3 word phrases about friends

Here you will learn English expressions about friendship. These expressions will help intermediate English students to talk about friendship in English correctly.

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Harry is a native English teacher with over 10 years of experience both online and in face-to-face lessons. With his extensive experience in business, he specialises in Business English lessons but happily teaches ESL students with any English learning needs. 

English Expressions about Friendship

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Where would we be without friends? Friendship is very important for everybody. 

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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to make friends easily

When someone has a pleasant personality and is quite easy going and everyone wants to be his/her friend. They are said to make friends easily.


Declan was looking forward to going to University. He did not mind leaving home. In a few weeks, he would be having a good time. He found it easy to make friends wherever he went.

to hit it off

When two people really like each other from almost the first minute they meet we can say they hit it off immediately or they really hit it off.


John was introduced to Kevin at the party. They had a lot in common and agreed to meet for a beer the next week. Within a short period of time, they were very good friends. They hit it off from the first time they met.

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strange bedfellows

In the previous expression to hit it off, we referred to two people who get along immediately as soon as they met each other.

However, we sometimes can not see the reason why two people such as these would be friends at all. We do not see anything in common or anything that we feel would make them become so friendly.

In this situation, we say

They are strange bedfellows. What have they got in common?

get along/on with someone

Another way to describe when someone has no difficulty making friends with other people.


Sally is a really nice girl. She is always helping others. She is easy to get along with (or easy to get on with). Everyone likes her.

English Expressions about Friendship


An informal word used to describe how two people became friends very quickly.


They clicked the moment they met. So Barry and Yvonne were celebrating their 10th Wedding Anniversary. They had been together for 12 years. They liked each other the first moment they met. Neither of them could explain it really they just clicked!

to have your back 


to look out for you

These are English expressions about friendship that used by really good friends.

It means they are there to support each other through good and bad. When you are going through a tough time it is good to know that you have a friend who will protect you. Someone who has your back.


David and Tom had been friends since their school days together. They did everything together. They played on the same team, went out at weekends. They were quite protective of each other. They promised to look out for each other (protect) no matter what took place.

“I will always have your back” Tom said to David, “Likewise”replied David.

⭐️ Friends is a very common word used to describe those closest to us who are not family members. We can also use several other words that have the same meaning:

  • BUDDY – American English
  • MATE (plural MATES) – British English
  • PALS

Other English expressions about friendship include best friends or close friends.

We can also be childhood friends (a long time) or school friends.

When we have these sort of friendships the adjectives we can use to describe the friendship in English include:

⭐️ inseparable – always together

or a noun to describe such a relationship is:

⭐️ a bromance – a relatively new English word that is a combination of Brother and Romance.

Let’s move on and learn 4 English Idioms and about Friendship

English Idioms and Expressions about Friendship

Advanced English expressions about friendship. Study advanced English. Online English lessons on Zoom www.englishlessonviaskype.com #learnenglish

a shoulder to cry on

Meaning: When there is a serious crisis in our lives and we really need a friend to help and listen to us we often look for a shoulder to cry on

Someone friendly and helpful who will listen to our woes (problems).


Joanna had just lost her mother (her mother died suddenly) and now she had learnt that her father needed immediate surgery. She called Kate, she could always rely on Kate to give her a shoulder to cry on when she needed it.

A Shoulder to Cry On Idiom Meaning

a shoulder to cry on meaning — video lesson

two peas in a pod

Meaning: Have you ever taken peas out of their pods when they are growing in your garden?

The peas are identical. It is very difficult to see any difference.

When two friends are very close, like the same things, do the same things people will say:


Oh, look at those two. Always together always doing the same thing they are like two peas in a pod.

Two Peas in a Pod Meaning

English Expressions about Friendship. Two peas in a pod meaning. Improve English skills. #learnenglish #englishlessons #englishteacher #englishvocabulary #ingles #aprenderingles

joined at the hip

Meaning: Similar in meaning to like two peas in a pod.

Joined at the hip refers to two friends who are always seen together. They are always hanging out together (in each others company). They are inseparable.


