250 word life essay

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In college, there are many instances where you may be required to write a 250-word essay – your application, exam questions, small writing prompts, etc. A 250-word limit may seem like a novel to some, but others find it difficult to get their point across with so few words. In this guide, we will look at a 250-word essay example, along with tips on how to write a great 250-word essay.  Bonus: Need to write a longer essay? See this guide on how to write a 500-word essay

The Basic Format of a 250-Word Essay

All essays consist of the same three parts: an introduction with a thesis, a body paragraph or body paragraphs that support the thesis, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes the overall essay.

In 250 words, you will most likely have 3-4 paragraphs in total, each with 50-100 words. This will allow for 3-5 concise but detailed sentences per paragraph.

A Step-by-Step 250-Word Essay Example

To help visualize this process, let’s go ahead and write a simple 250-word essay.  You’ll see our writing sample in green and our explanation of what we did (and what can be done) with each section in normal text.

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Without further ado, let’s get started on our essay!

TOPIC:  How has your family upbringing influenced your educational goals?

Step 1 – Write Your Thesis

Your thesis is the first thing you should consider in your essay. Simply put, it’s the main idea of your essay that will control everything else you write. If you could summarize the question in just one sentence, how would you do it?

For our topic  How has your family upbringing influenced your educational goals? our thesis will be:

My parents saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

Step 2 – Write Your Introduction

In the introduction, the first sentence can be a broad or general statement that sets the tone for the piece. It is usually supported by a second sentence that leads into the thesis. The optional third sentence may pose a question that the thesis aims to answer, or it may prompt the reader to think about the topic in a different light. The final sentence of the intro paragraph clearly establishes the thesis.

As a general rule of thumb, the introduction should go from broad to specific, sentence by sentence, gradually leading up to your thesis. Here’s a sample example of an introductory paragraph.

Parents are supposed to push you past your goals, or at least, that’s what I always believed. I was raised in the generation of “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” My parents did not follow that philosophy, and they saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

Word count:  Introductory paragraph, 64 words.


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Step 3 – Write The Body Paragraph(s)

Next, we’ll continue with the body paragraph. Remember, body paragraphs should support the thesis and be about 3-5 sentences or 50-100 words long. In a short essay you may opt for only one body paragraph but in a longer one you may need more.

So how should your body paragraphs support your thesis? Think of each body paragraph as an argument that supports it.

Working with our thesis  “My parents never saw the value of formal education and that’s what lead me to my educational goals”, then each paragraph could be about how not seeing the value of formal education led to the writer pursuing it.

For example, maybe the writer didn’t want to end up in the same work as their parents. Or maybe it was the parents’ lack of belief in the writer that pushed them to pursue a better future.

Let’s have a look at what a body paragraph can look like for our 250 word essay.

From as far back as I can remember, I knew I didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of my parents, at least not when it came to work. My father had worked on the family farm all his life and my mother had been a housewife since graduation. They were both content with the simplicity of their lives and wanted the same for me. I remember my father telling me that college was “expensive and a waste of four years”.  I knew however, that I wanted a career in the city that would be more challenging than simple farm life could provide. The only way to make that possible would be through formal education and a college degree. 

Word count:  Body paragraph 119 words. Total essay is now 181 words.

Step 4 – Summarize with a Conclusion

The final paragraph is the conclusion. You may start this paragraph with “To summarize,” “As evident by X, Y, and Z,”  or a similar statement that highlights the biggest points in your essay. Use the conclusion paragraph to sum up the main point of your essay using different words. The last sentence can be something broad that leaves the reader wondering. Let’s see how we can write a conclusion for our sample essay.

While my parents may not understand the value of formal education, I know it is essential for my future. This has helped me immensely, by making me realize that without strong parental support, I’m the only one who’s responsible for my own goals. In a way this has been the strongest source of motivation. And for that, I am forever grateful.  

Notice how we summarize the main point of the essay in the first sentence. We then connect the first sentence to the a conclusion we arrive at. Finally we end in an optimistic tone by stating how this has been helpful and we are grateful. Unlike the introduction paragraph, which flows from broad sentences to specific, a conclusion generally flows the opposite way, from specific sentences to broader concepts.

Word count: Concluding paragraph 61 words. Total essay is now 242 words. 

Sure, we came up 8 words short. But being that close should not be considered an issue. If for some reason you are required to write 250 words minimum, you can make the essay longer by sprinkling in a few extra words.

The Entire 250-word Essay Altogether

Parents are supposed to push you past your goals, or at least, that’s what I always believed. I was raised in the generation of “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” My parents did not follow that philosophy, and they saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

From as far back as I can remember, I knew I didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of my parents, at least not when it came to work. My father had worked on the family farm all his life and my mother had been a housewife since graduation. They were both content with the simplicity of their lives and wanted the same for me. I remember my father telling me that college was “expensive and a waste of four years”.  I knew however, that I wanted a career in the city that would be more challenging than simple farm life could provide. The only way to make that possible would be through formal education and a college degree. 

While my parents may not understand the value of formal education, I know it is essential for my future. This has helped me immensely by making me realize that without strong parental support, I’m the only one who’s responsible for my own goals. In a way this has been the strongest source of motivation. And for that, I am forever grateful.  

Should I Write More Than 250 Words or Less Than 250 Words?

When a professor or college entry application asks for a “250 word essay,” 250 words is generally a rough guide. No one is going to fail you if you go over or under the limit by a few words. We’d say a good gauge is plus or minus 50 words. As a general rule of thumb though, try to stay as close to 250 words as possible without going too far over or under.

Here are some quick tips for writing a great 250-word essay:

  • Write the first draft from start to finish without any pauses. This will make the writing sound fluid, and you can make adjustments after that.
  • Avoid over-editing your work. Ideally, you should take a long pause between editing sessions so you can clear your head and come back with a fresh perspective.
  • Try not to think about the word count too much. Once you get in the habit of writing four 3-5 sentence paragraphs, you’ll find your words naturally get close to 250.
  • Don’t throw fluff sentences in your essay. Professors see right through those. Instead, think of an additional sentence to enhance the support in your body paragraphs.
  • If you feel like you have concisely and sufficiently answered the question below the word count, trust your gut. Most instructors will value quality over quantity.

The more 250-word essays you write, the easier they will become. Feel free to practice with free essay prompts online to train your brain to write with this rhythm. You’ll soon be able to whip out 250 words without checking your word count!


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Implementation of Evidence into Practice

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A 250-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 250-word essay should include 1 to 2 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

The easiest way to organize a 250-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

It will take you about 5 to 10 minutes to type 250 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 1 hours for 250 words.

An average 250-word essay contains 2 to 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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Pages: 2

Visual Learning and Ways to Apply It

The test What is Your Learning Style? gave me the following scores: Auditory: 25%; Visual: 40%; Tactile: 35%. It means that I am predominantly a visual learner. I have known before that I remember things better when I visualize them. I can memorize the position of a text fragment in…

Topic: Education

Words: 257
Pages: 1

Standard of Care in Healthcare System

Standard of care regulates the extent of the caution that the medical provider should follow to ensure patients’ safety. In situations when the standard of care is breached, causing negative implications for the victim’s health, the case can be tried in court. In the first step of the discussions of…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 1

British Colonization of America

Ronald Tanaki created the concept of two frontiers to describe the two places where Britain was actively acting during the colonization period – America and Ireland. Those places were crucial parts in the creation of the dichotomy between British “civilization” and the “savagery” of others (Tanaki 39). British colonizers considered…

Topic: History

Words: 257
Pages: 4

Nursing Role in Community Health Practice Settings

A community nurse may work in both clinical and non-clinical settings. For instance, in a hospital providing ambulatory care, they may play every role associated with the profession. As a clinician, they aim to promote health by applying their therapeutic skills and knowledge, striving to improve the overall community health…

Topic: Health

Words: 257
Pages: 2

Osteoporosis: Causes and Treatment

Osteoporosis is one of the most common chronic bone diseases of the metabolic system. It is characterized by the increased bone fragility. The development of osteoporosis is associated with age. Due to the aging of the general population, osteoporosis is becoming an important public health issue (Sozen et al., 2017)….

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 2

Factors That Caused Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a common mental disorder among the young males and females. Therefore, for this paper, I will be finding out the various effects of Schizophrenia on the young adults. Among the effects that will be further investigated include victims withdrawing from their peers and relatives, dropping out of school…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 1

Vaccination and Its Economic Implications

Vaccination is created to prevent the spread of various diseases. Child vaccination is an example of positive consumption externalities, as it not only protects the vaccinated child but also reduces the chances of the spread of infections in society (“Externality,” n.d.). Vaccination has become one of the most influential scientific…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 2

WHO’s Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

Ageism is a highly prevalent worldwide issue that affects both younger and older people. For that reason, The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a broad campaign aimed at combating this problem with the primary goal of providing equal opportunities to the population across the world. WHO defines ageism as discriminative…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 1

Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering implies the scientific practice of adding DNA to living organisms to create new traits that do not exist naturally. In recent years, it has attracted particular attention as a substantive number of people believe that natural processes should not be interfered with. However, from a personal perspective, genetic…

Topic: Genetics

Words: 257
Pages: 1

COVID-19: Historical Lens and Wellness

Looking at events using historical lenses can be beneficial for gaining an in-depth understanding of issues. Currently, one of the central wellness problems discussed in the media is the COVID-19 pandemic. While the central problem today is to find a cure or a vaccine for the disease, it is also…

Topic: Wellness

Words: 258
Pages: 1

Whirlpool in the Sea off the Coast of Scotland Near Ayrshire Due to Waste Water

Description: Stunning drone images near Lendalfoot in South Ayrshire captured a glimpse of a mammoth whirlpool off the Scottish west coast. According to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the phenomenon is linked to recent rainwater that came into contact with wastewater, forming leachate (as cited in Parsons, 2021). The…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 258
Pages: 1

Demonstrating Intermodal Containerised Transport in North-West Europe

The video demonstrates intermodal transportation in North- West Europe by using two containers. The movie is about a multimodal experience comprising shipping two containers along the East-West corridor in North Europe using two different transport chains. The aim was to highlight the alternatives available to multimodal clients and show the…

Topic: Business

Words: 258
Pages: 1

Motorola: Absorption Costing and Variable Costing

Motorola is a manufacturer of smartphones, which it supplements with a unique system of accessories. As such, it uses cost-based pricing, with each unit costing a set amount of money to produce and selling at a fixed price. It can use either absorption or variable costing for its financial statements,…

Topic: Business

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia

Dementia can lead to a wide variety of psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety. The symptoms of depression are apathy, isolation, social withdrawal, impaired thinking, and concentration on the negative side of life (Kitching, 2015). The symptoms can be managed both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. The usual pharmacological treatments include anti-depressants;…

Topic: Dementia

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Urological Disorders in the Older Adult

One of the more common problems in older adults is urinary incontinence. Various etiologies can impact urinary incontinence, including bladder infection and urinary retention. Urinary retention is the inability to voluntarily void urine can both acute and chronic. Acute urinary retention is an emergency that requires decompression of the bladder…

Topic: Disorders

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Performance of Tesla Shares

Tesla, an American electric car manufacturer, hit record highs. According to Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) (2021), in 2020, the value of Tesla shares has grown almost tenfold – from $ 88.6 in early 2020 to $ 864.2 on January 27, 2021. Shead (2021) notes that much of this growth was driven…

Topic: Performance

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Meaningful Use Policy in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Recovery audit contractors (RACs) and electronic health records (EHRs) include highly sensitive information that should be managed carefully to avoid adverse outcomes. Careless management of this information can lead to leaks of private data, which may lead to significant legal and image problems. Thus, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 259
Pages: 2

Human Resource Planning and Return on Investment

There are many processes any organization has to consider when it tries to identify the goals and achieve them in a required period. Human resources planning is one of such processes. It is a kind of link that exists between HR management and strategic planning. People can use this process…

Topic: Business

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Information Assurance and the Role of Time

Cyber security and information assurance refer to steps taken to protect networks and computer systems from being disrupted as well as preventing unauthorized access (Sara, 2008). Cyber security and information assurance aim at providing three things: integrity, confidentiality and availability (Knapp, 2009). Integrity is enhanced through ensuring that users are…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 259
Pages: 2

Arsen Petrosyan’s Live Duduk Concert in Yerevan

Arsen Petrosyan’s live duduk concert took place in 2016 in Yerevan, Armenia. His contribution to the popularization of Armenian folk music can hardly be overestimated. Perhaps that is why he is often called the keeper of his people’s musical heritage. Having once chosen one of the most mysterious musical instruments,…

Topic: Art

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns

Rape is a sexual assault characterized by penetration into a vagina, anus, or mouth with a penis without the consent of the person. The causes of rape were studied extensively by Lalumière and Lalumière (2005) based on human and non-human behavior. The researchers concluded that rapists are usually not deprived…

Topic: Crime

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Seamless Implementation of Electronic Medical Records

Meaningful Use Meaningful use is a program developed by Medicare and Medicaid designed to provide incentives for the use of electronic health records with the aim of improvement of patient care. It is implemented in three stages: promotion of electronic health record adoption, emphasis on care coordination and patient information…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Public Health Interventions and Economics: Malaria

The case study advocated for the use of treated mosquito nets as an effective intervention for preventing malaria-related maternal deaths. An independent cost-effectiveness analysis of the intervention reveals that using treated mosquito nets is an effective intervention for reducing maternal deaths. The cost of a mosquito net is low, compared…

Topic: Health

Words: 259
Pages: 2

Aspects of IT Project Management

While analyzing this post, there is no doubt that the author successfully described the importance of IT project synergy with overall business aspects, such as strategy or categorization. Moreover, he clearly demonstrated the evolution of project selection methods, such as “focusing on broad organizational needs, categorizing the projects, using a…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Ability-to-Pay Impact on Healthcare Level

The idea of delivering the services of the best quality possible is central to the philosophy of any healthcare facility. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has set certain limitations concerning the quality of care for the U.S. citizen depending on their income. Although the idea of healthcare service quality…

Topic: Health

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Wounded Veterans Do Not Receive Proper Care: News Release

BOSTON – American veterans put their lives on the line to save us from enemies. However, when they return to civilian life, they find the transition difficult due to psychological and financial restraints. Boston’s Annual Wounded Vet Bike Run is aimed to support wounded veterans, gathering money for housing modifications,…

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Chapter 11 of Special Educator’s Guide to Collaboration

This article discusses the importance of connections between teachers and the families of their students. It explores the dynamics of relationships between teachers and family members, and offers insights on how to address the challenges encountered. The article explores the importance of teacher-family collaboration in education, comprehension of family diversity…

Topic: Collaboration

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Philosophical Thought and Its Levels in Nursing

Introduction In medicine, as well as in general philosophy, there are different levels of philosophical thought. Without structure, understanding, and comprehension of various philosophical thoughts would be extremely limited. In this brief summary, we shall go over the four levels of philosophical thought, which are Metaparadigms, Conceptual Models, Theories, and…

Topic: Nursing

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Hospital Information Management Systems

Hospital information management systems (HIMSs) are vital for improving healthcare quality. Currently, healthcare organizations need to deal with a large amount of data that needs to be distributed among a wide variety of stakeholders. According to Ross and Venkatesh (2016), a HIMS is “an integrated information system which improves patient…

Topic: Hospital

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Negative Partisanship Increasing Reasons

Introduction Partisanship describes one’s devotion to a particular political party or movement, often based on the similarity of beliefs. This devotion can be both a positive and a negative force, informing one’s voting decisions in various ways. The problem arises when one’s vote is informed not by an agreement on…

Topic: Politics & Government

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Gain and Loss of Contingencies

According to FACB Accounting Standards Codification (n.d.), ASC 450 “Contingencies” covers the three topics of gain contingencies, loss contingencies, and overall. Gain contingencies are claims for the reduction in a liability or rights to receive an asset. It is noted (450-30) that the codification provides “guidance for the recognition and…

Topic: Economics

Words: 261
Pages: 2

Social Capital Decline and Role of Digital Media

Social capital is a highly controversial topic due to its complexity of measurement and ambiguity in understanding. According to Putnam (1993), one of the most famous scholars on social capital, its three main components are trust and other social values, moral obligations and norms, and social networks of citizen activity….

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 261
Pages: 1

The Fourth Amendment and National Security

It is a widely known issue that the U.S. National Security Agency possesses too much power regarding the spying and monitoring process, which directly violates the Fourth Amendment. The dominant of the American legal system, which considers that such an approach justifies the general safety, is more aggressive and dismissive…

Topic: Law

Words: 261
Pages: 2

Traditional Cultural Expressions in Africa

It is made from woven sisal fibers with decorations of different colors to signify social status and also purpose it is intended for. The item of expression is referred to as a ‘Kiondo’. A brightly colored Kiondo was used to attend dowry ceremonies, and the number of different colors used…

Topic: Culture

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Why Is Diversion Used in Juvenile Cases?

Diversion is a particular intervention practice of postponed prosecution under which youthful defendants or offenders are redirected to specific prevention and treatment programs supervised by private or public agencies. In such a way, young persons gain an opportunity to demonstrate that they are law-abiding. The central objective of these programs…

Topic: Law

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans?

Technology has taken a dramatic leap forward in the last 100 years, taking center stage in every industry. All the people in the world face technological advances: some are more affected by them, while others are confused by technology. Nevertheless, progress is happening almost every day, and the leading player…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 261
Pages: 1

How Color Affects the Desire to Buy

A number of factors, many of which interconnect, regulate consumer behaviors and change how people act. As a term, consumer behavior refers to the combination of actions, decisions, views a person holds when buying, using or disposing of products (Panaitescu). Depending on how products are presented, packaged, advertised or showcased,…

Topic: Business

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Serving Vulnerable Populations: Meals on Wheels

When it comes to caring for vulnerable populations, considering such characteristics as ethnicity, age, gender, and other socioeconomic factors is imperative. In the case of 66-year-old African American woman, JK, with hypertension, asthma, and type 2 diabetes, the largest barrier is her being located in a food desert and being…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 261
Pages: 2

Two Genres of Music: Rap Music and Jazz Music

Works Cited Gioia, Ted. Music: A subversive history. Hachette UK, 2019. Finkelstein, Sidney Walter. Jazz: A people’s music. Pickle Partners Publishing, 2018.

Topic: Jazz

Words: 262
Pages: 1

The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis

The US subprime mortgage has not only had an affect in the USA but also has spread across the globe. Thus, the direct risk exposure has spread well beyond the USA to Asian and European market. It has become essential to adapt a dynamic risk management tool to contain credit…

Topic: Business

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Manifest Destiny and American Expansionism

The term “Manifest Destiny” was coined in 1845; however, it was only a concise expression which embodied the mindset of the society, evolving through years. The concept reflected both the pride of American Nationalism and the idealistic perception of the social structure, which was connected with the strong religious influence….

Topic: History

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Federal Budget Process and Its Stages

Operating vs. capital budget A budget is a quantitative plan or statement that gives the details of projected expenditures during a certain period (Rabin, 2003). A typical budget contains details such as costs, expenses, revenues, sales volumes, and cash flows. An operating budget is a detailed statement of estimated revenues…

Topic: Budget

Words: 262
Pages: 1

The Guiding Principles of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice is an alternative view of the punishment of the offender and compensation for the harm of the victim, which rejects the classic criminal law approach to only punish the criminal. In other words, justice for the sake of justice is not the primary goal of law for the…

Topic: Justice

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Socialism Ideology Benefiting the Public Good

Under the ideology of socialism, a ruling class of social planners, intellectuals, and bureaucrats decides what is right for people and what they want. The coercive power of the state is then used for regulating, redistributing, and taxing the wealth of individuals who work to sustain their living. In many…

Topic: Socialism

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Identifying Health Care Fraud and Abuse

Health care fraud is a significant bother for all stakeholders, even though not everyone realizes it. On the one hand, fraud and abuse are associated with an increased cost of care. According to Drabiak and Wolfson (2020), up to 10% of all healthcare costs are associated with fraudulent reimbursement claims….

Topic: Abuse

Words: 262
Pages: 2

Philosophy of the Concept of Solipsism and How It Differs From Others

Throughout history, humans have tried to make sense of the world around them. Through observation, discussion, and theory crafting, individuals have managed to present specific ideas on the nature of broader concepts. Practices that study the fundamental aspects of human existence can be called philosophy. Many great minds have combined…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Trends Prediction of Big and Fusion Data

The article gives an overview analysis of the trend of big data in terms of increasing storage. Tang, Ma, and Luo (2020) mention that the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is accelerating the creation of quintillion bytes of data. The article indicates that big data is generated by…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Relationship Between Poverty and Health People in 2020

Poverty affects the health of individuals in that it leads to limited access to income, making the poor socially isolated, experience a lot of stress and have few educational opportunities. In return, this causes poor health, which increases risk factors for diseases. The health outcome depends on environmental factors and…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 262
Pages: 1

The End-Of-Life Care Regarding Covid-19 Patients

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is impossible to have end-of-life person-centric treatment at home and in care homes. Visors and facemasks users find it challenging to read or hear soft vocal sounds and crucial instruments for empathic communication. The pandemic has put a tremendous burden on the resources of treatment….

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Panopticism and Michel Foucault on Education

Michel Foucault was a French philosopher, writer, and political activist whose theories mainly revolved around the relationship between power and knowledge. Foucault’s thoughts have significantly influenced people, particularly on cultural and communication studies, as well as sociology. Educational institutions, specifically schools, are understood as panoptic spaces by social researchers. They…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 262
Pages: 1

African-American President’s Influence on Black Community

Barack Obama being elected as the first African-American US president became a symbolic event for the entire country. It was especially valuable because such a turn must further prove the development of racial equality in the USA. Thus, the African-American community faced the election most actively and with the highest…

Topic: President

Words: 262
Pages: 3

Gender Stereotypes: Research Question

Gender stereotypes are common for any country even if it is an egalitarian society where women are seen as equals to men. Females are still seen as passive and submissive. It is believed that women should focus on domestic issues being ‘good’ mothers and wives. More and more females try…

Topic: Gender

Words: 263
Pages: 2

Biological Theory of Aging

Response to the Statement of the Patient As a matter of fact, not all the diseases are genetic. The mother and the father of the patient could have had the tendency to diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis; however, due to a number of factors, namely healthy…

Topic: Aging

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment in Career Counselling

Introduction Career interventions take various forms, such as career assessment, counseling, and group counseling, among others. Essentially, career interventions enable a) an individual to understand their interests and personalities, b) integrate occupational and personal knowledge in true reasoning to achieve a significant career decision, and c) acquire vocational information. Purpose…

Topic: Business

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Health Providers and Information Sharing

With the introduction of innovative information management tools for sharing patient data with providers and keeping it secure from third parties, the process of communication within the healthcare context has changed significantly. On the one hand, the levels of patients’ data security have risen noticeably, even with the presence of…

Topic: Health

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Major Factors That Undermined U.S. Reconstruction Efforts Following the Civil War

In general, Reconstruction aimed to restore the Union, enact progressive legislation, transform Southern society, and provide civil rights to former slaves. However, regardless of positive intentions and all efforts, U.S. Reconstruction was undermined in Confederate states and may be regarded as a failure. First of all, Southern states did not…

Topic: Civil War

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Analysis of the Industrial Revolution

Technological progress has always tended to improve the lives of people. Britain is considered to be the birthplace of the industrial revolution. Despite the fact that the population of Britain was much smaller than in other European countries, there were several reasons why the industrial revolution began in England. The…

Topic: History

Words: 263
Pages: 2

Policy Action for Veterans’ Health Care

When it comes to providing high-quality and affordable care for the US veterans, it is crucial to consider all aspects of this multi-faceted issue. On the one hand, using the expertise of Nurse Practitioners in giving health care to veterans is a viable decision while on the other hand, there…

Topic: Health

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Psychology and Mass Communication Theories

There are several mass communication theories that try to explain various influences as well as dynamics surrounding the diverse types of mass media and their effects on the public. The cultivation theory developed by George Gerbner attempts to identify the manipulation of television on the viewers’ perception of the environment…

Topic: Communication

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Management of Automotive Design and Development

Problem Definition The occurrence of variation in bore-diameter of B.G collar components is a recurrent multi-response optimization issue. In a boring operation, the B.G collar-component dimension of a roller-bearing superseded tolerance. Objective It is hoped to reduce to minimal the bore-diameter variation of the B.G collar component. The collar component…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 263
Pages: 2

The HealthSouth Company’s Financial Scandal

Based on the video, HealthSouth conducted a series of actions that unfortunately altered the book’s integrity. Firstly, HealthSouth intentionally falsified revenues and assets. As shown in the video, it was clear that fraud was manifested in the representation of the assets (Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2011). For instance, the…

Topic: Business

Words: 263
Pages: 2

Discussion of the Crisis of the 1770s-1780s

The beginning of the first studied cycle of the development of capitalism coincides precisely with this acute economic crisis, which had a broad international character. The crisis did not manifest itself simultaneously in different countries, but apparently, it was caused by common causes. This is the impossibility of further economic…

Topic: History

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Racism in Nivea’s “White Is Purity” Ad Campaign

In its recent international marketing campaign, Nivea used an advertisement to promote an antiperspirant that provoked a discussion in the media (Figure 1). Even though the advertisement’s image did not provoke any questions, the slogan “White is purity” was regarded by the public as rather racist, as mentioned in social…

Topic: Discrimination

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Transgender Disorders and Homosexuality

Both groups of factors – genetic and environmental – impact people’s choice of sexual orientation. There is a lot of evidence of both the genetic mechanisms’ and surroundings’ influence on people’s sexual preferences. However, between the two, the environment more responsible for such a choice. While some researchers consider genetic…

Topic: Disorders

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Animal Poaching: Threat to the Biological Diversity

Animal poaching – killing and capturing animals in their natural habitats in order to use them or their body parts for profit or protect crops or livestock – poses an imminent threat to the biological diversity. This issue has been a problem for many years as traditional monitoring techniques proved…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Poetry, Indigenous Identity, and Post-colonial Influence

History proves that storytelling is an efficient method of preserving, transmitting, and disseminating language and culture. The older generations teach the young ones their native history, traditions, and rituals by telling myths and actual events of their nation’s past. According to Justice, “they give shape, substance, and purpose to our…

Topic: Linguistics

Words: 263
Pages: 2

An Increase in SRT

The Goal of the Research The objective of the study was to find out whether an increase in SRT in complex responses was as a result of an increase in premotor time constituent, motor aspect or both (Christina & Rose, 1985). How the Goal Relates to My Research Any physical…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 264
Pages: 3

Nintendo Company’s Strategic Management

Introduction Nintendo is a Japan based Company founded in the 20th century by Fusajiro Yamauchi. This company specializes in the making of video games. An Analysis of the company Although this company had at first been founded to make playing cards, its innovation and excellent leadership has helped it become…

Topic: Business

Words: 264
Pages: 2

How Shakespeare Presents Macbeth as Being Influenced by His Lady Macbeth?

Shakespeare portrays Macbeth as a lady who influences her husband’s decision-making negatively because she is stronger, ruthless, decisive, and ambitious than the husband. In the entire play, the theme of ambition is demonstrated well and the character with a lot of determination comes out as the wife. The husband proves…

Topic: Macbeth

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Distinguishing the Advocacy of Nurses

Specialists in each of nursing roles, be it RNs, LPNs, licensed nurses, or unlicensed members of staff, regularly perform the function of advocates. A nurse advocate is defined as the person who provides active support to patients by defending their preferences and rights, helping them to make decisions, and guarding…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 264
Pages: 6

Researching of the Shoot System of Flowering Plants

The shoot system of flowering plants consists of leaves, stems, and bud structures, as well as flowers and fruit. The root system has mechanical and conductive functions. The mechanical role of the roots is to create a stable position of the plant on the surface. The conductive function is responsible…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 264
Pages: 3

“Workplace Spirituality, Employee Wellbeing and Intention to Stay” by Aboobaker et al.

