3 word advertising slogans

Why Three Word Slogans Are the Most Effective Marketing Tools

Three word slogans are short and memorable phrases used by businesses, organizations, and political campaigns to quickly and easily communicate their message. They are an effective marketing tool for several reasons. First, they are easy to remember, making them perfect for advertising and branding purposes. Second, they are straightforward, straightforwardly conveying the intended message without leaving room for interpretation. Lastly, they are versatile and can be used on promotional items like mugs, t-shirts, and billboards, making them an excellent investment for any business.Examples of effective three-word slogans include Nike’s iconic «Just Do It,» which not only appeals to athletes but also infuses a sense of motivation and drive into anyone who comes across it. Another memorable and effective three-word slogan is «I’m Lovin’ It» from McDonald’s, which serves as a catchy jingle and a reminder of how good McDonald’s food can be. These slogans’ effectiveness lies in their ability to evoke emotions, whether it’s inspiration or satisfaction. In conclusion, three-word slogans are powerful marketing tools that pack a punch and leave a lasting impression on consumers.

1. Simplify, optimize, succeed.

2. Think big, act fast.

3. Create. Innovate. Succeed.

4. Power, performance, perfection.

5. Empower. Inspire. Achieve.

6. Rise above limitations.

7. Action, courage, results.

8. Success takes perseverance.

9. Stand tall, shine bright.

10. Believe, achieve, receive.

11. Activate your potential.

12. Dare to be different.

13. A better life awaits.

14. Stay strong, never quit.

15. Think outside the box.

16. Dream, plan, achieve.

17. Cut costs, increase profits.

18. Make every moment count.

19. Failure is not an option.

20. Grow, learn, transform.

21. Turn ideas into reality.

22. Change begins within.

23. Unlock your true potential.

24. Push boundaries, exceed limits.

25. Commit to excellence.

26. Believe in your vision.

27. Focus, execute, achieve.

28. Live bold, prosper greatly.

29. Execute with precision.

30. Adapt, evolve, thrive.

31. Lead by example.

32. Forge your own path.

33. Innovate the future.

34. Invest in yourself.

35. Break barriers, exceed expectations.

36. Believe in the impossible.

37. The power of persistence.

38. Embrace change, unlock potential.

39. Never settle for less.

40. Reimagine what’s possible.

41. One step at a time.

42. No limits, only possibilities.

43. Momentum builds success.

44. Chart your own course.

45. Believe in your dreams.

46. The power of collaboration.

47. Create value, make impact.

48. In pursuit of excellence.

49. Dare to be great.

50. Great things come in threes.

51. From idea to execution.

52. Strive for greatness.

53. Embrace the journey.

54. Unlock your true potential.

55. Focus on the future.

56. Mindful, innovative, impactful.

57. Ignite your creativity.

58. Go beyond the expected.

59. Always be learning.

60. Think big, act smart.

61. Be bold, take risks.

62. Success is a mindset.

63. Success starts with action.

64. Action creates momentum.

65. Focus on what matters.

66. Disrupt the status quo.

67. Innovate, iterate, excel.

68. Be the change you want to see.

69. Leap into the unknown.

70. Visualize your success.

71. Believe in your abilities.

72. Embrace your uniqueness.

73. Reach for the stars.

74. You are capable of greatness.

75. Perseverance leads to success.

76. Embrace the power of now.

77. Make every moment count.

78. The road to success is bumpy.

79. Embrace challenges, overcome obstacles.

80. The power of determination.

81. Innovate, disrupt, create.

82. Plan, execute, succeed.

83. Unlock your inner champion.

84. Get up and keep going.

85. Believe in yourself, trust the process.

86. Dare to dream big.

87. Take action, make a difference.

88. Ready, set, achieve.

89. Think outside the box, achieve the extraordinary.

90. Lead from the front.

91. Innovate with purpose.

92. Strive for excellence, every day.

93. Innovation, inspiration, impact.

94. Push the boundaries, exceed expectations.

95. Live with intention, make an impact.

96. Set goals, take action, achieve greatness.

97. Step up, stand out, succeed.

98. Confidence leads to success.

99. Believe. Achieve. Succeed.

100. Be inspired. Take action. Create impact.

Creating a memorable and effective three-word slogan can be the difference between a successful marketing campaign and one that flops. To make a slogan that sticks in people’s minds, you need to keep it simple, catchy, and relevant to your brand. A great three-word slogan should be easy to remember, unique, and evoke an emotional response. When brainstorming new ideas, think about your brand’s key values and what message you want to convey to your target audience. Consider using wordplay or alliteration to make your slogan stand out, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations of words until you find one that works. Some popular three-word slogans include Nike’s «Just Do It,» Apple’s «Think Different,» and McDonald’s «I’m Lovin’ It.» By incorporating these tips and being creative with your approach, you can create a memorable and effective three-word slogan that helps your brand stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Three Word Nouns

Gather ideas using three word nouns to create a more catchy and original slogan.

Three nouns: triad, ternion, III, tercet, trey, ternary, troika, trinity, triplet, digit, trine, 3, deuce-ace, trio, threesome, figure, terzetto, tierce, leash
Word nouns: tidings, countersign, info, secret, Christian Bible, Scripture, spoken communication, hypostasis, discussion, Good Book, statement, computer memory unit, oral communication, Book, speech, positive identification, order, speech communication, information, word of honor, arcanum, Word, religious writing, Holy Scripture, religious text, voice communication, Son, give-and-take, Word of God, language, password, promise, Holy Writ, parole, news, spoken language, sacred writing, watchword, hypostasis of Christ, Bible, parole, sacred text, Logos, Word, language unit, linguistic unit, intelligence

Three Word Adjectives

List of three word adjectives to help modify your slogan.

Three adjectives: iii, cardinal, 3

Three Word Verbs

Be creative and incorporate three word verbs into your tagline to have more of an impact.

Word verbs: evince, express, give voice, phrase, articulate, show, formulate

Three Word Rhymes

Slogans that rhyme with three word are easier to remember and grabs the attention of users. Challenge yourself to create your own rhyming slogan.

Words that rhyme with Three: fee, partee, bee, c, wee, degree, carefree, b, mi, dee, idiosyncrasy, t, asap, marquee, repartee, spree, reality, gee, machete, ne, flea, tv, lea, pony, e, sunday, kabuki, g, referee, she, indri, cc, calliope, jubilee, di, agree, manatee, p, marquis, nestle, oversee, ve, foresee, decree, hee, tree, flee, plea, v, pee, apogee, si, sea, debris, qi, quay, ac, see, lee, scree, be, guarantee, me, key, he, pre, payee, banshee, glee, pea, tee, potpourri, ree, emcee, precis, trustee, ski, d, yee, syncope, de, hawaii, esprit, guaranty, we, bourgeoisie, thee, ghee, turnkey, nee, lessee, knee, hyperbole, tea, snee, cree, actuary, z, free, xi

Words that rhyme with Word: rifleman bird, watchword, misheard, purred, game bird, sunbird, baltimore bird, burred, crossword, gray kingbird, tropic bird, hurd, eastern kingbird, adjutant bird, kingbird, incurred, herd, concurred, blue mockingbird, scrub bird, ant bird, deferred, frigate bird, occurred, wading bird, stirred, conferred, thunderbird, sea bird, aquatic bird, myna bird, widow bird, gerd, water bird, hird, recurred, foreword, canary bird, heard, umbrella bird, bluebird, slurred, preferred, phoebe bird, snowbird, keyword, bean curd, kurd, whirred, blurred, spurred, ferd, referred, nerd, alward, byrd, firebird, password, inferred, gird, burd, gallows bird, coastal diving bird, cowherd, overheard, chauffeured, flightless bird, reword, furred, demurred, third, byword, undeterred, bird, theater of the absurd, starbird, interred, redbird, deterred, indigo bird, catchword, shorebird, secretary bird, uncured, unheard, rare bird, catbird, transferred, curd, flying bird, gray catbird, crocodile bird, songbird, baby bird, absurd, fairy bluebird, mockingbird, elephant bird, hummingbird, ladybird

My “3 Hats” has always been more – so how do I succinctly tell people – and WordPress – what this site is about?

