200 250 word essay

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In college, there are many instances where you may be required to write a 250-word essay – your application, exam questions, small writing prompts, etc. A 250-word limit may seem like a novel to some, but others find it difficult to get their point across with so few words. In this guide, we will look at a 250-word essay example, along with tips on how to write a great 250-word essay.  Bonus: Need to write a longer essay? See this guide on how to write a 500-word essay

The Basic Format of a 250-Word Essay

All essays consist of the same three parts: an introduction with a thesis, a body paragraph or body paragraphs that support the thesis, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes the overall essay.

In 250 words, you will most likely have 3-4 paragraphs in total, each with 50-100 words. This will allow for 3-5 concise but detailed sentences per paragraph.

A Step-by-Step 250-Word Essay Example

To help visualize this process, let’s go ahead and write a simple 250-word essay.  You’ll see our writing sample in green and our explanation of what we did (and what can be done) with each section in normal text.

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Without further ado, let’s get started on our essay!

TOPIC:  How has your family upbringing influenced your educational goals?

Step 1 – Write Your Thesis

Your thesis is the first thing you should consider in your essay. Simply put, it’s the main idea of your essay that will control everything else you write. If you could summarize the question in just one sentence, how would you do it?

For our topic  How has your family upbringing influenced your educational goals? our thesis will be:

My parents saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

Step 2 – Write Your Introduction

In the introduction, the first sentence can be a broad or general statement that sets the tone for the piece. It is usually supported by a second sentence that leads into the thesis. The optional third sentence may pose a question that the thesis aims to answer, or it may prompt the reader to think about the topic in a different light. The final sentence of the intro paragraph clearly establishes the thesis.

As a general rule of thumb, the introduction should go from broad to specific, sentence by sentence, gradually leading up to your thesis. Here’s a sample example of an introductory paragraph.

Parents are supposed to push you past your goals, or at least, that’s what I always believed. I was raised in the generation of “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” My parents did not follow that philosophy, and they saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

Word count:  Introductory paragraph, 64 words.


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Step 3 – Write The Body Paragraph(s)

Next, we’ll continue with the body paragraph. Remember, body paragraphs should support the thesis and be about 3-5 sentences or 50-100 words long. In a short essay you may opt for only one body paragraph but in a longer one you may need more.

So how should your body paragraphs support your thesis? Think of each body paragraph as an argument that supports it.

Working with our thesis  “My parents never saw the value of formal education and that’s what lead me to my educational goals”, then each paragraph could be about how not seeing the value of formal education led to the writer pursuing it.

For example, maybe the writer didn’t want to end up in the same work as their parents. Or maybe it was the parents’ lack of belief in the writer that pushed them to pursue a better future.

Let’s have a look at what a body paragraph can look like for our 250 word essay.

From as far back as I can remember, I knew I didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of my parents, at least not when it came to work. My father had worked on the family farm all his life and my mother had been a housewife since graduation. They were both content with the simplicity of their lives and wanted the same for me. I remember my father telling me that college was “expensive and a waste of four years”.  I knew however, that I wanted a career in the city that would be more challenging than simple farm life could provide. The only way to make that possible would be through formal education and a college degree. 

Word count:  Body paragraph 119 words. Total essay is now 181 words.

Step 4 – Summarize with a Conclusion

The final paragraph is the conclusion. You may start this paragraph with “To summarize,” “As evident by X, Y, and Z,”  or a similar statement that highlights the biggest points in your essay. Use the conclusion paragraph to sum up the main point of your essay using different words. The last sentence can be something broad that leaves the reader wondering. Let’s see how we can write a conclusion for our sample essay.

While my parents may not understand the value of formal education, I know it is essential for my future. This has helped me immensely, by making me realize that without strong parental support, I’m the only one who’s responsible for my own goals. In a way this has been the strongest source of motivation. And for that, I am forever grateful.  

Notice how we summarize the main point of the essay in the first sentence. We then connect the first sentence to the a conclusion we arrive at. Finally we end in an optimistic tone by stating how this has been helpful and we are grateful. Unlike the introduction paragraph, which flows from broad sentences to specific, a conclusion generally flows the opposite way, from specific sentences to broader concepts.

Word count: Concluding paragraph 61 words. Total essay is now 242 words. 

Sure, we came up 8 words short. But being that close should not be considered an issue. If for some reason you are required to write 250 words minimum, you can make the essay longer by sprinkling in a few extra words.

The Entire 250-word Essay Altogether

Parents are supposed to push you past your goals, or at least, that’s what I always believed. I was raised in the generation of “you can do anything if you put your mind to it.” My parents did not follow that philosophy, and they saw little value in a formal education. It was their lack of passion that led me to my educational goals.

From as far back as I can remember, I knew I didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of my parents, at least not when it came to work. My father had worked on the family farm all his life and my mother had been a housewife since graduation. They were both content with the simplicity of their lives and wanted the same for me. I remember my father telling me that college was “expensive and a waste of four years”.  I knew however, that I wanted a career in the city that would be more challenging than simple farm life could provide. The only way to make that possible would be through formal education and a college degree. 

While my parents may not understand the value of formal education, I know it is essential for my future. This has helped me immensely by making me realize that without strong parental support, I’m the only one who’s responsible for my own goals. In a way this has been the strongest source of motivation. And for that, I am forever grateful.  

Should I Write More Than 250 Words or Less Than 250 Words?

When a professor or college entry application asks for a “250 word essay,” 250 words is generally a rough guide. No one is going to fail you if you go over or under the limit by a few words. We’d say a good gauge is plus or minus 50 words. As a general rule of thumb though, try to stay as close to 250 words as possible without going too far over or under.

Here are some quick tips for writing a great 250-word essay:

  • Write the first draft from start to finish without any pauses. This will make the writing sound fluid, and you can make adjustments after that.
  • Avoid over-editing your work. Ideally, you should take a long pause between editing sessions so you can clear your head and come back with a fresh perspective.
  • Try not to think about the word count too much. Once you get in the habit of writing four 3-5 sentence paragraphs, you’ll find your words naturally get close to 250.
  • Don’t throw fluff sentences in your essay. Professors see right through those. Instead, think of an additional sentence to enhance the support in your body paragraphs.
  • If you feel like you have concisely and sufficiently answered the question below the word count, trust your gut. Most instructors will value quality over quantity.

The more 250-word essays you write, the easier they will become. Feel free to practice with free essay prompts online to train your brain to write with this rhythm. You’ll soon be able to whip out 250 words without checking your word count!


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Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons that have a linear or branched structure, containing only simple bonds. They include only single bonds between C-C atoms in a molecule, i.e., containing the maximum amount of hydrogen (Ackerman et al., 2018). All alkanes are substances that are similar in physical and chemical properties and…

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Implementation of Evidence into Practice

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A 250-word text usually takes about 1 page. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 250-word essay should include 1 to 2 paragraphs. In academic writing, a paragraph should contain at least 50 words and three sentences.

The easiest way to organize a 250-word essay is to use a standard 5-paragraph structure. The paper should start with an introduction: a hook, some background data, and a thesis statement. Then come three body paragraphs, each focused on one argument. The concluding paragraph is to contain a summary and a restated thesis.

It will take you about 5 to 10 minutes to type 250 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 1 hours for 250 words.

An average 250-word essay contains 2 to 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

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Animal Research and Ethical Treatment

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Topic: Ethics

Words: 255
Pages: 3

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Topic: Culture

Words: 255
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Topic: Business

Words: 256
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Words: 256
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Topic: Death

Words: 256
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Characteristics or Elements of Self-Control

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Topic: Psychology

Words: 256
Pages: 2

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Topic: Literature

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Probiotics Use by a Patient on Antibiotics

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Topic: Health & Medicine

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LPN and RN; Standards of Practice

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Pages: 2

Visual Learning and Ways to Apply It

The test What is Your Learning Style? gave me the following scores: Auditory: 25%; Visual: 40%; Tactile: 35%. It means that I am predominantly a visual learner. I have known before that I remember things better when I visualize them. I can memorize the position of a text fragment in…

Topic: Education

Words: 257
Pages: 1

Standard of Care in Healthcare System

Standard of care regulates the extent of the caution that the medical provider should follow to ensure patients’ safety. In situations when the standard of care is breached, causing negative implications for the victim’s health, the case can be tried in court. In the first step of the discussions of…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 1

British Colonization of America

Ronald Tanaki created the concept of two frontiers to describe the two places where Britain was actively acting during the colonization period – America and Ireland. Those places were crucial parts in the creation of the dichotomy between British “civilization” and the “savagery” of others (Tanaki 39). British colonizers considered…

Topic: History

Words: 257
Pages: 4

Nursing Role in Community Health Practice Settings

A community nurse may work in both clinical and non-clinical settings. For instance, in a hospital providing ambulatory care, they may play every role associated with the profession. As a clinician, they aim to promote health by applying their therapeutic skills and knowledge, striving to improve the overall community health…

Topic: Health

Words: 257
Pages: 2

Osteoporosis: Causes and Treatment

Osteoporosis is one of the most common chronic bone diseases of the metabolic system. It is characterized by the increased bone fragility. The development of osteoporosis is associated with age. Due to the aging of the general population, osteoporosis is becoming an important public health issue (Sozen et al., 2017)….