Introduction Aboobaker et al. (2019) aimed to test how workplace spirituality affected teachers’ intentions to stay. The researchers designed a self-reported questionnaire and distributed it among 523 university teachers in India. The data received was analyzed using regression analysis and mediation to understand the relationship between the variables. The results…

Topic: Spirituality

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Fair Trade Organized Social Movements

The main purpose is to convince people to join the ranks of fair trade ambassadors. The audience consists of people who are not yet in the ranks of the ambassadors. They need to know that fair trade is an organized social movement that advocates fair standards of international labor, environmental,…

Topic: Economics

Words: 264
Pages: 2

The Rhetoric Approaches to Conveying Messages

After watching the video analysis of the rhetoric approaches to conveying messages, it has become evident why Ohio residents, along with other US citizens, expressed such respect and admiration for Dr. Acton. Her ways of sharing information are appealing to any fellow citizen, as she does not try to speculate…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated financial statements are a method of reporting finances in a specific scenario. These statements are primarily used by big companies that have multiple subsidiaries or divisions. When a particular company fully acquires another and claims ownership over it, a need to accurately report the assets, liabilities, expenses, and revenue…

Topic: Economics

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Counselor’s Professional and Ethical Responsibilities

Professional and Ethical Responsibilities are the responsibilities of the counselor to follow generally accepted ethical and behavioral standards of conduct and continuing professional development. In other words, these are guidelines and general criteria that determine the behavior of a person depending on his profession. It can also be defined as…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 265
Pages: 1

A National Childhood Obesity Prevention Program We Can!®

I have chosen We Can!® (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition), a national childhood obesity prevention program (We Can!®, 2011) for analysis. Childhood obesity has become a global epidemic for the recent years. From 12% to over 30% of children are estimated as obese in developed countries and from…

Topic: Childhood

Words: 265
Pages: 2

Education Issues: Differentiation and Technology

Differentiated teaching requires instructors to present content that is customized correctly for the range of children in each category, to instruct utilizing flexible methods that provide varying means for learners to interact with the content and with one another, and to offer learners a choice of techniques to document their…

Topic: Technology

Words: 265
Pages: 1

Philosophy of Care as a Nurse

For many people, nursing is a field that represents the very essence of caring and compassion. In such a challenging profession, it is vital to have empathy, and a desire to help those who cannot take care of themselves. However, nursing philosophy is much more complicated than this; it includes…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 265
Pages: 2

The Benefits of UAVs and the Scope of Their Use

Introduction Unnamed Aircraft System consists of the unnamed aircraft itself and the equipment necessary for its remote control. The main advantage of an aircraft vehicle is the ability to operate independently or to be piloted from a distance. This makes the UAS an excellent tool for recreation and leisure, as…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 265
Pages: 1

The Death of 30 Chickens in the Car Accident

Today, on Monday, at about 6 pm, a terrible incident took place, which claimed 30 young chickens’ lives. They were headed to a new farm; there were about 300 of them in total. They were supposed to start a new round in Pilgrims Chicken’s development, but not all of them…

Topic: Vehicles

Words: 265
Pages: 1

Healthcare Issues: The Cultural Assessment Framework

Cultural assessment in healthcare is important. Different authors stress on various frameworks for assessment which may define many particular aspects. Having selected a gender framework for cultural assessment, we would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this specific method. To conduct an assessment in a correct way, it…

Topic: Culture

Words: 265
Pages: 2

Painting as an Expression of Social Protest

Throughout humanity’s history, artists have created their works to express their feelings connected with some events. They were inspired by nature, the beauty of a human being, or some peculiar processes for the period in which they lived. That is why each masterpiece can serve as the reflection of the…

Topic: Protest

Words: 265
Pages: 1

The Golden Age: The United States during Reconstruction

The Golden Age in the United States has seen many important changes and is characterized by the era of the country’s development taking place in the 19th century. It brought many social changes, caused by industrialization, immigration and urbanization, and a complete change of lifestyle in America which affect the…

Topic: History

Words: 266
Pages: 1

American Psychological Association Style in Studies

APA Style and Its Usage in Academic Writing The choice of APA style in academic writing is preconditioned by the fact that it allows a reader to quickly locate and identify the resources used for in-text citations. The presence of such indicators as an author’s name and the year of…

Topic: Psychology

Words: 266
Pages: 1

The Environment and Social Justice

Reflecting on the pollution issue in the heart of corporate districts where there is total neglect of the people living in the surrounding neighborhoods, one understands and appreciates the built environment’s impact on the quality of life. Exposure to pollution affects people’s lives health-wise, impacting the average lifespan. The built…

Topic: Environment

Words: 266
Pages: 1

Leadership Skills and Change Encouragement

While the importance of encouraging cooperation and promoting cross-cultural communication in the context of an organization is a crucial step in leading a team to victory, a leader must also possess conceptual skills. Northouse (2016) defines the subject matter as the ability to use ideas and concepts as building blocks…

Topic: Leadership

Words: 266
Pages: 2

The Egg White Denaturation as a Concept of Biology

Denaturation is the process of breaking down the secondary and tertiary structures of a protein by external factors such as temperature. As a result of denaturation, the complex spatial structure of the polymer is broken down to the primary chain of amino acids. Denaturation can be reversible when after returning…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 266
Pages: 1

Economic Development: International Trade Debate

The world is too difficult to judge of it categorically. People live within positive and negative conditions and the instinct for self-preservation drives people to take great pains in order to survive in cruel realities. In this respect I would like to mention that every material thing helps people promote…

Topic: Trade

Words: 266
Pages: 2

“The Body Remembers When the World Broke Out” Drama

“The body remembers when the world broke out” is a drama picture depicting two indigenous women who struggle with the stark realities that have beaten them throughout their life paths. This picture’s main topic is domestic abuse indigenous females face regularly due to their complexion or social backgrounds, which do…

Topic: Art

Words: 266
Pages: 1

Task 2 Essay: (250 Words)Life was better when technology was simpler. v. 1

In recent years, the approach of using exams to assess students has risen in popularity over the alternative of continual assessment. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from such an approach.
To begin with the positives, a crucial advantage that examinations have as a form of assessment is that they leave little room for cheating. This is because exams are usually undertaken in the presence of an invigilator, whose job it is to detect any candidate breaking the rules. In contrast, continual evaluation increases the risk of plagiarism since assignments are often completed with the help of the internet. Besides reducing cheating, exams are also more time-efficient. As they tend to only appear once or twice per year, they free up more time for students to revise and prepare.
Nevertheless, assessing students via examinations does present some problems. For instance, some students are extremely intelligent and creative, but when put under pressure, their minds can go blank. Considering that exams are situations of intense high pressure, it is no wonder that even the brightest of students sometimes perform poorly. Another significant disadvantage of this system is the narrow range of information which students are tested on. Unlike with continual assessment, the small window of time in tests limits how many questions can be asked, thus failing to test students’ knowledge in full.
In conclusion, although formal examinations are beneficial in terms of cutting out cheating and improving efficiency, it is important to consider that they also harm some students’ concentration and are arguably not as thorough as continual assessments.

In recent years, the approach of using exams to assess

has risen in popularity over the alternative of

. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from such an approach.


with the positives, a crucial advantage that examinations have as a form of

is that they

room for cheating. This is

exams are


undertaken in the presence of an invigilator, whose job it is to detect any candidate breaking the


In contrast


evaluation increases the

of plagiarism since assignments are

completed with the

of the internet.


reducing cheating, exams are


more time-efficient. As they tend to

appear once or twice per year, they free up more time for

to revise and prepare.


, assessing

via examinations does present


For instance




intelligent and creative,

when put under pressure, their minds can go blank. Considering that exams are situations of intense high pressure, it is no wonder that even the brightest of



. Another significant disadvantage of this system is the narrow range of information which


on. Unlike with

, the

window of time in

limits how

questions can

be asked



failing to

knowledge in full.

In conclusion

, although formal examinations are beneficial in terms of cutting out cheating and improving efficiency, it is

to consider that they



concentration and are


not as thorough as


One should not aim at being possible to understand but at being impossible to misunderstand.

Marcus Fabius Quintilian

IELTS essay Task 2 Essay: (250 Words)Life was better when technology was simpler. v. 1

Coherence and Cohesion:


  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ?

    One main idea per paragraph

  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ?

    Present relevant ideas

  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples

Labels Descriptions

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The most vivid example of the impact that the ethnicity

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Assertive, that presupposes conveying one’s opinion with respect to the rights and views of other people; it comprises stating one’s views without accusing the other party of improper fulfillment of obligations.
Aggressive, that also include telling about personal views and ideas but regardless of the feelings of others; aggressive style often includes blaming manager’s incompetence and negative style of expression.
Nonassertive, that means that a person doesn’t express his or her view of the issue; such situation can be caused by trying to avoid sensitive issues, protect either oneself or a manager or not understanding

Mike Paine’s View On The Impact Of Crusades Essay

Discussion on Readings:

Crusades resulted to continuous conflicts , leaders such as Alexius in the first crusade were eager to impress the western leaders by staging attacks on the Asia inhabitants where they killed anyone they came across regardless of religion (Paine 17). The crusades led to collaboration between leaders in search of power and dominance. The westerners were impressed by the gesture that Alexius showed (Paine 18). The first crusade led to the expansion of the European boundaries. In this view crusades led to rivalry and fights between states with the urge to acquire dominance. Christians and the Muslims became rivals and

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Good Example Of The Great Depression And Roosevelt’s New Deal Essay

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Complete The Following Table. Creative Writing Examples

Communication Process

Review the steps of the communication model on in Ch. 2 of Business Communication. See Figure 2.1.

Identify one personal or business communication scenario.

Describe each step of that communication using your personal or business scenario. Use detailed paragraphs in the boxes provided.

Additional Insight

Identify two potential barriers that could occur in your communication scenario and then explain how you would overcome them. Write your answer(s) below.
The potential barriers that could occur in one’s communication scenario are as follows: (1) the recipient is currently not in the position to immediate respond to the request due to any of the following reasons: too busy attending

Draw Topic & Writing Ideas From This Essay On The Inspiration Of The French Declaration Of Rights

dd mmmmm yyyyy

The circumstances in which both documents were written were very similar and it is apparent that the American declaration of independence heavily influenced the French declaration of rights.
There is common call for the right to self-government. The French people created their representative body in the form of their National Assembly which represented like the Americans forming their Congress. They immediately established this by stating “The representatives of the French people, organized as a National Assembly ”. This is equivalent to the US’s entity of Congress as reflected in “ Representatives of the united States of America,

Free Order № Question & Answer Example

Types of stereotype in commercial

We can observe stereotypical commercial nowadays where women are presented as they often buy many goods and look so pretty after using them. Men can also be seen as commercial with stereotypical content. They usually advertise business goods, cars or cigarettes. This happens because we are accustomed to see men and women in familiar situations in everyday life and they do particularly the same things in commercial. It is so close to us and we believe them. As the result, people buy these products. The aim is reached.
If we speak about commercial that carry least stereotypical content it

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As such, there is a certain

Good Book Review On People Buy You By Jeb Blount

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Sales strategies are very critical in ensuring the competitive positioning of any organization in the market. It emphasizes

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I was finally ready, —smooth, but meaty Cinnamon Bun ice cream. Chunks of Cinnamon Bun lodged in the flaky vanilla cream, giving character and substance to the dessert that will defy the need for

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Revenues should be recorded in several cases: services are still staying to be given; shipment of goods has not occurred;

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Principles Of Communication Essay

Agenda Setting is basically a phenomenon by which mass media highlights a particular news item to increase its nuisance value thereby making more people influenced by the issue under discussion. This is usually done by repeated communication of the issue in question so as to make people think that this issue is of more importance than other issues and needs to be pondered upon.
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Cover Letter On Zeinette Diaz

Human Resources Department

at Academics at Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School
[Address][City], [State] [Zip Code]

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing in response to the present opportunity available at Academics at Downtown Doral Charter Elementary School for the position of non-instructional teacher. I am highly interested in this opportunity, as I am confident that my extensive experience in combination with my commitment and skills will be a valuable asset for both your company and its clients. I have attached my resume along with this letter for your consideration.
Through my 6 years of experience in the role of a lead teacher, I have acquired

Free Forex Question – Answer Question & Answer: Top-Quality Sample To Follow

Q1. If an asset is owned in Germany by a US company and the dollar loses value (Euro gains value) then the asset’s value would depreciate on the company’s balance sheet.
Q 2. Foreign exchange risk is present because foreign exchange rates keep on fluctuating.
Q 3. A currency correlation shows the relationship between the values for two currencies.

Q 4. Explain in 2 or 3 paragraphs what hedging is and explain a type of hedge? How does the hedge work?

Hedging is a foreign exchange strategy used by international traders where they aim at limiting losses and remain capable of making profits. It is therefore a way of protecting forex investments against possible losses. This is an essential

Free Essay On Diagnostic Writing Exercise

My past, present and future education often seems unrelated to each other. However, it has become apparent that the past, present and future often relate to each other if only through transferable skills. This is important for developing further curiosity for formal education and career matters.
At this present moment I am studying Hotel Management and I chose this field of study because I developed an interest in the hospitality industry and travel. Hotel Management can be an international career because of the global presence of some large hotel chains. This curiosity for experiencing different cultures through the study

Why Seattle Must Remain Firm On Shutting Down The Jungle Essay

Murray, the current mayor of Seattle, has set up plans for moving the squatters out. This is to be done by providing them with roads and services that are easily accessible to the police and service crews, unlike the plan of the past bulldozers-led sweeps that was not compassionate by displacing the people who were homeless. With the help of Union Mission teams which has made treatment and shelter available, many people have managed to move away from the Jungle. The city staff also say that the shelters have rooms provided by the state and can accommodate everyone.

Example Of Apocalypse Now: A Reflection Movie Review

In the first act of the 1979 movie Apocalypse Now, it was interesting how the Americans choose to play loud music while they executed their aerial attack on the beachside village. The Americans believed that the music would intimidate the Vietnamese villagers and weaken their resolve. At the same time, in contrast, the music invigorated the American soldiers and kept them motivated throughout the assault. I think that this scene is interesting, because it demonstrates that music can be a powerful emotional influence, both positive and negative. The music that the Americans play is “Ride of the Valkyries” by

Good Answers Essay Example

1. The first thing is to be remembered crack cocaine is a very dangerous and destructive drug. Personality, soul, mind and health are destructed by crack cocaine. What is even more awful about crack is the fact that just several tries are enough to become an addict. Hardly twenty minutes pass, a person needs another portion of crack cocaine. Community is constantly becoming weaker under the influence of crack cocaine.
2. Enternal route, parenteral route and inhalation are 3 routes for drug administration. Alimentary canal is something through what eternal route is possible. It is subdivided into oral, sublingual

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Over the recent decades, Baltimore has become an infamous city for the air pollution. The output of emissions in Maryland is a matter of growing concern, as long-term exposure to air pollution is prone to lead to premature deaths.
In order to pinpoint the origin of pollution, it is crucial to explore not merely the air pollutants, but also the angle and speed of wind. The atmospheric behavior plays a significant role, thus weather patterns matter. It is worth noting that industrial emissions have a detrimental impact on the atmosphere. Since the atmospheric diffusion of pollutants depend primarily on

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Questions and Answers

1) Medication in a college environment should be and is a mandatory requirement for those suffering through this disorder. Considering the nature of schizophrenia and the very realistic statement that many people who have this disorder do not recognize it, mandatory medication is in some cases quite helpful. While medicating an individual is typically allowed to be by choice, a disorder such as schizophrenia that can allow harm to come to the affected individual and others is best kept in check with medication. Brichford (2016) explains that it is understandable why individuals who understand their disorder would not wish

Good Question & Answer About Cohen, Hayek And Rawls

Cohen’s idea about the way society works has attracted a great number of opponents and advocates. He explains his idea by telling the audience the example of the camping trip. During such trips people share food and everything that they brought to a picnic. In such situation we can witness a so called socialist equality in the community. Every person participates in the process. There is no advantage taken. Every person who came to the picnic shares and contributes towards the event. And then people turn into capitalists. Different people show their demands because they believe that they

Learn To Craft Essays On The White Man’s Burden With This Example

In the poem “The White Man’s Burden”, Rudyard Kipling has simultaneously described how force-led occupations of distant lands by the British and Americans were perceived by the local people who lived there, as well as by the colonial forces that travelled many miles to conquer them. While a first reading might indicate that Kipling is a supporter of Imperialism and is defending the expansionist policies of the self-proclaimed ‘civilized’ western countries, a closer analysis brings to light the caution Kipling is advising in going to war. “Go bind your sons to exile
These words imply that the poet

Summarized Chapter 1 Book Review Template For Faster Writing

The first chapter of the book describes the Public-Private Partnership or PPP. In this chapter we can find a detailed description of different styles of partnership and the short history of it. Also, the author gives us an idea about types of public infrastructure as it would be easier for the reader to understand elements of Public-Private Partnership.
I think that author gave enough information about the topic and did his best to explain all the key elements. Also, the good idea was to compare different types of Public-Private Partnership with each other. If reader did not understand i

Good Example Of Question & Answer On Reading Response To Donald M. Murray

In data collecting, the reader reads all the relevant materials and collects all the data which seems to be relevant to the study. After collecting the data, not all of it can be completely relevant to the study, the reader needs to carefully decide which data is relevant to the intended audience. The relevant data should be selected and the rest is discarded. The reader should find a pattern in the writers’ materials. Though the data is collected from different writers, they have some common ideas, this pattern should be obtained. Once the reader obtains the pattern, they can

La Jetee- A Different Style Of Direction By Using The Dimension Of Time Essay Samples

La Jetee (1962) is a French Science fiction film made by Chris Market and is made by using a series of still photographs and with only minimum information rendered through the voice-over. The film uses a unique pattern of images associated witht the life cyle of a man, starting from his childhood to his current state. The prime intention of the director is to create a multi-dimensional impaxt of the time variance by creating a photo-book sort of experience for the audience so that they are able to glance and connect the various dimensions of time within the current

Ddmonthyyyy: Example Essay By An Expert Writer To Follow

Deviant behavior

Deviant behavior means that a person behaves himself contrary to modern social moral and legal norms. It entails the isolation, treatment or punishment of a person who violated the rules. The activity of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is the best example of deviant behavior because it always shocks people and provides pictures that are contrary to commonly accepted rules and behaviors. Some people even try to deal with this problem and it was attacked in last January, 12 people including eight staff were killed.
This magazine has marked the one-year anniversary since terrorists attacked its Paris. It depicted God

Lifespan, Development And Theory: A Top-Quality Essay For Your Inspiration

Lifespan, Development and Theory of Professor Christopher Gillberg

According to University of Gothenburg, Sweden (2016) Professor Christopher Gillberg on May 12th, 2016 was recognized and presented with INSAR (International Society for Autism Research) achievement award. He was acknowledged for his significant contributions to extensive research on autism spectrum disorders. At his early adulthood, Christopher did a lot of research and has written a number of publications in the field of neuropsychiatry and development medicine. He has focused mainly on autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and intellectual disability
Christopher Gillberg achievements can be attributed to nature/nurture, behavioral and sociocultural theories of development. Constant exposure to

Release Date: End Date: Essay Sample


RE: Importance of immunization
Immunization is the process of introducing a vaccine into the immune system to protect a person from a certain disease. A vaccine is a medicine used for immunization purpose. There are different vaccines used for many conditions. Some of the illnesses are immunized while others are not. This is because not all the diseases have a vaccine. Diseases such as tuberculosis and polio have a vaccine and there for they are known as immunizable diseases.
Immunization is critical to our daily lives because it has saved life and improved life span of people and even

Good Example Of Essay On On John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

Central to John F. Kennedy’s election and his less than three years term as President of the United States was the Cold War between the American government and that of the Soviet Union. In Eric Foner’s words, Kennedy was much like his predecessors as he also “viewed the entire world through the lens of the Cold War”; hence, matters within and outside the country’s borders stemmed from the need to contain communism (773).
In other words, the conspiracy theory that suggested Kennedy’s assassination was the outcome of white supremacists keen to uphold the ideologies of

Exemplar Question & Answer On District Attorney And Community Corrections To Write After

The primary role of a district attorney in regards to community corrections is in whether or not it is will be part of a plea bargain agreement or, in the alternative, a sentence recommendation. For instance, a district attorney may agree to community correction provision in a plea bargain agreement, if the alleged criminal act was not serious or when the more effective action to resolving the case does not require incarceration. In such a circumstance, the district attorney could either recommend community corrections own their own volition or agree to a suggestion provided by defense counsel.
Even in

Saudi Arabia After Oil: Dissertation Introduction You Might Want To Emulate


What is the future of Saudi Arabia without oil and what is the way forward? That is the question concerning analysts and business writers after the recent announcement by Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that the country is planning to move away from oil dependency by the year 2020 . Critics have argued that it will be a challenging one citing that the country was transformed by oil . While there are great concerns on this moves’ impact on the economy, there will be great positive outcomes on the environment, the positive impact this decision will have in

Free China Essay Sample

Atkinson, R. D. (2014). ICT Innovation Policy in China: A Review. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation.

Summary: 5 “Points of Interest”

ICT in China is viewed as the transition from manufacturing to strong knowledge-based economy. Less dependence on import by means of developing indigenous ICT technologies is a key strategy for China. In particular, cloud computing offers a considerable competitive advantage and growth potential. However, data security is a rather weak area in the Chinese cloud market, thus ground-breaking research is still required. Another compelling aspect of Chinese ICT is the Internet of Things, that refers to a vast variety of handy applications. The

Example Of Essay On Reading

If somebody asks me whether I like to read, my answer will definitely be “Yes”. Since early childhood, reading was my obsession, which I carried with me through all the years. Books have a unique ability to develop your imagination while sinking you into worlds you could not ever think of. Perhaps, that drew my attention to the world of literature, which remain my only consolation.
I got easily absorbed in a book’s plot, and I can spend hours on reading without noticing the flow of time. The richness of places, characters and events always puts me into

Learn To Craft Book Reviews On The Croquet Player With This Example

“The Croquet Player” by H.G. Wells is a satirical novel which is written in an allegorical form. It tells a story of a man who fled from the bad dreams. The book was inspired by the influence of a historical event such as the Spanish Civil War. The main hero is a croquet player who is listening to a very weird and horrible story while drinking vermouth. The story is about a haunted countryside under the name Cainsmarsh. It is a story of a horror which evolves until the time it absorbs the whole world.
It is a modern

Perfect Model Essay On Contemporary Interpretation Of “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings”

As with all great creations by literary masters, Gabriel García Márquez’s tale “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” is timeless, speaking to the core of the human experience. Even though it was written almost half a century ago, it still speaks to people today. This is especially true of foreignness, something that the global migration crisis has intensified in the past years.
The tale’s titular character is an embodiment of the Other. There are many ways that he is different from the rest of the characters, calling him “strange” and a “nightmare” (García

Article Review On Leadership Comments

Cynthia Hohner shows a rather conservative attitude to leadership issues as she believes that one person`s leadership style can not dramatically change. However, different life stresses might significantly change those people`s traits, which were laid in childhood. As a result, a person might change from tyrant to a democratic leader and so on. Cynthia has a humanistic understanding of leadership, as her top priority is to make the employees` lives better. These qualities are quite rare and highly valued among people, who pretend to be the leader.
A high score on the people`s leadership scale tells

Expertly Crafted Essay On Any Accounting Manipulation Ends In Dire Consequences And Affects The Credibility Of The Person To A Great Extent.

The article I referred to is http://www.wsj.com/articles/sen-bob-corker-failed-to-properly-disclose-millions-of-dollars-in-income-1450051046.
Sen Bob Corker has failed to disclose a large amount of income from various sources which fall in real estate, investments and hedge funds. It comes to knowledge that Mr. Corker had failed to disclose about $2 million in investments income. This shows an ethical accounting failure because the information was intentionally hidden.
The decision to not show the information was Mr. Corkers. Because the information was not disclosed for many years at a stretch. He then disclosed the information once he was caught. Tough the office of Mr. Corkers mentioned that

Process Robustness Essays Examples

Discussion and Summary

Process development report contains various information that is vital and should always be included in the process development group. Some of the most important information include; summary of the overall process development, drug substance CQAs, the history of the manufacturing process and manufacturing development studies. The information provided in the process development report should be able to highlight significant changes during the development process (Agalloco and Frederick 453). Additionally, the information should relate pertinent drug substance batches with the various stages of development of the control strategy and manufacturing process employed in making them. It is also imperative that

Purpose Statement And Research Questions: Example Essay By An Expert Writer To Follow

There is a comparison and contrast between a purpose statement and a research question. Essentially, the purpose statement comes out of a research question. This lays out the problem and also the purpose of the statement. The purpose statement on the other hand outlines what the researcher would like to cover in order to study the problem. For instance, if one wants to study the negative campaign ads during elections, the research question talks about the number of negative campaign ads. Then after the research question, the purpose of the research follows. The purpose statement highlights the reasons why

Business Memo Essay

Business Memo

Dear Harry,
In relation to the document forwarded by you stating the 60% acquisition premium to Framingham’s stockholders, I raise my concern for the underlying assumptions used for calculating the premium amount. I am sure that you understand the premium of 60% is high and we should aggressively check the assumptions behind those calculations. If we do not check the assumptions meticulously, we will be eventually end up transferring our wealth to the shareholders of the acquired company.
Secondly, M&A related calculations are performed using long-term growth rate for the cash flows of the target company. Here also,

Good Would You Do It? Essay Example

Electronic devices take important place in today’s fast-developing world. Our morning starts from the sound of alarm on our mobile phone, later we switch on our laptops to check e-mails. While preparing a breakfast we turn on some music that helps us to wake up finally. During the breakfast we need our mobile phones to check Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media. During the whole day we are making appointments over the phone, working with computers, listening to music on our road to work or school. Finally, after such a busy day, we decide to relax and

Good Example Of Essay On Why Is Honor Important To Muslim Girls And How It Fits In Canadian Society?

Nowadays many Muslim girls have an opportunity to go to different countries to get education. Therefore, there are many Muslim girls in Canada. It is necessary to know that honor is very important for Muslim girl because it is a part of the culture where they were brought up.
There is a common misunderstanding that Muslim girls are submissive and behave in this way just because their families told them to do so. However, it is far from being the truth. Muslim girls respect their traditions and culture in which they were raised. They express their gratitude by wearing

Good Essay On Fires Of Jubilee

This book, written by Stephen B. Oates, depicts the slave rebellion of Virginia circa 1831. The story describes how Nat Turner led the rebellion and also how reprisals damaged the idea of a contented slave and a master, and how the rebellion also awakened changes in America leading to the savage Civil War.
Oates has written many acclaimed biographies on leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., and in this story he was also able to describe a colourful account of the rebellious acts of 1831. He was able to detail Turner’s complex personality and how he led

Free Book Review On «The Goal: A Process Of Ongoing Improvement”

The main hero fails due to the introduction into practice the basic principles of the theory of constraints systems and thought processes algorithms that help to find effective solutions to many problems both in business and in everyday life. Alex reconsidering traditional approaches to assess the situation and come to an understanding of the system approach to management, using the logic of cause-effect relationships to determine the key issues (insoluble conflict) organization. He realized “to make money by increasing net profit, while simultaneously increasing return on investment, and simultaneously increasing cash flow.” (Goldratt 38). This method is used to

Good Theoretical Framework Essay Example

According to Marion (2007), there are two types of leadership theories in higher education; transactional and transformational. Burns (1978) asserted that transactional leadership demonstrates less effectiveness in education setting. The reason of this inconsequential efficacy is that leaders and followers exchange needs and services in order to meet desired goals. On the other hand, transformational leadership is more effective in the academic setting. It exhibits a concern for individual leaders and intellectual stimulation of followers. Transformational leadership gives attention to motivate followers and to increase their morale. It also aims to inspire followers to share the values and vision


Invest Journal — Capital Market & Invest Bank

Reasoning for Trades: This week I tried a different approach in the currency trading market. I decided to trade on margin in order to open larger trades than the amount of capital in my account. On 29th Feb, I decided to enter a margin alert on USD currency to enable me to trade on USD currency with trades that are larger than the amount of USD capital in my trading account. On 2nd March, I decided to perform a margin closeout trade on EUR/USD currency because according to the report by the Spanish

Portfolio Project Essay Sample

Portfolio project

Forecasting refers to the function of making estimates of products and service that consumers are likely to purchase/ use so as to gauge if the company is liable to make profits. There are different forecasting methods used depending on the company and the type of product and services- whether fixed or variable. Red velvet cookies can be estimated to cost $ 7 per ounce this estimate cost is based on the average price for different manufacturing companies.
Using Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) system the company forecasting cost can be calculated.. Before the company makes this calculations it is important to

Sample Article Review On Navajo-Hopi Relocation

Since time immemorial territorial disputes have led to war, relocations as well as the conception of new laws and boundaries in a bid to mitigate the loss between any two antagonistic parties. This was the case in the Navajo-Hopi Relocation. This paper thus seeks to evaluate why the Hopi Relocation is still on the table in 2016, four decades after it began.
The presence of the commission today is primarily due to three factors, first, over time, the commission has been assigned new roles that it was not initially sanctioned for. These roles are also no fully funded thus

Good Example Of Why I Am Interested In California Lutheran University Essay

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” – Henry Ford.

Achieving a dream and satisfying one’s ambitions are goals of every human being. I am not an exception –becoming successful, possibly famous and rich, opening new perspectives for myself, reaching my potential and following a path to a bright future, are all parts of my plan.
I consider higher education to be the only key that would open all doors for me, and California Lutheran University is my best option for obtaining a degree. CLU would make me feel like a part of a family, which is hard at a large university. Classes here are smaller, which allows

Sociologists On Love Essay Examples

When thinking about the field of sociology and its applicability to human nature, it can be difficult to think about how it would apply to things like love. Sociologists, for example, have a better understanding of the cultural and social aspects of human behavior, and therefore will be able to deconstruct the process by which people tend to fall in love. Sociologists would give love advice in a very sanitized, calculated way: they would stress that people should learn to recognize the difference between love and intimacy, as well as the gender-based priorities that people often have (men play

Free Essay On Corse


Critiquing this article, the article is not convincing and it does not reach a convincing solution. The explanation that the author gives does not relate to the thesis of this paper. The author tries to relate art and architecture with history of technology, materials and the symbolic the fields that the author in this context tires to relate are very diverse and broad and so they cannot be easily constricted into one whole subject of architecture. The other reason why the science is not convincing is due to the fact that when the art woks alone are not enough

Fx Journal Essays Examples


Reasoning for trades: For this particular trade, I decided to use a different method of trade in the currency trading market. I tried to set up my trades with a set take profit, stop loss, and trailing stop loss. After analyzing trends in the 15-minute graph as well as the activities that are happening in the forex calendar. On 20th, 21st 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th Feb, I decided to trade on the EUR/USD currency. However, according to the reports in the forex calendar there were no compelling activities that

The Transformation Of Plato’s Republic Essay Example

In the passage, Socrates asks if it is possible to be implemented in reality just as it had been conceptualized theoretically. This query from Socrates to Glaucon is indicative of the reasoning as to whether the city that he envisions as a philosopher is indeed realizable. In his thinking Socrates indicates that the paramount question was what a great city would be like instead of the question as to whether such a city can indeed be constructed. There is idea was that it would not be disastrous if such a city cannot be proved that it can insist but

Free Fx Journal Essay Sample


Reasoning for trades: For this particular trade, I took a different approach in the currency trading market. I tried to set up my trades with a set take profit, stop loss, and trailing stop loss. After analyzing trends in the 15-minute graph as well as the activities that are happening in the forex calendar. On 16th Feb, I decided to short EUR/USD because according to ZEW report German ZEW Economic Sentiment was expected to decrease from 10.2 to 0.1 which dropped to 1.0. Thus, I short EUR currency against USD currency because

Free Essay About African Slavery And Indentured Servants

When North America first became an English colony, the preferred form of labor was that of indentured servants. The English settlers who traveled to the new regions were in two main groups, the rich who could buy passage and the poor who had no money but promised years of labor to whoever would pay for the same. Consequently, those who were to work for a certain amount of years to pay back the money spent on traveling to North America were the indentured servants. The arrangement was preferred because when a person had indentured servants, he or she could

Good Case Study About Education

We live in a remarkably diverse world, and this diversity is evident in work, community, educational contexts and, in general, all spheres of life. Due to advancements in technology and globalization the world has become integrated economically, socially and culturally which means that the interaction between people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds has also increased. More and more organizations and companies are becoming multinational in scope, operating subsidiaries and establishing reporting structure across several cultures, making multinational workforce the new norm. Therefore, the education system must do its utmost in teaching all students to successfully interact with people

Free Role Of Sound And Color In Poem Cavalry Crossing A Ford By Walt Whitman Critical Thinking Example

In order to create a specific poem tone or mood poets use a wide range of stylistic devices. However, it is not the only thing that helps them to establish mood and evoke certain feeling in reader, thus through various details in description poets play with reader`s mind and senses. For instance, poem Cavalry Crossing a Ford composed by Walt Whitman brings reader into the battle field creating impression of inevitable yet pointless war that establishes mood of wait. Through color scheme and sound imitation author paint vivid image of the beginning of battle. Silvery color of river

Good Essay On Effects Of Disease On The Health Care Industry: Respiratory Health


Deja, M., Hommel, H., Weber-Carstens, S., Moss, M., Dossow, V. V., Sander, M., . . . Spies, C. (2008). Evidence-based therapy of severe acute respiratory sysndrome: An algorithm-guided approach. The Journal of International Medical Research, 36, 211-221. Retrieved February 22, 2016, from imr.sagepub.com
Fanelli, V., Vlachou, A., Ghannadian, S., Simonetti, U., Slutsky, A. S., & Zhang, H. (2013). Acute respiratory distress syndrome: new definition, current and future therapeutic options. Journal of Therapic Diseases, 5(3), 326-334. doi:10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2013.04.05
Masoli, M., Fabian, D., Holt, S., & Beasley, R. (2012). Global burden of asthma. Southampton: Medical Research Institute of New Zealand.
Mehrotra, N., Ramagopal1, M., & Dodani, S. (

Florida International University Essay Sample

Dear Professor Jackson,

I was hoping you would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation. Recently, I was interviewed with Tech Association. I would like to become a member of 2016 Summer IT Software Programmer Internship. They have requested a recommendation from a professor. I would be most grateful if you could recommend me as a good candidate for this internship.Studying computer science in your class was the best time. As you may recall, I took course from you in the 2014. I actually remember you mentioning the Internship in the class one day. You had only positive impressions about

The Study Process Essays Example

The Study process

The first step in the study process is planning. There is a cliché that goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail,” and studying for an examination is no exception. A study timetable is a tool that helps the learner to manage their time and hence use it optimally. The planning process of learning also involves the organisation of the relevant materials that one need to study to perform in a given examination. A well-planned study session may turn around one’s fortune in an exam. The next step is the actual study.
Several activities are poised to occur

Good Example Of Case Study On MNC

Yes, I agree. This is because based on the results of the financial summary of MNC’s average weekly operations over the past quarter; the products Cluster and Crunch were unprofitable. Consequently, they will most probably remain unprofitable in the future production as well.

