

  • are responsible for counting objects: indicate the size, quantity;
  • indicate the order in which items are counted — sequence.

Are they important; and if important, how much? It is easy not only to imagine, but also to check it yourself. For at least one day, try not to mention the exact information regarding:

  • dates, times and deadlines;
  • prices;
  • telephone numbers and addresses;
  • age;
  • weights and distances.

Eventually, even talking about the weather gets a lot harder without mentioning temperature: 

— How is it on the street?

— Coldly.

— How cold?

— Colder than yesterday! 

— How cold was it yesterday ?!

— Colder than the day before yesterday !!!

So, without delaying or putting it on the back burner, we get down to numbers and numbers in English.

Cardinal numbers in English

Cardinal numbers, following their name, indicate the number of things (objects). At the same time, they answer the question — «how much?» (how many?).

dragonflies have four wings. — Dragonflies have 4 wings.

The company purchased ninety tons of coal. — The company purchased 90 tons of coal.

Simple numbers in English

They determine the score from 1 to 12.

Numbers in English

The figures — symbols used to write all numbers: whole, fractional, large and small. Without getting into higher mathematics and not counting punctuation marks (period, comma, slash), there are only 10 characters that we operate with for:

  • counting: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.;
  • designations of quantities: mass, time, temperature, etc.

These are the so-called «Arabic numerals» used in the vast majority of countries in the world to write numbers in the decimal system.

Source: https://englishboost.ru/tsifry-na-anglijskom/

Some features of the use of numerals in English

Most fractions in English use both cardinal and ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers are used in the numerator of the fraction, and ordinal numbers are used in the denominator.

For example: 1/9 — one ninth 1/5 — one fifth 1/6 — one sixth 1/4 — one quarter = a quarter

1/2 — one half = a half

If the numerator is greater than one, then the denominator is plural:

3/5 — three fifths
4/7 — four sevenths
6/9 — six ninths

Integers and fractional numbers in a numeral are connected by a union and:

5 2/7 — five and two sevenths

To express complex fractions, the word is often used over:

125/421 — one hundred and twenty five over four hundred and twenty one

Decimals are read as follows:

6.44 — six point forty four
0.35 — naught three five = zero three five

If a fraction is followed by a noun, it is placed in the singular form, and the preposition is used in front of it of:

4/5 meter — four fifths of a meter

If a noun follows a numeral consisting of a whole and a fractional part, then it is put in the plural form:

45 3/6 tons — forty five and three sixths tons (45 and three sixth tons)

Using numerals in arithmetic

Arithmetic signs are read as follows:

Sign Reads like
+ plus
= is
x multiplied by
: divided by

For example: 25 + 45 = 70 — Twenty five plus forty five is seventy. 16-4 = 12 — Sixteen minus four is twelve. 3 × 8 = 24 — Three multiplied by eight it twenty four.

40: 9 = 5 — Forty divided by nine is five.

Using numerals to indicate a telephone number in English

Each digit in the phone number is pronounced separately:

2456738 — two four five six seven three eight

Source: http://www.correctenglish.ru/theory/grammar/numerals-specifics/

Numbers in English: rules of education, reading, memorization

Редакция Updated Nov 6, 2018

We are faced with numbers every day. House number, phone number, number of people who viewed your Stories, but not all of us know how to pronounce these cryptic numbers. It’s time to find out and finally learn them.

How to pronounce numbers in English correctly?

To pronounce the number correctly, you need to know the transcription.

Rules for the formation of numbers in English

Numbers in English are divided into:

  • simple;
  • derivatives;
  • composite.

Prime numbers are made up of one word.

Derived numbers consist of one word, but they have suffixes:

  • -teen (sixteen, eighteen);
  • -ty (twenty, sixty).

Composite numbers consist of several numbers:

215 — two hundred and fifteen.

How to form derivative numbers?

So, derived numbers have suffixes -ty or -teen:

16 — sixteen = six + teen.

If the suffix -teen is added to the number, then the stress falls on the suffix:

70 — seventy = seven + ty.

If the suffix -ty is added, the stress falls on the root (in this example, seven).

How to form compound numbers?

Formula of education: number of hundreds + and + number of tens and units.


84 — eighty-four;

256 — two hundred and fifty-six;

569 — five hundred and sixty-nine.

Note that two-digit numbers are hyphenated (eighty-two, fourty-six).

Numbers up to twenty, tens up to 100, 1000, 1000000

We have already covered the numbers from 1 to 12. It’s time to study tens, hundreds, thousands and millions.

  • 13 — thirteen;
  • 14 — fourteen;
  • 15 — fifteen;
  • 16 — sixteen;
  • 17 — seventeen;
  • 18 — eighteen;
  • 19 — nineteen.

It is important to remember that three in 13 and five in 15 will change slightly in spelling and pronunciation.

Tens are formed using the -ty suffix:

  • 20 — twenty (two becomes twen + ty);
  • 30 — thirty (three becomes thir + ty);
  • 40 — fourty;
  • 50 — fifty (five becomes fif + ty);
  • 60 — sixty;
  • 70 — seventy;
  • 80 — eighty;
  • 90 — ninety.

100 in English is hundred. It is always preceded by an indefinite article a, but if it is a composite number (115, 178), then we put one.

My father gave me a hundred dollars. — My dad gave me a hundred dollars.

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/grammar/numbers

Похожие слова: cents per word

  • Five cents on the dollar — Пять центов на доллар
  • cents per litre — центов за литр
  • a dividend of 29 cents a share — дивиденд в размере 29 центов на акцию
  • More than anyone else. 20 cents — Больше, чем кто-либо другой. 20 центов
  • they offered 40 cents a share — они предложили 40 центов за акцию
  • 10 cents a pound on the hoof — 10 центов за фунт на копыте
  • eighty cents — восемьдесят центов
  • fifty cents — пятьдесят центов
  • Give five cents a box — Дайте пять центов за коробку
  • Gimme back my three cents! — Верните мои три цента!
  • in the range of cents — в диапазоне центов
  • euro cents — евроцентов
  • five cents — Пять центов
  • cent cents — цент центов
  • Pie is ten cents — Пирог десять центов
  • Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено

    Примеры предложений: cents per word

    Sentiment comes easily at 50 cents a word.

    Сантименты легко достигаются при цене 50 центов за слово.

    The middle is an English translation that was done by somebody who was a professional English translator who we paid 20 cents a word for this translation.

    Середина-это английский перевод, который был сделан кем-то, кто был профессиональным английским переводчиком, которому мы платили по 20 центов за слово за этот перевод.

    Suddenly I heard a word.

    Вдруг я услышал слово.

    Eleanor, can I have a word with you before you go?

    Элинор, могу я поговорить с тобой, прежде чем ты уйдешь?

    James said: “Become doers of the word, and not hearers only …

    Иаков сказал: “станьте исполнителями слова, а не только слушателями …

    We move on the word of an actor?

    Двигаемся на слове актера?

    A Rajput never goes back on his word.

    Раджпут никогда не отказывается от своего слова.

    At least 64 verses of the Koran speak of these books as the Word of God and emphasize the need to read them and to carry out their commands.

