3 word bird name

three letter birds names

Birds are wonderful animals. Their songs bring us joy, and each bird has interesting symbols and meanings behind it. According to the latest report of the American Museum of Natural History, there are about 20,000 different species of birds in the world today.

For nature lovers, especially bird lovers, the sheer number of species means there’s a lot to discover about them. One example of this is birds whose names have only three letters.

In this article, we will explore three letter bird names: Owl, Mew, Jay, Emu, Kea, Moa, Tui, and Tit, and some of their characteristics. These birds are all over the world and some of them are now extinct, for example the Moa. Let’s take a look at the following article to find out more interesting things about them!

Table of Contents

  • World
    • OWL
  • America, Europe and Australia
    • MEW
    • JAY
    • EMU
  • New Zealand
    • KEA
    • MOA
    • TUI
  • Africa
    • TIT
  • Conclusion




The owl is the most common three letter bird name. They are present in most continents except the remote islands and polar regions. Owls live solitary lives and are good hunters. Their food usually contains insects, small animals, and small birds. Some other species of owls are very good at catching fish. Their hunting skills are thanks to sharp claws, excellent eyesight, and hearing.

Like other animals, owls have three eyelids, but they are very large. Their eyes make up 3% of their body weight, while human eyes make up only 0.02% of their body weight.

Although the owls’ field of vision is far and wide, they cannot focus on objects that are too close. Sensitive whiskers around the beak area help the owl detect nearby objects. Most owls are active at night and rest during the day. However, burrowing and short-eared owls tend to be the opposite. They usually hunt at dawn and dusk.

Be careful; owls can attack humans. A photographer named Eric Hosking lost his left eye while he was capturing a striped owl. This inspired him to write his autobiography An Eye for a Bird in 1970. In addition, according to the Washington Post, owls have attacked many pedestrians in the park and the zoo.

America, Europe and Australia



Mews are also known as seagulls, mew gulls or common gulls. Their upper body is usually gray, the lower part is white, and their legs are yellow-green. Mews live in North America, Northern Europe, and the Palearctic realm. However, they often migrate to many places seasonally. For example, during the summer, they often migrate throughout northwestern Canada, and Alaska. When winter comes, they migrate along the Pacific coast.

Mews are omnivores. Their diet varies by season and location. They usually eat fish, mollusks, crustaceans, earthworms, fruits, and grains. Mews have many different ways of feeding, such as walking along shallow water, swimming, and diving in the water while flying.

Mews has a very distinctive cry. Their “meow” sounds like high-pitched laughter. The mother gull lays a maximum of three eggs at a time. The eggs will hatch in 24 to 26 days. Mews mature within 3 years.

If you think Mews are gentle animals then you probably are wrong, check out this video of Storyful Rights Management to see they can swallow a bunny!



The next 3 letters bird name is also a familiar one: Jay, commonly known as the Blue Jay. It got its name because its fur is mostly blue and white. Males and females are not very different in size.

Jays live in the eastern and central United States and they tend to be migratory. They breed in areas with coniferous and deciduous forests. In addition, people see blue jays in residential areas. Jay’s main foods are nuts and grains.

The Blue Jay can be aggressive and attack other birds. They can also destroy the nests of birds. The name Jay comes from the fact that they are loud and aggressive. However, this is an advantage for Jay because it is able to chase other birds of prey away.



Emu is the 3-letter bird name that we will learn about next. The emu is the second tallest bird, after the ostrich. The emu is a bird native to Australia and is present on most of the Australian continent. These birds have extremely fine and silky feather, but they cannot fly. Their food is mainly insects and plants. During the breeding season, emus may not eat for a day and rarely drink water, but when they do, they drink a lot.

Their breeding season is between May and June. During this time, emus mate several times and reproduce. It takes about eight weeks for the eggs to hatch, and the young emu need about six months to mature.

In Australian society, the emu bird holds an important cultural value. Emu can be found on their coins and coats of arms.

New Zealand



Kea birds usually live in the high mountains and forests of the southern islands of New Zealand. Kea is a large parrot, belonging to the family “Nestoridae”. This is the only parrot species that is well adapted to the highland climate. They have a curved, narrow beak, and a grayish-brown color. Their feathers are olive green and orange under the wings.

Kea are omnivorous birds. They eat insects, fruit, and nectar. In the past, Kea birds were regularly killed because they were thought to attack livestock. However, today, the New Zealand Wildlife Act protects them from being killed.

Kea have herd behavior, and they usually live in groups of 13. Kea are also known to be polygamous, meaning that a single male can breed with multiple females. The breeding period starts from July to January. Each time the Kea lays 2 to 5 eggs and the incubation period is about 94 days.



We can’t see the wings on Moa birds because they can’t fly. They once appeared all over New Zealand, but are now extinct. Moa birds are large, weighing about 230 kilograms. They are herbivorous, so they eat leaves and branches.

By the time the Polynesians arrived in New Zealand, there were about 2.5 million Moa. However, later the Polynesians massively hunted Moa for feathers and meat, leading to the extinction of this bird.



Tui is also a bird from New Zealand. They have a characteristic tuft of white fur on their necks, and their bodies are bronze, green, and blue.

The Tui are aggressive. They often attack and drive other birds out of their territory, regardless of their size, by flapping their wings and making annoying sounds. When encountering an enemy, tui will raise its feathers to make it look more intimidating.

Tui’s favorite food is the nectar of the New Zealand flax plant, which is sometimes fermented. When eating this honey, tui birds appear to be drunk.




The last 3 lettered bird’s name that we will explore today is Tit. Tit is a small songbird from Africa and the northern hemisphere. They have a special ability of agile acrobatics to hunt insects hidden in the branches and foliage. Maybe that explains why they have strong and stocky bodies.

In addition, Tit likes to eat a variety of seeds. Although they love the woodlands, they are also social birds, so they are very close to humans. During the breeding season, they become quite aggressive and would always defend their territory.


These three letter bird names may be familiar or this is the first time you have heard of them. They originate from various regions in the world and some of them possess a long history and are embedded into national cultural values.

Among these 3 letter bird names, which one interests you the most? Feel free to share with us in the comment section. We’d love to hear more stories from you about these special birds!

Furthermore, discover other interesting facts about birds:

  • Some types of birds have four-letter birds names.
  • What type of bird is ari?
  • Where is the location do kiwi birds live in?




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Bird Names in English with Pictures! It always has been fascinating to know and explore nature. Birds are an essential part of nature; some birds fly, some don’t, some have long beaks, and others do not.

So in this lesson, you will learn the extensive list of bird names in English with their images.

Download pdf at the end of this lesson.

Table of Contents

  • Birds Names with Pictures |1
  • List of Bird Names in English a to z
  • Bird Names with Pictures | 2
  • Birds with Short Info
  • Body Parts of A Bird | Image
  • Birds with Pictures | Flashcards
  • Bird Names in English with Pictures
  • Download Bird Names with Pictures in Pdf
  • Download Birds Flashcards

Birds Names with Pictures |1

birds with pictures and names

  • Canary
  • Cormorant
  • Crane (Stork)
  • Crow
  • Cuckoo
  • Dove
  • Duck
  • Eagle
  • Flamingo
  • Goldfinch
  • Goose
  • Guineafowl
  • Hawk
  • Hen
  • Hoatzin
  • Hornbill
  • Hummingbird
  • Jay
  • Kestrel
  • Kingfisher
  • Macaw
  • Magpie
  • Myna
  • Nightingale
  • Oriole
  • Ostrich
  • Owl
  • Parrot
  • Partridge
  • Peacock
  • Pelican
  • Penguin
  • Pheasant
  • Pigeon
  • Quail
  • Raven
  • Robin
  • Rooster
  • Seagull
  • Skylark
  • Sparrow
  • Starling
  • Stork
  • Swallow
  • Swan
  • Tailorbird
  • Toucans
  • Turkey
  • Vulture
  • Wagtails
  • Weaverbird
  • Woodpecker

Bird Names with Pictures | 2

Bird names in English with their pictures

Birds with Short Info


The Canary bird is a small yellow passerine bird found across the northern hemisphere. It is well-known for its singing ability, which has been described as sweet and melodic.

