3 letter word animal names

Which three-letter animals do you know? While cat, rat, or bat might be what clicks on my mind instantly, there are plenty more. Read on to see which ones.

Today, there are over 8.7 million animal species worldwide. Learning about them can be fun and exciting. You can break them down into different categories ranging from the biggest to the smallest, as well as through their habitats, and what they eat, among other factors.

But did you know there are animals with as short as three-letter names? Well, it’s true. Today we explore all the three-letter animals, some of which I’m sure you’ve never heard of.

Below are three-letter animal names you’ve probably never heard of anywhere.

  1. Elk

Elk - three-letter animals

In North America, the deer species are widespread. Among the largest of these species are Elk, with more than 1 million of them calling this region home. However, certain parts of Asia also have a number out in the wild.

Mostly, you find elk living near the edge or deep in a forest. Due to urbanization, some tend to wander into neighborhoods and towns. Still, they live in social groups and raise their calves together, unlike other deer species that enjoy isolation.

In terms of food, Elk enjoy bark from trees, grasses, leaves, and other plants. Being a deer species, elk are prey to some animals. Out in the wild, wolves, bears, and mountain lions hunt them.

Additionally, people seek them out during hunting season. Nonetheless, these three-letter animals aren’t on the endangered list.

  1. Fox

Red Fox in the Wild

Probably you’ve heard of the simile ‘As cunning as a fox.’ These sly three-letter animals have habitats all across the world. There are 12 fox species in total and more than 20 known extinct ones. These are members of the Canidae (dog family) that live on every continent except Antarctica.

Usually, the most known of the 12 species is the red fox. More than 19,000 of these live in the world,  in different habitats. All fox species prefer grasslands, deserts, mountains, and forests.

Usually, fox enjoys eating a wide range of food. These are omnivorous creatures that hunt rodents, and rabbits and also enjoy delicacies of wild berries and fruits. Their populations across the world remain strong, although their cunning nature causes friction with humans.

Today, fox hunting is still a recreational activity for many people. Though originally from the UK, it’s spread as far as Canada.

  1. Goa

Tibetan Gazelle in the Wild

Goa is also known as the Tibetan gazelle. These shy creatures fall under the antelope species. Adult males reach heights of only 65 cenitmeters.

Mainly, you can find Goa in the Tibetan plateau, as they prefer areas that are almost 6,000 feet above sea level. Though the more significant numbers are in this area, some smaller groups are in China and India. Here they feed on wild grass and shrubs.

Usually, they enjoy living in smaller family groups of 10 individuals. However, the majority of males prefer living alone. The only time they gather is during the mating season which starts in December.

Primarily, the main predators for Goa are the snow leopard and the Himalayan wolf. Human beings also hunt them for food and skin. Due to small numbers in the wild, these three-letter animals are ranked as near threatened.

  1. Cat

kitten on a tree

Did you know there are cat species that live out in the wild? These are some of the three-letter animals that start with the letter c. Their name is also part of the most common 3 letter words in the world. Many people know that domestic pets live at home, but that’s just a small part of the 38 species.

Out in the wild, cats inhabit almost every part of the world. Most have names according to where they live. For instance, there’s the European wild cat, African wild cat, Asiatic wild cat, and Arabian wild cat. Most live in isolation and come together to reproduce.

Usually, wild cats feed on rodents, frogs, birds, and other small creatures. Humans hunt some like the Scottish wild cat for their fur. But, overall, they have few predators.

See Related: Animals that Start with X

  1. Ape

Apes are three-letter animals from the primate family. Today, there are about 20 ape species in the world. These are split into two groups, namely the Great Apes and the Lesser Apes.

For the most part, you can find apes deep in the jungle or up in the mountains. They prefer these areas for ample food and protection. Mostly, they live in groups known as tribes led by one alpha male. Family groups can have 30 or more members.

Commonly, they feed on plants, fruits, and the bark of trees. However, as omnivores, they also hunt animals depending on their size. Also added to their diet are insects and birds.

Their population in the wild remains stable thanks to conservation efforts, though some species are extinct.

  1. Yak

yak - three-letter animals

Yaks are domesticated three-letter animals. Mostly, they enjoy living in the Himalayan regions. On the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, these creatures play a crucial role in human survival.

First glance at these creatures can be shocking due to their large frame. They’re built to withstand the harsh conditions in that part of the world. They eat grass and wild herbs in the region.

All in all, their numbers remain steady, with over 14 million creatures living today.

See Related: Facts About Bears

  1. Bat

Grey Long Eared Bat

Not many people know that bats are mammals. Today, there are more than 1,200 bat species in the world. These nocturnal creatures enjoy living in colonies. The largest colony in the world has over 20 million bats living together in the Bracken Cave.

However, it’s worth noting that some species prefer living solitary lives. For the most part, these three-letter animals eat fruit, nectar, small animals, insects, and even pollen.

As omnivores, their diet is widespread. Also, they cover vast areas in search of food. Commonly, they are polygamous. Though some species are extinct, the remaining ones have stable numbers. Some predators that eat bats include snakes, owls, and hawks.

  1. Emu

Portrait of an Emu

Among animals with cool three-letter words is the emu. Emus come second after ostrich in terms of large bird species in the world.

Today, there are more than 725,000 that live out in the wild. Though they are found in numerous zoos globally, they originate in Australia.

Emus are flightless birds that can walk long distances in search of food and water. They enjoy eating insects and plants.

One interesting trait is that they can live for some time without drinking water. Also, it’s good to note that the males incubate the eggs.

With vast numbers living in the wild, they don’t feature on the endangered animal list. However, they have some predators. The top ones are eagles and dingoes.

  1. Owl


Owl is a cute three-letter word bird of prey. It’s among the top animals with vast numbers of species reaching 200 in total.

Like most vast species, they are spread across the world. You can find owls in deserts, mountains, forests, and grasslands.

Usually, like other birds of prey, they eat small animals and insects. Preferences are mice, fish, other birds, and giant insects, among others. As for living arrangements, owls are solo creatures.

Usually, they enjoy a solitary life out in the wild, only coming together for mating purposes. The rest of the time, they defend their territories fiercely from one another.

These three-letter animals aren’t in immediate danger of extinction though some species no longer exist. Some people hunt them for feathers and sport.