The Rule of Three

It’s a staple of advertising, marketing, writing and speeches – the tagline or slogan and the three word rule.

People read headlines, captions, bullets and bold. So it evolved that under the business name or logo, there shalt be three meaningless, impressive-sounding words – sometimes punctuation! – to encapsulate a brand.

  • Real. Comfortable. Jeans. (At least this one says something about the brand!) Wrangler.
  • Credible. Compelling. Complete. AJC.
  • Buy it, sell it, love it. eBay.

(Flip side: long slogans are more better. Or maybe just four words. Some are hall of fame, blah blah.)

Yeah.. I clicked and laughed at a lot of these Honest Slogan memes.

Yeah.. I clicked and laughed at a lot of these Honest Slogan memes.

What are my 3 words?

UOAT my slogan was Creativity, Strategy, Results. LAMEzzzzz. The old blog’s tagline was ‘I blog.. you’ve been warned.’ Crickets. One version of my business cards reads the too long tagline: “If you’re business isn’t communicating, then you’re not doing business.” Or you know, doing it badly.

As I plan a career change, this site is changing too. I don’t want limit myself – because I am more than three, more than ‘what I do.’

I’ll keep writing about all things business and PR and social media. I plan to include more to HR and Employee Relations as I’d welcome a shift to internal corporate communications. It also love to watch movies and TV, and travel and go and experience, live a life. If I can find a way to work that in here, I’m gonna go for it.

Are you summed up in 3 Words? 

Had an exercise in grad school: list 50 things you are using only nouns, no adjectives. After ‘daughter, sister, friend, Pisces, traveler, TV watcher, wine drinker, card player.. ‘ it can be a struggle.

One of the best things about writing for Twitter is that it teaches you to edit, less is more. But when does ‘less’ take away more that it gives?

What’s your tagline and what does it do for you?

Want More? Keep Reading.

Advertising Slogans

547 Creative Advertising Slogans & Taglines List [2023]

Perhaps you’ve come up with the perfect business idea and name for your business.

Now, it’s time to come up with the best advertising slogan to tie all the pieces together. not just a slogan, it should be short and to the point, it should also be catchy and memorable.

Online Slogans are usually created to be catchy and memorable, so they can stay in a person’s mind long after they’ve seen or heard the phrase. Advertising Slogans are often used with other marketing tools. The slogan can be incredibly effective in helping to build brand awareness.

Here we’ve put together the best advertising company slogans & tagline ideas to get started! and some tips on how to come up with a powerful slogan for your brand.

547 Creative Advertising Slogans & Taglines List [2023]

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Advertising Company Slogan Generator

Want to come up with your own unique phrase for your advertising company?

Try using a slogan generator like shopify slogan maker. Simply enter a word or phrase about your brand, and the slogan generator will create hundreds of potential custom slogans for you to choose from.

Best Advertising Slogans Ideas

  • Tailor made for your needs
  • Creating unique ideas
  • The agency of something creative
  • Smart ideas for your brand are here
  • You make the product Leave the rest to us
  • Evolution of brilliant ideas
  • Creative lab for all
  • Maximize your business potential
  • Making you visible
  • Success under construction
  • Creating the perfect approach to marketing
  • Manage your business The professional way
  • The innovative ideas you would love
  • Love to get Traffic
  • We build your brand
  • Providing a voice to your brand
  • We play with creativity
  • Advertisements are us
  • Consider it done
  • Sharing some unique creations
  • We deal in brilliant creativity
  • A holistic approach to advertising
  • The different advertising
  • The ideas that make customers go wow
  • The promotion that your company needs
  • Transforming brands with creativity
  • Providing brilliant ideas for your business
  • Beyond Beautiful
  • The ideas that are not afraid to be different
  • We believe in innovation
  • innovation starts here
  • Rejuvenating Brands
  • The distinctive ideas you would love
  • We target the audience with our ideas
  • Premium services to help you sell
  • Making your brands fly
  • Connecting people is our business
  • Start a new trend
  • Creativity with 100% result
  • You’ve got a business, we have got brilliant minds
  • Making you explore the hidden
  • The sharpener for your product,
  • Deal with the best
  • Inspired by the new generation
  • You need ads
  • Marketing support in every matter
  • For the traffic, you would love
  • Where creativity meets ads
  • The lab of advertisement
  • Profits at your fingertips
  • Ideal for sale
  • Sharing you and your company with the world
  • Advertising that makes all the difference
  • The magic of successful business

Catchy Advertising Company Taglines

  • We make beautiful designs
  • Expect more by advertising more
  • Adding the word called success to your brand
  • Let the wave of customers splash you
  • Creative solutions deliver profits to your door
  • We help you grow
  • We are not only better, but we are also the best in the advertisement
  • With the passion of building your brand
  • The creation tool your brand needs
  • The master touch you need
  • Designing the future for business
  • Inspired by the new generation
  • Watering your tree
  • Every designing with creative design
  • We make your brand success
  • We’ve got the creative eye
  • We say what we mean
  • We stay connected with creativity
  • An inspiration for graphic designing
  • The transaction of ideas is done here
  • Have a little space for advertisement
  • There should be no substitute between you and success
  • We do it in a different way
  • Ideas that roar
  • Connecting customers with your brand
  • The perfect equation of ideas
  • We predict your future
  • A company for graphic designs
  • Start expecting more and more
  • Plugging ideas to your brand
  • The commitment to your success
  • Creativity with simplicity
  • The ideas that are not afraid to be different
  • Enhance the way of graphic designing
  • Design the presence of creativity
  • The advertising at its best
  • Make way for potential customers
  • The salon of brands
  • For The One Show
  • Ideas under construction
  • The full stop to your search
  • We don’t think big; we think giant
  • Ideas in charge of success
  • Where brilliant ideas grow
  • Grow with trend
  • We are created for graphic designing
  • Let us build the bridge between your brand and customer
  • For the people who want to buy ideas
  • We target the audience with our ideas
  • We have got minds in action
  • The distinctive ideas you would love
  • Let us show you the power of marketing communication
  • Preserving ideas
  • A path for graphic designs

Unique Online Slogans list

  • Play Creativity
  • Creativity Connected
  • Ideas that Aware
  • Creating You from Your Brand
  • No reason To Connect Peoples
  • Let’s Reach the World
  • We Believe, Be Innovate
  • Fresh Ideas, Refreshing Communication
  • Transform you, transform Brands
  • Explore the hidden
  • Let’s Yourself be seen
  • We did like no other does
  • Transforming Hidden Creativity
  • Creativity unleashed
  • Everythings is Reachable
  • Thinking, Making, Results
  • A Place Where ideas is Food
  • See What’s Creative
  • Get Visible
  • Love to get Traffic
  • Giving Voice to YOur brand.
  • Moving Results
  • Opening Window of Opportunity
  • Doing what matters
  • Share you with World
  • Brilliant Minds with Brilliant Ideas
  • Adding Creativity in Communications
  • making You Creative Enough
  • Big Ideas, Big Brands
  • Our Business Is Creativity
  • Beyond Beautiful
  • Every Idea are Exciting
  • Agency with no Limit
  • Enhancing Brands
  • Hungry for Something Creative?
  • Our Science is Ideas
  • Let’s Fly Your Brands
  • Key for your brand Communication
  • Sharing Something Creative
  • We Love Brands
  • ideas That Sell
  • Let Your Brand Talk
  • Smart, Talented, Creative
  • Evolution of New Ideas
  • Creative lab for all
  • Roaring Ideas
  • Wow Ideas to Wow Customers
  • Next Generation Ideas
  • Solving your Complex Needs
  • Here to Get you High
  • Advertising with Difference
  • Building Brand is Our Business
  • Smart Communication, Smart Brands
  • The Power of Marketing Communication