Did you know, that the Canary is the bird that miners carried down into the mines with them? They did this to check for poisonous gases. A miner would lower the canary into the mine and wait to see if it died before entering it.

A flock of canaries is called an “aria.”


Cormorant birds are large water birds that can be found throughout the world. They have a distinctive bill, Cormorants are excellent swimmers and can dive deep into the water for food. These birds often live near lakes, rivers, or coastlines, feeding on small aquatic animals such as shrimp or crabs.

A flock of cormorants is called a “gulp.”

image of cormorant


A crane bird is a large, tall wader in many parts of the world. They are sociable birds that live in pairs or family units and feed on insects, seeds, small mammals, and other invertebrates. Some common characteristics of crane birds include their long legs and necks with relatively short beaks. They are excellent flyers and often use their wings to stay airborne for extended periods of time.

A group of cranes is called a “sedge.”

image of crane


A crow is a large, black-and-white bird that spends its days foraging for food. It has razor-sharp talons and a powerful beak, which it uses to rip apart meat from animals it has caught.

A group of crows called a “murder.”


The cuckoo is a bird that belongs to the family of Cuculidae. It is characteristically small, with long legs and a short bill. They are known for their unique vocalization.

A group of cuckoos is called an “asylum.”


A dove is a bird that belongs to the family Columbidae and is closely related to the pigeon. A dove is a type of bird that is associated with peace and love. It is known for its soft cooing voice and gentle nature.

A group of doves is called a “dule.”


A duck is a waterfowl that is typically found in temperate and cold climates regions around the world. It belongs to the family Anatidae, which also includes geese and swans. Ducks have a stout body shape with short legs and webbed feet that help them walk on wet surfaces.

A group of ducks is called a “paddling.”


An eagle is a bird of prey that belongs to the family Accipitridae. Eagles are Among the largest birds in the world. They have powerful talons and keen eyesight that allows them to hunt down their prey by soaring high into the sky and then swooping down on their unsuspecting victims.

A group of eagles is called a “convocation.”


A Flamingo is a type of bird that belongs to the family Phoenicopteridae. These birds are pink or salmon in color and have a long neck and bill that helps them feed on aquatic creatures.

A group of flamingos is called a “flamboyance.”


Goldfinch is a type of songbird that can be found all over North America. They are known for their beautiful yellow and red plumage, as well as their sweet singing voices.

A group of goldfinches is called a “charm.”


Geese are a type of large waterfowl that is found in many parts of the world. They can be considered tame, but some populations still migrate long distances.

A group of geese is called a “gaggle.”


Guineafowl is a type of bird that is indigenous to Africa. They are considered to be one of the most beautiful birds in the world, with their brilliant plumage and coo-ing sounds. Guineafowl mainly feeds on plant matter, but they will also eat insects and small mammals if necessary.

A of guineafowls is called a “confusion.”


The hawk is a medium-sized raptor. The hawks are noted for their sheer aerial agility and hunting skills, which make them some of the preeminent predators. In addition to their hunting skills, hawks are also renowned for their ability to hover in the air for long periods of time without moving their wings. Their large eyesight allows them to see prey at great distances, and they can dive down quickly on unsuspecting prey. Their sharp talons help them catch and kill their prey with ease.

A group of hawks is called a “kettle.”


The hen is a domesticated bird that typically weighs between 2 and 4 pounds, has a length of approximately 16 inches, and has a wingspan of up to 24 inches. The female lays one or two eggs per day and incubates them for around 21 days. Once hatched, the chicks will remain with their mother for another six weeks until they are able to fend for themselves. Also, chicken has become one of the world’s most commonly eaten animals.

A group of hens is called a “brood.”


The Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) is a peculiar bird that has an interesting history and ecology that lives in the Amazon rainforest. Hoatzin is the only member of its genus. Hoatzin is a bizarre and fascinating bird due to its unusual digestion process and awful smell.

A group of hoatzins is called a “range.”


Hornbills are the large bird that is found in Africa and Asia. They are unique because of their eminent bill. Hornbills are omnivorous, meaning that they consume both plant and animal foods. They can be very noisy birds and make quite an impression when they fly in to view!

A group of hornbills is called a “party.”


A Hummingbird is a type of bird that is renowned for its exceptional aerial skills. They can fly at speeds up to 98 kilometers per hour and their superb flying skills make them vital for pollinating plants. The special ability of hummingbirds is they can fly both forward and backward. Also, the hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.

A group of Hummingbirds is called a “glittering.”


A bird jay is a small bird, that can be found throughout North America and is known for its loud and curious nature. They are omnivorous and eat a variety of foods including insects, seeds, fruits, nuts, carrion (dead animals), eggs, poultry feed, etc. It is the national Bird of Canada.

A group of jays is called a “scold.”


The Kestrel is a small falcon that ranges throughout much of North America. They are known for their keen eyesight, superior agility, and strong hunting skills. This bird feeds mainly on rodents and other small animals, but can also take down larger prey if necessary.

A group of kestrels is called a “soar.”


The kingfisher is a mighty hunter that inhabits tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. It has a striking appearance with its black-blueish head, bright orange chest, and blue wings. The kingfisher is well known for being one of the most intelligent bird species due to its clever hunting tactics.

A group of kingfishers is called a “concentration.”


Macaw birds are a type of parrot that is known for their colorful plumage and interesting vocalizations. These beautiful creatures have been popular pets, and they make great indoor companions thanks to their loving nature and intelligence.

A group of macaws is called a “cry.”


Magpies are a type of bird that is often associated with bad luck. They are also known as “the thief of the sky,” because they regularly pilfer food from other birds. Magpies have long tails and mostly black and white feathers, which makes them easy to spot.

A group of magpies is called a “congregation.”


The myna bird is a small passerine south Asian bird with a long tail and a light brown body. Mynas typically live in close proximity to humans, where they scavenge food from our garbage or steal bread off of tables.

A group of mynas is called a “statutory.”


The Nightingale bird is a songbird that is found across much of Europe and parts of Asia. The Nightingale’s song has been described as “the most melodious warbling sound in nature”. It is considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world, and its vocalizations are some of the most astounding sound spectacles on Earth.

A group of nightingales is called a “watch.”


An oriole bird is a passerine bird in the family Icteridae. Oriole is a passerine bird that typically has yellow plumage, black wings, and strong legs. Orioles eats insects including beetles, grasshoppers, and others, and fruits like mulberries, etc.

A group of orioles is called a “split.”


The ostrich is the largest living bird on earth. Ostriches are the flightless bird that is native to Africa. Ostriches have long necks and legs, which make them excellent runners. They are capable of running at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, and they can grow to be over 9 feet tall. The largest ostriches can reach weights of up to 320 pounds.

A group of ostriches is called a “herd.”


Owls are some of the most iconic and recognizable birds in the world. Owls are nocturnal solitary bird of prey that hunts at night. These birds are known for their keen eyesight and ability to turn their head around 180 degrees so they can see in all directions. They hunt mainly small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and hares but will also eat insects and other birds.

A group of owls is called a “parliament.”



A parrot is a bird of the family Psittacidae. There are approximately 398 species of parrots and they are found in most tropical areas of the world. Some popular types of parrots include macaws, Amazon parrots, Budgerigars, African Grey Parrots… Parrots birds are popular for their colorful plumage and intelligent behavior. They make excellent pets and can be very affectionate.

A group of parrots is called a “flock.”


A partridge is a type of bird in the family of Phasianidae. Partridges are typically small, with long legs and sharp claws that help them to feed on insects and other small prey. It is known for its characteristic quack, which helps to ward off predators. Generally, Partridges are monogamous and mate for life. They build nests out of sticks and leaves and raise their young together.

A group of partridges is called a “covey.”


A peacock is a majestic bird with colorful plumage and a long tail. Peacocks are considered to be amongst the most beautiful animals in the world and have been used by humans for decorative purposes for centuries. Peacocks are mostly kept as pets due to their strikingly unique colors and plumes.

A group of peacocks is called a “pride.”


The Pelican is a large water bird that is classified in the family Pelecanidae. They are characterized by their large beaks and propensity for diving underwater to catch prey. The Pelican bird is known for its enormous bill and throat pouch that it uses to store food. The Pelican bird is a scavenger that feeds on carrion, fish, and other animal carcasses.