  1. Koi

Koi Fish in the Water

Koi are beautiful three-letter animals that live in water. These fish types are common in most home aquariums. People keep them for ornamental purposes thanks to their bright colors.

Initially, Koi are from East Asia and are pretty popular in Japan. They enjoy living in parts of the world with cold water. There are about 100 known species of varying sizes, patterns, and colors.

In terms of food, wild Koi live on an omnivorous diet. They feed on algae, dead animals, insects, and plants. They prefer to live in schools finding safety in numbers.

Common predators include larger fish, wild dogs, wild cats, birds, and snakes, among others.

With regard to reproduction, females spawn, and males fertilize the eggs they lay. There’s no telling how many Koi are in the world, but numbers are enormous.

  1. Eel

The oceans carry lots of unique animals, including some with three-letter animal names like eels. There are over 780 species of eel in the world. Though most people know of the electric eels, there are many more in the open waters.

Eels are longer than regular fish and look more like snakes. They can swim well and often even move back when they need to. While some species are found in shallow waters like rivers, some prefer the deep blue sea.

Regarding feeding habits, eels are categorized as carnivores. They feed on animals such as smaller fish, worms, mussels, lizards, and frogs.

However, even as carnivores, they can become prey to others. Large birds and fish enjoy feeding on eels. Also, some mammals head to the water to hunt them like raccoons.

And, while even people enjoy eating eel, their populations remain high across the world.

  1. Jay

blue jay

Bird lovers know all about the Jay. It’s among the most beautiful three-letter animals you can check out. Popularly known as the Blue Jay, this bird lives in eastern parts of North America.

Usually, jays enjoy living in smaller flocks. They build their nests in high places and are known to defend themselves fiercely. Often in the wild, they eat fruits, nuts, and small insects. However, they also enjoy eating out of bird feeders.

In regard to their popularity, many people love Blue Jays because they are naturally curious. Chicks are known to play with different items. Also, they don’t fear living next to human beings.

However, they are prey to several animals. Owls, crows, snakes, raccoons, falcons, hawks, and eagles, among others, hunt jays. Still, with 13 million and above living in North America, they don’t feature on the endangered list.

See Related: Are Humans Animals?

  1. Gnu

Did you know that the lovely wild beasts of East Africa are also known as Gnu? These three-letter animals form one of the most extensive animal migrations in the world. They attract lots of tourists to that region and are among the most populous animals in the world.

Gnus are social creatures that live together in large herds. They enjoy the grassland habitats of East Africa, where they feed on green grass.  The most common predators in this region include cheetahs, lions, wild dogs, hyenas, and leopards.

  1. Ewt

Ewt is a member of the salamander family, most commonly known as a newt. It enjoys living in both forested and aquatic areas. Today, there are over 100 species on record populating all continents apart from Antarctica.

Though adult ewts prefer living in terrestrial areas, they always breed in water. They eat slugs, worms, and insects. However, they fall prey to fish, herons, snakes, and foxes.

Species vary in population, but they remain pretty standard in the world.

  1. Kea

new zealand kea

Bird species that make up three-letter animals include the Kea. They fall in the category of animals with three-letter words ending with a.

It’s a more prominent member of the parrot family that resides in forested parts of New Zealand. Usually, one male life with several females in the wild.

Like many other birds, Kea enjoys an omnivorous lifestyle. It can eat berries, insects, small fish, nuts, and many more foods.

Out in the wild, the main predators are cats, stoats, and possums. Before 1970, the bird was widely hunted by farmers when the government had a bounty on it.

Related Resources

  • Sun Bear
  • Leatherback Sea Turtle
  • Endangered Species in California

Are you looking for 3 letter animals? Then, the following list of over over 10 animals is for you. All these 3 letter animals are verified using recognized sources for their authenticity before being published.

Finding 3 letter animals, from a single web page can be a difficult task. But that is not a valid statement anymore!. We have undertaken the difficult task and created the following list of over 10 3 letter animals. You can now select the most convenient ones for your project easily from wordmom.com. If you are interested in keeping a printed copy of this animals that’s completely possible thanks to the printer friendliness of wordmom lists.

Wordmom.com is popular among all kinds of English language users including College & University students, Teachers, Writers and Word game players. We are happy to know your story of how this list of animals from wordmom.com helped you as a comment at the bottom of this page and also if you know any other ‘3 letter animals’ other than mentioned in the below list, please let us know.

3 letter animals that start with a

  • ant

3 letter animals that start with b

  • bat

3 letter animals that start with c

  • cat
  • cow

3 letter animals that start with d

  • dog

3 letter animals that start with e

  • emu

3 letter animals that start with f

  • fly
  • fox

3 letter animals that start with g

  • gar

3 letter animals that start with o

  • olm

3 letter animals that start with p

  • pig
  • pug

3 letter animals that start with r

  • rat

3 letter animals that start with y

  • yak

3 letter animals that start with

3 letter animals that end with

There are millions of animals throughout the world, but some are more common than others. Many of these animals are easily recognizable, with names that are easy to remember. In this article we compiled a list of common animals with 3 letter names. We also give you a couple of fun facts about the animals and show you a picture.

From common pets to animals living in the jungle, these animals are everywhere. For some of these creatures, the only thing they have in common is the number of letters in their name.

1. Elk

tule elk | source: USFWS Pacific Southwest Region

Scientific name: Cervus canadensis

Elk are some of the largest land mammals in North America, Central America, and East Asia. It’s an herbivore that mostly eats grass, small plants, and shrubbery. They can be found living in mountains, forests, and near meadows. When seen in the wild, they are often confused with moose.

Despite being a popular target for hunters, populations have risen in recent years.

2. Ant

Scientific name: Formicidae

Ants are one of the smallest insects, and can be found on every continent except for Antarctica. They live in colonies and are considered a type of social wasp. Today there are around 12,000 identified species of ants.

However, there are likely still some species that have yet to be discovered.

3. Cow

Scientific name: Bos taurus

Cows are mammals that are often used for milk, meat, and leather. These creatures are found all over the world as they can live in nearly any climate, but they prefer warmer regions. They have four stomachs and can eat about 300 pounds of food each day.

Some male cows, called bulls, will grow horns.