    По меньшей мере 64 стиха Корана говорят об этих книгах как о Слове Божьем и подчеркивают необходимость читать их и выполнять их заповеди.

    Some Bible scholars apply this verse to faithful ones in general, citing as support the fact that in some Hebrew manuscripts the word for “loyal one” is in the plural.

    Некоторые библеисты применяют этот стих к верным вообще, ссылаясь в качестве подтверждения на тот факт, что в некоторых еврейских рукописях слово “верный” употребляется во множественном числе.

    Choose the delimiter that separates the keyword from the phrase or word to be searched.

    Выберите разделитель, который отделяет ключевое слово от фразы или слова для поиска.

    Here you can change your personal information, which will be used in mail programs and word processors, for example. You can change your login password by clicking Change Password.

    Здесь вы можете изменить свою личную информацию, которая будет использоваться, например, в почтовых программах и текстовых процессорах. Вы можете изменить свой пароль для входа, нажав кнопку Изменить пароль.

    Word boundary and non word boundary is not supported in Emacs syntax.

    Граница слова и не граница слова не поддерживаются в синтаксисе Emacs.

    Hence, the Greek word for “hypocrite” came to apply to one putting on a pretense, or one playing false.

    Поэтому греческое слово “лицемер” стало применяться к тому, кто притворяется, или к тому, кто притворяется.

    A word to the wise now to the garbage collectors of the world, to the curio seekers, to the antique buffs, to everyone who would try to coax out a miracle from unlikely places.

    Слово к мудрецам, к мусорщикам всего мира, к искателям диковинок, к любителям антиквариата, ко всем, кто попытается вытянуть чудо из невероятных мест.

    Can you confirm the memos were typed on a word processor?

    Можете ли вы подтвердить, что заметки были напечатаны на текстовом процессоре?

    Thus, while man has dominion over animals, he should not abuse that authority but use it in harmony with the principles of God’s Word.

    Таким образом, пока человек имеет власть над животными, он не должен злоупотреблять этой властью, но использовать ее в гармонии с принципами Слова Божьего.

    From the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader, there will be seven weeks, also sixty — two weeks… .

    От исхода слова, чтобы восстановить и восстановить Иерусалим, до Мессии, вождя, будет семь недель, а также шестьдесят две недели… .

    Just for the last one, 85 cents .

    Только за последний, 85 центов.

    The reality is that black women make something like 64 cents to every 78 cents that white women make.

    Реальность такова, что черные женщины зарабатывают примерно 64 цента на каждые 78 центов, которые зарабатывают белые женщины.

    A half ton of newspaper, and all we get is 75 cents ?

    Полтонны газеты, и все, что мы получаем, это 75 центов?

    Gimme back my three cents !

    Верни мне мои три цента!

    Five cents on the dollar.

    Пять центов на доллар.

    Are we not thankful that Jehovah committed his words to writing, instead of relying on transmission by word of mouth?—Compare Exodus 34:27, 28.

    Разве мы не благодарны за то, что Иегова посвятил свои слова написанию, вместо того чтобы полагаться на передачу из уст в уста?—сравните исход 34:27, 28.

    You date a special assistant to the President, word gets out.

    Ты встречаешься со специальным помощником президента, и об этом узнают все.

    We got 3 dollars and 4 cents .

    Мы получили 3 доллара 4 цента.

    If that word actually applies to anything that ever happens to me.

    Если это слово действительно применимо ко всему, что со мной когда-либо случалось.

    Koine was by that time a dynamic, living, well — developed tongue —a language ready at hand and well suited for Jehovah’s lofty purpose in further communicating the divine Word.

    Койне был к тому времени динамичным, живым, хорошо развитым языком-языком, готовым под рукой и хорошо подходящим для высокой цели Иеговы в дальнейшем сообщении Божественного слова.

    You haven’t said one word to me all afternoon.

    Ты не сказал мне ни слова за весь день.

    By regularly meeting to study the inspired Word of God, we can successfully fight against “the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places”.

    Регулярно собираясь для изучения вдохновенного Слова Божьего, мы можем успешно бороться против “злых духовных сил в небесных местах”.

    They have gotten the sense of the word and are bearing fine fruit.

    Они получили смысл этого слова и приносят прекрасные плоды.

    At the word from the giant king, they both began to eat.

    По слову великого короля, они оба начали есть.

    Sunday morning’s program will include the three — part symposium “Identifying the Right Kind of Messengers” and the talk “Listen to and Obey God’s Word.”.

    Воскресная утренняя программа будет включать в себя трехчастный симпозиум “определение правильных посланников” и беседу “слушайте и повинуйтесь Слову Божьему».

    Предложения с «cents per word»

    It is now writing a 600-word essay on maritime trade in the 17th century .

    Сейчас он пишет сочинение в 600 слов о морской торговле XVII века.

    ‘Bling’ is a wonderful word that is used by journalists particularly to sum up the sort of celebrity obsessed, very materialistic opening years of the 21st century , but in fact is was coined in 1999 and it was coined by a rapper and I think it’s an absolutely beautiful example of how US black slang particularly and hip hop and rap have had a major influence on British slang particularly today, and it was used by the rapper Baby Gangsta or BG and it was probably suggestive of light flashing off jewellery so it was ‘bling’ and that’s how it was taken up and it went into the mainstream incredibly quickly.

    Блинг удивительное слово , которое используется в частности журналистами, чтобы обобщить своего рода одержимость славой, очень меркантильных первых лет 21 — го века, но на самом деле оно было придумано в 1999 году и было придумано рэпером и я думаю, что это абсолютно прекрасный пример того, как черный сленг США в частности, а также хип — хоп и рэп оказали существенное влияние на британский сленг, особенно сегодня, и оно было использовано рэпером Бэби Ганста или БГ, и это, вероятно, навело на мысль в отсвете от слова драгоценности, так оно стало блинг, и вот так оно было принято и вошло в общепринятое употребление невероятно быстро.

    Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word Hollywood is often used as a metonymy of American cinema, and is often interchangeably used to refer to the greater Los Angeles area in general.

    Благодаря своей славе и культурной идентичности как исторический центр киностудий и кинозвёзд, слово Голливуд часто используется как метонимия для Американской киноиндустрии. Название город мишуры/англ.

    Now we have in Saratov and have got used both to the word and these huge shopping centers .

    Теперь и в Саратове есть всемирно известные торговые центры.

    But once the word had been uttered, it remained stubbornly at the center of all our thoughts

    Но стоило только произнести это слово , и оно прочно осело в центре всех наших мыслей.

    In order to spread the word about the work of the United Nations around the continent, all centres in sub-Saharan Africa have now functioning websites.

    В настоящее время все Информцентры в странах Африки к югу от Сахары имеют собственные веб — сайты, что значительно облегчает распространение информации о деятельности ООН на континенте.

    (Skif is also called Polyus-Skif – polyus being the Russian word for pole [as in the North Pole] and Skif referring to an ancient tribe of warriors in central Asia.)

    Проект «Скиф», названный в честь древнего воинственного народа из Центральной Азии, также назывался «Полюс — Скиф».