In excel

If MNC is to reduce the production of any product, the product they should choose is Cluster. This is because if the production would be lower, MNC would be able to produce Whole product, which is more profitable. Consequently, since Whole product is more profitable, cluster should be the one to be decreased

Example Of Essay On Literary Fiction


An in-depth analysis of these two life forms indicates that the artificial form of life is characterized by self-interest, shallow relationships, and materialism. This life form is unfulfilling, insular, and most importantly inept when it comes to answering important life questions. The artificial for of life is a trickery that clogs life’s true purpose thus leaving individuals alone and terrified at the time of their deaths. On the other hand, the authentic form of life is characterized by compassion and pity. It identifies other individuals not as a means to an end but, but rather as autonomous individuals

Good Nur 572 Weekly Assignment # 2 Case Study Example

Teaching is a rewarding process and for that and other reasons, nurses often perform as a faculty and advance teachers. “Successful transition into an academic setting requires faculty to develop expertise consistent with the college or university’s specific mission and philosophy” (Penn et al, 2008). The particular case study looks at a new nurse educator and his entrance into the teaching realm. From my personal knowledge base, I consider the nurse we are examining in this study as partially successful in his role as a teacher and faculty member. For one, he has a strong motivation to teach

Blog Essays Example

Michael Becker, is a mobile marketing strategic advisor and provides education services as the co-founder and managing partner for mCordis and also currently works for MarketingEDGE.org. Mr. Becker has helped provide advice to brand marketers on how to utilize mobile marketing for their businesses. As a professor of mobile marketing at National University, Becker is the co-author of “Mobile Marketing for Dummies,” and numerous other articles and books and has worked with numerous large organizations including FunMobility, Assurant Solutions, Shopper Army, and others.
Brent Dykes, who currently works as an Analytics Evangelist Adobe, is the author of “Web Analytics

Bling Max Car Wash Case Study

Context of Problem

The current problem for Bernard “Bernie” West, the owner of Bling Max Car Wash is choosing between installation of new equipment for blow-off, which will cost around $11,500 and would leave the car wash at risk. The loan requires taking out equity of the car wash and additionally paying 6.5 percent interest. The problem of not taking out the loan is that, if any competitor opens up nearby it is possible that some of the customers might choose the other car wash service. Currently, the business is doing well with business cost 35% of the business revenue. But,

Evidence Based Practice Literature Review Sample

Considering Howell Rice’s study and publication as ‘The Relationships among Anxiety, Anger and Blood Pressure in Children,’ the study can help provide enough evidence on studies carried on clinical foreground questions such as for instance, ‘what is the high blood pressure prevalence age among school going children?’ The study covers various PICOT components among them, the population, outcome and time (McBride, 2013). The question would address the children between the third and sixth grade from five elementary schools in the area. This study would identify the stage at which more students are likely to develop high blood pressure

Case Study On Earth Science Questions

1. A hot spot is an area on the earth’s surface that has several unique characteristics. These characteristics include but are not limited to high volcanic activity, frequent and extreme heat flows, and crustal movement that stretches across several hundred miles. Hot spots around the Hawaiian island chain created the islands. This was due to the Pacific plate move on top of the hot spot. Consequently mantle plumes created the islands.
2. An accretionary wedge is, like the name, suggests is a wedge. It is made up of a group of rocks called sediment and forms by gathering

Short Term Strategy Business Plan Examples

The short term strategy of our company is based on the profound and deep analysis of the sensor industry. The analysis includes the research of the industry situation on the market and publication in Capstone Courier.

Within rounds 1-2 we will pay our attention to low-end and out of the size segments.

We will analyze the market and customers’ demands and improve our initial products (price, marketing, R&D, etc.) according to these demands.
We are planning to introduce new product within high-end segment during round 3-5 and make it highly competitive by not increasing its cost comparing to other products of the same quality on the market.
During the first year we need to gain

Good Essay About Engineering Ethics

Learning Institution

Engineers, like other professionals, are constantly seized with ethical dilemmas in their line of work and, while they understand that every choice they make will sometimes cause irreparable damage to the community. For example, an environmental engineer of a plant that discharge its effluent into a lake may face an ethical dilemma when making an environmental assessment since he or she may be tempted to falsify the report not to implicate the firm at the expense of societal welfare.
Take the case of Judy, a lady in the male dominated engineering profession, who, at a social dinner the man

Good Essay On Do You Identify As A Gamer? Summary And Response

In the article “Do You Identify As a Gamer? Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Gamer Identity” Adrienne Shaw focuses on the impact of the categories of gender, race and sexuality on how people identify themselves as gamers. The core idea of the article is to dig deeper for the explication of the role of race, gender and sexuality as components of the gamer identity construction. Locating her study within the social context that shapes self-awareness, Shaw attempts to outline the gamer identity in the scope of marginalized social groups.
Considering the aspect of popularity of games throughout various social, racial

Good “The Basics” Response Essay Example

The reviewed document dwells upon the basic rules that are essential for clean and concise academic writing. Generally, these rules are well-known and easy-to-follow; however, I have found a number of recommendations that I did not know, such as some of the rules on capitalization and punctuation, as well as details on the in-text citations in the MLA reference style. Some of suggested points were especially important to review, as they occasionally create difficulties in the process of writing. I find the information on stylistic aspects of writing of particular use, as I often struggle when it comes to

Example Of Report On Production

As we remember, two main parties that interact at the market while the good or service is sold are the buyer and the seller. However, sometimes there are other people that benefit or lose from the deal without participating in it directly. Such spillovers are called externalities because they are benefits or costs that accrue to some third party that is external to the market transaction. (McConnell, Brue & Flynn, 2012, p.104).
There are both positive and negative externalities and in our case we are considering the last ones since the local plant does not take into account the cost

Managing Diversity Case Study Sample

1. Sheryl Sanberg challenges people in management positions as she strives to create awareness of how women can succeed in the business world (Gira 3).
4. Assertiveness versus nurturing is the most applicable dimension of the Hofstede cultural diversity according to Sheryl’s experiences. From her experience she removed the internal barriers that make most women lack self-confidence, limiting them from raising their hands and pulling them back when they should be leaning in. According to Sheryl if a woman is to access more powerful positions at work they need to crack the glass ceiling (Gira 2).
5. The global

Example Of Research Paper On The Impact Of Increased Government Spending On The Refugees Can Be Illustrated Using The Following Graph.


Illustration of Increased Government Spending On Refugees

The graph above show that, when government increases spending on refugees the money is utilized to buy goods and services produced in the economy. Thus, the demand curve shifts from AD to AD2

Illustration of the Increased Labor Supply in the Economy

The supply of labor is indicated by AS and AS2. The AS curve show the supply of labor before refugee influx while, AS2 shows the supply curve of labor after influx of refugees. This indicates that influx in refugees leads to a shift in labor supply curve.

Impact of Increased Labor Supply in the Economy In The Long Run Assuming Demand is Constant

The above graph shows that, increase in the labor supply resulting from

Good Example Of Essay On What Sparks Your Imagination?

Since I was a child, I have always considered myself to be a creative person. I have found that I work best with some type of sound in the background. I find complete silence to be distracting because I can hear other sounds like a creaking roof or an opening door and wonder what is causing it. I often listen to music using headphones when completing assignments as it helps me to focus and filters out other distractions. I am most creative in the afternoon or evenings when I have completed my other responsibilities for the day and I

Coursedate Essay Samples

Chapter 8 & 10 Reflection

Chapter 8 and 10 contained a lot of information that was new to me. The extent to which religion shaped not just our cultural development, but that of the growing US itself was fascinating. For example, that early Protestant missions to Hawaii facilitated the annexation of Hawaii to bring it into the US. Religion even impacted the ecosystem of Alaska; Jackson introduced Siberian reindeer to ensure Aleut and Eskimo peoples would not starve in the face of a waning population of seal herds. I found it heartening that although missionaries have a bad reputation for ‘civilizing’ natives at all

Free Essay About Effects Of Alcohol On Human Body

[Submission Date]

It is not an untold secret that the continuous usage of alcohol can profoundly harm one’s physical health. This infographic is the representation of the negative consequences of alcohol’s usage on different body parts. The image is chosen specifically so that the audience can relate with the physical appearance of the human being. The facts about disadvantages of alcohol are discussed referring to various parts of the body including brain, mouth, heart, liver, stomach, pancreas, and the overall immune system. A skull and cross-bones symbol is also placed to warn the audience about the

Good Example Of Article Review On Five Keys For Teaching Mental Maths

In a nutshell, Olsen (2015) emphasizes on the fact that grasping mathematics concepts is not something that occurs spontaneously or in isolation. Instead, proficiency in mathematics calls for the adequate use of mental math as a tool that enhances an individual’s knowledge in mathematics. Olsen, 2015 suggest on various ways of increasing a student’s mental math capability.

The first crucial step to enhancing an individual’s mental math competency is enabling them realize the essence of mental math skills. In addition, adopting adequate math teaching strategies and constant practice offers significant contribution towards the enhancement of a student’s mental maths

Free Case Study On Group Analysis

(Student’s Full Name)


The purpose of this research study is to analyze the impact of group therapy amongst individuals from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. The group needed to become aware of strategies to deal with abnormal eating habits and self image issues. Before doing so, the psychologist needed to identify the various forms of resistances demonstrated by the members of the group, and the solutions to these.
The study reveals the different leadership styles used by both the therapist and the co-facilitator. The research paper will analyze the effectiveness of the democratic style versus the authoritative

Free Movie Review On Taxi To The Dark Side By Alex Gibney

Why do you think the reason for the death of the prisoners kept silent and named as a natural cause?

How did the descriptions of the different prison camps were presented? What empowered your imagination more, the pictures on the screen or the voices of the men?
What kind of right/wrong issue does the movie rise? What do the US soldiers star to loose in the prisons while controlling the prisoners? How did they change? Do you think that the soldiers had the moral right and enough moral strength to withstand the pressures they might have felt from the top? Were the pictures necessary?

Doctors of the Dark Side by Martha Davis

Do you believe it truly is ethical to torture single people for the well-being

Good Essay About Surprising Science Of Motivation

In 2009, Dan Pink made a speech in which he discussed motivation, its concepts and its true reality. The most widespread motivational tool is money, sometimes not money itself, but a reward, in general. In his speech, Dan Pink argues that an approach like this is obsolete and ineffective.
An experiment was set up, in order to test people’s motivation to perform better and solve problems faster. Two groups of participants have been presented with a “Candle problem”. The task was to take a set of supplies and attach a candle to the wall and prevent the wax from dripping on the

Good Pragmatism Essay Example

In the article An Introduction to Classic American Pragmatism, the main aspects of pragmatism are examined. The author, Raymond Pfeiffer, Professor of Philosophy, argues that every person understands pragmatism differently, though in common language, the term “pragmatism” conveys the inclination for the practical.
As a philosophical term, it was created by a Charles Peirce, an insurgent sage at the end of the 19th century. Peirce, the founder of pragmatism, in his studies, employed logic and the methodology of science to philosophy. However, Pierce does not go a long way to confirm that people should cease their persuasions on all the issues. (

Essay On President

Dear Mr______,

I appreciate your concern about depleting natural resources and ruthless corporate activities. The government always tries to maximise economic growth; at the same time it has strict laws to protect natural resources. Recently our economy witnessed a spurt in construction by corporate houses; it was done to give a boost to the stagnant economic activity and growth rate. The aim is to revive the economy; we have devised fiscal and monetary policies to keep a check on unnecessary construction by the private corporations. The moment our targets are achieved and the economy is stabilised; we will increase corporate and industry taxes to

Good Example Of Cover Letter On Sender Addresscity, State, Zipdateauthor Nameinside Addresscity, State, ZIP

Dear Instructor:

Over the course of this semester, I have learned a great deal about writing to specific audiences and learning about particular tones. Among the new skills that I have cultivated in this course are prewriting, outlining, organization and writing structure, allowing my prose to become much better organized and easy to read than it was before. I have also learned how to use academic journals and university resources to track down reputable, peer-reviewed sources that allow my information to be fully believable and support my points.
Contained within this portfolio is my research paper on homeless children, as well

Example Of Db1 Response 2 Literature Review

In terms of how the organization took care of their people, there is an emphasis on not only having commitment to the welfare of the employees but also ensuring that the well-being of their employees is looked after even after their work performance has been evaluated. This is vital in ensuring that the commitment of the employees towards the corporation is unquestionable and goes a long way in refining the productivity of the employees (Synovus Financial Corp. SWOT Analysis, 2014). The other aspect discussed in the reading is the value based leadership whereby the leadership of the organization knew that

Good Essay On Clinical Biochemistry; Liver

[Professor’s name appears here]
[University name appears here]
[Department appears here]
[Date appears here]


It is an encapsulated, wedge shaped largest gland of the body which is located in the right hypochondrium.
It aids in metabolism of macromolecules and hormones as well as plasma protein synthesis and also acts as a storage house.


The diseases of liver are categorised based on their etiologies but few important clinical entities are viral hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis. Primary sclerosing cholangitis, hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, alcoholic liver disease, paracetamol induced liver damage, liver abscess, liver

Political Science Essay Sample

The Iron Wall

The film exposes the colonization attempts of Israel towards the Palestinian people. “The Iron Wall” is an official and unspoken name of policy adopted by the Israeli government in order to deepen its influence on the Palestinian territory. It includes a few steps: making settlements to ensure Israeli foothold on the Palestinian ground and building a barrier wall to separate people who define themselves as one nation.
Settlements are the latest project that is implemented to weaken Palestine from inside. The purpose was clear: after the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel needs facts o the ground to

Comment On Classmate (Chaka) 1 Answer Essay Sample


It is true, that the invention of nanotechnology, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence has dramatically changed our life. But alongside with the revolution of the technology, arises the question about the impact of these inventions into human life. As it was stated by Bill Joy computer inventions, developing intelligent machines do all things better than human beings can do them. Thus, I do agree with his point that at some certain point people will not be able to control over the machines, since the average man may have control over certain private machines of his own, such as personal

Good Example Of Essay On Healthy Housing Inspection

Thousands of different illnesses every year, including allergy, asthma and cancer, are caused by environmental exposures. Mankind has to be very concerned to avoid such conditions and diseases. Proper living conditions are essential to have a good health. One of the most important pros of healthy housing inspection is ensuring people with safe and risk-free living area where all life necessities are provided. In my inspection doors and windows fit and close securely, plumbing and heating systems work properly, house is supplied with safe indoor air by ventilation, no infection is detected. Some of outer walls of the house are

Good Essay On Counterfeit Questions

1. Brand name manufacturers must compete with counterfeit manufacturers for consumer business. For example a legitimate pair of Nike tennis shoes is about fifty dollars, while counterfeit Nikes are much cheaper. This causes customers to choose the more inexpensive counterfeit copies rather than legitimate brands. Thus, this causes lower sales and can cause manufacturers and companies to struggle against such cheap competition.

2. Large department stores such as Macy’s that are beloved for their products and popularity also suffer greatly from counterfeit practices. Macy’s sells a plethora of different items from clothes to perfume to bedding. Chinese fake

Good Essay About Legalization Of Marijuana


Marijuana, also known by different other names in different places, is a herb that contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a chemical that is largely used by pharmaceutical firms. Presently, production, supply, control and custody of the drug is prohibited in a majority of nations. Marijuana can only be cultivated with the permission of government authorities. Experts give different opinions about the use and legalization of marijuana depending upon personal experiences, knowledge about the drug, and research.

Some consider marijuana as illicit drug, whereas, others argue in favor of the drug because of medical benefits, associated with marijuana. Though are different opinions on the use

Free Report About First &last Name

Organic Chemistry

The three properties of good extraction solvents include: immiscibility with the solution to be extracted, should have poor solubility of impurities and should have a good solubility of the target compound.
Drying is done so as to further separate the aqueous layer from the organic layer, and to do away with any water particles present in the organic layer, as it needs to be as pure as possible to achieve a high percent clarity of the extraction.
i) Liquid-liquid extractions using a separatory funnel where two immiscible liquids are used in the extraction procedure meaning that they form two layers when

Free Essay On Competitive Strategies And Government Policies

(Student’s Full Name)

In conclusion, there are several points that should be considered in order to deal with the competitive strategies and government policies as well as the current conditions which global and multinational corporations operate in. Firstly, mergers, such as horizontal and vertical mergers, will help companies to compete effectively in the industry to ensure that a company maintain a competitive advantage in the industry. When considering the case of the technology industry, a horizontal merger with facilitates different companies, which each produce a few specialized products. Secondly, multinational companies are required to implement strategies related to new product

Good Example Of Research Paper On Patricia Auer Engelhard And Kathryn Otto Jones Edina Summary #1 Stiggins 1976


The article focuses on the increasing role of women as workers besides being mothers. It suggests that guidance counseling has helped women both intellectually as well as emotionally due to which they have become aware of their potentials. The article is providing an argument to Patricia Auer Engelhard as to how society has changed over time regarding women’s roles. The author provides various data and evidences to show how women’s participation in counseling has been increasing in the contemporary world. Stiggins has also used the works of other scholars to support his argument and thus, strongly feels

Example Of Stage 3 Ubd – Lesson Plan Essay

Annotated Bibliography

Anstey, M., & Bull, G. (2010). Helping teachers to explore multimodal texts. Curriculum & Leadership Journal, 8(16).
Taba, H., & Spalding, W. B. (1962). Curriculum development: Theory and practice (pp. 1962-1962). New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
In this book, the author has described the ways with which the teacher can modify and develop the curriculum in accordance to the new researches in the era and can develop the curriculum in such manner that it provides the holistic means of covering the specific subject. It provides the direction to be provided to the children in order to enhance with the

Great Example Of Essay On Marketing

Problem Recognition

A print ad of a popular juice store states “We believe in the good stuff.” It also includes information on how they keep their products real and full of nutrients. This ad targets the ideal state of consumers to be healthy. Marketers recognized the problem of living healthy while making life easy. The ad influences the consumer by appealing to them through showing them that a healthy life can easily be attained through real and nutritious ingredients. At the same time, the ad clearly shows that this specific product is full of goodness. The consumer is able to recognize that they

Good Example Of Essay On Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation

Clinician Provider Order Entry (CPOE) denotes a system that facilitates direct entry of medical information that aids physicians to offer sound treatment and other services to patients. When used appropriately, the system targets at reducing delays, eliminating human errors as well as simplification of inventories and posting of charges in a timely manner. Most healthcare facilities are opting for the system owing to its advantages not only to the patients, but also to the physicians (Ash, Anderson & Tarczy-Hornoch, 2008).

When the projected was implemented, several physicians and other staff were of the notion that the system would double the Workload.

Free Presentation On Being Global: Disney Company

Apparently, the Walt Disney Company has a great aptitude of extending its operations and business to various countries across the globe. Though this company has since utilized their aptitude to go global in many apparent ways. It is high time for this company to consider extending its operations to many other potential countries across the globe (Rothaermel, 2013).

While preparing to establish itself across the various countries, this company is predisposed to facing various challenges and obstacles prior to becoming stable enough. Apparently, through well-defined leadership styles and strategies, this company will effectively eradicate obstacles as they work to go

Free Article On Consequentialism

In Consequentialism, it defines an act as wrong or right depending on the action results and the more good results it produce the better the action is. In class, we did volunteering work with different people with disability. During the immersion I was able to help a person with disability in the carpentry workshop department, we and the person I helped interacted through sharing stories and telling each other about ourselves.

He told me that his disability was never a hindrance to him because he manages to perform chores like a normal person. I think my actions were good because I saw

Developing A Better Smartphone Through Kanos Model Of Customer Satisfaction Article Sample


The article “How to Make Product Development Projects More sSuccessful by Integrating Kato’s Model of Customer Satisfaction Into Quality Function Deployment” points out that the traditional marketing strategy which promoted the maximization of market share as the main component of marketing strategy has shifted somewhat to a focus on customer satisfaction. This is because it has become more economically beneficial to companies to try to preserve their current customers than it is to try to gain new ones. “The costs of attracting new customers are much higher than the costs of keeping the present customers through an increased level

Walk Before You Run, Comity Technology Advisors Articles Example

The article Walk Before You Run discusses the importance of a proactive CRM and the need to become more interactive with clients, while preserving the focus on the basic requirements for successful management of the relationships with customers. The article emphasizes the role of platforms and systems, in particular SugarCRM, that help to manage the complexity of customer relationships and to take advantage of the opportunities as well as to become more social with the customers.

In order to support the claim about the need to closely monitor customer demands authors provide statistics of the importance of high service

Good Application Letter On Park Police Officer

I am writing to express my interest in becoming a park police officer. Given my experience, education and interests, I believe I would be a perfect candidate for the job, and I would bring a lot to the force. I currently carry an Associate’s Degree in criminal justice, and I have years of experience under my belt in security. My security certificates also allude to my skill in law enforcement.

I have wanted to become a police officer ever since I was a child – seeing cops on the street, protecting citizens and doing their part, I wanted to be able to be a

Symposium Protest Art Project Essays Examples

A symposium can be defined as a topic under discussion of many conferences and meetings. It is that specific on which people make speeches, presentations and other form of communicative pieces. The main purpose is to share the topic with everyone and creating awareness among local people about the respective social issue. For instance, a very common symposium topic can be keeping environment green and healthy by planting more trees. I will choose this topic as my protest art project. Man, today, prefers in enhancing his living standard. He focuses more on building lavish houses and buildings than on anything else.

Micro-Economics: Demand Essays Examples

My recent decision to purchase low quantity of petrol for my car every month will be a suitable example to illustrate how the change in price of a good will affect its quantity demanded. As per law of demand, ‘’ There is a negative relationship between price of a good and its quantity demanded. In other words, keeping all the other things constant, as the price of a good increase, the quantity demanded of that particular good decrease and vice-versa’’.
Similarly, over past 6 months, the price of petrol has increased by $3/unit. This has affected by purchase decision and with continued rise in

Free Case Study On Latin America And The Catholic Church

During the Pope visit in Nicaragua, the podium was full as the people eagerly waited for the Pope to deliver his liberation speech. In a surprise, most of the reform minded Catholics in Nicaragua were hopeful that the pope was destined to utter words of peace to the people. The people had expectations that the Pope will convey messages that will support the poor in favour of the filthy millionaires. In his speech, he stated, “You peasants live in unjust and inhuman conditions but don’t be tempted to rise in arms against your oppressors. “Contrary to their expectations, the Pope

Life Of Blacks In South And The Adoption Of Slavery Course Work

The distinction between black and white did not always exist. There is a long history behind this racial discrimination responsible for the social and human injustice and inequality. A very precise example of such discrimination could be seen in the lives of the blacks who were living in southern America during the 1930’s.

The concept of Free Blacks was limited to an idea only. The implications of being a black were much different from living a life of freedom and independence. In the 1930’s, black people were not provided with any rights that a white person did. The difference in color

Metallicas Ride The Lightning Essay Example

Metallica can be considered as one of the greatest speed metal bands ever and its development has been much talked about over the decades. Probably the album that defined their status as the kings of speed metal was ‘Ride the Lightning’ which was released exactly thirty years ago in 1984.
The eight songs have all become classics in their own rights and treat several themes, such as the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (Creeping Death), electrocution in an electric chair (Ride the Lightning) and a horror story by H P Lovecraft, that master of brooding and terrible tales (

Case Study On Sociology

The Economy and Work

According to the conservative ministers, the government does not believe that Election Canada has any significant role for boosting and encouraging voting. Further, they have argued that the decreasing turnover in the recent years is representation of the fact that Elections Canada was not having a good deal of success.
In my opinion, there are ulterior motives for passing this law that the Conservative government is not disclosing. They want to win the majority by using illegal robocalls to the voters, which are identified as the non-supporters in the complied list of the confidential part and directed them to

Good Example Of Essay On Rubric Name: User Manual:installing A Mini-Minder

Installing a Mini Minder

The security is a serious issue in the today’s world. There are lots of technologies, which can ensure security in different forms. The mini minder is the on the security systems, mounted on the window. It automatically detects the movement and transmits an alarm signal. The mini- minder is the compact and cost effective security system. This system is fixed at the wall or the door by removing the back plate and screwing the plate of the wall. The unit is completely snapped onto the back plate. The unit is completely battery operated. All the materials are hardware supplied.

Free Revise Report Sample

I am applying for the stockroom associate position in warehousing job category at Merlin Entertainments’ Legoland.
Resorts and theme parks have always piqued my interest. I believe that working with Legoland is a good opportunity to be part of Merlin Entertainments. Located all over the world, my cultural background fits the interests of the company. Being born and raised in Asia, I am open minded, flexible and can easily adapt in a multi-cultural background. Legoland Carlsbad is very close to where I am living right now; nonetheless, I do not mind working in other branches and relocate.
Some may

Free Essay About The Effect Of The Technology On Work

Nowadays, technologies play a great role and have altered the attitude to work. They changed the way we communicate, our time management and our work environment. Besides, it was discovered that even children and adolescents have some kind of addiction to the cell phone use. It seems that a problem is developing fast as some children with smartphones make friends only with more tech-skilled ones. The other aspect is that 7 percent of people said that the use of mobile phones had caused them to lose a job or relationship (Birdwell 2007).
Sometimes management bans the usage of mobile phones at

Free Deforestation Essay Example

Deforestation involves permanent destruction of forests and the land used for non forest uses such as urbanization and agriculture. Deforestation in the world results to loss of an estimated 18 million acres of forest each year. Deforestation is also the reason why about half of the tropical forests in the world have been cleared, and forests cover only about 30% of the world’s land mass (Chakravarty 4). The effects of deforestation are far reaching where loss of forest covers contributes to an estimated 15% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions significant contribution to global warming. Trees play a major

Good Personal Statement About A Letter Of Explanation

As a college-level student, I am presently applying for an exception to the full cost of instruction fees, based on existing financial hardship. Due to certain extenuating circumstances beyond my direct control, which are explained in details below, a petition for a fee reduction is tremendously important to me.
As long as I remember my home environment and family relationships have always been intricate and very complex to handle. All of this habitually posed a risk, preventing me to feel secure and protected by people, whom I love most. Those circumstances were indeed exceptional during the period, when I was going through

Good Example Of Scent Being Used For Wellbeing And Health Scentsory Diagnose Essay

Technological innovation in the present times has been the talk of the day cutting across all the fields concerning humankind. Technology, particularly in the medical field has proved to be very crucial in the refinement of health practices. The new technology is making challenging disease less and less of a threat.
“Scentsory DiagNose” is a medical technology that makes use of microsensors. Microsensors are tiny electronic gadgets that are capable of identifying bodily, or biomedical signals by use of scent that can later be analyzed on a computer. The results can in turn be used to get health solutions on a number

Example Of Essay On Reading Summary

Chapter 8: Improving Customer Service and Satisfaction

Chapter 8: Improving Customer Service and Satisfaction


Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2007). Improving Customer Service and Satisfaction. In P. Kotler, & N. Lee, Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance (pp. 133-162). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing.
Theme: Knowledge of marketing tools and techniques would assist in addressing the needs and demands of customers with the goal of improving customer service and satisfaction.
Other Reading:
The article entitled “Managing the Customer Experience” emphasized that with proper training, personnel who are directly in charge of interacting with customers would work on

Market Ratio Course Work Example


What question do market ratios try to answer for potential investors? Market value ratio aims at evaluating a company’s economic status in the extended marketplace scenario. Factors such as; price earnings ratio, earnings per share, price/cash ratio, market value per share and dividend yield. Market ratio allows the management to cross-check on the certainty of an investor future prospect’s and insights about the firm.

Market ratio is a determinant for a firm’s future performance. This influence the current investors to invest more in the business. It is a tool that allows chances of potential investors investing in the firms shares.

HR Topics Essay Example

Although managers are expected to have great technical, this does not mean their technical capabilities can ensure them a promotion into the ranks of management. This is so because there are other factors to be considered besides technical skill such as the usefulness of the coworkers and the coaching. The coaching done on managers ensure that the relevant resources are available to workers and assist helps in identifying an action plan to solve performance issues. The coaching will facilitate technical skills that managers can use to improve their performance problems.
The coaching opportunity provided a problem solving and performance modeling

Worlds Of History Vol 2, Kelly Rielly Critical Thinking

One of the themes in Burmese days is imperialism. It can be defined as a certain type of governing entity that has its main aim in increasing its size, through acts of war or political bulling other countries to bow down to their rule of law. The book highlights the lives of Burmese natives who live under the mercy of British colonialists. It portrays this by using three main characters; U Po Kyin, a corrupt Burmese magistrate, Dr Veraswami a reputable Indian doctor and John Flory a European who in his circles is known to be of high prestige.
In the second

Good Essay On Eve Egoyan Bio

Biography of Eve Egoyan

Eve Egoyan is a world acknowledged pianist. She engages in performing the music of contrasts, from Alvin Curran, Ann Southam, to Erik Satie, and Michael Finnissy. Her music is characterized as illuminating, authentic, and fearless. She is the concert pianist, who performs works of contemporary composers. Her sound command of the instrument and programming skills gave rise to very successful interpretations. Egoyan works only with living composers. Those composers highly value her performance, also internationally.
Eve Egoyan performed the premieres by many international composers. The most famous of them are Maria de Alvear, Erik Satie, Piers Hellawell, José Evangelista,

Free Critical Thinking On Star Trek: The Next Generation

The movie talks about an evolutionary machine that pioneers the next generation of machines. The main issue discussed on this thriller is whether machines with such ability that so closely resembles human beings should be allowed to choose their destiny. The metaphysical problem involves the state of being of Data, which is a next generation machine.
Data is essentially a machine; however, its ability to capture human emotions and to create relationships with people makes it a unique machine. While Data remains a machine and not human, it is very important to realize that he can communicate and express his feelings. This

Good Example Of Memorandum For The Supervisor Course Work

It has come to my attention that this organization requires professional and structured modes of communication. This sort of communication may be through e-mails, intranet messages, memos and letters. All this is for the provision of information, seeking to persuade or request for certain management activities carried out. Therefore, we as company employees humbly request for organizational funding for the managerial writing course. The course runs for three months, and it can be done within the company premises.