4. Pig

Scientific name: Sus scrofa scrofa

Pigs are another common farm animal that are thought that have been domesticated as early as 9,000 BC. They can be found everywhere except North Africa, far northern Eurasia, and Antarctica. Pigs are social creatures, and considered to be quite intelligent.

They are one of the main food sources for people in many countries, with around 60 million on farms in the United States.

5. Dog

cocker spaniel

Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris

Domestic dogs are one of the most popular options for pets in the world. They are known for being loyal and smart, and many people love having them as companions. They are numerous different dog breeds, with sizes ranging from .2 pounds to 200 pounds.

Dogs mostly eat meat, along with some vegetables.

6. Cat

Scientific name: Felis catus

Just like dogs, cats are common house pets. While they are mostly meat-eaters, they also enjoy some vegetables in their diet. Cat have retractable claws that allow them to easily hunt small prey, like rodents or birds. While cats are domesticated, there are plenty of feral cats that fend for themselves

Domestic cat breeds are predominantly small and don’t get as big as many types of dogs.

7. Bee

Bumble bee (Bombus bimaculatus) | image by John Baker via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Scientific name: Anthophila

Bees are flying insects that play an important role in pollinating many types of plants. This pollen, along with flower nectar, is their main source of food. Bees live in large colonies that contain queens, drones, and workers.

8. Eel

freshwater eel | image by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters

Scientific name: Anguilliformes

Different eel species can vary in size, from just a few inches to 13 feet long. Despite how closely they resemble snakes, they are considered fish. Their slippery coating is what led to the phrase, “slippery as an eel.”

They can live to be between 30 and 70 years old.

9. Owl

image: Bureau of Land Management | Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Scientific name: Strigiformes

Owls are nocturnal birds that prefer to live in solitude. Their sharp talons allow them to hunt mice, rabbits, and other birds. Some owl species hunt insects, while others have been known to grab small dogs out of yards.

There are as many 19 different species of owls in the United States, and over 200 in the world. Most of these birds of prey are nocturnal, elusive and rarely seen. If you do manage to spot one consider yourself lucky!

10. Fox

red fox

Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes

These small mammals are omnivorous and known for being intelligent and resourceful. They live on every continent except for Antarctica and are quite adaptable. The most common fox is the red fox, which is spread widely around the world.

It exists as a cunning part of folklore in some cultures.

11. Hen

Scientific name: Gallus gallus domesticus

Hens, also known as chickens, are domesticated farm animals used for eggs and meat. They are originally from Southeast Asia, but today are found all over the world. The males of the species are known as roosters.

There are more chickens in the world than any other type of bird.

12. Bat

common vampire bat | deposit photos

Scientific name: Chiroptera

Bats are the only mammals that can sustain flight and can maneuver better than birds when in the air. There are various types of bats that vary in size, but they all provide benefits to humans. They eat pest insects, and the guano found in bay dung can be used as fertilizer.

13. Rat

Scientific name: Rattus

The name rat can be applied to various types of rodents as long as they reach five inches or more in length. Smaller rodents are considered mice. The brown rat and house rat are the most common and can be found nearly anywhere with a human population.

Many rat species have spread far past their native regions.

14. Emu

image: Pixabay.com

Scientific name: Dromaius novaehollandiae

Emus are found in Australia, and they are one of the largest bird species. They can grow to six feet tall and have a similar appearance to ostriches. They eat seeds, fruits, bugs, and small animals.

In the wild, they can live to be anywhere from five to ten years old.

15. Gnu

gnu or wildebeast

Scientific name: Connochaetes

Gnus, also known as wildebeests, are a type of antelope found in Africa. They resemble thin but muscular cows and are closely related to goats and sheep. Gnus can be identified by their curved horns, manes, and beards.

16. Ape

Scientific name: Hominoidea

Primates that lack a prehensile tail are known as apes. These include gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. Some prefer to stay in trees while others can be found living on the ground.

Apes have the largest brains of any primate and can live to be 60 years old.

17. Koi

Scientific name: Cyprinus rubrofuscus

Koi fish are commonly kept in both indoor and outdoor ponds as decoration. This type of fish is hundreds of years old and descended from carp. Their vibrant coloring is what has led them to be used as ornamental fish.

If cared for properly, they can reach between two and three feet long.

3 Letter Animals Names

3 letter animals names

The word “animal” comes from the Latin word animals, which means “soul” or “breath”. In everyday non-scientific usage, the term refers to members of the kingdom Animalia.

Below are related animals names:

  • yak
  • rat
  • pug
  • pig
  • olm
  • gar
  • fox
  • fly
  • emu
  • dog
  • cow
  • cat
  • bat
  • ant

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About The Author

3 Letter Animals – People can make several animals which have three letters in English. Most of them are pretty familiar for many people so it will not be that difficult to describe the animal with the three letters. 

How many animals that have three letters in its English name? It must be easy to collect the names but it will be so much better to know more about them.

Three Letter Animals

  1. Cat
  2. Ant
  3. Bat
  4. Cow
  5. Fly
  6. Bee
  7. Ape
  8. Fox
  9. Dog
  10. Owl
  11. Pig
  12. Elk
  13. Dik
  14. Emu
  15. Hen
  16. Yak
  17. Eel
  18. Koi

1. Cat

3 letter animals


It is sure that people will refer to the domestic cat when they are talking about the cat. It will distinguish this animal from the other felines and felids. The cat is a mammal with small size. It is furry and has carnivorous characteristics.

Like other felids, cats have the physical characteristics of the strong and flexible body. It can show a quick reflex as well. The teeth are sharp while the claws are retractable so it can use them for killing the small prey.

2. Ant


The ant is part of the Formicidae family. It is considered as a eusocial insect. The ant actually is related to the bees and the wasps since they are members of the Hymenoptera order. The colonies of ant are formed in various sizes.

A colony of ants can consist of the millions member. The large colonies will have the females that are sterile and wingless, the soldiers, and the other groups that have a specific function.

3. Bat


The bat is flying but it is a mammal. This is an important fact which people must know. It is part of the Chiroptera order. The forelimbs are adapted into the wings. That is why the bats are the only mammals that can perform the true flight which can be sustained. Compared to the birds, the bats actually can make more maneuvers with its specific wings.