    In contemporary culture, the word Viking is generally synonymous with Scandinavians from the ninth to the 11th centuries .

    В современной культуре понятие «викинг» практически синонимично жителю Скандинавии в период между IX и XI столетиями.

    Today, we can write a word such as TED in Egyptian hieroglyphics and in cuneiform script, because both of these were deciphered in the 19th century .

    Сегодня мы можем написать такие слова , как скажем, TED и посредством древнеегипетских иероглифов и клинописью, потому что обе эти письменности были дешифрованы в 19 — м веке.

    To entice Oleg into his plan, he quotes the early 19th-century Russian thinker Nikolay Karamzin: “He described Russia in just one word,” the FSB chief tells Oleg.

    Уговаривая Олега, он цитирует русского мыслителя начала XX века (так в тексте — прим. перев.) Николая Карамзина. «Его спросили, как дела в России, а он ответил одним словом , — рассказывает Олегу контрразведчик.

    While the modern word Viking came to light in an era of nationalism, the ninth century – when Viking raids ranged beyond the boundaries of modern Europe – was different.

    Хотя нынешнее слово «викинг» появилось на свет в эпоху национализма, IX век — время, когда набеги викингов распространились за пределы Европы наших дней — был иным.

    The skilful in our century have conferred on themselves the title of Statesmen; so that this word, statesmen, has ended by becoming somewhat of a slang word.

    Ловкие люди нашего времени присваивают себе название государственных мужей; в конце концов это наименование государственный муж стало почти арготическим выражением.

    Energy is a concept that’s central to physics, but because it’s a word we use every day its meaning has got a bit woolly.

    Понятие энергии занимает в физике ключевую позицию, однако из — за того, что мы часто используем это слово в повседневной жизни, значение его несколько затерлось.

    Without a word, Langdon led her another few steps to the center of the abbey and pointed to the right.

    Не говоря ни слова , Лэнгдон провел ее еще на несколько шагов вперед и указал вправо.

    Without a word the Earth Men stood in the center of the city.

    Земляне молча стояли в центре города.

    Does that word even apply to us after all these centuries of betrayal, and is loyalty to you ever really rewarded?

    Разве это слово применимо к нам после всех этих веков предательства, и преданность тебе когда — нибудь вознаграждалась?

    First this word from the courteous people at Central Market.

    Сначала информация с Центрального Рынка.

    She was an 18th-century courtesan, which is not a word we use any more.

    В 18 веке она была куртизанкой, слово , которое мы уже практически не используем.

    Now, also you know a fantastic slang word and it’s a liver-disturber, and it’s American 19th-century slang for?

    Вы также знаете замечательное сленговое слово , вредитель печени, и это американский сленг 19 — го века для?

    In the 16th century , the word was egregious.

    В 16 веке это было слово вопиюще.

    Centuries ago, Stratos was built by leaders that gave their word that all inhabitants would live there.

    Столетия назад Стратос был построен лидерами, которые поклялись, что все население будет жить там.

    I know this word not politically correct, but these guys, they been squashed down by society /for centuries , centuries , and they say,

    Я знаю, что это слово не корректно политически, но эти парни, подавляемые обществом в течение многих столетий, говорят,

    Plutarch got word that Peeta and the others are in the Tribute Center .

    Но Плутарх узнал, что Пит и остальные в тренировочном центре.

    There’s no scientific equivalent for the word haunted, so we’ll just say this object is responsible for at least 45 deaths in the four centuries of its recorded existence…

    Наука не признаёт слова проклятое, поэтому скажу лишь, что это зеркало стало причиной как минимум 45 смертей за 400 лет своей официальной истории.

    And after that the center wooden door of his cell was presently closed and locked by a trusty who slammed it rudely and said no word.

    Вскоре после этого другой староста, ни слова не говоря, резко захлопнул наружную дверь.

    The public panics if word gets out we’re setting up an incident center about a spreading disease or for a spreading disease.

    Люди запаникуют, всплывёт, что мы организовываем центр реагирования по распространению болезни. На распространение болезни.

    The word or concept does not occur in medieval German poetry or fiction, gaining popularity only from the 15th century .

    Слово или понятие не встречается в средневековой немецкой поэзии или художественной литературе, набирая популярность только с XV века.

    Almost any music review focusses on the central vocal spots, the lyrical content, and the background music, it reads like a definition of the word review.

    Почти любой музыкальный обзор фокусируется на центральных вокальных точках, лирическом содержании и фоновой музыке, он читается как определение слова обзор.

    Crambo in the nineteenth century became a word game in which one player would think of a word and tell the others what it rhymes with.

    Крамбо в девятнадцатом веке превратился в словесную игру, в которой один игрок придумывал слово и говорил другим, с чем оно рифмуется.

    The first use of the word lens to designate a specific genus was in the 16th century by the botanist Tournefort.

    Первое использование слова линза для обозначения определенного рода было в 16 веке ботаником Турнфором.

    The word Tunisia is derived from Tunis; a central urban hub and the capital of modern-day Tunisia.

    Слово Тунис происходит от Туниса; центральный городской центр и столица современного Туниса.

    The more recent and specific sense of the word art as an abbreviation for creative art or fine art emerged in the early 17th century .

    Более поздний и специфический смысл слова искусство как аббревиатуры художественного творчества или изобразительного искусства возник в начале XVII века.

    The word originated in the 17th century .

    Слово возникло в 17 веке.

    In the sixteenth century there was a level of ambiguity as to how to use this new word.

    В XVI веке существовала некоторая неопределенность в том, как использовать это новое слово .

    Rivers appear in right-aligned, left-aligned and centered settings too, but are more likely to appear in justified text, because of the additional word spacing.

    Реки также отображаются в параметрах выравнивания по правому краю, выравнивания по левому краю и центрирования, но более вероятно, что они будут отображаться в выровненном тексте из — за дополнительного интервала между словами .

    English borrowed the word from Spanish in the early 18th century , still referring to mudbrick construction.

    Английский язык заимствовал это слово из испанского в начале 18 века, все еще имея в виду глинобитное строительство.

    Is even the word sense – so central to semantics – a universal, or a concept entrenched in a long-standing but culture-specific tradition?

    Является ли даже слово смысл, столь важное для семантики, универсальным понятием или концептом, укоренившимся в давней, но специфической для культуры традиции?

    The Latin word lucifer, as introduced in the late 4th-century AD Vulgate, gave rise to the name for a fallen angel.

    Латинское слово Люцифер, введенное в конце IV века н. э. Вульгатой, дало начало имени падшего ангела.

    Isidore of Seville, writing in the 7th century , claimed that the Latin word Maurus was derived from the Greek mauron, μαύρον, which is the Greek word for black.

    Исидор Севильский, писавший в VII веке, утверждал, что латинское слово Maurus произошло от греческого mauron, μαρρον, что по — гречески означает черный.

    The word originated in South Asia in the 17th century and meant day labourer, but since the 20th century the word has meant porters at railway stations.

    Слово возникло в Южной Азии в 17 веке и означало поденщик, но с 20 века это слово означает носильщиков на железнодорожных станциях.