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 2

Factors That Caused Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a common mental disorder among the young males and females. Therefore, for this paper, I will be finding out the various effects of Schizophrenia on the young adults. Among the effects that will be further investigated include victims withdrawing from their peers and relatives, dropping out of school…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 1

Vaccination and Its Economic Implications

Vaccination is created to prevent the spread of various diseases. Child vaccination is an example of positive consumption externalities, as it not only protects the vaccinated child but also reduces the chances of the spread of infections in society (“Externality,” n.d.). Vaccination has become one of the most influential scientific…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 2

WHO’s Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

Ageism is a highly prevalent worldwide issue that affects both younger and older people. For that reason, The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a broad campaign aimed at combating this problem with the primary goal of providing equal opportunities to the population across the world. WHO defines ageism as discriminative…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 257
Pages: 1

Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering implies the scientific practice of adding DNA to living organisms to create new traits that do not exist naturally. In recent years, it has attracted particular attention as a substantive number of people believe that natural processes should not be interfered with. However, from a personal perspective, genetic…

Topic: Genetics

Words: 257
Pages: 1

COVID-19: Historical Lens and Wellness

Looking at events using historical lenses can be beneficial for gaining an in-depth understanding of issues. Currently, one of the central wellness problems discussed in the media is the COVID-19 pandemic. While the central problem today is to find a cure or a vaccine for the disease, it is also…

Topic: Wellness

Words: 258
Pages: 1

Whirlpool in the Sea off the Coast of Scotland Near Ayrshire Due to Waste Water

Description: Stunning drone images near Lendalfoot in South Ayrshire captured a glimpse of a mammoth whirlpool off the Scottish west coast. According to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the phenomenon is linked to recent rainwater that came into contact with wastewater, forming leachate (as cited in Parsons, 2021). The…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 258
Pages: 1

Demonstrating Intermodal Containerised Transport in North-West Europe

The video demonstrates intermodal transportation in North- West Europe by using two containers. The movie is about a multimodal experience comprising shipping two containers along the East-West corridor in North Europe using two different transport chains. The aim was to highlight the alternatives available to multimodal clients and show the…

Topic: Business

Words: 258
Pages: 1

Motorola: Absorption Costing and Variable Costing

Motorola is a manufacturer of smartphones, which it supplements with a unique system of accessories. As such, it uses cost-based pricing, with each unit costing a set amount of money to produce and selling at a fixed price. It can use either absorption or variable costing for its financial statements,…

Topic: Business

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia

Dementia can lead to a wide variety of psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety. The symptoms of depression are apathy, isolation, social withdrawal, impaired thinking, and concentration on the negative side of life (Kitching, 2015). The symptoms can be managed both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. The usual pharmacological treatments include anti-depressants;…

Topic: Dementia

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Urological Disorders in the Older Adult

One of the more common problems in older adults is urinary incontinence. Various etiologies can impact urinary incontinence, including bladder infection and urinary retention. Urinary retention is the inability to voluntarily void urine can both acute and chronic. Acute urinary retention is an emergency that requires decompression of the bladder…

Topic: Disorders

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Performance of Tesla Shares

Tesla, an American electric car manufacturer, hit record highs. According to Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) (2021), in 2020, the value of Tesla shares has grown almost tenfold – from $ 88.6 in early 2020 to $ 864.2 on January 27, 2021. Shead (2021) notes that much of this growth was driven…

Topic: Performance

Words: 258
Pages: 2

Meaningful Use Policy in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Recovery audit contractors (RACs) and electronic health records (EHRs) include highly sensitive information that should be managed carefully to avoid adverse outcomes. Careless management of this information can lead to leaks of private data, which may lead to significant legal and image problems. Thus, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 259
Pages: 2

Human Resource Planning and Return on Investment

There are many processes any organization has to consider when it tries to identify the goals and achieve them in a required period. Human resources planning is one of such processes. It is a kind of link that exists between HR management and strategic planning. People can use this process…

Topic: Business

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Information Assurance and the Role of Time

Cyber security and information assurance refer to steps taken to protect networks and computer systems from being disrupted as well as preventing unauthorized access (Sara, 2008). Cyber security and information assurance aim at providing three things: integrity, confidentiality and availability (Knapp, 2009). Integrity is enhanced through ensuring that users are…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 259
Pages: 2

Arsen Petrosyan’s Live Duduk Concert in Yerevan

Arsen Petrosyan’s live duduk concert took place in 2016 in Yerevan, Armenia. His contribution to the popularization of Armenian folk music can hardly be overestimated. Perhaps that is why he is often called the keeper of his people’s musical heritage. Having once chosen one of the most mysterious musical instruments,…

Topic: Art

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns

Rape is a sexual assault characterized by penetration into a vagina, anus, or mouth with a penis without the consent of the person. The causes of rape were studied extensively by Lalumière and Lalumière (2005) based on human and non-human behavior. The researchers concluded that rapists are usually not deprived…

Topic: Crime

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Seamless Implementation of Electronic Medical Records

Meaningful Use Meaningful use is a program developed by Medicare and Medicaid designed to provide incentives for the use of electronic health records with the aim of improvement of patient care. It is implemented in three stages: promotion of electronic health record adoption, emphasis on care coordination and patient information…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Public Health Interventions and Economics: Malaria

The case study advocated for the use of treated mosquito nets as an effective intervention for preventing malaria-related maternal deaths. An independent cost-effectiveness analysis of the intervention reveals that using treated mosquito nets is an effective intervention for reducing maternal deaths. The cost of a mosquito net is low, compared…

Topic: Health

Words: 259
Pages: 2

Aspects of IT Project Management

While analyzing this post, there is no doubt that the author successfully described the importance of IT project synergy with overall business aspects, such as strategy or categorization. Moreover, he clearly demonstrated the evolution of project selection methods, such as “focusing on broad organizational needs, categorizing the projects, using a…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 259
Pages: 1

Ability-to-Pay Impact on Healthcare Level

The idea of delivering the services of the best quality possible is central to the philosophy of any healthcare facility. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has set certain limitations concerning the quality of care for the U.S. citizen depending on their income. Although the idea of healthcare service quality…

Topic: Health

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Wounded Veterans Do Not Receive Proper Care: News Release

BOSTON – American veterans put their lives on the line to save us from enemies. However, when they return to civilian life, they find the transition difficult due to psychological and financial restraints. Boston’s Annual Wounded Vet Bike Run is aimed to support wounded veterans, gathering money for housing modifications,…

Topic: Entertainment & Media

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Chapter 11 of Special Educator’s Guide to Collaboration

This article discusses the importance of connections between teachers and the families of their students. It explores the dynamics of relationships between teachers and family members, and offers insights on how to address the challenges encountered. The article explores the importance of teacher-family collaboration in education, comprehension of family diversity…

Topic: Collaboration

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Philosophical Thought and Its Levels in Nursing

Introduction In medicine, as well as in general philosophy, there are different levels of philosophical thought. Without structure, understanding, and comprehension of various philosophical thoughts would be extremely limited. In this brief summary, we shall go over the four levels of philosophical thought, which are Metaparadigms, Conceptual Models, Theories, and…

Topic: Nursing

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Hospital Information Management Systems

Hospital information management systems (HIMSs) are vital for improving healthcare quality. Currently, healthcare organizations need to deal with a large amount of data that needs to be distributed among a wide variety of stakeholders. According to Ross and Venkatesh (2016), a HIMS is “an integrated information system which improves patient…

Topic: Hospital

Words: 260
Pages: 1

Negative Partisanship Increasing Reasons

Introduction Partisanship describes one’s devotion to a particular political party or movement, often based on the similarity of beliefs. This devotion can be both a positive and a negative force, informing one’s voting decisions in various ways. The problem arises when one’s vote is informed not by an agreement on…

Topic: Politics & Government

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Gain and Loss of Contingencies

According to FACB Accounting Standards Codification (n.d.), ASC 450 “Contingencies” covers the three topics of gain contingencies, loss contingencies, and overall. Gain contingencies are claims for the reduction in a liability or rights to receive an asset. It is noted (450-30) that the codification provides “guidance for the recognition and…

Topic: Economics

Words: 261
Pages: 2

Social Capital Decline and Role of Digital Media

Social capital is a highly controversial topic due to its complexity of measurement and ambiguity in understanding. According to Putnam (1993), one of the most famous scholars on social capital, its three main components are trust and other social values, moral obligations and norms, and social networks of citizen activity….

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 261
Pages: 1

The Fourth Amendment and National Security

It is a widely known issue that the U.S. National Security Agency possesses too much power regarding the spying and monitoring process, which directly violates the Fourth Amendment. The dominant of the American legal system, which considers that such an approach justifies the general safety, is more aggressive and dismissive…

Topic: Law

Words: 261
Pages: 2

Traditional Cultural Expressions in Africa

It is made from woven sisal fibers with decorations of different colors to signify social status and also purpose it is intended for. The item of expression is referred to as a ‘Kiondo’. A brightly colored Kiondo was used to attend dowry ceremonies, and the number of different colors used…

Topic: Culture

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Why Is Diversion Used in Juvenile Cases?

Diversion is a particular intervention practice of postponed prosecution under which youthful defendants or offenders are redirected to specific prevention and treatment programs supervised by private or public agencies. In such a way, young persons gain an opportunity to demonstrate that they are law-abiding. The central objective of these programs…

Topic: Law

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans?

Technology has taken a dramatic leap forward in the last 100 years, taking center stage in every industry. All the people in the world face technological advances: some are more affected by them, while others are confused by technology. Nevertheless, progress is happening almost every day, and the leading player…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 261
Pages: 1

How Color Affects the Desire to Buy

A number of factors, many of which interconnect, regulate consumer behaviors and change how people act. As a term, consumer behavior refers to the combination of actions, decisions, views a person holds when buying, using or disposing of products (Panaitescu). Depending on how products are presented, packaged, advertised or showcased,…

Topic: Business

Words: 261
Pages: 1

Serving Vulnerable Populations: Meals on Wheels

When it comes to caring for vulnerable populations, considering such characteristics as ethnicity, age, gender, and other socioeconomic factors is imperative. In the case of 66-year-old African American woman, JK, with hypertension, asthma, and type 2 diabetes, the largest barrier is her being located in a food desert and being…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 261
Pages: 2

Two Genres of Music: Rap Music and Jazz Music

Works Cited Gioia, Ted. Music: A subversive history. Hachette UK, 2019. Finkelstein, Sidney Walter. Jazz: A people’s music. Pickle Partners Publishing, 2018.

Topic: Jazz

Words: 262
Pages: 1

The US Subprime Mortgage Crisis

The US subprime mortgage has not only had an affect in the USA but also has spread across the globe. Thus, the direct risk exposure has spread well beyond the USA to Asian and European market. It has become essential to adapt a dynamic risk management tool to contain credit…

Topic: Business

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Manifest Destiny and American Expansionism

The term “Manifest Destiny” was coined in 1845; however, it was only a concise expression which embodied the mindset of the society, evolving through years. The concept reflected both the pride of American Nationalism and the idealistic perception of the social structure, which was connected with the strong religious influence….