Many people are scared of bats but actually, this 3 letter animal can give various benefits to humans. The guano which is the bat dung can be used as a great fertilizer. The bats eat insect pests so there is no need to use too much amount of pesticide to the crops.

4. Cow


The cow is used colloquially for calling the cattle. can refer to the female Bos taurus after all. This animal is raised as the livestock because people want to get its meat, milk, as well as for the hides.

The leather is commonly made from the cow hides. Besides as livestock, the cow can also be used as the draft or riding animals. The cow dung can be used for making the fuel or the manure. The cow has an important religious meaning for Hindu people.

5. Fly


People will not feel strange with the fly although they surely will not feel comfortable with it. It is considered as part of the insects. It has a pair of wings which are functional for the flight. Those wings are supported with a pair of halters which is used for the balance.

It is a member of the Diptera order. Although the word fly can also be found in other insects which are not included in the order, there are some characteristics of the true fly. The head is mobile and it has a pair of compound eyes with a larger size. The mouth is made for piercing or lapping and sucking.

6. Bee


People might ask about the difference between the bee and the Wasp. One thing for sure, the wasp is the ancestor of the bees. The ancestor wasp is the predator of other insects while the bee consumes pollen.

This flying insect is known for its pollination function. It is also well-known for its ability for producing the honey and the beeswax although not all of the bees can do this. Some species of the bees are living in the colonies.

The pollen and nectar is the main food for the bees. The most pollen is used for feeding the larvae. The pollen is the source of protein as well as other nutrients while the nectar is the source of the energy for the bees.

7. Ape


The ape and the primate are different because the ape as the wider motion freedom degree of the shoulder joint. It is part of the superfamily called Hominoidea. There are two branches which are included in this superfamily including the lesser apes or gibbons as well as the great apes or the hominoids.

The hominoids are great tree climbers except for the gorillas as well as humans. The non-human hominoids are mostly considered as the rare or even endangered animals.

8. Fox

three letter animals


The foxes are the member of the Canidae family. This mammal has small to medium size. It has omnivorous eating behavior after all. Its skull is flattened while the upright ears have a triangular shape.

The snout is pointed and slightly upturned. The tail is long and busy so it is called a brush often. The true foxes are part of the Vulpes genus and there are twelve species of them. People can find foxed in every continent but Antarctica.

The common fox which is spread widely is the red fox which has Vulpes vulpes scientific name. This animal has a cunning reputation according to the folklore and pop culture around the world.

9. Dog


The domestic dog which is kept by many people today is part of the Canis genus. It is considered as the canids which look like the wolf. The dog with Canis lupus familiaris scientific name is considered a wolf subspecies. However, it can be part of a distinct species when it has Canis familiaris scientific name.

The dog surely has a long association with humans. That is why the dog is attuned to the behavior of the human being. This might be the reason why it can hold the diet which is rich in starch unlike other species of canid.

10. Owl

3 letter animals


The owl is part of the Strigiformes order. This bird has so many species but most of them live in a solitary life. It is a type of the nocturnal bird after all. It can be seen from the physical characteristic including the sharp talons, binocular vision, the head which is broad and large, binaural hearing, and the upright stance.

The diet for this bird includes the other birds, insects, and small mammals. Some species hunt fish. People can find the owl everywhere except some islands in the remote area and the ice caps of the polar.

Can you name the animals spelled with three letters?

% Correct
dog 92.8%
pig 70.6%
rat 68.8%
ant 66.6%
  1. What animal has a 3 letter name?
  2. What bird has a 3 letter name?
  3. What are some 3 letter words?
  4. What is a 3 letter Big Bird?
  5. What animal has 5 letters in its name?
  6. What animals end with e?
  7. What is a South African antelope?
  8. What is the part of fish?
  9. What is a small case called?
  10. What is the most common 3 letter word?

What animal has a 3 letter name?

bee, ant, ape, man, boy, ass, cow, ewe, sow, doe, yak, tit, hen, cob, pen, bat, eel, cod, jay, kit, kid, nit, pup, emu.

What bird has a 3 letter name?

In this article, we will explore three letter bird names: Owl, Mew, Jay, Emu, Kea, Moa, Tui, and Tit, and some of their characteristics. These birds are all over the world and some of them are now extinct, for example the Moa.

What are some 3 letter words?

The 3 letter words for kids are ink, aid, bad, cat, dog, eat, fig, god, hat, jug, kit, let, may, net, our, pet, rub, sit, tag, urn, van, war, yes, zip, etc. These are some of the simple 3 letter words for kids.

What is a 3 letter Big Bird?

LARGE bird with 3 Letters. MOA. 3. found. EMU.

What animal has 5 letters in its name?

Tiger, llama, kitty, puppy, gator, snake, horse, chick, human, etc.

What animals end with e?

Emu, Eagle, Elephant, Elephant Shrew, Echidna, Eskimo Dog .

What is a South African antelope?

Answer: Orib. Clue: South African antelope. Answer: SUN.

What is the part of fish?

Fins are appendages used by the fish to maintain position, move, steer and stop. They are either single fins along the centerline of the fish, such as the dorsal (back) fins, caudal (tail) fin and anal fin, or paired fins, which include the pectoral (chest) and pelvic (hip) fins.

What is a small case called?

Minuscule refers to lower-case letters.

What is the most common 3 letter word?

The most common three-letter words are the, and, are,for, not, but, had, has, was, all, any, one, man, out, you, his, her, and can. The most common four-letter words are that, with, have, this, will, your, from, they, want, been, good, much, some, and very.

Have a hard time looking for animal names that consist of three letters? While you may know the most common three-letter names like dog, cat, rat or farm animals like cow, pig, etc. There are some uncommon ones like an eel, kea, koi, etc.

Well, Here is the list of 22 animals with 3 letters that we found in our analysis. We have listed those animals in rank order by the alphabet and gave a small description about them with pictures and facts.