Employees who will undertake this course will be more effective with their communication and also their report writing. The reports will

Good Example Of Working Is A Musical Theater Play Essay

Aristotle’s criteria for judging characters are Justice, Law, The good, Happiness, Human nature, Virtue, Wealth, Prudence, Friendship. If I have to combine all these criteria only one character comes in my mind, that will be James Bond. Bond, a Secret Service agent was a character composed by Ian Fleming based on a number of commandos. Till date many actors acted in Bond series movies in which my personal favorite is Pierce Brosnan, an actor, producer and environmentalist. The characters that he acted resembled patriotism for his country and to bring back justice and law. His movies have been evergreen because of

Jesus Essay Samples

There are lots of movies on the screen that are based on historical and religious figure Jesus Christ. Some of the movies are based on biblical narratives; some are completely imaginary and cause a lot of controversy. Towards the end of this month there is another movie about Jesus on the way to be shown in cinemas. To what extent should restrictions apply to allow Jesus to be depicted in movies? Or should Governments completely ban filmmaking about Jesus Christ?
As far as I am concerned, I do not favor this trend. Picturing Jesus on the screen can lead

Good Controversial Issues With The Elderly In Human Services And Dealing With Stress Essay Example

Providing healthcare to the aged requires two times as much as that of younger persons. Less than half of the elderly have any insurance cover. This has also been made difficult by the rise in the cost of medical care. The aged are different from other age groups and, therefore, require special consideration. In support of the aged on this stress, medical insurance cover benefits have been increased for the elderly. This will help meet the increasing medical needs of the older persons.
Many find it difficult to put the concepts they preach into practice in their own

Conflict Of Interest Essays Examples

Conflict of interest is one of the challenging scenarios among nurses. This is because it affects their service delivery and the attendance of clients based on allegiance either to individuals or a company. One of the scenarios where a nurse faces conflict of interest is when dealing with an infant in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (Gott, 2000). There is a situation whereby the nurse knows exactly that the infant chances of survival are very minimal, yet the family f so optimistic of the situation (Joel, 2013). The family members are undergoing a lot of expenses for no reason; a nurse may decide to

Hershey Company Course Work Examples

Hershey Company Costing system

First we need to analyze the Production stages for Hershey’s Chocolate. At Hershey several sequential stages for production of chocolate are:

Fermentation; In this stage Cocoa beans are put in heaps for around a week to make the cocoa flavor.

Roasting; in this stage cocoa beans are roasted.
Hulling; In this stage a machine is used to separates the shell from the bean.
Milling; the nibs are mixed with chocolate liquor.
Mixing; Cocoa butter, milk and sugar are mixed with chocolate liquor. Then the mixture is dried into a powder that is known as chocolate crumb.

Molding; Heavy

Example Of Paths Essay

As I went out for a walk, I was perfectly aware of my decision to walk to that particular place. Of cause, I had a few places in mind after knowing that I had to go to a place that was easily accessible on foot. However, when I had to turn right or left without influenced decisions, I was not aware of making choices especially when I had to repeat the procedure ten times. I found myself making right turns almost as much as I made left turns for the ten trips. As I did that, I felt a sense of freedom and

Good Essay About Global Warming — A Role For The Sun

Climate is changing rapidly. Credible international scientific evidence affirms the fact that the global climate is changing as a result of excessive human activities by depletion of natural resources. This global warming needs to be reduced at the earliest by implementing regulations and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; otherwise the global temperature will continue to increase by approximately 3 degrees Celsius over the next century (IPCC, 2007). In my opinion, pollution is one of the biggest causes of global warming. It is not possible that the pollution has nothing to do with global warming or the depletion of the

Good Example Of Essay On Fear Of A Disconnected Life

We don’t prefer working anything manually like checking the temperature of the weather or mailing someone, not through post office, but the ease of email is our first preference. Like the character in the article want to have Cyber Free Sunday but still he was curious in the morning about what emails or messages he have on his Facebook and Gmail. Although there was no such important mail or message that he missed out, but the curiosity was present as to what I am missing out.
Nowadays, social life and professional task all require to stay connected,

Good Example Of Essay On Courageous Man Running In The Rain


What can be more scaring than war or a military conflict? In the horrific times of warfare a real insides of a man can be seen, in the time of warfare a character is forged, like steel.
Such a man we see, a man, who became a soldier for a number of his own reasons, but quite few points can be said for sure. To become a soldier a person must be brave, and of a great courage to dedicate his life to the cause, and be ready to give that life for the cause when the moment comes. This man appears to be not only courageous, but as

Access 2010 Essentials Essays Example

An auto numbered primary key does not give an accurate count of records since it acts as a counter. This makes it increment records hence may not give accurate values. The access database uses different data types. These are date time, auto number, OLE object, text, Yes/No and number data types. The date time data type allows for calculations based on time. The auto number data type generates primary key values. The OLE object data type allows one to store complex data. On the other hand, the text data type stores both text and number while Yes/No uses a checkbox that

Count Of Monte Cristo Essay

Edmond Dantes would probably had never experienced every suffering from captivity if he never gone to prison. With that thought, he would enjoy his freedom to the fullest. However, that freedom would hinder him the chance to change without those sufferings; he would not have changed as a person of faith and courage and just be contented of what he is and what he has in life to endure. Away from any chances to educate, himself through the help of someone who shared his anguish inside the prison chamber, the chance to see the reality on how he became a captive

Course Work On Apple Inc: Cash Flow Statement

Refering to the Cash Flow Statement of Apple Inc., we have found that the company uses Indirect Method of preparing Cash Flow Statement where the financial statement was divided under three sections i.e:
— Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Cash Flow from Operating Activities:

Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
Courtesy of a high amount of stock purchase during 2013, Apple Inc. Reported Cash outflow of $16.37 Million. Although this was marginally less than $16.98 cash outflow during 2012, but the major point to note in the cash flow from financing activities was $16.86 Million borrowing by Apple

Free Essay About How To Analyse Primary Sources

One can define a primary source as a source that has a first-hand version of a given event. It is important to analyze primary sources so as to determine whether or not they are authentic, relevant and useful. Examples of primary sources include journals, artworks, court cases, letters, newspaper articles and memoirs. A good analysis of primary sources is vital in ensuring that a given research is not flawed. This paper seeks to determine how to analyze primary sources.
A description of the main idea in a given source is vital. For instance, one should check if an actual document or a transcription of the

Academic Integrity Essay Example

Academic integrity relates to the ability of scholars and students to develop new ideas on their own and may use other authors’ ideas with their consent. This is usually by acknowledging another author’s work. Additionally, not cheating in exams or assignments constitutes academic integrity. Academic integrity means writing papers and different assignments given to students based on one’s own thoughts and ideas.
Academic integrity is significant in ensuring that the society becomes a better place. This implies that if students observe academic integrity they can be better equipped to handle societal challenges and address them using the

Good Example Of Find And Evaluate Argument Article Review

Fred Moseley. «The U.S. economic crisis | International Socialist Review.» N.p., 20 Jan. 2009. Web. http://isreview.org/issue/64/us-economic-crisis
In 2009, the U.S economy experienced its worst disaster since the Great Depression. The article discusses the causes of the crisis, how bad it was and the various policies the government implemented to end it. The major cause of the crisis was the decline in the rate of profits. The rate of profit declined from 22% in 1970s to 12% in 2009. This resulted to high inflations and unemployment rates, therefore reducing the consumers’ purchasing power. As a result, the government had to adapt

Good Example Of Cost Of Quality Essay

Cost of quality is the means of quantifying the cost of all efforts related to quality. It also covers the total cost of the deficiencies that a business encounters in its course of production (Campanella, 1990). Cost of quality is the cost inquired by an organization as a result of creating poor-quality products or offering poor services. The cost of quality increases every time work is redone on a product. Any cost that would not have incurred if the product or service was in good condition amounts to the cost of quality. The four main elements of cost of quality include prevention

Good Admission Essay On Facilitating My Nursing Studies

The nursing curriculum can be extremely demanding, but the passion triumphs over the challenge. I aspired to become a pediatrician when I was younger, but I ended up studying chemistry at Belorussian State University and consequently became a chemistry teacher. I loved my teaching job, nonetheless. My biggest reward as a teacher was being my son’s chemistry teacher, and infusing in him a love of chemistry. My son is very enthusiastic and supportive of my endeavors to become a nurse. I believe I was an effective and knowledgeable teacher, and can as well make a compassionate and responsible nurse if given the opportunity. At

Free The Great Gatsby (Movie) Archetypes Movie Review Example

Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of “The Great Gatsby” is the archetype and represents the tragic hero. This archetype is the one the audience sympathizes with and whose luck changes throughout the story from best to worst. In most cases the tragic hero dies and it happens because there is a flaw in his character. Jay Gatsby is fortunate at the beginning of the film when he meets Daisy and falls in love with her. However, his poverty prevents him from marrying her, so he goes away and returns as a wealthy man, but only to see the love of his life

Expert Testimony In Psychology Article Reviews Examples


Youngstrom and Busch (2000) examine the ramifications of the Supreme Court decision in Kumho Tire Co. Ltd v. Carmichael on expert testimonies in court and then analyze the implications on psychologists deposing as experts. The authors note the recent Supreme Court decision that current legal standards for admission of scientific evidence also apply to other expert testimony based on ‘training, experience and other sources of expertise besides empirical support ‘ (Youngstrom & Busch, 2000). The authors trace the evolution of acceptance of expert opinion in court. Earlier, techniques generally accepted in the scientific community were acceptable. In Carmichael’s case, the

Free Report On Tensile Test Lab

Please nothe that while Wowessays.com offers a database of 100 free essays, you can still get a unique paper that no one has used from us.

Abstract of the Tensile Test

Tensile tests are instrumental in understanding the properties of various materials and the way will behave when subjected to a load. Four different materials were subjected to tensile test using universal testing machine. The materials that were tested were: steel and nylon. The data obtained from each experiment was used to calculate and graphically determine some of the valuable properties of the materials such as, yield stress, ultimate tensile strength and young’s modulus. The material properties obtained from the various test were compared with the theoretical values and also amongst the materials themselves. The tensile test results showed that

Good Social Media And The Arab Spring Article Review Example

Social media technology played a pivot role of support to protesters in Egypt, Iraq, and Tunisia. I had discussed and described the issues in a report titled ‘Arab Springs’ hoping it would support the cause of protesters. Arab Spring had an excellent use with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in the mission. User-friendly approaches made active users to come together for organizing protests in humongous volumes. Cutting across language barriers voice from different languages got translated through ‘transliteration’ technology to reach across the world. Anonymous peaceful supporters extended their support giving worthwhile ideas. Based on worldwide response through the power of media,

Nannie Jeter Course Work Example

— What was the first name of the documentarian’s African-American caregiver?

— Since 1971 how much was the War on Drugs reported to cost? You will see this answer written so you don’t have to listen for it.

Over $1 Trillion Dollars

— There is a small-town cop in the documentary who is on the look-out for drug traffickers. There is a scene where he sees a vehicle and he suspects that the person inside may be a drug trafficker. When asked why he thinks the person may be a trafficker, he responds “the truck and fast food”
— Opium wasn’t considered criminal until

Free Movie Review About The Work Of Film Production

In the process of converting the newspaper article into a film scenario, I would tell the story from the view point of the low level drug dealer from Cork, Sammy. Sammy is luckless stumbling from one disaster to another. He avoids decisions and tries to fix an immediate problem—often with a lie—without considering the long term consequences. When arrested, he lies to avoid prison, convincing the local police that he can hand them a major drug dealer. As the situation rapidly gets out of hand, his lies grow more elaborate as he finds himself at the center of a major sting

Data Collection: 1. What Method/Methods Would You Use To Collect Your Data Essays Example

Telephone interviews- a situation arises when the phone interviews are convenient for the participant’s e.g. different localities.
Online surveys- efficient for collection and management of accurate data. It will facilitate advanced analysis and reporting concerning meningitis.
Existing data- the available data may have been collected for research purposes. It is efficient since no costs are involved.
2) How would you gain accurate information about your outcome/exposure of interest? By performing an in-depth analysis and looking for substance-specific information.
If you are actively collecting data what questions would you ask? Do we have the necessary expertise

Free Course Work On Social Media Marketing Coca-Cola Company

Marketing communication refers to the actions and ideas, a company makes use of to persuade, inform or remind consumers about a company or its products. To ensure Coca-Cola’s marketing message reaches its target market, it has to adopt an Integrated Marketing approach (Kotler & Keller, 2011). Promotional objectives for Coca-Cola are to increase its brand image and to improve its brand integrity, given the adverse brand image the product has. The key steps for successful IM are;

— Direct marketing – Using targeted advertising campaigns, the healthier options that have been introduced must be advertised. For instance, the low

Free ELL Teaching Essay Example

The explanation of concepts to the students was effective. I used relatable examples to make it easy to understand. I also used similar examples in different lessons to help students build on the knowledge from previous lessons. After the activity, I am confident that I met all the objectives I had set. In my teaching plan, I planned to have experiments after the second lesson. However, I made a decision to have an experiment in the first class. It was a simple experiment showing the multiple numbers of cells in plants and animals. I did that so as to increase the

Example Of Essay On Why People Think It Is Okay To Abuse Animals

Animals please their masters by maintaining an ambience of recreational pleasure. Animal sport is one of the major influences of their existence, and even they themselves get pleased by doing so (BEEP). Horseracing, Bullfighting, Greyhound racing, He-buffaloe racing etc. establishes a very important gig for the animals. Such events are very famous in many parts of the world, and it is quite virtuous to organise such occasions. Similarly, animals used for medical research assist the human advancement by testing new drugs and technologies on them. Use of a living human body for such purposes would be very unethical as humans are

Good Essay About The Manipulation Of Consumerism

The United States is using the world’s resources at an alarming rate without regard for the consequences, and the harm it causes people. The corporations seem to have developed a cycle in which the territories and people in them are forced to work for, and reinforce the corporations that are doing the original damage. This is alarming because corporations are now more powerful than governments, and this makes it difficult to change the damage they are doing. It is hard to consider why things that are mass produced are so cheap, but seeing all of the contributing factors makes

Free Essay On The Concept Of Charter Schools

Essentially, the concept of charter schools that perpetuates the ‘rhetoric of choice’ appears to be an ideal system to facilitate equal access to educational opportunities. Nonetheless, the discussion in the article illustrates the illusion of choice. The arguments in the article present historical and current evidences that prove the illusion of choice in charter schools. Historically speaking, one of the earlier concepts of choice in education was desegregation. Desegregation, however, offered individuals limited choices. People made their own choice but these choices were influenced by other factors such as existing policies. This aspect of the discussion reveals that the

Averting Perils On Political Systems Essay Sample

In today’s era, violence is widespread. One example of this is political violence. This kind of hostility is used by the authorities and the government to reach their political targets. In that sense, though, the emergence of culture can minimize this kind of violence on political systems if they can carry out practices based on the culture, religious conviction, custom, and tradition of the society. These can be used to control or prevent the abuse of political power. Social control is what the world needs in order to make certain that the society and the people that enfold

Data Collection Essays Examples

Q 1&2- The age group of the 12 people who took the survey were between the ages of 21 and 37. When asked about what type of job they had, either full time or part time the majority of these students work a full time job, 6 of the students for full time, 1 person having a part time job and the 5 other not having a job at all.
Q 3 &4- 2 out of the people who took the survey were married, 5 of them single and 5 in a relationship. Only 2 out of the 12 people have children

Essay About World History

Question 2.

Question 4.
When considering the behaviors in which the prevalent culture shapes the cooperative discourse of a civilization, I think the media was very accurate because it is up to the parents to guarantee that the children that they bring up are in a position to make choices that are not only finest for them but also best for other individuals. Historians can use the media to complement their study in that the popularity of the film amongst the youth can be used as data to make an analysis. The consumption of a popular media can affect a nation’s historical narrative

The Church As A Community Of Disciples Essay Examples

In chapter seven of his book entitled Models of The Church; Dulles makes it apparent that discipleship is a broad and flexible concept. In a bid to explain this concept, Dulles incorporates the use of many subheadings to enable an insightful understanding of this concept. Dulles argues that discipleship is a term that concurs in meaning with pastoral leadership (Dulles 207). In this chapter, Dulles establishes that the only time in the Roman Catholic Literatures where the concept of discipleship is mentioned, is when the church members are referred to as the disciples (Dulles 207).
Dulles emphasizes that the concept of

Free Case Study About Human Resource Management

How to Inventory Office Supplies

It is evident that the development of technology has influenced a number of issues among new workers. It is evident that most of the new employees within organizations do not know how to use gears because they lack skills. Cindy, my organization’s deputy president, has requested me to train wo of my fellow employees on office supplies inventory maintenance at the workplace. I will ensure that they comprehend its importance This is a major way that the trainees will learn workplace skills and capabilities. I will ensure that the two trainees learn the basic skills of computer technology. This will

Free Research Paper About Global Business Competition Absolute / Comparative Advantage


Brecher, Chen and Choudri (645-646) base their study on the assumption that there are technological differences among nations. Thus, they have investigated the impact of international technological differences and advantages that countries enjoy over one another by using three-good Findlay-Komiya and two-good Oniki-Uzawa-Stiglitz models, which are extensions of Heckscher-Ohlin framework. The researchers have also incorporated comparative and absolute advantage in technology dimension to explain the results. From an analytical perspective, Brecher et al (653) highlight two interesting new results of which first is about a country with Hicks-neutral advantage and absolute technological advantage will enhance its exports of capital-intensive products,

Example Of Essay On Al Qaeda Groups

Osama bin laden set the Islam militant group, Al-Qaeda. Established around 1988 to 1989, it aimed at fighting for the Muslim community during the soviet war of the Middle East. United Nations, NATO and other movements concerned with world peace, declared al-Qaeda a terrorism group. Amongst other demoralizing terrorism activities, they mercilessly brought down the American Twin towers, killing and injuring a substantial count of innocent people. Al-Qaeda carries out its activities in Iraq Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
In Iraq, followers of Al-Qaeda identify themselves with the title Mesopotamian Jihadists. Before terrorism, they helped Iraq in the establishment. They

Free Essay About The Impact Of Burnout On Hank Abbeys Job

Did Hank Abbey Have To Retire?
— Hank was undergoing through burnout or stress in many ways. Firstly, he felt out of touch with everything and had been thinking that he did not get a fair shake at his station as his television industry, station members, assignments and market even everything around him was changing. His fret was growing rapidly, and he was feeling to lose control. It is because he was under severe pressure about work by not meeting the billing targets. Although he was trying hard to get through but of no avail. Adding fuel to the

Advice Essays Examples

As your future father, I believe that it is my responsibility to make sure that you are prepared to face the challenges that your future life has stored for you. Growing up I often neglected pieces of advice given to me by my parents and people who cared about me. Unfortunately this has caused me to make some mistakes which could have been avoided. I sincerely do not want the same mistakes for you and would like to give you some pieces of advice.
Cherish every moment that you spend with your family and friends. Time is a merciless

How College So FAR Has Altered My Life Essay Examples

We all finish high schools with great hopes and animation concerning our future, but are still searching for where we fit the world. College, especially the first year builds foundation for that future where our dreams become more vivid and achievable. My case was no different. My classes and the combination of courses that I’m taking have helped me the greatest in the respect.
English class helps me not only in building reports for my logic class, but also provides direction to my creativity where I’m continuously coming across newer ways of discovering myself. It is

The Impact Of Burnout On Hank Abbeys Job Essay Examples

— Hank was experiencing stress or burnout in a number of ways. Seeing the market the station staff and his assignments changing, Hank’s worries grew and, as a result, he felt himself losing control. Because he was under immense workload, which he had taken on in order to stay ahead in the game and despite his every effort, Hank wasn’t meeting the desired targets in billing. Moreover, he lived with the realization that the performance of his department was declining because of his stumpy output. Hank was also using his spared time to indulge in gossip with his co-worker

Free Crj 584 Drnc Scenario Critical Thinking Example

Sergeant Heinz is the centre of climax in the case study. Being an experience officer for 27 years, the event that occurred exposed him to stressors. It would important to remember that before the incidence she had been investigated for knocking down an officer who was pursuing a felon on foot. The first thing that will affect the sergeant is occupational stress. This is due to the fact that shooting the officer with a birdshot happened during the line of work-training. Similarly a like event had taken place earlier. Secondly the sergeant will suffer secondary traumatization. This is the feeling of being

Free Essay About Andragogy

In Pedagogy or child learning which follows the traditional educational system, the teacher decides the content of learning. The logical arrangement of the content and the selection of the most suitable and effective method of delivery is his choice. He plans a definite sequence for the content delivery. This design for teaching constitutes the content model. On the other hand, in andragogy or adult education, the instructor acts as a facilitator. He prepares the learner for the learning process with a set of procedures and creates a conducive learning climate. The learning activities are decided by mutual planning. Additionally, the learning needs are

Good Clinical Ethics Under Situations Of Extreme Crisis Essay Example


The paper discusses a very important issue that doctors and patients face very often. The discussion is centered round the issue of euthanasia given by Dr. Anna Pou when the devastating hurricane Katrina had created havoc at New Orleans in 2005. But the discussion stretches further to the issue of ethics associated with medical care in times of crisis. It raises a few very vital questions based on legal, moral and ethical grounds. The paper discusses how doctors are faced with moral hazards in times of crisis where the patient’s life is at stake or when a critical surgery has to

Free Essay About Qn1


Computer is my most preferred media. This is because I can use it to perform almost all the functions that other media performs. For example I am able to use computer to listen to music, watch a movie, watch clips on YouTube, and also for my studies. I use computer while with friends or alone. Computer has become a very essential part of my daily activities and it would be almost impossible to work throughout the day without it.


Technology is meant to increase our efficiency and make work easier. Computer is the most useful machine as it combines various functions

The Hidden Curriculum Essays Example

The ‘hidden curriculum’ represents the details that relate to the topic of how to be normal. Our society is diverse and students are divided into categories, and we stigmatize behavior as well. An educators’ task is to find a solution of how to unsurpassed present the regular school stuff. Although teachers are not supposed to teach their students about the socially acceptable, common behavior, they find themselves doing so.
At school, we may learn about an extra meaning to the things that surround our lives. Only a tiny proportion of teachers can dig deeper and see beyond the standard school

Free Alcohol In The US Course Work Example

Three harmful causes of alcoholism in the US

Alcohol abuse is a rampant condition in the US. Social scientists through normative perspective attempts to find the relation between alcohol users and friends and how social ties or alienation affects one alcohol usage. Overdependence in alcohol is what is referred to as harmful consumption. Some of the harmful causes of alcohol consumption in US include; feeling of dependency, individual’s social environment, psychoanalytical theory and genetic factors

Feeling of dependency explains alcoholism as roots that develop from childhood and over the years they get deeper and deeper. Pessimism and inferiority creates anxiety in an individual. If the feeling continue

Artists For Humanity Essays Examples

Artist for Humanity is a charity for upcoming talented youth in underserved areas. The academy or the business has resources in terms of upcoming talent in arts. The company can use the capabilities of upcoming youth in arts and earn revenue by it. For example, singing programmes, art exhibition and theatre dramas can be produced by the company to earn the revenue it needs to sustain its operation in view of declining funding by the government. The resources can come easily, as upcoming and talented youth in the underserved areas are always looking for opportunities to market their skills. Artist

Good Course Work On Why Would Accepting Whistleblower Be Good For IBM

Why would accepting whistleblowers be good for IBM?

IBM has business presence in more than 170 countries. Further, IBM has approximately 400,000 employees. Retrieved from http://www.ibm.com/ibm/responsibility/basics.shtml. For an organization of this size, it is highly advisable to accept whistleblowing polices to protect whistleblowers, not only from the corporate governance perspective but also to serve the twin objective of compliance with good human resource practices and global anti-corruption laws like Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 1977 applicable in the United States of America and the UK Bribery Act, 2010 of United Kingdom.
IBM Corporate Governance vis-à-vis Whistleblowers Policy

Good corporate governance demands that there are appropriate

Good Brain Rules Essay Example

Even though the scientists are still discovering the connections between brain and body, there are 12 brain rules that help us to use our brains more effectively. One of the rules is: «Exercise boosts brain power.» This is very important for children whose bodies are still developing and who are in the process of learning. The modern technological world has allowed our bodies to move as less as possible, and by doing that we are not helping our brains to develop.
Family members can help their children to exercise their bodies in many ways. The parents can set

Example Of Article Summary Article Review

The article talks about the use of computers in auditing and fraud detection. It introduces a new term “Inductive Logic Programming” that is under development these days in order to detect fraud even before they occur. It relies on mathematics algorithms and programming to detect suspicious patterns and report the fraudulent activity before it occurs. For example, during bad weather, very few people leave their homes, and if during such time a card from that area is used, it will report it as a suspicious transaction. This is not new, currently many banks throughout the world use “Neutral Networks” in order to

Example Of We Are Interested If The Average Age Of Males And Females Is Equal Essay

Independent Samples t-Test With SPSS

For this research we are interested to show the basic skills of hypothesis testing using SPSS 17 Statistical Software. We are given with the data set and should perform independent samples Student’s t-test via SPSS. To do this, one variable should be chosen as quantitative and one variable must be a factor variable. These two variables will be Age and Sex.

The null hypothesis is: There is no significant difference in age between males and females
The alternative hypothesis is: There is a significant difference in age between males and females.
H0: μ1=μ2Ha: μ1≠μ2

This will be a two-tailed test.

Set the

Free Critical Thinking About Long Term Liabilities

Long terms liabilities are future obligation for a company that is has to show in its balance sheets and other financial statements. Long term liabitlities are incurred by private organizations, institutions like hospitals, schools and colleges, and the government or its municipal organizations. General liabilities are those activities that funded or financed by a previously announced fund by the government. Since these liabilities have a fund or a announcement of fund behind them, they are categorized as general liabilities. The reason behind this is because there is a fiduciary fund that is there and all the liabilities occurred under this are paid from that

Good Example Of Essay About Marketing

According to the global economy.com, Brazil has friendly policies that allow private sectors to flourish well within its boundaries. The fact that it allows private companies to flourish and compete with the government sponsored investments indicates that it has an open market policy is competitive. The country is politically stable with democratically elected leaders. It also has an improved abiding to the rule of law. However, there are recurrent demonstrations in Sao Paulo. Most of the demonstrations are peaceful, but violence may occur. Nevertheless, political status is conducive for a long-term investment in most parts of the country.

Comparison Of US FDA And European Authorities Approach To Medical Devices Essay Examples

The United States Food and Drug Administration US FDA is responsible for protecting the public health (FDA, 20). This is enforced by ensuring that efficacy and safety of all veterinary and human drugs or health apparatus. It is also the responsibility of the FDA to ensure that accurate information and data of science-based information to the public.
The European medicine agency was established to set medicine regulatory bodies on an even playing field. It is similar to the FDA but uses a decentralized style. The FDA uses a centralized system because it limits the states from imposing additional policies to

Occupational Socialization Critical Thinking Examples

Maintaining organizational culture is an involving activity. As seen in the case, the department is prone to corruption and subculture. This paper will explore ways in which this can be averted so that the department can become more conducive and maintain required ethical standards. First, I would set re-write the organizational culture. This would be the values, assumptions and beliefs which guide the organization (Neocleous 93).
With this in place, the next step would start the socialization process. This would be through the following stages. Anticipatory, where new staff and existing would be given the standards they are

Ultraviolet (UV) Light Research Paper Examples

Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis

The purpose of this experiment was to determine how light intensity affects rate of photosynthesis using seaweed.
In the process of photosynthesis there is combination of water and CO2 from the environment to form oxygen and sugar, mainly glucose (Emeritus, 2010). These products are then used by the plant through the process of respiration producing water and carbon dioxide (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2004).


It was hypothesized that the rate of photosynthesis as measured by the number of bubbles produced increased as light intensity increased.


The amount of bubbles that appeared during the

Free Report About Operating Leverageof Lukoil

Over the past three year, Lukoil has recorded fluctuating rates of operational leverage. The organization’s fixed assets have been on the increase as compared to its current assets. It thus implies that the liquidity ratios have been on the rise. The ratios assess a business’s capacity to come up with funds as compared to the expenses with cumulative costs incurred over a specific period of time.
Under profitability ratios, there is a sharp and consistent transition from one ratio to the other. Therefore, it means that during one particular period the company made many profits because of proper planning and

Ethics In Information Technology Essay Sample

As a student in the Ethics and Information Technology course, I have learnt of the complexity of ethical issues encountered in the field of information technology. Undertaking this course has made me appreciate the different ethical issues and the extent to which they affect different people. I have always known that information technology as a field has some ethical issues to address just like any other field. However after going through the course, I have learnt that the information I had was inadequate. The ethics information and knowledge gained in this class has opened my mind to how ethics will affect

Positive And Negative Aspects Of Observational Learning In My Life Essay Examples

Observation is the first possible way for each and every of us to learn something about the outside world in our lives. Children are copycatting the things like language, manners or the role models from parents and family. It is the initial method of acquiring information for every human being. But does it mean that this way of learning is the ultimate method of learning? In this paper, I will define this issue in the case of my personal experience.
On the contrary, such way of perception of information can harm a student`s learning. Firstly, this method had

Free Personal Statement On The Administration Department

Personal statement for PHD application

Manchester of Metropolitan University
Manchester, the United Kingdom
Respected Sir:
It is stated that I want to apply for the admission in the PHD class of Computer that comes under the umbrella of Information System Department. I am fully aware with the terms and conditions that deem prerequisites in taking admission in Manchester of Metropolitan University, and ready to comply with the rules and regulations prescribed in your prospectus.
I am cognizant with the fact that ample amount of education and practical experience is necessary before applying for the PHD degree in your university. I

Good Anika Gupta’s How Technology Is Set To Transform India’s Fragmented Education System Article Review Example

Article Review

In her essay “How Technology is Set to Transform India’s Fragmented Education System” the author Anika Gupta talks about the lack of penetration of computers and the internet in India’s education system, especially amongst the ‘low-income’ segment and how things are bound to improve in the near future. There are a number of factors behind this low penetration of technology, particularly the lack of trained teachers, the high cost of the training and the fact that the government has no overall technology policy for schools.
But now the non-profit organizations are trying to bridge this gap and

Good Example Of Whatsmatta University Creative Writing


The students of Whatsmatta University have shown a recent survey which indicates that the performance and results of students have been decreased over the last five years. The survey showed that the increased level of non-attendance has also been observed, and that might be the reason of decreased performance level.


— According to the survey, there were 107 absences in a term which resulted in the potential loss of 321 hours, in an 864 hour course. This high rate of non-attendance shows the student’s attitude towards learning.
— The motivational level in students is very low, and

Responses For Discustion Report Examples

Discussion 1

You discussion is very comprehensive and you have answered every question required. You have fully expounded on most of the statements that you have made, for example the part on the pros and cons of the understanding by design method. I have one major question about your essay. How the stated cons that you have stated be mitigated, that is, how can you reduce the time taken you develop a lesson plan using this design?