A group of pelicans is called a “brief.”


A penguin is a flightless bird from the genus Spheniscus that lives on the shores of Antarctica. They are distantly related to seabirds, and their wings have evolved into flippers instead of feathers. There are several different kinds of penguins, including the Magellanic Penguin, Emperor Penguin, Humboldt Penguin, and Adélie Penguin.

A group of penguins is called a “colony.”


A Pheasant is a small, gamebird that belongs to the order of Galliformes and the family of Phasianidae, which also contains chickens and turkeys. Pheasant is related to the partridge and grouse. Pheasants live in open areas such as woodlands, prairies, grasslands, or marshes where they forage for food and they feed primarily on insects, seeds, fruit, nuts, plant material, insects, grubs, and other vegetation.

A group of pheasants is called a “bouquet.”


Pigeons are one of the most intelligent animals that belong to the Columbidae family and are found throughout the world. They are considered to be one of the fastest birds on earth. They were used for sending messages over long distances. Pigeons are commonly seen in urban areas, where they live on rooftops and other high places. They can be often seen walking around on city sidewalks. Pigeons primarily eat seeds.

A group of pigeons is called a “flight.”


A quail is a small game bird that is generally considered to be poultry. Its head is rounded with a short, pointed crest. Quails are often raised for their meat, but they also make good pets and can be quite tame when handled correctly. Quails live in open country habitats such as grasslands and shrublands.

A group of quails is called a “bevy.”


A raven is a black and white bird that is known for its intelligence, strong sense of self-awareness, and ability to remember events from long ago. This omnivorous bird eats a variety of things including meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. The males often display dominance over their nests by knocking down other birds or digging out their caches of food. Raven behavior has been extensively studied due to its cognitive abilities which make them ideal candidates for experiments concerning cognition development and problem-solving. The raven commonly symbolizes loss and bad luck because these birds feed on carrion and their black color.

A group of ravens is called an “unkindness.”


A robin is a small, brown bird that belongs to the thrush family and can be found in most temperate climates. The males are generally bigger than the females, have a black head, and are more vocal. They mainly feed on insects such as larvae and other small creatures, but will also eat seeds occasionally.

A group of robins is called a “round.”


A rooster is a male chicken that has been given the gift of crowing. Roosters are a type of poultry bird that is known for their loud crowing. They typically have reddish-brown feathers, and males can weigh up to 6 kilograms (12 pounds). Roosters are territorial animals, and when they feel threatened or intruding on their territory, they will crow loudly to ward off the threat.

A group of roosters is called a “brood.”


The seagull is a large, wading marine bird that lives on or near the coast. They are known for their ability to fly very long distances and navigational skills. Seagulls also have a characteristic curved beak that helps them feed on scraps of food that they can find in the water or on land. nd tails but may also be grey or dark brown. They have webbed feet that allow them to walk on land as well as in water.

A group of seagulls is called a “colony.”


A Skylark is a type of bird that often features in nature poetry. This small but beautiful creature is known for its sweet voice. They are slender, small birds with streaky brown plumage with a small crest, and long tails. They usually forage for food on the ground or in low-level trees, frequently singing during their interaction with invertebrates or insects.

A group of skylarks is called an “exultation.”


A Sparrow is a small passerine bird that is commonly found in warm climates. As birds of the air, sparrows play an important role in pollination and seed dispersal. Their thin bills help them access tiny objects inside plants that Feldspathians (larger birds) cannot reach. Due to their widespread distribution across the world, sparrows have played an important role in human culture and religion over the centuries.

A group of sparrows is called a “host.”


Starlings are a type of passerine bird that is known for their spectacular displays of aerial courtship. The plumage of a Starling ranges from light to dark, with the majority being purplish-green. They are often seen soaring high above lakes and rivers, feeding on aquatic insects such as mosquitoes or other small creatures.

A group of starlings is called a “murmuration.”


A stork is a tall, long-legged long-necked, wading bird with a long heavy bill and typically with white and black plumage. Storks are commonly black and white feathered. They are symbols of fertility, new life, peace, hope, happiness…the list goes on! So next time you’re out in nature watching these majestic creatures fly overhead.

A group of storks is called a “mustering.”


A Swallow bird is a small passerine bird. Swallows are mostly small, slender-bodied birds that fly with the help of their long, pointed wings. They have short legs and a short square-cut tail. Swallows have a relatively large head that is not as pointed as an eagle’s or as round as a pigeon’s.

A group of swallows is called a “gulp.”


A swan is a waterfowl that has white wings and a head with a strong yellow beak. They are experts at swimming with their necks extended. Swans closely resemble to geese and ducks. These gentle birds are often depicted in art and literature, usually as symbols of beauty and elegance.

A group of swans is called a “game.”


The tailorbird is a small, thin bird that eats insects. They nest in the holes of trees and sometimes in the holes found in buildings. It is a small bird with a long beak, short wings, and greenish upper body plumage. 

A group of tailorbirds is called a “flock.”


A toucan is a colorful bird, native to the rainforests of Central and South America. These birds are characterized by their enormous beaks and colorful plumage. They reside in the canopy of the rainforest, and they have a large beak which they use to eat fruit and insects. Toucans live in small family groups inside of the rainforest, consisting of a male and females who mate for life as well as their offspring.

A group of toucans is called a “durante.”


A turkey is a domesticated bird that is typically eaten during the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. Turkeys are usually raised by farmers who feed them corn and soybean meal mixed with water, which helps them to grow fast and become strong enough to bear weight.

A group of turkeys is called a “rafter.”


A vulture is a bird of prey that scavenges food from corpses or carcasses. They are known for their large, hooked beaks and strong legs that allow them to carry heavy loads. The diet of a vulture typically consists of decaying animals, but they will also eat insects and other small animals. Vultures can live up to 10-15 years.

Vultures play an important role in ecosystems by recycling nutrients from carcasses, which helps to keep populations healthy and supported. As scavengers, vultures play an important role in keeping our environment clean by removing rotting meat from the environment.

A group of vultures is called a “committee .”


A Wagtail is a small bird that belongs to the family Motacillidae. It typically dwells in open areas near water. It is known for its diminutive size and its colorful plumage, which includes shades of blue, green, yellow, and brown.

A group of wagtails is called a “flight.”


A Weaverbird is a small, brightly colored bird that primarily eats insects. These birds are known for their ability to build hanging nests from thin strips of wood that they weave together with their beaks. They use this nest to raise their young.

A group of Weaverbirds is called a “flock.”


A Woodpecker is a bird that belongs to the family Picidae. Woodpecker is a bird that is often considered to be cute and cuddly but don’t let the appearance fool you. This bird is an extremely hard worker and can demolish trees with its powerful beak in just a matter of minutes. They have a very unique way of finding food. They have a long, sticky tongue that can reach into small holes in tree bark to get out the insects hiding there.

A group of woodpeckers is called a “descent.”

Body Parts of A Bird | Image

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Birds with Pictures | Flashcards

Bird Names in English with Pictures

34 birds names in English with pictures

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Also, read:

  1. List of 70+ Collective Nouns for Birds
  2. Sounds of Animal and Birds
  3. Male and female animals and birds


Looking for a unique name for your new feathered friend? Why not consider one of the many three letter bird names out there.

These short and sweet names are perfect for those who want a catchy name that’s easy to remember.

So whether you’re looking for something unusual or classic, check out our list of 3 letter bird names and find the perfect fit for your pet!


Names Meanings
Ned A nice three-letter name with longer nicknames, just as Eddie or Teddy.

Pronounced Ah-dee, Adi is a Hebrew word for “jewel.”


Cyd is a Greek name that can be gender neutral, and a unique name for a boy.


A strong three letter name, most known for “Honest Abe.”


A more classic name that allows for longer nicknames, such as Donnie or Donny.


A Hebrew name from the Bible, Job is popular for its biblical origin.


Nye is of Welsh origin and not a name you see often.


Pronounced Dehl, this is a less common name that would be perfect for a boy.


A very simple, easy to pronounce, three-letter name for a boy.


Tim is a popular name in many countries, and allows room for longer nicknames such as Timmy.


