250 word personal statement

One day, out of nowhere, you suddenly need to know how to write a 250-word personal statement for a college application. Such pressure would give even great essayists writer’s block. And what exactly are you required to compose?

A personal statement is just an essay with a topic that focuses on the writer specifically. In all the best examples, college admissions committees are given real insights into applicants.

That is to say: Unfortunately, this article can’t give you a personal statement template because each is unique. However, our experts found some great college personal statement examples (250 words and 500 words). Below, you’ll see them and how to write a successful personal statement with our guidance.

🧔 What Is a Personal Statement?

Many high school students think they have never written a 250-word personal statement before. But most of them are mistaken. Why is this? You have probably written plenty of personal essays as a high school student. Though, they differ from what you’ll have to deal with for your college application.

A personal statement should reveal information about its author (in other words, you). You cannot stay indifferent, discussing any topic within this task.

For example:

A personal statement on literature should go beyond your opinion of your favorite book. (Definitely do not write a report!) Instead, it should indicate what your favorite book means to you. Similarly, if you’ve chosen to write about your favorite sport, you must write about how and why you feel about it. See the pattern?

Most of all:

Don’t forget that you are the star of your personal statement—no matter what, you are the topic.

🔑 Keys to 250-Word Personal Statement

Before getting into the details about what makes a college application special, let’s review essay writing fundamentals. These rules should guide you every time you sit down to compose your statement:

  1. Planning your writing is essential. Don’t throw an essay together at the last minute. Think about what you’re going to write, outline your personal statement, and then execute it.

  2. Be sure to use a solid writing structure, especially if you have a freeform essay prompt. Many college admissions essay prompts are freeform, but don’t let your personal statement format be freeform. However, this shouldn’t be a problem because you already know the best personal statement format! Always use a properly structured essay format with a clear introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion (like the 5-paragraph essay).

  3. The foundation of all good writing is rewriting—so don’t submit the first draft! You’re not a professional writer, but even acclaimed writers always need to edit and rewrite to perfect their prose. If you don’t have multiple drafts of your personal statement for college, you are in trouble. You even may want to use a reworder in order to make your text perfect.

  4. Make sure your essay addresses the prompt. The first and only impression most college applicants get to make is through their application essays. A strong personal statement should always address the prompt directly. If the admissions committee thinks you’ve adapted old writing for your application, they might think you don’t know how to follow directions.

  5. Get the reader’s attention by showing what makes you unique and a great applicant. Put yourself in the position of the college admissions staff. They read tons of essays. Accordingly, you should focus on grabbing the attention of the reader, but in the right way. Don’t lie, exaggerate, or try to be memorable for the wrong reason. Instead, find ways to emphasize the unique traits about yourself that would make you an ideal college student.

  6. Time is the most precious resource…

    • …so start writing early and don’t procrastinate! Rushed writing is typically bad writing. When you have the time to write (and rewrite), the finished product will be superior. If you know that you have an application essay due next month, try producing a draft today.

    • so don’t waste your reader’s time. This is the most important rule of writing. When an essay has to be 500 words in length, for example, make sure that you’ve chosen an appropriate topic. If you can only write 250 words on a subject and the rest is filler, your readers will feel like their time was wasted.

If you can follow this small handful of rules, you will be ahead of most college applicants. Remember, getting into college is a competition, so it is vital to learn how to write a strong personal statement.

🌟 How to Write a 250-Word Personal Statement

So you’re finally ready to write your personal statement? You’ve Googled “write personal statement sample” and “how to start a college personal statement,” so now you know how to start a personal statement, right?

Not so fast:

Have you brainstormed? Have you written an outline? Have you developed the perfect thesis statement? If you haven’t performed these crucial steps, then you aren’t ready.

🏁 Starting Off

Here are a few more tips to ensure you get your personal statement started off on the right foot:

  1. Think about a similar writing process.

Ponder the following. A college application essay is just a persuasive essay in which you are trying to persuade your reader that you would make an excellent college student. Of course, you want to be more subtle, but the purpose of a personal statement for a college application is persuasion.

  1. Read personal statement examples.

Many prestigious universities publish a handful of sample personal statements from successful applicants. These are the best sorts of personal statement examples, but you should be careful to avoid copying topics or language. Instead, pay attention to similarities to better understand the best format for a personal statement.

  1. Don’t goof up the simple formatting issues.

Nowadays, the physical formatting of your personal statement matters less than ever because so much text is directly submitted through the web. In case you need to send it as a Word document file, use a standard font like 12 point Arial or Times New Roman. Do not make tiny or huge margins.

Nonetheless, you may want to add a heading that includes your name. This way, you’ll be sure that you are given credit for your extraordinary personal statement—even if your printed essay is misplaced. Most importantly, check any formatting requirements and apply them before writing one word.

  1. Pay attention to the strengths of a school or program to which you are applying.

If you are applying to a college with strength in agriculture, you should write an essay that shows how well you understand crops or livestock. If you’re going to an engineering school, you should highlight your dexterity with calculations. In the case of a military academy, the last thing you want to do is describe how much you hate following rules.

Armed with these guidelines for a 250-word personal statement for college, you should be able to start writing an excellent essay to get into any school.

💡 Writing Tips

There are many tips for writing the best college application essay, and here are a few of the most vital.

  • First: Remember the purpose of writing a personal statement for a college application.

The answer is to get into the colleges to which you are applying. You’re not writing to express yourself, though good personal essay examples typically do that. Instead, you need to impress a university staff member, reading dozens of papers every day for a month.

  • Second: Select a topic that contributes to your success.

Since the goal is to get admitted to a college, you need to put your best foot forward. Try to choose a topic that highlights one of your most positive attributes.

Suppose you can write about a topic that clarifies what a great college student you will be—it’s excellent! Try to use your personal statement to show your incredible drive and resilient character inside the classroom and out. But again, don’t lie or exaggerate.

  • Third: Write about activities that define your personality.

If possible, write about activities that are on your application elsewhere, but are not well described. In case you were a class president, you might want to mention that.

However, if you started a unique club that did charity work, tutoring, or anything else benefiting the community, this would be a superior topic. Class presidents are popular students, while students who create positive change in their communities are rare gems.

  • Lastly: Never waste your reader’s time.

Follow the general rules given earlier in this article, but pay special attention to this one. The admissions staff that reads these college essays must read many application packets daily. They want to feel like every paper they read is worthy of their attention.

For this reason, never include filler in an admission essay. If there are any wasted words in your college personal statement (whether 500-word or 250-word one), cut them immediately.

🕵️ Specific Personal Statement Secrets

What if you’ve already been admitted to your dreams’ college? And now, your goal is to get into the graduate program. Or you’ve studied hard, done well in college, and decided to go to law school. Last but certainly not least, you may be applying to medical school.

You’ll need a personal statement that will get you in the school or program for all these cases. Below, we’ve gathered some tips for these particular instances.

🎓 Graduate School Personal Statement

Many students have to settle for safety schools when attending college. Still, graduate and professional institutions can provide a second chance to achieve your academic dreams.

But wait:

Before you dust off the college application essay that got you into your current university, you should consider that graduate students’ standards are higher. You have to work a lot to get your Master’s degree or a Ph.D.

Here are a few tips that you should follow if you want to get into your dreams’ graduate program.

  1. Pick graduate programs to apply to that suit your strengths from your undergraduate education. This isn’t exactly a writing tip, but it is a tip that makes your writing much more manageable. When you sit down to write your grad school application essays, it can be relatively easy if your résumé screams that you are a perfect fit.

  2. Try to find and read more than one successful graduate school personal statement sample. If you are an overachieving undergraduate student, like many future grad students are, you may have strong relationships with your teaching assistants, instructors, and even professors. Many of these people may have graduate school 250-word personal statement examples from their graduate school applications. Many of them would be happy to share them with you if you promise to be nice. After reading a successful personal statement or two, you may see what is expected of a grad school applicant.

