300 word essay topics

Writing a 300 word essay might seem like an impossible task as there is only a limited amount of time to put across all the information that needs to be put across.

Being able to make a 300 word essay is something that most students have to learn at some point in their academic careers. There are many different tips and tricks on how to write a good essay in under 300 words but there is nothing better than choosing the right medium for your assignment. The term ‘medium’ refers to the type of task set: whether it be written, oral or artistic; by choosing the appropriate method you will get familiarity with writing an essay within such limits which will help you greatly when dealing with completed assignments. While this might not seem like much, remember that if you write more than what is required then chances are your teacher will deduct marks from your final piece as this would mean that he/she has to read more than is necessary. The best way to ensure a good score on your paper is by taking the time to read through what you have written and making sure that it flows smoothly and there are no unnecessary sentences or ideas added.

There are several techniques and tips which can help you write a good 300 word essay in no time at all. Here they are:

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  • ‘The essence’ method

First off, let us look at ‘the essence’ method used by very many professional writers around the world. This tip involves writing down everything that comes to mind with regards to your topic. Do not worry about grammar or spelling; just type everything out in one go. Then you will have a general overview of what you need to include in your essay. If it helps, number each point so that it is easier for you to refer back to the individual points you have made.

  • ‘The three points’ method

Another very useful tip is ‘the three points’ which involves making a list of all the main topics that need to be included in your essay. Once this is done, each category should be expanded on and broken down into at least 3 sub-categories or whatever works best for it. Then you can choose at least 3 from the list of sub-topics that will support your topic well. You should start writing only after deciding what your conclusion will be about so make sure you have already written this. This way there will be no time wasted as everything has been planned out beforehand; plus, some ideas might pop up while writing and these can be added to your essay.

  • ‘The 3 + 1’ method

Yet another tip that is guaranteed to help you with writing a 300 word essay involves ‘the 3 + 1’ technique which includes 4 steps: choosing the topic, introducing it, expanding on it and finishing off the essay. The last step should be taken care of first in order for the rest of your ideas to flow naturally from there. Remember that 300 words are not much so try leaving some space between each paragraph for easier reading and better understanding of what you have written. You might also choose to end each paragraph with an assertion or a question, either of which will make readers want to continue reading through your arguments and avoid losing interest halfway through. When using this technique, make sure that you have also included the introduction and conclusions as these are very important parts of your essay.

  • ‘The divide’ method

Lastly but certainly not least, we have ‘the divide’ technique which involves writing your opening paragraph first before proceeding with anything else. Most writers find this approach easier because it provides them with a guideline for what is to come next in their essay. Remember to keep things simple when writing a 300 word essay so do not try including too many points or you will get confused easily while trying to avoid repetition. You should also leave some time between finishing one paragraph and starting another so that you can re-read what you have already written and adjust anything that does not look right. Go over it again once you have written down the first paragraph as this will make you see any mistakes you might have made.

  • ‘The simple’ method

Now that we have looked at some more detailed techniques, let us take a look at ‘the simple’ tip which is suitable for very short essays like those in which the writer has to include only 300 words. The main idea behind this tip involves using few words and making sure that each of them is used effectively; it involves choosing the right words and aiming for precision. This technique can be applied in two ways: either by writing 300 words about one topic or by describing something with 12 distinct points (i.e., 3 groups of 4 sentences which describe, explain, compare or contrast). As long as these points do not overlap, you will easily be able to create a 300 word essay for college.

Learn how to write a short essay.

300 word essay length

To understand the length of a 300 words paper, review the article on how long should an essay be.

How many paragraphs is a 300 words essay?

The length of a 300 word essay depends on how long you want the essay to be. For example, if you are writing a business report that has a word limit of 300 words, then your essay should not exceed one page in length. However, if your essay is 300 words long and it is intended for children, then it should be about two to three paragraphs.

How long is a 300 word essay double spaced?

When double spaced the length of a 300 words essay will be about one and half pages. A standard double spaced page for academic essay is 250 to 275 words.

What does a 300 word essay look like?

A 300 word essay is a page of text where a clear argument or topic is outlined and explored with examples, evidence, and details. A 300 word essay can be formal or informal, depending on how it is written.

A 300 word essay is one page of 12 point size text. A double spaced essay takes up 1 and 1/2 sheets of paper in the printer tray or file folder. If you click on the link below, it will take you to an online tool that converts text from one type size to another. You can see what your typed text will look like when printed out as a 12 point document, and how many pages it would take up as well. If multiple type sizes are available, you can pick and choose those that appeal to you most before printing.

300 word paragraph structure

Writing a 300 word essay can be challenging.

A paragraph is the best way to organize your thoughts for writing an essay, so here are some tips on how to write paragraphs in a 300-word essay.

First, you should lay out three points that will make up your argument and set up the discussion you will have about them in subsequent paragraphs. You should also indicate what each point means and why it matters for the discussion. This may seem obvious, but many people forget these steps when they’re writing an introduction paragraph or when they try to introduce one of their points later on in the paper. You must always remember that this is not just a list of facts; rather, you are trying to argue something through your evidence.

To finish off your introduction, you should summarize what will be discussed in the paper and how your evidence will support these points. Your conclusion paragraph is an important part of the essay as well, so make sure to not just restate your points or put forth a weak argument. You want to remind readers of why they should care about 3(a), then connect that thought back to the original point (2) and link to it with a statement like “we see this idea exemplified in x” or something like that. Finally, you want to conclude by outlining what you hope people take away from reading this essay.

300 word essay outline example

Here is a simple 300 word essay outline to be used for both high school and college level students.

1. Introduce the topic

2. Provide a brief overview of what the essay will cover

3. Outline 3 points that will be addressed in more detail later on in the essay

4. Conclude with a summary of what has been discussed and provide some final thoughts or takeaways for readers to consider

How to make a 300 words essay look longer?

You can make your 300 words essays appear longer by:

  • Giving more examples (don’t forget quotes);
  • Adding visuals such as graphs and illustrations;
  • Make the text bigger.
  • Learn how to make an essay longer

Sample of 300 words Essay on “Save Water”:

It’s been said that the problem related to water is our biggest today. The consumption from municipal water sources has increased significantly since it was first measured in 1960s. Irrigated land also accounts for 11% of global agricultural land area and utilizes about 70% of total freshwater withdrawals worldwide, but no other irrigated crop produces as much food per unit of water.

The average American family uses about 300 gallons of water every day for personal, domestic activities such as washing machines, toilets, showers and watering the garden. However, there is no standard amount of water people in your country use daily for these purposes since it depends on the scale of civilization’s development and lifestyle that they follow.

There are some simple ways to prevent wasting too much water. For example, if you have 2 or more shower heads in your bathroom then get down to the job and find a way to reduce their flow rate so that you can save a lot of time and money while still having fun with them during bathing. You should also try not overusing the toilet flush every time after using it but only when you need to.

What is the best topic for a 300 words essay?

During your studies at high school or university you might sometimes be given short essays as an assignment in one of your courses. For such papers it’s important that you use very specific and familiar information so that class members will be able to understand what are the arguments based on the material they learned previously in class (in this case it can be something similar to exam review). The rule here is simple: find specific information related to current study course and think how to use that information in new way.

300 word essay example

Here is a series of 300 word essay example that you can follow to write your 300 word paragraph essay for high school or college. If you need help writing a 300 word essay example paper, you can hire someone to write an essay for you cheap.

A 300 words essay about friendship – Example

Many people do not believe in the idea of “Friendship” and instead feel that it just a word that children use. However, this is not true and many people could not live without their friends. Friends are important to people because they provide you with emotional stability that others cannot provide. Friends are there when everything goes badly and helps you get through the tough times. They can cheer you up when your down or calm you down when you are angry or panicked. All this is done without any kind of pressure or obligation which is what makes friendships so amazing.

A good friend always has your back no matter what situation arises, they are there for advice, comfort and company to help deal with the difficulties in life, and life’s inevitable ups and downs.

There are people in everyone’s life who change your outlook on life or give you the strength to move forward when difficult situations arise, they may be friends or family members, but what really matters is that you have these connections with others. All friendships do not last forever though, some end because people grow apart or due to problems within the friendship itself, but when this happens it may sadden us at first but eventually we realize that we had a good run and it was for the best. When you have a true friend there will always be something to laugh about or smile about no matter what situation arises because a good friend can turn every situation into an opportunity to make someone happy even if they themselves are not feeling well inside.

The point is to keep your friends close and always be there for them whenever they need you. True friendships are hard to find, but when you do find one, it is something that can never be replaced or forgotten. Having a friend in life may not make everything perfect all the time, but it will definitely help make the best of any situation.

Note: This sample essay provides 300 words on topic “300 word essay example”: friendship – learn how to write an academic essay.

A 300-word essay about breakfast – example

It’s common knowledge that most people love breakfast. Unfortunately, we have a lot of different types of breakfasts available , which makes choosing difficult task for many people no matter where they live in this world. For example, some people prefer eating hot and sausages for breakfast every morning while others like to try something new and exciting. . We can say that the variety of available breakfasts is truly amazing and it’s nearly impossible to find two same breakfasts anywhere on this planet , which makes having a good breakfast an important part of important meal of the day .

Some people eat cereal bowl for breakfast while others prefer eating hot porridge (oatmeal, gruel), eggs , and bacon. We can also mention varieties of home-made bread like rolls or croissants but they are usually eaten as snacks instead of real breakfast. In other words, this meal is one of the main things that could start your day in a good way or ruin it completely depending on what you choose to eat.

We all know that preparing a meal for our family members should be done with love and care because we want them to feel loved even when they’re in the kitchen getting ready for school or work. That’s why many parents spend some extra time making sure their children have everything that’s needed to start a new day.

Some kids love peanut butter and some hate it; others prefer eating yogurt, eggs or pancakes for breakfast. Many people like variety for breakfast because they don’t feel like eating the same thing every single day. That’s why many adults eat different kinds of breakfasts each and every morning without getting bored because that makes their lives more interesting and exciting.

It doesn’t really matter what you choose for breakfast as long as your way of life is in order , but having healthy food on your plate can be difficult if your job doesn’t pay enough money, which means that you may have to make due with whatever is available to meet the minimum nutritional standards required by most rich countries around the world.

A 300-word essay about family – Example

Today we have very strong families, which means that people are living longer with their relatives than ever before. Thanks to modern medicine, healthy diet different exercises, many people can live long lives without getting sick or becoming injured . Unfortunately, there are still some things that could end our life earlier than we expect. One of those things is an accident on our way home from work when driving car. That’s why it’s important to take a brain pill and get ready for a long day at work because your life depends on the decisions you will make when driving or walking home.

I can say that every family is a very unique unit consisting of people who have something in common, which means that they have similar taste in music, movies, politics and sports . That’s why many families spend their time watching football games while other prefer spending some quality time together by playing chess , cards or going to the cinema. Thanks to social networks like Facebook & Twitter, people from all around the world stay closer than ever before so I want to wish them good luck in achieving their goals! (Unfreedom). When we are talking about freedom, we should mention that there are still some places on this planet where people are not free to live or enjoy their lives because of different political and economic reasons. I can say that every person deserves freedom , which means they have a right to make their own decisions in life, but only time will tell what’s going to happen in the future.