Topic: History

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Federal Budget Process and Its Stages

Operating vs. capital budget A budget is a quantitative plan or statement that gives the details of projected expenditures during a certain period (Rabin, 2003). A typical budget contains details such as costs, expenses, revenues, sales volumes, and cash flows. An operating budget is a detailed statement of estimated revenues…

Topic: Budget

Words: 262
Pages: 1

The Guiding Principles of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice is an alternative view of the punishment of the offender and compensation for the harm of the victim, which rejects the classic criminal law approach to only punish the criminal. In other words, justice for the sake of justice is not the primary goal of law for the…

Topic: Justice

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Socialism Ideology Benefiting the Public Good

Under the ideology of socialism, a ruling class of social planners, intellectuals, and bureaucrats decides what is right for people and what they want. The coercive power of the state is then used for regulating, redistributing, and taxing the wealth of individuals who work to sustain their living. In many…

Topic: Socialism

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Identifying Health Care Fraud and Abuse

Health care fraud is a significant bother for all stakeholders, even though not everyone realizes it. On the one hand, fraud and abuse are associated with an increased cost of care. According to Drabiak and Wolfson (2020), up to 10% of all healthcare costs are associated with fraudulent reimbursement claims….

Topic: Abuse

Words: 262
Pages: 2

Philosophy of the Concept of Solipsism and How It Differs From Others

Throughout history, humans have tried to make sense of the world around them. Through observation, discussion, and theory crafting, individuals have managed to present specific ideas on the nature of broader concepts. Practices that study the fundamental aspects of human existence can be called philosophy. Many great minds have combined…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Trends Prediction of Big and Fusion Data

The article gives an overview analysis of the trend of big data in terms of increasing storage. Tang, Ma, and Luo (2020) mention that the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is accelerating the creation of quintillion bytes of data. The article indicates that big data is generated by…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Relationship Between Poverty and Health People in 2020

Poverty affects the health of individuals in that it leads to limited access to income, making the poor socially isolated, experience a lot of stress and have few educational opportunities. In return, this causes poor health, which increases risk factors for diseases. The health outcome depends on environmental factors and…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 262
Pages: 1

The End-Of-Life Care Regarding Covid-19 Patients

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is impossible to have end-of-life person-centric treatment at home and in care homes. Visors and facemasks users find it challenging to read or hear soft vocal sounds and crucial instruments for empathic communication. The pandemic has put a tremendous burden on the resources of treatment….

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 262
Pages: 1

Panopticism and Michel Foucault on Education

Michel Foucault was a French philosopher, writer, and political activist whose theories mainly revolved around the relationship between power and knowledge. Foucault’s thoughts have significantly influenced people, particularly on cultural and communication studies, as well as sociology. Educational institutions, specifically schools, are understood as panoptic spaces by social researchers. They…

Topic: Philosophy

Words: 262
Pages: 1

African-American President’s Influence on Black Community

Barack Obama being elected as the first African-American US president became a symbolic event for the entire country. It was especially valuable because such a turn must further prove the development of racial equality in the USA. Thus, the African-American community faced the election most actively and with the highest…

Topic: President

Words: 262
Pages: 3

Gender Stereotypes: Research Question

Gender stereotypes are common for any country even if it is an egalitarian society where women are seen as equals to men. Females are still seen as passive and submissive. It is believed that women should focus on domestic issues being ‘good’ mothers and wives. More and more females try…

Topic: Gender

Words: 263
Pages: 2

Biological Theory of Aging

Response to the Statement of the Patient As a matter of fact, not all the diseases are genetic. The mother and the father of the patient could have had the tendency to diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis; however, due to a number of factors, namely healthy…

Topic: Aging

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment in Career Counselling

Introduction Career interventions take various forms, such as career assessment, counseling, and group counseling, among others. Essentially, career interventions enable a) an individual to understand their interests and personalities, b) integrate occupational and personal knowledge in true reasoning to achieve a significant career decision, and c) acquire vocational information. Purpose…

Topic: Business

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Health Providers and Information Sharing

With the introduction of innovative information management tools for sharing patient data with providers and keeping it secure from third parties, the process of communication within the healthcare context has changed significantly. On the one hand, the levels of patients’ data security have risen noticeably, even with the presence of…

Topic: Health

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Major Factors That Undermined U.S. Reconstruction Efforts Following the Civil War

In general, Reconstruction aimed to restore the Union, enact progressive legislation, transform Southern society, and provide civil rights to former slaves. However, regardless of positive intentions and all efforts, U.S. Reconstruction was undermined in Confederate states and may be regarded as a failure. First of all, Southern states did not…

Topic: Civil War

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Analysis of the Industrial Revolution

Technological progress has always tended to improve the lives of people. Britain is considered to be the birthplace of the industrial revolution. Despite the fact that the population of Britain was much smaller than in other European countries, there were several reasons why the industrial revolution began in England. The…

Topic: History

Words: 263
Pages: 2

Policy Action for Veterans’ Health Care

When it comes to providing high-quality and affordable care for the US veterans, it is crucial to consider all aspects of this multi-faceted issue. On the one hand, using the expertise of Nurse Practitioners in giving health care to veterans is a viable decision while on the other hand, there…

Topic: Health

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Psychology and Mass Communication Theories

There are several mass communication theories that try to explain various influences as well as dynamics surrounding the diverse types of mass media and their effects on the public. The cultivation theory developed by George Gerbner attempts to identify the manipulation of television on the viewers’ perception of the environment…

Topic: Communication

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Management of Automotive Design and Development

Problem Definition The occurrence of variation in bore-diameter of B.G collar components is a recurrent multi-response optimization issue. In a boring operation, the B.G collar-component dimension of a roller-bearing superseded tolerance. Objective It is hoped to reduce to minimal the bore-diameter variation of the B.G collar component. The collar component…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 263
Pages: 2

The HealthSouth Company’s Financial Scandal

Based on the video, HealthSouth conducted a series of actions that unfortunately altered the book’s integrity. Firstly, HealthSouth intentionally falsified revenues and assets. As shown in the video, it was clear that fraud was manifested in the representation of the assets (Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2011). For instance, the…

Topic: Business

Words: 263
Pages: 2

Discussion of the Crisis of the 1770s-1780s

The beginning of the first studied cycle of the development of capitalism coincides precisely with this acute economic crisis, which had a broad international character. The crisis did not manifest itself simultaneously in different countries, but apparently, it was caused by common causes. This is the impossibility of further economic…

Topic: History

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Racism in Nivea’s “White Is Purity” Ad Campaign

In its recent international marketing campaign, Nivea used an advertisement to promote an antiperspirant that provoked a discussion in the media (Figure 1). Even though the advertisement’s image did not provoke any questions, the slogan “White is purity” was regarded by the public as rather racist, as mentioned in social…

Topic: Discrimination

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Transgender Disorders and Homosexuality

Both groups of factors – genetic and environmental – impact people’s choice of sexual orientation. There is a lot of evidence of both the genetic mechanisms’ and surroundings’ influence on people’s sexual preferences. However, between the two, the environment more responsible for such a choice. While some researchers consider genetic…

Topic: Disorders

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Animal Poaching: Threat to the Biological Diversity

Animal poaching – killing and capturing animals in their natural habitats in order to use them or their body parts for profit or protect crops or livestock – poses an imminent threat to the biological diversity. This issue has been a problem for many years as traditional monitoring techniques proved…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 263
Pages: 1

Poetry, Indigenous Identity, and Post-colonial Influence

History proves that storytelling is an efficient method of preserving, transmitting, and disseminating language and culture. The older generations teach the young ones their native history, traditions, and rituals by telling myths and actual events of their nation’s past. According to Justice, “they give shape, substance, and purpose to our…

Topic: Linguistics

Words: 263
Pages: 2

An Increase in SRT

The Goal of the Research The objective of the study was to find out whether an increase in SRT in complex responses was as a result of an increase in premotor time constituent, motor aspect or both (Christina & Rose, 1985). How the Goal Relates to My Research Any physical…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 264
Pages: 3

Nintendo Company’s Strategic Management

Introduction Nintendo is a Japan based Company founded in the 20th century by Fusajiro Yamauchi. This company specializes in the making of video games. An Analysis of the company Although this company had at first been founded to make playing cards, its innovation and excellent leadership has helped it become…

Topic: Business

Words: 264
Pages: 2

How Shakespeare Presents Macbeth as Being Influenced by His Lady Macbeth?

Shakespeare portrays Macbeth as a lady who influences her husband’s decision-making negatively because she is stronger, ruthless, decisive, and ambitious than the husband. In the entire play, the theme of ambition is demonstrated well and the character with a lot of determination comes out as the wife. The husband proves…

Topic: Macbeth

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Distinguishing the Advocacy of Nurses

Specialists in each of nursing roles, be it RNs, LPNs, licensed nurses, or unlicensed members of staff, regularly perform the function of advocates. A nurse advocate is defined as the person who provides active support to patients by defending their preferences and rights, helping them to make decisions, and guarding…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 264
Pages: 6

Researching of the Shoot System of Flowering Plants

The shoot system of flowering plants consists of leaves, stems, and bud structures, as well as flowers and fruit. The root system has mechanical and conductive functions. The mechanical role of the roots is to create a stable position of the plant on the surface. The conductive function is responsible…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 264
Pages: 3

“Workplace Spirituality, Employee Wellbeing and Intention to Stay” by Aboobaker et al.