Discussion 2

I like that you commenced your essay by giving a definition of the “understanding by design” method. This has enabled the rest of the content to

Free Essay About Understanding By Design: Reflective Paper

Understanding by Design (UbD) is a refreshingly effective and simple approach that helps both instructors and learners to set and achieve learning goals. The design for the learning content flows from an instructor’s assessment of the students’ understanding. Effectively, by this approach, both the content and instruction moves away from a prescriptive recipe to a flexible system geared towards accommodating and fostering the learners’ understanding.
I personally find the three-step reverse planning process is indispensable in the success of a teacher-centered approach to instruction. This is not least because a student-centered approach, usually, has no set priorities or purpose. The teacher simply

Example Of Altering Artifacts Essay


Heinrich Schliemann, who lived between 1822 and 1890, was an archeologist who operated mostly in the cities of Tiryns, Troy and Mycenae. His works in these cities were later named the Mycenaean artifacts (Gere 98). On the other hand, Sir Arthur Evans, also an archeologist, was famous for discovering the Bronze Age Civilization in Crete Island that was ruled by King Minos. Therefore, his discovery was later named the Minoan culture. These two archeologists were guilty of altering artifacts. This discussion highlights the rationales for their alteration.


Before Heinrich Schliemann embarked on furthering his archeological work in Crete, his

Nepolism Research Proposals Example


Nepotism is a serious problem in today’s society. One of its striking examples is hiring relatives. This happens when a person does not have enough confidence to refuse the relatives, because he or she is afraid to offend them. The main problem in this situation is the lack of professional skills of those relatives.
They will not have the necessary knowledge and will not be able to accomplish the work properly. Thus, the lack of competition in choosing employees influences the fact, that company gains unskilled worker. Such employees will agree in everything with the boss, they will not think

Good Essay On Experimental Study On Competitive Market Behavior

These experimental study designs are set designs with some rules. The participants make some decisions on how to make deals in the economy. A card to each seller and buyer is given, and they make decisions. We can provide some given information to them that they cannot change. The demand and the supply might upper bounded, this way no buyer or seller can give or ask price higher than the set price mentioned by the fixed demand and the fixed supply curves.
Why experimental studies are required in economics? The experimental studies are done with a limited number of

Free Parables Of Leadership Essay Sample


The case referred that success and growth can only be achieved with the down to earth behavior. Leaders with the aggressive behavior like fire can only conquer things for the short term and in the end would be left with nothing. Contrasting to this behavior, water adapts to the changing behavior and suitability of the situation and the environment and wins the support of all. Hence, a leader with the behavior like water will have a long term success.


The case in reference to the battlefield had explained that success is subject to various factors. The role

Example Of Formed Blood Elements Essay

There are three significant formed blood elements namely- the red blood cells, white blood cells and the platelets. Each elements play important roles in the blood functioning. The most common type of blood cell is the Red Blood Cells (RBC) is primarily responsible for the circulation of oxygen within the human system. They receive oxygen from the lungs then release it into the body tissues. Amongst the blood elements the most predominant cell is the red blood cell. These blood cells contain hemoglobin; they contain iron-containing protein. These iron-containing proteins help in performing the primary function of the blood

Nintendo Case On Strategic Management 7th Edition Essays Examples


How can Nintendo regain control of the gaming market?
SWOT Analysis
Strategic alternatives
1. One of the alternatives that Nintendo may use to regain control of the gaming market is by developing new technology and systems that may counter the competition from Sony and Microsoft.2. Creating mobile phone games to increase revenues because more people are playing games using these gadgets.3. Another alternative is by using pricing strategy to attract new customers. This can be done by either pricing up of the new products to create the perception that the products are of

Socrates Counterargument To Crito Essays Example

“Crito”, Plato’s dialogue, contains the depiction of Socrates adopting the moral point of view, and not the ones dictated by religion or society. After his conviction, he was sent to prison where he was to wait for his execution. An old friend, Crito, paid Socrates a visit and informed him that plans had been made that would facilitate his escape and travel to another state. Socrates answer revolves around the idea that, by fleeing, he would disrespect the Athenian Laws.
On one hand, Crito insists that he reconsiders his position by appealing to a variety of arguments. Crito mentions

Good Essay About C&d Distributors Fraud Diamond Framework

The first element in the framework is ‘Incentive’ which stems from the urge or pressure to commit fraud. The incentive for Charlene Corley was probably to earn a good amount of money that would increase their family standing in the community.
The second element of opportunity could be a potential weakness in the system that the right person could exploit to commit fraud. For instance, this was when Charlene discovered a drawback in the Department’s billing system wherein shipping costs were submitted and reimbursed separately without reference to the goods shipped or the price limit for shipping such goods.

Free Critical Thinking About Ethical Dilemma Of A Federal Agent

Ethics are described as moral principles that guide how individuals should act which is classified as either right or wrong. Federal agents are often faced with ethical dilemma in their line of duty which calls for the making of ethical decisions either immediately or after much consultation with their colleagues (Pollock, 2012).
The ethical dilemma presented calls for making an ethical decision. The issues identified are the right of the family of the murdered individual to obtain justice and the need for the drug cartels of the region to be arrested and put out of business following substantial

Good Example Of Sexuality And Relational-Cultural Theory Course Work

In the lens of Jean Baker Miller, the author of rational cultural theory (RCT), contextual and social cultural factors dictate individual’s sexuality (Comstock, et al. 2008). Issues surrounding an individual’s life including environmental factors tend to shape the future of one’s sexual life. Arguing from this sense, one would settle that healthy sexuality look different for men than it does for women. In any given social setting, cultural aspects tend to differ from one community to the other.

As noted by Miller (2012), in his book Toward a new psychology of women, individual inclination to the cultural

Research Paper On Ethical Theoretical Framework

Every individual has a different approach towards life that is founded on the basis of a specific ethical theory. The ethical theoretical structure that best describes my personal worldview is deontology. I base my personal choices on the deontological theory and try to act upon it to have memorable and desirable life experiences.
As far as the deontological ethical framework is concerned, it makes people hold on to their individual rights and responsibilities for the analysis, comprehension and resolution of an ethical dilemma (Hitchcock, Schubert & Thomas, 2003). I prefer deontology as the basis of my personal worldview and decisions because

Operational Human Resource Management Essay Samples

The first barrier that HR professionals face is inadequate resources for proper planning. HR transformation requires proper grounding within the contexts of the overall business demands. The second challenge is that for HR isolation. Evidently, HR transformation requires alignment with the overall business transformation. There need be a way of embracing strategic focus through adding value to the entire business as compared to the simple optimization of HR as a business function (Losey, Ulrich &Meisinger, 2005). In addition, HR practices have to be integrated with all other key business results for delivering lasting value. It is also clear that leading HR

Good Essay About Paper Due Date

The Importance of Using Supporting Materials in Speeches

In order to craft a speech that is informative, convincing and engaging, one must utilize supporting materials. Multiple forms of supporting materials exist, with each type of supporting materials work in different ways to enhance the quality of a speech. Regardless of the type of speech, supporting materials play an essential role in lending the speaker authority on the subject presented.
There are many different forms of supporting materials, including: direct quotes, statistics, analogies, audio and visual aides and anecdotes. In persuasive speeches, using direct quotes from subject authorities or statistics would be helpful in illustrating why the topic is

Example Of Critical Thinking On Angela J. Dewitt, Sergeant Of Police

Published: October 10.

Angela Jane Dewitt, 71, of Denton, passed away, October 9, the death was caused by heart attack.Born in the late David and Hanna Bruno, Sep. 24, 1943. She had two brothers and a sister: Jonathan and Henry Bruno, of Denton; Mary Rosencrantz, of Denton. Angela graduated from Denton High School in 1962. She married the Kenneth Dewitt in 1967, whom she met when they were studying at the Connecticut Police Academy. They lived together in Denton, before relocating to Chestertown in 1989.
Angela was a sergeant of police, who made her career only by her own skills and ambitions. In

Free Mediband Report Example

The Mediband data model encompasses different functionalities that make the whole system work efficiently. Data will be obtained from various sources such as medical records and inserted into the Mediband. Additionally, new information may be introduced and fed into the Mediband. Thus, some form of analysis will be required to compare old and new data to ensure all information is properly synchronized. Information obtained from the MediBand can be very significant in enhancing correct diagnosis, raise awareness and provide vital information to other individual or corporations such as emergency health services, which may be of great help to a individual.

Research Review Article Reviews Example

In the stock market, calendar anomalies involving day of the week, weekend and January effects have gained considerable significance and interest among investors. Recently, studies have been conducted in an attempt to examine the association and effect that the day of the week phenomenon has on large equity bourses like London stock exchange. Essentially, evidence reveals that low stock returns have been obtained during the first day of the week as opposed to the rest of the days. In fact, the application of efficient market theory has different impacts on the returns in the stock market because it has

Free Report About Sum Wing Lawprofessor Kang

In the argumentative essay “Should high-school students be looking for a relationship” the author argues that the students should be allowed to make their own choices, when it comes to their adolescent love life. The positive impact that the high-school relationships can have on a young person’s psychological and intellectual perception of the relationships prevails over the negative effects, such as sadness, uncontrolled time, lowering of the grades and useful activity, the deterioration of the family relationships. One of the key methods to prevent such side effects, including possible health issues, is the parental participation in life of their child.

Free Again, A Pleasant Morning (Evening, Afternoon) And Congratulations To All Of You Essay Example

I stand here before delivering this speech not to talk about the achievements I received, but the humbling experiences this school thought both me and you throughout our stay here in school. Difficult is an understatement to define the challenges and hardships you all encountered during your stay here. You were all given the daunting task to balance our time in completing painstaking home works and activities, pass mind-bubbling quizzes and exams, stuttering oral recitations and presentations to name a few. But is it all worth it? In a heartbeat, it is definitely worth every ounce of effort, tears, sleepless nights

Diagnostic Writing Sample Essay Examples

If I were to pick a topic that was of particular interest to me, I believe that I would look at the history of movies. From a young age, I have been interested in all kinds of movies, even branching out to more dramatic and independent films than my friends would see. While I did watch a lot of action and science fiction films as a child, in my early teens I started exploring the furthest corners of my local video store, looking at what films seemed interesting and renting several at a time. I would always watch at least one film a day, and

Sample Article Review On Chemistry In Current Events

Superbugs: The Bright Side

The term ‘superbug’ is grossly scary to the general public and is used for a resistant strain/species of a micro-organism that does not die easily. Such species are known to have developed a gene/segment of a gene that imparts the resistance to antibiotics and related drugs. These genes/gene segments are closed loops of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the genetic material present in humans as well as bacteria. In many bacteria, this DNA is not present inside the nucleus (as is the case with humans). However, it is present in the cytoplasm (extra-chromosomal DNA) and is called as plasmid. Scientists have developed plasmids with ‘artificially

Bio1 Essay

I am an adult aged ..years. I was born and grew up in .Currently, I work as a sound engineer in a cinema in Columbia.

Bio 2

I was born in the year.in to Mr. and Mrs. I am a .born, in a family of.I have ..sisters and..brothers. I attended elementary education in.school .Thereafter, I attended high school in Upon completing high school, I undertook a course in sound engineering. Studying engineering has helped me acquire a job as a sound technician in a cinema in Columbia a job that I value very much .I love watching movies, making new friends, travelling and singing.

Bio 3

I have loved and aspired to

Free Carbon Footprint Analysis Course Work Example

Cool climate Network

Carbon footprint was calculated from food consumption, travelling fuel consumption (public and private), housing (electricity, gas and living space area), shopping (services and goods),
Gives an option of household members and gross annual household income, it gives an analysis of carbon emission in comparison to other peoples with similar income.


Carbon equivalent was calculated from source of house hold heating, number of vehicle and their consumption.
EPA does not factor in public transport as a personal fuel consumption, this is a misrepresentation, it does not also consider the type of fuel used on the private vehicles either petrol or

Manifesto Essays Examples

I write for various reasons that define me as an individual. I write as a way of expressing my mental attitude towards the things I see people do on a daily basis. I write to disapprove of the actions I do not like and to approve of the one I agree with. I write to express my feelings about nature appreciating every bit of it that makes me happy. I write to express my feelings on the things I am passionate about. I write to drive away boredom since it is fun to think as you put your thoughts in paper.

Sample Literature Review On What Does The Word Home Means Is It Hometown Or Is It Place Where A Person Feels

Sometimes people are searching long time for a place where they will feel comfortable. It depends on many factors. Memories are too important. In my opinion, if something bad happens in the house where you live it will be hard to stay there longer. The same thing happened with the author of the story. After her parents, divorced house where she lived with her parents became prison for a little girl. People can create a mood of places. No matter where you live. People who live around you are important. First piece»yellow house» is a good example of this. Every place has a

Good Example Of Barriers To Participation Of Children With Disabilities In Youth Sports Literature Review

A disability does not condemn a child to an idle life where they are not able to participate in games and sports just like normal children. But then it takes a lot of efforts and resources to have these children participate in sports and games just like normal children do. In the article Barriers to Participation of Children with Disabilities in Youth Sports it becomes apparent that the authors advocate for the inclusion of children with disabilities in games and other sporting activities but then some of the options they offer in order to ensure that these children are involved may

Aviation Legislation Course Work Sample

One of the major legislations in the field of aviation includes the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. This act focused on defining the role of Civil Aeronautics Board (CBA) in the economic regulation of airline industry. The act removed all the price, market entry and route control restrictions over the airlines that were applied by the Government. With this act in practice, most of the airlines struggled economically and some even got bankrupt. As new competition emerged in the airline market, direct flights were replaced by routing them through a single hub or center which lead to the hub-and-spoke model.

Was Roosevelt’s Approach To The Great Depression Successful Essays Examples

President Roosevelt was considered as a moderate who often too pragmatic approach to reforms. It is argued, however, that Roosevelt’s search for answers about the Great Depression was not very successful. What underlie his attitude was his willingness and attitude to experiment with proposals that seemed feasible. He undertook a persistent and bold experimentation because he was certain on how to cure the Great depression. To him, the free market was the malaise of Great Depression.
The experimentation and pragmatism approach that was used by Roosevelt was not successful in dealing with the Great Depression. This is despite the

Sample Book Review On Media Deregulation


According to McChesney, the conventional wisdom refers to the quick development of impressive new technologies and sophisticated markets that provide the people what they look for. In addition, such developments motivate them for the economic growth through the information. He gives an example of the British media which is dependent on the market for the media regulation. The deregulation normally attributes to the process of commercialization .

How does McChesney respond to this?

He criticizes the role of the US government for retaining its monopoly in terms of control of media. He mentions that the aim of profit maximization through the journalism has affected the role

Example Of Essay On Some People Categorize Engineers As Geeks Or Nerds. Are You A Geek, Nerd, Or

Generally, geeks or nerds are the names that are given to the people who are into something, particularly, the ones who love to study and have success in their studies. In my opinion there is no shame in the fact that an individual likes to learn and does not mind to spend his time doing it, being preoccupied with books and other materials. Many great leaders, in various fields of life, for example corporate leaders, bankers, government officials, had worked very hard in order to succeed, in order to achieve what they had achieved and if those people were

How Do You Plan To Use Your Engineering Degree To Benefit Society Essay Examples

Question: university

Since the beginning of days the humanity seeks improvement and evolvement. Therefore, day by day science makes our lives easier and the world a better place to live at. Different branches of science work for different purposes, on one hand we have philosophy, psychology, astronomy- the ones that serve for discovering new facts and concepts about the universe and ourselves, on the other hand there are sciences like chemistry or engineering, which are aimed to make the contribution to the everyday life of the ordinary people and to the growth of the human civilization.
Engineering has always

Usc Admission Essay Samples

The world has rules, which make everything to function.

Every little thing!
The names of those rules are: math and physics; and the world spins around them.
These have been my academic interests since a young age, being interested in deciphering what these world rules talked about, what orders they organize, for such perfection to occur every day, in every little thing that makes part of our life. More than that, Man has been able to constantly evolve and invent new applications for these rules, and even decipher new ones, unfolding new knowledge.
Following this same fascination, I have entered some extracurricular activities that would feed

Good Point Of View Story Essay Example

Personal information (Name)

Personal information (Instructor)
Personal information (Course)

I am studying at one school in European country, and we have a lot of foreign language classes. As it always happens here, students have certain misunderstandings with teachers about their translations concerning multiple variants of it.
I have a quite illustrative example which shows this. At one of our translation practice classes I translated the text about the economic situation in Germany, and in the middle of the article I found a line which was quite difficult for others, but as I thought was obvious for me. I had my own opinion concerning

Free Career Objective Statement Personal Statement Example

It is a desire for every individual to excel in education specifically, and life generally. However, not all people have been fortunate to achieve this desire. Whereas others have put efforts to realize this desire to a certain level, others have not been lucky to get an opportunity to work towards achieving such desire. I count myself among the few lucky individuals, because I have gone through the levels of education to this point. Although it has been fun and exciting undertaking studies in various fields, venturing and excelling in the field of Information Technology has been my greatest desire. All

Example Of Essay On Charging Interest

It is true that many families in the world live in debt, especially because of the risen costs of living against an unchanged disposable income. This situation has led to the springing up of many pay day loan institutions that issue loans payable at the end of the month or on payday. It’s also true, that these pay day loans attract outrageous rates of interest mainly due to the need of the client, as well as the payment periods attached. Just as the author has noted, the pay day loans only work to make matters worse for the

Free Morphemes Essay Example

My/F name/F is/F Salam/F Almaqabi/F, I/F am/F an/F under/F graduate/F student/F at/F Idaho/F State/F University/F.
Some/F gentle/F men/F dine/F d/B at/F an/F economic/F al/B restaurant/F. They/F found/F the/F service/F to/F be/F un/B accept/F able/B and/F wish/F ed/B to/F express/F their/F un/B happiness/F to/F the/F management/F. The/F manage/F r/B was/F un/B available/F, so/F they/F brought/F the/F left/F over/F s/B home/F to/F their/F dog/F who/F reside/F d/B in/F a/F dog/F/house/F in/F the/F back/F yard/F.


Maɪ nəm ɪz Sælɑm ɑlmɑkəɪbɪ. ɑm æn ɑndəgræd͡ʒuət st͡ʃu:dnt ət ɪdɑ:ɔ: Stət ʊnɪvæ

Critical Theory Essays Example

Conflict theories obtain that conflicts are the causes of crime or criminal behavior (Sigel, 2011). These conflicts may be social, economical, class, or political, but the cause is the difference in power or wealth within a given social system. The difference is based on the fact that each side of the divide has different ideals, aspirations, and desires. Consequently, conflicts ensue whenever these ideals, aspirations, and desires clash and such conflict invariably lead to crime. For example, while those in power look for ways to impose more taxes, the citizens will always look for ways to avoid such taxes.

What Affects My Computers Speed Course Work Examples

It is always a frustrating experience when my computer screen freezes, it takes too long to start up or it takes too long to open programs and perform simple tasks. The main causes are a fragmented hard disk, running heavy programs with little ram, too many temporary files and a full hard disk.
It is always important to defragment the computer’s hard disk if one wants to optimize computer speeds. This is because a fragmented hard disk takes a lot of time to find data and thus reduces my computer’s speed.

Today there are many programs and games that I want

Example Of Convert My Sources To Apa Format Biography

Works cited

United States Green Building Council. (2009). LEED 2009 for Schools, New Construction and Major Renovations.
US Green Building Council. (2002). LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System Version 2.1.
Dixon, W. (2010). LEED (Ledearship in Energy and Environmental Design).
World Interior Design Network. (2010, October 11). UC Davis houses world’s «greenest» winery, brewery and foods facility.
Auerbach, E. (2011, February 22). An Overview of LEED — Its Costs, Benefits, and Components.
Bailey, P. (2010, December 27). UC Davis winery, brewery facility certified LEED Platinum for environmental excellence.
Bailey, P. (

Example Of Essay On Raew Analysis

According to Allen (2006), enterprise analysis is one of the benefits derived from using RAEW analysis. It ensures effective sharing of information across the organization that is achieved through appropriate distribution of management of responsibility. The RAEW analysis of a financial institution is shown below:
The division is responsible for performing business policy formulation function but it does not have authority to do so. The division has authority to perform call/sales program but is not responsible to do so. The division has the responsibility of perform exceptional monitoring but does not have the expertise to do so. The division

Geography Of The Palestine-Israel Conflict And The USA Essay Example

The reason why the United states support the Jewish Israelites, who do not believe in Jesus Christ against the Christian Palestinians and Muslims, is many of the Americans in support of the Jewish aid have a corrupted and rather perverted interpretation of Christianity. They ignore the aspects of salvation as brought out in the Bible. On the contrary, they believe that the Jewish people are God’s chosen people, and that being on their side means salvation. John Whitbeck argues that in the book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, majority of the Americans do not have the actual truths, but

Essay On Reply To An Article


The criterion for efficient public management should be blended with the element of human error. It is irresponsible to judge the efficiency of governmental services without considering what is humanly possible. I can relate to sentiments relayed on the article on creating systems that work well in both positive and negative situations. The changing economy and public opinion force a public service such as military to be very careful and mindful of every situation.
The ability to collect and disseminate information by the public has made it hard for the military to operate in secrecy. Due to the sensitive

Research Paper On Impact Of Globalization On Corporate Culture: An Outline

The Outline

With growing intermingling of economies across the world, there has been tremendous impact on the way an organization works. Businesses these days can’t afford to stand alone, rather a whole set of global forces make an impact on their organizational structure and organizational culture.
In lieu of this free flow of goods, services, labor, technology, capital and other means of production; the relevance of this topic ( Globalization Impact on Organizational Culture) is quite obvious. In recent past, the process of globalization has made a significant influence on corporate culture. Financial markets have integrated, third world countries have involved in the

Free Report On Lab Number And Title

TA’s Name

Partner’s name
Lab Report
Introduction: We practiced making circuits with combination of resistors in this lab. In Part A, a known resistance, potentiometer and LED were connected in series with the source. The POT was initially tuned to the maximum voltage using the multimeter. The POT was then adjusted till the LED began to glow. In part B, a circuit having a combination of resistors was connected. The voltage across each resistor, along with the current, was measured using the multimeter. The current values measured were then compared with those predicted by Ohm’s law, which gives the following

Summarizing Holmes Essay Sample

According to Holmes, majority of available evidences suggest that the common belief about women talking more than men is not correct but men talk more when men and women are together. Two Canadian researchers reviewed 63 studies that examined the amount of talk by American men and women in different contexts. Only two studies showed that women talked more than men. Research conducted in New Zealand also confirmed this view.
Holmes analyzed questions that participants asked in 100 public seminars. She found out that men dominated more during the discussion time in 93 seminars and only in 7

Example Of Curiosities In The Phylum Apicomplexa Essay

I’m particularly interested in the study of protein localization in parasites belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa. This phylum consists of many parasites that have a great potential to cause serious illnesses in human beings as well as animals.

The plan interested to reveal concrete facts by analyzing the following:

— How do this parasites export proteins from their own cells into strategic positions within their hosts?
— What reasons enhance the intra or inter protein transfer?
— Which categories of protein are transferable and what are their effects on both the host and the parasite?
— What can be done to easily identify the subcellular locations of

The European Union In The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research Proposal Examples

Since the 19th century, the Israelis and the Palestinians had remained at odds with one another due to issues on mutual recognition, border and security, rights to Jerusalem and the Israeli and Palestinian rights over movement and settlement. Since the Europeans had long expressed interest over Middle Eastern development, the research question would revolve on the role of the European Union in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from 1940 to the present to sustain their interest or intentions. Additional questions identified for this paper would support the EU’s role in the conflict, covering EU-Israeli/Palestinian relations, international community response to the

Epidemiology Essay Examples


Passive surveillance is a type of information gathering using pieces of data that are available on the reportable diseases. It can also be a mandated reporting, which is done by healthcare providers or a district health officer.
Gordis (2008) asserts that some of the issues that are related to passive surveillance are the lack of completeness and under-reporting of the reports. It was argued that these results are likely to happen due to the absence of available funds that can be used by the health care provider or an individual healthcare staff himself. Since the quality and completeness of

Example Of Boston University Admission Essay

Admission Essay

Why I want to be a Boston Terrier
The moment I saw the rich blanket of snow covering the streets, parks and buildings of Boston I fell in love. Being a massive Celtics fan, I want to pursue my education at Boston University with the same passion and drive as the players and the fans. I can boldly claim that Boston University is the one and only perfect fit for me. Attending BU will provide me with a rigorous academic experience and the willingness to accept new challenges in the field of finance. I strongly believe that Boston University is the

Free Essay On Reply Post 2 To: (Name) Nursing Philosophy

Thank you for your kind words regarding my explanation of my nursing philosophies compared with those of SPC. I’m gratified that you found my views on the value of education and experience of particular interest, and that you agree with my sentiments in that regard. I think we both understand that nursing is constantly evolving and that it is imperative to keep up. Standing still is not an option. It effectively means going backwards – being left behind.
Regarding your agreement that the SPC’s and your own personal philosophies are also very close, (Peters, 2010), it encourages

Free Critical Thinking On Frameworks For Understanding Texas Student Survey

In the study presented where 5,000 students at the University of Texas were surveyed based on their declared major in order to see if there was a correlation between declared major, GPA, and student attitudes toward racial tolerance the data returned validated the hypothesis that these variables were significant in determining different attitudes towards race.
Given the different theories on ethnic stratification we studied, I believed the functionalist view is the best framework to work with in understanding these differences. This view relies on one of two conditions being present. That inequality functions to meet a social need and

The History Of Christmas Essay Example

There are many misconceptions about the holiday, Christmas. Most are under the perception that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday, however most biblical scholars feel that it was unlikely that Jesus shared his birthday with December 25, most pointing to the likelihood of a spring birth.
If is much most likely that Christmas was a spinoff of the Roman pagan celebration of Saturnalia that took place between the 17th to the 25th of December (Liebeschuetz, 1995). This week was considered a week of breaking laws, including arson, destruction of property, and in some cases murder. Often one person was chosen

Free Article Review On The Use Of Product- Oriented Movement Skills Rather Than Process Oriented Movement

1. Key claims
2. Global Argument
Their assessment methods compare to general studies available used in assessing physical activities and movement, globally. For example, they compare children who spend more time in MVPA to have higher fundamental skills, however they also argue that habitual physical activity need not be closely associated with childhood.
3. Methodology
It was a randomized control study, and the physical activities were measured using an accelerometer. Different intensities of physical activities were also alternatively used. Additionally habitual physical activities were measured. It was appropriate because it was carried out in healthy children,

Environment Report Examples

MEMO [Company, school, or project identifier or logo]

While, apparently, almost everyone in the world admits that the environment should be treated more responsibly, not many people act accordingly. As the story with EU carbon tax shows, not only does it apply to individuals, but also to the whole countries – even (or first of all) the most influential ones in the world. EU carbon tax for airlines, if signed, would oblige airline, whose flights cross EU airspace, to pay a tax on carbon emissions proportionally to the volumes of emissions – that is what European airlines do. The world immediately forgot about its environment-wise consciousness and objected the law.

Free Case Study On Revenue Recognition

The Software Company wishes to recognize revenue immediately after installation of the software and before the end of the three months warranty period. However, the software must run successfully during the three months period; otherwise, the contract would be revoked or the company would install different software.
The company should not recognize revenue after installation of the software. This is because at this stage revenue has not been earned. The software renders service to the medical goods industry. However, the medical goods industry gains economic benefits; this should be a guide for the software company to recognize revenue. Revenue

Motivation Techniques And Demotivating Influences In An Organizational Culture Course Work Examples

My classmate’s post gives a comprehensible answer to the question on motivation techniques within the organization. I tend to agree with him that the management of a company takes up the role of a motivator for its employees. It would be an ideal business case, if the culture of the management had already incorporated definite motivation techniques.

I also think that, in order the stimulus techniques became effective, they should be unique and tailored to the specific needs and requirements of the organization.

Moreover, it is exactly the way, in which the management displays the most important business values of the

Research Paper On Researchpeer1

Nicole, I believe your research topic is very important, and one that will be enlightening to read about. I, too, wonder about the extent and usefulness of curricula that requires a great deal of homework. One way in which you can focus your inquiry is to figure out two different kinds of homework or curriculum styles and compare them to see which one is more effective. For example, does a class with a lot of smaller worksheet homework assignments get better results than classes with fewer, but more important assignments? Researching the effects of too much homework on the students’ grades would

Free Course Work On Critique On Compact Apartment

Architect Gary Chang’s compact high-rise apartment is an example of very modern and minimalist approach to interior design. By necessity, especially in places like Hong Kong, people need to make the most of very little space. In the video, it is mentioned that Chang’s bachelorhood is a “common problem” in Hong Kong, leading him to focus on practicality and his own needs as opposed to the needs of a family.

The focus of the apartment is a series of sliding walls and compartments that move and open to create 24 different rooms, converting the same space for different purposes.

Essay On Genres Of Classical Music & Organization

If I had a large library of classical music files, and wanted to organize them into different sections or genres so I could keep track of them, it would be an extremely difficult job. There are so many different types of classical music, and the period of time in which they were created spans centuries. However, I think I would have to organize them by historical period in a large library, as that would be the most efficient way to go. I would divide my classical music files by Renaissance, Baroque, Classical (1750-1820 Classical Period), and Romantic. I would also have a

The Key Elements You Would Expect To See In Research Project That Has A Good Design Essay Example

A research project has elements that are necessary to be applied to have a good design. Scientific theories and hypotheses are highly necessary in a research project. The scientific theories will explain its scientific observations and hypotheses are bases for reasoning without an assumption in truth.
There are many things to expect when it comes to a good research project. Conceptual innovation is an element in a research project, which from the start the researcher itself could visualize if his work will discover new things. For instance, in a company, this innovation specializes in assisting on how the company will develop productively.

Planning Strategies Essay Example

The management is committed to improve the standards of the annual community outreach festival. This would increase the level of the business because a good turn up for the festival would generate enough and relative good income to the organization. Essential to achieving this objective is to enable the organization to obtain capital to develop a similar every quaintly and also to motivate the employees through the creation of interactive avenue and exchange of ideas. It is also a great chance to address challenges and situations facing the entire event industry over the next few years.
The festival demand that standards

Emotive Theory Essay Examples

Understanding Emotive Theory: G.E. Moore’s Criticism
In G.E Moore’ “Objectivity of Moral Judgments”, he reasons that emotive theory is misleading in the understanding of right and wrong. The emotive theory of ethics bases on the argument that ethics premises on the argument if wrongness and rightness. However, Moore’s offers a strong and stringent criticism of this supposition. According to Moore, humans have conditioned themselves to say wring or wrong describes their feelings. It is dangerous to reason on emotive theory because feelings towards right and wrong are heavily influenced by individual sensibilities.
First, Moore reasons that if

Professional Standards: Spiritual Care Essay Sample

If, however, no standards on spiritual care have been designed, nurses should be able to address the need for spiritual care through various means. Since spirituality is unique and distinct according to diverse patients’ beliefs, value systems, and adherence to cultural traditions and norms, nurses should first have the capabilities and skills to comprehensively and accurately assess spiritual orientations. Subsequently, proposed interventions should be able to take into consideration a balance of physical, emotional, and spiritual needs to accord a more holistic approach to healing. As emphasized, holistic nursing practice, which covers the spiritual care aspect, “recognizes the body-mind-spirit connection of

Free Essay On Stress As A College Student

Then there is the issue of finances for daily upkeep. Students lack upkeep money to sustain them in carrying out the daily activities and the most basic needs are not met adequately relating to food, clothing and shelter. Most have to squeeze among congested rooms and opt to stay in hostels which are relatively cheaper eventhough a bit small as compared to rental houses outside school perimeters (Sharkin 45). However, those who stay in the rental houses incurs extra transport for commuter services which means that they have to dig deeper into their pockets. Despite this, most have to foregore

The Art Of Love Literature Review Example


The Gupta hereditary kingship in India emphasized on Kama sutra (the art of love) by all the kings who succeeded their predecessors. The main purposes that lead to the spread of Kama sutra were to unite Indians using Kama sutra. However, Kama sutra had a much deeper meaning since the monarchy was keen on Kama sutra not to be spread to miners. In the art of Kama sutra, individuals were to watch acts that would promote love between couple. According to the history of Kama sutra, each sex had it on piece of art. That is, women were to watch

Free Business Plan On Industry Overview

Business Description

There has been a great surge in the push for renewable energy over the past two decades. The rate at which the earth is taking damage from global warming is so alarming there is need for use of alternative renewable energy. Factories and plants have energy as the most expensive factor of production in the production process. Plants and factories look to cut costs on energy. The existence of this need necessitates the existence of renewable energy companies to bridge the gap.