  3. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the graduate program or your future graduate advisors ahead of time. Graduate school is not like undergraduate programs—you will probably work very closely with a professor. Accordingly, you should email or even phone them before you apply. The content of your conversations will shape your personal statement. For example, you may know the professor you want to work with also wants to work with you. Then you should include that information in your personal statement.

  4. Get help from current or past grad students! Again, if you are an overachieving undergraduate, make sure to use your professional contacts to write the best essays possible. Some constructive criticism on your application materials could be just what you need to get admitted.

These tips are just the beginning of writing one of the best grad school essays that will be submitted to your graduate program of choice.

Above all else:

Remember to follow all the norms within your field. Every discipline and subject in graduate school has slightly different standards. Only use those tips applicable to your domain.

⚖️ Law School Personal Statement

Don’t make a boneheaded mistake with your law school personal statement! Following the rules outlined above is just a start. You’ll also need to read a few law school personal statements and pay attention to these specific features in the application process.

  1. Make sure to use crystal clear language. Practicing law is all about communicating logically and persuasively. These three elements of communication are the fundamentals of being a successful lawyer. If your essay does not demonstrate these qualities, you will probably not be admitted to law school.

  2. Don’t focus too much on your love of the legal professions or process. It is a little known fact that most lawyers never enter a courtroom in the average year. Trial lawyers make up a small percentage of lawyers. Most are corporate lawyers who use their expertise to advise their firms and write and analyze contracts. And of course, many individuals with law degrees use their legal knowledge, training, and skills for totally unrelated professions. Accordingly, you should focus on writing an essay that describes the positive attributes. Show what makes you well suited to learning and writing about law, rather than your long-term professional goals.

  3. If you do talk about the implications of a legal profession or its importance to you, be careful! If you insist on writing about your imagined future as a judge or your deep and eternal love of the law, make sure your writing does not contain inaccuracies. Remember, the people reading your law school personal statements are probably lawyers—and they almost certainly have better understandings of the law than you. If your law school personal statement contains any legal content, perhaps have a lawyer read it.

🏥 Medical School Personal Statement

Medical doctors, optometrists, and dentists each have their special schools with their stringent standards. As such, read some sample essays and follow these tips to ensure your success.

  1. If you are applying to medical school, be sure you apply to a program that might accept you. Be realistic when assessing your résumé, transcript, and MCAT scores. The medical schools you are applying to should be within reach. If you can match your desired schools’ qualifications, your medical school personal statement will be much easier to write. (However, one nice feature of med school personal statements is that you can often write an AMCAS personal statement and use it for multiple programs.)

  2. Demonstrate your skills as both a scholar and a scientist. Medical school in the 21st century is equal parts book smarts and scientific knowhow. If you have laboratory research experience, make sure to share it. If you’ve had scientific publications, they need to be a focus of your personal statement.

Thank you for reading! We hope all these tips were helpful, and now you can nail your college personal statement. Share the article with other people who may find it useful for their essay writing.

Further reading:

✏️ Personal Statement for College FAQ

❓ What is a personal statement for college?

Nearly any college or scholarship application procedure includes writing a specific paper. It may be a motivation letter, a personal statement, or an application essay, etc. A student should describe their background, provide relevant information about experience and goals, prove their motivation.

❓How to write a personal statement for college

Applying for a scholarship implies writing a personal statement or a similar paper. If you want to succeed in it, look at multiple examples or even templates available online. Your main task is to highlight your strength and motivation.

❓ What to write in a personal statement for college?

For a college application, a standard format includes the following key points:

  • Introduction (name, age, place of residence);

  • Educational background (all levels + related courses);

  • The desired program you’re applying for;

  • Justification of your choice, your motivation;

  • Relevant additional details about you.

❓ How to format a personal statement?

A personal statement might look a little different, depending on the type of application. For grad school, college, masters, jobs – each one might have its peculiarities. The common principle is that it should be well-structured, contain relevant details about your background, and prove your strong motivation.

🔗 References

A lot of high school students believe they’ve never composed an essay of 250 words before. Most of them are wrong. Why is that? You probably wrote a lot of personal essays while you were a high schooler. However, they are different from the ones you’ll need to write when you apply to college.

Personal statements should provide details about the person who wrote it (in other terms, it should reveal your). It is impossible to remain indifferent when talking about any subject in this assignment.

Personal Statement Vs Statement of Purpose

The first thing to note is that it is a bit smaller in formality than the statement of purpose.

The second difference is in their content:

Personal statements are a way to show your desire and enthusiasm to be enrolled in a specific area. It must demonstrate who you truly are.

A statement of intent informs about your future plans and plans: what value will you be able to provide a company?

Avoiding mistakes

A frequently made error is trying too hard to promote oneself. The most obvious and absurd falsehoods are also common.

The other negative of a poor essay for application is the use of stale words and clichés.

How To Structure A Personal Statement?

Personal statements must make an impression. Alongside presenting your multi-faceted personality It is crucial to demonstrate your reasons for being the best candidate. So, your personal statement should focus on three points:

  • The reason you’d like to attend
  • The way you’re incredibly skilled
  • How you’ll become a superstar

A frequent topic in personal essays is the ability to overcome adversity. It’s possible to highlight significant personal accomplishments while showing your individuality too. It’s not just about writing the reasons why you’d like to go to the particular program. It’s about explaining how they would be benefited by having an individual similar to you as a participant in their program.

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Supporting Statements Examples

A supporting statement is a written statement that can be included in many job applications. Any employer could ask you to write a supporting statement, although they’re most popular in applications for education, the public sector, and non-profit organizations.

The supporting statement gives you the opportunity to show how you meet All of the critical and, if possible, desired criteria in their unique specification.

Good To Know: Study Abroad Personal Statement Sample + Success Tips

A person specification is a document that outlines the skills and abilities that the employer expects you to possess in order to complete the job successfully. It highlights the necessary abilities, experience, and expertise for the position.

The criteria could be displayed as a grid or a list, with each criterion labeled as either “important” or “desirable.” Be aware that some individual specifications will require you to download a separate document.

Your supporting statement would be evaluated against the person specification criteria, and the employer will decide whether or not to invite you towards the next stage of the interview process. In most circumstances, this will be the stage of the interview.

How To Write A Supporting Statement For A Job Example

Make sure you’ve read the directions for the supporting statement (if any) so you know exactly what to add before you start. We recommend utilizing the template below if you haven’t been provided any special requirements for the supporting statement.

Also, if there even is one, take the time to read the role’s person specification attentively, as this document will be crucial in putting up your supporting statement. 

Here are some steps to write a supporting statement. You can also take ideas from our supporting information for job application examples below.

Good To Know: 250 Word Personal Statement Samples

Introduce Yourself

How to introduce yourself in a supporting statement? The first paragraph should introduce yourself and provide a quick explanation of who you are and why you are the best candidate for the job, such as “I am an award-winning fundraiser with extensive corporate experience.” It is critical to present yourself in a strong and positive right from the outset.

Remember to include your name and address in both the accompanying statement and your CV. You would like to make it as simple as possible for the employer to figure out who you are if they become separated.

Write About The Institution/Organization 

You’ll have to explain why you desire this exact career and to work for this specific company, which will need some background study. Explain how your goals, methods, and beliefs align with theirs, as well as what impresses and attracts you to the institution/organization.

Highlight And Proof Your Skills/Abilities

Then, using examples from your expertise, go over all of the requirements and desirables included in the person specification and describe how you satisfy them. Wherever possible, use real examples and data, such as “improved efficiency by 25% while saving over £10k from the initial budget.”

Make sure the supporting statement reflects your personality and demonstrates your motivation and enthusiasm. Make positive statements about oneself, such as “I have…” rather than “my previous employer has…” Bullet points and powerful, energetic verbs can help add oomph to your application.

Use The STAR Model 

You must ensure that your responses have some order while composing your supporting statement. The STAR model is a useful tool for organizing your supporting statements.

  • S–Situations
  • T–Tasks
  • A–Actions
  • R–Results

It’s critical to stick to the structure of the essential criteria to avoid missing anything. It also aids in evaluating your abilities, qualities, and experiences that 

would assist you to fit into the job or firm.