Introduction Aboobaker et al. (2019) aimed to test how workplace spirituality affected teachers’ intentions to stay. The researchers designed a self-reported questionnaire and distributed it among 523 university teachers in India. The data received was analyzed using regression analysis and mediation to understand the relationship between the variables. The results…

Topic: Spirituality

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Fair Trade Organized Social Movements

The main purpose is to convince people to join the ranks of fair trade ambassadors. The audience consists of people who are not yet in the ranks of the ambassadors. They need to know that fair trade is an organized social movement that advocates fair standards of international labor, environmental,…

Topic: Economics

Words: 264
Pages: 2

The Rhetoric Approaches to Conveying Messages

After watching the video analysis of the rhetoric approaches to conveying messages, it has become evident why Ohio residents, along with other US citizens, expressed such respect and admiration for Dr. Acton. Her ways of sharing information are appealing to any fellow citizen, as she does not try to speculate…

Topic: Sociology

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated financial statements are a method of reporting finances in a specific scenario. These statements are primarily used by big companies that have multiple subsidiaries or divisions. When a particular company fully acquires another and claims ownership over it, a need to accurately report the assets, liabilities, expenses, and revenue…

Topic: Economics

Words: 264
Pages: 1

Counselor’s Professional and Ethical Responsibilities

Professional and Ethical Responsibilities are the responsibilities of the counselor to follow generally accepted ethical and behavioral standards of conduct and continuing professional development. In other words, these are guidelines and general criteria that determine the behavior of a person depending on his profession. It can also be defined as…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 265
Pages: 1

A National Childhood Obesity Prevention Program We Can!®

I have chosen We Can!® (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition), a national childhood obesity prevention program (We Can!®, 2011) for analysis. Childhood obesity has become a global epidemic for the recent years. From 12% to over 30% of children are estimated as obese in developed countries and from…

Topic: Childhood

Words: 265
Pages: 2

Education Issues: Differentiation and Technology

Differentiated teaching requires instructors to present content that is customized correctly for the range of children in each category, to instruct utilizing flexible methods that provide varying means for learners to interact with the content and with one another, and to offer learners a choice of techniques to document their…

Topic: Technology

Words: 265
Pages: 1

Philosophy of Care as a Nurse

For many people, nursing is a field that represents the very essence of caring and compassion. In such a challenging profession, it is vital to have empathy, and a desire to help those who cannot take care of themselves. However, nursing philosophy is much more complicated than this; it includes…

Topic: Health & Medicine

Words: 265
Pages: 2

The Benefits of UAVs and the Scope of Their Use

Introduction Unnamed Aircraft System consists of the unnamed aircraft itself and the equipment necessary for its remote control. The main advantage of an aircraft vehicle is the ability to operate independently or to be piloted from a distance. This makes the UAS an excellent tool for recreation and leisure, as…

Topic: Tech & Engineering

Words: 265
Pages: 1

The Death of 30 Chickens in the Car Accident

Today, on Monday, at about 6 pm, a terrible incident took place, which claimed 30 young chickens’ lives. They were headed to a new farm; there were about 300 of them in total. They were supposed to start a new round in Pilgrims Chicken’s development, but not all of them…

Topic: Vehicles

Words: 265
Pages: 1

Healthcare Issues: The Cultural Assessment Framework

Cultural assessment in healthcare is important. Different authors stress on various frameworks for assessment which may define many particular aspects. Having selected a gender framework for cultural assessment, we would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this specific method. To conduct an assessment in a correct way, it…

Topic: Culture

Words: 265
Pages: 2

Painting as an Expression of Social Protest

Throughout humanity’s history, artists have created their works to express their feelings connected with some events. They were inspired by nature, the beauty of a human being, or some peculiar processes for the period in which they lived. That is why each masterpiece can serve as the reflection of the…

Topic: Protest

Words: 265
Pages: 1

The Golden Age: The United States during Reconstruction

The Golden Age in the United States has seen many important changes and is characterized by the era of the country’s development taking place in the 19th century. It brought many social changes, caused by industrialization, immigration and urbanization, and a complete change of lifestyle in America which affect the…

Topic: History

Words: 266
Pages: 1

American Psychological Association Style in Studies

APA Style and Its Usage in Academic Writing The choice of APA style in academic writing is preconditioned by the fact that it allows a reader to quickly locate and identify the resources used for in-text citations. The presence of such indicators as an author’s name and the year of…

Topic: Psychology

Words: 266
Pages: 1

The Environment and Social Justice

Reflecting on the pollution issue in the heart of corporate districts where there is total neglect of the people living in the surrounding neighborhoods, one understands and appreciates the built environment’s impact on the quality of life. Exposure to pollution affects people’s lives health-wise, impacting the average lifespan. The built…

Topic: Environment

Words: 266
Pages: 1

Leadership Skills and Change Encouragement

While the importance of encouraging cooperation and promoting cross-cultural communication in the context of an organization is a crucial step in leading a team to victory, a leader must also possess conceptual skills. Northouse (2016) defines the subject matter as the ability to use ideas and concepts as building blocks…

Topic: Leadership

Words: 266
Pages: 2

The Egg White Denaturation as a Concept of Biology

Denaturation is the process of breaking down the secondary and tertiary structures of a protein by external factors such as temperature. As a result of denaturation, the complex spatial structure of the polymer is broken down to the primary chain of amino acids. Denaturation can be reversible when after returning…

Topic: Sciences

Words: 266
Pages: 1

Economic Development: International Trade Debate

The world is too difficult to judge of it categorically. People live within positive and negative conditions and the instinct for self-preservation drives people to take great pains in order to survive in cruel realities. In this respect I would like to mention that every material thing helps people promote…

Topic: Trade

Words: 266
Pages: 2

“The Body Remembers When the World Broke Out” Drama

“The body remembers when the world broke out” is a drama picture depicting two indigenous women who struggle with the stark realities that have beaten them throughout their life paths. This picture’s main topic is domestic abuse indigenous females face regularly due to their complexion or social backgrounds, which do…

Topic: Art

Words: 266
Pages: 1

Dartmouth College has two prompts for all applicants and a third prompt that applicants select from five different options. Many of them are short-response questions that will challenge you to be creative, with a wide range of topics.

With so many essay prompts, this application gives students ample opportunity to showcase your unique personality and narrative voice. This means that these supplemental prompts, more than many others, will give you the chance to make your application stand out.

See this animated Dartmouth College essay example to inspire your writing.

Dartmouth College Supplemental Essay Prompts 2021-2022

Prompt 1: Dartmouth celebrates the ways in which its profound sense of place informs its profound sense of purpose. As you seek admission to Dartmouth’s Class of 2027, what aspects of the College’s academic program, community, or campus environment attract your interest? In short, Why Dartmouth? (100 words or fewer)

Prompt 2: “Be yourself,” Oscar Wilde advised. “Everyone else is taken.” Introduce yourself in 200-250 words.

Prompt 3: Please choose one of the following prompts and respond in 200-250 words:

Option A: Labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta recommended a life of purpose. “We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things,” she said. “That is what we are put on the earth for.” In what ways do you hope to make—or are you making—an impact?

Option B: What excites you?

Option C: In The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, William Kamkwamba ’14 reflects on constructing a windmill from recycled materials to power electrical appliances in his family’s Malawian house: “If you want to make it, all you have to do is try.” What drives you to create and what do you hope to make or have you made?

Option D: Dr. Seuss, aka Theodor Geisel of Dartmouth’s Class of 1925, wrote, “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.” What do you wonder and think about?

Option E: “Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced,” wrote James Baldwin. How does this quote apply to your life experiences?

Prompt 1

Dartmouth celebrates the ways in which its profound sense of place informs its profound sense of purpose. As you seek admission to Dartmouth’s Class of 2027, what aspects of the College’s academic program, community, or campus environment attract your interest? In short, Why Dartmouth? (100 words or fewer)

With only 100 words or fewer to answer this prompt, you must convey your reason for choosing Dartmouth concisely. This is a classic “Why This College” Essay prompt, but with an added twist of testing of how eloquently and effectively you can illustrate your rationale. 

As an Ivy League college, Dartmouth has an obvious appeal to many applicants for its elite status. However, in order to differentiate your response you will have to be very specific on why you seek to attend this prestigious institution.  

Before writing, reflect on your academic and career goals. Pick the one or two that are most important to you, and research the specific resources available at Dartmouth that would help you achieve your goals.

It’s extremely important to keep the scope of this essay small, as you only have 100 words. That’s only 5-7 sentences!

Here’s an example:

A student wants to go into environmental policy and conservation. She hopes to major in Environmental Studies at Dartmouth. As a person of color, she appreciates Dartmouth’s emphasis on including diverse voices in environmentalism. She wants to get involved with Professor Chaudhary’s research on DEI in STEM and take courses like Indigenous Environmental Studies.

By using specific examples of programs offered at Dartmouth in your response, you’ll be able to show the admissions committee that you’ve done extensive research of the school and that it’s a good fit for you.  

Also remember that campus culture is a critical part of most universities. If you have space, mention one extracurricular that would support your main academic or career goal. For example, the above student could highlight Dartmouth’s outdoorsy culture and express interest in joining the Outing Club since she grew up near the mountains, and it’s what sparked her interest in environmentalism.

Overall, do your research and discover what makes you most excited to attend Dartmouth. Be cautious of generalized statements and try to provide the admissions committee as much detail as possible so that they gain a better sense of your personality.

Prompt 2

“Be yourself,” Oscar Wilde advised. “Everyone else is taken.” Introduce yourself in 200-250 words.

This prompt allows you to cover the key qualities that make you, you. As one of the most prestigious schools in the country, Dartmouth will receive tons of applicants from students around the world with impressive GPAs and extracurriculars – this is an essay all about standing out and illustrating why you would be a valuable addition to Dartmouth’s campus.

Dartmouth already has access to your Common App essay and your Activities section, so there’s no need to rehash your resume or entire life story. You only have 250 words, so try to distill your identity down to a few key qualities or experiences. 

It can sometimes be difficult or awkward writing about yourself, so maybe start by brainstorming with friends or family to get the ball rolling – What kinds of words would they use to describe you? How does your personality stand out from the rest of your friend group or siblings? 

Listening to how others describe you is a great place to start, but remember that your opinion of yourself is the one that matters most. You can write about yourself, your goals, your interests, how past life experiences have shaped you, etc. 

Formatting-wise, you can choose to speak to the reader as if you’re actually introducing yourself (which lends itself to more lighthearted content), or you can simply write more of a narrative piece (such as taking the reader through your day). You could also pick 3 words that describe you and provide specific stories that exhibit those traits. Don’t be afraid to get creative!

Prompt 3, Option A

Labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta recommended a life of purpose. “We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things,” she said. “That is what we are put on the earth for.” In what ways do you hope to make—or are you making—an impact? (200-250 words)

Different from the personal reflection prompts, this essay is asking you what kind of impact you hope to have on the world in the future. This prompt can be answered in a variety of different ways and largely depends on what your personal goals and passions are. 

When responding to this prompt you should first do a close reading of the quote to provide some further context for your response, “We must use our lives to make the world a better place, not just to acquire things.” Huerta specifies that we use our “lives” to make an impact, not just a single action. This implies that Dartmouth is looking for something long term that you are dedicating your time to that will make a positive impact on others. 

It may also be helpful to look into the author of this quote to discover what motivated them to say the quote in the first place – Dolores Huerta is a prominent civil rights activist who dedicated her life to advocating for the rights of immigrant and migrant labor workers. How might Huerta’s dedication to a life of activism align with Dartmouth’s core values? There are many ways to leave a powerful impact on the world, not all of which are through activism.  

The topic you choose does not necessarily have to be tied to your academic interests. For instance, you could be a Neuroscience major who also has a passion for education and volunteers as an English tutor at a ESL (English as a Second Language) school – aspiring to positively impact immigrant communities by providing them with the powerful tool of language. As long as your passion is long-term, you should be able to create a powerful narrative that will resonate with the admissions committee. 