Company Description

Goals and Objectives
The company’s goal is to be liaise with government and the private sector

Perception Of Muslims In The Wake Of 9/11 Essay Example

In this paper the author shall examine and comment on two PowerPoint presentation provided. The author shall outline what he/she has learned and then relate the comments from the two PowerPoint provided to his/her group assignment.

Comment on PowerPoint 5

This PowerPoint presentation examines the perception given to Muslims after the American bomb last in September eleven. From the information available in this PowerPoint, the author has learned some of the problems the American Muslims encountered following the blast. For instance, the author learned that post 9/11 brought harassment and discrimination to the Muslims
Americans based on their religion and race. This

Example Of Article Review On Too Close For Comfort

Resilient societal affiliations separate from matrimony have dropped. The Victorian epoch, for instance, had a much grander importance on societal affiliations freestanding of matrimony. Overall, there was far a smaller amount of travesty, with numerous of our present-day passionate banalities deliberated on as immodest and theoretically disparaging (Coontz 2006).
The societal facet of existence encompassed matrimony, but as a fragment of a virtually functionalist kind of prearrangement though a slight variance was present amongst the fondness one would display to a partner and the fondness to a cherished pal, mostly of a similar sex. Although loving relationships have debauched in our civilization, the vital notions of

Example Of Modernity Literature Review


In Consumption and Cosmopolitanism: Practicing Modernity at the Second-Hand Marketplace in Nuku’alofa, Tonga, and Niko Besnier argues that it is possible for anyone to assert or articulate a modern self or enact modernity, not just wealthy elites or high ranking individuals in the society.
The fea markets attract types of customers across all genders. Women particularly love these markets since they can modern clothes for example that place them at par with their counterparts from more developed nations. In the market traditional gender restrictions are put away. Everybody irrespective of their gender is free to acquire anything that

Airline History Essay Example

Transport and communication has advanced over the years both within and without the United States. Since May 1908, when the first passenger flew by plane on European air, and the launching of the 1905 Flyer 3 by the Wright brothers, air transport has undergone radical development and improvements over the years. By 1914, the technology that was used in the construction of airplanes, had witnessed numerous innovation. It was in 1914 that the flying boat was established at an airport manufacturing plant in St. Louis, Missouri. The development of airplane technology was instrumental to the growth of airmail services.

Role Of Music Essay Examples

Music often helps us discover and explore how we respond emotionally to sound. Form and content sometimes contain a message. When interpreting what music is one must be careful not to enter into the area of subjectivity. The best interpretations are a combination of what you can see and what you know. It is inappropriate to base idea entirely on a subjective response. All descriptions of music should be backed up by listening observation. Listening to music live often amplifies the sense and creates a more complete experience. Live music creates a unique ambiance that can’t be recreated in recordings. When looking at

Example Of Personal Statement On Entering Another Adventure: Achieving Another Goal

[Your instructor’s name]
[Your course title]

When living in southern China, I experienced the thrill of business ownership. In , I established an online second-hand business selling a select line of clothing. I had the support of parents with my father being a successful businessman and mother working as a banker. However, this first business venture only lasted three months closing with a net profit of $3,000.

When moving to the United States in 2013, my academic goal was to

Through the online business adventures, I demonstrated initiative, reliability, teamwork, good communication skills, and always viewed challenges as opportunities. I perceive myself as a life-long learner and accept responsibility for decisions made.
Having completed

Ethics In Technology Essay Example

— Define copyright, trade secrecy, and patents as they relate to software.
— The owner of a copyright has five (5) principle rights. What are they?
The Copyright Law gives the owner five (5) principles rights. These are the right to reproduce the work done by the author or owner, the right to publicly distribute copies of it, the right to prepare derivative works, the right to publicly display the work and the right to publicly perform the work.
— Discuss the legal protections related to copyright, trade secrecy, and patents. Include an example for each where

Experience At The Louvre Essay Sample

This 1563 painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo entitled Winter is one of the many that I dislike. I acknowledge the fact that the artist is indeed very talented to have created such a complicated work but even so, I do not enjoy it because the tree-looking subject in this painting looks as if he was cursed. It brings some sort of wickedness and mystery with it. This looks too weird for me and this deviance from what I normally like seeing is what makes it unpleasant.
The second painting is entitled Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist.

I Quit Case Study


A small manufacturing company is experiencing a high turnover of employees in spite of spending a lot on training them. Three quarters of them quit before they work for a year and join the firm’s closest competitor. The problem is lack of job satisfaction and lack of commitment to the organization. To eliminate turnover among minorities, if that is the case, the organization should have awareness, awareness and affirmative action programs.
The Dispositional Model holds that job satisfaction is a genetic trait which does not change with the organization (222). The Value Theory of job satisfaction asserts that people will remain

Essentials Of Leadership Essay Example

The essentials of leadership details four leadership skills. The first is the capability for employee engagement in shared meaning. The second skill is having a compelling and distinctive voice. Effective leaders have strong values and integrity. However, the last skill is extremely critical and it is the ability to adapt in changing situations. The skill of being adaptive comes from two traits – hardiness and the capability to quickly grasp content. A balanced combination of the leadership traits of hardiness and capability to grasp content, aids leaders to grow from their crucibles and find opportunity in the most hopeless situations. Leaders like

Article Review On Reading Response

In his piece, Models of American Ethnic Relations: A Historical Perspective, George M. Fredrickson talks about the ‘burden of otherness.’ In this context, he refers to racial inequality and how anyone other than White Americans are ‘others’ and are therefore treated as such. Furthermore, they are made to feel like ‘others’ and this can have a massive impact on a person’s self-confidence and sense of identity. Historically in America, racial interaction intensely hindered the Indians and Blacks as the most obvious distinction between people was whether they were white or not white. Previous to World War II, this hierarchy was

In Search Of A Room Of Ones Own By Virginia Woolf Creative Writing Sample

Virginia Woolf was the arch feminist author who always stuck up for women no matter which situation prevailed. In this short story she begins by lamenting on the fact that women are prisoners in their husband’s house and have no real independence at any stage in their lives. But the story is actually a damning critique of all the masculine dominance found in the society of those days and which appeared to be quite profuse in all the works which she consulted in the British Library.
Woolf finds herself very troubled and agonized by all that she read, a

Communicating With Parents Or Guardians About Student Learning Critical Thinking Sample

— Communication between school, home, and family helps increase student success and helps the family be supportive of the learner in the home environment and the community feels as though there is a connection to the school community. If a student is struggling in school, a supportive home environment can help the student work on skills that are learned daily in class and reinforce them each night at home. There might also be community programs which are tied to what concepts and lessons are being taught in school to help the student be able to better grasp the instructional material. If a student

Dialogic Civility Essay Example

Since members of the public would wish that the various departments hear their concerns, it is important to sit together with concerned departments, air their views and discuss with them in order to reach a mutual understanding. Logically, people would not be satisfied with the rules that are imposed on them without their consent, however, if they are consulted on the same issues that they oppose, there are chances that they would accept them as they are since they would feel they are included in the way they are governed.
This metaphor dialogic civility offers common ground for engaging

Example Of Book Review On Max Brooks World War Z

Brooks’ book ‘World War Z’ is a masterpiece in recollections on what went on in another life. The Zombies which permeate the narrative and the ten year war which went on for a decade are apt comparisons to the Frankenstein story although Brooks is more concerned with inefficiency and government ineptitude faced by the American nation.
Brooks also uses the oral interview extensively to create situations where the reader is made to understand the zombies better since the war is being waged against them. The reactions of several governments to the pandemic created by the zombies as well as the

International Relationship Essay Examples

The arguments about the author that the IMF’s single-minded concerns about the inflation and the fiscal rectitude are believed to have been inappropriate for many countries. This according to the author has created a situation of unemployment. However, the author also give out some solutions to these problems such as the changing the bad economic habits within the IMF by increasing transparency and accountability within the organization. He also says that the IMF should reduce the influence of special interests by giving the least developed countries more ownership over the conditions that have been imposed by the international monetary

Professional Development Critical Thinking Examples

Zepeda (2008) reiterates that personal development encompasses skills as well as knowledge gained in the course of an individual’s learning process in various learning institution. The skills and knowledge later play an integral part in an individual’s professional and personal development. Considering the intensive nature I have approached the unit in question, I expect not only to significantly advance in my career, but also establish a company to create employment and further develop the society.
Having improved in interpersonal communication and interpersonal interactions as well as having acquired significant professional knowledge, then I will be in a better

Essay On Why Do Academic Cheaters Cheat

Why do academic cheaters cheat?

It has not been entirely uncommon, if slightly under-reported, for students to cheat when writing their academic papers or examinations. Lying to get an extension on a submission deadline, paraphrasing documents without citing them or even having papers written by hired writers, if we have not done one of these, we surely know someone who has. As Doherty notes in his article, academic cheating is not limited to university students alone but is undertaken by higher officials of universities as well . He also points out that cheaters constitute only a fragment of the overall student mass. However, I believe that this a ‘

Free Case Study On Hospitality Lighting

According to Brian Atkin and Adrian Brooks (2009), facilities manager performs such functions as “enabling the organization to deliver effective and responsive services”, “allowing for future change in the use of space” and “enhancing organization’s culture and image” (3-4). In other words, facilities manager should pay attention to ensuring hospitality of the organization he/she works for, especially in case it aims at providing customers with comfortable relaxation as restaurant usually do. To reduce complaints about lighting, management should analyze all the complaints, identify existing issues and try to find effective and cost saving solutions to cope with the

Free Critical Thinking On PLC

The programmable logic controller is a digital computer that is used to automate electromagnetic processes that include control of machinery on factories, pooling systems, amusement machines and devices that require precise timing and logical control. It is designed to handle multiple inputs and output arrangements. The programs that control this machine are stored in a non-volatile memory or a backup system. PLC is a perfect example of a real time processing system where outputs must be generated from the set of inputs within a limited period of time.
The PLC was created to replace the relay logic systems and to efficiently facilitate the process

Two Discussion Questions — Dr Jekyll’s Full Statement Of The Case Creative Writing Sample

In his full statement of the case, Henry Jekyll lays out the terrible quandary that has beholden him, the addiction to his transformation into the monster that is Edward Hyde. He goes into great detail regarding his aesthetic lifestyle as he tried to keep away from the potions that were making him into the monster and the contrast with his quiet and relatively obscure life of the doctor could not be too great.
The first question I would like to put up for discussion is why did Henry Jekyll resort to becoming Edward Hyde? Was it due to

Report On Ecotourism Marketing

My job as a travel counselor has taught me the benefits and ill-effects of tourism. Though my job involves helping people in their personal and business travel arrangements, I even look after the ways to preserve the environment while arranging the transportation. There is always an environmental impact because of tourism and the impact can only be reduced by minimizing the visits to the nature friendly places. Tourists travel for enjoyment and spend leisure time. Tourism can be beneficial for a country’s economy and the local people, but at the same time it can cause shortage of the natural resources

The Oil Problem Essay Example

These problems are a result of human activities, and can be associated with major problems that could face the world in the future. There are a number of problems that can be encountered. One of the problems has to do with the environment. Casson (2013) observes that the entire world’s oil cannot be exploited from one well. As such, the miners are forced to use different wells. This is quite devastating for the natural landscape.
Another problem has to do with the economy. It is well known that oil is the lifeblood of major industrial processes. As such, when

Sarah Staples Report Sample

Business Letter

150 S. Arroyo Parkway, 2nd Floor,

Pasadena, CA 91107

Dear Madam,
Celebrity endorsement is a key factor that most companies use in order to attain their success in the advertisement strategies. However, this may not be the case if there is no effective and sufficient training of the celebrities on how to handle and express the product. External observers act as a source of valuable information on how the training progressed and areas that would need improvement. This is more applicable to media based observers.
Spartan PR is having a celebrity

In Reference To Case Study 4 At The End Of Chapter 4, There Are No Reward Systems Report Examples

Do the rewards satisfy the variety of individual needs?

No. Individual needs for the staff are not met.

Are rewards both internal and external?

There are no reward thus the rewards are neither internal nor external.
Are they applied equitably and consistently?
The reward system is neither applied equitably nor consistently as it is non – existent.
Do individuals value the rewards they receive?
The individuals in this case study do not receive any awards.
Do they perceive that their efforts correlate with performance?
The teaching staff do not think their efforts correlate with their students’ performance.
Do individuals set goals as source of motivation?
The individuals

Mitchell Essay Summary Literature Review Sample

W.J. T Mitchell’s (1996) essay entitled “What Pictures Really Want” focuses on the rhetorical and interpretative dominance of pictures both in arts history and visual culture. There is an element communication and symbolic representation in every photo and the question of what they mean constitutes an exploration of its connection to human emotions and behavior. In relation to Agee and Evan’s work, the essay brings about the thought of scrutinizing pictures for their deeper meaning and not just a material object dowsed with colors and shape markings. Mitchell also assimilated the different traditional attitudes that the society has

Essay On America’s Independence From Britain

In the 1760s and 1770s, certain political ideals were beginning to take shape which kickstarted the American Revolution. In the 1760s, direct taxes were levied against the colonies for the import and use of goods, as payment for the costs incurred in the French and Indian War. Tensions increased between the colonies and the British over these issues, with the colonies espousing ideas of freedom and democracy (Brinkley, 2010). These tensions culminated in the Boston Massacre, the killing of six colonists by beleaguered British soldiers, kickstarting a breakdown in political goodwill and the beginning of revolution.
The colonists started

Example Of Essay On International Business: Laws And Regulations

Laws and Regulations and Resulting Challenges for International Business and Management:

Several international bodies and organizations have formulated different regulations and laws in order to monitor and regulate the operations and activities of the international businesses and organizations. These laws and regulations are employed in order to protect the rights of the different entities and organizations. However, at the same time some of these laws and regulations pose serious threats and challenges for the management of the international businesses and organizations (Luthans and Doh, 2012).
It is highly important for the international organizations to carefully evaluate and understand different international rules and regulations in order to make sure that

Research Paper On Geographic Experience

The definition of geographic experience varies subjectively from one individual to another. In an endeavor to explain what a geographic experience is, people give various events that have occurred in the recent history. In my case, the geographic experience that I have had is the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. The natural disaster, which was a result of seismic waves and sudden adjustment in the geological strata underneath the ocean, claimed many lives and property as the raging waters swept the coastal settlements. The most important reason as to why I deem the phenomenon as a geographic experience is because it greatly involved,

Policy Leadership Essay Sample

A weekly assignment is a task that is assigned to an individual or a team every week. Weekly assignments are important to leaders because they are one way of setting targets. Each week, the leader identifies a set of tasks that should be accomplished by himself and his subjects. The leader should then work to achieve every set objective within the given time. Leaders must oversee how the people under them perform their duties. Weekly assignments can be useful when setting up short term objectives and ensuring that they are achieved within the organization.
Leaders should use the Bolman and Deal

Example Of Energy Management Essay

Energy management incorporates the techniques involved in ensuring users of any source of energy obtain it in a convenient manner (Capehart, Turner, and Kennedy 1). This means that the energy should be safe for use, affordable, and available. From an environmental point of view, energy shortages may arise if the present energy sources are mismanaged. This would mean depletion of sources for future use. This has especially been a concern for the non-renewable sources of energy such as natural gas, petroleum, and coal. Research has shown that by reducing unnecessary consumption and avoidable wastages, the rate of depletion of such energy

Example Of American Indian History Essay

First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History

First Peoples: A Documentary Survey of American Indian History
Yes a white person who is less than a tenth Indian has a right to claim to be Native American. This is because of the principle of self-determination and sovereignty. Native Americans acquired this status in the 1970s and have over the past four decades fought to reshape their relationship with the wider American society. Based on this premise, it is therefore clear that any individual can claim the Native American identity because the Indian tribes make their own decisions, run their own affairs and chart the course of their own future.

Business Plan On Global Business Challenge

Describe a global business challenge and its relevance to your post-MBA career.

A global business challenge that one foresees and anticipates to encounter after graduating from MBA is managing and motivating a culturally diverse workforce and determining how technological applications could be used as an instrumental factor in enhancing performance and productivity in the global work setting. As global organizations recruit, maintain, and develop human resources from varied cultural backgrounds, there is increasing challenge in determining motivational factors across culture and those that complement the culture of the organization. Likewise, with advances in technology, one expects greater challenges in using these applications in global organizations that encompasses all functional operations: marketing, finance,

Mcbride Financial Case Study Examples

Site functionality describes ways that your website can develop tools that can benefit your customer while managing it. It helps one learn how you can use technology to enhance your sites effectiveness. It involves pathways known by online users or new and imagined services. For instance, ease of making orders and purchasing products using e-commerce sites reduces the number of lost sales as well as increasing speed of customer’s purchases.
One needs to increase page numbers and range of tools so that your site users can have more services to solve their needs and will increase attraction

How Has Social Media Changed US Socially Research Proposal Examples


Social Media has emerged as a sacrosanct part of our life. We connect to friends, colleagues, siblings, acquaintances and make new buddies on virtual social platform just at one click. Many of us are so addicted to the social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and the like that the first thing we do in the morning right after wriggling out of bed, still in sleep inertia, is to check the updates of our friends. The extent of addiction though varying is more or less similar for everyone logging into Facebook or Twitter at least once every day. Now the question

Artist’s Statement Essay Sample

My composition skills significantly improved over the semester by enhancing one’s ability to verbalize what one has captured in images into a literary form that could be shared to others. This skills was improved through learning vocabulary terms that are most appropriate and to apply these terminologies in written discourse; where, not only photographers would understand, but also the general public, who do not share any formal academic background on the subject.
There were various digital camera controls that were learned such as: sitting the camera for the first shoot; setting the camera to manual focus; setting the

Example Of Essay On How Might A University President Answer This Question: «Is Sociology Important?

According to the American Sociological Association, sociology is characterized as a study of social change, social life as well as the social causes and the consequences of a person’s behaviour. In essence, it facilitates the understanding of culture. This paper answers how a university president may answer the question, «Is sociology important?”
Equally, sociology is important to presidents because it gives meaning to democracy. Apart from the surface meaning of democracy, i.e. the majority rule, it provides presidents with a deeper meaning that brings liberation to the general society. Democracy is characterized by a society where an individual is free both in

Gimpel: Fool Or Wise Man Essay Examples

«Gimpel the Fool» by Isaac Bashevis Singer
Gimpel the Fool is one of the most acclaimed works of Singer. It is about the life of a “wise fool” Gimpel, an orphan, who learns truths about spiritual faith, love and evil through various experiences of his life. He’s teased and tricked into believing anything he is told, no matter how outlandish it may be.
Gimpel is easily duped and regarded as a fool by everyone, so much so that he married a town whore thinking she’s a good woman. She mistreats and cheats on him for all the twenty years

Movie Review On Balzac And The Little Chinese Seamstress

“Balzac and Little Chinese Seamstress” is a movie written and directed by Dai Sijjie. The movie was released in the year 2002 and depicts the time of early 70s when Chinese cultural revolution was at it later stage. The story of this movie revolves around two boys named Luo Min and Ma Jianling, who went to Sichuan province to get re-education. After their arrival they were asked about their education by the chief of the village. The chief checked the luggage of both boys and destroyed a cookery book. The chief was also about to destroy Ma’s violin but stopped

Example Of Liberty Universitys Mission Essay

Admission essay

I have always nursed a tremendous interest in Liberty University since it is focused on developing Christ-centered individuals. My personal perspective of morality and life is a clear fit to the Liberty University’s mission. I have always focused on changing the lives of people and making them be God’s followers. I come from a family of believers, and I have been trained to always have a reflection of my life and adhere to moral issues. I have always had a positive perception of life and morality.
My perspective of life is to always do good to all people and serve Gods

Insurance Claims Accounting And Preparation Services They Are Designed To Help The Essay Sample

There is a need to enhance Forensic accounting is an important field in management of businesses. Our company has forensic accounting in place. Our forensic accounting services provide the insights needed to resolve disputes, recover from losses, and manage risks intelligently. There are various services that we provide in our company. These areas include:

Dispute advisory, in which we can assist with discovery, expert witness testimony, and economic analysis.

Construction consulting. This service helps our clients understand why large-scale construction projects fail to meet schedule or budget requirements.
Offering general investigative and forensic accounting services, including fraud detection, and proof of loss analysis.
All these are important services that make our company running.

Martha Stewart Case Study Sample

Stewart got served with a securities fraud charge by the Securities and Exchange Commission- SEC (Pain & Bruner 5). This civil suit got filed based on the accusation that Stewart got involved in insider trading. The charge accused Stewart of basing her shares sale on information from her broker’s assistant. This charge would attract a fine and no jail time for Stewart.

Four criminal charges got leveled against Stewart. The first charge involved two counts of lying to the Feds during her interviews. Stewart purportedly gave false statements to federal investigators during interviews with investigators. Stewart allegedly lied to the investigators

Global Management Case Study

With the increasing integration of the global economy, mangers need to consider pertinent strategies that they can effectively practice to enter, operate in and compete in the global market place. It is essential for managers to understand the specific and unique skills which are significant for successful management of their businesses in the global marketplace. Based on this fact, Dalman and Lei need to intensively and extensively understand the belief, attitude and values of the people of the other country (China).
According to Khan (2007), a country’s culture is the set of its values, beliefs and attitudes which

Stars Research Paper Examples

Question:Why is it important to view the sun at many different wavelengths?

This is done so as to enable the viewer to clearly see the all the layers of the sun, ranging from the photosohere to the corona.
Question:What types of light are best at detecting solar flares? What is the physical source of this form of light?
Zodiacal light, used for detecting solar flares is roughly triangular, faint, dispersed white glow that is seen in the night sky, and extends up from the surrounding area of the Sun along the zodiac or the ecliptic. It is best seen before sunrise, after sunset, autumn and spring. The light decreases

The Relationship Of Thinking To SLA Argumentative Essay Examples


Self-correction has a tendency to impede cognition because it can make a learner too conscious of their use of the language, which can make them hesitant to use it. Instead of frequently and eagerly using the language as a form of practice, the learner who often self-corrects will tend to second-guess themselves a lot. In turn, this can make the learning experience unpleasant for them; thus, impeding learning.

Cognitive Learning Strategies

Cognitive learning strategies can enhance learning only if the learner is already familiar with them from their previous learning endeavors. However, if these strategies are new to them then learning these strategies will just add

Second Language Acquisition Research Article Review Sample

The article under review is titled “The critical period for language acquisition: Evidence from second language learning” by Catherine Snow and Marian Hoefnagal-Hohle.

The article was developed to deal with the common debate that common formulation of the critical period hypothesis that younger is always better in L2A. The article claims that according to critical period hypothesis, first language acquisition needs to take place prior to the completion of cerebral lateralization, around puberty age.
The authors make one anticipation of the aforesaid hypothesis, stating that second language acquisition is likely to be more rapid, successful, and qualitatively same

Marriage Essay Example

Most people are never satisfied with what they have. Perhaps this leads to our further development, but at the same time it prevents us from enjoying the moment we are living right now. I personally believe that if a person chooses to be ‘unconventional’ in some way (gay, subculture or else), it presupposes that he or she should accept the situation of ‘conventional’ people instantly trying to point out that it is not normal to be like that.

I prefer staying neutral when talking about gay marriages, because I have 2 controversial arguments in mind. The first one is that

Creative Writing On Developing Prospect List

When developing a prospect list, my goal will be strategic so that I can be efficient and effective. Before developing my prospect list, I will first identify the kind of customers that I am looking for. This will involve establishing who is the perfect customer for my company? In order to develop a prospect list I will follow the following:
1. First I will consider all of my business affiliation as a potential prospect.
2. Establish old customers that have not made any recent purchases
3. Cross selling – I will define other Sales Representatives who sell other items?

Example Of Tone In Tim Obriens The Things They Carried Literature Review

In Tim O’Brien’s «The Things They Carried,» an American platoon experiences horror, death and loss in the jungles of Vietnam, all while carrying various objects of both practical and personal significance to them. O’Brien’s language in this story, as he delineates and describes in great detail the appearance and source of all of these objects and what they mean to the soldiers, is scattered and stream-of-consciousness at times. This is meant to convey the abstract importance of these things in the soldiers’ lives; some of them, like the M-16, are supposed to protect them, while others, like Lt. Cross’

Free Essay On Science Skills


The first step involved ligation of digested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products into pGLUX1 proteins. Thereafter, the resultant proteins were transferred onto nitrocellulose filter membrane (NCF). This is where the ligation reaction was used to transform E. coli XL10-gold cells. Thereafter, specific cells were selected to undertake DNA plasmid isolation through being subjected to 200 volts for 50 minutes. In confirming complete ligation of the cells, restriction digest using XhoI and KpnI enzymes were used. The digested products were then subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis. In this case, the transfected culture was grown at 37°C under drug selection

Autism Report Sample

There are many changes that can be seen between the DSM-IV and the DSM-V. One of the major changes is the difference in the symptoms. DSM-IV and DSM-V break apart the symptoms of Autism differently. This change is very important because it makes it seem like the new version of the DSM-V is more strict on the symptoms. This means that people may not be diagnosed with ASD as much as they were in the past because they will need to show more symptoms.
One of the major differences between the old and the new DSM is that

Example Of Essay On Why Great Art Is Like Great Tarts

Good art is done within a tradition according to accepted standards that can be excellent.

When a High Renaissance painter painted he had to observe period conventions, like perspective, or he would not have gotten lucrative commissions, such as for the Church.
The better the painter realized those conventions, the more he achieved the standard of the day, what people expected, and thus defined his work according to those expectations.
What is true of Renaissance painters is true of all genres: Mary Cassatt (a great artist) followed the conventions of Impressionism when she had her figures bathed in light, a soft one. Following this convention allowed her to explore it but also set limits on

Essay On Howard Beale In Network

In the film Network, noted television pundit Howard Beale (Peter Finch) notes the complete and utter apathy of America in the post-television age. He notes that «less than 3 percent of you people read books,» «less than 15 percent of you read newspapers,» and «the only truth you know is what you get over this tube.» Beale himself, in this scene, where his own apathy towards the cynicism and lack of imagination of the American public is twisted and distorted into «edgy» political entertainment, notes the failings of the American public in a way that is found to be entertaining.

Plato The Last Days Of Socrates Essay

In the setting of the book, Socrates reveals that he was religious and was not against any belief that there exists a supreme being. This setting especially in the tenth chapter makes it clear that Socrates held a religious perspective different from what his philosophical speeches made the people think of him.
He refused to accept suicide since his religious believes did not allow him to. This is revealed in his recurrent dream and hence the idea of suicide was not in him. Taking the poison was not a punishment to him as the jury viewed it but to him, it

The Moral Justice Of Sports Players Wages Essay Example

1. Sports players are paid huge amounts of money to play games for our country. Meanwhile, there are many people living in abject poverty, even in the United States. This is not a situation which our country should be allowing and endorsing.
2. My proposed solution is that sports players’ earnings be capped at a reasonable amount, and that more money can instead be channelled into improving and introducing anti-poverty solutions. Areas such as Skid Row, in Los Angeles, are in desperate need of development, and the money being thrown at sports players’ wallets would be enough to make a huge

Ethics Program Essay Examples

Implementation of an ethics program does not guarantee its success. It is important to have aspects such as monitoring and confidentiality in protecting whistle blowers to ensure that ethics in an organization improves. Stigmatization of whistle blowers is one way that effective, ethical decision-making is impeded in many public organizations. Additionally, having a code of ethics is important, but for it to be effective, the employees need to have a general understanding of how it works. Frequent training also lays an important role in ensuring that there is constant improvement in ethical decision-making.
The idea that most organizations conform to

Example Of Panic Disorder Case Study

Panic Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder wherein a person experiences bouts of panic attacks which ranges from a few seconds to several hours. These panic attacks have no identifiable triggers that give a patient the feeling of inevitable doom. They manifest physically through heart palpitations, intense sweating, short breaths, sensations in the stomach, faintness or dizziness, sense of imminent death, and naturally, exhaustion.
It is clinically classified as an abnormal behavior as it disrupts a patient’s normal functioning and causes an enormous amount of distress. People with panic disorder may choose not to leave the «safety» of their home at all

Operative Personal Statement Personal Statement Example

I am fascinated with art and beauty, which is why I find such personal satisfaction through the mediums of professional photography, design, and cinematography. To be able to be a part of the creativity of such beauty is a challenge to all facets of my life. In the profession of dentistry, I find personal satisfaction in the challenge of creating beautiful smiles for every one of my patients. I believe Operative Dentistry is the cornerstone to manufacturing esthetic smiles, where every patient is a new piece of art to be created, with the outcome being a happier and more confident patient.

I believe

Final Project Abstract Essay

This paper explores the re-visioning of the mythological hero Tiogar in the short story Tiogar and the Tunnel by Colin Sean Teatro. It begins by defining the general image of the hero, which includes information about the hero’s schema and the heroism narrative or script. It then identifies the characteristics of the hero archetype that are used in the revision and how this archetype can be combined with other archetypes. In particular, this paper makes use of the female hero archetype combined with the mentor and the trickster archetypes. The re-visioning of the hero archetype in the context

Essay On The Stereotype Of Stereotypes

The article talks about the evolutions of the concept “stereotype”. At the beginning of the 20th century, stereotypes were considered as something exclusively negative. There were said to build misunderstandings, conflicts and even lead to racism, sexism and other “isms”. However, in due time, people realized that stereotypes really are based on something at least partially true. Some believe that they are a good start when learning about a new culture. As it turns out, they simply portray the differences between different groups of people. Nowadays, it is believed that such differences need to be understood and accepted, not neglected. The

Substantive Commentary Managing Access To Information Resources Essay Example

The answer given is true, but not exhaustive. It comprehensively discusses the different models that can be used to ensure only authorized users have access to the information. The Bell-LaPadua (BLP) and Lattice models discussed do not give the advantages and disadvantages of adopting either. This will not be sufficient information for an organization or individual seeking to adopt a model, maybe to a learner seeking to understand the models.