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Argumentative Essay Topics From Team At Essay Basics

Click To See Examples Of Argumentative Writing

When it comes to essay writing professors usually supply students with topics to write about. However, there are cases when a student is free to write on any topic he wishes. The first step is where a great number of students get stuck. What topic to write about? The topic must be interesting, the topic must be essential and finally the topic must be informative.

We’ve done a great job on thinking about some interesting topics for you. We tried to come up with the topics that concern our everyday life at the same time will not sound ordinary. Check out this list of topics for argumenative writing that are grouped by different subject areas and choose something that fits you. We want you to make your final decision by saying “Here we go! This is a perfect topic for my upcoming essay!” Have fun with your writing assignment! Hope this list gives you a great essay writing help.

List Of Categories

  • Sport
  • Technology
  • Politics
  • Dating and Sex
  • Art
  • Music and Movies
  • Internet and Social Media
  • International Relations
  • Law enforcement and Justice System
  • Parenting and Childhood
  • Current Generation
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Morality and Responsibility
  • Education
  • Jobs and Careers
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Science
  • Miscellaneous
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Space
  • Life in the Future
  • Drugs
  • Vegetarianism
  • Tattoos
  • EDM Music
  • Rap Music
  • Rock Music
  • Donald Trump
  • Blockchain
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Internet of things
  • Machine learning
  • Facebook
  • Topics with examples of writing

Examples Of Argumentative Writing

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

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Essay Writing


1 Is rugby dangerous?
2 Are footballers overpaid?
3 Is athletics underrated?
4 Is golf fun?
5 Is golf only meant for the rich in the society?
6 Where does golf get its revenue?
7 Is swimming healthy?
8 Why is marching band grouped as a sport?
9 Does cheerleading fit in games?
10 How is chess considered as a beneficial sports activity?
11 Hockey as a dangerous sport.
12 Steroid users should be banned from any sports activities.


1 Are we becoming technological zombies?
2 Will there come a time when there will be no innovation and technological advancement?
3 Is the current technology too advanced for us?
4 Are mobile phones killing authenticity?
5 Will robots make us lazier or more efficient?
6 What should be the actual cost of technology?
7 Are technological gadgets, the leading cause of cancer?
8 Is this the age of digital explosion?
9 Can the chip control the mind too?
10 Is FaceBook a great invention or the end of privacy?
11 Communication in social networks: is it a good invention or the end of good communication?
12 Impacts of cell phones on people: its pros and cons.
13 Are we too much reliant on technology?
14 Has internet brought about more harm than it is good?
15 Technology as a thief of creativity.
16 Do we need cell phones?
17 What impacts has the technology impacted on the community as a whole?
18 How some electronics bring about diseases?


1 Are politicians corrupt?
2 How do politicians gain influence?
3 Do some politicians engage in illegal activities?
4 Is the government doing enough to curb corruption?
5 Is the president supreme?
6 Is there anyone above the law?
7 Are the physically disabled considered in government?
8 Is the government overspending?
9 Does the government influence court decisions?
10 Is the government right in all its policies?
11 Pros of Monarchy.
12 Advantages and disadvantages of conservatism.
13 Democracy: is it the only option for governing?
14 Can the politicians do better?
15 Is politics an art?
16 Is politics a ‘clean’ game?
17 Famous people in the society should not get involved in politics.
18 How does the government oppress the taxpayers in the country?
19 Is politics considered an art or a talent?
20 Why are governors categorized among the corrupt?
21 The system has become more corrupted.

Dating and Sex

1 Is there a right age to start having sex?
2 What should be the role of the partners in a relationship?
3 Is polygamy or polyandry, a form of relationship?
4 Should homosexuality be legalized in every country?
5 What should one do if sex is too painful?
6 The civil marriage and what it entails?
7 Is online dating fruitful?
8 Is it proper to join dating sites and dating clubs to get a partner?
9 What is the best way to solve issues in a relationship?
10 Is it okay to date a younger man?
11 What should be the maximum age gap between partners in a relationship?
12 After how many dates should sex happen?
13 Are phones the chief reason for most relationship issues?
14 Is communication the most important element of dating?
15 Is it proper to date different races?
16 What is incest?
17 Are long distance relationships effective?
18 Is sex education important?
19 How does cheating impact relationship?
20 Is it wrong to date your boss?
21 Must there be love for sex to happen?
22 Long distance relationships.
23 Sex and violence: is it acceptable on TV?
24 Marriage life: does it lead to a routine?
25 The choice between sexual freedom and morality.
26 Is there gender equality?
27 Are there supposed to be specific roles for each gender?
28 Is there a stronger and weaker sex?
29 Are there specific jobs and careers for each gender?
30 Is there gender discrimination in religion?
31 Feminism and its positive and negative impacts on the lives of women.
32 Who are more intelligent: men or women?
33 Can men and women be friends?
34 Military service and gender.
35 Is age a limiting factor while dating?
36 Polygamy is not that evil.
37 How do pedophiles shatter the esteem of children?
38 Why is interracial dating encouraged in this new world order?
39 Why long distance relationships never make it.


1 Does art pay?
2 What are the challenges faced by artists?
3 Is art a profession?
4 How can artists market their work?
5 Is art gender-specific or age restrictions?
6 Is gothic art the best in history?
7 Can modern art be considered as art?
8 Is graffiti a part of art?
9 Graffiti is an illegal art.
10 Left-handed individuals are good at art compared to the fellow right-handed individuals.
11 Why is gothic art considered as evil art?
12 Can you succeed in life with art as a profession?

Music and Movies

1 Is today’s music educational?
2 Are musicians right to sing in both secular and religious genres?
3 Why are women used in most songs?
4 Why do people like secular more than religious songs?
5 How do musicians make money?
6 Is music a profession?
7 How long should a movie take?
8 Is music appropriate for all ages?
9 How are psychology and music connected?
10 Children tend to learn instruments better than adults.
11 All women prefer movies that have romance.
12 Do actors survive on only the money that they earn from acting?

Internet and Social Media

1 Can you get genuine friends online?
2 How do social media affect behavior?
3 Is online business profitable?
4 How does one avoid fraud on the internet?
5 Is there online bullying?
6 Should parents monitor what their kids are doing online?
7 Should parents be on social sites?
8 Is online privacy important?
9 What are the risks of online transactions?
10 Can we trace someone online?
11 Is censorship of internet necessary?
12 The unfair presentation of facts by mass media and should it be punishable?
13 Do firewalls assist in preventing bad content to the users?
14 How can you avoid the catfish type of people in the social media?
15 Has Whatsapp proven itself as an efficient communicating social media tools?
16 Can online friends stick by you even in harsh times?
17 How old should the children be allowed to access the social media sites and utilities?

International Relations

1 Is the U.S being too lenient on Israel?
2 What should be done in the case of Syria and ISIS?
3 Is Russia supporting the ‘bad guys?’
4 How can the problem in Kashmir be solved?
5 Is the world turning a blind eye on South Sudan?
6 The third world war – is it possible?
7 What are the impacts of the contracting Chinese economy?
8 Is China a genuine superpower?
9 Who is wrong, between North and South Korea?
10 Is Iraq a failed state?
11 The issue between Israel and Palestine.
12 Is Somalia fast becoming a terrorist hub?
13 How can the world combat terrorism?
14 The war in Iraq and the questions for and against it.
15 Is pacifism utopia or the real way to peace?
16 Globalizations: its pros and cons.
17 The war in the Middle East and America will never end.
18 Did the death of Saddam reduce conflict in the world?
19 Globalization will be the main reason for the third world war.
20 How can ISIS be abolished?
21 How was the war in Iraq justified?

Law enforcement and Justice System

1 Should court proceedings be televised?
2 The possibility of eliminating judicial errors.
3 Adoption of children by gay couples.
4 Punishment of desecration of religious objects.
5 The most suitable age for voting.
6 Are the police justified to use live ammunition?
7 Military service: should be compulsory?
8 Is drug testing in the workplace a violation of your rights?
9 Is it right for someone to be judged in a foreign country?
10 Should the drinking age be increased or reduced?
11 Should the driving age be increased or reduced?
12 Is the International Criminal Court fair in its judgments?
13 What is alimony and who should pay it?
14 What should be done to improve the police force?
15 Gay marriage: Should it be accepted in all the democratic nations?
16 Is it proper to merge the police and the army?
17 Laws prohibiting the use of heroin: Should they also be applied to tobacco?
18 Generally, is there justice?
19 Advertising of alcohol and whether it should be prohibited.
20 Should voluntary euthanasia be legalized?
21 Should marijuana be legalized?
22 Is maintenance of law and order, relative?
23 Is capital punishment a thing of the past?
24 Use of cell phones while driving: is it acceptable or should it be banned?
25 The justice systems are corrupted beyond repair.
26 Is the criminal justice system in countries racist?
27 Do the police favor law offenders from their race?
28 Should live ammunition be used in college students’ strikes?
29 Are the law enforcers justified to sacrifice a hostage for the sake of the others?

Parenting and Childhood

1 What is the right age to give birth?
2 Are there any complications with late parenthood?
3 Just which is the best way to discipline a kid?
4 How should adolescents be handled?
5 Should parents go for further training in parenthood?
6 Is it right to house your child past the age of 30?
7 What should a parent do, if the child is consistently rude?
8 Should failed parenting be criminalized?
9 Should there be distinction of duties between the parents?
10 How should a single parent play both roles of father and mother, to the child?
11 Should we reward our children for good conduct?
12 Is extreme pampering dangerous for our kids?
13 What should a parent do to protect the kid from bad company?
14 How can parents nurture talent?
15 Motherhood and the most suitable age.
16 Small or large families: The best alternative for children.
17 How old can you legally become a parent?
18 Is Down’s syndrome related to late childbearing?
19 What is the most standard number of children that parents can bear?
20 Between a father and mother, who has the most roles?
21 What is the greatest way of punishing your child?

Current Generation

1 Is this the most immoral generation in history?
2 Are we slowly getting swallowed with our own arrogance?
3 How can the current generation be properly managed?
4 Is this generation a product of experimental parenting?
5 Is there the relation that was there in the past, at present?
6 Necessity of school uniform.
7 Teen marriages and should they be allowed.
8 What is the effect of violent games in real life?
9 Does this present generation know how to maintain relationships?
10 Has this generation become brainwashed with communication technology?
11 The increasing number of teenage mothers.
12 Do movies that are violent and immoral have an impact on the behavior of this generation?
13 Does this current generation follow any rules?

Religion and Spirituality

1 Just what is the meaning of the word ‘evil?’
2 Relevance of all religions: are they all good?
3 Is there anyone righteous in the word at the moment?
4 Which religion is right?
5 Is there heaven and hell?
6 Atheism as a religion.
7 Is there God?
8 Why are there so many religions in the world now?
9 Why did Christianity split into so many distinct religions as there are now?
10 Is yoga more spiritual than fasting?
11 Are today’s pastors genuine?
12 What happens, or where do people go, after they die?
13 Is death final? If God is there, why are people suffering so much?
14 Why do Christians get divorced at almost the same rate as non-Christians?
15 Why do different prophets preach contradictory teachings?
16 Why is Islam preaching violence yet it is a religion of peace?
17 Does the soul exist?
18 Is reincarnation real?
19 What is karma?
20 Why were we created?
21 Why is there too much evil in this world?
22 Is the Sabbath controversial?
23 Is it a mandatory to go to respective places of worship?
24 Is having many religions justified?
25 The world would be better if the religions were not there.
26 Do alternatives related to evolution exist?
27 Can religion be considered as a force of evil?
28 Will cloning mean the end of morality in the world?