    Most recorded English uses of the word generous up to and during the sixteenth century reflect an aristocratic sense of being of noble lineage or high birth.

    Большинство зарегистрированных английских употреблений слова великодушный до и в течение шестнадцатого века отражают аристократическое чувство благородного происхождения или высокого происхождения.

    During the 17th century , however, the meaning and use of the word began to change.

    Однако в XVII веке значение и употребление этого слова начали меняться.

    Because of more than three centuries of Spanish colonisation, the word número is found in almost all Philippine languages. ‘No.

    Из — за более чем трех столетий испанской колонизации слово número встречается почти во всех филиппинских языках. — Нет.

    The earliest attested reference to the Angles occurs in the 1st-century work by Tacitus, Germania, in which the Latin word Anglii is used.

    Самое раннее засвидетельствованное упоминание об углах встречается в сочинении Тацита Германия I века, в котором используется латинское слово Angliii.

    The name Earth derives from the eighth century Anglo-Saxon word erda, which means ground or soil.

    Название Земля происходит от англосаксонского слова erda, которое в VIII веке означает земля или почва.

    The great auk of the Northern Hemisphere, now extinct, was superficially similar to penguins, and the word penguin was originally used for that bird, centuries ago.

    Великий АУК Северного полушария, ныне вымерший, внешне был похож на пингвинов, и слово пингвин первоначально использовалось для обозначения этой птицы столетия назад.

    The word kaymak has Central Asian Turkic origins, possibly formed from the verb kaymak, which means melt and molding of metal in Turkic.

    Слово каймак имеет среднеазиатское тюркское происхождение, возможно образованное от глагола каймак, что по — тюркски означает расплав и литье металла.

    Early in the 20th century , Carl Gustav Jung sought to find a word that could describe the innate patterns of behaviour that govern our lives.

    В начале XX века Карл Густав Юнг пытался найти слово , которое могло бы описать врожденные паттерны поведения, управляющие нашей жизнью.

    The pseudo-Latin word antiburschius refers to opponents of the 19th-century politically active German student fraternities.

    Псевдолатинское слово antiburschius относится к противникам политически активных немецких студенческих братств XIX века.

    The latter form appears in European languages as early as the 12th century ; its first known use in French is the word terrible in 1160.

    Последняя форма появляется в европейских языках уже в XII веке; ее первое известное использование во французском языке — это слово ужасный в 1160 году.

    The word must have originally referred to the wheeled heavy plough, which was common in Roman northwestern Europe by the 5th century AD.

    Это слово , должно быть, первоначально относилось к колесному тяжелому плугу, который был распространен в Римской Северо — Западной Европе к V веку нашей эры.

    The word penguin first appears in the 16th century as a synonym for great auk.

    Слово пингвин впервые появляется в 16 веке как синоним слова великий АУК.

    In the 18th century , the word machinist simply meant a person who built or repaired machines.

    В 18 веке слово машинист просто означало человека, который строил или ремонтировал машины.

    It is in this last sense, which became popular in the 16th century , that Shakespeare used the word.

    Именно в этом последнем значении, ставшем популярным в XVI веке, Шекспир употребил это слово .

    Jesus offers to go to the centurion’s house to perform a healing, but the centurion hesitates and suggests that Jesus’ word of authority would be sufficient.

    Иисус предлагает пойти в дом центуриона, чтобы совершить исцеление, но Центурион колеблется и предполагает, что слова Иисуса будет достаточно.

    The word gel was coined by 19th-century Scottish chemist Thomas Graham by clipping from gelatine.

    Слово гель было придумано шотландским химиком 19 века Томасом Грэмом путем вырезки из желатина.

    Before the mid-19th century , the word lesbian referred to any derivative or aspect of Lesbos, including a type of wine.

    До середины 19 века слово лесбиянка относилось к любому производному или аспекту Лесбоса, включая вид вина.

    Sport in the modern sense of the word became popular only in the 19th century .

    Спорт в современном понимании этого слова стал популярным только в 19 веке.

    The word came into English as a figure of speech in the 16th century as similar to the French ironie.

    Это слово вошло в английский язык как фигура речи в 16 веке, как и французское ironie.

    The word ball derives from the Latin word ballare, meaning ‘to dance’, and bal was used to describe a formal dancing party in French in the 12th century .

    Слово бал происходит от латинского слова ballare, означающего танцевать, и bal использовался для описания официальной танцевальной вечеринки во французском языке в 12 веке.

    Freelance content writers are notoriously underpaid. But just how badly underpaid some writers are doesn’t get talked about enough.

    Two cents per word is considered a base rate for freelance content writing. It’s a beginner’s rate. A generalist’s rate.

    A poverty-inducing rate.

    And yet you’ll see it quoted as standard pay on freelance writing job boards, in the pay writers get on content mills, and in Facebook groups for freelance content writing jobs.

    Lest you think I’m being overly dramatic by saying two cents is the equivalent of poverty wages, let’s do the math on what a 2 cents per word rate for content writing works out to.

    The Math on What 2 Cents Per Word Works Out To

    The average blog post is 1,269 words long according to a 2020 survey of 1,279 bloggers.

    It takes 4 hours to write that same blog post for an experienced blogger (per that same survey).

    With a two cents per word rate for content writing, a writer can earn $25.38 from that blog post.

    Which works out to $6.35 per hour.

    How 2 Cents Per Word Compares to the US Federal Minimum Wage and the Poverty Line

    $6.35 is below the US Federal Minimum Wage, of course. And it is right at the US poverty line – if you only look at the top-level hourly rate.

    Here’s the United States national poverty line table for 2021:

    A 2 cents per word rate for content writing works out to be right at the US Federal poverty line

    At $6.35 per hour, someone in a single-family household would have to work 2,028 hours per year to clear the poverty line.

    2,028 / 52 weeks in a year = 39 hours per week.

    So you can just clear the poverty line at a 2 cents per word rate. If you work full-time.

    And if you don’t count taxes. (All of them – state, federal, and payroll taxes.)

    And if you don’t count overhead costs. (No one will cover your computer, your software, your electricity, or your internet access.)

    And if you don’t count health insurance or other job benefits.

    And if you don’t count the time it took you to get the work.

    And if you don’t count the time it took you to create and submit an invoice.

    And if you don’t count the time it took you to get paid.

    What the 2 Cents Per Word Rate for Content Writing Works Out To After Taxes and Overhead

    Of course, you do have to count all those things. And boy, do they add up.

    Most financial experts and CPAs recommend freelancers set aside 25-30% of their earnings just for taxes. That’s what The Balance recommends. So does Dave Ramsey.

    So let’s take the average of those figures and shave 27.5% off that $6.35 per hour.

    The content writer is now earning $4.60 per hour… that they can keep.

    I thought maybe earnings this low might mean a reduced tax rate, but that’s actually not true. Someone earning $9,876 to $40,125 is in the 12% tax bracket for 2020. They have to pay “$987.50 plus 12% of the amount over $9,875.”

    So a freelance content writer earning 2 cents per word and working 40 hours a week would earn $13,243 per year. They would pay $987.50 plus $404.23 in federal taxes. Or $1,391.73.