Your final line should reiterate your passion for the position and that you are the ideal candidate for it.

Essay on winter vacation for class 3

3 Tips To Write Supporting Statement

Proofread Before Submitting

  • Before you email it, get some comments from friends, family, or job counselors. Compose your statement in a word document before putting it into the application – this will allow us to make adjustments, check spelling and punctuation, and also save your work as you go. If you are invited to an interview, save a copy of your supporting statement so you may read it and familiarise yourself with it before going.

Keep It To The Point And Brief

  • Recruiters don’t want to read pages of prose, so make your supporting statement as short as possible while still containing all of the needed information. After you’ve completed it, go back and eliminate anything that isn’t necessary. Additionally, have a friend or coworker proofread the statement before sending it.

Consider your language and phrases to make a great impact. You can even utilize the same language and words used by the business in the job description and person specification.

Use A Criteria

  • Consider using the criteria as subheadings within your statement, or numbering your paragraphs to indicate which criterion you’re talking about if the criteria are numbered. Similar criteria should be grouped together wherever possible and logically to save time, space, and the repeating of your evidence throughout the statement.

Explain why and how something satisfies the criteria, not just what you’ve done. If you can’t think of any relevant instances for the role you’re applying for, think of where you can demonstrate the criteria in your previous experience and write about it. 

Length Of Supporting Statement

Now you might be thinking of the length of the supporting statement that you are going to write. So how long should a supporting statement be?

Some applications will require you to meet a word count. It is critical that you adhere to this guideline and do not deviate from it. If there isn’t a word count, 1-2 pages of writing are recommended. 250-word personal stetement is best.

250 Word Personal Statement Examples

Here are some good examples of supporting statements. Keep in mind that don’t copy-paste them, just take ideas from these samples. 

Supporting Statement For Job Example

I’m interested in becoming a teaching assistant because I believe that all children should have equal access to education. I also believe that this position will allow me to gain this experience while simultaneously assisting youngsters with a variety of learning difficulties. There is no greater thrill for me than being able to gain new talents while overcoming obstacles. This is something I believe I found for myself while volunteering at a local elementary school. I am a very creative person that enjoys reading, writing stories, listening to music, and creating art. My abilities and inventiveness, I feel, will also help me support other sections of the curriculum, such as Numeracy and Science.

I recently finished a teaching program that required me to create a lesson plan for a specific target audience. I had the option to interact with a local primary school and also an educational psychologist as part of my research, and both offered me valuable insight into how to effectively design my lesson plan. I was also able to put my strategy to the test with the help of my nine-year-old cousin. That research has given me a glimpse of the value of differentiation, enabling me to provide essential help to slow learners while simultaneously pushing gifted students.

I’ve also learned about alternative teaching approaches, such as using audio, visual, and kinaesthetic elements, and I’ve tailored my lesson plan to include them. I gained crucial problem-solving abilities as well as creative talents that would enable me to come up with the necessary solutions to assist youngsters in overcoming problems as a result of the program. Working as a teaching assistant, I believe, will provide me with an excellent opportunity to put my academic knowledge into practice.

Supporting Statement Example Customer Service

I am a dependable, diligent, timely, and eager individual. I’ve also received compliments on my ability to be a creative chef. Food preparation is a hobby of mine. I enjoy encountering new people because I think that living with various types of individuals with various personalities can benefit me in various sectors of the community. Traveling, reading, and studying more about numerous themes addressing various health issues are some of my interests and hobbies.

Every one of these issues is really significant to me since I believe these are related to several areas in which I am especially interested, such as customer service and hospitality. Food safety, customer service, basic first aid, IT abilities, and customer care are all talents that I have acquired individually. These are highly promising accomplishments for me because I’ve learned new abilities and gained a better comprehension and knowledge of people skills. With people of various levels, I have excellent communication abilities. This, I believe, has helped me grow into a more understanding person in the long run.

as well as one who is encouraging and nonjudgmental. Considering my 7 years of experience in customer service, and also similar industries like retail and sales, I believe I am also familiar with the type of environment I would want to work in. I’ve learned a lot from the various unpleasant experiences I’ve had, such as dealing with difficult clients and determining what the customers’ true needs are. All of my own experiences in this profession have made me a stronger and more focused individual. I’ve worked in a Customer Service/Relations atmosphere for 7 years and have enjoyed every minute of it.

I’ve honed my communication skills and customer service techniques.

I appreciate the variety of working with clients, as well as the challenges that come with dealing with tough customers or circumstances such as complaints, returns that are not warranted, and so on. I prefer to work in a thorough and structured way, using lists and maintaining records and logs to keep track of my calls and customers, as well as who I need to contact and by what date. I believe that providing excellent customer service is critical, and I strive to ensure that I am attentive to my customers’ needs and expectations while also performing my obligations as a Customer Service Representative.

I work professionally, pay close attention to detail, and have a calm and disciplined demeanor when dealing with consumers. I’ve gathered enough expertise to deal with complaints and difficult instances, and I maintain a positive attitude at all times. I’m looking for more responsibility and believe I’ve reached a point where I can manage more customer accounts or lead a team of assistants. I’m excited to continue my career in customer service, which I enjoy. I’ve received any internal customer service awards, training, or anything else you’re proud of. This, I believe, will be a valuable asset I own.


Don’t write a  statement without the help of an experienced one. If you need a supporting statement for council job or another job, you can hire our professional and experienced writers.

We would like to help you in writing the best supporting statement.


What’s Your Personal Statement To Submit To College?

The majority of college and application for a scholarship requires an individual piece of paper. It could be a motivational note or personal statement or an essay for application, or any other. Students should outline their experience, give pertinent details regarding their experiences and objectives, as well as demonstrate their motive.

How Do You Create A Personal Statement For College?

A scholarship application requires the submission of a personal statement or a similar document. If you’re looking to be successful in this endeavor, take a look at various examples or templates on the internet. The most important thing is to showcase your strength and drive.

What Should You Write In Your Personal Essay For College?

In a college application an acceptable format should include the following important aspects:

Introduction (name age, date of birth, and address of residence);

Background of education (all levels, plus associated courses);

The program you’re applying for

Your reasoning behind the choice

Additional information about you that is relevant to you.

How Do You Create An Individual Statement?

A personal statement could appear different depending on the kind of application. For college, graduate school masters, jobs, or masters every one of them will possess its own unique features. The most common rule is that your resume should be well-organized, provide pertinent details about your education and show your strong determination.

250 words working together example




Author & Editor Team:: Adila Zakir, Alexa Smith

Our review panel has been working in academic and non-academic writing for more than 1 decade.

When you apply to college, you are required to submit all admission requirements, which include a personal statement. One of the most challenging tasks that you will do is to write the essay because you need to make it exceptional. With that in mind, here are tips on how to write a 250 word personal statement for a university, but remember that you can always ask for help personal statement proofreading services.

Writing 250 Word Personal Statement for University

When you have the chance to create your personal statement, do your best. Do not let others beat you, especially when you know that you are qualified to become part of that program.

Here are some other excellent tips to remember when you will write your 250 word personal statement for university:

  • Pick a topic that you are passionate about: In 250 word personal statement unlike the personal statement 500 words, it is easy to write when you know what you will write. With that, choose a topic that you like or you are passionate about. It is essential that when you choose, you describe a certain moment of difficulty, personal growth, confidence or strength. Keep in mind that there is no best topic, but the best essays are the ones that answer all the questions. In the essay, you only have one chance and that is to differentiate yourself from other people aside from resumes, test scores and grades. It is good to write a topic that excites you as well as the reader. It is also important not to forget about the right personal statement length.
  • Attention grabbing first sentence: In writing a personal statement for university, it is important that you have a good start. You need to capture the attention of the reader and you can do this when you have a good start in your first sentence. It is better when you tell a story, quote and other things. Make sure that the reader will remember you easily when they read your introduction.

Is a One Page Personal Statement Too Short?