List of Three Letter Animals

NO Name Scientific Name Details
1 Ant Formicidae Arthropod, invertebrate Insects
2 Ape Hominoidea Mammal, ie: Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Orangutan, Bonobo, Human
3 Bat Chiroptera Bats are the only mammal that can fly.
4 Bee Anthophila Bees are helpful insects, they do the pollination work.
5 Cat Felis catus Common pet animal.
6 Cow Bos taurus Fram Animal, Often seen in domestic areas and fields.
7 Dog Canis lupus familiaris Common Pet animal
8 Eel Anguilliformes Fish, there are 800 species of eels.
9 Elk Cervus Canadensis Also named as wapiti, the largest red deer.
10 Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae A large bird, the second-largest living bird by height.
11 Fly Diptera Common insects, belong to House flies families.
12 Fox Vulpes vulpes live in forested areas, mountains, grasslands, and deserts.
13 Gar Lepisosteidae Also known as garfish.
14 Hen Gallus gallus domesticus Domestic animals, also raised in commercial farms.
15 Kea Nestor notabilis A large Species of parrot
16 Koi Cyprinus rubrofuscus Beautiful multicolored fish
16 Olm Proteus anguinus Amphibian
17 Owl Strigiformes Birds of prey
18 Pig Sus scrofa domesticus Farm Animal
19 Pug Canis lupus familiaris A Dog Breed
20 Rat Rattus Rat is a mammal
21 Yak Bos grunniens Long-haired, Short-legged ox-like mammal

22 Three Letter Animal Names With Details, Facts, and Images



Ant is the smallest of the “Order Insectivora”, a group of mammals that includes hedgehogs, shrews, and moles. The ant is so small that it is not always easy to see without proper vision.

But it has a long, slender body that extends into the ground. It is one of the most primitive mammals since it has a simple stomach, a large brain, and no lower jaw. The ant is unique in that it is known to form colonies, and, in some species, workers can eat their own kind.



Ape is a creature that is most talked about in zoos and not in the wild.  It is a species of large ape, the most well-known is the Gorilla. They are very dominant in size and strength. The Ape has an upper body strength close to that of a human.

Their arms are nearly twice as strong as a human arm.  Besides, apes can run faster than a human. Ape is also known to be some of the most intelligent species of the animal after humans.



Bats are nocturnal and one of the laziest animals. Besides, It is one of the most mysterious animals in the world. It’s a bird that flies and the only mammal that can see in the dark. Their wings are stronger than their legs.

As I have said before, Bats have an amazing ability to see in the dark. They have eyes that have a much higher sensitivity to light than our eyes. Because of this, they can see the tiny flickering light emitted by insect’s tails.

Besides, they can be found in most parts of the world where there is dense forest.



Bee is a three-letter animal. It is a mammal and can fly. Bee is a small, furry creature that likes to live in wooded areas. Bee’s have white fur and black stripes, along with long legs. Bee’s have two large, black eyes, and a long, thin nose.

Bee’s are useful, and this small creature is specially adapted to live in trees. Bee’s have long, sticky, black tongues!

You probably already know that bees produce honey. But did you know they also produce wax, which is used to make comb and honeycombs? And they use this wax to build their hives and for other purposes.

They also use it to seal up the openings of their hives after they have been filled with honey. Honey is not the only product of the bee. They also produce beeswax, which has many uses. It can be used as lip balm, lip gloss, hand creams, salves, and moisturizers.


Abyssinian Cat

Cats are known for their loving nature and their endless curiosity. When bored, they are known to find new ways to amuse themselves.

Cats are the second most favorite pets in the USA. They are very clean animals. And do not usually cause much of a problem for their owners. They are also docile and non-aggressive. 

There are many different types of cats, each with varying looks and habitats. The common cat is believed to have become domesticated around 8,000 BC in Mesopotamia.



Cows are a common sight on farms and rangelands all over the world for a very good reason.

First, cows are amazing beasts and produce nutrient-dense milk that is vital to human survival.

Second, they’re incredibly loyal, and to rely on them for your livelihood for any length of time is a huge responsibility. Thirdly, cows are intelligent and are very social.

Meanwhile, the domestic cow has been selectively bred for thousands of years by humans for the sole purpose of producing massive amounts of milk.


Greyhound Dog

The dog is the most popular animal of all time. No other has been as popular or as loved like them. All dogs are mammals, members of the Canidae family. 

Besides, Dogs are extremely loyal and so loveable. They are able to communicate with humans and respond to their feelings. 

A dog is a domesticated species that has been selectively bred over the last 10,000 years by humans for a wide variety of purposes. These purposes have included hunting, herding, protection, watchdogging, assistance, and companionship.

Dogs have five major senses: Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, and Smell. They use their sense of smell more than any other of their five senses. A dog’s hearing is also very acute.

However, Positively identifying a dog is not easy because there are so many breeds; however, if you know what to look for, it is relatively easy.



The eel is a slippery fish that lives in rivers and lakes, and it is the only fish that can swim backward. Eels have large eyes and sensitive whiskers, and they tend to be good swimmers. 

Eels have been known to eat other fish, and sometimes even frogs, birds, and small insects. 

Although eels are slimy, they are quite tasty and have been used for food by humans for thousands of years. 



Elk (wapiti) is the only species of wild reindeer in North America. 

They are among the largest of the deer family, and one of the largest land animals in the world.

Obviously, elk are extremely strong, because they can run at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. Elk can live up to 20 years. And a female elk will normally have only one calf six-month gestation period. The gestation period of an elk is about nine months. 

Elk have thick bodies with slender legs and short tails. Elk are browsers, meaning they eat most of their food by moving their heads from side to side as they munch. They are generally seen in wooded habitats, where they eat grasses, leaves, shrubs, and trees. 



Well, it’s a large flightless bird native to Australia and New Guinea. Its closest living relative is the ostrich. The emu is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: it’s a large, flightless bird. Besides, they can run  50 km/h.

Since they are very fast and have no fear of anything, they often run into human beings. This makes them dangerous to humans. 

It’s about 1.6m (5 feet) tall. It grows up to 1.9m (6 feet) tall and weighs between 140 and 250 kg (310 and 593 pounds). Emu meat is tasty, but it’s not tender like beef. 

It has strong legs, a long neck. The male is brownish-grey in color, and the female is much more reddish-brown. They lay around 25 eggs per year. On average, an adult emu lives about 10-20 years in the wild, and 35 years in captivity.  