    But that’s just federal taxes. “In addition to regular income tax, freelancers are responsible for paying the self-employment tax of 15.3% in 2020,” according to TurboTax.

    That would come to $2,026.18. Just for their payroll tax.

    So even before we look at state taxes, our freelance content writer’s earnings are down from $13,243 to $9,825.09.

    That works out to $818.76 per month. Or $188.44 per week.

    And remember: Those are earning that have to cover the freelancer’s health insurance, their internet connection, computer, and software.

    That hourly rate also doesn’t count the time required to get the work or the time required to get paid for the work, or the extra fees places like PayPal like to tack onl.

    Just How Common 2 Cents Per Word is for Content Writing

    If this wasn’t such a common rate for freelance content writing, it wouldn’t be so bad. But just go look at the freelance writing job boards. 2 cents per word is often the norm.

    Many freelance writing jobs boards offer 2 cents per word for content writing

    2 cents per word is often the norm for content writing mills, too.

    Many content mills pay a 2 cents per word rate for content writing

    And this is consistent with what many surveys have found freelance content writing hourly rates to be. In my own survey of freelance writers, I found that 28% of freelance writers earn $15 or less per hour.

    how much do freelance writers earn?

    I also found that 2 cents per word is especially common among new freelance content writers.

    How much recurring work you have is one of the major factors that decides whether you earn a living as a freelance writer - or not

    This is similar to what other surveys of freelance writers have found: New writers tend to earn 10 cents per word of less. Often, much less.

    The Good News

    Yes – there is good news. Even for brand new content writers.

    Once you understand how much you’ll have to pay in overhead and taxes, much less how much time it takes to find clients, you’ll be far more picky about which writing jobs you take.

    Two cents per word might some bad, but workable… until you do the math. But that’s when you really see how much of a difference earning 10 cents per word can make.

    Understanding the business side of content writing may also help motivate you to do other things that can drastically increase your hourly rate, like picking a niche. Or pressing for more bylines. Or building a network on LinkedIn.

    All those tactics – and many more – can help you find work that is 20 cents, 30 cents, even sometimes a whole dollar per word.

    But until you really look at your content writing like a business, and you really get serious about your hourly rate… you may end up making far, far less from your content writing than you’d think.

    Writers often claim, whether exaggerating or not, that they are terrible with numbers. I’ve definitely seen this come into play when writers are trying to choose an editor while also managing a budget for their manuscript. Many questions about the cost of editing ultimately revolve around math: What’s a fair rate? Should your editor charge per word or per hour? Which one ends up being less expensive? So I’m going to do some math for you! Who else is excited?

    For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to stick to costs for an 80,000-word manuscript, which is a pretty average word count for full-length novels.

      Want a visual cost comparison? Skip to the tables for developmental editing and for proofreading.

    Let’s start with per-word rates. I’ve seen rates ranging from 1/2 a cent ($0.005) to 6 cents ($0.06). The lower range tends to be for proofreading, and the upper range tends to be for developmental editing. Copy editing is muddled in the middle—»muddled» because some editors will charge 2–3 cents/word for copy editing, but others will charge 3 cents/word for developmental editing. If someone offers developmental editing at a rate of 1–2 cents/word, they’re probably either inexperienced, and therefore charging a lower rate, or underqualified and out to make a quick buck. Caveat emptor. The third possibility is that the hypothetical editor also did this math and saw how mercenary it is to charge 5–6 cents/word. Keep reading to understand why!

    So far, that’s just rates. Are we ready to get into some actual math?

    If an editor charges 6 cents/word (the highest per-word rate I’ve seen) for one round of developmental editing for an 80,000-word manuscript, that comes out to a whopping $4,800. For one round of editing! It’s great if your writing budget would let you afford that, but in my personal and professional opinion, that is simply unreasonable.

    If an editor charges a more moderate 4 cents/word for the same service on the same manuscript, the total comes to $3,200

    If an editor dips to the lower end of per-word rates for developmental editing at 3 cents/word, the total becomes $2,400.

    But how does that compare to an hourly rate? For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to go with Touchstone Editing’s hourly rate for developmental editing: $55/hour. An 80,000-word manuscript would, on average, take me (every editor works at a different pace) between 20 and 30 hours, and this actually includes a full editorial letter as well. Let’s assume the developmental edit of our example manuscript takes 30 hours. At $55 an hour, that brings the total cost for one round of editing to $1,650. 

    Let’s compare:

    • A lower-end per-word rate of 3 cents/word means a total cost of $2,400 per round 
    • An hourly rate assuming 30 hours, with a rate of $55/hour, means a total cost of $1,650—a savings of $750

    And don’t forget, that’s the higher number of hours I would expect one developmental editing round to take.

    The thing is, the work always takes the same amount of time, whether you are charged per word or per hour. 

    • If I spent 30 hours but charged $2,400 (3 cents/word), that comes out to an hourly rate of $80. 
    • If the editing round only took 20 hours? The per-word rate would equal an hourly rate of $120!
    • If an editor charged 6 cents/word and spent those same 20–30 hours? The equivalent hourly rate becomes $160–$240!
        If your manuscript isn’t a complete disaster, you should basically never be paying 6 cents/word for one round of editing. Save that money for other costs, whether other editing rounds, cover design, formatting, or marketing.

    All of that might seem complicated, but the table below offers an easy way to compare costs at different rates:

    Cost comparison for one round of developmental editing
    for an 80,000-word manuscript

    20 hours
    30 hours
    Total cost: $2,400 $3,200 $4,000 $4,800 $1100 $1,650
    Hourly equivalent
    $120/hr $160/hr $200/hr $240/hr $55/hr $55/hr
    Hourly equivalent
    $80/hr $106.67/hr $133.33/hr $160/hr $55/hr $55/hr

    Of course, as I mentioned, not every editor works at the same pace, and that’s a big part of the equation. As you can see above, however, the low or «less-experienced» developmental editing rate of 3 cents/word would still be equivalent to a pretty high hourly rate. In fact, you’d have to spend over 40 hours on one round of editing to come even close to a similar equivalent hourly rate, even at just 3 cents/word.

    It is definitely easier to do the math with a per-word rate, since you know the total cost up front and that the total won’t change. This can feel more stable. And how can you know how much editing would ultimately cost if you’re charged an hourly rate? Simple: ask for an estimate. Any legitimate editor should be able to provide you an estimate that you can then use to compare to a per-word rate and make an informed decision. And experienced editors will almost always* stay safely within their estimate.

      *Exceptions do happen, depending on the state of the manuscript, in which case your editor should reach out and discuss options.

    So, what if you’re afraid your manuscript is that exceptional huge mess that will take 6 times longer than normal, pushing your hourly rate total into the stratosphere? In such a situation, an experienced and ethical editor who’s interested in helping you (as opposed to taking advantage of you) would likely recommend starting with an editorial letter. Whether they still charge per hour or offer editorial letters at a flat rate (like Touchstone does), this would be the more cost-effective option for a manuscript that’s in dire straits.