Popular Advertising Taglines

  • Making graphic designing simple
  • A place for deigning
  • Creative care for all business
  • A passion for eye designing
  • Designing that has own stories
  • Graphics that delivered on time
  • We are perfect for graphic designing
  • designing makes the world better
  • Sharing vitality through designing
  • We designing for the purpose
  • We are here for we always give you satisfaction
  • Graphic designing with more perfection
  • Creative thinking for graphic designing
  • We put the fun in designing
  • Let’s add something creativity
  • Stunning designs for fresh designs
  • We are available for graphics designing
  • A company with more thoughtful designs
  • Design for social change
  • A bold move for bold move designs
  • We have ex[perience designing
  • We are working for graphic designing
  • A passion for art designing
  • A world for creativity
  • Save the world with good designing
  • Designs that visible for all
  • We are creating to inspire
  • We are always there for you
  • Having digital graphic designing
  • Having art of inspiration
  • For the advanced level designing
  • To draw a new design
  • We make better graphic designing
  • Made for graphic designing
  • We are here for graphic designs ‘having experts for web designing
  • A passion for graphic designing
  • Adventures creativity
  • We can give you designing
  • Bol move for bold designs
  • Fresh ideas for measurable designs
  • Creating all spaces
  • Always gives you digital graphic designing
  • Designing for advanced future
  • Creativity deliver on time
  • A destination for creative art
  • To draw graphic designing
  • Big ideas for creative designs
  • Having good designs
  • Adorning ideas with us
  • Refresh ideas with refresh designing
  • A company that gives you graphics
  • We creating the creativity
  • Designing with more creativity
  • We give you quality service

Cool Online Slogans

  • Make way for potential customers
  • Gives you a satisfied service
  • Plugging ideas to your brand
  • Everythings is Reachable
  • making You Creative Enough
  • Makes the people notice
  • Smart Communication, Smart Brands
  • Water that sapling
  • Get all the traffic you need
  • The greatest ideas begin small
  • A Place Where ideas is Food
  • Generating constant profits
  • Brilliant minds in action
  • We play with creativity
  • Here graphic designing available
  • A one-step solution for graphic designing
  • Our Business Is Creativity
  • Bouquet of creativity
  • All marketing services under one roof
  • Graphic designing is very hard
  • Creativity Connected
  • We create the base of your business
  • Because graphic designing is important
  • We are always there for you
  • We make graphic designing simple
  • We make graphic designing possible
  • Passionate about graphic designing
  • Plan your dream run
  • Next Generation Ideas
  • Here to Get you High
  • We don’t think big; we think giant
  • We do it in a different way
  • Commitment of trust
  • Let’s Fly Your Brands
  • Adding Creativity in Communications
  • Making you explore the hidden
  • All targets are achievable
  • Building the proper channels of distribution
  • Our work away from the hesitation
  • We specially design every tag
  • Work like a millionaire
  • Unleash your true potential
  • Brilliant minds for your business
  • We help you grow
  • A complete place for graphic designing
  • We deal in marketing ideas
  • A simpler way for graphic designing
  • Feel the satisfaction with us
  • Enhance your business with the best logo
  • The commitment of your success
  • We taste your interest
  • We provide you with the best graphic designing
  • Solving your Complex Needs
  • Your one-stop solution to marketing

Good Advertising Slogans

  • Always gives you satisfying designs
  • Committed to web designing
  • We know designing better
  • A company for graphic designing
  • We provide you with something creative
  • We adorn ideas for life
  • We deliver customize graphics
  • We give you more than designing
  • Designing for best
  • Simple stories with creative designs
  • Saving world with graphic designs
  • Better communication for best designing
  • Always gives you dedicated service
  • Creating creativity with us
  • We are here for giving you the best graphics
  • A new way fo earning
  • Your town best place for graphic designing
  • Designing that gives you a long-lasting impression
  • A new [prodpective of creative art
  • Fulfill your dreams here
  • Designing that meets technology
  • A destination for graphic designing
  • A choice for your life
  • A perfect place for web designing
  • For the advanced level business
  • We make it simple
  • The best choice for graphic designing
  • Gives you creative tags for your business
  • Bring great designs for you
  • Designing for graphic designing
  • We make designing easy
  • We have experience designs
  • Here is a simpler way of graphic designing
  • Graphic designs that provide a long-lasting impression
  • Stunning designs with refreshing ideas
  • Graphic designing for your interest
  • We are created for graphic designing
  • We design for relationship
  • A complete place for graphic designing
  • We are for graphic designing
  • A one-step place for graphic designing
  • Creative designing only for you
  • Designs that bring life
  • We are only for graphic designing
  • We are dedicated to web designing
  • We are creative and practical
  • Experts for perfect web designing
  • Show your ability in creativity
  • Always available for graphic designing
  • A place that satisfied you
  • A place for graphic designing
  • We make it possible
  • Always gives you satisfied service
  • We have design experience

Funny Advertising Taglines

  • Making Future Brands
  • We value your time and money
  • We built social connections with the help of marketing
  • We are the package for delivering brilliant ideas
  • Transforming Hidden Creativity
  • We make your brand to get success
  • The sky is the limit
  • Enticing to look at Eager to hold
  • Enjoy the power of marketing communication
  • Catchy procedures for faster sales
  • We did like no other do
  • Revealing what is Possible
  • We are the agency for delivering something creative
  • Turning heads wherever your business goes
  • Try us and spot in the market of business
  • Join us and transform the brand with creativity
  • For the traffic, you would love
  • Ideas that go vroom!
  • Innovators of marketing strategy
  • We will assure you 100% result
  • We deliver smart ideas for your agency
  • The full stop to your search
  • We provide brilliant ideas to advertise your business
  • We only deliver perfection
  • Give your brand that public attention
  • We help you to fly your dreams
  • Make your brand fly to great heights
  • Connecting Customer Better
  • Leaders of the marketing industry
  • Our focus is to be creative with our ideas
  • Share you with World
  • Think like the market bull
  • Give your brand the look of a star
  • Rejuvenating Brands
  • Make your own destiny
  • We make sure to connect with people
  • Get innovative ideas you would love
  • Putting technology to use
  • Advertise your brand with an expert in life
  • We built creativity with our advertising
  • We believe in invention
  • Challenge everything
  • Get your product future proof
  • Handling your marketing needs in a better way
  • Try us and make yourself stand out different from the crowd
  • Let’s make brand Success
  • We believe in building your brand
  • This is the lab to advertise your business
  • Show your brand uniqueness
  • The best amongst the rest
  • We provide a voice to your brand
  • We deliver innovative ideas with an innovative marketing skills
  • Wow Ideas to Wow Customers
  • Expect More, Advertise More

Clever Advertising Slogans

  • Enhancing Brands
  • We make the spotlight
  • Ideas that give you wings
  • Ideas that create an empire
  • Designing the best is what we promise
  • Equation of perfect ideas
  • Expect more by advertising more
  • Creating the creativity is what we are known for
  • We advertise to you to make your brand fly
  • Creating graphics is our strength
  • The voice you brand needs
  • Positive publicity
  • We do the best
  • Providing brilliant ideas for your business
  • We will deliver the best services for you
  • We make you roar
  • We make visible what’s hidden in the deep
  • Bolder moves with the boldest designs
  • Watering your tree
  • Connecting people is what we do
  • Predict the future
  • Adding creativity to your ideas is what we are built for
  • Your ideas our creation
  • Advertiser of dreams
  • We advertise you to rise
  • Show and grow
  • We Advertise your dreams
  • Make your presence felt
  • Smart ideas for your brand are here
  • We give voice to your ideas
  • We make Brands talk for themselves
  • Connecting consumers with your business
  • In the public eye
  • Sell it like hot cakes!
  • The science of increasing sales
  • We build strength
  • Do it differently
  • Fresh Ideas, Refreshing Communication
  • Make yourself visible
  • Your innovation, our revolution
  • Construct your ideas
  • Perfect marketing
  • A workstation for the creative minds
  • We deal in brilliant creativity
  • We make you stand out from the crowd
  • The innovative ideas you would love
  • We Advertise your vision
  • Advertise your brand and fly
  • We help you to create the best brand
  • Influencing people with creativity is what we do best
  • Success starts from here
  • Make yourself irresistible
  • The next generation of advertising agencies
  • The salon of brands