However, if your topic does align with your academic or career goals, make sure that you explain in detail how it will improve the world around you. Perhaps you want to be a MD-PhD who does cancer research specializing in treating low-income patients? Or maybe you want to be a speechwriter for politicians and world leaders whose words will help to change the world. 

Whatever you choose to write about, be sure to narrate to the admissions committee how your topic contributes to the betterment of the campus community at Dartmouth and beyond.

Prompt 2, Option B

What excites you? (200-250 words) 

This prompt gives you the opportunity to showcase your personality and talk about a passion, hobby, or experience that does not really “fit” into the themes explored by other prompts. Think about this essay as a personal inquiry, it gives the admissions officer the ability to humanize your application and understand what type of person they are admitting to Dartmouth. 

There is no shortage of topics you can explore with this prompt. 

  • Are you excited whenever Sunday Night Football is able to bring together your family for a night? 
  • Or, are you excited when it rains outside and you can dance around with your friends? 
  • Or, are you excited when you get the opportunity to talk about gender equality at an organization that you intern at? 

Whether it’s a monumental achievement or a simple pleasure, at the core of this essay the admissions office is asking you to speak with passion. 

It’s important to connect whatever topic you are discussing to the resources and opportunities available to you at Dartmouth. 

For instance, if you are a student who gets super excited when you can collect rocks down at the beach with your friends, this would be a great chance to connect your passion back to research opportunities at Dartmouth in the Earth History department or how the outdoorsy-feel of Dartmouth would feel like home. 

Don’t be afraid to take a risk with this prompt. If watching Avatar excites you, feel free to explore this route, especially if you are an applicant that can connect this back to East-Asian studies or film/production studies at Dartmouth. However, be cautious about going on a tangent or exploring too many things within this essay. Stick to talking about one thing that excites you and connecting it back to Dartmouth. 

Prompt 2, Option C

In The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, William Kamkwamba, Class of 2014, reflects on constructing a windmill from recycled materials to power the electrical appliances in his family’s Malawian house: “If you want to make it, all you have to do is try.” What drives you to create and what do you hope to make or have you already made? (200-250 words) 

This prompt highlights an applicant’s entrepreneurial skills, perseverance, and imagination. From this essay the reader wants to gauge how you approach problems and whether you have taken the initiative to solve problems in your own life. Whether this means you created a marketing strategy for a non-profit or makeshift solar panels to charge your phone, make sure that your creation connects to your goals at Dartmouth. 

Now, let’s shift our focus to the first part of the prompt. The admissions office wants to see what drives you to create, which means that they want to see passion for a certain topic or cause. 

If you are super interested in sustainable business and hope to start a non-profit one day that supports marginalized artists in rural communities, then take this essay as an opportunity to flesh out your plan and the vision behind your idea. 

Remember these admissions officers are looking for applicants who will take full advantage of the degree that Dartmouth will give them, so an applicant with an idea stands out from the bunch. 

Let’s take a look at the second part of the prompt.

If you have created something that you are proud of then we highly recommend that you use this prompt. Dartmouth would love to see an applicant that is taking action before even starting college. If you are a prospective digital media major and you created a video game in high school that 10 people played, don’t be afraid to share this! 

Do not compare your creation to those of other people. Take this opportunity to reflect on the motivations and thought process behind your creation, instead of spending the entire essay just describing the characteristics of the creation. 

Regardless of which part of the prompt you choose to focus on, you need to reflect on how Dartmouth can make your idea a reality or help you advance the creation you already made. 

Talk about specific departments or courses that will help you build on your knowledge or study-abroad opportunities that are perfect to help advance your design. Personalize the essay to Dartmouth by talking about how the community or educational environment will directly advance your ideas/creations. 

Prompt 3, Option D

Dr. Seuss, aka Theodor Geisel of Dartmouth’s Class of 1925, wrote, “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.” What do you wonder and think about? (200-250 words)

Although the quote cited in this prompt is from a familiar and likely elicits nostalgic source for many applicants, the question itself is deceptively vague. A prompt is trying to both gauge your personal interests while also evaluating your creativity.  

This essay response is the optimal space to let your creative juices flow and really be yourself. Take some time and brainstorm what unanswered questions you have about the world or what random thoughts might pop into your head during the day. Do not feel as though you have to make something up that will sound profound such as “What is our role in the universe?”or “What is the meaning of life?” These kinds of classic philosophical questions might make your response too closely aligned with cliches. 

In this response you not only want to be unconventional, but you also want to be honest. Maybe you ponder on the long term, psychological impact the pressures of social media will have on our generation in the future. Or maybe it’s something as simple as wondering if our pets can really understand us. 

Here are examples of some other thought-provoking ideas:

  • Dreams of visiting the international space station
  • Creating a new vaccine 
  • Working as a private chef 
  • Going on a bucket list trip

For example, if you are interested in history and pirates, and wonder about the possible locations of the famous Captain Kidd’s lost treasures. Explain what sparked your initial interest and why it has remained important to you. “I was born and raised on the Jersey shore. I spent most of my summers sailing with my dad and older brothers. We always joked about how amazing it would be to one day find a mysterious clue that would lead us to a forgotten treasure.”

Write your essay response about a topic that you are genuinely curious about. Do not feel like you have to make up some dramatic narrative to impress the admissions committee and risk being perceived as authentic. Be true to yourself and show Dartmouth how the intricacies your brain functions.

Prompt 3, Option E

“Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced,” wrote James Baldwin. How does this quote apply to your life experiences? (200-250 words)

This is a classic Overcoming Challenges Essay prompt. It’s asking applicants to describe how they react when faced with adversity. 

In short, the quote is asking for you to explain an experience in your life in which you had to overcome a challenge. “Nothing can be changed until it is faced” highlights that nothing will change around you in the world or your personal life unless you do something about it.

The challenge you chose to narrate could be a variety of different things, ranging from internal trials you may have faced to tangible obstacles you’ve had to overcome in the real world. Once you’ve chosen a topic to write about, the next step is to tactfully organize your response to most effectively frame your thoughts and feelings to the admissions committee. 

For instance, first explain the context of the situation leading up to the conflict. Next, provide extensive detail on what kinds of emotions addressing that challenge brought up for you. Finally, describe how you were able to overcome the challenge and how it has helped shape you into the person you are today, as well as how it will continue to influence your perspective on life moving forward.

When illustrating the outcome of the situation, be sure to explain how the experience allowed you to grow as a person.  Be cautious not to focus too much on the challenge itself, but rather focus more on the details on how you adapted to address the issue.  

Here are some important questions to think about when writing:

  • What context is needed for readers to empathize for why this challenge was especially important to you?
  • How did you formulate your reaction to the conflict?
  • Did anyone else help or hinder your ability to resolve the issue?
  • Was the resolution what you expected it to be?
  • How did you grow and mature as an individual through this experience?

Try to avoid challenges that may come across as trivial. While getting a B- on a test may be upsetting to some, that kind of topic may not resonate as well with readers. Additionally, try to avoid challenges that are seen as cliche, such as bouncing back from a romantic breakup. Instead, choose share an experience that allows your personality and key elements of your identity to shine.

For example, if you suffered an injury as an athlete, you would want to avoid the basic essay stating that you underwent rehab and eventually were able to play again. Instead you could write:

My junior year of high school I tore my ACL during the first lacrosse game of the season. I was devastated. The doctors said I had to sit out a whole year. During this time, I was lost as I had dedicated five years of my life to lacrosse. I wasn’t sure that I was really good at anything else and the thought of losing both my passion and potential career opportunities left me numb. That was, until I discovered the coding club at my school during a career fair. I had no previous experience coding, but I spend so much time on my electronic devices anyway, I figured why not explore the science behind it all. After attending a few coding club meetings, I was hooked! I started researching how to code in my free time and took an online certification program to start creating my own app. Tearing my ACL left me physically limited by the injury I suffered, but mentally I was able to grow stronger than I ever had before with my newfound hobby. I still wish to return to lacrosse at some point, but I did not let the temporary loss of the sport I love stop me from finding other avenues to fill me with joy.”

This response is a good fit for this prompt since the student couldn’t change their injury, but they were able to create positive change in their life by facing and making the most of their situation.

Where to Get Your Dartmouth College Essay Edited

Do you want feedback on your Dartmouth essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool, where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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How to write an essay.

How to write an essay.

200 -250 words. The plan: ☺ make an introduction; ☺ express your personal opinion

200 -250 words. The plan: ☺ make an introduction; ☺ express your personal opinion and give reasons for it; ☺ give arguments for the other point of view ☺ explain why you don’t agree with the other point of view; ☺ draw a conclusion.

Hot tip! 1. Think about: length, grammar, spelling, handwriting, vocabulary, organization of ideas and

Hot tip! 1. Think about: length, grammar, spelling, handwriting, vocabulary, organization of ideas and paragraphing, use of linking expressions, logical order of arguments, appropriate language for context. 2. Underline key words in the instruction. 3. Write a plan. 4. Write a draft, check it carefully. 5. From now until the exam write at least one extra composition a week. Spend 40 minutes (no more, no less) planning, writing and checking your answer.