    Bottom line: an hourly rate of $40–$60, which is fairly standard, may seem high at first glance. But when you compare it to standard per-word rates, especially when working with a qualified and efficient editor, that hourly rate turns out to be quite a bargain!

    The explanation and table above should hopefully help you understand why the Touchstone editors feel charging an hourly rate is ultimately more fair for our writers. But if, after reading all of this, you’d prefer to pay a per-word rate, just let us know. We certainly wouldn’t mind. 😉

    What about proofreading?

    Quickly, let’s also do the math for proofreading. Because this is the final polish, proofreading is a much faster process than editing, so you’ll notice a lower total amount of hours necessary. This time, we’ll stick with just a quick table, but if you have questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

    Cost comparison for proofreading for an 80,000-word manuscript

    $0.005/word $0.01/word $35/hour
    8 hours
    10 hours
    12 hours
    Total cost: $400 $800 $280 $350 $420
    Hourly Equivalent
    8 hours
    $50/hour $100/hour $35/hr $35/hr $35/hr
    Hourly Equivalent
    10 hours
    $40/hour $80/hour $35/hr $35/hr $35/hr
    Hourly Equivalent
    12 hours
    $33.33/hour $66.67/hour $35/hr $35/hr $35/hr

    Asked By: Miles Henderson Date: created: Apr 07 2022

    How much should you charge for a 500 word article

    Answered By: Bryan Peterson Date: created: Apr 07 2022

    The industry standard for a 500 word article is around $50.

    You may find rates that are more or less, but for a native speaking writer in the desired language, expect to earn at least .

    10 per word..

    Asked By: Kevin Taylor Date: created: Mar 10 2022

    How much should I pay for proofreading

    Answered By: Cameron Gray Date: created: Mar 13 2022

    Individuals offering freelance proofreading services, who vary widely in skill level and background, may charge by the hour. Generally, their prices range from $10 to $45 per hour. Professional services that offer by-the-hour proofreading can charge up to $95 per hour.

    Asked By: Julian Morgan Date: created: May 01 2022

    How much does Vogue pay per word

    Answered By: Lucas Carter Date: created: May 02 2022

    Teen Vogue Average pay is $0.30 a word for digital publication.

    Asked By: Carter Powell Date: created: Oct 15 2022

    Is 10 cents per word too much

    Answered By: Herbert Campbell Date: created: Oct 18 2022

    10 cents a word is a really good rate for freelance writing. But it will always depend on your writing skills and the demand for the topic on the internet for which you are writing. These days even 1 cent per word is considered a good rate for beginners so in comparison to that 10 cents a word is a really great rate.

    Asked By: Jack Brooks Date: created: Dec 12 2021

    How much should I charge per 1000 words

    Answered By: Ralph Patterson Date: created: Dec 14 2021

    Typical writers just starting out charge between $25 to $30 for a 1000 word article. All of this depends on your skill level, how long you’ve been writing, what you offer as a writer. There are plenty of advantages and things to consider as you start your freelancing career.

    Asked By: Nathan Wilson Date: created: Feb 25 2023

    Answered By: Ethan Sanchez Date: created: Feb 28 2023

    3 cents per word may be an unlivable wage for U.S. writers, but for writers from 3rd world countries, that’s a livable wage. Well above minimum wage in their home countries.

    Asked By: Gerld Griffin Date: created: Apr 25 2022

    How many pages is 2000 words

    Answered By: Julian Butler Date: created: Apr 27 2022

    4 pages2,000 words is around 4 pages of A4 with single spacing, or 8 pages of A4 with double spacing.

    Asked By: Charles Mitchell Date: created: Jan 20 2023

    How much do bloggers charge per post

    Answered By: Lucas Cook Date: created: Jan 23 2023

    You can expect to pay anywhere from 6 cents a word on the low end, to as much as $3. By the Post – Some bloggers charge a flat fee for every post, usually with an agreed upon minimum word count.

    Asked By: Juan Young Date: created: Dec 04 2021

    How much do proofreaders charge per word

    Answered By: Jackson Perez Date: created: Dec 05 2021

    In general, proofreading costs at least 1 or 2 cents per word.

    Asked By: Isaiah Turner Date: created: Jan 20 2022

    What does a 1000 word article look like

    Answered By: Justin Alexander Date: created: Jan 20 2022

    1000 words is around 2 & 1/3rds of a page visually, single-spaced, and 4 pages double-spaced.

    Asked By: Edward Cook Date: created: Apr 21 2022

    How much should I charge for a 2000 word article

    Answered By: Simon Coleman Date: created: Apr 24 2022

    At the time of publication, Politico pays $500 flat for articles in the 2,000-word range. This works out to 25 cents per word. Bridal Guide pays $1,000 for a 2,000-word article, for $1 per word.

    Asked By: Patrick Parker Date: created: Feb 25 2022

    What is a good rate per word

    Answered By: Robert Hernandez Date: created: Feb 27 2022

    A general guideline: 5–7.5 cents per word is below average and more beginner rates. 8–11 cents per word is a general average. 12–15 cents per word is slightly above average for writers with more experience.

    Asked By: James Parker Date: created: Jul 18 2022

    Is 10p a word good

    Answered By: Nathaniel Torres Date: created: Jul 18 2022

    10p a word is not high by the way and good – really, really good – copywriting is just as skilled a job as translation.

    Asked By: Luke Cooper Date: created: Nov 18 2022

    How many pages is 1000 words

    Answered By: Devin Brooks Date: created: Nov 19 2022

    Pages by Word CountWord CountPages (single spaced)Pages (double spaced)1000 Words2 Pages4 Pages1200 Words2⅖ Pages4⅘ Pages1500 Words3 Pages6 Pages2000 Words4 Pages8 Pages16 more rows

    Asked By: Keith Miller Date: created: Nov 29 2022

    How long should it take to proofread 1000 words

    Answered By: Ian Gray Date: created: Dec 02 2022

    20 minutesA thousand words would take around 15–20 minutes, assuming the proofreader is familiar with the publisher’s style guide and other requirements. Proofreading for a new client, however, can take longer as the proofreader might run into issues that need to be double-checked.

    Asked By: Joseph Carter Date: created: May 01 2022

    What does 500 words look like

    Answered By: Gabriel Cook Date: created: May 03 2022

    Answer: 500 words is 1 page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced.

    Asked By: Kyle Gonzalez Date: created: Jun 13 2022

    How much does the Guardian pay per word

    Answered By: Harry Gonzalez Date: created: Jun 13 2022

    Words, per 1000 / newsPublication / Programme – details & termsGroupTotal paidGuardian feature 800 words @ £243.57 = (via #FreelancerPayGap)_GMG304.00Guardian feature 1000 words @ £310.68 = (via #FreelancerPayGap)_GMG311.00Guardian feature 1200 words @ £370 = (via #FreelancerPayGap)_GMG308.00115 more rows•May 20, 2021

    Asked By: Logan Henderson Date: created: Dec 30 2022

    How much is 2 cents per word

    Answered By: Cole Cook Date: created: Jan 02 2023

    With a two cents per word rate for content writing, a writer can earn $25.38 from that blog post. Which works out to $6.35 per hour.