A much less popular name, this would make a unique option for a boy.


A modern name that can be gender neutral, and is a great choice for a boy.


If you’re looking for something unique and interesting, Zeb is a great choice.


Popular across the world, Ben is a common three-letter name for a boy.


Typically meaning “lion” or “the star.”


Asa is a Hebrew name found in the bible, most commonly pronounced Ay-sah


A youthful name that is easy to pronounce for a little boy.


Pronounced Zak, other variations include Zach, Zack and sometimes Zak.


Pronounced the same, but a more common spelling of Cyd.


A Latin name meaning “night,” Nox is a unique name for a boy.


A popular name in the United States, Ace is a nickname for an expert, a great meaning for a little boy.


A simple three-letter name that allows for longer nicknames, such as Bobbie or Bobby.


Most commonly found in the United States or England, Fox is a surprisingly popular name for boys.


Rex is Latin for “king,” a strong meaning for a boy’s name.


Quick and easy, this three-letter name is especially great for boys with longer last names.


Dax has gained popularity as a boy’s name recently.


A gender-neutral name that is most popular in the United States.


A simple and fairly common three-letter name, this is a gender-neutral option that would work well for a boy.


Currently very popular, Kai is Hawaiian for “ocean.”


Art means “bear.”


Spanish for “peace,” Paz is a beautiful name for a boy.


Cid means “master” in Spanish and is a strong name for a boy.


Wonderful on its own or as a nickname, Ray is a great name for a boy.


Pronounced Lehks, this is a less popular name that would help a boy stand out.


If you’re looking for a short name for a boy, Tad is a popular American choice.


Taj means “crown” in Arabic, and is a royal name for a little boy.


A simple three-letter name that has held popularity in the United States.


Typically meaning “noble”, this is an easy and popular three-letter name for a boy.


A great gender-neutral option, Tay is an easy to pronounce short name for a boy.


Cal is a great name for a boy, though informal it gives off a feeling of strength.


Another short name that allows room for a longer nickname, such as Lennie or Lenny.


Made popular in the entertainment industry by both Mel Gibson and Mel Brooks.


An easy three-letter name that can have a longer nickname, such as Alfie.


Dan is a biblical name that is popular in many countries, but most often found in the United States.


Pronounced Jehb, this is a less common name that would work well for a boy.


Known for its musical background, an ode is a lyrical stanza or poem.


Coming from Scotland, Ken means “handsome.”


A three-letter name from the bible, Eli is very popular across the world and particularly high on the charts in the United States currently.


Currently very popular in the United States, Ian is typically pronounced either Eye-and or Ee-an.


A perfect three-letter name that has gained recent popularity, Jax can be a form of Jackson or can be used on its own.


Sam is a popular three-letter name worldwide, perfect on its own or as a nickname.


A strong three letter name for a boy.


An informal but popular name across the world.


Super popular worldwide, Max is simple but a strong name for a boy.


Gil means “joy” in Hebrew, a wonderful meaning for the name of a child.


Avi means “my father” in Hewbrew and “sun” in Eastern Indian languages.


Pronounced Stoo, Stu is short and sweet and not very common today.


A classic boy name popular in many countries.


Popular worldwide, Jon can be pronounced either Yon or Jahn.


An all American name, Joe is popular both as itself and as a nickname.


A popular three-letter name that allows for longer nicknames, like Jace or Jimmy.


Pronounced Teh-o, Teo is Italian and means “divine gift,” a strong meaning for a name.


This is a great gender-neutral name meaning “tree.”


From Tom Sawyer to Tom Brady to Tom Cruise, there are many famous Tom’s you can name your son after.


Jed has a biblical origin and is most popular in England and the United States.


A unique name that has a Welsh and Swedish history.


A nice short name that allows for longer nicknames, such as Robbie or Bobby.


Roy is of Scottish origin, but is currently popular worldwide.


Easy to pronounce, Ron is a great name for a boy.


Pronounced Dehz, this is a less common three-letter name that will give a boy some uniqueness.


Ted is a popular name for a boy, with longer nickname options such as Teddy or Eddie.


Not a well known name, Moe could be a unique name for your boy.


You won’t have to worry about misspelling or mispronunciations with the name Wes.


An informal three letter name that is most popular in the United States.


Hawaiian for “warrior,” this is a strong name for a boy.

3 Letter Female Bird Names


Names Meanings

With German heritage, pronounced Ay-dah, this is a feminine pretty name.


Pronounced Ahh-dee, other forms are Adi, Addy and Addie.


Pronounced Al-ee, this is a more unique way to spell Ally and less formal than Alison or Alexandra.


A more American form of the French name Amée, which means “beloved.”


Can be pronounced Ah-na or A-na, this name has Spanish heritage, but can be used with your own personal flare.


Typically pronounced A-nee this is a more unique three letter name for a girl.


A classic English name that is very popular both in the three letter spelling as well as Anne.


Pronounced Ay-vah, this three letter name has been in the top ten names for girls in the United States recently.


A gender-neutral name that is short and sweet.


Pronounced Bee, this is a classic name with a rich history.


Pronounced Behv, often short for Beverly.


A gender-neutral name that means “rejoice.”


Pronounced Kat, sometimes short for Catherine or Cathy but also cute on it’s own.


This name has Thai heritage and means stars, a lovely meaning for a girl’s name.


Pronounced Dehb, a simple name that is fairly common .


Pronounced Dehl, this name is used for both male and females, and has a nice ring to it.


Pronounced Dehz, even with a short three letter name you can still have a nickname such as Desi.


Pronounced Dee-ah, this is Spanish for “day.”


With a Greek origin, Dot means “gift of God.”


With religious undertones, Eve is a popular girl name.


Typically pronounced either Ee-va or Eh-vah, you can pick which way you prefer for pronunciation.


Not incredibly popular, this three letter name allows you to have some uniqueness for a girl.


An Italian name, Gia means “God is Gracious.”


Ida is a German name, but has popularity across the world.


Pronounced both Ee-nah and Ie-nah, pretty for a girl in both pronunciations.


Ira is a gender-neutral name, a great three letter option for a girl.


Similar to Ivy, this is a cute name for a girl.


Named for the climbing plant, Ivy is currently a popular name in the United States..


Pronounced Yahn for boys and Jan for girls, this is a sweet and simple three letter name.


Another form of Gem, this is a pretty name for a girl.


Of course meaning happiness, this is a perfect meaning for a baby girl.


Kat means pure, a lovely meaning for a girl’s name.


Kay is Greek for rejoice, and is a popular name worldwide.


Pronounced Kee-ah, this name has an African history.


A short three letter name that allows for longer nicknames, such as Kimmy or Kimmie.


Kit is a gender-neutral name that works well for both boys and girls.


Typically pronounced Kai-ah, this is a more unique three letter name for a girl.


Lan is a Chinese flower, making it a beautiful name for a girl.


Pronounced both Leh-ah and Lee, Lea is currently popular across the world.


Celebrity status with actresses such as Liv Tyler and Liv Ullman, this is a popular three letter girl name.


A more informal name than the classic Elizabeth, this is a simple three letter girl name.


A great gender-neutral option if you’re looking for a simple, easy to pronounce name.


Spanish for light, this makes a pretty name for a girl.


A short form for a more formalized name like Mackenzie.


Pronounced like the month, May, this name is popular especially in the United States.


A Japanese name that means dance, Mai is a pretty name for a girl.


If you’re looking for unique, Maj is a lesser known name.


Just like the month, May comes from Maia, a Roman Goddess, giving a girl a royal name.


A variant of Mia, Mea has both an Italian and Swedish background.


As both an informal and simple option, Meg is a great three letter option.


A nice gender neutral option, Mel works well as a three letter name.


If you’re looking for a popular name, Mia ranks high across the world, especially right now in the United States.


Pronounced either Mee-yah or My-ah, this is a great three letter option.


Currently high on the popularity charts for the United States, Nia is Welsh and means bright.


With Hebrew meaning, Noa is a more feminine option than Noah.


Greek for night, Nyx is most commonly pronounced Niks.


A very simple and basic three letter name that works well for girls.


An English name that has held steady popularity in the United States.


A gender-neutral name that has less popularity, this is a great three letter name if you are looking for uniqueness.