  • Tell only great stories: Since you have a limit in writing the personal statement, you can tell one story that really affect you. You can discuss about the challenges that you faced in the past, obstacles or any lessons that give you good inspiration. Choose a story that is different from others.
  • Avoid copying from others: when you check out 250 word personal statement samples, do not copy any information from it. Use it only as your resources to know what format or structure to use. You have different stories from others. Take note that no person has the same experience or stories that is why you need to be different from others. Grab the opportunity to satisfy the admission committee by presenting unique and wonderful story.
  • Be unique: Being unique is important and it does not mean that you need to portray who you are. Being unique means that you need to give a story that admission committee hasn’t read yet. Give them an interesting essay that is easily to be remembered.
  • Proofread: One of the personal statement writing tips you should not forget to read your paper before you submit it. A single mistake will affect the quality of your essay. Invest sufficient time to read your paper so that you can get rid of all the mistakes you have committed.

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The picture provides the basic definition of a personal statement.

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The primary question you have now sounds somewhat like “How to organize my personal statement to get enrolled?”

The good news is waiting for you on this page!

We have all the answers you need about the strategy of a personal statement: outline, tips, and good personal statement outline examples are here.


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Read more

  1. 📍 Personal Statement Definition

  2. 📑 Personal Statement Outline

  3. 📏 Personal Statement Length

  4. ⛔ Personal Statement Mistakes

  5. ✔️ Personal Statement Examples: 250 Words

  6. ✔️ Personal Statement Examples: 500 Words

📍 Definition of a Personal Statement

Alright, it’s time to learn what exactly a personal statement is.

The personal statement is your chance to present yourself in the most flattering light to the application committee members or your potential institution/employer. It’s time to impress with your achievements, personality, and skills.

Note that there are several formats of presenting yourself while applying to an institution or a job:

  • admission essay

  • application essay

  • personal statement

  • statement of purpose

In fact, these concepts express the same idea: to sell yourself most advantageously. However, there are minor peculiarities. We’ll look upon them in the next paragraph!

Personal Statement VS Statement of Purpose

First of all, the personal statement is slightly less formal than the statement of purpose.

The next difference between them reflects in the contents:

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A personal statement demonstrates your eagerness and motivation to get enrolled in a particular place. It has to show who you are.

A statement of purpose tells about your future goals and intentions: what benefit can you bring to an organization?

📑 Personal Statement for College Outline

The primary goal of a successful application essay is to highlight you among other candidates. For accomplishing that goal, the first essential is a well-organized personal statement outline.

This section will be meticulously studying the peculiarities of an outline of a personal statement for college.

How to Organize a Personal Statement

The picture provides the outline for a personal statement.

Before writing a personal statement outline, you should set up the primary goal of your application essay.

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What result do you expect by writing it?

Most likely, you want your college application to bring you to the freshmen community eventually.

To get it, you have to include all the significant achievements. Thus, the next step is to brainstorm the ideas to choose from later.

Make up a list of the important things to mention in your application writing:

  • Academic background details,

  • Nuances of preparation and training process,

  • Skills, researches, and awards,

  • Your motivation.

This is just the beginning. Now let’s go deeper into the details of the structure.

Although a personal statement is not a regular academic essay, it has to follow a particular plan. It will be pretty similar to the outline of standard persuasive writing:

Once you’ve managed to write your draft, you’ll get a clue how to title your personal statement.

Personal Statement Intro

Imagine meeting someone for the first time. First impressions are very lasting, right? Especially when it comes to creating a personal statement. The key idea is: if your introduction hits home, the reader is yours. After reading a genuinely engaging intro, one wants to figure out what else you will tell.

However, a merely great intro is not enough to reach the goal. Keep in mind that the rest of your personal statement has to be strong too.

If you want to figure out how to organize a personal statement introduction, follow us. There are some crucial things to know.

Here is the recipe for a great intro:

  • A hook for your readers’ attention: let it be a fact about you that sounds intriguing and engaging.

  • Perform a brief but consistent introduction of yourself as a person. Who are you? What are the main traits that describe you as a personality and professional?

  • Provide a piece of information concerning your background that is relatable for the position.

  • Make sure each constituent in your intro connects well to another one, and the flow is smooth.

How to End an Application Essay / Personal Statement

It’s time to wind up, and you have some difficulties with how to end your application essay?

No reasons to worry!

Stay here, and you’ll learn about the ending of the personal statement for the college.

The final touch of the college admission paper is a firm conclusion. By saying ‘strong,’ we mean such one that leaves your admissions officer impressed and filled up with a desire to get you enrolled.

You can end your writing with the summary of facts mentioned before. It is crucial to link it all with the position you’re applying for.

  • Write out all the significant facts about your background and goals.

  • Say it in other words and add some information that is not brand new but specifies what you’ve said before.

  • Let your readers know about plans in case you get enrolled. How will your life change?

  • Organize your conclusion in a well-curated structure and proofread it.

📏 How Long Is a Personal Statement?

Whether you want to enter medical school in the UK or apply for law school in Canada, the rules are the same almost everywhere. To avoid dropping out of the format, you have to know how long a personal statement is.

What Is the Typical Recommended Length of a Personal Statement?

So, how long should a college application essay be?

  • It should include approximately 350-500 words (2600-3000 symbols) or 1-2 pages in regular font and size. The most optimum option would be 1,5 pages with a clear-cut structure and distinguished paragraphs.

Remember, if you violate these prescriptions, your application might not be read further.

Writing a too short personal statement is also risky. An application officer is likely to doubt your skills and experience.

That is why you should stick to the words and paragraph limits as closely as possible.

The picture provides the information about the recommended length of a personal statement.

⛔ 250-Words College Personal Statement Examples: How NOT to Do

To make a good impression, you have to know all the ins and outs.

But what about the red flags?

It’s also vital to know the potential mistakes.

So, let’s look at the bad examples to figure out the flaws you should avoid in your application letter.

Personal Statement Failure #1

One of the most common mistakes is too aggressive attempts to sell oneself. The apparent and even ridiculous lies go here, too. You can observe such errors in the following personal statement of a person who’s trying too hard to get to a medical school:

I am a natural-born doctor. Since I was two, everyone would call me a little Frankenstein because I performed numerous biological experiments with animals. All my family kept telling me I would make a perfect surgeon. When I was learning to speak, the first word in my vocabulary was “medicine.” My mother didn’t even get offended because it is evident that she created a remarkably gifted child. Since my childhood, I studied the inner world of local birds and frogs and performed surgeries on worms. I haven’t ever got any other mark in Biology except “excellent.” Biology and chemistry teachers always praised me for the outstanding results in various contests. I didn’t even spend time playing outside with my friends. All I ever did was studying, watching surgery tutorials, and consuming volumes of professional medical literature. I am grateful to my family for believing in me and my teachers for inspiration and knowledge. I am sure I can make a significant difference in this field with my eagerness and talent. I would be thrilled if you allowed me to enter your institution. So, dear committee members, I am kindly asking you to consider my application as a priority…

Experts analysis:

  • Such solid and emotional words like “outstanding,” “perfect,” or “best of the best” don’t add to your professionalism.

  • No matter how talented children may be, they are unlikely to have “medicine” as the first word. This piece seems ingenuine and misleading in general.

  • Being cruel to animals in childhood is also not a golden ticket to a good university. Avoid such shocking details. Evaluate what you write about in terms of ethics.

  • It’s hard to imagine a triter cliché than “to make a difference.”

  • Avoid using too many intensifiers in your letter. Use rational arguments instead.

  • At last, don’t beg application officers to take you. Let them make a decision based on your experience and skills.

Personal Statement Failure #2

The next disadvantage of a bad application essay is stale expressions and clichés.