Morality and Responsibility

1 Who should be in charge of one’s morality?
2 Is there a perfect punishment for immorality?
3 Are the current religions guiding people in the right direction?
4 What is the meaning of life?
5 Did we come from one creator?
6 Is black PR acceptable?
7 Contraceptives and birth control.
8 Are security cameras an infringement of privacy?
9 Ethics issues affecting prolonging of people’s lives by scientists.
10 Banning of pornography.
11 Is mankind losing its morality?
12 What is the reason why people don’t live up to their full potential?
13 Is peer pressure bad?
14 Where did the universe originate from?
15 How does one build self – esteem?
16 Is personality important in the image of a person?
17 Is abortion a form of murder?
18 Is Euthanasia a form of mercy killing or a crime?
19 Pros and cons of hunting.
20 Right to murder and the society.
21 How important is the education on patriotism?
22 Animal testing: A necessity or savageness.
23 Is keeping animals in zoos acceptable?
24 The morals behind cloning.
25 Necessity of death penalty: is it a vestige of the past?
26 Suicide is a brave act of cowardice.


1 Is education becoming useless?
2 Is plagiarism a serious crime as it is put to be?
3 Corporal punishment in schools.
4 What is worse, exam cheating or boycotting?
5 Is the current education system relevant?
6 University degree: is it necessary for success?
7 Are colleges churning out half-baked professionals?
8 Importance of mandatory physical education for students?
9 Is homeschooling considered as a basic form of schooling?
10 Has education become so much commercialized?
11 Is academic grading helpful in performance?
12 Should boarding in schools be banned?
13 How can a student acquire all-round education?
14 Should there be specific dress codes in schools?
15 Should education be mandatory?
16 Is online education important?
17 Should education be privatized?
18 Sex education in schools: should it be halted or increased?
19 Video games at school.
20 Education and its importance in the developing of a country.
21 Is sign language equally important as the foreign languages?
22 For foreign language to be effective, it should be implemented right from kindergarten.
23 Should single-sex education be introduced in colleges and universities?
24 Sports should be made a compulsory course in higher learning institutions.
25 The examinations results do not necessary reflect the knowledge of the child.

Jobs and Careers

1 Should a parent choose the career for the child?
2 Are some careers better than others?
3 Can one do a career he/she has not studied?
4 Why are other professions paying than others?
5 How long should a person work in a day?
6 Should there be a dressing code for each profession?
7 What is the best profession?
8 Afternoon nap facilities should be introduced in the working places.
9 Should all careers overlook tattoos?
10 Does experience apply in all types of works?
11 Should short dresses be banned from the workplaces?
12 Some career opportunities have prestige compared to others.

Health and Nutrition

1 How much protein should be taken in a day?
2 What is the diet of a pregnant woman?
3 What is the best way to slim or gain weight?
4 What is the ideal amount of water for a healthy person?
5 What causes cancer?
6 What is the best meal for a diabetic patient?
7 Vegetarianism and health?
8 Are traditional and alternative medicines reliable?
9 Is fast food beneficial or detrimental?
10 Can man live without eating meat?
11 Stimulants used by sports people.
12 Going to hospital and self-treatment.
13 Is being broke a habit?
14 Heroin should be made compulsory to the terminally ill patients.
15 Unhealthy foods should comply with high taxation so as to prevent the processing.
16 Access to free health care should be made available to everyone.
17 Ancestry knowledge is essential for healthy living.
18 Drug addiction is not a disease as it is entirely dependent on the choice of the individual.


1 Are we alone in the universe?
2 How big is the universe?
3 Is there a connection between science and religion?
4 How can we prove that the earth revolves?
5 Is there life on moon?
6 Darwinism.
7 Different theories to explain the origin of the universe.
8 Are there stars that are bigger than the sun?
9 What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
10 How did the continents split?
11 Is there some language for animals?
12 How did the ancients use science?
13 Is there any science behind life?
14 Nuclear energy and safety issues.
15 Importance of alternative sources of energy.
16 Is genetic research improving or destroying the lives of people?
17 Is global warming a belief or a real danger?
18 Space exploration leads to wastage of money.
19 The greatest hoax in history was the NASA moon landing.
20 Is Mars considered as the next destination for humans?
21 GMOs will be the savior of the hunger problems faced by the world.
22 Do animals interact with each or is it just coincidence?


1 What is the best place to go on a date?
2 What is the greatest bargain you have ever got?
3 Can hiking happen at night?
4 Is rock climbing dangerous?
5 What should be the appropriate dressing code for church?
6 Is the current trend in fashion attractive?
7 Should there be a measure of just how far fashion should go?
8 Is the present fashion better than the ancient one?
9 What is the appropriate manner to prepare for a dinner date?
10 Are high heels good for the body?
11 Destruction of forests as a crime against the planet.
12 The different views of the bombing of Hirosima and Nagasaki.
13 Rainforests and why their destruction should be prohibited.
14 Wealth and happiness.
15 Most suitable age to find friends.
16 Possibility of having everyone in the world as rich.
17 Our ideas and their influence on the world.
18 Pros and cons of living in the city or in the country side.
19 People have never been content with what they have in life.
20 Can laziness be considered as a bad thing?
21 Is social status that important?
22 Is the society still a sexist world?
23 Are foreign films the main cause of the increasing immorality in the society?

Artificial Intelligence

1 Artificial intelligence cannot make life convenient.
2 Artificial intelligence is not dangerous to humanity.
3 Self-preservation and real acquisition is inherent.
4 Can artificial intelligence detect human emotions?
5 Artificial intelligence can aid in mind reading.
6 Robots can educate humans.
7 Are the advancements in artificial intelligence viable?
8 Robots are not the pioneers to artificial intelligence.
9 Automation and artificial intelligence are the same.
10 Artificial intelligence is all about technology.
11 Everything cannot be solved through artificial intelligence.
12 Artificial intelligence can cede control over humanity.
13 Artificial intelligence cannot be competent to man.
14 Humans have a general purpose intelligence.
15 Artificial intelligence is a belief.


1 Are space explorations worth the time, money and resources?
2 Can space exploration save mankind?
3 Technologies used in space exploration can help solve earth’s problems.
4 Space exploration gives us no direct benefit.
5 Is the need to colonize space viable?
6 Having not fully explored the earth, is it viable to explore space?
7 Unmanned probes are not the best choice for space exploration.
8 Is space exploration necessary for understanding the world?
9 The scientific knowledge of space has value beyond the measurements of cost.
10 Space explorations can lead to physical and environmental hazards.
11 Space explorations do not guarantee long term survival.
12 Is it necessary to prioritize space exploration programs?
13 Space explorations can provide us with new and untested raw materials.
14 Are we causing damage to other ecosystems through space explorations?

Life in the Future

1 Will we be able to feed earth without destroying it?
2 We can colonize outer space.
3 Will there ever be a cure of AIDS?
4 Will global warming pose as a threat to nature?
5 Sexual and gender issues can be altered.
6 Homo sapiens can survive in the next 300 years.
7 Gender equality can be achieved in the sciences.
8 Peace can exist worldwide.
9 Will natural disasters be predictable with warning times?
10 Global warming can be stabilized?
11 Can we be able to understand dark matter?
12 Robots will be able to perform major labor jobs.
13 Will there be satellite controlled cars?
14 Extinction can be avoided.
15 Can the whole world have adequate health care?


1 Is getting drunk a crime?
2 Should marijuana be illegalized?
3 A drug test should be mandatory to students.
4 Drug abuse is easy to control.
5 The use of tobacco should be illegalized.
6 Should smoking be allowed among teenagers?
7 Smoking zones should be brought down.
8 Parents are the main reason why there are rampant cases of drug abuse among teenagers.
9 Drug abuse ads are effective.
10 Drug abuse is not a problem for teenagers.
11 Can universities impede student drinking?
12 Is a drug abuse era significant?
13 Drug misuse is not effective.
14 Can the abuse of prescription drugs risk in addiction?
15 Drugs are not harmful to our health.


1 Having more vegetarians will strip off people’s income.
2 A meat rich diet is healthier than a vegetarian diet.
3 A meat rich diet is expensive than a vegetarian diet.
4 Vegetables keep one healthier while meat eating diets are more prone to chronic diseases.
5 Meat rich diets are more essential for normal body functions.
6 Vegetarianism influences mental ability.
7 A vegetarian diet helps in weight loss.
8 It is impossible to live without eating meat.
9 Does being a vegetarian imply that you have a longer life span?
10 Can one survive on a vegetarian diet?
11 An increase in the number of vegetarians will put some wild animals at risk.
12 Vegetarianism is unhealthy.
13 A vegetarian diet is more important to an athlete than a meat rich diet.
14 Vegetarians care more about animal suffering than that of humans.
15 There is no significant environmental impact that is brought about by a vegetarian lifestyle.


1 Can tattoos be considered valid art?
2 Tattooing and crime are not related.
3 Tattooing does not define an individual’s personality.
4 Should tattooing be banned on medical grounds?
5 Tattooing is still a taboo in the society.
6 Tattooing should not be a factor in job recruitment.
7 Should tattooing be allowed in the workplace?
8 Peer pressure is a major factor which influences one in having a tattoo.
9 Tattooing and Paganism are not related.
10 Do people who have tattoos look more attractive?
11 It is not wrong for a Christian to tattoo.
12 Tattooing should be discouraged for teachers.
13 Tattooing is a viable method of creating memories.
14 Tattooing is an act of rebellion.
15 Should tattooing still be considered a delinquent behavior?

EDM Music

1 EDM music is noise.
2 EDM is not the new age hard metal.
3 Electronic dance music is not associated with drugs.
4 Terrible music is not popular than EDM music.
5 EDM music is all about performance.
6 EDM music helps in boosting one’s immune system.
7 EDM music is a boon.
8 EDM music is not chaotic.
9 EDM music stimulates the mind.
10 EDM music helps in stress reduction.

Rap Music

1 Rap music brings about gender issues with it.
2 Rap music can cause violence and hostile behavior among teenagers.
3 Politics and rap music do not correlate.
4 Rap music influences sexual behavior among teenagers.
5 Rap music is not the best genre for vocal improvisation.
6 Rap music can be insulting.
7 Rap music is not more popular than other music genres.
8 Rap music does not portray one’s cultural background.
9 Should rap music be censored?
10 Is rap music big enough to be considered a culture?

Rock Music

1 Rock music does not foster bad behavior among the youth.
2 Rock music is not related with Satanism.
3 Rock music does not engage negative influence among the youth.
4 Rock music is not authentic.
5 The rock and roll lifestyle is not fully associated with drugs.
6 Rock music does not have deeper emotional content.
7 Stupidity is regarded as a virtue in rock music.
8 Rock music has a positive influence in the society.
9 Does rock music acknowledge religion?
10 Rock music is a more popular genre than other music genres.