    Asked By: Eric Smith Date: created: Aug 27 2022

    How much does it cost to proofread 1000 words

    Answered By: Oscar Carter Date: created: Aug 30 2022

    Among professional proofreading services, per-word rates range from $. 01 (one cent) to $….How much do proofreading and editing services charge per word?Rate per word1,000 words4,000 words$.01 (one cent)$100.00$400.002 more rows•Jul 10, 2020

    Asked By: Ian King Date: created: Sep 03 2022

    How many cents per word should I charge

    Answered By: Jonathan Gray Date: created: Sep 04 2022

    Most intermediate to advanced freelance writers charge between 10 cents and $1 per word, depending on the amount of work they will have to put into the project. But, the way they bill that average range will vary.

    Asked By: Howard Scott Date: created: Nov 04 2022

    How do freelance writers get paid

    Answered By: Brandon Phillips Date: created: Nov 04 2022

    Most businesses hiring freelance writers will prefer to pay by the project or by retainer if they’re going to want regular ongoing work. Consumer magazines, online and off, generally pay per word for articles. Trade magazines can be either per-word or a flat fee.

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    Which is the best link building type? Backlinks are the most important type of link, but outbound links—links from your website to other sites—can also improve your site’s search ranking.In a list of Google’s 200 ranking factors, Backlinko put outbound link quality at #35.. Does link building still work? Despite being a straight-up violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and a tactic that is clearly defined as a link scheme, paid link building is still relatively common in 2021 for the simple reason that it guarantees results. Earning links is hard work; there is no denying that. What is a SEO backlink? A backlink is simply a link from one website to another. … High-quality backlinks can help to increase a site’s ranking position and visibility in search engine results (SEO). How do I create a link for SEO? Simple link building tipsAsk for backlinks. This is a good way to…

    I’m interested in the etymology of the term «four dollar word». I know it means roughly «big pretentious word» — what I’m curious about is when it became a popular term and why «four dollar» and not «three dollar» or «five dollar» or «one hundred dollar» word.

    Googling on «four dollar word» found pages where the term was used to describe other words, but nothing on the origin of this term itself. I did find an archived AUE thread from 1998 with the following posts:

    Q: what does «four-dollar word» mean?

    It’s a figure of speech. People who like plain talk, notably frontier rustics like the ones you seem to be … word should cost more than a plain, little one, and that such big words are pretentious. Perchprism word tyke

    Ah, inflation! When I was a lad, it was a four-bit (fifty cents) word. It is an educated, or even stilted word; often a bigger word than necessary or a big, educated word used to show off when simpler words are available. Here the speaker doesn’t seem to be crticizing the use of the word, just saying that it is a word only educated people would know.
    Gary Williams

    Big. A little word is only worth a few cents, a big word is worth more. Oddly enough, they used … (I’ve had a few paleontology classes only a few of ’em look for bones, by the way) -30- rex

    It’s impossible to effectively google on «four bit word» as a term for a fancy word since it is more commonly used to describe a chunk of data 4 bits long (1/2 a byte). However I did find some useful references to the «sixty-four dollar word», which lead to the Sixty-Four Dollar Question, a radio quiz show from the 1940s.

    Does anyone here know if the term «four dollar word» predates the Sixty-Four Dollar Question radio show? If not, is there any evidence the term «four dollar word» was coined because the answer to a «four dollar question» was often a big word? Was «four bit word» commonly used prior to «four dollar word» — perhaps morphing into «four dollar word» concurrently with the radio show?

    I’m interested in the etymology of the term «four dollar word». I know it means roughly «big pretentious word» — … on the origin of this term itself. I did find an archived AUE thread from 1998 with the following posts:

    I use the phrase «fifty dollar word» for a pretentious, multi-syllabic word. Never heard of the others except $64, 000 Question.=20

    At the current rate of inflation, a «four dollar word» wouldn’t be much of a word. I’m doing a no-no. I’m using empiric evidence, not cited sources.
    em=B7pir=B7ic (m-p=EErk)

    1. One who is guided by practical experience rather than precepts ortheory.

    2. An unqualified or dishonest practitioner; a charlatan.=20

    I’m using the first definition, not the second!
    BTW only 59 hits on Google for «fifty dollar word». I’d have expected more. :-(

    I’m interested in the etymology of the term «four dollar … words, but nothing on the origin of this term itself.

    When I Google on it, I get a mere 52 hits, less than the others.

    «two dollar word» 136
    «four dollar word» 52
    «five dollar word» 502
    «ten dollar word 618
    «twenty dollar word» 357
    «fifty dollar word» 58
    I see that Strunk and White had this line:
    Do not be tempted to use a twenty-dollar word when there is a ten-center handy, raady and able.
    But even that well-known book was not enough to push «twenty dollar word» to the highest score.
    (snip remainder)

    Best Donna Richoux

    I’m interested in the etymology of the term «four dollar word».

    I’ll give you my best guess:
    It’s an updating of «four-bit word», a word worth fifty cents. If you were writing pulp fiction for two cents per word («word» meaning «five letters»), then it would inticate literally a word one hundred twenty-five letters long, or figuratively, a very, very long word, also called hippopotamomonstrosesquipedalian.
    Well, that was my two bits’ worth (after inflation).

    Stefano («Mr Know-it-All») MacGregor

    If a word cost four bits, and four bits = 50 cents, then one bit = 50/4 = 12.5 cents. Did America really once have a coin worth 12.5 cents? How very fractional.

    As the parrot squawked, «Pieces of eight!» «Pieces of eight!»

    Early Americans also used whatever foreign coins they could get. English shillings, Spanish dollars, as well as French and Dutch coins, all circulated in the colonies. However, probably the most common coins were the large silver Spanish dollars called pieces of eight. To make change, the payee could chop the coin into eight pie-shaped pieces called bits (or Spanish reals, worth 12.5 cents). Two bits were worth a quarter of a dollar, four bits a half dollar, and so on. Even today, we sometimes use the expression two bits to mean a quarter of a dollar.
    Here are some pictures of Spanish silver dollar cut into halves, quarters, and eighths:

    I wonder how they actually cut them. You couldn’t just put a coin on a chopping block and whack it with an axe. «Ooops, now there’s a big half and a little half.» Jeweler’s tools, maybe.

    Best Donna Richoux

    When I Google on it, I get a mere 52 hits, less than the others. «two dollar word» 136 «four … this line: Do not be tempted to use a twenty-dollar word when there is a ten-center handy, raady and able.

    I love it! I can’t wait for an opportunity to use «handy, randy, and able.»

    If a word cost four bits, and four bits = … once have a coin worth 12.5 cents? How very fractional.

    As the parrot squawked, «Pieces of eight!» «Pieces of eight!» Early Americans also used whatever foreign coins they could get. … block and whack it with an axe. «Ooops, now there’s a big half and a little half.» Jeweler’s tools, maybe.

    Silver is pretty soft. Place a sharp object on a coin, whack it with a hammer, and it chops up easily. I have some very old solid silver eating utensils, and they are so soft that they bend very easily.

    Modern silver coins are harder, but they contain less silver.