Linking words and expressions: - A lot of people think that -To sum up,

Linking words and expressions: — A lot of people think that -To sum up, — There are people who think -Furthermore — … has many advantages and disadvantages -So — The main problem with … is… -In spite, despite (вопреки) — On the one hand, -In addition — But on the other hand, -Although — At the same time -In conclusion, — Nevertheless, -All this considerate, I feel that — Nowadays, -This looks like… — First of all -I am absolutely convinced that — As well as this, -Moreover, it seems to me… — Therefore -Firstly, Secondly, Finally — However

Example 1: Pollution is the greatest problem created by people People’s opinions on the

Example 1: Pollution is the greatest problem created by people People’s opinions on the subject of global problems differ widely. Some people think that pollution is the most serious of all, while others believe that people have created more important crises. Let us discuss who is right. It is my firm belief that pollution is the biggest problem that the world is facing today. Firstly, it is almost impossible to cure the planet from pollution, because the latter results in destroying the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Secondly, pollution affects not only human but also animals and plants and may lead to a total extinction of all the living things. However, there are opponents of this view who say that people have created more serious crises since they kill valuable species of animals for money and cut forests, creating a lack of oxygen. They do not care that destroyed nature is impossible to restore. I strongly disagree with this opinion because it is common knowledge that killing animals and plants is being highly restricted and reduced step by step, in contrast with pollution which is spreading farther and farther. Taking everything into account, I would like to repeat the problem of pollution is the biggest in the world. Although somebody may think that people have created more important problems such as endangered animals and plants, pollution definitely outweighs other crises. I hope my arguments are convincing enough and time will prove that I am right. 235 words

Эссе по английскому языку


  1. Что такое эссе по английскому языку
  2. Объем эссе по английскому языку составляет
  3. Где пригодится эссе на английском языке
  4. Структура эссе по английскому языку
  5. Введение
  6. Фразы клише для введения эссе по английскому языку
  7. Основная часть
  8. Фразы клише для основной части эссе по английскому языку
  9. Заключение
  10. Фразы клише для заключения эссе по английскому языку
  11. План написания эссе по английскому языку
  12. Как написать эссе по английскому языку
  13. Существует 3 вида эссе по английскому языку
  14. Эссе «За и Против»
  15. Эссе «Особое мнение»
  16. Эссе «Проблема и решения»
  17. Лексика и грамматика в эссе по английскому
  18. Правила написания эссе на английском языке
  19. Темы эссе по английскому языку
  20. Everyday life. Shopping. Household chores
  21. Life in the city and in the country
  22. Family problems. Friends. Problems of young people
  23. Travelling and sightseeing
  24. Science and technology
  25. Jobs. Career. Future profession
  26. Holidays and celebrations
  27. Hobbies
  28. Health. Healthy lifestyle
  29. Education. Languages
  30. Nature. Ecology problems
  31. Советы по написанию эссе по английскому языку
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  33. Примеры эссе по английскому языку
  34. Пример эссе №1
  35. Пример эссе №2
  36. Образцы написания эссе по английскому языку

Написание эссе по английскому языку — одно из самых сложных заданий, с которым сталкиваются студенты на различных олимпиадах, конкурсах и экзаменах по английскому языку, включая ЕГЭ. Сложность заключается в том, что при написании эссе по английскому языку от студента требуется не только грамматически правильно представить свои мысли, но и знать информацию по заданной теме, уметь логически мыслить, структурно организовать свои мысли, использовать богатый словарный запас. Другими словами, эссе по английскому языку помогает максимально точно определить языковой уровень учащегося. Однако, любая самая запутанная проблема имеет простое решение.

Написание эссе по английскому языку дает возможность показать свои знания по предмету «Английский язык».

Если вы хотите научиться сами выполнять эссе по любым предметам, то на странице «что такое эссе и как его написать» я подробно рассказала.

Что такое эссе по английскому языку

Эссе по английскому языку — это своего рода творческая работа, которая имеет произвольную композицию и раскрывает мысли автора о конкретной проблеме социального, культурного или исторического плана. Это не статья, аннотация или любая другая история творческого жанра. Эссе с гордостью занимает отдельную нишу в мире образования.

Эссе очень схоже с творческими работами, однако основное различие между этими жанрами в целях написания эссе состоит в том, что эссе на английском языке всегда является заключением, и эссе только побуждает читателя думать и делать свое. В эссе автор только отражает, поднимает актуальные темы, но не делает окончательного вывода, в отличие от работы. Статья действительно очень похожа на эссе, потому что нет определенной структуры.

Объем эссе по английскому языку составляет

Объем эссе по английскому языку составляет 200-250 слов (минимум 180 слов, максимум 275). Следует отомстить за то, что одним из важнейших критериев оценки является фиксированный объем сочинения. Например, требуемая длина для подробного ответа на эссе ЕГЭ по аннлийскому языку составляет 200-250 слов (минимум 180, максимум 275 слов).

Где пригодится эссе на английском языке

  • При составлении ЕГЭ по английскому языку
  • Для сдаче международного экзамена по английскому языку
  • Для поступления в университет
  • Для принятия на работу

Тем не менее, это не все моменты, когда эссе может пригодиться. Не секрет, что написание эссе развивает навык составления хороших презентаций, помогает развить навыки аналитического мышления.

Эссе играет чрезвычайно важную роль в школе, университете и даже на работе. Очень важно научиться понимать, как написать эссе на английском языке, чтобы со школьного возраста вы могли уверенно идти к успеху.

Структура эссе по английскому языку

В эссе по английскому языку есть три раздела:

  • Введение: (Введение — это первый абзац, в котором должна быть сформулирована проблема, основная идея сочинения. Для эмоциональной окраски содержания можно вспомнить цитату, или просто перефразировать заданную тему сочинения.)
  • Основная часть: (Основная часть состоит из трёх абзацев: 1. Здесь необходимо отразить собственное отношение к проблеме, привести два-три аргумента. 2. Рассмотреть противоположную точку зрения. Подкрепить доказательствами (примерами из жизни, мнениями экспертов и т.д.). 3. Привести противоположные точки зрения и аргументировать их. Предложения должны быть короткими, но емкими. Строго запрещается использовать сокращения (I’m, can’t, don’t).)
  • Заключение: (В этой части следует еще раз выразить свое мнение по выдвинутому вопросу. Можно выразить ту же мысль, что и во введении, только другими словами.)


Введение — это первый абзац, где должна быть сформулирована проблема, основная идея эссе и ваша собственная точка зрения на проблему. Важно помнить, что введение не должно состоять из одного предложения и не должно быть перегружено речью. Для эмоциональной окраски содержания можно задать риторический вопрос или вспомнить цитату, указывающую на высокий уровень владения английским языком. Следует отметить, что многие студенты путаются с самой формулировкой проблемы, хотя все, что действительно необходимо сделать, это перефразировать данную тему сочинения, используя соответствующие синонимы.

Фразы клише для «введения» эссе по английскому языку

Nowadays many people face difficult decision when they…..

В настоящее время люди часто сталкиваются со сложным выбором, когда они…

There is no doubt that… is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world.

Вне всяких сомнений, что… является одной из самых волнующих проблем в современном мире.

One solution that can be put forward is…

Одним из решений проблемы может быть…

One issue that has caused lots of controversy over the years is…

Одним из вопросов, который вызвал массу споров за последние годы, является…

Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about…

В настоящее время люди все больше и больше обеспокоены вопросом о …

Experts say that…

По мнению экспертов….

So is… really important and could we live without it?

Итак, действительно ли важен… и смогли бы мы жить без него (нее)?

One very complex problem in modern world is…

Одной из самых сложных задач в современном мире является…

I would like to express my opinion on this problem…

Я бы хотел выразить свое мнение по данной проблеме…

But all the same, there are clear benefits and drawbacks to both opinions….

Но, так или иначе, в обоих случаях есть свои плюсы и минусы…

It is generally accepted that…

Общепринято, что…

A common opinion is that…

Согласно общему мнению…

There are those who say that…

Некоторые считают, что…

It goes without saying that…

Само собой разумеется, что…

Some people are convinced that…

Некоторые люди убеждены в том, что…

Today it is generally agreed that

Сегодня общепризнанно, что…

Основная часть

В основной части эссе нужно отразить ваше собственное отношение к проблеме, привести два или три аргумента в пользу вашего подхода и рассмотреть противоположную точку зрения. Основная часть должна быть разбита на абзацы, каждый из которых должен быть подкреплен доказательствами, примерами из жизни, экспертным мнением и т.д. Помните, что чем сильнее аргументы, которые вы приводите, тем больше у вас шансов убедить эксперта в правильности ваших суждений. Следует также отметить, что предложения должны быть короткими, но длинными по смыслу. Приветствуется использование обезличенных и неопределенных предложений, но с использованием таких сокращений как: Я, не могу, не хочу, строго запрещено.

Таким образом, рекомендуется начинать второй абзац с подчеркивания вашей точки зрения по данному вопросу и приводить два или три аргумента в его пользу. Используйте вводимые слова и выражения для построения логической цепочки ваших доказательств. Помните, что аргументы не должны противоречить друг другу. В третьем абзаце изложите противоположные точки зрения и объясните, почему вы с ними не согласны.

Фразы клише для «основной части» эссе по английскому языку

My personal view is that…

Лично я считаю, что…

In my experience…

По своему опыту…

In my opinion/judgment/view…

С моей точки зрения…

In fact,…

Фактически, по сути, в сущности…

To be more precise…

Точнее говоря…

For example/ for instance…


I’d like to support my point of view with an example…

Мне бы хотелось подкрепить мою точку зрения примером…

To begin with…

Начнем с того, что…

The thing that needs to be said…

Первое, с чего нужно начать, это…

On the one hand/on the other hand…

С одной стороны с другой стороны


Более того…

Besides… / Furthermore…

Кроме того…


Тем не менее…

All the same…

Так или иначе, тем не менее…

Experts say that…

Эксперты считают, что…

Many people attach too much importance to…

Многие люди придают слишком большое значение…

One reason why this approach may (not) work is that…

Одной из причин того, почему данный подход не работает (работает)…

First of all/secondly/ thirdly/ finally…

Во-первых, во- вторых, в-третьих в конечном итоге…

There is a simple reason for this…

Этому есть простая причина…

People should not remain indifferent to this problem…

Люди не должны оставаться безразличными к данной проблеме….

On the contrary, if all of us join our efforts we can change the world for the better…

Напротив, если все мы объединим усилия, то сможем изменить мир к лучшему…

Personally, I strongly object to this statement…

Лично я категорически против данного утверждения…

I completely disagree with this statement…

Я полностью не согласна с данным утверждением…

A whole number of key-issues arise from this statement. For instance…

Данное утверждение затрагивает массу ключевых вопросов. Например,

Nevertheless, let us consider this problem from another angle…

Тем не менее, давайте рассмотрим эту проблему с другой стороны…

There would seem to be clear pros and cons to both options…

В обоих случаях есть очевидные преимущества и недостатки…

As far as I’m concerned…

Что касается меня…

But personally, I include more to the opinion of…

Но лично я больше склоняюсь к мнению…

For every complicated problem there is a simple solution…

У любой самой запутанной проблемы есть простое решение…

There is a great deal of truth in what they say…

В их словах есть доля правды…


В заключительной части эссе нужно еще раз высказать свое мнение по поднятому вопросу. Постарайтесь сформулировать ту же идею, что и во введении, только другими словами. В конце можно задать риторический вопрос, чтобы дать учителю возможность еще раз подумать и проанализировать суть проблемы.

Фразы клише для «заключения» эссе по английскому языку

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that tastes differ…

В заключении я хотела бы подчеркнуть, что о вкусах не спорят…

So it’s up to you to decide whether…or not…

Так, каждый должен решить для себя… или нет….