Those two are joined at the hip. Where ever one is the other is sure to be close by.

through thick and thin

Meaning: When a friend has shared all our ups and downs (positives and negatives) with us and we have shared all of his/hers we can genuinely say we have been through everything together. We have been through thick and thin. We have seen the positives and the negatives. True friendship. 


Antonio and Jaime had been friends since they were children. They went to the same school, studied at the same university and shared many other life experiences. They had been through thick and thin together.

A friend in need is a friend indeed!

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English Idioms


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English Idioms


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Useful English Collocations


В этой статье вы найдете подборку английских идиом для описания дружеских отношений.

1. A shoulder to cry on — жилетка поплакать.
2. Circle of friends — круг друзей.
3. Fair-weather friend — друг, который рядом только в благоприятных ситуациях, а при возникновении сложностей и проблем пропадает.
4. Friends in high places — друзья в высших кругах, занимающие важные посты, которые могут содействовать решению проблем.
5. To admire somebody for something — восхищаться кем-то за что-либо.
6. To appreciate something — ценить что-либо.
7. To argue with somebody about something — спорить с кем-то о чем-то.
8. To be a good mixer — хорошо ладить с кем-либо.
9. To be a person of strong or weak character — иметь сильный или слабый характер.
10. To be a sunny soul — добрая душа.
11. To be born with a silver spoon — родиться в рубашке / родиться в богатой семье.
12. To be close to somebody — быть близким по духу.
13. To be devoted to — посвящать, служить чему-либо, всего себя отдавать.
14. To be getting on for something — приближаться к определенному возрасту.
15. To be in the public eye — быть на виду.
16. To be kind of person you like at first sight — располагать к себе с первого взгляда.
17. To be like and soul of the party — быть душой компании.
18. To be on friendly footing with somebody — быть на дружеской ноге с кем-то.
19. To be the black sheep of the family — быть белой вороной.
20. To be thick as thieves — быть закадычными друзьями, водой не разольешь.
21. To behave oneself / to like the way one behaves — вести себя / нравиться, как кто-либо себя ведет.
22. To bottle up your feelings — прятать чувства.
23. To bring somebody up — воспитывать.
24. To come across as something — казаться.
25. To count on somebody — рассчитывать на кого-либо.
26. To fall out with somebody over something — поссориться с кем-либо из-за чего-либо.
27. To get on (well) together — хорошо ладить друг с другом.
28. To get on like a house on fire — быстро сблизиться, подружиться.
29. To get on with — ладить, дружить.
30. To get one’s own way — поступать по-своему.
31. To get out of doing something — увильнуть.
32. To get around somebody — подлизываться.
33. To get through to somebody — найти подход.
34. To get to know each other — узнать друг друга.
35. To get to the top — достичь вершины.
36. To give a helping hand — помогать.
37. To go back a long way — быть старыми друзьями или знакомыми.
38. To go by — судить.
39. To go on about — твердить без умолку.
40. To hand smth over — передавать из рук в руки.
41. To hang out — гулять с друзьями.
42. To have a bunch of bad habits — иметь кучу вредных привычек.
43. To have a heart of gold — иметь золотое сердце.
44. To have a lot of faults — иметь много недостатков.
45. To have a memory like a sieve — иметь дырявую память.
46. To have a mind of your own — иметь собственное мнение.
47. To have a sense of humor — иметь чувство юмора.
48. To have smth in common — иметь что-то общее.
49. To hit off with somebody — быстро найти общий язык с кем-либо, подружиться.
50. To hit the streets — погулять, поболтаться.
51. To keep one’s promise/word — сдержать обещание/слово.
52. To keep oneself to oneself — быть самим собой.
53. To know one’s own mind — знать, чего хочешь.
54. To let somebody down — подводить.
55. To liven up — ожить.
56. To look back on something — оглядываться назад.
57. To look up to somebody (to look down on somebody) — уважать/ не уважать.
58. To make friends with — подружиться с кем-либо.
59. To make friends — подружиться.
60. To make peace — мириться.
61. To make up, to make peace — мириться.
62. To pass oneself off as somebody — выдавать за кого-либо.
63. To pick on somebody — критиковать, придираться.
64. To put oneself in somebody’s shoes — поставить себя на место другого.
65. To put up with somebody — терпеть кого-либо.
66. To rely on — полагаться.
67. To rely on somebody — положиться на кого-либо.
68. To see eye to eye — сойтись во мнениях.
69. To see things in black and white — судить категорично.
70. To see through somebody — видеть насквозь.
71. To share one’s secrets — делиться секретами.
72. To share one’s thoughts and feelings — делиться мыслями и чувствами.
73. To show off / to stand out — выделять намерено/ненамеренно.
74. To stand up for somebody — постоять за кого-либо.
75. To stand up to somebody — перечить, сопротивляться.
76. To sweet talk — льстить.
77. To take one’s side — принимать чью-либо сторону.
78. To take something to heart — принимать близко к сердцу.
79. To tell lies — врать.
80. To tell off — отчитывать.