Advertising Company Slogan Ideas

  • Illustration for graphic designing
  • We predict your future
  • Build your brand image with us
  • The different advertising
  • Let’s Yourself be seen
  • Subscribe for updates from this site
  • We Believe, Be Innovate
  • We have got minds in action
  • We understand your advertising needs
  • Building Brand is Our Business
  • With a customize graphic designing
  • We make the difference
  • innovation starts here
  • Turn on the interest
  • Solving your marketing problems
  • Inspire the masses
  • Maintaining the highest work environment
  • Sharing some unique creations
  • We make graphic designing possible
  • Advertising with Difference
  • Start expecting more and more
  • Composed of the best professionals
  • Attracting consumers to your brand
  • Business ideas at the right price
  • Leaping over boundaries
  • Evolution of New Ideas
  • Smart, Talented, Creative
  • Your satisfaction is our goal
  • Stand tall See it above the rest
  • We make your brand success
  • Strategic partnerships for maximum impact
  • Creative ideas for Creative Life
  • Make some room for a rain of money
  • We are made for graphic designing
  • Graphic designing with creative thinking
  • Doing what matters
  • Thinking, Making, Results
  • Ideas under construction
  • Evaluating the market scientifically
  • Get your product spotted
  • Transforming brands with creativity
  • Far reaching services
  • Sell faster Earn better
  • The transaction of ideas is done here
  • Adding Creative Advantage
  • Enhance the way of graphic designing
  • Let Your Brand Talk
  • The true power of marketing
  • Opening new vistas of success
  • Blossoming your products
  • Attractive ads Creative designs
  • Sharing Something Creative
  • Every Ideas are Exciting
  • We always work for you

Why Is Your Slogan Important?

Your advertising slogan or tagline is important because it is one of the first things that people will see or hear when they are introduced to your brand. It is a chance to make a strong first impression and to create an emotional connection with your consumers.

You may also read: Tagline, Slogan or Claim, Do You Know The Difference?

Tips To Choose A Advertising Slogan For Your Company

A great advertising slogan can be the difference between a successful marketing campaign and one that falls flat. So, if you are looking to create a slogan for your business, make sure to keep these tips in mind!

1. Keep it short and sweet

The best advertising slogans are short and to the point. They’re easy to remember and easy to say. And they pack a punch.

2. Make it relevant

Your slogan should be relevant to your advertising business and what you do. It should capture the essence of what you do and what you’re all about.

3. Make it unique

Your slogan should be unique to your advertising company. It should be something that sets you apart from your competition.

4. Make it catchy

A great slogan should be able to stick in someone’s head, even after they’ve heard it just once.

5. Use powerful words

Choose words that are powerful and will evoke an emotional response.

6. Test it out

Before you launch your slogan, test it out on a few people to see if it has the desired effect.

7. Be consistent

Once you’ve chosen a slogan for your advertising business, be consistent and use it everywhere. Use it on your website, in your marketing materials, on your social media accounts, etc.

Examples of Famous Slogans And Taglines Using Popular Brands

Need some inspiration for your advertising slogan? Here are a few examples of great slogans and taglines from well-known brands:

  • “Just Do It” – Nike
  • “I’m lovin’ it” – McDonald’s
  • “Think different” – Apple
  • “The best a man can get” – Gillette
  • “Taste the feeling” – Coca-Cola
  • “The ultimate driving machine” – BMW
  • “Finger-Lickin Good” – KFC
  • “Eat Fresh” – Subway
  • “Have It Your Way” – Burger King
  • “Impossible is Nothing” – Adidas
  • “Life’s Good” – LG


Choosing a slogan for your advertising business can be tough. But if you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to choosing a advertising slogan that’s a good fit for your business.

We hope this list of advertising slogans + guides helped. Good luck!

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Grind Success is a place where entrepreneurs, start-ups, and business owners can find wide-ranging information, advice, resources, and tools for starting, running and growing their businesses.

First impressions matter—especially for businesses. That’s why you double-check your subject lines more than your email. It’s why you put so much thought into your search ads. And that’s why you need to make sure you have a catchy slogan that engages your audiences and introduces your brand.

In this post, I’m going to show you how to do that by sharing examples of enduring advertising slogans.

energizer bunny keep going slogan

We’re going to cover:

  • What a marketing slogan is and who it’s for.
  • 21 unforgettable marketing slogan examples and what makes them work.
  • Tips on how to draft your own catchy advertising slogans.

Let’s get started.

What is an advertising or marketing slogan?

An advertising or marketing slogan is a concise, catchy phrase used with consistency across brand and marketing materials to position the brand and foster recognition with a broad audience and affinity with a target audience. The audience of a slogan is key here—your slogan isn’t only for your target audience or your customers. It’s also how you want anyone to think of your brand.

That’s why a short, pithy statement works best. You can use wordplay, rhythm, and more to make a slogan memorable to anyone who hears or reads it. And you should use language and appeal to emotions that rally your target audience around your brand’s mission, purpose, or product.

Now, rallying makes sense when we think of other uses of slogans: political campaigns.

marketing and advertising slogan examples: change we can believe in

But keeping this in mind when you’re working on a slogan for your business can help. You want your advertising slogan to inspire something—feelings of belonging, confidence in your product, even a smirk at a clever joke.

Iconic advertising slogans we can learn from

If you’re looking to write or refresh your business’s advertising slogan, the best way to get started is to look at enduring, successful examples. That way, you can get a feel for what sounds good and works, plus start getting some ideas for how to capture your brand in a slogan. Here are 21 slogan examples that are so catchy, so memorable, that we couldn’t forget them if we tried.

1. Nike: Just Do It

This slogan is first for a reason—it’s iconic, and it’s everywhere. Nike uses this slogan on packaging, on clothing, and throughout its ad campaigns. This consistently helps with recognition. You only need to hear or see the slogan with the Nike logo a few times before they are linked in your memory.

advertising slogans: nike vintage ad

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The origin story for this slogan? Not so nice. According to The Washington Post, in 1988, advertising exec Dan Wieden pitched Nike this slogan, which was based on the last words of a man convicted of murder. Morbid inspiration.

2. L’Oreal: Because You’re Worth It

L’Oreal’s slogan “Because You’re Worth It” turns 50 this year, and its inception has a much nicer story. In 1971, it was 23-year-old copywriter Ilon Specht at the advertising agency McCann who wrote the slogan for the beauty company.

Not only was it the first advertising message to highlight self-confidence, it revolutionized advertising.

advertising and marketing slogans: l'oreal because i'm worth it

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And the positive message L’Oreal uses here is still relevant and fresh. The phrase appeals to women’s self-worth with an empowering affirmation—even if it encourages us to act on that empowerment by purchasing beauty products. It’s a timeless advertising slogan, which might just be the best kind.

3. Maybelline: Maybe She’s Born With It. Maybe It’s Maybelline.

Maybelline actually changed its slogan in 2016 to “Make It Happen,” but ask anyone today and the original still reigns. Talk about an enduring marketing slogan.

marketing and advertising slogans: maybelline commercial

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This time, though, it’s the wordplay and not the brand message that sticks. The repetition here makes this an earworm—and that’s before you even hear the jingle.

4. Lay’s: Betcha Can’t Eat Just One

I love that this slogan is a dare. It not only makes it clear that Lay’s chips are deliciously addicting, but it also represents the brand as active and engaging. Plus, it set Lay’s up for creative ad campaigns using this slogan.

marketing and advertising slogan examples: lays

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5. Burger King: Have It Your Way

Burger King’s customer-centric slogan similarly invites the customer in by including the “your” pronoun.

marketing and advertising slogan examples: burger king vintage ad

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But Burger King also positions itself as different from its major competitors—ahemn, McDonald’s—with this slogan by offering personalized service and customized fast food. (Check out this old Burger King commercial, it’s good for a laugh.)

6. Bounty: The Quicker Picker Upper

One way to nail your slogan is to add wordplay. The rhyme with “quicker picker upper” here is unbeatable. Once you hear it, the slogan never leaves your brain. And that’s good for Bounty, especially because it also managed to pack its value (picking up messes) and differentiate itself from the competition (doing that quicker).

advertising and marketing slogans: bounty quicker picker upper

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7. The New York Times: All The News That’s Fit to Print

This iconic slogan was first used in 1897, and it still appears on the front page of the newspaper of record today.

marketing and advertising slogans: new york times fit to print

(Though I wouldn’t recommend putting your slogan in quotes. That could lead to questions of attribution, not to mention some clunky images.)