Donald Trump

1 Economic success in Trump’s regime is visible
2 Donald Trump is perfect at making enemies
3 Donald Trump does not support globalization
4 America needs Trump to restore honesty
5 Donald Trump: Why he will not make America Great Again?
6 Donald Trump is not a champion for environment
7 Why Donald Trump is the most pathetic President?
8 Donald Trump is a direct president
9 American People chose Racist Trump instead of President
10 Is Donald Trump a Narcissistic President?


1 Blockchain: A Bitcoin crypto-currency.
2 Is Blockchain Secure?
3 Is Threat or Opportunity comes first in Blockchain
4 Blockchain Use-case: Payment and Insurance
5 Blockchain no longer a revolution in banking
6 Blockchain improves due to Brexit
7 Blockchain impacts positively on Energy
8 Blockchain improves Trade Finance
9 Blockchain improves developing nations more than developed nations
10 Blockchain reverse revolution


1 Market demands and authority control crypto-currencies
2 Cryptocurrency is a breeding ground for mistrust
3 Cryptocurrency is an amusement to the market
4 Cryptocurrency enhances confidential transaction
5 International co-operation: A sure way to regulate crypto-currencies
6 Cryptocurrencies burst due to bitcoin
7 Cryptocurrencies enhance transaction security
8 Cryptocurrencies promote black market
9 Cryptocurrencies: the best investments for future
10 Cryptocurrency: the best replacement for economic market

Internet Of Things

1 End-to-end security challenge brings down internet of things
2 Fog computing boosts internet of things
3 Sharing in social network taints improve internet of things
4 IoT no longer guarantees security and privacy
5 IoT improves agricultural productivity
6 IoT promote environmental conservation
7 Intelligence controls IoT
8 Is IoT making us stupid?
9 IoT vehicle simulation system does promote accidents
10 IoT enhances cybercrimes

Machine Learning

1 Machine learning helps in fraud detection
2 Machine learning enhances stock market prediction
3 Machine learning enhances man replacement with machines
4 Machine learning makes people zombies
5 Machine learning promotes digital exploration
6 Chip can control our brain
7 Machine learning promotes communication
8 Machine learning promote sedentary lifestyle with passive learning
9 Robotics replaces human in various activities
10 Programming of machines endangers the freedom of choice


1 Are we becoming Facebook zombies?
2 We are too advanced for Facebook
3 Facebook is responsible for intellectual laziness
4 Facebook is responsible for fake news
5 We do not need Facebook
6 Facebook is responsible for relationship breakups
7 Facebook hinders privacy
8 Facebook: The home of fraudsters
9 Facebook encourages cyber bullying
10 Facebook promote censorship

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More Topics With Clickable Examples

  • Illegal immigration
  • A woman`s place is at home
  • Human trafficking
  • The American dream
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Should students heave open campus lunch periods
  • Childhood obesity
  • Tablets vs Textbooks
  • Should cigarette smoking be banned
  • Should students take a gap year
  • Cheerleading is a sport
  • Homeschooling vs Public schools
  • Cheating helps students learn
  • Should animals be kept in zoos
  • Animal rights
  • School uniform
  • Fast Food
  • Plastic surgery
  • Organ donation
  • Birth control
  • Domestic violence
  • Right to die
  • Alcohol should be banned
  • Should welfare recipients be drug tested
  • Good manners are not needed in a modern world
  • Healthy people make a heatlhy nation
  • Disadvantages and advantages of reading novels
  • Good mind good find
  • Beauty needs no ornaments
  • Drug abuse
  • Uniforms
  • Mental illness
  • Animal testing
  • Is global climate change man made
  • Euthanasia

Structure Of The Argumentative Essay

The introduction

The introduction is the first part of the argumentative article as it will either capture the attention of the reader or bore at the same time. The introduction should provide general information that will be included in the article. The points can be highlighted in the introduction so as to show the necessity of the title thus the need for an argument. You should also state your argumentative thesis statement in the introduction. The thesis will give you a guideline on how to go about with writing the essay. The thesis should, therefore, be phrased as a general statement of the main idea being discussed. Ensure your thesis is not in the form of a title but rather a general statement that is specific and unified at the same time. Your thesis should be relevant so that the article can use a structure that is flexible so as to fit in the shoes of the readers. Below is an example of a thesis statement:

Topic: GMOs will be the savior of the hunger problems faced by the world.

Thesis statement:

GMOs can greatly assist in the eradication of hunger in the world.

Body paragraphs

For the body to achieve the intended meaning, ensure the points evolve from being general to specific. This technique is essential as it offers a platform of fully exhausting the points in a systemic manner. Use transition words so as to connect the paragraphs and make the point flow. Start the body paragraph by using a topic sentence followed by the argumentative evidence that will support the claim. Finish up the paragraph by illustrating how that particular point is related to the argumentative thesis in the introduction.


The conclusion gives the overall verdict of the argument. You can also restate the ideas that you have discussed in the body paragraphs so as to make your point valid. The conclusion should also aim at motivating the reader to do research in the future. The conclusion is related to the argumentative introduction as the topic as well as the thesis statement is restated in a more convincing manner. The conclusion also gives you a platform of illustrating your decision concerning the argument in the article and why you have settled on that particular decision. Try not to introduce new ideas as they will give the readers an ideology that the article is not comprehensive enough.

Argumentative Essay Outline (sample)


The above-mentioned topic selection can give you a clear understanding of what to write about. All you need to do is to pick the topic you are comfortable with and elaborate on it: develop a thesis and fully open it up. Please remember to write a strong conclusion to your paper. This will help sum everything up. Thank you.

Bonus: Examples Of An Argumentative Essay Writing

Topic “Euthanasia”

Topic “Water Shortage”

Topic “Argumentive essay on gmf (genetically modified foods)”

Pte exam preparation has worked hard to bring 500+ essay topics. Now you can answer almost every question asked in IELTS, PTE, GRE, UPSE, IAS, Current essay topics. English essay topics with answer in 2020 are hard to find. We have added essay for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 as well. Now you can learn how to write an essay in English. We have added list of PTE essay topics and PTE describe image. Now students can try automated PTE read aloud along with repeat sentence PTE. Soon we will add IELTS essay topics as well. Now let’s talk about topics for essay that you may get in exams. Read English essay topics with examples on short essay topics for college students or current essay topics and sample essay writing topics.

essay topics

Argumentative Essay Topics

1. Company’s top level authorities should get their employees in decision making process

2. Do you think English will remain to be a global language despite globalisation

3. Positive and negative effects of technology through mass media

4. Many
young people nowadays are imitating celebrities in sports and movies.
In your opinion, is this good or bad? Support your point of view with
reasons and examples from your own experience. You should write 200-300
words on “PTE Essay Imitating Celebrities”.

5. Smoking in public places should be banned

6. As
global trade increases between different countries, many daily
necessities are produced in other countries. Such goods are usually
transported a long distance. Do the benefits of this trend outweigh its

7. Should plastic be banned?

8. Some
people think that governments should spend as much money as possible on
developing, innovation, science and technology. Other people disagree
and think that this money should be spent on more basic needs. Which one
of these opinions do you agree with?

9. The effective way to deal with unemployment is to introduce rapid urbanization

10. Education should be free

11. In developing countries tourism has disadvantages or advantages

12. Mobile
phones and the Internet are very useful for old people. However, this
section of the population is the fewer users of mobile phones and the
Internet. In what ways can mobile phones and the Internet be useful to
old people? How can the old people be encouraged to use this new

13. Some
people think that students benefit from going to private secondary
schools. Others, however, feel that private secondary schools can have a
negative effect on society as a whole. Discuss both these views and
give your own opinion.

14. Are famous people treated unfairly by media

15. Nowadays
the way many people interact with each other has changed because of
technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of
relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative

16. Without
a doubt written formal examination is used widely as assessment
criteria in most of the educational institutes for decades. The most
question as to whether the formal written assessment is still valid?

17. The
only thing that interferes with my learning is toy education- Einstein.
or Education is the biggest barrier in my learning – Einstein. What
does he mean by that? And do you think he is correct?

18. Learning
a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more
positive for their future aspect or have some adverse effects. Agree or
disagree? Advantages or disadvantages?

19. Positive and negative effects of mass communication

20. The information revolution has changed the ways of mass communication and had some negative and positive effects on individuals’ lives as well as on society. To what extent you are agreed or disagree? or Communication has changed significantly in the last ten years

21. In
the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he
said: “Space exploration is a big step for mankind”. But some people
think it makes little difference to our daily life. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

22. The
illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Agree or

23. People
attend college or university for many different reasons (for example,
new experiences, career preparation, or to increase knowledge). Why do
you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

24. Some developing countries invite large multinational companies to open offices and factories in order to help their economy

25. Xenophobia has accelerated rapidly in the western countries

26. Foreign languages should be compulsory in the primary school

27. People hold different views about the purpose of schools.  Some argue that schools should provide students with more interesting courses or activities yet opponents believe otherwise.

28. Governments should give financial support to creative artists such as painters and musicians

29. What are the greatest inventions of the 20th century among medicine, aeroplane and computers, why?

30. With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly

31. A woman’s place is in the home – argumentative pte essay on gender equality

32. These days, the issue of international marketing has grown its importance especially in the world of manufacturing facilities and even education overseas or across the globe. International Marketing

33. Should the government spend money on art

34. Mothers are better parents than fathers argumentative essay

35. Should libraries invest in technology or books essay

36. Right amount of motivation and practice can train better than classroom training.

37. Pollution due to Urbanization

38. In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with notion of compulsory voting? Or If Voting is compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions can we draw about ‘Nature of Democracy’?

39. Should Students get limited access to the Internet?

40. Selling Tobacco should be banned

41. Facebook should be banned

42. Students should not be allowed to play PUBG

Essay Topics on Pollution

43. Pollution

44. Air pollution

45. Noise pollution

46. Water pollution

47. Plastic Pollution

48. Environment pollution

48.1. Soil Pollution

49. Air Traffic Increasingly Leading To Noise Pollution

Essay Topics on Environment and Nature

50. Global Warming

51. Save Water

52. Cleanliness

53. Natural Disasters

54. Save Environment

55. Environment

56. Importance Of Trees

57. Deforestation

58. Afforestation

59. Clean Fuel Better Life

60. Solar Energy

61. Save Trees

62. Nature

63. Save Earth

64. Environmental Protection

65. Climate Change

66. Water

67. Go Green

68. Energy Conservation

69. Natural Resources

70. Water Scarcity

71. Clean India

72. Flood

Essay Topics on Technology

73. Newspaper

74. Technology

75. Computer

76. Internet

77. Cyber Security

78. Cyber crime

79. Science

80. Wonder Of Science

81. Essay about Technology in Education

82. Science and Technology

83. Use of Mobile & Internet Technology by Old People

84. Books Vs Technology

85. Mobile Phone

Essays Topics About Yourself

86. My Best Friend

87. Friendship

88. My Self

89. My Favourite Teacher

90. My Favourite Book

91. My Favourite Game

92. My Favourite Toy

93. Badminton

94. How I Spent My Summer Vacation

95. My Hobby

96. My School

97. My Mother

98. My Father

99. My School Life

100. India of My Dreams

101. My Village

102. Childhood memories

103. Self Introduction

104. My Family

105. Life

106. My Ambition

107. My Father My Hero

108. I Love My Family

109. My School Library

110. My Ambition

111. My House

112. My Pet Dog

113. My Favourite Author

114. My plans for summer vacation

115. My Garden

116. My Support

117. My Health

118. My Weight

119. My Aim In Life

My Dream

Pet Animals

My Favourite Subject

Essay Topics on Education

120. Education

121. Importance of Education

123. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows

124. Education System in India Essay

125. Education should be free

126. Education is the biggest barrier in my learning – Einstein

127. Contribution of Technology in Education

128. Value added by travel in education

Essay Topics on Leaders

129. Leadership

130. My Role Model

131. APJ Abdul Kalam

132. Mahatma Gandhi

133. Swami Vivekananda

134. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

135. Abraham Lincoln

136. Subhash Chandra Bose

137. Lal Bahadur Shashtri

138. Martin Luther King

139. Rabindranath Tagore

140. Jawaharlal Nehru

141. Mother Teresa

Essay Topics on Opinion Essay

142. Company Top level Authorities should or should not take employees suggestions or ideas to take any decisions. Discuss.

143. Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed. However, some people think that zoos are useful for protecting rare animals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

144. Learning English at school is often seen as more important than learning local languages. If these are not taught, many are at risk of dying out. In your opinion is it important for everyone to learn English. Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and if so how?

145. Some people think job satisfaction is more important than job security. But others believe that people cannot always enjoy their jobs and having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion?

146. It is better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents jobs than to choose jobs that are very different from their parent’s job.

147. Some people think that success is the best measure of intelligence, while others think that intelligence can be measured in other ways. What is your opinion?

148. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

149. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

150. Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned. Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion.

151. Logging of the rain forests is a serious problem and it may lead to the extinction of animal life and human life. Discuss.

152. Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society. Some people think that it will improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion?

153. Some working parents think that child care centers provide the best care for children who are still too young to go to school. Other working parents think that family members such as grandparents will be better carers for their children. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

154. Everyone should adopt a vegetarian diet because eating meat can cause serious health problems. What is your opinion? Should we all become vegetarians. Write an argumentative essay on vegetarianism vs meat eating.

155. Will modern technology such as the internet ever replace book or the written words as the main source of information?

156. In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others is obliged to retire until they are 65 or 70. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment?

157. Should developing countries concentrate on improving industrial skills or should they promote education first? What is your opinion?

158. Some people believe that children should never be educated at home by their parents. What is your opinion?

159. Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time. Discuss both views and state your opinion.

160. Parents should be held responsible for their children’s actions essay

161. Men do most of the high-level jobs. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

162. Should government intervene in family planning

163. Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and discounts essay

164. My education is a hindrance to the process of my learning explain this quote by einstein

165. Computers have made life easier and more convenient essay

166. Do you think customer should avoid over packaged products

167. Should parents be held morally and legally responsible for the actions of their children?

168. All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Advantage Disadvantage Essay Topics

168. Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news & awareness and for some, it acts as a companion. What is your opinion about this?

169. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of the cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

170. Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so medical services should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the disadvantages of private health care outweigh the advantage?

171. There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family.What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family?

172. Many men and women are making the decision to have children later in life. Why is this trend occurring? What are the impacts of this development on both family and society?

173. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports

174. Modes of communication have changed drastically essay

175. Pros and cons of hiring foreign workers

176. Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additionally funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors.

177. Increasing global trade products essay

178. Employee involvement in decision making advantages disadvantages

Essay Topics on Festivals or Events

187. World Environment Day

188. Gurpurab

189. Diwali

190. Dussehra

191. Holi

192. Christmas

193. Independence Day

194. Republic Day

195. Teachers Day

196. Children’s Day

197. Summer Vacation

198. Winter Season

198.1. Autumn Season

199. Janmashtami

200. Durga Puja

201. Pongal festival

202. Festivals of India

203. Raksha Bandhan

204. Ganesh Chaturthi

Onam Festival

Makar Sankranti

Essay Topics on Animals and Birds


206. Parrot

207. Cow

208. Lion

209. Peacock

210. My Favorite Animal

211. Cat

Essay Topics on Health

212. Health Is Wealth

213. Healthy Food

214. Skin Whitening

215. Laughter is the Best Medicine

216. Morning Walk

217. Junk Food

218. Drug Addiction

219.Drug Abuse

220. Sustainable Development

221. Coronavirus

222. Child Development

Health and Hygiene

Agree Disagree Essay Topics

223. Do actions speak louder than words essay? Do you agree with this statement?

224. It is usually foolish to get married before completing your studies

225. Books are losing importance as a source of information and entertainment

226. Students should be required to stay in school until 18

227. Does television remove loneliness or not essay

228. Nowadays tv has become an essential part of life

229. Role of native place behind successful person essay

230. Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have time for their personal life. Discuss.

231. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies good or bad? do you agree?

232. Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are a role model for youngsters. Do u support it or not? (Agree/Disagree)

233. Leaders are born or made. Discuss.

234. Some people believe that government wastes too much money on space exploration and research while there are still many problems on earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the view.

235. The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

236. Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

237. There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones?

238. Currently, there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

239. Smoking should be banned in all public places. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

240. Air traffic is increasingly leading to more noise, pollution, and airport construction. One reason for this is the growth in low-cost passenger flights, often to holiday destinations. Some people say that government should try to reduce air traffic by taxing it more heavily. Do you agree or disagree?

241. Some people say that rich nations should help poor countries with their basic needs like food and education while others oppose the idea and argue that the poor nation themselves should try to improve their condition. Do you agree with the idea that rich and developed nations should help the poor nations?

242. Is education the single most important factor in the development and success of a country? Do you agree with the statement?

244. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains the world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far out-weight the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?

245. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000, there may be as many as 28 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international las introduced to contrôle car ownership and car use. To what agree do you agree or disagree? Excessive use of cars and alternate form of transportation.

246. Sports classes should be sacrificed in high school in favour of academic subjects. Do you agree or disagree?

247. Should Government Spend Money on Art

248. Impact of TV Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour

Essay Topics for Students of 1th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Grade

Women Empowerment


Online Shopping


Time Management

Value of Time

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Time and Tide Wait for None




Rainy Season

Summer Season

Artificial Intelligence



Social Media

Social Networking Sites

Laughter Is The Best Medicine


Same Sex Marriage

Sex Marriage

Female Foeticide

Unemployment Problem in India

Clean India


Daily Routine

Coconut Tree




Kaziranga National Park

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Importance of Reading





Human Rights


Childhood Memories

Good Manners

Good Habits


Black Money



International Yoga Day

Kalpana Chawla

Role Model






Unity In Diversity


Right to Education

Disaster Management

Integrity a way of life

Save Fuel For Better Environment

Fuel Conservation

Oil Conservation

Commonwealth Games in India


Save Electricity

Net Neutrality

Honesty is the Best Policy

Time and Tide Wait for none

Generation Gap

Gender Discrimination

Ganesh Chaturthi


Freedom Fighters

Blood Donation

Knowledge Is Power

Moral Values


Cleanliness is next to Godliness




Khelo India




Capital Punishment

Constitution of India

Brain Drain


Child Marriage

Child Labour

Traffic Jam

Road Safety

One Car Per Family


Rain Water Harvesting


Old Age Home

All love is expansion and selfishness is contraction

Right to Privacy

Self Confidence

My trip



Cashless Economy


Smart City

United Nations

One World One Language


Gender Equality

Space Exploration

Global Transportation

Private School

Importance of tourism

Mass Media

Multinational Companies



Problem Solution

Hard Work

Should discrimination against older workers be made illegal



Genetic engineering

Balanced Diet

College Life

Green Revolution



My Ambition

Birthday Party

Smoking is Injurious to Health

Road Accidents

Student Life


Essay Topics on India

Indian Culture

Narendra Modi


Digital India

Cashless India

Make in India

Uniform Civil Code

India Gate


Gandhi Jayanti

Indian Freedom Struggle

Farmer Suicide in India

Education System in India

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Jan Dhan Yojana

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Agriculture in India

Make In India

Surgical Strike

Indian Army


Triple Talaq

Dowry System

Skill India

Namami Gange

Taj Mahal

Road Safety


Udaan Yojan

Saubhagya Yojana

Human Cloning

Animal Rights


Mudra Yojana

Food security in India

Right to information

Ayushman Bharat

Jan Dan Yojana

Kashmir Conflict

Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana

Atal Pension Yojana

Startup India

Bharatmala Pariyojana

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Ujjwala Yojana

National Emblem

Reservation in India

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Example Of Senior Apartment Essay


With divorce rates in Canada reportedly hitting a record 50% as rated by some agencies, the need to have a proper housing for women (and, partly, men) who move out of their marriages for various reasons is increasingly becoming a hot issue. Besides, every passing day, there are stories about people who, due to lack of proper planning for their finances, end up not having proper housing. The worst affected are old men and women, mostly over the age of 60, who due to their old age are unable to secure jobs after retirement to enable them make up of the lost

Administrative Rule Making Essay Examples

In my opinion, administrative rules should be held to certain standard and criteria so as to protect the interest and rights of all the parties involved. They should also be as per correct and acceptable substantive standard and procedural process. To gain legitimacy public participation should be ensured and allow public debate hence making it acceptable in the society, however with some exceptions where secrecy is required. Moreover, in administrative rule making the cost benefit ratio should be carefully considered as this will have a direct effect on the community. The rules should be made to benefit the community at

Pervasive Healthcare Essay Example

The technology in medicine has progressed rapidly from the time when doctors used to visit patient’s home to provide medical care. The current healthcare system is now centralized in hospitals for effective utilization of resources. The present lifestyle and the ageing process have initiated a major drive in developments for the future of health care. Pervasive healthcare is a development in the healthcare field as it emphasizes on making healthcare available for anyone, anytime and everywhere. It is related closely to Biomedical Engineering, Medical Informatics, and Ubiquitous Computing. The pervasive healthcare technology benefits the doctors with analytical and therapeutic opportunities

La Mission And Article Review Examples

The aim of applying the Latino masculinity and its relation with power in the movie was to enhance change and transformation from what people hold to be painful to something interesting. Latino standpoint could be well illustrated by his stereotype portrayal of Latino maleness when he realizes that his son is a gay.
However, the movie is more focused on revealing the susceptibility of the father leaving the issues of possibility and susceptibility of gay Latino unexplored. The issue of Latino masculinity is applied in the story to illustrate how the transformation for change for the individual occurs. Instead

Example Of The Article Talks About Middle East In General And Qatar In Specific Essay


Highlights the importance of a logo for a nation on global level and to prove the claim, Qatar and its logo by Tarek Atrissi has been talked about and explored.

The article very successfully establishes the significance of a logo for a country and its role in establishing a brand image for a country. A simple calligraphic logo consisting of Qatar written in Arabic as well as Latin serves multiple purposes.