Fly is a common, solitary, medium-sized, day-flying insect of the order Diptera and family Tephritidae. The fly has a brown or black body, shiny or slaty-looking wings (depending on the species), a pair of feather-like (antennae) antennae, and a pair of (simple) compound eyes.

Surprisingly, the eye gives them an almost 360-degree view of their surroundings. They are very mobile insects and can walk, run or fly over short distances using only their legs. 

The flies are capable of rapidly flapping their wings. That enables them to take off from the ground or other surfaces. The fly’s name comes from the Latin word fluere, meaning “to flow.”



Foxes are intelligent, witty, and fun animals that live and love in packs. Fox has gray fur with black tips on their tails and ears, and their eyes look like they are smiling the whole time.

Foxes live in dense forests. They prefer to live in areas of the forest where they don’t have to worry about competing for food.

They will eat almost anything that is small enough to fit in their mouth, including grasshoppers, mice, squirrels, birds, rabbits, and even snakes. 

A fox’s favorite way to hunt is by chasing its prey until the fox catches up to it. Then, the fox will pounce on its prey and take it by surprise. Foxes are social animals that enjoy playing together and will travel long distances to find a new place to live in the forest. 



Gar is one of the largest freshwater fish in North America. They can be easily identified for their torpedo-shaped body. An adult gar can be weighted 100 lbs (45 kg) and 6 ft (1.8 m) long.

However, in the proper condition, they can grow up 10 ft and about 350 lbs. 

They eat almost blue crabs, small turtles, waterfowl or other birds, and small mammals. 

They are mostly nocturnal but do come out at night to feed. Their main predators are alligators, human beings, large fish, and snakes.



The Hen (female chicken) is an animal that has been reported to have existed since the Stone Age. Hens are one of the most important of all domestic animals.

They are commonly grown all over the world. This bird is one of the most common sources of meat and egg we consume in our daily life. Though they can fly fur like other birds.

In fact, the average hen can fly about 100 yards (91 m). However, she can’t fly for very long periods of time and needs to rest every 20 to 30 minutes. They lay about a hundred eggs per year. The female hen will sit on those eggs for about 19-25 days. 

Hens are omnivores, they love to eat insects, seeds, crops, and sometimes vegetables too.


 Japanese koi fish

Koi are freshwater fish that originate from the river basin of China. However, most koi available in the market are farmed. There are many different varieties of Koi.

People raise koi as a hobby or a business.  Koi are also an excellent source of protein. While the Japanese koi fishes are colorful. So, it will make a great addition to your acclaim.



Olm is a strange animal. The olm is a blind, cave-dwelling salamander. It has spent so long adapting to life in caves. As it grows up, its eyes stop developing. 

The deeper mystery is olm’s lifespan is about 100 years. Olm’s are known for their predator-free nature. 



Owls are nocturnal birds of prey that hunt at night. The scientific name for an owl is Strigiformes.

They have large eyes and ears to help them hunt in the dark. They also have very sharp eyesight. An adult female owl can see as well or better than a human being with perfect eyesight. And, they have extremely acute hearing.



Pigs are very intelligent animals. They are also social and curious. Pigs can be very funny, and also be very cute.

They make good pets if you take the time to socialize them properly. The first pig has domesticated in China around 10,000 years ago.

Pigs have been around for a long time. From the ancient ages, people are raising pigs on farms. 

As time passed by, more and more people began to raise pigs as their own pets. And in the past few decades, people are growing them in commercial farms.


Pug Dog

The Pug (their scientific name is Canis Lupus Familiaris) is a toy dog breed that originated in China.

Soon, many people in Europe and America fell in love with this small, elegant dog. 

Pugs are active, fun-loving dogs. They have a strong will to please their owners. If you train them well, they will be loyal and loving companions for life. Pugs are excellent family pets. They are very affectionate, playful, and intelligent.


Rats are one of the most destructive pests in the world. Rats are also very social animals. When it comes to finding food, safety, or a mate. 

They will explore everywhere and go into almost any enclosed space. This makes them very hard to get rid of. They have been used as food for humans, and for medical research.

Many people love rats, and many hate rats. Despite that, they are one of the top ten most popular pets in the world.

However, not all rats are good rats. Some rats are extremely destructive. 



The Yak is a large, hairy, wild animal that lives in the forests of the Himalayas, in Asia. However, there are several breeds of Yak that are domesticated. 

You can easily identify them by their long horns and hairy appearance. Besides, Yaks are known for their huge horns shaggy hair, and forehead. Moreover, they can survive the coldest temperature.

Final Words

After reading this list, I bet you got a lot out of it right? Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media. 

Here is a table giving you 71 animal names that have three letters in them. Also, I have provided meanings for each animal name listed. Time to learn!