Segregation of information into categories in the BLP model is crucial, this is so because it advocates for responsibility and accountability from the users. If some information leaks, then the authorized

Example Of Critical Thinking On TV Actors And Their Perception To The Public

The nature of acting means that actors are a chameleon — they disappear into a role, oftentimes playing a character who is totally unlike themselves. However, sometimes this means it can be very hard to separate the man from the role — we cannot see the man as anything but who he plays on TV. One substantial example is the actor Robert Knepper, who played «T-Bag» on Prison Break, and subsequent bad-guy creeps in shows like Breakout Kings and Stargate Universe. All of his major performances seem to be of morally unscrupulous, unforgivable villains, all with nefarious motives and unpredictable tempers.


Intrusion Detection In Computer Security Research Paper Examples

Practical Considerations to Get Started

With the advent of technology, almost all offices today rely on computers for data input, storage and processing. Thus, maintaining a secure computing environment amidst the increasing interconnectivity of computers via networks such as the internet remains to be a challenge (Fulp, 2009). This is one of the reasons why intrusion detection mechanisms were put in place.

Acquiring and maintaining an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to prevent loss of data and other confidential information is expensive. Thus, a clear evaluation of benefits against the cost is necessary before deciding to purchase the system. One can start by looking at previous records of

The Difference Between Gold Plate And Gold Clad Essay Examples

The distinction between gold plated and gold clad can be confusing. If an item is sold as having any amount of gold the quality of that gold is regulated by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. 24 karat gold is 99.9 percent pure. By FTC standards, only 24 karat gold may be called gold without additional reference, abbreviation or qualification. However the processes used for how the gold is applied and how thick it is not always regulated. Because of this, it may not be easy to figure out how valuable the item is. To add to the confusion, both

Essay On Fashion In A Decades Time

According to the current trends in the fashion industry, more changes mostly in hairstyle and clothing are to be experienced in the next decade. These changes can be attributed mainly to the fashion revolution and the current economic transitions from agricultural economies to industrial economies.
Being a male and a graduate of Fashion majoring in visual merchandising, I will be in the fashion industry in one decade’s time. This will imply that I will be my own boss dealing mainly in sales of fashion elements and mostly the ladies wear. My opinion in dealing in ladies wear is mainly

Free Essay On Why I Want To Go To The University Of Wisconsin

In my research towards finding the right college for me, I believe I have found the perfect candidate in the University of Wisconsin. There are many reasons for my desire to attend this institution specifically; first of all, they have a fantastic business education system. The school has been rated one of the best universities in the world according to US News and World Report, the Academic Ranking of World Universities, and more. The opportunities for learning, research and education there are unparalleled, and I really want to take advantage of what they have to offer there.

The athletics of

Movie Review On Bye Bye Birdie And Its Connection To Brazil

In George Sidney’s 1963 musical Bye, Bye Birdie, the era of pop singers and Elvis Presley is lampooned in the character of Conrad Birdie (Jesse Pearson), a desirable figurehead for the teen culture movement. The film itself is, ostensibly, about the resistance that the parents have to the new wave of music that is appearing and influencing their kids, with the hip-swinging, revolutionary and fun-loving celebrity of Conrad. In this way, the film can be likened to the resistance that the ruling elite had during the rise of the middle class in Brazil in the early 20th century — Conrad

Free Essay On The Organization Information System


Information is the backbone of the organisational activities and the epitome of the management of an organisation. Every organisation relies on information to work out its activities. Information system is a system of infrastructures such as computers that gathers analyses or sends information. It also provides information regarding the organization and its interaction with the outside world. On the same note, it is responsible for the storage and retrieval of data to be used to make important decisions in an organisation.

Maintains and the scope of the information that it generates

Data output may include sales volume, expenses, and the amount of tax to be paid. This will determine the

Economic Scene Dividends In Pressing Apple Over Labor Essay Example

This article discusses about the globalization and its impacts on the economy of the China. The article discusses various benefits and adverse impact of globalization on the country like China. The article further talks about the impact of globalization on the labor rules, regulations and suppliers roles in the economy of China. A lot has been talked about globalization and its impacts on the working conditions, child labor, wage structure and perilous working environment. The article focused on how labor unions and other people asked Apple to improve working conditions and policies for employees and suppliers. Apple was unable

Code Essay Examples — Internal Control of Organizations

The chapter seeks to explore the entire subject of internal control of organizations. In doing this it arranges the subject in broad sub topics and provides a full illustrative description of the sub topics and the roles they play in the internal control of organizations especially in organizations that exist to make profits. Some of the key topics include:
(i) Selling of man hours
Most of accounting firms largely rely on their man power proficiency to offer their services. They hire professional accountants then look for contracts in firms both private and government institutions in which they carry out

Optimal Portfolio Construction Report Sample

According to this data, I would like to report that the performance of this firm is not encouraging. There is a very wide margin between the targeted and the actual returns contrary to what was calculated by the firm’s management (Gomez-Mejia, L. R. et al. , 2008).
I think, this might have resulted from the poor performance particularly but her top management(Gomez-Mejia, L.R. et al , 2008). May be, this was an unrealistic and overambitious goal that the firm, in its normal conditions, was not able to accomplish.
Besides, it might have resulted from poor planning and coordination

The Two Types Of Population Growth Are Exponential And Logistics Research Paper

Population growth is the change in population over a period of time. Population size is affected by birth rates, death rates, emigration and immigration. Population growth from 1800-2011 was from 1 billion to 7 billion. In 2011, it was estimated that around 90 million people added to the existing population.
Exponential population growth- This is when birth rate is constant over time and is not limited by disease or food. In exponential growth, only the birth rate controls the population growth.
Logistics population growth- When a population shows exponential growth, the members are not limited by disease or food.

Genetic Counseling Questions Article Review Examples

As a potential carrier of a gene for an unpreventable condition, I would definitely want to know my real status. The basic reason is that knowledge of the disease might mean that I would be able to spend more productive years of life as opposed to coming down with the disease later in life. I might also be able to prevent transmitting the condition to my children if I know my status.
As regards pre- and post-test counseling, I believe that it is necessary for a pre-test counseling to be done for any individual who is about to take a genetic test.

Free Report On Concepts


Hewlett-Packard (HP) is one of the world’s leading technology companies. The company currently operates in over 170 countries globally and offers personal computing, printing, imaging and software services. In addition HP provides an IT infrastructure, cloud computing and connectivity. Described herein is an analysis of the company based on its generic strategies, corporate strategies, and international strategies. After the analysis, one of the company’s problems is identified and a solution proposed.

Generic Strategies

The five generic strategies are Overall Low-Cost Provider Strategy, Broad Differentiation Strategy, Focused Low-Cost Strategy, Focused Differentiation Strategy, and Best-Cost Provider Strategy. The low cost provider strategy

Free Essay On Fire Safety


Fire safety and prevention is of great concern in the construction of new buildings and the assessment of existing structures in order to prevent hazardous fire situations and consequential loss of human life. Therefore, the causative agents of fires and the ways fires move and spread are key to understanding how to build or improve structures that minimize fire risk and damage. Because basements are often the starting point for fires, the research specifically explores how basement fires start, spread, what construction elements promote fires, basement fire control, equipment for combating fire outbreak, and prevention of future fire outbreaks.

Example Of Essay On Language Planning In Education Summary

Citing Rubagumya (1990), the author of the article asserts that a language can only be used as a medium of instruction if it is consented by all concerned parties, teachable, and utilitarian in domains outside the educational system. To some extent, parents’ perception of the language also matters. In a bid to discuss some of the factors governing the choice of a language for instruction, the author of the article divides the factors into two categories; national and individual factors. National factors that govern language encompass issues like unity, political power, and modernity. For a language to be considered as a medium of instruction it

Free essay on the economy of appalachia

A handbook to Appalachia: an introduction to the region is written by Grace Toney Edwards, Joann Aust Asbury, and Ricky L. Cox provides complete information about the Appalachia region. The book is very useful for the students, teachers, and the people who want to understand the Appalachian region. The book talks about thirteen different academic perspectives to know the region and all of them have unique vision towards the region. The authors have done an intensive research before presenting this book before the readers.
Eureka mill, written by Ron Rash gives an account of Carolina cotton mill workers

What is happening to men and womens health today provide evidence for your statements essay examples

Undoubtedly, health is a vital aspect of all American people. Not only women, but even men are equally health conscience. Education, race, income and ethnicity are all considered to be some of the important factors that contribute towards good health of most men and women. Readings indicate a majority of women population are more used to living in poverty than men. Diseases like asthma and diabetes are more likely to be caused by family issues. With increase in income, asthma cases decline and women who come under a higher income group are more likely to live below poverty.

Another major and most

Case Study On The Contributing Factors To His Illness Include The Prolonged History Of Smoking

Luke Flatt is an elderly married man who had a previous history of aspirating some peanut husks when he was young. he used to smoke but quit 10 years ago, 5 years before he started having shortness of breath initially on exertion which has now worsened to dyspnoea on mild exertion. he also has chronic productive cough which is painful.
the above history is does not indicate a neoplasm. although he has a prolonged history of smoking, which has been associated with lung cancer, he could be suffering from Chronic Obstructive Airway disease which also has a history of prolonged smoking as a

Dority Article Review Example

Barbara Dority believes that rap should be protected by the First Amendment because it is part of the freedom of speech. In their music, artists express their ideas, beliefs and feelings. They reflect their surrounding, their real world. The author remarks that rap and rock music are not the first to draw attention to the topics which they are criticized for. Even some operas have “unwanted” ideas. People from all walks of life should be granted the rights preserved for them by the First Amendment. These rights were not created for the elite, they were created for everyone to

Example Of Research Paper On The Life And Work Of Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was an American painter. He was a leading influence in the development of Pop Art. Warhol’s original name was Andrew Warhola, and he was born in Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania.
Early in the 1960s, Warhol started experimenting with artistic representations of various media, including adverts, newsprint headlines and other images from popular culture in the US. In 1962, he started working on his series of Pop Art portraits of Marilyn Monroe. He also worked, in a similar style, on portraits of other celebrities including Elvis Presley (News History, 2012). Also in 1962, Warhol partook in the New Realists

Example Of Essay On Familiar Stories, And Irony

Discussion Post

Personally, my favorite story line is the troubled journey home, first undertaken by Gilgamesh but then made the most famous by Odysseus and, later, Aeneas. In more modern times, the Coen Brothers’ film O Brother, Where Art Thou?, which details the travails of Ulysses Everett McGill in the days of the Great Depression. The reason that this story line appeals to me is that while the main character is heroic, he is also flawed, which makes him more realistic. It is his own hubris that has landed him in this particular pickle, and he must learn to use his

Example Of Course Work On David In Samuel

I chose to write about the character of David because he is held up as a model of obedience in the Christian faith even though he committed a huge sin with Bathsheba. This teaches Christians that there is redemption after a mistake or a sin. It is this hope that keeps millions of Christians going around the world.
David is important to the Christian and Jewish faiths because he was handpicked by God to be the next King of Israel. David was a special person even before this happened. As a young man, David was brave, strong, and had great faith. An example of this

Example Of My Writing Process Essay

Since I have been doing this course, my English has improved a great deal, both in writing and in speaking. Dr Timothy, in particular, has had a strong influence on me and has enabled me to progress much more quickly than I would have done without him.

I have a fairly strict routine for my writing process. Firstly, I read the instructions, and I usually do this twice. I tend to skim read it the first time, in order to get the gist of what is being asked of me. Following this, I then read the instructions again but more thoroughly, ensuring that

Creative Writing On A Visual Image Of Beauty

Beauty can come in various ways but in my opinion, one of the finest ways of experiencing beauty is through some visual scene. Yesterday I experienced one of the most beautiful and lovely experiences where a view of nature was stupendous and awesome in more ways than one.
The lapping of the sea, the awesome cliffs in the background, the sheer beauty of the country scenery all entered my mind as I walked across the rough terrain. Who could have walked here before me? Were some prehistoric men and women actually here someday and did the same walk as i

Essay On An Assessment Of The Diffusion Of Mobile Technology Applications Among The Elderly


For a long time, the question that lingers in mobile phone users and manufacturers is what kind of features and characteristics do phones that are used by the elderly have and what ways should be used to improve these features. For a long time, young users have been known to be the most active users of mobile phones and have been known to explore the fullest benefits that come with these phones. Although this is the case, there is a sharp rising need for the elderly to be active in mobile use due to the fact that the functionalities that come with

Citation vs Plagiarism Essay

a. Robby could cite himself, just to be certain that his readers understand that he made up the quote. If he were to do this, it would involve placing the invented quote within quotation marks and then appropriately citing himself both in text and in the works cited section. After the quotation marks, depending on the referencing system, Robbie should put the following (surname, date).

b. It is important to cite the interview, even if there are no direct quotes from it written into the essay. I would discuss the interview and paraphrase the information I wanted to use.

Kedarnah Temple Essay

Temple is one of the key elements in Hindu culture which represents its distinctive features and peculiarities. Kedarnah Temple is located in the Garhwal Himalayan range by the river Mandakini in Kedarnath, India and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is considered to be more than 1000 years old and belongs to the Holy twelve Jyotirlingas. Many scientists tend to believe that the architect of the temple is Adi Sankaracharya. A large grey beautiful construction, built of massive stone slabs, this building is based on a huge rectangular platform. The interior walls are decorated by the figures and images of

Planet Harmony Essay

How humans would survive using the resources on Planet Harmony

The rapid changes in the environmental conditions make people to constantly look for other possible planets where life can be sustained. Planet Harmony has been identified as one. Stories from planet Harmony reflect that there are communities which are underrepresented in the decision making processes of the environment. With the knowledge of environmental conservation, life on Planet Harmony would be so interesting. The measure of human health or a community health is in terms of the environment. The healthier the environment, the more healthy the individuals are. On Earth, the healthy nature of the environment faded away long ago. Humans

Importance Of Product And Process Design Case Study

Importance of product and process design

Lately, almost all companies are burdened to develop their supply chain operations besides their manufacturing operations, considering the increasing significance of establishing the paramount route and supply chain for their produce. Arguably, considering the interdependence with supply chain, process design, and product design, there is complexity in making decisions as there is need for the three factors to be put together to support one another. In this context, product design implies manufacturing products that flourish in and augment a company’s supply chain structural design or plan, (Institute of Textile Technology 2001). Stevensons Garment Dye Company is a good example of

Uniqueness Course Work

Each and every person is unique I his own way. Every person is first and foremost a personality, and there is something inside what makes him stand out in a crowd, and I am not exception – I am unique in what I do and the way I do it. My name is Name Surname and I am 29 years old, and from my early childhood I have always known what I would like to devote my life to – Army. I work for the United States Army, and I do enjoy my occupation, as I meet and train so many different people

Photography As A Tool Of Colonization And Control Critical Thinking

In the past, photography played major roles in both colonization and control. Various societies employed the use of photography as a means of communication. In the essay «The Work of Art in the age of Its Technological Reproducibility», Walter Benjamin tells us about the rise of Nazism and the Nazi propaganda in Germany between 1935 and 1936, where photography played a central role. By use of photography and moving images (cinema), Adolf Hitler could directly confront the masses. With this confrontation power, he was able to pass and spread his message. The message could be perceived differently: either nationalism or revolution

Elizabeth Bishop In Words And Music Essay

On Feburary 10, 2011, I attended the “Elizabeth Bishop in Words and Music” classical concert, wherein three composers wrote new music to celebrate the life of the poet Elizabeth Bishop. I also saw the “Mozart’s Jupiter” concert on March 24, 2011, both of them taking place at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium in the Dalhousie Arts Centre in Halifax, which was a beautiful location, full of many different sculptures and interesting architecture.
The Symphony Nova Scotia provided an excellent presentation; their musicianship was full of commitment and passion, and their discipline under the baton of the conductor was incredible

Admission Essay On Master Of Arts In University Of Hong Kong School Of English

I am writing this essay in order to formally announce my desire to join your Master of Arts in English Studies program. As a non-native speaker of the language, I have always been fascinated by English and its place in world culture. I have worked hard to learn the ins and outs of the language itself – how to use it, how to speak it, and so on. However, now that I have a firm grasp of English, my next step is to learn more about English literature, using this newfound knowledge of the language to find new contexts and discover its

Essay On Dental Hygienist Instructor


To utilize my education, skills, and experience to obtain a position as a dental hygienist instructor at the collegiate level.


State of Georgia Dental Hygienist License

Current CPR Certificate from the American Heart Association

Member of the American Dental Hygienist Association


Dental Hygienist, Charles C. Dimling, D.D.S., Marietta, GA

Instruct patients in good oral hygiene habits

Perform digital x-rays

Soft tissue management

Work chair side with dentist during examinations

Use dental software such as Eaglesoft, Dentrix, and Softdent to manage patient assessments and records

Taught seventy-five hours of Clinical Dental Hygiene I and II

Utilized Microsoft Office PowerPoint to prepare and

Creative Writing On Business Writing

I’ve successfully worked as a restaurant manager for an approximate period of two years at the Arang-Korean restaurant where I was able to use daily operation data to investigate and create a statistic program in Microsoft Excel which optimized the business management system and cut down the inefficient time by 2 hours per day. I also collected and compared income and disbursal data, cut down the unnecessary cost by 10% and further mediated problems between customers and servers, accommodated customers, and expatiated within reason.
This kind of resilience and sense of responsibility has up to date enabled me to

Course Work On Poems By Maya Angelou And Langston Hughes

“Still I Rise”, “Phenomenal Women” and “Alone” are one of the well known works by Maya Angelou, and all three are associated with the reflections of human nature with two of them dealing with women specifically. If we read the biography of Maya Angelou we will relies that in all three poems she has actually highlighted the issues that she has faced in her life which were basically related to racism, sexist image of women and the desire to go away from the evils of the society.
The beauty lies in the internal character and not the outer

Argumentative Essay On Joseph the Second and Frederick the Great


Benevolent despot refers to an authoritarian rule which is characterized by kindness and generosity. It also refers to enlightened absolutism which is a situation when rulers are influenced by enlightenment. Enlightened monarchs tended to allow religious toleration, freedom of speech and the press and right to hold private property. Most of them fostered arts, sciences and education.

Fredrick II, The Great had ideas of the French enlightenment in his youth and maintained the ideas throughout his life. Fredrick declined to endorse the Pragmatic Sanction of 1713. This was an idea which was very common with the enlightened monarchs and absolutists

Letter Of Reference Essay

Recommendation for Sam

With all gratification, I confirm that I have known Sam for three years. During this period, she has been my student in Race & Racism course and Marxist theory as well. Just as a teacher knows his student, I have interacted and known a lot about her.

Sam’s participation and contribution in class is well beyond measure. Her research skills are superb and her interest in finding information on child abuse and human trafficking explains her strong concern about the victims of the above. Her critical thinking, arguments and methods of analyzing a given subject matter reveal her academic maturity. All this

Critical Thinking on Careers and Career Management

To the extent that we all need to brand ourselves as part of a career strategy, how do you plan to solve the branding and differentiation problem?

In order to take the most rational steps on one’s career ladder, some preparation should be made. Undoubtedly, Alan A. Andolsen in his article ‘Six Steps to Your Succesful Career Path’ provides readers with very useful pieces of advice which are most likely to lead a person to success when choosing a career. I personally absolutely agree with the fact that the only true way to great heights may be found after the appropriate self-assessment and defining your place in desirable career hierarchy. What is more, networking may serve one a perfect tool for differentiation of the most coveted job as

Role of Scavenging in Waste Management Processes as a Sustainable Development Critical Thinking

The problems associated with scavenging are so vast that the position of scavengers needs to be reconsidered. As much as the importance of scavengers should not be under-looked, it is true that serious measures need to be taken.

The major role that scavengers perform is, the reduction of the amount of waste, as they collect and sell some of the waste materials thereby encouraging recycling. They also provide the work force that is needed in garbage collection. This acts as the major source of their livelihood. However, when waste is managed in a proper way, there is likelihood of job

My Future Career in Business Personal Statement

I would like to re-enrol at MBA this year as I am dedicated to my studies and my future career in business. I failed my year due to unforeseen health circumstances, which are now vastly elevated.

I failed the course as I didn’t do well in the exam, due to ill health on my part. Specifically, I had a medical problem causing deafness in one of my ears. This condition resulted in my having frequent headaches, and I was unable to hear clearly; these symptoms interfered severely with my studies and I found it impossible to properly concentrate on

My Daily Routine or My Daily Life Paragraph: As a student, we must adopt an effective daily routine to be successful in life. In this article, you are going to learn 4 paragraphs on ‘My Daily routine’ or ‘My Daily Life’ (100, 150, 200 and 250 Words). All the paragraphs will be useful for students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s get started.

I am a student. A student must follow a definite mode of living. I pass my days according to certain rules and order. Of course, my daily life is nothing exceptional to interest one. I get up quite early in the morning. I have some morning walk. After taking my tiffin, I go to study at least for three hours.

At about 10 a.m. I get up from my study. I have my bath and lunch and start for school at 10.30 a.m. After school hours I return punctually. After taking my tiffin, I go to play for an hour or two. My evening study starts at 7 p.m. After my Dinner, I regularly go to bed at 10 p.m.

Paragraph on My Daily Routine

Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life

Paragraph on  My Daily Life: 150 Words

I am a very disciplined and punctual student. I get up early in the morning. I wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. I go out for a walk and come back home after half an hour. Then I take my breakfast. After that, I read my lessons and do my homework up to 9 a.m. I have my bath at 10 a.m. Then I take my lunch and start for school.

At school, I read and write with my classmates. I come back home at half-past four. I take some food and drink a glass of milk too. I play games with my friends in the afternoon. In the evening I do my lessons. I take my dinner usually at 9 p.m. Then I say Good Night to my parents and go to bed.

Paragraph on  My Daily Life

My Daily Routine Paragraph: 200 Words

My daily routine is very simple. Every day I get up early in the morning at about 6 am. I brush my teeth and wash my hands and face. Then I got out for a walk in the open air and come back home after half an hour. Next, I have my breakfast. I do my homework till 9 am. Then I have my bath and put on my school uniform. My mother serves me a meal at 10 am.

After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle with my friends. I attend my classes attentively. I seat in the front line of my class so that I can follow my teacher well.  At two I eat my tiffin. The school breaks up at 4 pm and I get home soon after. Then I take a rest for some time. In the afternoon I play games with my friends in the park.

In the evening I come back home and eat my snacks. Then I prepare my lessons and do the homework till 9 pm.  At around 9 pm I have dinner with my family and watch the news on TV. I go to bed at 10 pm. This is my daily routine.

Also Read: Paragraph on Discipline in English

My Daily Life Paragraph: 250 Words

A daily routine is an account of time spent in a day. As a student. I have also a daily routine to follow. Usually, I get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. After brush and wash, I walk to an open field nearby and space up and down for several times and practice some physical free-hands.

Back home, I have my breakfast and tea. Then I sit to read till 9 a.m. At the reading table, my first job is to rub up what I read last night. I then revise my home task. Then the clock strikes 9.30 for me to take bath. After that, I dress and do have my lunch, go out for school and drop in the class at 10.30 a.m. Our school works till 4.30 p.m with a recess after the fourth period.

At school, I have been always attentive to my teachers. If any difficulty, I get it explained clearly. In the off-period, I spend most of my time in the library, reading reference books on different subjects. I read also the dailies. After school, I get home back and take tiffin and tea. Then I go to the playground to play with my friends.

Getting back, I take a thorough wash after which I sit at my lessons for the next day. At 10.30 p.m usually I sit with TV. I normally go to sleep at 11 p.m. This is what I call my daily routine for weekdays. On holidays I enjoy a family outing.

Read More: 
1. Paragraph on Early Rising
2. Paragraph on My Best Friend
3. Paragraph on Science in Daily Life

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    George Washington Crossing the Delaware

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    The painting, George Washington Crossing the Delaware is an intriguing and well-done portrait of one of the most crucial occasions in American history. The painting depicts the American revolutionary forces as they cross the Delaware River on their way to fight an important battle against the British army. There are a number of important and fascinating details of the painting that suggest important historic details and also serve to enhance the appearance of the painting. The most interesting thing is…

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    BeachGovernmentInternational RelationsWar

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    Under the Blood Red Sun Character Journal

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    Character Journal Billy’s mom I believe if you teach your children well, they will be good as well. At the same time let them know what the bad is, and why they shouldn’t follow it. I can see the Wilsons dislike the Japanese that live here, just like all the fellow Americans. I guess with me working at the hospital I have been able to speak and assist all types of people in need. A particular individual is not bad…


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    Types of Power

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    After watching the tutorials on power, I have found that there are more types of power then I thought of previously. Some of these seem to be effective, while others seem to be less effective. The ones that I find to be the most effective are Referent and Expert. There is much benefit in a hard working approach to power, such as with the referent form of power. You ensure that thing get done in an easy and fair manner.…


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    Training Methods

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    Organization effectiveness can be achieved by acquiring new skills and enhancing learning by groups on how to perform specific tasks. Group performance is improved by practice of group new skills and by study of team dynamics which is as a result of Training and Development among groups. With group, learning becomes faster and there is an increase in productivity and job satisfaction. Group helps in solving complex problems that can not be achieved by individual, provide creativity, generate understanding, acceptance,…


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    The Tiger Who Would Be King by James Thurber

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    In this story, the tiger is depicted as being selfish. He seeks his self-interest even though his actions finally make other people/animals in trouble or even die. He does not care for common well-being or general welfare. For example, the tiger wants to be «king of the beasts» so he battles the current king, the Lion, which leads to a confusing battle of all the creatures in the jungle. The tiger is imaginative. In one passage, the tiger even imagines…

    Free EssaysTiger

  • 16

    Life Without Television Essay

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    A discussion of the positive side of television.There was once a great philosopher who stated that religion is the opiate of the masses. i believe that this holds true even today. Except what keeps people in a daze is television. Television is rarely used for any good today, for example, do you really think that full house is an intellectual stimulus? hell no. TV is designed to be brain candy for the weak-minded and ignorant. The internet is more useful…


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    Synthesis of Nylon

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    Nylon is a polymer which contains an amide group regularly interspersed along the repeat units of the polymer chain. Nylon 6/6 is the most common type of Nylon, it contains an amide group after every 6 carbon atom.  Due to the presence of the amide group the Nylon polymer is highly polar in nature, and due to its high polarity Nylon acquires a crystalline structure.  The sequence of atoms as shown in the diagram repeats over and over hundreds of…

    ChemistryMaterialsOrganic CompoundsTechnology

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    This paper takes a brief look at the quality of sportsmanship in the contemporary world. Sports are an involved part of today’s society. The ways that the athletes act are an important part of playing sports. Sportsmanship is found in every single sport there is. Whether it is professional football or the local little league, players on each team should have a certain respect for the other team. Yet, many people still question the ethics of professional sports. Do these…


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    Soap Note

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    Pt. is an 83yo female admitted to hospital 10 days ago with dx of Bronchial Pneumonia. Admitted to SNF 2 days ago with balance and strength deficits. Pt. lives alone in a first floor apartment with 2 steps to enter with bilateral rails, and was relatively healthy prior to hospital stay. Pt. still drives and has a daughter who lives in the area. S. Pt. states ”I feel pretty good but am unsteady when I sit up in bed and…


  • 20

    Reflection from the Movie Pluma

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    As the movie “Pluma” was showed to us, I suddenly realized that there were two major murders that happened in Philippine history. Rizal’s death so along with the country’s death but only the country survived the murder, as a result the fellow men help cure the country by loving, fighting and dying for it and Rizal as an inspiration for us Filipino’s to be homogeneous based on interest and culture and most of all to be patriots. Pluma, showed how…


  • 21

    Racism in euroropean football Essay

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    Medieval football lucifers involved 100s of participants. and were basically pitched conflicts between the immature work forces of rival small towns and towns frequently used as chances to settle old feuds. personal statements and land differences.The much more disciplined game introduced to Continental Europe in 1900s was the Reformed interest of the British nobility. Other European states adopted this signifier of the game. associated with Victorian values of fair-play and retrained enthusiasm. Merely two periods in British history have been…


  • 22

    Quality of Education in the Philippines

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    When we say “education”, we mean academic achievements is not it? ; academic awareness and information on every specific subjects of life learn from mainstream schools and universities and not learn outside the mainstream schools and universities. Thus, when one learn something outside what the mainstream schools and universities teaches and share it to others, one is despised as a non-educated person or one’s gain knowledge and information is baseless and rubbish and cannot be accepted like a bastard child…

    EducationHuman NaturePersonal QualitiesPhilippines

  • 23

    Pollution in Bahrain

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    Bahrain is located on the South shores of Arabian Gulf. It lays in between latitudes 25 and 26 North and longitude 50 and 51East . The country is 22km off the Eastern Coast of Saudi Arabia and slightly further from the Western coast of the Qatar Peninsula . The country is linked with Saudi Arabia through the King Fahad causeway which was opened in November 1986 . The state comprises of 36 islands with a area of 665 square kilometers.…

    PollutionSaudi ArabiaWater

  • 24

    Physical & Intellectual Competence of Children

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    What is needed to advance physical and intellectual competence?  It is essential to the growth and development of every child to advance their physical and intellectual needs. There are numerous ways to encourage this type of development. I offer a variety of activities that promote the advancement of the physical and intellectual competence of the children in my care. The following are a few examples: INFANTS: I often play «This Little Piggy» with them. This simple game helps them to…

    ChildrenFree EssaysToys

  • 25

    PATTS College of Aeronautics

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    PATTS College of Aeronautics is reputedly the country’s Number One Aeronautical College today. It was founded in 1969 then known as thePhilippine Air Transport and Training Services a joint venture of Filipino and American pioneers in aviation. The primary aim was to establish a manufacturing and assembly plant for training aircrafts. The secondary aim was to put up an aeronautical school to meet the needs of the air transportation industry, domestic or international. The unfavorable investment climate then prevailing at…


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    Optical Storage Devices

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    Optical Storage Devices • An optical disk is a high-capacity storage medium. An optical drive uses reflected light to read data. • To store data, the disk’s metal surface is covered with tiny dents (pits) and flat spots (lands), which cause light to be reflected differently. • When an optical drive shines light into a pit, the light cannot be reflected back. This represents a bit value of 0 (off). A land reflects light back to its source, Representing a…


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    Maynard Company Solution

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    ASSIGNMENT #3 ANSWER 1: ANSWER 2: Cash increased very much, because bank notes payables and accounts payable increased very much. And we can may be assume that there are also gains from the company’s activities. Thus, accounts receivable slightly increased, in parallel with the company’s activities we can also assume that company sales increased. Company is not in trouble with receivables. ANSWER 3: Retained Earnings didn’t increase by the amount of net income for the month because, Diane Maynard got…


  • 28

    The Marketing Mix – Colgate Herbal White Toothpaste

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    Product variety — Colgate Herbal White is part of the range of toothpastes offered by Colgate Palmolive in India, which is led by Its flagship brand Colgate Dental Cream (CDC). The brand was launched in 2001 and is essentially targeted at traditional consumers who seek natural ingredients (such as in semi-urban and rural towns) Quality – Being a popular segment product and an offering by Colgate-Palmolive quality parameters are thoroughly tested to ensure consumer satisfaction. Features – Herbal White promises…