My only dream ever was to enter the best law school. I have been craving to become the most fantastic lawyer of all ever existed on Earth. I suppose that my traits and characteristics will contribute to it amazingly. My considerable experience and outstanding skills make me the fittest candidate for your law college. I haven’t stopped reading law books and journals 24/7 for the last decade. I am also fond of true-crime TV shows and spent hours watching them. I am absolutely astonished by these professional and shrewd detectives. I wish I could become one of such. Once when I was 11, my neighbor gave me his Colt to learn how to shoot sparrows. Thus, you can be sure of my extensive knowledge in this sphere. I can’t wait to enter the best law school globally and learn from the best professionals in this field. I am eager to get through any challenges and difficulties because I have come through many such things during my life. For example, I lost my favorite dog when I was five years old. It was a brutal and highly traumatic experience. We used to spend a lot of time together, but I managed with the stress…

Expert analysis:

  • Instead of a grasping hook, there is a bland and cliched sentence — all the school graduates “dream of becoming” someone.

  • Too many excessive personal details giving no helpful information about an applicant’s background and fundamental skills.

  • One has to enumerate specific skills and features that are needed for the position.

  • Again, too many intensifiers also make the paper sound trite.

  • Mentioning the Colt shooting is not the best option for one who wants to enter a law school. Probably, not the best thing to do for anyone.

Personal Statement Failure #3

Hello, dear committee members! I would like to present myself to you so you could see that I am a true gem for your institution. I want to start by describing my talents and natural abilities. I didn’t learn the alphabet. I was born with the ability to read, no cap. But it’s a trifle, for real. The top-notch fact about me is that I am a natural-born financier. You probably heard of Frank Cowperwood, did you? It is the most famous of Dreiser’s characters, a great financier, a banker. I am saying it in case you haven’t heard about it. I knew how to count since I was two years old. I also have been striking great bargains since childhood. My parents gave me fruits to school, and I sold them to my classmates. Well, at school, I wasn’t just a good financier. I also had absolutely outstanding results in math. Sometimes my teacher was so astonished by my knowledge that she asked me to conduct classes. In middle school, I started investing and already have my shares in all big companies. So I ask you to consider my application, so I could get started and yield benefits to your business school. If you refuse to get me enrolled, I am sure that you’ll regret it very soon because it’s the next Warren Buffet who’s writing this personal statement.

Expert analysis:

  • Bragging: there’s so much of it that it seems like the author is joking.

  • Using slang. The personal statement is the most inappropriate place for that. Instead of hobnobbing with application officers, you have to show how seriously you take the process and how responsible you can be.

  • Impossible facts: avoid lying about yourself by all means.

  • Too many repetitions: makes the speech bland and poor.

  • The text isn’t divided into paragraphs, making it hard to read.

Alright, it’s enough. It was pretty tough to deal with such awful personal statements, wasn’t it? Let’s switch our attention to much more pleasant things.

We would like to present good personal statement examples that you can use as samples and inspiration sources for yours!

A helpful tip: focus on the personal statement intro when reading good examples and put down ideas you can use in your essay!

Personal Statement Example #1

One of the most famous American physicians, Martin H. Fisher, once said: “Observation, reason, human understanding, courage; these make the physician.” These are the concepts I wish to pursue in my life. I have consciously chosen the path of growing more reasonable, understanding, helping, and courageous by becoming a doctor. While volunteering at a children’s hospital in my gap year, I’ve realized nursing or being a doctor is a challenging but worthy path. I am fully aware that becoming a professional and capable physician takes many years of careful study and work. This is one of the reasons I’ve decided to apply for the medical college in the first place. I admire the quality of knowledge your college gives to students, for I’ve met the school graduates of great competence and skills. Honestly speaking, I do not consider my experience in medicine prominent, but I’ve got the highest grades in biology and chemistry at high school. Besides, I’ve attended extracurricular classes and won special prizes for my research works. I have attached them to this letter. My desire to serve my best in this field is considerable, for I believe each person has their mission and purpose. Mine is saving people’s lives and contributing to the nation’s well-being. I would be most grateful if the respected application committee would consider my personal statement. I could give the promise to stick to your rules and code of laws and perform as well as I possibly can. I appreciate your reading my application letter and will be looking forward to receiving your feedback.

Expert comments:

  • An essay starts with a relevant quotation by a famous and credible person. Such a hook catches an application officer’s attention at once.

  • It’s good to talk about your previous experience relatable to the position. But be honest here, do not exaggerate facts.

  • The applicant speaks about emotions and personal impressions from volunteering. It tells of good emotional intelligence.

  • The would-be student is aware of the hardships of the profession and admits it.

  • The tone of the message is polite and formal enough but not too much.

Personal Statement Example #2

A quotation by Henry Petroski, a famous American engineer, inspired me a lot once I read it: “As engineers, we were going to be in a position to change the world – not just study it.” This is what I aim for – making my contribution to changing this world for the better through engineering. Let me introduce myself to create an impression of my personality and decide whether I fit your institution correctly. I have graduated from a high school with honors and the highest rate in physics, maths, and chemistry. I mention it because I wish to deliver an idea that I have been greatly interested in science and engineering since my early childhood. At first, I got low marks because teachers at school considered me untalented. They would say that I’d never make anything in this field. This hardship didn’t bring me down. I wanted to prove that my interest and eagerness are much more significant than my natural abilities. I started to spend all evenings studying books on engineering and physics. By academic year 11, I won the city’s prize in the contest for inventing a device that helps reduce water consumption in a household. I would be happy to study engineering at your college because I get inspired by your professors and their noticeable results. I believe we could make this world a better place by inventing new helpful tools and improving the existing ones…

Expert analysis:

  • Here we can also see a good hook – a quotation that reveals the author’s purposes and goals.

  • The text is well-structured and divided into logical parts. It makes the personal statement easy to follow.

  • The author writes respectfully, following the grammar and spelling rules. A personal trait – carefulness – is brought to the surface.

  • An inspiring life story makes the audience believe the applicant’s keen desire and readiness to study and become a professional.

Personal Statement Example #3

One mystery has been haunting me my whole life. I’ve been trying to figure out whether life imitates art or vice versa. Creating my first drawings, I was wondering why this process is so soothing and enriching to me. I am perfectly aware of why I want to apply this knowledge in your art school and develop as an artist. The presence of painting and sculpture in my life is constant. I’ve been brought up by an art teacher who taught me the fundamentals. As a child and teenager, I was fascinated by the role of light, a harmony of proportions, composition. My home library was full of books: art history, various guides, and textbooks. Sometimes, some things and concepts were difficult to understand and implement, but I was stubborn and curious. I asked my parents to send me to summer art camp, where I learned and volunteered at different exhibitions and art performances. When I was in high school, I started to prepare myself for entering your institution. The prominent graduates of yours motivated and inspired me. I also participated in the contest of young artists that your institution conducted last year. It was a great happiness to win the first prize. At the moment, art doesn’t imitate life for me. Art is life itself, as I feel it this way. My main goal is to grow as an artist and open an art therapy center. I am sure that I can pursue my dreams by developing my skills at your art school. I also want to participate in global contests and exhibitions, to bring more glory to your institution.

Expert analysis:

  • The author attracts the readers’ attention by mentioning some ‘mystery’ – a simple human curiosity keeps us reading.

  • The famous quotation by Oscar Wilde is smoothly implemented into the text. The committee member understands that a person is well-informed: it’s a good sign.

  • The applicant exposes their goals in a sophisticated and a little high-flown way but also very clear.

  • Even though art is a very creative sphere, the author’s background seems to be distinguished and credible enough.

  • The applicant also communicates a clear perspective of being useful for the institution.

✔️ 500-Word Personal Statement Examples

500-Word Personal Statement Example #1

Steve Jobs once said: “And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” It was part of his speech back in 2005 for Stanford students, and I’ve remembered it forever. I have the same passion that he did – computer science. I believe in the power of technology and that it should change our world for the better. This is why I’m looking forward to all the opportunities and challenges studying at your university can bring me.

It’s funny, but my fascination with technologies started when I was a kid, playing PlayStation. Since I got it from my older brother, it broke down numerous times, and I fixed it all by myself. Then at school, I had my first computer science classes and got even more interested. I learned more about computer hardware and all the processes inside the motherboard. Most importantly, my professor showed us how to maximize computer efficiency and productivity. Then I became proficient at my first programming language, Python, and I started making my first simple websites. At that moment, I realized how creative IT could be! I found a way to combine my interest in technologies with artistic potential.