In summary, I believe that…

Подводя итог вышесказанному, я считаю, что…

To sum up…

Подводя итог…

Taking into consideration all mentioned above…

Принимая во внимание все вышеупомянутое…

All in all, I still strongly believe that…

Так или иначе, я твердо считаю, что…

To summarize…

Подводя итог…

In conclusion, it should be noted that although…

В заключении следует отметить, что, хотя,….

To draw the conclusion, it should be observed that…

В заключении следует отметить, что…

План написания эссе по английскому языку

  1. State the problem and introduce your point of view (перифраз тезиса +постановка проблемы + ваша точка зрения на проблему; можно использовать пословицы, афоризмы, риторические вопросы )
  2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it (ваше мнение + 2-3 аргумента в подтверждение этой точки зрения) ✓ Аргументы должны быть развернутыми и весомыми(например, статистические данные, научные факты, мнения ученых, убедительные доказательства и примеры, выражения, высказывания известных людей→такие аргументы сильнее обычных примерно в 3 раза)
  3. Give arguments for the opposite point of view (противоположная точка зрения + аргументы противоположной точки зрения)
  4. Explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion (ваш контр – аргумент противоположной точки зрения; изложить, почему вы не согласны с противоположной точкой зрения)
  5. Draw a conclusion (заключение с подтверждением собственной позиции)

Как написать эссе по английскому языку

При написании эссе по английскому языку необходимо придерживаться следующих правил.

Используйте формальный стиль написания, а именно:

  • не используйте сокращенных форм, таких как don’t или can’t;
  • не используйте скобки и восклицательные знаки — это свойственно неформальному стилю письма;
  • не начинайте предложения со слов and, but или also. В разговорном языке вы можете их использовать, но избегайте этого в формальном сочинении;
  • не употребляйте вводные слова характерные для неформального стиля (well, you know и т.д.);
  • избегайте слишком простых предложений. Объединяйте простые предложения в сложные, используя логические средства связи.

Разделите текст эссе на смысловые абзацы:

  1. В первом абзаце сформулируйте проблему, которую вы будете обсуждать, однако не повторяйте тему эссе слово в слово. Представьте, что ваш учитель не знает, о чем пойдет речь, и попытайтесь объяснить ему проблему другими словами.
  2. Выделите положительные и отрицательные аспекты проблемы и подумайте о разумных аргументах в поддержку обеих точек зрения. Помните, что вы должны выразить не только свою точку зрения, но и мнение ваших потенциальных оппонентов. Постарайтесь соблюсти баланс между абзацами.
  3. Во втором абзаце необходимо привести минимум два развернутых аргумента.
  4. В третьем абзаце необходимо привести противоположные мнения по проблеме и объяснить, почему вы с ними не согласны, подкрепляя свое мнение развернутыми аргументами.
  5. Используйте слова-связки, чтобы помочь учителю проследить за логикой ваших рассуждений. Помните, что вводные слова выделяются запятыми.
  6. В заключительном параграфе сделайте обобщающий вывод по проблеме, которую вы обсуждали. Это покажет, что вы рассматриваете свое сочинение как единое целое. Вы можете также окончательно сформулировать свое мнение и/или предложить пути решения данной проблемы.

Еще раз перечитайте свое эссе по английскому языку и проверьте грамматику, орфографию и пунктуацию.

Существует 3 вида эссе по английскому языку

Эссе «За и Против»

Эссе «За и против» — в этом типе эссе главной задачей является рассмотрение двух существующих точек зрения. Важно объективно оценить обе позиции и высказать свое видение каждой из сторон.


  • Введение (важно охарактеризовать тему, которая будет обсуждаться здесь, без выражения собственного мнения).
  • Основная часть (здесь важно высказать свое мнение о проблеме, привести примеры и доказательства).
  • Заключение (в этом разделе вы делаете результаты и пропускаете все вышеперечисленное. Помните, что в этом типе эссе вы не должны делать конкретный вывод, вы можете только распределить все аргументы в двух масштабах).

Важно! Слова I think , I believe , In my opinion , etc. можно употреблять только в заключении , где вы выражаете свою позицию.

Полезные фразы:

При рассмотрении точек зрения ( начало эссе):

firstly во-первых;
in the first place на первом месте;
to begin with начнем с;
secondly во-вторых;
finally в конечном счете.

Чтобы указать преимущества:

another другое;
an additional advantage ofis .. дополнительное преимущество чего есть;
the main advantage ofis дополнительное преимущество чего есть.

Чтобы указать недостатки:

a further следующий;
a major disadvantage / drawback of основной недостаток;
the greatest / most serious / first disadvantage основной недостаток;
another negative side of другая негативная сторона этого …

Чтобы представить каждую точку зрения:

one point / argument in favour of oдин аргумент в пользу …;
one point / argument against один аргумент в против …;
it could be argued that существуют споры, …

При размышлении:

moreover более того;
in addition в приложение;
furthermore кроме того;
besides кроме;
apart from кроме;
as well as так же, как;
also также;
both оба;
there is another side to the question есть другая сторона этого вопроса …

Для того, чтобы выразить контраст:

however однако;
on the other hand с другой стороны;
still еще;
yet еще;
but но;
nevertheless однако;
it may be said / claimed that говорят, что …;
although хотя;
while в то время, как …;
despite / in spite of несмотря на …

Эссе «Особое мнение»

В данном типе эссе важно выразить свою позицию в отношении той или иной проблемы. Важно приводить примеры, аргументы в пользу вашей мысли, а также выражать свою позицию достаточно прозрачно.


  • Введение (здесь важно указать вопрос, который будет рассматриваться, а также вашу позицию в отношении него).
  • Основная часть (важно указать мысли, противоположные вашей, объяснить, почему они имеют право на существование, а также привести аргументы в пользу вашему мнению).
  • Заключение (в данном разделе вы еще раз высказываете свою точку зрения другими словами).

Полезные фразы :

Для того, чтобы выразить свою мысль:

to my mind мое мнение;
in my opinion / view .. я считаю …;
I firmly believe я твердо уверен …;
I am ( not ) convinced that я не уверен, что …;
I ( definitely ) feel / think that я определенно считаю, что …;
it seems / appears to me похоже на то, что …

Эссе «Проблема и решения»

Эссе «Проблема и решения» пишется в формальном стиле. Важно поставить проблему, затем рассмотреть пути ее решения.


  • Введение (здесь вы заявить о проблеме).
  • Основная часть (важно показать возможные пути решения проблемы и ее последствия).
  • Заключение (в данном разделе вы выражаете свое личное мнение о решении проблемы).

Полезные фразы :

Чтобы объяснить ситуацию:

because потому что
due to ( the fact that ) благодаря чему-то
the reason is that причина в том, что
thus таким образом
consequently в результате
so that таким образом
in order to для того, чтобы
with the purpose of с целью
intention of (+ ing ) с намерением

Чтобы выразить вероятность :

it can / could / may / might be возможно …
it is possible возможно;
unlikely вряд ли;
foreseeable предсказуемо;
certain that уверен, что …;
the likelihood вероятность.

Лексика и грамматика в эссе по английскому

Формула построения положительных предложений в Past Simple

Обычно считается, что … Принято верить, что …
Во-вторых, многие утверждают, что … Во-вторых, большинство заявляют, что …
Преимущество … это … Преимущество этого в том, что …
С другой стороны, часто утверждают, что … С другой стороны, всегда заявляют, что …
Кроме того, большинство людей согласятся с тем, что наиболее серьезным недостатком… является… В дополнение, многие согласятся, серьезным недостатком является …
Кроме того, обычно считается, что … Более того, принято считать, что …
Принимая все во внимание … Братья все во внимание …
Хотя, надо сказать, что нет абсолютного ответа на вопрос … Однако, следует сказать, что нет однозначного ответа на этот вопрос …
Таким образом, никто не может отрицать или выдвигать возражения против того факта, что … Таким образом, никто не может отрицать и выражать возражения против факта, что …
Во-первых, я считаю, что … Прежде всего, я верю, что …
Во-вторых, что эффективнее … Во-вторых, что более рациональным …
Это может быть ясно продемонстрировано тем фактом, что … Это может ясно показать тот факт, что …
Напротив, следует признать, что … В контрасте, можно добавить, что …
Учитывая все это, нужно сказать, что … Братья все во внимание, следует сказать, что …
Люди должны сосредоточить свое внимание на способах преодоления проблемы… Людям следует сосредоточиться на путях решение проблемы …
В результате… В результате ..
Во-вторых, альтернативный способ решения проблемы… будет… Во-вторых, альтернативным решением проблемы будет …
Последнее предложение, которое очень помогло бы, это… Одно финальное решение, непременно поможет …
Подводя итог, есть несколько мер, которые можно предпринять, чтобы улучшить … Подытожив, есть несколько мер, которые следует принять …

Правила написания эссе на английском языке

Придерживайтесь структуры. Не забудьте использовать черновик. Делайте заметки для себя, наметьте план написания эссе на английском языке, набросайте список всех аргументов, прежде чем начать писать. Важно быть полностью подготовленным и готовым к любой теме.

Лучше всего подготовиться к написанию английского эссе заранее, и писать их чем больше, тем лучше. Таким образом, независимо от того, что происходит с вами, вы можете развивать ее на основе знаний и опыта, полученных в ходе подготовки.

Эссе может быть идеальным по содержанию, но если оно содержит грамматические ошибки, все пропало. Не забудьте проверить свою работу после написания. Желательно сделать это дважды. Сначала с самого начала и до конца, а затем прочитайте всю работу в обратном порядке. Работу следует читать в обратном порядке, чтобы выявить ошибки в словах.

Обязательно следуйте стилю одного из трех типов эссе на протяжении всей своей работы. Важно следовать специфике написания эссе, но оно не должно быть слишком коротким. Чаще всего эссе состоит из 180-320 слов в зависимости от цели написания. Не забывайте о связывании слов. Они показывают грамотность автора. Используйте цитаты, которые подтверждают ту или иную мысль.

Важно ! Количество слов в эссе по английскому обычно колеблется от 180 до 320 слов .

Можно сделать вывод, что эссе не так страшно, как может показаться на первый взгляд. Главное — это подготовка. Даже прочитав только статью, вы уже обладаете достаточной информацией, чтобы понять, как написать эссе на английском языке. Дело за мелочами — практика.