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Friend & Friendship Vocabulary

“Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.”

Christie Brinkley, an American model, actress and businesswoman

Think about your friend. How would you describe him/her and your friendship? Would you say that birds of a feather flock together (people with the same characteristics or tastes tend to spend time together)? Or would you rather argue that extremes meet (complete opposites often become good friends)?

This article will teach you some useful friend and friendship vocabulary. It will also look at proverbs that might come in handy.

What makes a good friend? 

To my mind, a good friend is someone you can count on (rely on, depend on), someone who will stand by you (help and support you) when the going gets tough (in difficult situations).

“My friend is someone who brings out the best in me (makes me behave in the best way possible).” (H.Ford)

Mary is my best friend. She’s a great laugh (she is fun to be with). When I’m down (sad), she always cheers me up (makes me feel happier/less sad).

A true friend will put up with your faults (accept your faults).

“I get by (manage to live/survive) with a little help from my friends.” (J.Lennon and P.McCartney)

“A true friend is one who overlooks your failures (doesn’t notice your failures) and tolerates your success.” (D.Larson)

A good friend is someone who is there (by your side) when you need them, someone who’ll get behind (support/help you) you and won’t let you down (disappoint you).

A good friend is someone you relate to (able to understand the way they feel/think) – someone who shares your interests and sense of humor.

A good friend is someone who livens (lvən) up the party (make the party more exciting).

We hope that you are lucky to have a close/bosom (bʊzəm)/intimate/faithful friend or friends, your friendship is truly deep/firm/warm, and you are as thick as thieves (very close). How do you form/establish a lasting/long-standing/lifelong friendship? What friendships do you try to cultivate? And what can spoil/destroy/wreck friendships? People might give many different answers to these questions. But let’s look at the English proverbs below. They are words of wisdom, and so they can help us find answers to the eternal philosophical questions.


  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  2. A friend’s eye is a good mirror / there is no better looking-glass than an old friend.
  3. A man is known by the company he keeps.
  4. Better an open enemy than a false friend / false friends are worse than bitter enemies.
  5. Familiarity breeds contempt (extensive knowledge of or close association with someone or something leads to a loss of respect for them or it).
  6. Rick folk (people) have many friends.
  7. The rich knows not who is his friend.
  8. It’s good to have some friends both in heaven and hell.
  9. Little intermeddling (interfering in something that is not one’s concern) makes good friends.
  10. Long absence and guilt can change a friend.
  11. Friends are like fiddle strings, they must not be screwed too tight.
  12. A friend to all is a friend to none.
  13. A dog is a man’s best friend.
  14. Lend your money and lose your friend.


“Friends will be Friends” by Queen 

See the lyrics here.

Useful vocabulary from the song:

  • red letter day – a day that is pleasantly noteworthy or memorable
  • to create (British, informal) – to make a fuss / to complain
  • the other half – one’s wife, husband, or partner
  • lumber (British) – articles of furniture or other household items that are no longer useful and inconveniently take up storage space
  • to be through with sth. – done / finished

“Anytime you Need a Friend” by Mariah Carey

See the lyrics here.

Useful vocabulary from the song:

  • To close in – to gradually surround, especially with the effect of hindering movement or vision
  • To diminish  – it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity

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