​More marketing slogans we can learn from

The rest of these slogan examples are more recent than the ones above, but are by no means less powerful. And hey, they just may be celebrating their 50 year anniversaries some day.

8. McDonald’s: I’m Lovin’ It

Like Lay’s, this slogan is also active. But McDonald’s puts the customers’ experience with its food front and center here: It’s the customer who is loving their hamburger or Happy Meal. Simple and appealing.

marketing and advertising slogan examples: mcdonalds

9. Taco Bell: Think Outside the Bun

A powerful advertising slogan makes it clear how your product or offering is different, and that’s what Taco Bell does well here. While most hum-drum fast food options are drive-through hamburgers, Taco Bell offers more.

marketing and advertising slogan examples: taco bell

It’s also worth noting that Taco Bell recently changed its slogan to “Live Mas.” Timeless slogans are ideal, but the option to change can be a good thing. With the rise of fast casual, there are more options than hamburgers and Taco Bell, and the company responded to that by evolving its brand and its slogan.

10. Goldfish: The Snack That Smiles Back

Goldfish are wholesome, friendly, and great for kids—which is mostly thanks to a smart branding strategy and the fish shape. This slogan anthropomorphizes the barely fish-shaped crackers even more definitively and makes them engaging as well as delicious. Who could say no?

marketing and advertising slogan examples: goldfish

11. Outback Steakhouse: No Rules, Just Right

Your slogan doesn’t necessarily have to speak to your product directly. Take Outback Steakhouse’s slogan, “No Rules, Just Right.” This evokes the hospitality you can expect in the restaurant, and it appeals to a rebellious, rugged attitude that just can’t be tamed by a Ruby Tuesday’s.

12. State Farm: Like A Good Neighbor, State Farm Is There

State Farm’s slogan does a great job of setting the tone for its customer relationships and making them not only positive, but appealing: This insurance company is as dependable, as accessible as your neighbor.

13. Toyota: Let’s Go Places

Toyota’s “Let’s Go Places” is an excellent example of a slogan that communicates the company’s value proposition. The benefit of having an affordable, dependable car is that you can use it—whether that’s to get home to your family after a long day of work, to travel outside the city for a weekend of hiking, or to a destination you haven’t decided on yet.

marketing and advertising slogan examples: toyota let's go places

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With the structure here, Toyota emphasizes that it’s a two-way relationship. With the contracted “us,” the company subtly lets its audience know that it’s traveling together.

14. AirBnB: Belong Anywhere

According to AirBnB’s brand story, the company set out to revolutionize travel by allowing people to experience places not as tourists, but as locals. Staying in an apartment instead of a hotel lets you see different parts of a city; renting a house in the mountains instead of staying in a resort forces you to check out local grocery stores or farmer’s markets.

These nudges toward local living feed into AirBnB’s slogan: “Belong Anywhere.”

marketing and advertising slogan examples: airbnb

This simple, powerful statement captures the promise of staying in an AirBnB and, even more importantly, captivates anyone interested to give it a try.

15. Red Bull: Red Bull Gives You Wings

This slogan is a cautionary tale. Red Bull’s slogan is punchy and over the top, which is fitting for an energy drink with active consumers.

marketing and advertising slogans: red bull gives you wings

Unfortunately, this slogan also implies that the product will do the impossible and literally give you wings. The company had to pay out a settlement for the false claims about the marketing copy. A good lesson to keep your slogan memorable but not fraudulent.

16. Capital One: What’s in Your Wallet?

This credit card company’s slogan is catchy because it’s so simple: a question about what’s inside your wallet. This question is a great way to grab attention. We all carry around our licenses, credit cards, useless ATM receipts, a stack of random punch cards for coffee shops that we never remember to use in the first place—but maybe that’s just me?

marketing slogans: capital one what's in your wallet

By structuring the slogan as a question, too, Capital One is starting a conversation with its audience. This invitation is a great way to position the brand as a partner in a less explicit way than State Farm’s slogan, for instance.

17. Home Depot: How Doers Get More Done

Owning a home means pretty much giving up every weekend to chores. And whether it’s mowing the lawn, cleaning the gutters, painting the closets, or a bigger DIY bathroom upgrade, you can always count on at least two last-minute trips to a hardware store for supplies. Home Depot knows this, and that’s why it is referenced in their slogan.

advertising and marketing slogans: home depot how doers get more done

Using “doers” here for their audience is an amazing way to capture the range of people in its audience. Doers includes the qualified contractors and builders, as well as the weekend DIYers, and that’s good for business.

​18. Apple: Think Different

When I was in high school, there was an American Eagle shirt that said “Be Different” that so many people I knew had. So many of my classmates wanted to proclaim how different they were in the same way—and I’m sure at the time I asked my mom to drive me to the mall to no avail, but that’s beside the point.

The point is that a desire to be different is universal.

Apple uses that desire with its simple, powerful slogan.

advertising and marketing slogans: apple think different

19. Pizza Hut: No One Outpizzas the Hut

This is an absurd slogan, and that’s why it’s stuck in my brain since I was reading books for stickers to get a free personal pan pizza. Does anything really call Pizza Hut “the Hut”? Doesn’t almost everywhere else have better pizza?

marketing and advertising slogans: no one outpizzas the hut

Whatever it actually means, the sentiment is clear: Pizza Hut is the best, and that’s often the takeaway you want from a slogan.

20. Papa Johns: Better Ingredients, Better Pizza

The repetition here does more than help an audience remember. It suggests a relationship that compares this pizza chain to its competitors: Papa Johns uses the better ingredients, so it’s Papa Johns who has the better pizza.

advertising and marketing slogans: papa johns better ingredients

I’ll be honest: I don’t really need all the pieces of pepperoni on a pizza to be the same size in order to think it’s delicious. But it’s a nice message, and a memorable slogan.

21. Dunkin Donuts: American Runs on Dunkin

This might be my favorite slogan, and I say that with no affinity for Dunkin’s coffee. (Despite living in Boston for the better part of a decade, I still just can’t stomach it. But munchkins are a different story.)

The proclamation in this slogan is bold, and it’s clear. America relies on its coffee brand of choice, and it needs it to function. Plus, the internal rhyme with “runs” and “Dunkin” ads a sing-song rhythm to the phrase that makes it sound all the more appealing.

advertising and marketing slogans: america runs on dunkin

Now, to be clear, this is an exaggeration. But announcing that all of America likes your coffee and Boston Cremes isn’t making a fraudulent promise—it’s just being confident.

How to draft your own catchy marketing slogans

We just ran through a lot of unforgetting advertising and marketing slogans. These slogan examples are good for so many different reasons—they’re catchy or clever, they’re powerful or appealing. That makes this a great place to start for inspiration before writing a slogan for your business.

Here are the best tips based on the successful slogans we went through to help you get started on your own:

Plan on a project

You might stumble on the perfect slogan on your first try, it’s true, but it’s not at all likely. Instead, plan to get your team together and brainstorm, then draft and workshop some more. If these iconic slogans prove anything, it’s the power of the right slogan. It’s worth your time to find that for your business.

Start with your brand

A slogan resonates because it fits with the brand. Pizza Hut’s brand is playful, and its slogan is absurd. Apple’s brand is aloof, and so is its command of a slogan. When you start writing, keep your brand in mind. You want the slogan to match your brand’s voice and appeal to your audience, so brand alignment is key.

Be honest

You can’t overpromise in your slogan. Instead, focus on your product’s strength and what makes your offering different than your competition. Double down on that and skip any false promises.

Use emotion

The best slogans are memorable because the audience has an emotional response. You don’t need to be so heavy-handed as using words like love or smile in your slogan like McDonald’s and Goldfish, but you do want to pay attention to what emotional reaction you’re eliciting with words and sounds in your slogan.

chart of advertising slogans and associated emotions

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Keep it quippy

Our attention spans are short, and only getting shorter! Your slogan needs to be quick, and even better if it’s quippy. Whether it’s a clever reference, rhymes, or some wordplay, this will help make your slogan—and your business—unforgettable.