Different people inferred it in different ways and it more or less managed to impress all. It managed to incite a sense of inclusiveness, not only for different and disparate native communities but the outsiders

Future Internet For Ehealth Essay Examples

The lifestyle of the current generation varies drastically every day and as a result people are getting ill at a very early stage of their life. This has proven to be a lead in the progress of medicine and technology to increase the lifespan of human being. The high bandwidth wireless services and small mobile devices have introduced the new mobile healthcare (mHealth) services. The smartphone can be used as a platform for eHealth. For the obese people and overweight children the DiaTrace-technology converts a smart phone to a mobile assistant for physical activity and analyzes the correct amount of food to be consumed.

Final Review Essay Literature Review Example

Analysis of «The Story of an Hour» by Kate Chopin

«The Story of an Hour» by Kate Chopin contains a most unique theme of freedom within death. However, the miraculous and graceful way in which the character Mrs. Mallard meets freedom within death is exquisite. A sense of sadness is expected of a widow. Upon hearing of her husband’s passing Mrs. Mallard “wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment” indicating that she was indeed mourning her husband. Yet, Chopin twists descriptive adjectives like new, delicious, joy, dream and free into the description of Mrs. Mallard’s experience to promote a sense of freedom within an event that should be sad.

Example Of Research Paper On Theatre Studies

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman is one of the most famous Hollywood actors. He was born in Australia, Sydney in 1968. H. Jackman started his career as an actor on stages of Australian theatres, where he played in several musicals. The actor also acted in several Australian movies like Correlli and Sunset Boulevard. However, the true popularity and fame came to Hugh Jackman with his role Wolverine in X-Men. The play of an actor stroke the audience and movie critics so much that he was awarded with a title Best Actor of 2001. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it

Circumstances Behind A Low Attendance Essay Examples

Dear Ms/ Mr.,
Through this letter, I would like to explain why my recent academic performance has not been up to the mark despite having a fairly good record in the past. I would also like to highlight why attaining a good GPA is crucial to my future academic growth and career prospects. I would like to appeal to you to consider my circumstances when grading my final paper.

As you are aware, I was severely ill for over 2 weeks during which I was incapable of attending classes. As a result, I was not able to focus on my studies

Example Of Essay On Sustainable Development Key Points

The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) of the United Nations defines sustainable development as a process of growth that satisfies the needs and even help improve the living standards of the present generation, especially the impoverished among them, and at the same time ensuring that future generations would still be able to fulfill their needs. It prioritizes essential needs especially of the world’s poor and imposing limitations on the use of environment resources to meet present and future needs. (WCED) It is a thrust that all member countries of the UN are expected to follow.
Sustainable development

Essay On Outward-Oriented Policies Vs. Inward-Oriented Policies

A reality that the world faces now is that not all countries are economically successful. Living standards are not equal and economic productivity varies depending on several factors. Why is this so? Because a country’s economic stability depends largely on what economic policies the government institutes in the country.
Countries such as the United States, China, Singapore, and South Korea all pursued outward-oriented policies that focused on international trade rather than limiting trade within their regions. What is the common denominator among them? They are all rich. Instituting lower tariffs and lifting trade restrictions, the countries benefitted by exporting

Outward Vs. Inward Policies Essay Examples


When a country embarks on using outward oriented policies, they open their boarders to interaction with other entities that increase they working power as well as the ability to draw benefits from them. Using inward policies limits the capacity of a nation that applies it, meaning that they will not grow; instead they will be feeding off themselves.
The use of inward policies is detrimental to the economic growth of a nation. This is because as the population of such a state increases, the raw materials that they will need to maintain the population do not change. The policies limit them to

Essay On Business Law

When Alpha and Beta pool their resources in the production of the book Unlimited marketing, they form a partnership. Such a partnership limits the kind of agreements that the individual companies can outsource in the production of the said book. This puts them in a position that they have to agree in the case that they may need any other outside company to chip in the production process.
Alpha is liable to Beta and Gamma. The liability to Beta comes as a result of a breach of contract that puts beta in a position that they have no say in the production of the

Example Of Essay On Poetry Analysis

D. H. Lawrence, “Self Pity”
D. H. Lawrence although very often expresses his life experiences in his writings. “Self Pity” is a very short poem but beyond the line Lawrence is telling a story.
In “Self Pity” Lawrence is creating an image of a wild thing feeling sorry for itself. The reader can imagine a lion, a tiger or even a raccoon walking around with a long face expressing self pity. Yes, that would look ridiculous and when the reader juxtaposition himself or herself with the wild thing he/she realizes that self pity pointless. Thoroughly looking at this simple poem it is obvious it

Critical Thinking On The Mysterious Indus Civilization

The Indus Valley civilization has fascinated people for a long time. It is a mystery, with no written records to help us solve why the people disappeared, where they came from, and where they went to. We can, however, know certain things about their civilization through facts that the archeologists have unearthed from the ruins that these mysterious people left behind.
Whoever these people were who resided in the Indus Valley so very long ago, we can tell that they were civilized and highly advance people. This is evidenced by their large citadels which testify to a well-ordered and an urban

Report On Visiting Children Shelter

A day was set aside to visit a children shelter, to bring cheer and joy to the children. Fun activities took place such as entertainment by a clown, who performed a magic show and painted the children’s faces, and playing different games to interact with the children. The children got some gifts as a sign of appreciation. Before leaving, an interview with the shelter’s director was carried out. The discussion was on the health educator’s background experience as a professional and the educational preparation.
The director stated that he had more than fifteen years of experience in working in childcare.

Reasons For Applying For The Commission Program Essay Examples

Joining the navy was the best decision I have ever made. Ten years after I enlisted, I have no regrets whatsoever in as being a man of the uniform is concerned. Apart from giving me the chance to serve my beloved country, the navy has also opened many doors which would otherwise be impossible. It is win this regard that I say that I feel honored to be part of this highly esteemed organization that is the navy.
In my decade of servitude to my homeland, I have realized that contrary to what many people think, the navy provides a

Essay On Research Presentation

The research on the social facilities highlighted several themes that are evident. These themes include social interaction, social class and gender. The theme of social human interaction is evidence in both gyms. As a general assumption a gym provides a very good space for social interaction. It is for this reason its significance is highlighted in the two research essay. From observing and notes, the theme on social interaction is influenced by different factors.
In one gym, social interaction is influenced by the need community to have a common way to peaceful society. In this case, the gym provides a common ground for

Example Of Scene From Friday The 13th Essay

The water is calm but slightly murky. It looks like a summer afternoon. The light on the water promises a pretty and clear day. However, the murkiness of the water bodes disturbance. Something is going on underneath the surface of the water. An innocent, tired looking girl half sits up in what looks to be a canoe, though the boat runs off of both sides of the screen. She is in a completely relaxed, pose as if she has no energy left and not a care in the world. Her head is turned as if to look off to the left of the screen.

Essay On Bonus Response Paper: «Diaspora, Migration, And Transnationalism»

Over the past century, the world has become more integrated. Forces of globalization have allowed the interaction of societies in political and socio-economic strata. Through forces of internationalization, there is a growing sense of oneness and globalism among various societies. Different societies trace their histories and their past in the history line of others. The technological and communication advancements that have been witnessed in recent decades have allowed the growth of various academic disciplines in both the social and natural sciences. In the growth of these disciplines, it has become evident that the world is a society of nations. This means

How Two Characters Are Victims Of Maycomb Society In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Examples

In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mocking Bird, the society is heavily influenced by racism and white supremacy mindsets. As a result, several of the key characters are victimized by the other members of the community as well as the society at large. Two such characters are Tom Robinson, a black slave, and Atticus Finch, the man who employs him.
Tom Robinson is a humble black man accused of beating and raping Mayella. His left arm is crippled from an accident at the farm which happened when he was young, this made it physical impossible to beat Mayella because the attacker

Example Of Essay On Reflective Introduction

The course on English 113A 113B: Approaches to University Writing had been such a beneficially informative and illuminative course that was instrumental in improving one’s skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking. There were great selections of articles and literary works that assisted in enhancing personal interests in reading. The course readings likewise provided the appropriate theoretical framework to stir analytical and critical thinking skills in terms of determining the authors’ uses of rhetorical strategies and diverse scenarios that require comprehension and innovative thinking to respond to class discussions. Likewise, one’s writing skills were also effectively improved through

The Constitutional Context Of U.S. Public Administration Essay Sample

Back in the 1880’s, the then president of the U.S., Mr. Woodrow Wilson, stated that Public administration is a field completely independent from the Constitutional context (David, 2003). With time, it has become clear that the two fields cannot be separated. These two entities have to be fused into one to have an effective public administrative system.
In this chapter, David has listed a number of events initiated by various leaders of the U.S. that were done without following the set constitution. These did not yield results as was expected. For instance, in 1995, the then president, Mr. Bill

The Development Of Administrative Law Essay Sample

In the book written by Barry and Whitcomb (2005) on the development of administrative law, it is portrayed that this law is a combination of many laws governing various agencies. It seems that it is an amalgam of several other laws that have a relationship to each other in different ways but with different intentions. My view of developing an administrative law is that it is a good idea that will help the government hold agencies accountable to their various activities. In addition, the various agencies serving the government and the citizens have a common goal of maintaining law and order. Therefore, it

Essay On European Theater

Between 1944 until the end of World War 2 in 1945, the European theater took center stage in the war. Axis powers, led by Germany and Japan were trying all they could to defeat the Allied forces. The entry of the American forces into the war proved decisive at that point. In June 1944, the American forces took part in the Normandy invasion to defend the French territory. The American troops landed in France before the D-Day. Led by Eisenhower, the forces held aerial and naval attacks, but they were faced by strong German opposition until they captured the city

Write About What You Think, What The Authors Implies About The Assigned Article Creative Writing Examples

Peter Elbow wrote a very interesting article titled “Writing First”. In it, he posits the idea that it discourages children from learning if you put reading before writing, like what is traditionally done. He also proposes that, for college students, writing before completing a reading assignment in either a creative writing class or philosophy class can help the student to approach the assignment with an open and an especially inquiring mind. What Elbow proposes is intriguing, and it makes sense. Now, I do not completely agree with him when he says that children should be taught to read by learning first to

Taoism and Confucianism Essay Example

Taoism and Confucianism are some of the religions that are found in china. They are believed to be having emerged at the same period in history. The two philosophies are similar in many ways even though they differ greatly.
Confucianism believes in one God who they worship. However, they worship ancestors through offering sacrifices to them. They cannot be said to be monotheists. They usually worship their God in temples. All the followers of the religion are expected to worship in the temple. They allow the use of statues and pictures in the places of worship and areas

Example Of Augustine And Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkiban Essay

Book review

The two books St. Augustines Confessions and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkiban have a rich thematic depth. There is also an almost similar setting and audience target. With main characters being of the same age and of the same purpose in the books, the similarity in these two pieces is obvious. Both of these two characters act as agent of change but described at different angles. Harry plays the part where he is supposed to change some ones character traits while I Augustine the author aims at changing himself.
In the two books the theme of change

Scarlett Letter Literature Review

The theme of Satan is clearly denoted in the book. As a general assumption, Satan is denoted with evil. In this case, the evil in the book revolves around Hester Prynne. Hester is the main character in the book and the author portrays her as an agent of evil in the community. Just like in the story of Adam and eve a woman is used as an evil tool. Hester’s tribulations are caused by her inability to withstand temptation. From this did, the author gives the theme on Satan the much required influence in the novel.
Hester had an

Critical Thinking On Respond Paper

This paper gives a response to a picture of beautiful of kids at the ice cream point. A part from the kids, I can see an ice cream van with an open door, a person distributing the ice cream to the kids and a writing on the foreground of the picture. There is also another set of writing on the van probably indicating the kind of service being offered by it.
This architectural work was properly done as a good work of art. The artist made a good use of all the elements of art in it. There is an extensive use of coloring

Case Study On What Would Be The Best Way To Support George In His Studies?