No. 3-Letter Animal Name Animal Details
1 Ani A gloss-black and deep-billed bird with a long tail, belonging to the cuckoo family.
2 Ant An almost-wingless, stinging insect that lives in colonies, and depends on a breeding queen(s).
3 Ape A primate that doesn’t have a tail. The word is an umbrella that covers chimpanzees, gorillas, gibbons, and orang-utans.
4 Asp A snake, specifically a viper. It has an upturned snout. It is also known as the Egyptian cobra.
5 Ass Classic word for donkey
6 Auk Also known to be of the alcid family. It is a small black and white bird.
7 Bat It is the only mammal that can fly. Then, why can’t Batman fly?
8 Bee Winged, yellow-black, nectar-loving honey makers over here!
9 Boa A snake that operates by the means called constriction
20 Bok Ever heard about Springbok? Well, the ‘bok’ there is a reference for an antelope. Jumping antelope – Springbok! 
21 Bug General name for insects  – beetles, water scorpions, bat/stink/lace/coreid/plant bugs 
22 Cat Felis catus over here! You probably skipped this one because of its feline nature.
23 Cob A small, well-built, stout horse. It has larger joints and strong bones. 
24 Cod Have you ever heard of cod liver oil? Cod is a common type of fish.
25 Cow This one should have been in your mind already. Cows, are, you know, cows!
26 Cub A young one of a lion (mostly), but it also refers to bear and wolf babies.
26 Dab A can-be-eaten flatfish, native to Northern Europe.
27 Dam The mother of any animal that is domesticated, such as a dog or a horse.
28. Doe It can be the female of a couple of mammals like deer, kangaroos, and rabbits.
29. Dog Man’s best friend. The best canine in the human world, and more so in the United States.
30. Dzo A kind of cow. It is the progeny of crossbreeding a yak and the domesticated cow.  
31. Eel A snake-like fish that is best known for its electrocution powers.
32. Eft A juvenile newt (you dig?)
33. Elk The biggest mammal in the deer family. Talk about branch-like horns!
34. Emu A heightened bird, little sister to the ostrich
35. Ewe The female sheep
36. Fly Nothing to read here.
37. Fox A carnivore related to the dog, cunning to the bone.
38. Gar A fish, native to North America. It has narrowly elongated jaws.
39. Gib When your cat or ferret gets neutered (castrated), it gets baptized and becomes a gib.
40. Gnu Do you say it as gh-nu or nu? Well, whichever it is, this is the wildebeest, in short.
41. Goa A type of antelope that lives around the Tibetan plateau.
42. Hen The female of chicken, or any other female fowl.  
43. Hog A reference for the family of mammals known as Suidae – pigs, warthogs, boars, etc.
44. Jay Noisy and colorful birds that are of medium size. Many people exchange the word jay with the word magpie.
45. Kea An olive-green bird of the parrot family found in New Zealand.
46. Kid A young goat? That’s right.
47. Kit The shortened form of the word kitten, which you already know.
48. Kob An antelope native to Africa, belonging to the Reduncinae family.
49. Koi A beautiful domesticated fish that looks like a clownfish  
49. Man This must be a funny one! Man is an animal – the highly intelligent mammal!
50. Moa Although extinct, the moa was a flightless bird that sized the same as a turkey.  
51. Mog Short for moggy. This refers to a cat that does not belong to any specific breed.
52. Nag When a horse becomes old and renders itself worn-out, it becomes a nag.
53. Nit An insect – the nymph of a louse.
54. Olm An amphibian – a salamander that does everything in its life underwater – eating, sleeping, and breeding.
55. Owl This animal is looking at you right now – the freaky, wide-eyed bird.
56. Pen Female swan
57. Pig Is there anything to say here?
58. Pug A Chinese breed of dogs – snubbed nose, square body, smoothly short hair, curled tail, and a wrinkled face.
58. Pup The young one of a dog, wolf, shark, fish – name them!
59. Ram Male sheep
60. Rat Long-tailed rodent of…why am I even explaining this?
61. Ray Weird looking underwater fishes.
62. Roc Bird of prey, but not real – just a mythical creature.
63. Roe Another dear deer, natively European.
64. Roo Short for kangaroo
65. Sow A pig or bear of the female kind.
66. Teg When a sheep is two years old (human years), it’s a teg.
67. Tit A small passerine bird that exists mainly in Africa and the Northern Hemisphere
68. Tui Another passerine (or perching) bird is small in size.
69. Tup Another name for ram (male sheep). Also, it refers to a castrated male sheep.
70. Ure A wild cattle, one of the ancestors of cows. It is now extinct.
71. Yak This one is a relative of the cow. It is found in the Himalayas, where it has been domesticated.

If you’ve found the three-letter animals interesting, here are 57 four-letter ones. If you can, look up the meaning of each word to know which animal it is.

More animal names for you! And this time, each of the 137 names has 5-letters.

Here are 164 animal names that are six-lettered. From common ones to rare ones, the list is rich. To make this read better, make sure you look up the meaning of each word.

Did you ask what an agouti is? Well, it is a guinea-pig kind of rodent. Solve the exercise since the first one has been done for you.

If you play animal crossword puzzles, this article should be a great resource for you.  Answer this quick one: Which of the following is the relative of the llama?

Table of Contents

  • 1. What is a three letter word animal?
  • 2. What is the most used 2 letter word?
  • 3. What insect has 3 letters in its name?
  • 4. What kind of animal has two letter words?
  • 5. How many words can you make out of animal?
  • 6. Are there any antonyms for the word animal?
  • 7. What are the unscrambled words of the animal?
  • 8. What animals have 6 letters?
  • 9. What are some animals that begin with the letter?
  • 10. What do animals have 10 letters?

Ant, cat, pig, dog …. Are probably the most common. Ono, elk, cod, ewt, pug, pig, tom, rat, pen, auk, jay, Fly, ewe, tit, yak, fox, ray, Owl, dab, orc, hog, hen, emu, gar, bat.

What is the most used 2 letter word?

The most common two-letter words are to, of, in, it, is, as, at, be, we, he, so, on, an, or, do, if, up, by, and my. The most common three-letter words are the, and, are,for, not, but, had, has, was, all, any, one, man, out, you, his, her, and can.

What insect has 3 letters in its name?

All Crossword-Answers for: insect

Clue Answer Letters
insect with 3 Letters
insect FLY 3
insect ANT 3
insect BEE 3

What kind of animal has two letter words?

What animal has two letter words as it’s name 001 3 2 1 2 Add a Comment Anonymous Answered 2020-07-27 15:29:48 OX 001 1 1 0 0 Add a Comment Anonymous Answered 2020-08-23 23:55:39 Ox 001 1 0 0 1 Add a Comment Anonymous Answered 2020-09-09 16:03:56 Ox 001 0 1 1 0 Add a Comment Anonymous Answered 2020-09-11 05:08:47 Ai 001 1 3 0 2 Add a Comment You may like this What is the number 1 tourist attraction in Indiana?

How many words can you make out of animal?

Animal is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 11 points. Animal is a 6 letter medium Word starting with A and ending with L. Below are Total 52 words made out of this word. 1). amain 2). amnia 3). liana 4). anima 5). mania 6). liman 7). lamia 8). lanai

Are there any antonyms for the word animal?

Need antonyms for animal? Here’s a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Opposite of a real or imaginary living entity, especially an intelligent one “I mistook the shadow for an eerie creature, but it turned out to be nothing more than an irregularly shaped object .”

What are the unscrambled words of the animal?

4 letter words made by unscrambling letters ANIMAL alan; alma; amia; amin; amla; anal; anil; lain; lama; lana; lima; limn; mail; main; mala; mali; mana; mani; mina; naam; nail; nala

What animals have 6 letters?