A gender-neutral name meaning king, Rey can give a feeling of royalty to a child.


Typically pronounced Ree-ah, this is a pretty three letter name for a girl.


Pronounced Roo, this is named for an herb and is a more unusual name.


A cute and simple three letter name that works well for both boys and girls.


Most commonly associated with both Samuel and Samantha, Sam would make a cute non-traditional girl name.


Meaning sun, Sol is a beautiful Spanish name for a girl.


Popular in the United States, Sue is a simple and easy name for a girl.


Sky is gaining popularity in the United States, a big name for a little girl.


A Hebrew name meaning morning dew, this is a pretty meaning for a girl’s name.


Pronounced Tee-ah, this is a pretty Spanish name for a girl.


An unfamiliar name allowing some uniqueness for a girl.


Short and sweet, we like this three letter name for girls.


Latin for voice, this is a non traditional name that gives a girl a spark.


Chinese for moon, pronounced You-eh, this is beautiful for a girl.


An unusual name that is so pretty for a girl.


Pronounced Zo-ee this name is popular worldwide, especially in the United States.

So, what are your favorite 3 letter bird names? We hope you enjoyed this post and if you are looking for more ideas, you can visit our complete pet bird names.


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ANI Black bird with 3 letters +++ ANI Blackbird with 3 letters ANI Cuckoo bird with 3 letters ANI Colonial blackbird with 3 letters ANI Tropical bird with 3 letters ANI Crossword bird with 3 letters ANI Tropical blackbird with 3 letters ANI A cuckoo bird with 3 letters ANI Witch bird with 3 letters ANI Blackbird found mainly in crossword puzzles with 3 letters ANI Black cuckoo bird with 3 letters ANI Long tailed blackbird with 3 letters ANI Puzzler’s bird with 3 letters ANI Groove-billed bird with 3 letters ANI Bird that may be groove-billed with 3 letters ANI Groove-billed bird of crosswords with 3 letters ANI Bird that eats termites, lizards, and frogs with 3 letters ANI Tropical tickbird with 3 letters ANI Big blackbird with 3 letters ANI Cuckoobird with 3 letters ANI Keel-billed bird with 3 letters ANI Raven-colored bird. with 3 letters ANI Dixie bird. with 3 letters ANI Bird with 3 letters ANI Tropical black bird with 3 letters ANI Keelbird with 3 letters ANI Fla. bird with 3 letters ANI Savanna blackbird with 3 letters ANI Crosswords’ blackbird with 3 letters ANI Tickbird with 3 letters ANI A tickbird with 3 letters ANI Little orphan bird? with 3 letters ANI Black bird of puzzledom with 3 letters ANI Birds of the cuckoo family with 3 letters ANI Frog-eating bird with 3 letters ANI Gracklelike bird with 3 letters ARA Blackbird with 3 letters +++ ARA Brazilian bird with 3 letters ARA Brilliant bird of Brazil with 3 letters ARA Bird of Brazil. with 3 letters ARA Bird or tree with 3 letters ARA Bird with 3 letters AUK Diving bird with 3 letters +++ AUK Northern diving bird with 3 letters AUK Diving seabird with 3 letters AUK Razor-billed bird with 3 letters AUK Arctic bird with 3 letters AUK Northern seabird with 3 letters AUK Pelagic diving bird with 3 letters AUK Sea bird eaten by Greenlanders with 3 letters AUK Razorbilled bird with 3 letters AUK Black-and-white bird with 3 letters AUK Penguinlike bird with 3 letters AUK Bering Sea bird with 3 letters AUK A great bird with 3 letters AUK Alcidine shorebird with 3 letters AUK Black and white sea bird with 3 letters AUK Northern sea bird with 3 letters AUK Great ___ (extinct Canadian seabird) with 3 letters AUK Great bird? with 3 letters AUK Arctic diving bird with 3 letters AUK Diving sea bird with 3 letters AUK Web-footed diving bird with 3 letters AUK Arctic seabird with 3 letters AUK Diving bird of cold waters with 3 letters AUK Seabird with 3 letters AUK Shore bird with 3 letters AUK Penguin-like sea bird with 3 letters AUK Shorebird with 3 letters AUK Arctic sea bird with 3 letters AUK Bering Sea diving bird with 3 letters AUK Razor-billed diving bird with 3 letters AUK Bird related to the puffin with 3 letters AUK Flightless bird with 3 letters AUK Certain diving bird with 3 letters AUK Bird that dives into frigid waters with 3 letters AUK Cold-climate seabird with 3 letters AUK Diving shorebird with 3 letters AUK Northern diving seabird with 3 letters AUK Razorbill bird with 3 letters AUK Black-and-white seabird with 3 letters AUK Great ___ (extinct bird) with 3 letters AUK ‘Great’ bird with 3 letters AUK Short-necked diving bird with 3 letters AUK Web-footed bird with 3 letters AUK Pacific seabird with 3 letters AUK Ocean bird with 3 letters AUK Northern shorebird with 3 letters AUK Ocean-diving bird with 3 letters AUK Sort of seabird with 3 letters AUK Black and white bird with 3 letters AUK Black-and-white diving bird with 3 letters AUK Penguin-looking bird with 3 letters AUK Strong-swimming northern bird with 3 letters AUK Extinct «great» bird with 3 letters AUK Diving bird of the north. with 3 letters AUK Northern bird. with 3 letters AUK Paddle-winged bird. with 3 letters AUK Sea bird with 3 letters AUK Aquatic bird with 3 letters AUK Bird that sounds like it should be native to New Zealand’s largest city with 3 letters AUK Great —, extinct seabird with 3 letters AUK Bird with 3 letters DAW Black bird with 3 letters +++ DAW Bird with 3 letters DAW Crowlike bird with 3 letters DAW Thieving bird with 3 letters DAW Bird known for thievery with 3 letters DAW Bird that nests in towers with 3 letters DAW Black-and-gray bird with 3 letters DAW Glossy black bird with 3 letters DAW Crowlike bird, for short with 3 letters DAW Blackbird with 3 letters DAW Marjorie’s bird? with 3 letters DAW European bird with 3 letters DAW Bird that nests in chimneys with 3 letters DAW Bird of the genus Corvus with 3 letters DAW European blackbird with 3 letters EMU Swift-running bird with 3 letters +++ EMU Down under bird with 3 letters EMU Flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Outback bird with 3 letters EMU Zoo bird with 3 letters EMU A large flightles bird with 3 letters EMU Big bird with 3 letters EMU Flightless Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Australian bird with 3 letters EMU National bird of Australia with 3 letters EMU Flightless bird from Down Under with 3 letters EMU Earthbound bird with 3 letters EMU Herd bird with 3 letters EMU Aussie bird with 3 letters EMU Big Aussie bird with 3 letters EMU Flightless Aussie bird with 3 letters EMU Ostrich-like bird with 3 letters EMU The second-largest living bird (after the ostrich) with 3 letters EMU Ostrichlike bird with 3 letters EMU Australian bird with rudimentary wings with 3 letters EMU Big bird from Down Under with 3 letters EMU Swift-running Aussie bird with 3 letters EMU Bird more than five feet tall with 3 letters EMU Grounded bird with 3 letters EMU Bird on a New South Wales 100th anniversary stamp with 3 letters EMU Down Under bird that can’t fly up over anything with 3 letters EMU Big bird of the outback with 3 letters EMU Flightless Down Under bird with 3 letters EMU Flightless big bird with 3 letters EMU Six-foot Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Bird from Down Under with 3 letters EMU Bird on some Australian coins with 3 letters EMU Big Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Large Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Australia’s unofficial national bird with 3 letters EMU Big bird Down Under with 3 letters EMU Earthbound Aussie bird with 3 letters EMU A bird with 3 letters EMU Aussie bird that can’t fly with 3 letters EMU Bird of the outback with 3 letters EMU Bird raised for its red meat with 3 letters EMU Bird that yields red meat with 3 letters EMU Bird with a powerful kick with 3 letters EMU Bird with soft feathers with 3 letters EMU Brisbane brunch bird with 3 letters EMU Flightless bird of Australia with 3 letters EMU Quick-footed bird with 3 letters EMU Scottish philosopher