George should be encouraged to increase his English communication skills. He also would benefit from additional time towards his studies and peer tutoring with a bilingual tutor.

Give one example from a teacher’s perspective.

George would benefit from participating in an English Language Learner’s or English as a Second Language program. He would also benefit from peer tutoring and an after school tutoring and/or homework club program. He needs additional time outside of school for his studies.

Give one example from a community support perspective.

George would benefit from additional English courses at the advanced level, as would many in his community. His siblings would benefit as well and if they were offered courses there

Example Of Book Review On The Clone Redemption

Book review: The Clone Redemption

The clone redemption is a science fiction book where an irresistible force meets an immovable object as Steven L. Kent puts it in The Clone Republic saga. The events take place 2516 A.D on earth where a united authority spreads out colonies of human across the Milky Way under strict orders from a powerful galactic military consisting entirely of clones who have now created empires of their own and are planning to keep it no matter who they are up against.
Wayne Harris, a marine clone born and brought up to fight for the U.A (United Authority), unleashes his anger as he

Example Of Admission Essay On What Work Of Art, Music, Science, Mathematics Or Literature Has Surprised, Unsettled

The work of literature that surprised me the most when a child and has been carrying on its impact on me till this moment is Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Being born and raised in Austria, I could perceive both — national and, at the same time, international spirits of their series of stories. The Grimm brothers’ perfect understanding of child’s inner world and way of thinking let them cultivate the best traits of character in me, simultaneously enriching my imagination.
At the same time Grimm’s Fairy Tales provide the readers with a set of challenges every child faces

Internet Dating Essay Example

Internet dating could be defined as an act of meeting and developing affection towards the opposite sex through the internet. I have got positive attitude towards this mode of dating since it is the best place to meet people all over the world. One can search through the search list and more conveniently the search can be narrowed down to your area by zip code.
Secondly, one could communicate to his/her partner via email, facebook or even twitter and get acquainted with each other before meeting. It is up to the two to decide how long to speak

You Should Buy An American Car Essay Example

For every American patriot, the natural choice would be to support the national economy by purchasing an American car. However, buying an American car has other perks, too, such as affordability, reliability and appeal.
Every customer knows that demand dictates the price. Up until recently, European cars have been leading in the market, with their reliability, fuel efficiency and popularity. On the other hand, American cars, including those which were built in foreign countries, have proven themselves to be also highly reliable, offering both quality and visual appeal, by persistently improving the quality of their vehicle production. In

Planning Phase: Essay Sample

Defining the tasks:

The planning phase of the project will be composed of three main tasks that will be composed of subtasks. These include meetings for the new project, project requirement analysis and the project budgeting process. The project sponsor will convene the first meeting and its task will be to employ a project manager as well as set the starting date of the project. The next task will be the requirement analysis. The project manager will undertake this. It will involve determining the requirements of the project, allocating resources as well as conducting a feasibility study of the project. Once it has been

Paradise Lost, Book 1 Essay Sample

The “Paradise Lost” is paraphrased with an argument or summary. Milton was the foundation behind this poem and depicts two basic factors the fall of human beings from grace and justifying the role of god in the path of man.
In the poem by the analysis of the statements Satan asks the demons what should be their next course of action against God. Mammon who happens to be the materialistic angel tries to convey the meaning that they should try to do the best with what they can. God is a silent spectator in this regard and watches satin

Elaboration On Music And Sound Critical Thinking Example

The music is instrumental in creating suspense in the views since it creates a scenario of life and death. The music creates some tension in the imagination of the audience as the fight progresses and the martial arts tactics are displayed. When the over voice urges Bruce lee to break the mirrors a loss of concentration on the fight is implied. The loss of concentration in the fight could be a mistake in a martial arts fight since it allows the opponent to prevail. The slashing sounds depict Lee as an outstanding martial artist. His prowess is evident from the swift slashing sounds

Theatre Essay

The term, ‘Theatre’ comes out of Greek word ‘theatron’ which means ‘a site for viewing’. Theatre is a process of entertainment where artists perform live in front of audience and entertain people through dance, music, dialogues or all of them. This paper intends to discuss the theatre and several other related aspects.
Account of Theatre suggests it as one of oldest medium of entertainment, communicating with people and spreading massages. Greek theatre is considered very old as it takes back to 4th century BCE. Indian and China also has very old account of theatres. Almost every society has its performing

Free Book Review On California Government

The book «California Government» by John L. Korey is an intriguing look at California’s political system. By examining this process, I have gained a better understanding of the challenges faced by our systems of government and how California is working to meet these challenges.
Korey begins by explaining the background of American government. This background information sets the ground work for the more complex topics that follow. Kory offers up a wealth of information on how California’s government operates. He explains that relative duties and powers are assigned to the Governor including the powers of Chief Legislator, Executive,

Example Of Essay On Common Themes Identified In The Birth Model Of Canada Dutch New Zealand And Samoa

It is clear that in all these countries, the respite historical backgrounds as well as the cultural influences play critical roles in their midwifery models. This understanding is helpful in supporting this topic through offering evidence-based approaches, which relate to the issue of maternal care as well as the scope of operations in engaging traditional midwives in the provision of safe and quality maternity care.
The other common theme is that literature discourages home births carried out by midwives due to the documented risks involved. However, this does not have much effect on the overall system. The professionalization

Example Of Argumentative Essay On Sculpture Description Right To The Jaw

The sculpture entitled “Right to the Jaw” created by artist Mahonri M. Young in 1926 actually depicted two bronze figures in the actual act of boxing . The figures clad only in boxing shorts and boxing gloves, are sculpted as convoluted images where muscles in their legs and arms were carefully crafted; and where rib cages, collar bones, and intricate facial features effectively protrude. The figure of the boxer on the right could interpreted as the recipient of the right jab; where the right hand of the boxer sculpted at the left portion had apparently slid on top of the

Essay On Readiness To Practice Can Readiness Be Measured


Research Topic: Readiness to practice – Can readiness be measured?
Research Question: Can the readiness of fourth year BSc Nursing students entering practice on acute medical units be measured?
Background: The Canadian Registered Nurses Exam has been described as only assessing knowledge but not necessarily confidence and readiness of students to enter the workplace. This presents a background for this research. Readiness to practice – Can readiness be measured?

Objectives: To measure the readiness of BSc Nursing final year students on their readiness to enter into practice.

Study Design: The study will adopt a qualitative design to measure the readiness of students to enter and practice in the nursing field.
Current Stage of Study: The research has reached

Mississippi Masala And Article Review Article Review Sample

Mina represents a transplanted Diaspora in America as Indian American, later at the age of 24 years she gets into romance affairs with Demetrius. However their relationship is constrained by her family due to the skin color, that they believe is an illustration of one’s ethnic trait. Mina’s skin color “Indian skin” has erotic value and symbolizes whiteness. Mina’s father, Jay, values this skin color and establishes the cultural forces that scheme against Demetrius.
Mina’s family believes that, they are African first and then Indian second thus they should maintain the Indian heritage. Therefore, mina’

Assistantship Essay Essay Example

1. How you qualify for the assistantship,
I qualify for the assistantship because of the experience that I have in different fields such as research, information technology, and counseling. I have 18 years of progressive experience integrating backgrounds in clinical & social psychology, intercultural communication, diversity and HR solutions. The experience I have gained over time has offered me invaluable knowledge that I can bring to the assistantship position. I am also seeking to work in a position that will allow me to serve a diverse population. It is important to note that I have served as the only bilingual counselor

Essay On Review Of The Salsa Night And Latin Jazz

. Salsa Night and Latin Jazz — Latin/Salsa routine.
2. The orchestra was headed by a large brass section and backed by some great percussionists. I decided to attend this concert because of the wide variety of instruments that contribute to this group’s unique sound. The brass selection included several saxophones. The percussion section included congas
3. The concert proposed combing the beauty of Latin music with Jazz elements to create the group’s own unique blend. I can see how this blend of styles would appeal to a wide range of audiences. The dynamics are influenced by Latin

Free Essay On Court Briefs

Facts: Mr. Bormes, an attorney sues the Federal Government of the United States of America (USA).

Mr. Bormes files a suit case against the US Federal government for allegations that the receipts he received for the payment of the payment for his client’s Federal Court filling fee for the pay.gov was not a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA) of 1681 because it included the last four digits of his credit card. In his argument, this was a violation of his right.
Rule: the case was argued upon on 2/10/2012 and decided upon on 11/13/2012. It was rejected by the Federal Court decision on this day.
Procedural History: Mr. James Bormes’

Poems Analysis Literature Review Examples

1. For Each Esctatic Instant by Emily Dickenson.
The main theme of this poem is depicting the joy and pain or suffering that comes afterwards. Whatever can make a man happy, he or she will pay its bitter price for the moment. Dickenson describes that the joy and the suffering are not equal in time: joy is a moment and unhappiness can last for years. Probably, author shows us that there is a balance between good and evil in the world, that everything has its price. However, the pain makes us more sensitive to happiness, makes us appreciate these short but

Essay On The Respiratory System Of Dolphins And Lions

The respiratory system of dolphins and lions

Dolphin inhale air through blowhole; dolphin do not use nostril like other mammals. Dolphin controls the opening and closing of blowhole through muscle contraction and relaxation. Blowhole which is an external opening takes air to the lungs. The blowhole is located at the tip of dolphin’s head which requires small area of water to be break to take the air. The air is then sent to lung for exchange. Unlike human lungs, dolphin lungs consists double levels of capillaries. Capillaries double layer increases the area of lungs which is resulted in increase in gas exchange rate and efficiency.

Leading Causes Of Deaths In The Us Critical Thinking Example

Leading Causes of Deaths in the US

According to the CDC (2012), there are various causes of deaths in the US. However there are some main causes of deaths that have topped on the list of leading causes of deaths. These are as described below.

The top on the list are heart diseases which are responsible for about 599, 413 deaths in the US. These are closely followed by cancer which accounts for 567,628 deaths. The CDC (2012) indicates that the third factors are the chronic lower respiratory diseases which account for about 137,353 deaths. This ends the list of the three most lethal

Businesss Name George Restaurant Address 627 Cherry Street Terre Haute In 47807 Business Plan Examples

Business Plan

For this business plan I found that product advertising would be the best course of action in my proposed advertising campaign («Promotion Decisions» 536). The products (food) would be the primary interest of the consumer. By emphasizing that these products that differ from those of fellow competitors, this business can draw consumers to the restaurant.

Sample Copy Advertisement for George Restaurant

Looking for quality Arabic food at a good price without long waits? Come to George’s the freshest, highest quality dining at affordable price. Stop by our restaurant area for mouthwatering traditional Arabic dishes. Open seven days a week for your convenience with no reservations needed.