ANIMAL PLANET™ Guess the Animals Quiz Answers 6 Letters Words, Cheats, Solutions for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Kindle . Game by 100 Pics Ltd. Rabbit. Walrus. Jaguar. Iguana. Mantis. Marmot.

What are some animals that begin with the letter?

1) Armadillo. Image Source: fdncms.com Armadillo’s scientific name is Dasypodidae, this animal well-known as their strong armour. 2) Ant. Image Source: nautil.us Of course, the ant has A letter! 3) Anteater. 4) Antechinus. 5) Agama. 6) Alligator. 7) Archerfish. 8) African Wolf Spider. 9) Anaconda. 10) African Tree Pangolin. You may like this Are there any Z names in the Bible?

What do animals have 10 letters?

– Chimpanzee – Great White – Kingfisher – Sperm Whale – Wildebeest – Canada Lynx

Three Letter Animals – What are some animals that have 3 letters in their name? This is a question that many people ask themselves when they are playing word games, or just looking for something to do.

There are plenty of three letter animals out there! In this blog post we will explore some three letter animal names, and the best way to remember them.

Three Letter Animals

1. Cat

cat three letter animals


Cats is a common name for domestic cats. Cats are mammals that have small bodies and fur. They are predominantly carnivores but can also be classified as omnivores.

Cats are similar to other felids in that they have a strong and flexible body. They also have retractable claws, so they can hunt small prey with them.

2. Ant

ant 3 Letter Animals


Ants are small insects that live in colonies.

There is a lot of debate about how ants evolved, but many people agree they came from some type of social wasp such as the red wood ant or carpenter ants.

They can be found on almost every continent with the exception of Antarctica and some islands.

Ants are social insects, meaning there is a division of labor between males, females, queens, and workers. They also have the ability to communicate with each other through chemical signals called pheromones.

There are about 12 000 identified species in the world today (excluding those yet undiscovered).

3. Bat

three Letter Animals


The bat is a nocturnal animal that can be found all over the world. The bat is not a bird, but rather an insectivore and part of the order Chiroptera.

They are between 50-250 grams in weight and have wingspans around 60 cm.

The important facts about bats are that they have a very high metabolic rate, meaning they require an abundant food supply and need to consume their weight in insects each night.

They also cannot take off or land using the ground as support so must use flight or jump from trees/rocks when doing those tasks.

4. Cow

3 Letter Animals


The cow is a mammal that is part of the bovine family and are often used as a source for cow milk.

They have also been used to create beef, veal, leather from their hides, or provide transportation using oxen yokes.

Cows can be found all over the world in different climates and environment conditions but prefer warmer environments that other animals.

This animal has four stomachs and can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day.

The cow is an animal that looks similar to sheep but have horns, are larger than sheep, and produce large amounts of milk if they are bred for dairy cows.

5. Fly

three Letter Animals


The fly is a type of invertebrate and are grouped into the insect class. They have two pairs of wings, one pair on their head that they use to fly with and a set off at the abdomen which helps them jump when running from predators or escaping danger.

The fly can be found all over the world and have a long history of being pests in homes, businesses, agricultural fields.

The fly is not well known for carrying disease but often carry parasites which can be transmitted to humans through food or other means.

6. Bee

3 Letter Animals


Bees are a type of insect that are important for the ecosystem because they help pollinate plants.

Bees live by a social system where there is one queen bee and thousands of worker bees which do not reproduce but work to keep the hive in order, feed larvae, clean out old cells from honeycombs as well as look for sources of nectar or pollen.

The queen bee and the worker bees feed on pollen which is their main food source along with nectar from flowers.

All of bees live together in a colony where there are three types: workers, drones, and queens (which can also be called “mothers”).

7. Ape

Animals that Have 3 Letters in Their Name


Apes are primates that have the characteristic of having a prehensile tail.

Some apes live in trees, while other types such as gorillas and chimpanzees live on the ground.

The different type of animals include orangutans, gibbons, siamangs, spider monkeys, howler monkeys and colobus monkeys.

And the important facts about this animal are the size of their brain which is larger than other primates, they can live to be 60 years old.

8. Fox

fox animal


Foxes are usually considered as pests and are not usually handled by humans.

They have the ability to hunt small animals such as rabbits, mice, rats and beavers.

The animal has hearing that is much better than other members of its family which it uses when hunting for food in addition to having excellent sight during the night.

This animal is known for being cunning and crafty.

9. Dog

dog animal


The domestic dog is a subspecies of the gray wolf and is recognized by its long snout, pointed ears, thin muzzle and short coat.

It has an excellent sense of smell which it often uses to find food in addition to being able to hear sounds that are too high pitched for humans as well as having good night vision.

Dogs vary from as small as 0.22 pounds to over 200 pounds.

Dog eat any available food source, but their diet typically consists of meat and some vegetables.

This animal is known for its loyalty to humans as well as being intelligent and trainable.

10. Owl

owl animals


Owls are birds with an exceptionally keen sense of sight, hearing and smell.

They have a knack for hunting in the dark as well as being extremely patient when it comes to waiting for prey.

Owls are raised by their parents until they become independent at about two years old.

The owl eat mostly a diet of rodents, but other small animals are consumed as well.

Owls can eat over nine thousand calories in one day because they have to hunt for their food rather than just eating what is available.

This animal has only three feathers on each front leg and two feathers on each back leg with the exception of the Great Horned Owl which has four feathers on each leg.

11. Dzo

dzo animals


A dzo is a crossbreed of a yak and cow. Dzos are raised by humans for their meat, milk, skin and hair.

A dzo is considered to be one of the most important domesticated animals in much of Asia.

This animal has only three horns on each side with two being typical for males and females respectively while the third horn is found on the nose of males.

12. Yak

yak animals


The domestic yak is a long-haired, large-framed bovid that is native to the Tibetan Plateau of Central Asia.

Yaks are a source of milk and meat for people in Tibet as well as being an important means of transportation because they can carry loads over rugged terrain where vehicles cannot go.

Yaks are still used in China to draw plows, but they also give milk, meat, and hides.

13. Rat

rat 3 Letter Animals


Rat is a genuset with three to five different subspecies.

The rat is a long-tailed rodent found all over the world, and there are more than 200 species in 12 families.

This animal is a pest to humans and their property as well as being the source of many diseases.

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