doffs cap before flipping bird (3) with 3 letters EMU Second-tallest bird in the world with 3 letters EMU Bird on an Aussie coin with 3 letters EMU Crossword bird with 3 letters EMU Large flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Large bird with 3 letters EMU Swift bird with 3 letters EMU Bird runner with 3 letters EMU Second largest living bird with 3 letters EMU Ratite bird with 3 letters EMU Bird on the ground with 3 letters EMU Bird in the bush with 3 letters EMU Bird on the Australian Coat of Arms with 3 letters EMU Bird whose name comes from the Portuguese for «crane» with 3 letters EMU Ostrichlike Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Protected bird with 3 letters EMU Second-largest bird with 3 letters EMU Australian bird that can’t fly with 3 letters EMU Big flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Bird also known as Dromaius novaehollandiae with 3 letters EMU Bird from Australia with 3 letters EMU Bird related to the cassowary with 3 letters EMU Exotic farmbird with 3 letters EMU Flightless bird Down Under with 3 letters EMU Second-largest living bird with 3 letters EMU Bird related to the ostrich with 3 letters EMU Easily tamed bird with 3 letters EMU Exotic farm bird with 3 letters EMU Australia’s big bird with 3 letters EMU Big bird that’s a source of skin oil with 3 letters EMU Bird that can’t fly with 3 letters EMU Five-foot-tall bird with 3 letters EMU Swift bird on foot with 3 letters EMU Bird eaten by Aussies with 3 letters EMU Second largest bird with 3 letters EMU Bird down under with 3 letters EMU Tall bird with 3 letters EMU Australian coat-of-arms bird with 3 letters EMU Bird that’s never on the wing with 3 letters EMU Tall, flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Aussie farm bird with 3 letters EMU Bird starting late with 3 letters EMU Bird that runs Down Under with 3 letters EMU Bird that’s swift on foot with 3 letters EMU Fast-running bird with 3 letters EMU Six-foot bird with 3 letters EMU Exotic farm-bird with 3 letters EMU Bird farmed for its leather with 3 letters EMU Fleet-footed Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Swift-running Outback bird with 3 letters EMU U.S. ranch bird, nowadays with 3 letters EMU The second-largest living bird with 3 letters EMU Herded bird with 3 letters EMU Long-legged bird with 3 letters EMU Big-eyed bird with 3 letters EMU Bird hunted by Aborigines with 3 letters EMU Bird used in leathermaking with 3 letters EMU Largest Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Outback big bird with 3 letters EMU Running bird with 3 letters EMU Australian flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Big bird in Australia with 3 letters EMU Bird of Australia with 3 letters EMU Large Aussie bird with 3 letters EMU A bird in the bush with 3 letters EMU Aussie coat of arms bird with 3 letters EMU Big bird that can’t fly with 3 letters EMU Down-under bird with 3 letters EMU Ground-bound bird with 3 letters EMU Big bird of Brisbane with 3 letters EMU Big bird that can’t take wing with 3 letters EMU Bird in the bush? with 3 letters EMU Kicking bird with 3 letters EMU Large, flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Very big bird with 3 letters EMU Aussie coat-of-arms bird with 3 letters EMU Bird in New South Wales with 3 letters EMU Grounded Aussie bird with 3 letters EMU Aussie big bird with 3 letters EMU Australia’s national bird with 3 letters EMU Australian big bird with 3 letters EMU Bird that cannot fly with 3 letters EMU Flightless bird common in Australia with 3 letters EMU Ratite bird of crosswords with 3 letters EMU Tall Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Another big ratite bird with 3 letters EMU Bird that takes off, but only on foot with 3 letters EMU Bird that’s fleet of foot with 3 letters EMU Flightless ranch bird with 3 letters EMU Landbound bird with 3 letters EMU Tall flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Bird from a big green egg with 3 letters EMU Bird on Australian coins with 3 letters EMU Fast, tall flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Bird that can sprint at 30 miles per hour with 3 letters EMU Bird in the bush, really with 3 letters EMU Bird on the ground only with 3 letters EMU Bird similar to an ostrich with 3 letters EMU Bird that lays dark green eggs with 3 letters EMU Big, flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Bird that can run 30 mph with 3 letters EMU Flightless «down under» bird with 3 letters EMU Only bird with calf muscles with 3 letters EMU Very large bird with 3 letters EMU Bird in a herd with 3 letters EMU ___ War (conflict that saw large flocks of birds outlast armed Australian forces) with 3 letters EMU Brisbane bird with 3 letters EMU Bird on a certain ranch with 3 letters EMU Second-largest bird alive with 3 letters EMU Bug-eyed bird with 3 letters EMU Farmed bird with 3 letters EMU Australian coat of arms bird with 3 letters EMU Bird that doesn’t fly with 3 letters EMU Bird on Australia’s coat of arms with 3 letters EMU Big bird with red eyes with 3 letters EMU Second-biggest bird after the ostrich with 3 letters EMU Bird slightly smaller than an ostrich with 3 letters EMU Bird on a ranch with 3 letters EMU Big bird whose chicks are nurtured by the male with 3 letters EMU Big, three-toed bird with 3 letters EMU Bird with a booming call with 3 letters EMU Hefty bird with 3 letters EMU Two-syllable bird with 3 letters EMU Bird of roughly human height with 3 letters EMU Bird with rudimentary wings with 3 letters EMU Bird mentioned in «If I Had $1000000» with 3 letters EMU Tridactyl bird with 3 letters EMU Farm bird with 3 letters EMU Bird that lays 1.5-pound eggs with 3 letters EMU Bird with meat high in protein with 3 letters EMU Bird with two sets of eyelids with 3 letters EMU Brevipennate bird with 3 letters EMU Bird with shaggy plumage with 3 letters EMU Brown-feathered bird with 3 letters EMU Bird whose name is a Midwest school’s initials with 3 letters EMU Bird eaten by Australians with 3 letters EMU King-size bird. with 3 letters EMU Second largest existing bird. with 3 letters EMU Cursorial bird with 3 letters EMU Nonflying bird with 3 letters EMU Three-toed bird with 3 letters EMU Second-largest existing bird with 3 letters EMU Much-puzzled bird with 3 letters EMU Bird with three toes with 3 letters EMU Ubiquitous puzzle bird with 3 letters EMU Big brown bird with 3 letters EMU Down-under bird^EM with 3 letters EMU Tasmanian bird with 3 letters EMU Bird sharing a national coat of arms with a kangaroo with 3 letters EMU Strong-legged bird with 3 letters EMU Flightless zoo bird with 3 letters EMU Easily domesticated bird with 3 letters EMU Bird with a gray-blue neck with 3 letters EMU Bird that’s good at swimming with 3 letters EMU Theorem unexplored, featuring a bird with 3 letters EMU The bird you heard follows me around with 3 letters EMU Large Australian flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Bird found in hedge, mutilated with 3 letters EMU Big Bird in The Muppets with 3 letters EMU Flightless bird displayed in science museum with 3 letters EMU Native Australian bird with 3 letters EMU Bird exhibited in Science Museum with 3 letters EMU Large flightless bird with 3 letters EMU Bird to copy, but not dead with 3 letters EMU Bird from the mudflats with 3 letters EMU Stratagem used to catch a bird with 3 letters EMU Bird employed by Science Museum with 3 letters EMU Large flightless bird endemic to Australia with 3 letters EMU Bird with 3 letters ERN Seabird with 3 letters +++ ERN Fish-eating bird with 3 letters ERN Sea bird with 3 letters ERN Coastal bird with 3 letters ERN Bird by the beach with 3 letters ERN Bird found mostly in crossword puzzles with 3 letters ERN Crossword bird with 3 letters ERN Favorite bird for 40A? with 3 letters ERN White-tailed sea bird with 3 letters ERN Beach bird with 3 letters ERN Shore bird with 3 letters ERN Piscivorous