I completed several online programming courses in high school to create my first IOS game. I remembered how excited I was about those old-school PlayStation games, so I did my best to create a similar one for the Apple devices. To accomplish this, I studied another programming language – Swift, which is primarily used for IOS apps. This experience showed me that every game on your phone has two sides: the code itself and the visuals. To make users enjoy graphics and feel the nostalgia of 90’s videogames, I took Photoshop courses. Now I have an extensive portfolio with motion designs and game concepts. Although my first game was mainly known among my classmates, I was happy to acquire many new skills!

As a kid, I was a gamer, but now I am a young specialist in computer engineering, coding, and game design! And there is so much more to learn! My main goal for the future is to learn how to create games that would be entertaining and educational. I’m willing to learn more about IOS apps development for all sorts of devices to make people’s lives easier.

I understand that computer science is not only about hardware and coding, so I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge. One sphere that I’m particularly interested in studying in university is IT ethics. I genuinely believe that technologies cannot be used for any form of crime or hatred. By developing cybersecurity, we will be able to protect users. I’m ready to begin my studies and build a safer and brighter world around us.

Expert analysis:

  • The personal statement starts with a nice hook, a quote. From the very beginning, it gives committee members a clue about the applicant´s sphere of interest, IT.

  • The text has a form of storytelling that shows how creative the applicant is. This technique also catches attention and makes readers want to learn more.

  • The applicant mentions their skills in the sphere, as well as their hobbies and plans for the future. That demonstrates the writer’s multiple interests and raises their chances!

500-Word Personal Statement Example #2

Did Shakespeare really exist? I’m not sure since there are so many conspiracy theories around his figure. But what I do know is that since I read Hamlet for the first time, I knew that one day I would become a play writer. This is how my journey started and brought me here, applying for your English literature program.

When I was a kid and didn’t know how to write, I already had quite a bright imagination. The only way to express my creativity was to tell all those stories to my parents. They thought I should be an actress back then, so I joined a theatre club at school. I liked all the behind-the-scenes processes there, but I couldn’t find my niche. I tried myself as an actress, a part of a stage crew, and a dresser, but nothing felt right. Now I’m grateful that I have experience in these spheres since it helps me write plays and immediately visualize how to stage them. One day our theatre club prepared an original play about our school, so I had a chance to write my first script. Seeing people laughing and enjoying our performance was a unique feeling, and I promised myself to become a professional.

Along with the theatre club, I took advanced classes in English literature in high school. We explored the most influential literature ever written, including works of my favorite: William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, and Kurt Vonnegut. Step by step, I studied their writing styles and developed my own. Even though fiction has dramatically influenced my literature taste, my writings were mainly in poetry. I took Coursera courses on playwriting and storytelling to boost my writing skills. Those taught me about literary devices and techniques that brought my writing to a new level. I understood that skills are as essential as imagination. Slowly the plays I wrote for our school theatre got more complex; they raised philosophical topics of family bonds, first love, and self-realization. Our theatre crew took part in several festivals, which was a success! After graduating, I continued writing plays and short stories. Some of them were published in local newspapers, others I post online. I have more than 100,000 readers on Wattpad, but this is only the beginning. Fame is essential, but I believe every author has a deeper mission – to help others by sharing their own experience. I wish my readers or people who watch my plays find comfort and realize that they are not alone.

I’ve learned a lot about classical authors, their writings, and existing storytelling techniques, and I feel like now is my time to create. I’m looking forward to starting an English literature major to broaden my creative horizons, as well as joining college theatre. Years later, newspapers will publish about a new Shakespeare, hopefully studying at your college!

Expert analysis:

  • The author catches readers’ attention with a question hook, making them curious. The reference to Shakespeare also introduces the applicant’s preferences and interests.

  • The text has some humor in it but is still written carefully and respectfully. It highlights the writing skills and creativity of an author.

  • The applicant mentioned the courses they took as well as the literature they read so that the committee members have a clear picture.

How do you feel now?

Like an expert?

Well, it was the aim of our article. You got all the necessary information to make a great impression with your application letter.

Do you still have questions?

Get to the section below to make sure all the fundamental points of creating personal statements are digested and ready to be applied!


A personal statement is a presentation of your most noticeable results, significant experience, and skills in the form of an essay. You write a personal statement when you apply for graduate school, university, residency to get a scholarship or a job.

The name of the document goes first (for instance, “Personal Statement” or “Application letter”). The personal statement title should also include vital information about the institution you are applying for and your name.

If we speak about a college application essay, its length usually ranges from 400 to 600 words.

– A good structure, – Excellent grammar and spelling, – Rich but appropriate vocabulary, – Actual facts about your background, – The polite and friendly tone of voice, – Specification of your achievements relatable for a position.

– Bragging and showing off, – Poor grammar and inappropriate language, – Lies, exaggeration, misleading facts, – Too formal or too nonchalant manner of speaking, – Lack of true facts backing up your capability, – Too much drama and emotions.

Useful Links

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Please provide a Personal Statement regarding how your academic achievements, personal interests, and life experiences have helped prepare you to succeed academically and to be an active member of the __ community

«The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.»

-Eleanor Roosevelt

As a member of my generation, it is my responsibility to become active in changing the world for the better. Enrolling, and excelling, in many extra-curricular programs has enhanced my ability to engage in an active role in improving the school as well as the community. Becoming active in reaching out and providing aid for those who seek it has reinforced my inspiration to take time out of my life to benefit others. Selecting advanced subjects has successfully challenged my work-ethic and time management skills.

Academics are my highest priority, but I maintain a well-balanced lifestyle by pursuing the pleasures in life: spending time with friends and family, working hard at my job and gaining a dependable income, and exercising by playing in a recreational basketball league.

I am so grateful for the opportunities that have been given to me, and I do not regret the choices I have made in my life through those opportunities. I have lived a very unique and special life, learning a vast number of lessons along the way. In my life, I have travelled abroad, exposing me to new cultures and have adapted in a way that was accepted by those cultures. I have traveled to a different state with my father to attend a program that taught me the importance of enthusiasm and positive reinforcement. Due to the opportunities given to me, and the lessons I have learned throughout my life, I am confident in saying that I am well-adapted and prepared to succeed and achieve at the University of ____________.

Original Source: College Confidential

Disclaimer: These essays are provided to assist writing, not to be copied

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Great sample scholarship essays right here for you

A personal statement is an integral part of any university application. Some programs have strict word limits in place, while others do not have any word limits. Here is an example of a 250-word limit personal statement that was admitted to top programs in the US and Canada.

250 Word Personal Statement Example

When I was ten, my eight-year-old cousin went through a tragedy. She was trapped for 3 hours in her burning house. As a result of the trauma, she began experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I saw her torment, oscillating between sudden lapse of amnesia to complete withdrawal. She couldn’t sleep, often waking up in the middle of the night with night sweats and nightmares.

Nothing has etched itself deeper into my memory than watching her lose control of her mind. Her road to recovery was made possible only due to regular visits to the psychiatrist. She showed improvement, albeit slowly. I often wondered what special abilities the psychiatrist possessed that enabled him to remove her misery when no one couldn’t.

Later, in high school, I frequently volunteered at a mental health institute. Here, I came across patients who were suffering from PTSD. These patients’ history charts displayed a variety of symptoms. The following year, I wrote a report about PTSD and conducted extensive research. My work raised many questions regarding the individuality of people’s symptoms.

For hours, I read literature to answer my questions. However, these questions inevitably lead to new ones, creating a cycle. Finally, I realized that our mind is a complex entity that responds to extreme stress by deranging its standard response mechanism to cope. To find holistic answers, I wish to pursue a master’s degree in psychiatry, studying the human mind’s intricacies and removing patients from the misery they have no control over.