Personal Statement On Reasons For Pursuing A Career In Public Relations

Nowadays information is considered to be the most valuable possession – as a powerful means of influence on people it can actually rule the humanity and induce many changes in the world.
All kinds of media contribute to the formation of certain images in people’s minds that leads to either global development or global setback. As a representative of those individuals who would like to have at least minor influence on what is going on in the world, I decided to participate in the process of gaining and expansion of information – I believe that it would endue me with favorable

Identify The Author Of The Passage Essay Sample

Personal Identity

David Hume
A Treatise of Human Nature
Meaning and the significance of the quote.
This quote tries to explain how a person’s identity and soul cannot be seen by examining personal perceptions like sensation, feelings or events that bring about the outcome. Arguably, a person’s identity cannot be defined without these perceptions; therefore identity in absolute terms does not exist. Also, identity is always the same thing no matter how one trys to define it. For instance, there are distinct types of houses, but they are all referred as houses.
Hume in this quotation meant

Education Subsidies And School Drop-Out Rates Literature Review Example

This is a paper written by Lorraine Dearden, Carl Emmerson, Christine Frayne and Costas Meghir, and it assesses the effect of grants offered to 16-18 year old students on reduction of school dropouts. The impact varies with the amount of grant offered. Those who receive full payment tend to have high participation. However, the policy’s impact is majorly affected by credit constraints rather than the amount of grant offered.
Most developing and developed states have introduced financial grants instead of increasing school leaving age reduce dropout cases. In an effort to examine this, the authors looked at several

Example Of Reflective Self-Assessment Critical Thinking

Looking back on my paper, and the comments found within it, I can tell that I have a great deal of difficulty with citing and quoting sources. I am still attempting to get straight which materials should be italicized and put in quotes, as well as other general formatting tips. I think that, once I am able to better understand and get straight in my head exactly when to cite and what formatting to use when I do that, I will be able to more confidently articulate my points and draw from sources as I need.

One of my biggest

Economics Critical Thinking Example

The Keynesian economists and the classical have different views on various economic issues. The difference comes in when it comes to the assumptions they make when coming up with their recommendations. According to the classical economists, prices and wages are not fixed but change with changes in economic conditions. The Keynesians on the other hand argue that wages and prices are fixed and there self adjustment mechanisms cannot solve problems when there are changes in economic conditions. The classical economists make the assumption that all the factors of production are fully utilized hence there is full employment. However, the

Surgeycom Business Plan Business Plan Examples

Surgery.com is all about connecting cosmetic surgeons and physicians to consumers who are seeking such services. Hence, it is crucial for the site to understand the needs of both, consumers as well as doctors. Conducting a formal bi-annual survey will allow the site to feel the pulse of stakeholders and adapt itself in a more efficient, low risk manner.

Although the site has gained tremendous popularity, it still needs to extend its reach to the maximum number of consumers possible. While undertaking vigorous PR and marketing campaigns is the obvious way to go, the success of such initiatives will lie in

Expression And Purification Of His-Gfp Essay

Biology: Scientific Representation

Biology: Scientific Representation: Expression and purification of His-GFP

Figure 1 depicts the results from the expression and purification of histamine-green fluorescent protein (GFP), a molecule that is used as a molecular tag because it can be inserted into genes. Zeyton (et al., 2003) explained that GFPs are good for studying variant genes because of their “intrinsic fluorescence, high stability, expression and solubility” (p. 1473). The GFP can glow with green fluorescence under ultra-violet making it useful for identifying the reactions of variant genes with bacteria. Zeyton (et al., 2003) called them ‘”fluorobodies’ (which) have been used effectively in enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assays (

Critical Thinking On Characterization Of Rick In Casablanca

Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), in the first 23 minutes of Casablanca, is shown to be an incredible enigma, a mercurial and wounded figure who deliberately eschews attachment to any cause or person, choosing for one reason or another to be strictly business with regards to his business and the varying forces at play in Casablanca. This is mostly conveyed in the first part of the film with his interactions with both Ugarte (Peter Lorre) and Captain Renault (Claude Rains), when an issue of neutrality is made apparent in his club.

When we first see Rick, he is shown to be

Example Of Fast Food Argumentative Essay Essay

The article on fast food addresses the fact that there are many risks associated with the consumption of fast foods. The author argues that even though the foods are cheap and convenient o obtain, there are costs associated with them. The consumption of foods leads to increased chances of contracting heart diseases. These diseases can lead to death. The environments under which these foods are prepared are unhealthy and eating these foods can lead to other diseases associated with unclean environment. The foods are prepared within a short period. These conditions expose individuals to the risks of contracting many diseases.

The Public Needs To Know — Draft Version Essay Example

Classic English literature

This is the report that I submitted to the director of food pantry. The report covers the following areas of the food pantry organization: economic situation, special needs of the population, benefits of food pantry program and the processes involved in the program.
The economic situation is designed to ensure that all the activities cover the targeted areas. The program aims at constructing a kitchen that will be in a position to provide more than 50,000 meals to the population in every month. There are funds that are allocated to ensure that the program satisfies the set

Example Of Researched Conducted By Goldman Sachs Regarding The Economics And Olympics Essay

The article analyses the various ways which economic outcome of a country is linked to Olympic performance. Data analysis carried out in Los Angeles and Atlanta indicates that stock markets have performed better in the year after the Olympic Games.
The Goldman Sachs estimate is made on the basis of how each country has productively created a “growth environment” for athletes to become known, the Olympics location and past performance, population.
The Scores of the world class environment are calculated using significant features of the political, institutional and economic environment that have an effect on growth in different countries

Example Of Research Paper On How The Theory Of Evolution Has Challenged The Design Argument

The development of science (including the theory of evolution and cosmology) has tried to challenge the design argument in a number of ways. This paper will entirely look at some of the ways in which the theory of evolution has challenged design argument. The paper will use Charles Darwin theory of evolution to show how evolution theories have challenged the design argument
Charles Darwin is one of the people who come up with several theories. One challenge of the design argument has come from the theory of evolution that was proposed by Charles Darwin in 19th century. This theory

Rockets Research Paper

The three Newton Law’s of motion gives an explanation on how a rocket operates. The first Newton’s Law of Motion gives a description of how an object moves when it is at rest. An object at rest continues at stationary spot unless an external force acts on it. Once the object moves, it will continue in that state of motion unless stopped by another object. Newton’s principle applies to rocket movement because a moving requires no thrusting force to keep it moving in a given direction at the same constant speed. Once a rocket is in motion, it will continue moving

Clip Analysis — Enter The Dragon Critical Thinking Sample

In this clip from Enter the Dragon, in which martial arts master Lee (Bruce Lee) defeats Han (Shih Kien), a dynamic and fascinating fight in a hall of mirrors, the script is fairly simple yet thematically resonant; by staging the fight in a hall of mirrors, Lee and Han are shown to be reflections of each other. Whereas Lee uses martial arts to achieve spiritual enlightenment and inner peace, Han uses his gifts and resources to plunder, steal and kill; Han is defeated by his own overconfidence and poor choices. The fact that he is ultimately killed on his own spear is

The Laramie Project Essay Examples

The arc of Moises Kaufman’s The Laramie Project is the gradual reveal of the need for tolerance and acceptance toward homosexuals wherever they may be, even in small towns like Laramie. The arc also revolves around the need for the Tectonic Theatre actors/performers (as surrogates for the audience) to understand the attitudes and behaviors that led to the murder of Matthew Shepard. The play is less plot-centric than it is a character study of an entire town; as a result, the arc is about how the town reacts to this murder. First, it reacts with disbelief, as they could not believe

Reprogramming Of Pericyte-Derived Cells Of The Adult Human Brain Into Induced Neuronal Research Paper Examples


The process of reprogramming somatic cells into neuronal has presented a new approach towards cell-based therapy of neurodegenerative diseases. One of the main challenges in the transformation of neural reprogramming into therapy is whether the adult human brain encloses some cell populations which are acquiescent to direct somatic cell conversion. In this scenario, it can be clearly demonstrated that cells from the cerebral cortex of an adult, which express pericyte hallmarks can be easily reprogrammed into neural cells. This can be done through the use of retrovirus-arbitrate recorded factors. The cells then obtain the capability of rhythmic action and probable

Example Of Intellectual Property Essay

Intellectual property being included to become a part of the procurement process will benefit both the government plus the contractor in a number of ways. First of all, the government including the contractors will have an opportunity to make money (Lester, 2009). In ensuring that the contractor’s invention is regarded as his or her own property will ensure that the contractor receives the sum of money accrued to his or her invention. Moreover, the government will also be making money through imposing taxes and other levies of the invention.
Intellectual property being included in the procurement process will also

Stabbing Death And Murderer Commits Suicide Essay Sample

Question one

In the first case, Sara Haynes was driven by jealousy to kill her long term boyfriend Bob Evans as the bartender narrates, «She was looking all around, with a wild look in her eyes. He was on the floor dancing away with this young blonde. She went straight at them. She pulled the blonde out of his arms and started yelling at him.» This suggests that Sara was angry because she thought Bob was cheating on her. In the second case, Louis Castle was guilty of the crime she had commited and decided to commit suicide. This was because she

Elie Wiesel Essay

Elie Wiesel was born in September 30, 1928 in Sighet, Romania. His parents were Chlomo Wiesel and Sarah Feig. When he was young, He spent most of his time in his home town and his life revolved around his family, his community and religious studies. Elie Wiesel is holocaust. This paper discusses how Elie Wiesel survived the holocaust.
When Wiesel was 15 years, his family and his community at large were destroyed by Nazis when they were forced into a Jewish ghetto and later deported to Auschwitz in 1944. While in Auschwitz, his younger sister and mother were killed

Pulp Fiction Clips Critical Thinking Example

In the Pulp Fiction clip «Butch Meets Vincent,» Butch (Bruce Willis), looking for his father’s watch which was abandoned in his old apartment, heats up some Pop Tarts in the toaster when he thinks the coast is clear; however, upon noticing that Vincent’s (John Travolta) machine gun is on the counter, guns a shocked Vincent down after he exits the bathroom. The drama of this scene involves violence, the potential for discovery, suspense, and so on. The interior of the scene shows a combination of relief, surprise and fear (Vincent is caught literally with his pants down, and both characters are

Research Paper On Work/Life Equation

Intergenerational Handbook

Nowadays most companies face the same problem — the difference between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials among its employees. One of the main distinctions between these two groups is the use of technology. While Baby Boomers use touch tone phones and are still learning new things in technology, their counterparts — the Millennials — are already actively using smartphones, the Internet, text messages, and social networks .

“Millennials are creating a change in how work gets done, as they work more in teams and use more technology.” . This proves the fact that the use of technology is really changing the

Obama vs Romney Debate Essay Examples

On the second presidential debate in the United States, the President Barack Obama clashed with mitt Romney on economical issues regarding jobs, taxes and foreign policies. Obama was shaper enough to dominate the debate over his opponent.
In this debate President Obama emphasized on improving education facilities as a way to curb the level of unemployment. He also argued that reducing debt will be a “moral obligation to the next generation”. The President disagreed on his opponent’s Tax Plan and Defense Spending Plan which cost an estimate of $8 trillion. Although president’s policy will not increase taxes by

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