bird with 3 letters ERN Cliff-dwelling bird with 3 letters ERN Large sea bird with 3 letters ERN Pelagic bird with 3 letters ERN Pelagic hunting bird with 3 letters ERN Seafood-loving shore bird with 3 letters ERN Atlantic bird with 3 letters ERN Fish eating bird with 3 letters ERN Maritime bird with 3 letters ERN Fish-eating coastal bird with 3 letters ERN Bird on the beach with 3 letters ERN Raptorial sea bird with 3 letters ERN Bird with a white tail with 3 letters ERN Aquatic bird with 3 letters ERN Fish-eating bird of crosswords with 3 letters ERN Predatory bird near oceans with 3 letters ERN Bird that can hold its coffee? with 3 letters ERN Raptorial seabird with 3 letters ERN 13 Beach bird with 3 letters ERN Greyish-brown bird with 3 letters ERN «When I throw rocks at seabirds, I leave no ___ unstoned»: Ogden Nash with 3 letters ERN Coastal flying bird with 3 letters ERN White-tailed bird with 3 letters ERN Seaside bird with 3 letters ERN Predatory seabird with 3 letters ERN Scavenging seabird with 3 letters ERN Bird with 3 letters ERN Water bird with 3 letters ERN Marine bird with 3 letters ERN Ocean bird with 3 letters ERN Puzzler’s bird with 3 letters ERN Piscatorial bird with 3 letters ERN Bird that seems to have merit with 3 letters ERN Bird of prey with 3 letters ERN Deserving bird? with 3 letters ERN Common crossword bird with 3 letters ERN Bird that works for a living? with 3 letters ERN European sea bird with 3 letters ERN Bird prevalent on the Norwegian coast with 3 letters ERN Predatory bird with 3 letters HEN Barnyard bird with 3 letters +++ HEN Egg-laying bird with 3 letters HEN Bird that lays commercially sold eggs with 3 letters HEN Brooding bird with 3 letters HEN Coop bird with 3 letters HEN «One, Two, Buckle My Shoe» bird with 3 letters HEN Mama bird with 3 letters HEN Adult female domestic bird with 3 letters HEN Bird’s nest egg drop maker? with 3 letters HEN Clucking bird with 3 letters HEN Cornish game bird with 3 letters HEN Mad-when-wet bird, idiomatically with 3 letters HEN Bird in a house with 3 letters HEN Female bird with 3 letters HEN Yard bird with 3 letters HEN Yard bird? with 3 letters HEN Bird of rhyme. with 3 letters HEN Bird with 3 letters HEN Bird in the nest with 3 letters IAO Bird of Samoa with 3 letters +++ IAO Samoan bird with 3 letters IAO Wattlebird with 3 letters IAO Honey-eating bird with 3 letters IAO Bird with 3 letters IHI Hawaiian stitchbird. with 3 letters +++ IHI Maori bird with 3 letters IHI Stitchbird of N.Z. with 3 letters IHI Bird with 3 letters IWA Destructive 1982 Pacific hurricane named for the Hawaiian frigatebird with 3 letters +++ IWA Frigate bird of Hawaii with 3 letters IWA Hawaiian frigate bird. with 3 letters IWA Frigate bird with 3 letters IWA Hawaiian bird with 3 letters IWA Sight for Waikiki bird watchers with 3 letters IWA Bird with 3 letters JAY Blue bird with 3 letters +++ JAY «Blue» bird with 3 letters JAY Raucous bird with 3 letters JAY Crested blue bird with 3 letters JAY Chattering bird with 3 letters JAY Crested bird with 3 letters JAY Noisy bird with 3 letters JAY Crow family bird with 3 letters JAY Crested, largely blue bird with 3 letters JAY Bold blue bird with 3 letters JAY Loud bird with 3 letters JAY Lead-in for bird or walk with 3 letters JAY A name or a bird with 3 letters JAY Name or bird with 3 letters JAY Bird of the crow family with 3 letters JAY Bird in the crow family with 3 letters JAY Bird of the crow family with blue plumage with 3 letters JAY Bird with 3 letters KEA New Zealand bird with 3 letters +++ KEA Southern hemisphere bird with 3 letters KEA Bird of N. Z. with 3 letters KEA Bird that eats the kidney fat of sheep with 3 letters KEA Bird with 3 letters MOA Wingless, extinct bird with 3 letters +++ MOA Extinct bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct New Zealand bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct bird of puzzledom with 3 letters MOA Extinct flightless bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct NZ bird with 3 letters MOA Flightless bird with 3 letters MOA Bird no longer with us with 3 letters MOA Extinct ostrichlike bird with 3 letters MOA New Zealand bird, once with 3 letters MOA Erstwhile New Zealand bird with 3 letters MOA Erstwhile bird with 3 letters MOA Bygone bird with 3 letters MOA Ratite bird with 3 letters MOA Bygone big bird with 3 letters MOA Wingless extinct bird with 3 letters MOA New Zealand bird, of the past with 3 letters MOA Old bird of New Zealand with 3 letters MOA Bird now extinct with 3 letters MOA Bygone flightless bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct bird of New Zealand with 3 letters MOA New Zealand bird of the past with 3 letters MOA Bird once hunted by the Maori with 3 letters MOA Extinct, flightless bird of New Zealand with 3 letters MOA Bygone New Zealand bird with 3 letters MOA Bygone bird of New Zealand with 3 letters MOA Huge bird of prehistory with 3 letters MOA Extinct giant bird of New Zealand with 3 letters MOA Big bygone bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct emu-like bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct ostrich-like bird with 3 letters MOA Tall, extinct bird with 3 letters MOA Bird in a natural history museum with 3 letters MOA «There ain’t no ___» (bygone-bird lament) with 3 letters MOA Extinct, flightless bird with 3 letters MOA Old bird with 3 letters MOA Bird hunted to extinction by the Maori with 3 letters MOA Bird that is no more with 3 letters MOA Extinct wingless bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct, wingless bird of New Zealand with 3 letters MOA Vanished bird. with 3 letters MOA Turkey-sized bird, extinct. with 3 letters MOA Long-gone bird. with 3 letters MOA A real gone bird. with 3 letters MOA Bird of old. with 3 letters MOA Large bird with 3 letters MOA Ostrichlike bird with 3 letters MOA Flightless bird of yore with 3 letters MOA Nonflying bird of yore with 3 letters MOA Bird of yesterday with 3 letters MOA Crossword bird with 3 letters MOA Bird of yore with 3 letters MOA Puzzle bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct N.Z. bird with 3 letters MOA Extinct flightless bird of N.Z. with 3 letters MOA 12-foot bird with 3 letters MOA Wingless bird with 3 letters MOA Bird that grew as tall as 12 feet with 3 letters MOA Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand with 3 letters MOA Grouse, not name for flightless bird with 3 letters MOA Not even a worm turned for an early bird with 3 letters MOA Flightless bird once found in New Zealand with 3 letters MOA Bird with 3 letters OOS Extinct birds of Hawaii with 3 letters +++ OOS Hawaiian birds with 3 letters OOS Yellow Hawaiian birds. with 3 letters OOS Extinct Hawaiian birds with 3 letters OOS Bird with 3 letters OWL Night bird with 3 letters +++ OWL Barn bird with 3 letters OWL Bird that gives a hoot with 3 letters OWL «Wise» bird with 3 letters OWL Nocturnal bird of prey with 3 letters OWL Harry Potter’s messenger bird Hedwig, e.g. with 3 letters OWL Wise bird with 3 letters OWL Bird that hoots with 3 letters OWL Supposedly wise bird with 3 letters OWL Bird that’s sometimes spotted with 3 letters OWL Hooting bird with 3 letters OWL Barking ___ (Aussie bird) with 3 letters OWL Bird in the Harry Potter books with 3 letters OWL Brainy-looking bird with 3 letters OWL Bright bird with 3 letters OWL Nocturnal bird with 3 letters OWL Potter bird with 3 letters OWL Smart bird with 3 letters OWL Bird of prey with 3 letters OWL Bird that hoots at night with 3 letters OWL Bird that’s a symbol of wisdom with 3 letters OWL Wise old bird with 3 letters OWL Wise Potato Chips bird with 3 letters OWL Raptorial bird with 3 letters OWL Bird of Minerva with 3 letters OWL Seagoing bird of rhyme with 3 letters OWL Bird sacred to Athena with 3 letters OWL Big-eyed barn bird with 3 letters OWL Bird seen with Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec god of death with 3 letters OWL