    I see that Strunk and White had this line: Do … word when there is a ten-center handy, raady and able.

    I love it! I can’t wait for an opportunity to use «handy, randy, and able.»

    We’re both wrong that isn’t ready or randy, it’s «rAAdy.» Obviously based on the Dutch word «raad» meaning counsel.

    Beest Donna Richoux

    I’m interested in the etymology of the term «four dollar word». I know it means roughly «big pretentious word» —
    what I’m curious about is when it became a popular term and why «four dollar» and not «three dollar» or «five dollar» or «one hundred dollar» word.
    Googling on «four dollar word» found pages where
    the term was used to describe other words, but nothing on the origin of this term itself.

    When I Google on it, I get a mere 52 hits, less than the others.

    «two dollar word» 136
    «four dollar word» 52
    «five dollar word» 502
    «ten dollar word 618
    «twenty dollar word» 357
    «fifty dollar word» 58
    Often seen as «ten cent word» for the plain word
    and «fifty cent word» for the pretentious one,
    with variation in amounts. I suspect that the original meaning was that the writer was filling up the page to get paid more the alternate would be a long obscure term, not a short obscure term.

    «two dollar word» 143
    «four dollar word» 55
    «50 cent word» 1,100
    «fifty cent word» 383
    «ten cent word» 184
    «10 cent word» 167
    «10 cent words» 302
    Richard Maurer To reply, remove half
    Sunnyvale, California of a homonym of a synonym for also.

    Show more

    Content marketing is becoming more and more popular. For agencies ill-equipped to write content themselves, a no-brainer is to hire a professional copywriter.

    However, there is huge debate online over how much a “good” copywriter costs. To answer this question, marketers turn to blog articles that discuss the varying copywriter rates. Unfortunately, then the biggest debate of all is whether a copywriter should be paid per word or per project.

    The answer to this question is… it depends.

    Why is it so confusing??

    For example, a 1,000-word blog post about the benefits of SEO can be fairly easy to write. However, copy for a short advert about a biochemical engineering company is a lot harder to write due to the level of knowledge and expertise needed in that area as well as the limited word count.

    Typically, a company would only hire a copywriter who is experienced in their industry but there are still many challenges copywriters are faced with that aren’t always visible to a company. All of these factors and more influence what a copywriter charges.

    Paying per Word

    With higher demand for copywriters, everyone wants to know what the most competitive copywriter rates are for well-written content.

    Pay per word is exactly what it says on the tin. Copywriters are paid for every word they write.

    It seems that nowadays an intermediate to advanced copywriter can earn anywhere between 10 cents to $1 per word, meaning that a 1,000-word piece of content could be $100 or $1,000.

    But does this guarantee high quality?

    Word counts are sometimes necessary but quite often good copy is short and sweet. Higher word counts can lead to lower quality work because there is a higher opportunity to waffle.

    For example, it is well known that Dickens wrote long books because he was paid by the word. Sure, his books are classics, but could they have been better if they were shorter?

    The point is, is that a copywriter could write a more engaging and interesting article in 500 words instead of 1,000 but the price per word wouldn’t reflect their ability and knowledge to do so.

    Paying per Project

    Copywriters are making a shift towards charging per project as they are realizing they need to be paid for their years of experience, knowledge of an industry, and expertise of crafting good content.

    Pay per project focuses on paying a copywriter a flat rate fee for a specific project.

    This method actually makes the most sense. You don’t pay for the weight of the food you eat in a restaurant you pay for the entire service provided, and so copywriter rates shouldn’t be any different. Companies need to pay for the entire service provided.

    Pay per project fees enable a copywriter to be paid for all the work that goes into creating the words that go on a page:

      • The skills that weave the words together in order to persuade a consumer to buy a product or service
      • The years of experience that it takes to create great content
    • and the knowledge needed to make insightful articles that users will find interesting and engaging

    6 Reasons Why a Copywriter Charges by the Project

    The difference between content that converts and doesn’t could be worth a lot of money.

    Well-written website copy could persuade a person to invest in a product or service while poorly written copy may deter consumers. Experienced copywriters are able to produce high-quality content that converts, so if they that their copy will generate $$$$$ in sales, they should receive more than 4 cents per word.

    1. Words are so much more than how they appear on a page

    Huge brands have taglines of only a few words that have a huge impact on the way consumers perceive them.

    For example, Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ tagline encapsulates the company’s brand personality and is instantly recognizable to consumers worldwide.

    It is so much more than three simple words. It’s also highly unlikely that Nike paid $0.07 per word for their iconic tagline.

    Creative content that adds so much value to a brand can be much harder to create than people realize.

    2. Copy length shouldn’t be determined by budget

    If a piece of content needs to be x-words long for SEO-purposes, that’s one thing.

    However, most of the time copy simply needs to be “as long as it needs to be” in order to be effective, as determined by the copywriter. Paying copywriters for an arbitrary word count is rarely necessary.

    Paying per project allows a writer to use as many words as needed to get the job done whether that’s only a few sentences or an entire page.

    3. Anybody can “waffle”

    Writing a lot of words is easy, but it takes time and experience to know how to create high-quality copy that will be valuable to a business. 

    As Mark Twain, famously once said: “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one.”

    Anybody can waffle on for 1,000 words, but cutting words down into the most effective form takes time.

    For example, copy for a short advert is likely to take a lot more time and effort than a long-form blog post. This is because the advert needs to contain enough information about a product or service, why it is beneficial for a person to have, highlight key features, use the right language to persuade a consumer to buy it, and ensure that it will engage the target audience, all in a few words. Not as easy as you first thought right?

    4. A lot goes on behind-the-scenes

    Copywriters are more than just wordsmiths – they have years of experience in certain industries making them valuable in a particular niche.

    In order to create engaging pieces of content, a copywriter needs to research the target market to understand what appeals to their client’s audience, collect information about the topic to ensure key figures and relevant examples are used, and fit the content into the existing content strategy. 

    The copywriting process will often include market research, topic research, creating surveys, conducting keyword research, interviewing experts, creating an outline, determining calls-to-action, and much more. When you are paying a copywriter per project, you are compensating them for this time.

    5. Copywriters are niche experts

    Copywriters tend to specialize in specific niches in order to be experts on the topic. They put the time and effort into consistently keeping up-to-date with industry trends in order to provide a client with accurate, timely, and thorough content.

    6. Copywriters are marketing professionals

    As we’ve already discussed, copy involves a whole lot more than words on a page. Copywriters need to be wordsmiths and marketing professionals in order to create great copy.

    Nowadays, every piece of content needs to be marketable on a website and on social media. It often needs to include specific keywords to boost SEO and include engaging snippets of information to entice an audience to buy.

    Pay for Quality, Not Word Count

    Copywriters charge by project rather than by word because so much goes into creating words on a page whether it’s 5 words or 1,000 words. It is years of experience combined with writing skills that have been perfected, and knowledge of an industry that will enable a copywriter to produce content that is valuable to a company.

    Once marketing agencies understand they are paying for a full service that could generate millions in product sales rather than just a few words on a page, they will realize the importance of paying a fair price for high-quality content.

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