250 Word Personal Statement Sample: Build Your Perfect PS!

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Paul Thornton




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Libbie Myers




The fields Libbie is competent in include ecology, astronomy, and earth & atmospheric sciences. Based on tons of feedback, collaboration with Libbie is nothing but enjoyment. She’ll pay close attention to each remark and any additional material. Not a bit of valuable data will be missing!

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Why Is Having the Best 250 Word Personal Statement Important?

When you apply to specific school programs or start looking for that new job, you will need to provide them with a professional personal statement as part of that application. This is the most important part of your application as it is the only chance you have to make an applications committee or HR department see who you are. Making sure you stick to the set word limit is also important, writing about what makes you a more suitable candidate for them and making yourself stand out from the many other applicants within a confine of wording shows just how adaptable you are. We provide the best help with personal statement.

If it is written well enough, it will almost certainly be the deciding factor in you gaining the place or at least getting to the interview stage. To be really effective however, your personal statement must be written in a way that is attention grabbing as well as capable of telling the reader exactly what they want to hear about you. This can be a very time consuming and difficult task that many people are just unable to achieve by themselves, especially if asked to produce a personal statement 250 words. Looking through 250 word personal statement samples is a good way to see what should be written but you should never copy directly from them, it should be your own words about you, the same is applicable for the human resource management personal statement.

What You Should Include in Your Personal Statement 250 Words?

Your 250 word personal statement or events management personal statement should clearly have the purpose it’s supposed to have and be focused on convincing the reader that you have a serious and well-considered purpose in applying to them. A compelling personal statement will convince them that you are the kind of person most likely to succeed best at what is being offered so before you start writing, take some time and make notes on the reasons why you want to join them. By using our 250 word personal statement examples, try and think on the following:

  • How did you become interested in this career path?
  • State your purpose; be upfront in your intentions. What makes this particular program or job appealing to you and why you are a suitable candidate for it?
  • How much experience do you have already and what additional skills do you hope to obtain
  • State your aims; where do you see yourself after 5 years?
  • Although personal statement for scholarship 250 words don’t give you much room, try and include your interests and hobbies, do they coincide with your work? Generally, what are you like as a person?

personal statement 250 words writing help

How to Write Your 250 Word Personal Statement

Your writing style is also important to get the attention of the reader and to then keep it while they are reading through the whole personal statement so it needs to be written in a way that flows smoothly. Checking out 250 word personal statement samples may not help to show you so to grab the reader’s interest and then keep it you should:

250 word personal statement sample

  • Start off with a relevant short anecdote to get their attention from the outset
  • Avoid using slang, acronyms or overly clever words. Everyone that reads your personal statement should understand it
  • Don’t use any obvious statements and refrain from repeating yourself. Be concise, you’re limited to 250 words
  • Only include positive information
  • Never use quotations or clichés
  • Be honest and always tell the truth
  • Ensure that your statement of purpose flows logically and reads like a story rather than just a list of facts about you
  • Proofread carefully and get someone else to check through also

If you need 500 word personal statement, follow the link!

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If you want to ensure that your personal statement is going to give you the best chance of success then you should use our highly specialized professional help. Unlike using 250 word personal statement examples that may only end up confusing you, our services will provide you with professional writing support to ensure that your statement will make you stand out from the other applicants in a positive way while ensuring that the word count is strictly adhered to. Included in the many advantages of having professional support, you also benefit from:

  • 24/7 ordering and customer support
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To get the best 250 word personal statement from a dedicated and professional team of writers, visit us now for a service that is truly unique and one that you can trust as well as afford.

In this article, we provide a complete guide to writing a winning personal statement for university including tips, advice and personal statement examples.

Every year, millions of students around the world apply to colleges and universities.

They may be future lawyers, doctors, teachers, engineers or entrepreneurs. Each of them writes a personal statement as part of the application process. Without it, their application can not be accepted.

Yes, your grades matter. But the personal statement is critical to being accepted to your dream school. Keep reading for help and support to plan, draft and write your perfect personal statement.

What is a personal statement?

A personal statement provides an overview of a candidate’s qualifications, interests, and experiences in relation to what they are applying for, in order to be selected.

It is an opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter or role, and express their motivation.

The personal statement should be tailored specifically for each application, typically with a length between 400-1000 words.

It should include relevant personal experiences and research that will help explain why the candidate believes they would be suitable for the program or position.

What is the format of a personal statement?

To create a winning personal statement for the university, it has to be clear, concise and focused on your own relationship to the relevant field.

Ideally, it’s one side of A4 or between 400 and 1,000 words and should highlight your relevant experience, achievements and passions.

Additionally, mentioning why the program they are applying to is a good fit for them is important.

The writer should also include information regarding the research focus of the program as well as any faculty or other resources available.

Personal statements should be well-written with stories that illustrate your strengths in order to impress their chosen university’s selection committee. For example, a scholarship program committee will want to know why you would be a better choice than other applicants.

Below is a simple three-section format to help you write a winning personal statement for university applications.

  • Introduction: Who you are and why you want to study the chosen course at the university
  • Body: Discuss experiences in your background that are relevant to your chosen course and highlight why you’re a great candidate
  • Conclusion: Extra-curricular/ non-academic activities you have done that make you a great fit for the course

How to start a personal statement

Step 1: Brainstorm potential topics and stories

Brainstorming potential topics and stories is important when starting a personal statement because it allows the writer to get their thoughts out of their head and onto paper.

This creates focus on what should be included in the essay, as well as interesting stories that capture attention.

Think of every example, team or achievement as another piece of the puzzle to get you to a ‘yes’ – acceptance onto your dream course or that perfect job.

  • Have you won any prizes or awards? For example, a former student of ours won a public speaking award after entering a city-wide debate competition.
  • Have you done any volunteer work? For example, someone I used to teach loved animals and helped raise money for their local shelter. A celebrity retweeted one of their fundraising pages and they raised more than $5,00 overnight to pay for pet food and medical bills.
  • Have you held a position of responsibility at school?

Informal examples work too – have you organised an English study group for some of your classmates? This is a great way to show that you are a committed student and can support your peers.

  • Do you have a part-time job?
  • Have you helped make any changes in your community?
  • What’s the most extraordinary thing that has ever happened to you?
  • What have been the most important life lessons for you?
  • How has technology changed the way you do something?

For example, one of my students from Vietnam has used Zoom to practice English and do language exchanges with online friends in Canada.

There are several ways to approach this task. Brainstorming with a friend or family member can also improve your stories and help write statements for maximum impact.

Find a quiet room, either at home or at school, and take your time. Some students find that more than one brainstorming session is useful.

Even if your personal statement needs to be written in English, it doesn’t mean that you can’t brainstorm in your first language, whether that is Urdu, Hindi, Vietnamese or anything else.

Step 2. Prepare by researching and outlining so your statement makes sense

First, it is important to consider who the intended audience is (what school or program are they representing?). You should include facts that demonstrate you are an ideal candidate for them.

Brainstorming ideas and collecting relevant information can help with organizing thoughts into introduction, body, and conclusion sections ahead of writing each paragraph.

Thinking about key events in life and how those unique experiences have shaped your interests can also help inform what to write about.

Another set of eyes on your work is always a good idea. Ask for feedback from friends, teachers at your high school or family.

Finally, try to mention technology somewhere in your answer. It’s an important part of modern life and most schools want to know their future students are comfortable using a range of devices and apps.

Step 3: Shortlist your ideas

It is important to shortlist ideas when starting a personal statement because it helps the writer identify which topic has the most relevance and potential for expansion.

Having multiple topics to choose from means more creative freedom for the author.

By narrowing down options beforehand, you will choose the most appropriate examples for that specific school or course. These will showcase your strengths and personality in an effective way.

Step 4: Free-write about your possible essay topics

Freewriting is an important tool for university applicants to explore their possible essay topics. Freewriting can help organize thoughts and reveal which topics are most interesting to the writer.

It is also a beneficial way of getting ideas out of one’s head and onto paper while allowing the writer to come up with interesting stories that show something meaningful about themselves.

BONUS! Freewriting may also generate ideas for possible essay topics that could not be captured by other parts of the application. Therefore, it is important for applicants to try freewriting when crafting their personal statements to help reflect on who they are and what makes them unique.