Bird with ear tufts with 3 letters OWL Athena’s bird with 3 letters OWL Pooh Corner bird with 3 letters OWL The Who’s favorite bird? with 3 letters OWL Bird that gives a hoot? with 3 letters OWL Bird that eats Tootsie Pops with 3 letters OWL Strigiform bird with 3 letters OWL Bird associated with Athena with 3 letters OWL Noisy bird at night with 3 letters OWL Rodent-eating bird with 3 letters OWL Big-eyed bird with 3 letters OWL Bird that can turn its head 135 degrees in both directions with 3 letters OWL Bird that’s a Masonic symbol with 3 letters OWL Nighttime bird with 3 letters OWL Round-faced bird with 3 letters OWL Messenger bird, in Harry Potter books with 3 letters OWL Flat-faced bird of prey with 3 letters OWL Head-rotating bird with 3 letters OWL Bird with binocular vision with 3 letters OWL «The House at Pooh Corner» bird with 3 letters OWL Keats’s «gloom-bird» with 3 letters OWL Bird that was the symbol of Athena with 3 letters OWL Tu-whit tu-whoo bird. with 3 letters OWL Strigine bird. with 3 letters OWL Sea-going bird. with 3 letters OWL Bird with 3 letters OWL Bird for Minerva with 3 letters OWL Temple bird with 3 letters OWL Wide-faced bird with 3 letters OWL Bird of the 18 with 3 letters OWL Unopened present left by bird with 3 letters OWL Bird cry as heard in the East End with 3 letters OWL Bird cry not heard initially with 3 letters OWL Head-swivelling night bird with 3 letters OWL Bird of prey with front-facing eyes with 3 letters OWL Wise bird? with 3 letters OWL Start from birds in general, one in particular with 3 letters OWL Bird in line following duck west with 3 letters OWL Bird, domesticated one with head chopped off with 3 letters REE Shore bird with 3 letters +++ REE Bird with 3 letters ROC Mythical bird of prey with 3 letters +++ ROC Mythological bird with 3 letters ROC Fabulous Arabian bird with 3 letters ROC Mythical bird with 3 letters ROC Sinbad’s bird with 3 letters ROC Legendary bird with 3 letters ROC Fabled bird with 3 letters ROC Huge bird of lore with 3 letters ROC «Arabian Nights» bird with 3 letters ROC Fabled Arabian bird with 3 letters ROC Mythical giant bird with 3 letters ROC Bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Bird in «Arabian Nights» with 3 letters ROC Bird of Arabian myth with 3 letters ROC Big bird of fable with 3 letters ROC Big bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Fabulous bird with 3 letters ROC Legendary big bird with 3 letters ROC Mythical bird in the «Arabian Nights» with 3 letters ROC ___ garden (part of fabled bird sanctuary) with 3 letters ROC Fabled bird of Madagascar with 3 letters ROC Sinbad bird with 3 letters ROC Fabled «Arabian Nights» bird with 3 letters ROC 3 Bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Huge mythical bird with 3 letters ROC Arabian Nights bird with 3 letters ROC Bird Marco Polo mentioned with 3 letters ROC Enormous mythical bird with 3 letters ROC Nonexistent bird with 3 letters ROC Enormous bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Mythical enormous bird with 3 letters ROC Sounds like a tough bird with 3 letters ROC Mythical big bird with 3 letters ROC ‘Arabian Nights’ bird with 3 letters ROC Huge bird of legend with 3 letters ROC Giant bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Huge bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Large bird of legend with 3 letters ROC Fierce mythical bird with 3 letters ROC Bird in the «Arabian Nights» with 3 letters ROC Big bird of legend with 3 letters ROC Giant mythical bird with 3 letters ROC Sinbad’s big bird with 3 letters ROC Mythical elephant-eating bird with 3 letters ROC «1001 Nights» bird with 3 letters ROC Elephant-eating bird of folklore with 3 letters ROC Fabled bird that never lands with 3 letters ROC Giant bird of fable with 3 letters ROC Giant bird of lore with 3 letters ROC Large mythical bird with 3 letters ROC Giant bird of legend with 3 letters ROC Massive white predatory bird of mythology with 3 letters ROC Bird of mythology with 3 letters ROC Gigantic bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Giant bird of fiction with 3 letters ROC Big «Arabian Nights» bird with 3 letters ROC Bird of legend with 3 letters ROC Big bird of mythology with 3 letters ROC Bird that carried off Sinbad with 3 letters ROC Mythical bird with an enormous wingspan with 3 letters ROC Scheherazade’s bird with 3 letters ROC Bird of lore with 3 letters ROC Big bird with 3 letters ROC Bird in a tale with 3 letters ROC Bird encountered by Sinbad with 3 letters ROC Monstrous bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Enormous white bird of myth with 3 letters ROC Elephant-eating bird of myth with 3 letters ROC «One Thousand and One Nights» bird with 3 letters ROC Dungeons & Dragons bird with 3 letters ROC Bird that fed elephants to its young. with 3 letters ROC Fabulous white bird. with 3 letters ROC Sinbad’s white bird. with 3 letters ROC Elephant-eating bird with 3 letters ROC Fictional bird with 3 letters ROC Sindbad’s bird with 3 letters ROC Elephant-toting bird with 3 letters ROC Fabulous bird of prey with 3 letters ROC Huge legendary Arabian bird with 3 letters ROC Bird for a peri with 3 letters ROC Bird of fable with 3 letters ROC Bird in a fable with 3 letters ROC Fabled big bird with 3 letters ROC Mythical bird that carried off elephants with 3 letters ROC Bird with giant talons with 3 letters ROC Enormous bird described by Marco Polo with 3 letters ROC Big bird of stories with 3 letters ROC Amazed expression, taken aback by fabulous bird with 3 letters ROC Blimey! Is taken aback by fabulous bird with 3 letters ROC Hunter occasionally bagged fantastic bird with 3 letters ROC This fabulous bird reciprocates a surprised expression with 3 letters ROC Gigantic bird of Arabian legend with 3 letters ROC Enormous legendary bird with 3 letters ROC Huge mythical bird of prey with 3 letters ROC Bird with 3 letters TIT Small bird with 3 letters +++ TIT Small songbird with 3 letters TIT Palindromic bird with 3 letters TIT Long-tailed ___ (Eurasian bird) with 3 letters TIT One of various small birds with 3 letters TIT Tiny bird with 3 letters TIT Song bird with 3 letters TIT A tiny bird with 3 letters TIT Small insect-eating bird with 3 letters TIT Bird of the Paridae family with 3 letters TIT Type of bird with 3 letters TIT Bird whose name might bring to mind an infamous wardrobe malfunction with 3 letters TIT Little bird with 3 letters TIT Bird some library computers might block you from searching for with 3 letters TIT Bird whose name elicits giggles from immature people (like me) with 3 letters TIT Little birdie with 3 letters TIT Amusing bird for a child, maybe with 3 letters TIT Bird unrelated to a booby with 3 letters TIT Palindromic little bird with 3 letters TIT Naughty-sounding bird with 3 letters TIT Short-billed songbird with 3 letters TIT Tiny bird with a naughty name with 3 letters TIT Snicker-inducing bird with 3 letters TIT Palindromic songbird with 3 letters TIT Bearded ___ (small bird) with 3 letters TIT Long-tailed ___ (small Eurasian bird) with 3 letters TIT Tufted bird with 3 letters TIT Thick-plumed songbird with 3 letters TIT Wren-___ (small brown bird) with 3 letters TIT Shrike ___ (Australian bird) with 3 letters TIT Bearded ___: small bird with 3 letters TIT Little songbird with 3 letters TIT Tiny songbird with 3 letters TIT Songbird with 3 letters TIT Great ___ (bird with a glossy blue-black head) with 3 letters TIT A little birdie with 3 letters TIT Black-throated ___ (Asian bird) with 3 letters TIT Bearded ___ (European bird) with 3 letters TIT Bird’s breast with 3 letters TIT Small bird that lives off insects with 3 letters TIT Bird with 3 letters TUI Parson bird with 3 letters +++ TUI N. Z. bird. with 3 letters TUI Mimicking bird with 3 letters TUI Bird with 3 letters

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  • 3 letter word verb
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