Start slinging slogans for your business

Was that alliteration heavy-handed? Yes, it was. But it stuck out, and your slogan should, too, to make sure your business is memorable for your audience. So use these iconic slogans for inspiration, and follow the lessons we gleaned from them as you start drafting your own. Good luck!

Think back on your favorite products or brands. Now try to think of a sentence or a phrase that you associate with them. The moment you hear this phrase, you think about the product, and vice versa (when you see the product, the phrase pops into your head almost instantly).

These phrases or sentences are advertising slogans, and if you remember them, even if they were all the way from your childhood, that means they are successful advertising slogans.

40 Memorable Advertising Slogans (and How to Create One)

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In this article, we will dig deep into 1) what and how to use advertising slogans, 2) 40+ memorable advertising slogans you should know, and 3) how to create your very own advertising slogan.


What are advertising slogans?

Advertising slogans are those brief yet memorable phrases that you find in marketing and advertising campaigns, acting as the main attention-drawer to the product, service, company, or brand that is being advertised.

They are catchy, they are short – often written in five words or less – and they sum up what the product or the brand has to offer. They are designed to draw the attention of customers to a brand, and keep that brand in mind in their future shopping or purchasing decisions.

What are advertising slogans for?

At a glance, it would seem that a slogan is just a tag line or a catchphrase that advertisers come up with. However, they have a more important function. Advertising slogans are part of a bigger marketing strategy. For example, every branding strategy involves the creation and use of an advertising slogan. After all, these slogans are often identified with a brand.

You will notice how all product or service providers come up with their own advertising slogans. This is because some slogans are more recognizable and thus offer more effective recall than mere brand names.

Advertising slogans are created for the following reasons:

  • Differentiation. An effective slogan sets you apart from the competition. This is extremely important if the business is in a highly competitive industry, with so many players in the market that offer similar products or services. One way to differentiate the business is to come up with a creative slogan that will make the brand instantly recognizable and, more importantly, more memorable than the other brands.
  • Information dissemination. Specifically, information about the business. Sometimes, consumers may not have an idea what a certain brand is for just by hearing the brand name alone. However, the moment they hear the slogan, they will have an idea what it is about. An example is Nokia. Those who are more geographically-oriented will immediately think of the town in Finland. But when they hear its slogan – “Connecting people” – they will immediately realize that it refers to the communications and information technology company based in Finland.
  • Reinforcement of brand identity. People tend to remember what they are constantly exposed to, and they easily forget what is not there. The advertising slogan accomplishes this by serving as a constant reminder of the presence and existence of the brand.


#1 “The King of Beers(Budweiser, late 1800s)

Since the 16th century, the beer brewed in Budweis – the Budweiser – specifically from Budejovice, was dubbed as the “beer of Kings”.

When Adolphus Busch developed the lager that will soon become the world-famous beer, he used this title in the marketing, using “The King of Beers” as a tagline, denoting its superiority over all other beers.

#2 “I’d walk a mile for a Camel(Camel, 1921)

Placing itself as America’s favorite cigarette, Camel first made use of this catchy slogan in 1921. It caught on pretty quick, and was used for several decades. It was definitely a much better and catchier slogan than its predecessor “Leave no unpleasant cigaretty after-taste”.

#3 “When you care enough to send the very best(Hallmark, 1934)

Retail chain Hallmark started out as a stationery store, until it became the United States’ largest manufacturer of greeting cards. That is why this slogan was very fitting to the brand’s identity when it was launched.

Decades later, even when Hallmark branched out into licensing and manufacture of other gift products, the slogan still holds true to its core vision.

#4 “Breakfast of champions.(Wheaties, 1935)

Wheaties, a General Mills breakfast cereal, became known for its packaging, with famous and noted American athletes featured on the cereal box.

This association with sports and sports athletes was the starting point for its campaign, claiming that “Champions get many a small boy to eat a good breakfast.” Hence, the “Breakfast of champions” tagline was born.

#5 “A diamond is forever(DeBeers, 1948)

DeBeers is a pioneering company when it comes to diamond mining and trading. Its line of jewelry has brought the company prominence, largely thanks to its successful advertising campaign, revolving around the slogan “a diamond is forever”.

It focused on women’s belief that diamonds represent love, commitment, and marriage. Since 1948, this slogan has appeared in every engagement advertisement that the company has launched, leading Advertising Age to proclaim it as the “slogan of the century” in 1999.

#6 “Finger lickin’ good(KFC, 1952)

Say this line out loud and “Kentucky Fried Chicken”, or KFC, immediately comes to mind. This phrase has become the company’s slogan, trademarked by founder Harland Sanders and used by the company in its campaigns.

#7 “The milk chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hand.(M&Ms, 1954)

This tagline has been used since the company first introduced its peanut M&Ms in 1954. It was inspired by the idea that the shell coating the chocolate was hard enough to avoid melting in the hand, but will eventually do so once they enter the mouth for eating.

These candies were pitched to the military as part of the rations for the American soldiers when they went off to war, and their hard shell made them ideal for long transports and storage.

#8 “Have a break… Have a Kit Kat.(Kit Kat by Nestle, 1957)

Kit Kat developed its chocolate-covered wafer biscuit of the same name in 1957 but launched its advertising efforts in full force in 1951. However, since 1951, until the company was acquired by Nestle in 1988, the worldwide slogan for the product has been “Have a break… Have a Kit Kat.”

#9 “Look, Ma, no cavities!(Crest by Procter & Gamble, 1958)

This tagline was used simultaneously with the launch of Crest Toothpaste, and helped the brand become one of the bestselling oral hygiene products in the United States at the time.

By using a Norman Rockwall artwork featuring smiling children with healthy and decay-free teeth, it was able to target its main demographic: families, specifically mothers and their children.

#10 “Think small(Volkswagen, 1959)

Out of the many ads that Volkswagen has released, one of the most famous, by far, is “Think Small”, which was specifically for the Volkswagen Beetle. It aided in pushing the campaign to be named by Ad Age as the “best advertising campaign of the 20th century”.

#11 “We Try Harder(Avis, 1962)

For 50 years, rental car company Avis used the slogan “We try harder”.

This was first launched when the company was ranked second (Hertz was first) in the rental car industry. It also denoted a promise about how the company will still work on keeping its service quality high, despite being second.

#12 “Fly the friendly skies.(United Airlines, 1966)

Although this iconic catchphrase has been officially retired by the company in 1996, it was such an effective advertising slogan that it was resurrected in 2013.

This hardly mattered, however, because during the retirement period, most of the general public was not even aware that it was replaced by other slogans. “Fly the friendly skies” was that memorable.

#13 “It’s the real thing!(Coca Cola, 1969)

Coca Cola is another company that has used a long list of advertising slogans since its founding in 1886.

The “It’s the Real Thing!” slogan was associated with the most famous Coca Cola television commercial released in 1971, which had young people atop a hill, singing “I’d like to buy the world a Coke”, further cementing its status as one of the most memorable slogans of the brand.

#14 “Nothing runs like a Deere(John Deere, 1972)

When we talk of construction, agricultural and other heavy machinery, the American manufacturer John Deere is a force to reckon with. And so is its company slogan, which is reinforced further by a logo featuring a deer in the act of leaping.

When it was developed in 1972, its intention was to promote its line of snowmobiles. Even when that snowmobile line ceased production, the slogan remained in use.

#15 “Have it your way.(Burger King, 1973)

Before adapting the currently in use slogan “Be your way”, Burger King had been using another slogan for 40 years. For 4 decades, Burger King has been associated with “Have it your way”.

This was initially formulated as a slight attack on McDonald’s being known for its rigidity when it comes to burger orders, and highlighted Burger King’s flexibility, allowing its customers to order their burgers and have Burger King serve it how they want it.

#16 “Because I’m worth it(L’Oreal, 1973)

The French cosmetics company’s main target customers are women, so it made sure to appeal to every woman’s natural instinct for self-worth.