  • 29

    Learning Teams

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    Effective leadership is not obtained by using one style of management because every situation requires a different form of management that should coincide with the follower, the leader, and the environment of the situation. The concept of leadership does not conform to the idea of one-size-fits-all because every team, situation, or event has different characteristics, which entails that the management style should coincide with the condition of the people or organizations that have to be led (George & Jones, 2004).…


  • 30

    Lamp at Noon Summary

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    The story starts with a woman lighting a lamp during a dust storm on a farm. The lady looks out the door and window, commenting on the thickness of the dust, then moves back into the house to tend to her baby. When her husband walks into the house, she shows a level of weakness. She complains to her husband, Paul, about the hardships she has to face as a farmer’s wife on this desolate land. She offers to ask…

    Free Essays

  • 31

    Introduction to PeopleSoft Application

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    The United Nations Development Programmes is an international organization targeted at helping developing countries achieve a high level of growth and potential. The PeopleSoft Application is one of the numerous applications that have been implemented to help achieve their business functions and enhance the effectiveness of their daily business processes. The PeopleSoft Enterprise application was developed by Oracle Corporation to address the dynamic business requirements of most organizations. It is targeted at improving general business performance and offers a wide…


  • 32

    Impact of Globalisation on Folk Culture Essay

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    It has been experienced that every measure of motion towards economic. political and cultural modernisation. taken by the province in India. is responded to by the people with an enhanced sense of uneasiness and consciousness of individuality. Cultural modernisation. sponsored by the forces of globalisation. is resented if it encroaches upon or does non advance the nucleus cultural values of society. its linguistic communication. societal patterns and manners of life. The energy of the renewed sense of self-awareness generated among…


  • 33

    Human Resource Management Approaches

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    Human Resource Management (HRM) is a planned approach to managing people effectively for performance. It aims to establish a more open, flexible and caring management style so that staff will be motivated, developed and managed in a way that they can give of their best to support departments* missions. Good HRM practices are instrumental in helping achieve departmental objectives and enhance productivity. For the purpose of sharing experience and providing reference in launching HRM initiatives, we have gathered in this…

    BusinessHuman Resource Management

  • 34

    The Glass Menagerie Pages

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    This paper discusses the following symbols used in Tennessee Williams’ «The Glass Menagerie»: The blue mountain, the glass menagerie, the fire escape and the unicorn.Mirroring, the social and economic despair of the thirties in the U.S, «The Glass Menagerie» in nostalgia for a past world and its evocation of loneliness and lost love celebrates, above all, the human need to dream. Amanda Wingfield resents the poverty — stricken neighborhood in which she lives, so much so that she needs to…

  • 35

    GEN 105 Analyzing Internet Sources

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    Gen 105 Analyzing Internet Sources 1. What did you learn? This lab was very beneficial in teaching me the importance of making sure an internet source is reliable or credible. Not to assume an internet source is reliable due to the fact it can be factual but can also an open source. Furthermore, because it is an open source some information posted can be by anyone, expert or not, is not reviewed or monitored so to be careful when researching…


  • 36

    If You Find a Path with No Obstacles, It Probably Doesn’t Lead Anywhere

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    This quote “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. ” I think that this quote means certain people’s dreams come true, because imagine living life without any problems, imagine finding success without having to face failure. Imagine what such a life would be. I think this quote holds the truth of life. Of course, not having to run into mistakes would be a dream come true for me. But at the same time, it…


  • 37

    Financial Advisor

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    Financial Advisor          To protect cash flows, a significant number of companies change to last in, first out (LIFO) inventory to reduce their present and future tax liabilities ( SMITH & SKOUSEN, 1992) Based on the situations given, since the business sales are good, the company may use last in, first out method of inventory (LIFO). The said method minimizes the business tax obligation because the costs of goods are usually high and therefore produces lower profit.  Lower profit means…


  • 38

    Explain the Need for Record Keeping and Describe the Types of Record Keeping

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    Records need to be maintained both to support the teaching and learning process and also to satisfy the requirements of the organization one works for as well as inspectors, auditors, and verifiers The information contained within these record helps to measure learning and to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of a course overall. They aid the teacher in structuring their course and tracking the achievements and progress of learners from when they began through to their completion. Information and data…


  • 39

    Everything and Everyone Is Your Teacher

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    In the short essay “Everyone and everything around you is your teacher” by Ken Keyes, the main audience is everyone. Anyone can read this and relate, no matter how young or old. The line that interested me the most was when the author quoted “Conversely, what we dislike most in others may also reflect some trait within ourselves that we weren’t aware was there. ” This line is my favorite because it brings light to the subconscious part of our…


  • 40

    What is a Dysfunctional Turnover in a Company

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    Dysfunctional Turnover: Dysfunctional turnover is the exact opposite of functional turnover, as the best employees leave. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but a common cause is the low potential to advance. “Dysfunctional turnover” is when your best people are leaving, instead of your worst performers. The opposite of that situation your worst performing employees are leaving, and you’re retaining your superstars is referred to as “functional turnover. ” In both cases, the actual rate of turnover is…


  • We’ve found 763 250 word essay Examples

    FAQ about 250 word essay Examples

    Why Do I Come School?

    …I come school to play with my friends when I can because I can not go by their house to play with them, because I do not know where they live. I come school to see my teachers because I can not go by their house and talk to them, because I don’t kn…

    The Tiger Who Would Be King by James Thurber

    …Moreover, the tiger has subjective thoughts. According to the passage, the tiger said that “We need a change,» and «The creatures are crying for a change». In reality, there was no one crying. The reader can see from “The tigress listened but she…

    What is a Dysfunctional Turnover in a Company

    …They may simply be bored with their duties. Or if you’ve made major changes to your policies or work environment, such as cutting fringe benefits, curbing flextime, or demanding additional hours with no extra pay, good workers may hunt for other jobs…

    In order to learn how to write a perfect 250-word essay, an academic undertaking requires an author to observe specific standards of academic writing. Basically, these standards include following the introduction-body-conclusion outline and using the MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, or any other format. In this case, students write the introductory paragraph that concludes with a thesis statement, which serves as the central pillar of entire papers. Moreover, a 250-word essay is different from a one-page paper in many ways, including formatting. While a one-page paper adopts the single-spacing format, a 250-word essay follows the double-spacing approach. Regardless of these differences, both types of essays must incorporate evidence to establish credibility. The evidence appears in body paragraphs and must align with the Sandwich Rule. In concluding essays, writers must restate the thesis and summarize the main themes without introducing new information.

    Basic Principles

    Writing is an exercise that requires an understanding of some basic rules of academic writing. In particular, these rules apply to any scholarly documents, where authors aim to present credible information on specific topics. Basically, writers should research widely on their topics and incorporate findings of research studies. In writing a 250-word essay, students should be specific on what they want to communicate if they intend essays to be scholarly texts. Unlike long papers that require authors to write an outline for purposes of organizing their thoughts, a 250-word essay is short. It only requires students to focus on the information they want to deliver. Hence, the use of sources in this type of essay is limited, and, if used, they must be relevant to the writer’s point of view.

    How to write a perfect 250-word essay

    Definition of a 250-Word Essay

    By description, a 250-word essay is a short academic text that provides information on a specific topic. For an essay to meet the threshold of a scholarly text, writers must provide a thesis statement that captures the author’s central arguments or claims. In this case, anyone interested in knowing how long is a 250-word essay would only need to locate the writer’s thesis statement. Moreover, the structure of a 250-word essay entails an introductory paragraph, a body paragraph or paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Unless it is necessary, a writer may not provide headings and subheadings in this type of paper. Such work only covers a single page when written in the double-spaced format by considering how many pages is a 250-word essay. Therefore, a 250-word essay has from three to four paragraphs with minimal headings and none subheadings.

    A 250-Word Essay Example: Healthy Lifestyle

    If someone wants to understand what does a 250-word essay look like, check the sample:

    Sample: Introduction

    The growing cases of obesity in the United States have become a source of concern to health professionals and the government at all levels. Basically, this context has seen the medical community invest in research, with several studies highlighting the health risks that individuals face when they become obese. In turn, the findings of these studies show that a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy food and maintaining physical fitness, is the most effective intervention against becoming obese.

    The word count of the introduction paragraph is 78 words.

    Sample Body: Obese-Related Complications

    The United States has a high number of fast-food restaurants, which contributes to the rising cases of obesity. Basically, this situation has predisposed a majority of Americans to junk food, especially teenagers and young professionals. For instance, several studies have established that obesity results from unhealthy diets, including fatty and junk food (evidence). In this case, these foods not only predispose individuals to being obese but also at risk of developing health complications. Moreover, the most notable obesity-related complications include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and others. In turn, the lack of physical exercise is also a factor contributing to the current trend of obesity.

    The word count of the body paragraph is 107 words.

    Sample: Conclusion

    There is no doubt that, in order to reverse the current trend of obesity in the US, Americans must stop eating unhealthy foods and develop a habit of exercising regularly. Without regular physical exercises, the human body stores up fat that ends up blocking blood vessels and other complications. As for the recommendations, Americans must adopt healthy lifestyles to reverse the current trend of obesity.

    The word count of the conclusion paragraph is 65 words.

    Thus, introduction + body + conclusion parts = 78 + 107 + 65 words or 250-word essay.

    Review of Writing a 250-Word Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

    Paragraph 1: Introduction with a Thesis Statement

    The first paragraph of the sample paper of the 250-word essay titled “Healthy Lifestyle” is the introduction. Basically, the opening section allows readers to know what the essay is all about. In turn, this part starts by establishing a context for the essay: the rising cases of obesity in the United States and the confirmation by research studies that obesity is a health risk. Then, the paragraph concludes with a thesis statement – maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this case, the main sentence includes eating healthy food and maintaining physical fitness, being the most effective intervention to becoming obese. To make the statement significant, the writer bases these ideas on research findings. Moreover, the total word count for the introduction paragraph, without the title, is 78 words. Hence, the length makes the introduction part slightly shorter than the body paragraph, which is acceptable in academic writing.

    Paragraph 2: Body

    The second part of a 250-word essay is the body paragraph that talks about health complications associated with obesity. Just like in the introduction, the writer begins the paragraph by establishing a context, which is the proliferation of fast-food restaurants in the United States. This context helps students to understand the source of obesity in the country. Moreover, the author makes reference to research studies (evidence) on obesity to establish credibility in the text. As such, readers understand that whatever the writer talks about in the text is not informed by personal opinions but rather research findings. In academic writing, this aspect makes a text reliable. Hence, one can use it as a reference when writing a paper or contributing to an argument. In summary, the body section with the word count of 107 words provides information that strengthens the thesis statement in the introduction.

    Paragraph 3: Conclusion

    The last paragraph in the essay is the conclusion, which marks the end of the essay. In academic writing, the conclusion of a 250-word essay does not provide new information. Instead, it takes the most significant themes in the body of the paper and links them with the thesis statement. In the above essay, the writer begins by making a firm observation based on the content of the body section that is to stop obesity, while Americans must start eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. In turn, one can argue that the writer intends to establish the urgency of the central message. Hence, a conclusion part with the word count of 65 words provides a final appeal that marks the author’s opinion in the context of all the available knowledge. In the above essay, the writer’s concluding remark is that Americans must follow clinical recommendations about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Principles of Academic Writing

    The above 250-word essay is a scholarly text for several reasons. Firstly, it adopts the outline of an academic paper, including an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. In lengthy essays, the body comprises of several paragraphs with several headings and subheadings. Secondly, it has a thesis that helps to anchor the writer’s central message. Basically, the content of the body paragraph focuses on proving or strengthening the writer’s thesis. Thirdly, the author incorporates evidence in the paper, which appears in the body part. For instance, evidence helps to establish credibility, making the essay a scholarly text. In turn, the body paragraph starts with a topic sentence, which determines the direction of the entire section. As per the sandwich rule, the writer writes evidence to support the opening statement and then provides a statement that establishes the significance of evidence.

    Comparison Between Organizing a One-Page Paper and Writing a 250-Word Essay

    In academic writing, authors can choose to single-space or double-space their text. Basically, a one-page essay follows the single-spaced format, meaning the total word count should be more than 500 words. In this case, students can write different headings and subheadings in the body paragraphs to establish a logical flow to their arguments. For instance, in the MLA 8 format (Modern Language Association 8th Edition), authors many not put a title in the introductory and concluding parts. However, in the APA 7 referencing style (American Psychological Association 7th Edition) format, writers must put a title in these paragraphs. In a one-page paper in whatever format, students must put headings (and subheadings if necessary) to create a logical flow in their text. In short, the most significant characteristics of a one-page paper that distinguishes it from writing a 250-word college essay are single-spacing, including the word count.

    Other Features

    In a 250-word essay, the notable feature is double-spacing, which ensures the total word count on a page does not go beyond 250 words. Basically, this type of essay’s primary distinguishing feature is that it uses minimal headings. Sometimes, there are no subheadings in the body. In this case, the basis of the outline is the limited number of words, an aspect that demands writers to avoid unnecessary wording of the text. Another feature that sets apart a 250-word college essay from a one-page paper is the use of evidence to support the author’s central claim. As indicated, the need to avoid unnecessary wordings in a 250-word essay puts a demand for writers to limit the number of sources they incorporate in their texts. In turn, one can argue that this limitation in the number of sources premises on the need to satisfy the Sandwich Rule.

    So What?

    Based on these differences, someone may ask, “So what?” The answer to this question requires people to consider expectations before they start writing a 250-word essay. In many instances, people cannot call themselves writers who choose which format to use in writing texts because their instructors make this choice. However, if people have the freedom to choose, the above differences may influence the format they prefer. For example, students may choose to use the one-page paper format. Such work adopts a single-spacing format if they want to write their works on a single page. When it comes to choosing the format to use in writing a 250-word essay, the primary consideration that writers must make is word count. It would make no sense to write a 250-word essay in the single-space format.

    How to Write a Good 250-Word Essay for Different Educational Levels

    College or University Papers

    In academic writing, the demand placed for writers of texts depends on their level of education. In particular, this aspect means that a university student has a higher threshold than a high schooler in academic writing to meet the criteria of writing a 250-word essay. For instance, this threshold entails several elements, including language sophistication and level of research, among others. On language sophistication, college students must demonstrate mastery of the English language, particularly regarding their subjects. In other words, when writing about nursing, university scholars must write nursing terminologies in their texts to establish an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. On the level of research, university students must include evidence in their writing to build credibility. Hence, the higher the number of sources that writers use, the more their works become an outcome of thorough research.

    High School Essays

    In contrast, academic writing puts no pressure on high schoolers to use sophisticated language and in-depth research. Basically, the expectation is that writers in this level of education can demonstrate a logical flow of their arguments. In other words, writers in this level of education should not focus on appearing sophisticated but rather conversant with their topics when writing a 250-word essay. As opposed to using in-depth research to anchor their texts, high schoolers should use practical examples. Here, high school writers use observable phenomena to anchor their arguments. In turn, the reason for expectations for a university student and those of a high schooler is different. It is because the former must demonstrate an in-depth understanding, and the latter must show critical thinking.

    The Difference Betwen Academic Levels

    The differences between a one-page essay and a 250-word essay have nothing to do with the academic level. For instance, a university student and a high schooler can write their arguments through a one-page paper or a 250-word essay. In this case, the only difference between the texts of these two students would be the sophistication of language and the level of research that they incorporate in their writings. For college students, the elements that would demonstrate a sophisticated language include theories, models, concepts, and principles around the subject matter. In turn, a one-page paper would provide a writer with enough space to explore these elements. Hence, it is impossible to organize many ideas in a 250-word college essay.

    Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect 250-Word Essay

    There are no questions that academic writing requires some level of professionalism to make a text credible. As indicated, several elements characterize an essay as a scholarly text, including an outline and evidence supporting the author’s central claim. To anyone interested in writing a 250-word essay, the following tips are essential:

    • Pick a topic.
    • Develop a central claim (thesis).
    • Identify the audience.
    • Identify keywords.
    • Choose a format (MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, or any others).
    • Create an outline for a 250-word essay.
    • Research the topic to identify credible sources.
    • Write the introductory paragraph and ensure the concluding sentence captures the thesis.
    • Develop the body paragraphs and incorporate evidence.
    • Write the concluding paragraph and make sure not to introduce any new information. Writers should simply restate the thesis, summarize the main themes of the paper, and make a concluding remark.
    • The word count of the paper must be 250 words.

    Points to Remember

    1. The introductory paragraph in the 250-word essay must conclude with a thesis sentence.
    2. The introductory paragraph must establish the context of the topic.
    3. The body paragraph(s) must open with a topic sentence.
    4. Incorporate evidence in the body paragraph(s).
    5. Observe the Sandwich Rule.
    6. The concluding paragraph must not introduce new information but summarize the entire 250-word essay.
    7. Restate the thesis in the concluding paragraph and make a concluding remark.
    8. The concluding remark should indicate the author’s independent thoughts about what they have written.
    9. Ensure there are no grammatical errors by reading through the 250-word essay at least twice.

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    Learning English as a Second Language for Chinese Students

    Learning English as a second language, students should pay much attention to the relationship between environment and language as these factors are very important.

    Personality, Mood and Anxiety Disorders

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    Peer Assessment in Higher Education

    The students had to prepare their Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations on Geography and upload them to a central server of the school.

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    Police Subculture: Culture’s Factors and Performance

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    The pitfalls of introducing a new human resources information system at Queensland Health can be explained by inconsistent of steps taken to transform the previously established systems.

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    History from the inside out: Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century by L.Goldsmith

    For instance, in the Charleston prison, records indicated certain patterns of behavior among prisoners and guards that are unique to the correctional institutions.

    International Treaties and Emirati Law

    The person that represents the country in international relations is the President but the Council of Ministers is in charge of «supervising the implementation of judgments rendered by Union Law Courts and of international treaties […]

    ‘What Went Wrong? An Initial Inquiry into the Causes of the 2008 Financial Crisis’

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    IT & Networks for Business

    The main characteristics of the net generation are, they communicate using voice or data while on the move, they are internet savvy and are always connected either through WAP on the cell phones or Wi-Fi […]

    The Impact of Media on Children

    The positive impacts of media on children include educating them on various topics and life matters. Most of the information that the children learn on media is much more than what the parents alone can […]

    Elements and Characteristics of a Clinical Micro System

    A clinical staff may also apply other methodologies in order to offer directions on the management and assessment of patient’s needs. The person should be knowledgeable on specific area of specialization and also a team […]

    International Container Terminal

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    Webinars in Education

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    Social Welfare: Strengths and Weaknesses

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    An analysis on How Human Behaviour is shaped by Life Philosophies and Well Being

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    Grammatical Paradox in English Language

    This is because the latter statement does not necessarily refer to the material used to build the house but to the ownership and occupancy of the structure.

    Planning and responding to large scale disasters

    Leonard and Howitt point to the fact that the modern US legal sphere does not have enough regulatory aspects which could allow the government to construct the agency with could perform the role of the […]

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    Psychology Issues: Frigid Wives

    Additionally, this article shows that according to the norms, which existed during that time, sexual intercourse was one of the issues that could not be openly discussed.

    Literature Studies: “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” by Anne Fadiman

    The book called «The Spirit Catches You and You Fall» by Fadiman explores the views upon the illness and its nature from the anthropologic point of view comparing various healing techniques practiced by the professionals […]

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    Media Role in Patriarchy

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    Waves of Immigration to the United States

    Another large wave of immigration of the refugees of World Wars and disorders happening in the former Russian Empire occurred in the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of twentieth century.

    The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Information

    The history of Ritz-Carlton Hotel dates back to 1898 when Cesar Ritz opened the Carlton hotel in London. That left Ritz-Carlton to be a management company administering 38 hotels as a fully owned subsidiary of […]

    “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison Literature Analysis

    The place of the story is at St. Roberta is the protagonist of the story.

    “In Defence of Globalisation” by Jhagdish Bhagwhati

    In my opinion, the book is an attempt to analyze the movement in defense of globalization, and the criticism is based on a complex argumentation.

    Asian American Women and Marriage

    Marriage relationships amongst the Asian American women and the European Americans have become increasingly common in the United States. The conflict between gender systems profoundly affected racial hierarchies amongst the European American men and the […]

    Target Corporation Security Breach and Legal Consequences

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    The Novel “Passing” by Nella Larsen Literature Analysis

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    Excellent activities for a philosophy day event include debates and dialogues among people from different cultures and races, lectures about the connection between philosophy and culture, philosophical debates and discussions on self-reliance and individualism, and […]

    Aircraft Capacity in the UAE

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    Modern world of innovative technologies preconditions a wide usage of technological intervention strategies in the sphere of organizational development. According to this view, the appliance of behavioral intervention strategies in diverse environments is a crucial […]

    Interpersonal Interventions in Organizational Development

    The group interpersonal interventions are designed as mass discussions of certain subject matters that are aimed at the exertion and analysis of personal opinions.

    Approaches to Training and Development

    In case of a gap in the skilled workforce, due to lack of training, work becomes inefficient, and money is lost.

    Durham Industries Expansion: Statistical Analysis

    Thus, the GDP of Eastasia is stable compared to Oceana. The research finding showed that the gap between rich and poor is less in Eastasia compared to Oceana.

    “The Future Attempt” by Joseph Nye

    In «The Future Attempt,» Nye tries to summarize the ideas expressed in his earlier works and to perform a profound analysis of power’s character in the twenty-first century.»The Future Attempt» represents a systematic examination of […]

    Innovative Government’s Role in Economics

    Innovative governments are sustainable because they are efficient, and they help the citizens to come together for the common welfare. Therefore, governments should equip younger generations in all sectors of the economy with skills to […]

    Utilitarian Ethics Philosophy: John Stuart Mill Views

    This is one of the assumptions that underlie Mill’s logic. This is one of the principles that should be taken into consideration.

    Burgundy and Its Hospitality Industry

    It touches upon the relations between a host and a guest of a city, and the quality of such type of relations in Burgundy, France, deserves a special attention.

    Virtual Machines Technologies: Architecture and Benefits

    According to Smith and Nair, the perceptions held about virtual machines are discussed in the context of the software components that provide an abstract representation of the hardware on which machine instructions are executed on […]

    “The Guide: A Biologist in Gorongosa”

    Since the movie titled The Guide: A Biologist in Gorongosa sheds some light on the specifics of the Gorongosa nature and helps understand the connection between its key elements, it can be considered a rather […]

    “Let Teenagers Try Adulthood” by Leon Botstein – Youth Issues

    At the beginning of the article, the author explains the reasons for removing the so-called high school elite because this group does not contribute to the development of students’ personality.

    The Constitution and the African Slave Trade (1787)

    First of all, the document stresses the need to unite all the states with the purpose of unity of the people.

    Ultraviolet Light – Physics

    However, the wavelength of the visible form of light is between 0. The UV light has a shorter wavelength than that of the visible light.

    Hong Kong Textile and Apparel Industries Procurement

    The article «Strategic Procurement in Textile and Apparel Sourcing Companies in Hong Kong: A Practitioner’s Perspective» identifies different elements of procurement and strategic sourcing.

    Colonial Cities in America

    I agree with Smith and Chudacoff because most of the American cities were critical to the justification and timing of the American Revolution.

    Purchasing MRI Equipment for Nonprofit Hospital

    Given that the purchase of the equipment would involve a lot of money, it would not be appropriate for the team to use informal procurement process.

    Products Offered by Shops

    Different companies specialize in the manufacture and provision of different products to their customers. The bicycle store may also provide delivery services as products to its customers.

    Market Revolution and Urban Population

    The revolution touched the lives of both the poor and the rich in these urban regions. The rich members of society benefited the most from the Market Revolution.

    Greece in Travel Blog of Katrin Sif

    In the selected passage taken from the post on traveling in Greece, the author chooses to focus on such two important aspects as the Greek hospitality and the Greek people’s approach to philosophy which are […]

    Aviation Industry: Safety and Security

    In this regard, the project’s information would be of benefit to all the stakeholders in the aviation industry. After that, the literature highlight measures to be adopted to ensure that the safety and security in […]

    Chinese Democratic Dictatorship Essence

    Mao’s definition excluded western imperialists and oppressors who brought suffering to the people of China. The inspirational nature of Mao’s speech sought to mobilize people to support the communist regime.

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    It should be said that Islam gives certain solutions to these problems and, that is why the idea of Islamic strategic management seems rather wise.

    Comparison: Death of a Salesman and A Streetcar Named Desire

    In the Death of a Salesman, Willy, the protagonist, is lost in the illusion that the American dream is only achievable via superficial qualities of likeability and attractiveness.

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    The article The effects of customer and competitor orientations on performance in global markets is written by Zhou, Brown, Dev, and Agarwal, and it dwells upon an effective management model in the global hospitality market.

    FreshDirect Company’s Workflow

    In order to achieve the best results in managing the company’s work process, its leaders decided to introduce their delivery system to a set of modern computer programs and marketing tools that allow the customers […]

    Music Video “Mockingbird” by Eminem

    Considering family as one of the aspects of American culture, the music video Mockingbird by Eminem perfectly reflects the situation in the US society.

    Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care Settings

    Though it is impossible to find out whether changes are for the better, using a simple method of trials and errors is often much more beneficial than ignoring the possibility of choosing the new ways […]

    “Corporations and Workers’ Rights” by Shah Anup

    In the article, «Corporations and Workers’ rights», Anup argues that the living standards all over the world are reducing because workers are getting low pay for their labor.

    Tattoos Meaning in the USA Today

    Looking at modern popular culture devoted to tattoos, it is possible to state that the tendency to making tattoos on more visible parts of the body has occurred.

    Homosexual Marriage: Causes of Debates

    This question can be discussed with the help of scholarly sources that throw light on various peculiarities of same-sex marriage. On the whole, this research may show that there are no valid reasons to prohibit […]

    Children’s Adoption: Definition and Effects

    It is really important for the family to fell comfort as when parents are satisfied with adoption, adopted children fell this positive effect and they are comforted on the unconscious level.

    The Death Penalty Costs and Consequences

    It remains a dilemma why a criminal in the same country should face heavier judgement than another in the same country, yet they have committed the same crime. Crime should be punished with the same […]

    Toleration in T. Nagel’s “Equality and Partiality”

    He argues that the state has the right to enforce only those rules that are based on the values accepted by all of the citizens. Nagel shows that the government should show respect to all […]

    Judith Cofer and Rob Nixon: Immigrating to the USA

    By the time Nixon was immigrating to America, he had already decided to abandon all the childhood thoughts and experiences that he was extremely used to while in South Africa.

    Humans can only live happily if all their wishes are fulfilled. For this, they need money and a way to make money. As a human, we have to go through different stages of our lives and have different experiences. Before we can become an adult, we need to go to school. People start going to school when they are 3 to 5 years old. And this stage is referred to as student life.

    Short and Long Student Life Essay in English

    To know more about this important stage of life today, we will discuss Student Life in detail. Here, we are presenting Short and Long essays on Student Life with proper headings in English for students under word limits of 100 — 150 Words, 200 — 250 words, and 500 — 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Student Life will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

    Student Life Essay 10 Lines (100 — 150 Words)

    1) Student life is considered the golden age of life.

    2) It is the time to build a better future for ourselves.

    3) Student life gives you amazing and beautiful memories.

    4) The most important thing for a student to do is to study and learn.

    5) Student life has a big effect on the whole life of a person.

    6) As a student, life can sometimes be busy and hard.

    7) This stage shapes the personality of a person.

    8) Student life is quite enjoyable because there are fewer struggles.

    9) Our personality and character depend on this stage of life.

    10) We should enjoy and utilize student life as much as we can.

    Short Essay on Student Life (250 — 300 Words)


    Student life is the time a person spends in school or college to get an education. Students are the key to the success of a country. They are our country’s future. Being a student is one of the most beautiful and memorable times in a person’s life.

    Role of Student Life

    Student life is not only the best time of a person’s life but also the most important. This time will determine their future. Students are usually busy with school, homework, studies, classes, and learning new things. Students get to live on their own for the first time, and they also get to do most things for the first time as adults. They can carve out a bright future for themselves by utilizing this age.

    Significance of Student Life

    During this time, they learn a lot about life. Aside from school, they learn a lot of skills that help them to be more productive. A student’s personality can be made or broken by their time in school. When someone goes to school, they learn a lot about life. It helps you understand what life is all about.


    Aside from all the fun things we do with our friends and the good times we have together, most of our time as students is spent studying and making plans for a better future. Student life is a very important time, and every student needs to put his or her whole heart into it by working hard. You can’t go back to being a student, so enjoy it, and don’t be afraid to try new things.

    Long Essay on Student Life (500 Words)


    Student life is one of the most exciting and memorable times in a person’s life. During this time, we not only learn but also get a sense of who we are. No one will ever forget their time as a student, because it is full of knowledge, experience, fun times, and new things to try. Therefore, we can say that student life is when the seeds of a person’s life are planted.

    Student Life: A Golden Experience

    Student life is full of not only learning and education but also a lot of fun and memorable experiences. At this age, there are no worries about the outside world or responsibilities. Student life is the time when a person learns new things. During this time, a person gets ready for what will happen in the future. Some of the best things about being a student are getting to spend time with friends, eating, studying, joking, and having fun.

    Duties of Student Life

    The first thing students should do is work hard on their studies. A student’s most obvious duty is to show respect to their teacher and parents. They should avoid getting hooked on social media and mobile games. During this time, a student should work on building their personality, character, and behavior. When they get involved in different kinds of social work, they learn how to work together. They should also know how to deal with tough situations.

    Importance of Student Life

    Student life is an important part of every human’s life. People are young and have a lot of energy when they are in school. During this time, students learn good manners, self-control, and a positive outlook on life. This helps them become valuable members of society. It is a time when they figure out what is good and what is bad. A student should decide what they want to do with their life while they are in school. Student life is important as we learn how important friends are to us.

    Challenges of Student Life

    The term «student life» includes all the good and bad times a person has had in school. However, student life is full of challenges. Parents and teachers often put a lot of pressure on them to choose the right things for their careers. Some students may worry about life because they don’t get to understand all things properly. Because everything has a set time, it can be hard to keep up with school, work, sleep, family, and friends. You might have to balance schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and your personal life all at once.


    «Student Life» has shown us that this is the best time for a person because real life starts when you’re a student. Not just one person, but every single school student has their favorite memories from school. As a student, you should be committed to school and your studies. We should utilize the student life and make the best future for us.

    I hope the above provided essay on Student Life will be helpful in understanding different aspects of student life.

    FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Student Life

    Q.1 Who is a student?

    Ans. A student is someone who goes to school or another place to learn.

    Q.2 What are the factors that affect student life?

    Ans. Family background, learning environment, unhealthy lifestyle, etc factors affect student life.

    Q.3 What are the characteristics of a good student?

    Ans. Discipline, hard work, punctuality, confidence, responsible, etc are some characteristics of a good student.

    Q.4 When International Student’s Day is celebrated?

    Ans. 17 November is marked as International Student’s Day.

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