Напишите как можно больше эссе. Вдохновитесь, чтобы написать эссе на английском языке на незнакомую вам тему — спасение животных или тенденции мирового искусства.

Темы эссе по английскому языку

Следующие темы очень хорошо разбиты на категории по многим разделам, так что вы можете легко выбрать тему в соответствии с вашими потребностями и требованиями.

Everyday life. Shopping. Household chores
  • Shopping is interesting and enjoyable.
  • Shopping malls have advantages over small shops.
  • Our lives would be better if we bought fewer goods.
  • Online shopping will replace traditional shopping in the future.
  • Clothes help people show who they really are.
  • It is logical to share the housework evenly between men and women.
  • Children should help their parents about the house.
  • Many people regard shopping as a hobby.
  • It is important to look nice and follow fashion.
  • Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour.
Life in the city and in the country
  • There are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city.
  • There are a lot of benefits of living in the country.
  • Some people think that cities are the best places to live.
  • It is better for children to grow up in the city.
  • It is important to protect the countryside and not build factories there.
  • Some people think that city life is harder.
  • Summer holidays in the countryside are best for teenagers.
Family problems. Friends. Problems of young people
  • Some people think that you can have only one true friend.
  • It’s not right to be strict with little children.
  • The best time is that spent with family and friends.
  • In today’s competitive world, many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work.
  • Show me your room and I will tell you who you are.
  • Friendship is the greatest gift of life.
  • Having friends is important for everyone.
  • Love makes a person happy.
  • Only those who have much in common can become friends.
  • Grandparents should take an active part in their grandchildren’s upbringing.
  • Adult children should not live with their parents.
Travelling and sightseeing
  • Travelling in your own country is the best way to learn about it.
  • It is better to travel if you have a package tour.
  • One should read about historical sites before sightseeing.
  • Tourism ruins everything that it touches.
  • Hitchhiking is the best way to travel.
  • School trips are beneficial for students.
  • Cars have improved our lives in a number of ways.
  • Travelling to exotic countries is an exciting experience.
  • The best way to travel is by plane.
  • The best way to travel in a town or in a city is on foot.
  • The best way to travel is by train.
Science and technology
  • Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.
  • Internet is the greatest time-waster.
  • Computers cannot replace people.
  • Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century.
  • The Internet is the biggest evil of our time.
  • Robots will soon replace people in all jobs.
  • Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.
  • It is easy to live without the Internet.
  • With the Internet we no longer need TV.
  • Space exploration is very important for the future of our planet.
Jobs. Career. Future profession
  • Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession.
  • In any occupation discipline is more important than talent.
  • There are no men’s or women’s professions.
  • Everybody would like to work from home.
  • An early choice of a career path is the key to success.
  • An interesting job is more valuable than a high salary.
  • Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation.
  • Having jobs can be of great benefit to teenagers.
  • There is no difficulty in finding a good job.
  • It is better to work for themselves than for a company.
Holidays and celebrations
  • The best holidays and festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating.
  • Public celebrations are a waste of money.
  • Traditional festivals and celebrations are disappearing.
  • A holiday is just a day off.
  • Summer holidays in the countryside are best for teenagers.
  • It is better for teenagers celebrate all holidays with family.
  • Having a hobby is important for everyone.
  • Volunteering is essential for teenagers.
  • Playing computer games is the best way to spend your free time.
  • Reading is a waste of time.
  • Collecting things is a waste of time and money.
  • Teenagers should not be given too much time.
  • Rap music has a bad influence on teenagers.
  • Public libraries will disappear in the future.
  • Electronic books will replace paper books in the future.
  • Graffiti is vandalism.
Health. Healthy lifestyle
  • Fast food outlets should be closed.
  • Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.
  • Sports help people to fight stress.
  • Sport unites people.
  • Playing sports is better than watching others do it.
  • Doing sports is essential for young people.
  • Children should be encouraged to go in for sports.
  • Physical attractiveness is important for everyone.
  • Fast food has a bad effect on our health.
  • There are many benefits of being a vegetarian.
Education. Languages
  • Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad.
  • Education opens the doors to happiness and success.
  • Studying online is more interesting than studying at school.
  • Young people are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies.
  • Students learn far more with their teachers than other sources.
  • Teaching children at home is best for a child’s development.
  • Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money.
  • A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.
  • A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it.
  • Exams motivate students to study harder.
  • Distance learning is the best form of education.
  • A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer.
  • A computer cannot replace a teacher.
  • Physical Education is important in schools.
  • Education is the most valuable thing for a teenager.
  • University education is essential for young people.
Nature. Ecology problems
  • Every city and every town should have a zoo.
  • It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment.
  • Nowadays it is easy to be eco-friendly.
  • Some people object to animal testing.
  • It is important to recycle wastes.
  • Going green has a lot of benefits.
  • Virtual pets can replace real pets.
  • Damage to the environment is the biggest problem facing the world.
  • Governments spend too much time on environmental projects.
  • Global warming is the biggest threat to the environment.
  • Students leave high school without learning the way how to manage their money.
  • Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots.
  • Volunteering is essential for teenagers.

Советы по написанию эссе по английскому языку

  • Используйте формальный язык — эссе не место для сленга, случайных фраз или сокращений.
  • Напишите от третьего лица, используя такие слова, как «он», «она», «они» или «это», и никогда не обращайтесь непосредственно к себе («я») или к читателю («вы»). , (Полезный трюк — заменить «я» на «один»: «создается впечатление, что…»)
  • Пишите в активной речи, в отличие от пассивной, поскольку это гораздо более мощный способ выразить свои мысли. Таким образом, вместо того, чтобы писать «автору была вручена награда за достижения в течение всей жизни», можно вместо этого написать: «автор получил награду за достижения в течение всей жизни».
  • Убедитесь, что каждый абзац плавно перетекает в следующий. Хотя он должен быть разбит на четкие разделы, упомянутые выше, последнее предложение каждого абзаца должно как-то относиться к первому предложению следующего.
  • Навыки написания могут развиваться, но думайте о своем эссе как о споре с тем, кто не верит в то, что вы говорите. Что вы должны сказать дальше, чтобы доказать, что вы правы? Как вы подытоживаете свои идеи в конце? Помните эти советы, и скоро вы станете мастером написания эссе!

Скачать готовые эссе по английскому языку

  1. Скачать эссе по английскому языку на тему: What will you do if you lose your job
  2. Скачать эссе по английскому языку на тему: Business etiquette in Japan
  3. Скачать эссе по английскому языку на тему: Celebration of Kupala Night
  4. Скачать эссе по английскому языку на тему: What is welfare economics and why is it important
  5. Скачать эссе по английскому языку на тему: What is more important: a math theory or practical applications

Примеры эссе по английскому языку

Пример эссе №1

Тема: «Money does not make happiness»

Many people consider money to be one of the most important factors in promoting happiness. Many people dream of being rich, they think that having more money they will be able to spend more time relaxing and that will make them happy. The question if money makes happiness or not is discussed all over the world. So, let’s consider different points of view on this issue.

To start with, it goes without saying that money can buy things that can make people happy. For example, one can afford buying expensive medicine to keep person he loves from dying, to treat the beloved one from desease, or you can give good education for your children, or you can buy a comfortable house for living and spend vocation at a pleasant place and so on. Thus, money doesn’t buy happiness it brings it, it gives opportunity to enjoy pleasures. Money will give you things you really need to live a full life.

On the other hand, money can’t buy everything. One can’t buy success, true love, feelings and emotions. For example, it is commonly understood that having a lot of money is definitely a large problem. Unfortinately, with money fake love and fake friends come. Thus, one should save some time from making money to build strong relationships with his friends and family.

In conclusion I’d like to say that both sides of the argument state that having money is not bad, you can buy things that will make your life more ccomfortable. However, having too much money destroys relationships. All in all, true happiness

Пример эссе №2

Тема: «»He who knows everything knows nothing»

«I know that I know nothing», — this phrase is attributed to the Ancient Greek thinker Socrates. They say that after this phrase he added: «And others and it don’t know also it». List as much as possible what you don’t know.

Socrates said that there were  people who thought  that they knew something, well understood something, but when he began to ask them questions getting to the bottom of an essence, it turned out that they couldn’t explain even the basic concepts about which they spoke: what is the benefit, pleasure, justice, knowledge, the truth, etc. Generally it concerned sophists — people who considered themselves wise men and for money taught wisdom, rhetoric, some sciences of young people, most often in Athens.

Here opposing itself to sophists, Socrates also said that in difference from them, he at least understands that he knows nothing, and they are mistaken even in it, thinking that they in something comprehended the truth.

Also Socrates said that this knowledge (about the ignorance something)  was a step on the way to wisdom without which it was  to approach it, if the person thought  that he had knowledge in some subject, it ceases to do efforts in order that it is better to understand it, having reached a new step on the way to wisdom.

In sense of Socrats  wisdom is unattainable, is allowed to comprehend to nobody a true essence of things therefore called himself the wise man or the sophist (the owner of wisdom), and the philosopher (the fan of wisdom)

Future … Nobody knows it. It is planned? Or we change it? Who changes it? Who planned it? How it depends on us? Whether there will be this future? Whether there is in general a present? If is, then why? From where? When? Where? What for?!? What is this present? Green grass or blue sky? Or feelings of the person? People? Perhaps it is the smallest bacteria? Or the present is the Universe? Or perhaps it is more?. Or perhaps all this what happens to us now? What length of it «now»? Instant? Eternity? I don’t know …

Here like myself I know. Familiar hands, legs, brains, a liver – all. And here my soul? What is it? It in general is? If is, then where? What is it? If it is absent, that is whether I? I don’t know …

Stone. Lies about me. I can touch, smell, break it the hammer. Why about me the stone lies? Why it was so called? From where in general our language? I don’t know …

We go on the ground already millions of years. Probably (I don’t know) …. But we don’t know what is there, inside. Something is. What? I don’t know even why I wrote it. How I chose this subject? From where I have in the head these words? Really, to list what we don’t know, it is possible indefinitely.

Образцы написания эссе по английскому языку

  1. Essay on the subject: When we hear «Exams»
  2. Essay on the subject: The Liar on the couch
  3. Essay on the subject: Documentary Payments
  4. Essay on the subject: Learning a foreign language takes time
  5. Essay on the subject: Today we live in a world of constantly changing realities, innovations and updates
  6. Essay on the subject: A traditional Russian family
  7. Essay on the subject: We are surrounded by temptations

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