The slogan hit women right where it matters the most, as it encompassed her “self-confidence, her decision, and her style”. It has become so iconic that it has also become synonymous to the L’Oreal brand.

#17 “Probably the best lager in the world(Carlsberg, 1973)

Global brewer Carlsberg has used one of the most well-known advertising slogans in the world since 1973, until a rebranding move replaced it with the current slogan, “This calls for a Carlsberg”.

The famous slogan, “Probably the best lager in the world”, was made even more popular during its launch by the fact that it was originally spoken in the ads by the equally famous actor Orson Welles.

#18 “The Uncola(Seven Up, 1973)

For the longest time, the creators of this lime-flavored soda drink targeted the younger demographic, to no avail. When it launched the UNCOLA campaign, with the tagline “The Uncola”, this trend started to change.

Young people became interested in a drink that is different, since it did not contain any caffeine, and is marketed to not have the gassy effects that cola drinks are known to bring about.

#19 “Impossible is nothing (Adidas, 1974)

This slogan was taken by sports brand Adidas from a quote by boxing legend Muhammad Ali, who was also the featured endorser in a series of short videos developed for the campaign. The slogan was in keeping with Adidas’ vision of supporting top athletes in their respective sports events.

It was once again used in the brand’s global campaign in 2004, featuring athletes who are legends in their own rights, joining Ali. They include footballer David Beckham, long-distance runner Haile Gebrselassie and NBA’s Tracy McGrady.

#20 “The Ultimate Driving Machine(BMW, 1975)

BMW cemented its brand image of being bold and having lots of attitude and power with the use of this slogan. Undoubtedly, this remains to be one of the best advertising taglines in the automobile industry.

#21 “The Citi never sleeps(Citibank, 1976)

This slogan was the company’s way of staying true to how Citibank was the first bank to install and promote in earnest its 24-hour electronic or automated teller machines (ATMs) in New York City.

The complete line was “The Citi Never Sleeps, But Your Neighborhood May Be Put To Rest”

#22 “I Love New York(New York City, 1977)

Go to any city in the world, and you will probably find a merchandise with the “I Love New York”, or I NY” slogan emblazoned on it.

This is a great example of an effective use of a slogan in an ad campaign. The city of New York used it in order to promote tourism in the City and, subsequently, of the entire state of New York.

#23 “When if absolutely, positively has to be there overnight(Federal Express, 1982)

There were a lot of courier services at the time, but FedEx was able to differentiate its name and service from the competition when it used this slogan. It was also part of the reason why FedEx is now one of the world’s largest express transportation.

#24 “The world’s favourite airline(British Airways, 1983)

Today, the official company slogan is “To Fly. To Serve.” Before that, however, British Airways successfully marketed itself as “The World’s Favourite Airline”.

Although this self-proclamation earned a lot of criticism from other airlines and the industry in general, giving British Airways the impression of being conceited, it remains to be a slogan that is very memorable among the public.

#25 “Where’s the beef?(Wendy’s, 1984)

One of the most famous American catchphrases, which was used to question the substance of a product or even an idea, was actually derived from an advertising slogan for fast food chain Wendy’s.

#26 “Quality never goes out of style.(Levi’s, 1985)

The iconic jeans produced by Levi Strauss & Co. have this slogan on their labels, but it has also been used in several television and print ads, making it one of the most memorable and enduring advertising slogans of all time.

The company has been known for its highly durable and lasting jeans, which is clearly embodied in the slogan.

#27 “It’s everywhere you want to be.(Visa,1985)

Visa presently uses the tagline “Everywhere you want to be”, which is a shortened version of the original, “It’s everywhere you want to be” slogan. The company is basically saying that, as long as you have a Visa card, you can get your hands on anything, go anywhere, and enjoy any experience, wherever you are in the world.

#28 “Just do it.(Nike, 1987)

According to Dan Wieden, the advertising executive behind the “Just do it” tagline, the slogan was based on the last words of convicted killer Gary Gilmore, before he was executed through a firing squad. Apparently, before he was shot, he said “Let’s do it”.

Wieden tweaked it to “Just do it”, and it gave consumers the feeling that they, too, can do anything and succeed just by wearing Nike products. This slogan was named by Campaign Magazine as the best tagline of the 20th century.

#29 “The best a man can get(Gillette, 1989)

Nothing says masculine more than a man shaving, and that is what the Gillette brand wants to demonstrate with its products. That is what inspired the ad executives behind Gillette’s campaign to choose this slogan.

In fact, it was so successful, it was even translated into 14 languages and used across the globe.

#30 “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.(Maybelline, 1991)

Since launching this slogan in 1991, the make-up company, which is under parent company L’Oreal, has been using it even now, proof of how effective it is, putting the focus on the female beauty, and how makeup can do wonders for one’s self-confidence, even if they weren’t born looking like models.

#31 “Got Milk?(California Milk Processor Board, 1993)

Ad agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners is responsible for coining this slogan for the California Milk Processor Board, a non-profit operating under the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

This national campaign was primarily to encourage the consumption of cow’s milk. What made it even more popular was its television commercial, which was directed by Hollywood A-lister Michael Bay.

#32 “Where do you want to go today?(Microsoft, 1994)

Microsoft has been launching global image ad campaigns, and the second one was, by far, one of the most recognizable.

“Where do you want to go today?” was launched to highlight how the personal computers of the company can be used to cross borders and barriers, even technological gaps.

#33 “Hello Boys(Wonderbra, 1994)

As if the product being advertized isn’t already sensational enough, the entire campaign, with the commercials, posters and the slogan tacked to it, made it even more memorable.

It came as no surprise, then, that the advertisement – which featured a then very young Eva Herzigova wearing the famed Wonder Bra – was voted by Outdoor Media Centre as their favorite iconic advertising image.

#34 “Good things come to those who wait(Guinness, 1996)

Guinness may be a brand in the United Kingdom but, thanks to this slogan, it has gained worldwide recognition, aside from putting it ahead of the pack in the United Kingdom.

It was originally aimed at correcting negative opinion of consumers on how long it would take to pour a pint of Guinness directly from the tap.

#35 “Think Different(Apple, 1997)

This slogan was used by Apple for a short time, from 1997 to 2002. It was meant to advertise the brand as a whole, rather than any of its specific products.

What made it even more memorable is the company’s use of famous names and familiar faces such as Jim Henson, Maria Callas, Cesar Chavez, and Miles Davis, to name a few.

#36 “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.(MasterCard, 1997)

Visa was ahead in coming up with “It’s everywhere you want to be”. MasterCard was not too far behind, with this longer tagline, which was part of the company’s award-winning Priceless brand awareness campaign.

Needless to say, this slogan made the name MasterCard a catchphrase in itself.

#37 “The Power of Dreams(Honda, 2001)

The global slogan of automobile giant Honda put more emphasis on dreams instead of reality. It struck that chord within each individual who dreams of owning a car. It was also specifically released in time with the launch of the Honda FCX Concept, a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

This addresses another dream of many, which is of an automobile that does not contribute to pollution.

#38 “I’m Lovin’ It(McDonald’s, 2003)

Having run for 13 years, the “I’m lovin’ it” tagline has become the longest-running tagline used by the fast food chain giant. The melody of the jingle was written by rapper Pusha T, and sung by Justin Timberlake.

It came in handy, since the brand was then battling accusations for serving unhealthy food. It was also that time when obesity was a huge issue.

#39 “Imagination at Work(General Electric, 2003)

General Electric, both as a company and as a brand, is an institution, and it owes much of that status to its strong marketing campaigns. The slogan “Imagination at Work” sends the message that imagination is what primarily inspires them in working on the development and manufacture of their products.

#40 “Real Beauty(Dove, 2004)

The “Real Beauty” campaign by Dove also made use of the same tagline. This was the brand’s effort to promote body awareness and acceptance among women – curves, rough edges and all. Recently, women have been experiencing a lot of body issues, and Dove aimed to correct that with this campaign and slogan.


#41 “Shave Time. Shave Money(Dollar Shave Club, 2013)

This commercial slogan by Dollar Shave Club, a company that sells affordable razors by mail order, is not only amazingly simple, it also quickly communicates the brand’s value – it saves you time by sending your shaving razors to you, and saves you money since its razors are quite affordable. In addition, this slogan is catchy and presents Dollar Shave Club as a direct, playful, and witty brand.