What are the elements of a great personal statement?

Hit the big three: story, implication and connection to college/major

A great personal statement should contain three elements:

  • an anecdote or story
  • explanation as to why that anecdote is important to who you are
  • a connection between this information and why you are applying to a certain college.

It should also include information about your academic and professional background as well as any extracurricular activities. Your essay needs to communicate that you are an individual with many skills and interests, showing your potential for success in college and your hope to make a contribution to your new team.

What are some tips on how to write a winning personal statement?

Get personal and speak like you

When writing a personal statement for the university, it is important to get personal and speak like yourself. Showing off your true personality, values and experiences can help you stand out from other applicants and make your application more memorable.

Writing in a genuine tone that reflects who you are will give the reader an insight into your character.

Using specific details and examples to illustrate your points will also help to create a compelling statement that speaks directly to the admissions committee.

Powerful storytelling can be used to connect with the reader on an emotional level as well, making them more likely to remember what they’ve read about you.

Prepare by researching the college or program you’re applying to

Remember your audience! It is important to research the college or program you are applying to help the admissions committee better understand your qualities and experiences.

Even if you’ve never seen the campus with your own eyes, there are always Youtube videos and websites to give you a better picture of where you want to go.

If you have a good understanding of what the particular institution or program expects from its applicants, you’ll write a more effective and persuasive personal statement.

For example, one student I know was watching a video of a blogger at her 1st choice school and happened to notice a poster asking for volunteers to help at the local soup kitchen. She was able to mention her own experience volunteering in her home town and connected it with the university volunteer program, which really impressed the committee!

Prepare by answering specific questions

Some of the questions above can help organize and focus your thoughts.

Questions for applicants such as what have they chosen to spend their time on, what defining moments in life have changed them, and what strengths they possess can provide insight into the motivations behind their desire to attend a particular school or pursue an activity.

Also, think about quotes or stories that inspire you which could be included in your statement. Gathering feedback from family, friends, professors and employers can also prove helpful.

Draft the statement

When drafting a great personal statement, it is important to evaluate any areas that need improvement and rewrite them accordingly. Try to avoid too much passive voice, unnecessary words, repetition and long sentences.

The statement must be clear enough to be understood by readers who have never met the applicant. It should be sincere and enthusiastic, well-organized and concise, focusing on the strengths of the applicant in relation to the course they are applying for.

Proofread and edit the document

Proofreading and editing a personal statement are important to ensure accuracy and clarity. Here are a few tips for editing your personal statement.

  • Taking a break before beginning proofreading allows the author to return to the text with a fresh perspective.
  • When revising your personal statement keep in mind that any reader should be able to comprehend it without prior knowledge of you or your experiences.
  • Use online tools to improve your grammar, fix mistakes, and choose the appropriate tone for your personal statement.
  • Ensure the essay follows all of the rules laid out in the essay brief, including adhering to the specified word count. Many organisations, they want to know that you can follow instructions as well as achieve excellent grades.

Perfection can only do so much

An application is the start of a journey – you have a long road ahead! It is important to not strive for perfection when writing a personal statement because it can lead to hesitation, and a lack of creativity and can make it difficult to communicate ideas effectively.

Fix errors with help from others

It is important to get help from others when editing a personal statement because they could spot mistakes that could otherwise go unnoticed. Get help from family, teachers or professional proofreading services so your statement is as good as possible.

Be brave and submit the statement

Being brave – the best candidates step out of their comfort zone and take risks. It shows the admissions committee that the applicant is daring enough to stand out from the crowd by having the confidence to be honest and open in their writing.

Example Personal Statements

College Personal Statement Examples and Writing Tips - Wordvice

This guide includes personal statement examples to show you what is expected in a personal statement and help you showcase your writing skills. They demonstrate the different types of writing required for a personal statement.

These example personal statements can be used as inspiration when crafting your own submission, helping you to make an informed decision about which topics you are passionate about.

  • Residency personal statement examples
  • Scholarship personal statement examples
  • Internal medicine personal statement
  • Resume personal statement examples

More Personal Statement Tutorials

  • Personal Statement versus Statement of Purpose
  • How to Write a Winning Scholarship Personal Statement: With Examples
  • Residency Personal Statement Examples: Top Tips for Best Length, Content, and Structure
  • Statement of Purpose Examples: How to Write the Best One for You?
  • Nursing Personal Statement Examples in 2023
  • How to write a Resume Personal Statement That Gets You the Job – with Examples and Tips

In conclusion…

Many people refer to a conclusion as a call to action. This is true of both your personal statement and this conclusion!

Having read this article, we hope you will look at more of our examples and tips in the links and related pages, and get started writing a winning personal statement that will make the recruiters at your chosen college or company decide that you have what it takes to join them.


What are some common essay topics for personal statements?

These include reflecting on a time when they faced a challenge and learned from it, as well as questioning or challenging an existing belief or idea.

Additionally, essays can be written about any topic of personal importance such as an accomplishment or something that interests the student.

Whatever the chosen topic, the essay should be well-organised and clear.

What are some things to consider when writing a personal statement?

You must know what the program is looking for, from the course description, and to answer each prompt.

Stories can be used to demonstrate why an applicant would make a good fit for a particular program, so it is useful to think about key points that make them stand out and why they should be offered a place at that university.

What is the word count limit for personal statements?

It is recommended that a personal statement be around 500 words in length. A good range of experiences to cover within this length is three to four, however, one or two can still provide enough depth for a great personal statement.

What are some common mistakes people make when writing personal statements?

People commonly make mistakes when writing personal statements, such as using big words just to show off instead of genuine language that reflects the individual.

It is essential to take time to revise the personal statement carefully before submitting it, and ensure that everything would be clear and understandable to a reader who has never met the person.

Additionally, honesty is vital when crafting a personal statement. While it’s true that some students may have had very unique experiences, involving heroic actions in war or a trauma such as a hunger strike, the college or organisation wants to get to know YOU a bit better and you can only be who you are.

How can you make your personal statement stand out?

It is important to avoid using clichés and instead focus on unique talents and experiences. To make the statement stand out, one should use techniques that differ from the norm.

For example, one can use vivid imagery, detailed descriptions of past experiences or interesting anecdotes to demonstrate qualities and skills in a more creative way. Additionally, using active language when writing can help draw the reader’s attention, not forgetting to proofread several times.

One example we loved was an essay explaining how a student had used their love of graffiti to help them study for tests, describing how their study group had created an ‘intricate wall of words encapsulating a year of learning’.

Why do personal statements matter?

Personal statements are incredibly important for college applications as they provide insight into a student’s qualities and motivations.

Personal statements give admissions officers an opportunity to learn more about applicants beyond what is presented in their transcripts, SAT scores, and letters of recommendation.

A compelling personal statement can help an applicant stand out from the crowd by displaying storytelling skills and unique life experiences. It also allows students to explain their motivations for wanting to attend college, which is invaluable information when making decisions on acceptance.

How do you organise a personal statement?

When creating a personal statement, it’s important to structure your essay in a way that answers the prompt while also showcasing your strengths.

  • Start by considering who you are writing for – is it a college application, or a job application? The tone of your personal statement should reflect this audience.
  • When organizing ideas into topics relevant to the program you are applying for, prioritize evidence of your work experience and skills that will be attractive to the reader.
  • Finally, make sure the required information is included in an organized fashion so it is easy for the reader to understand.

How do you write a 250-word personal statement?

Writing a 250-word personal statement for the university can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. A few simple tips can help make the task easier.

  • Start by showing your enthusiasm for the subject and share your ambitions.
  • Focus on what you can say in the limited word count.
  • When writing about experiences and accomplishments, aim to cover three or four of them in a concise way and avoid overthinking the opening.
  • To ensure that everything fits within 250 words, try writing about one specific 24-hour time period that covers two separate experiences.
  • Keep it relevant and simple – don’t forget to explain why you’re interested in the school – and you’ll have a winning personal statement!

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