#42Stronger Than Dirt(Ajax, 1960)

This slogan points to the strength of the Ajax laundry detergent in dealing with dirt. This slogan is also a reference to Ajax, a hero from Greek mythology who was very strong and muscular. This slogan was accompanied by a commercial that showed a knight in shining armor riding on a horse through the streets and magically turning the clothes of everyone he met bright and clean. Every time he turned someone’s clothes clean, a group of guys said the slogan “stronger than dirt.”

#43You’re in good hands with Allstate(Allstate Insurance Company, 1950)

This brilliant company slogan was developed by Davis W. Ellis, the company’s general sales manager. It was based on a similar phrase his wife had used to reassure Davis when their daughter was ill, telling him that their daughter was in good hands with the doctor.

Generally, the clients of an insurance company need its services most when they are in crisis. This tagline reminds the clients that despite the crisis they are going through, they don’t have to worry because they are in good hands with Allstate Insurance.

This slogan was highly effective, and it is no wonder the company has used the slogan from 1950 to date. This slogan was even voted as America’s most recognizable slogan in the year 2000.

#44Like A Good Neighbor, State Farm Is There(State Farm Insurance Company, 1971)

This is another highly recognizable company slogan from an Insurance company. This slogan expresses the company’s “community first” approach to providing assistance to its clients when things go wrong. When something happens at home, most people reach out to their neighbors first, because they are sure that their neighbors will always be there. Similarly, this slogan reminds State Farm customers that State Farm will always be there, like another friendly neighbor. This differentiates the brand from other insurance companies which are not as eager to help their customer.

#45Don’t Leave Home Without It(American Express, 1975)

The “don’t leave home without it” slogan was used to advertise American Express traveler’s cheques, and later, the company’s credit cards. Developed for American Express in 1975 by marketing agency Ogilvy & Mather, this was a highly effective slogan. American Express used the slogan from 1975 all through to the late 90s. The idea behind this slogan is remarkably simple: using American Express traveler’s cheques (and credit cards) is so convenient, one should never leave their home without carrying it.

#46The Quicker Picker Upper(Bounty Paper Towels, 1965)

The fact that Procter & Gamble has used it to advertise their brand of Bounty paper towels for over 50 years is great testament to the effectiveness of this slogan. There are a couple of things that make it such a good slogan. First, the slogan uses three words that all rhyme with each other, making it a lot easier for people to remember the slogan. In addition, Bounty accompanied the slogan with a tune, which made it even more memorable. Finally, the slogan communicates the brand’s unique value proposition – Bounty is the paper towel that allows you to pick up messes faster than any other paper towel in the market.

#47Betcha Can’t Eat Just One(Lay’s Potato Chips, 1963)

Developed by Young and Rubicam for an advertising campaign for Lay’s Potato Chips back in 1963, this slogan was highly effective because what it said was actually true. Unless it’s the last one in the pack, you can’t just eat one Lay’s potato chip and stop there. While this might hold true for other potato chip brands, the fact that Lay’s was the first one to associate this with their brand played a huge role in making Lay’s a people’s favorite.

#48Tastes So Good, Cats Ask For It By Name(Meow Mix, 1976)

This is a playful, highly creative, and funny slogan developed in 1976 by Meow Mix, a cat food brand by Ralston Purina, though the brand is currently owned by The J. M. Smucker Company. The premise behind the slogan is simple yet effective – a cat food brand that tastes so good that cats actually ask for it by its name. This brand plays on the fact that its name is similar to the sound cats make. Therefore, the assumption here is that whenever a cat meows, the cat is actually asking for Meow Mix. Clever, right?

#49Reach Out And Touch Someone(AT&T, 1978)

By the late 70s, AT&T had started being seen as a monopoly by customers, and therefore, they approached advertising agency N.W. Ayer to help them soften their image. The advertising agency came up with a TV and print ad campaign that was accompanied by the “reach out and touch someone” slogan. The idea behind the slogan was to encourage people to pick up the phone and make long distance calls. In addition to associating warmth and good feelings with AT&T, the slogan also helped position AT&T as an indispensable part of everyday life for every American.

#50The Few. The Proud. The Marines(The US Marine Corps, 1977)

While the US Marine Corps has had several slogans, this slogan from 1977 is one of their most memorable slogans. The idea behind this slogan is that the Marine Corps is not just for anyone. It is for the few, high caliber men and women who are proud of serving in this elite military unit. The sense of exclusivity the slogan creates is very effective in enticing people to want to join the Marine Corps. It is no wonder, therefore, that the slogan even featured in Madison Avenue’s Walk of Fame in the year 2007.


Considering the success of the slogans discussed, it is clear that businesses and advertising agencies all over are looking to come up with the next successful advertising slogan, one that will be used for decades and establish the brand and the company firmly in their respective industries.

But how does one create an advertising slogan that works?Here are some notes or tips you can follow.

Tip 1: Decide whether you need a slogan or not.

There are several reasons why ad campaigns are launched, or why slogans are created. Some do it to launch a new product or service. Others look at it as a way to rebrand, or breathe new life to an already fading brand.

It may also be a form of damage control, in cases where the brand is currently facing issues or problems.

Tip 2: You have to start by looking internally, and evaluating what you already have.

If the company already has a logo, that means branding has already started. It is also possible that the company or brand already has a slogan in use. What is wrong with the slogan?

Will there be a need to completely replace it, or can it be reworked, just like how Citibank shortened its slogan? Usually, creating a slogan starts from the logo, basing the words and message from its design elements.

Tip 3: Think about what image you want to accomplish with the slogan.

You have to look into the core of the business, and what its offerings are. Gillette, for example, placed great value on masculinity. That was its inspiration for its “The best a man can get” slogan.

Tip 4: Keep the slogan straightforward and simple.

There is no hard and fast rule on how long it should be. It could be as short as a single word or two (ex. “Think Small”) or it could even be a long sentence, or even two (“There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.”). Some say that, the shorter a slogan is, the better it will be. This orientation works on the assumption that people tend to lose interest when they are made to read something lengthy or meandering.

The risk with short slogans is that, sometimes, the slogan may not contain all the necessary words to get the message across. If you have to use long slogans, however, make sure that they contain the important messages, not just fillers.

When choosing your words, pick those that are simple and easy to understand. You do not want people to have a hard time figuring out what the words in your slogan means, instead of getting the full picture instantly on the message that you are conveying.

Tip 5: Add some humor, if possible.

Usually, if something is funny, it will register better and faster with an audience. A funny slogan tends to have more hook than one with a serious or formal tone. However, do not force it, especially if the product or brand is not really meant to be injected with humor.

Tip 6: Make sure your slogan is honest.

Carlsberg faced some criticism with its slogan “Probably the best lager in the world” because it sounded conceited and almost dishonest. Do not overplay your hand and you may end up lying about what your brand is, or what your company offers.

Tip 7: Put some emotion into the slogan.

The catchphrase, in order to be noticed by consumers, must have something that resonates with their emotions. It should make them feel, if not think, something.

The word “beauty” alone will not mean anything, but add the word “real” to it and use “Real beauty” while promoting the Dove brand, and you have an effective slogan. “Because you’re worth it” also worked because it appealed to every woman’s desire to feel worthy.

Tip 8: Focus on the message.

Never lose sight of the message that you want to deliver. If you want to play up a specific strength of your brand, the slogan should refer to it. If you want your brand to stand out or be different, make sure the words reflect that.

Tip 9: Make sure your slogan is timeless.

Do not put limitations on the slogan, such that it will be applicable only in the present and not in the future. The words used should not be relevant in the present only, but throughout the years to come. Create a slogan that you envision to still be used by the company or brand long into the future. This is also one way to be forward-looking.

Good advertising slogans are not easy to make. They will sometimes take a lot of brainstorming before getting the right words that evoke the right feelings. However, it is something that can be done and once you get the right one, you will be happy you took the time to look for it. In many cases, a good advertising slogan can mean the difference between an ‘ok’ company and a ‘really great’ company.

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