150 200 word story

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Story Writing Class 9

Story writing is an art. It is the oldest form of written composition. It is a work of imagination that is written in easily understandable grammatical structure. a short story is meant to be read in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible. in this article, we are providing  Some Story Writing Class 9 Examples

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. You can also visit the most accurate and elaborate NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. Every question of the textbook has been answered here.

The important aspects when writing a story are:

1. Characters
When you write a story, you have to decide who will be in it. The people in a story are called characters. Before you start to write, think about the characters you might put in your story. What will each character do? Why is he or she important to the story? In what ways are your characters alike? How are they different? What can your characters learn from each other? One last thing to remember: your characters don’t always have to be people. If an animal plays a part in the story, that animal is a character too.

2. Setting
A story has to happen in a place. The place where a story happens is called the setting. The setting might be a place you are familiar with or it might even be another planet! A setting doesn’t even have to be a real place.

3. Details
When you write a story, you use your imagination to see everything that happens. Details help readers understand how something looks, how it feels, how it sounds—even how something smells or tastes!

4. Plot
Once you’ve decided on your characters and setting—and made them come alive with details—your characters have to do something! What your characters do is the plot of your story. To make the plot exciting, additional problems.

Story Writing Solved Examples With Answers For Class 9 CBSE

Question 1.
Colonel Vishwanathan, a brave soldier bought an old mansion though many people in the area told him it was haunted. Write a story about Colonel Vishwanathan’s encounter with the ghost of “Teen Batia Bhavan”.

The Teen Batia Bhavan

Colonel Vishwanathan retired from the Army and bought a house called the Teen Batia Bahavan in the quiet town of Hazaria. Having fought three wars, it made no difference to him that the house was supposedly haunted. On his first day in the Teen Batia Bhavan, Colonel Vishwanathan settled down in an armchair in front of his TV with a glass of juice. Suddenly, the lights went off and the room was plunged into darkness.

“Here, Gitten Ram,” Colonel Vishwanathan called out to his housekeeper.
“Beware! Don’t shout,” said a hoarse voice.
The Colonel looked up in surprise. Hovering over him in the air was a soldier in armour.

“My dear fellow,” said Colonel Vishwanathan in a voice filled with admiration, “I don’t know how you do this levitation. Especially seeing as you are dressed for a fancy dress party.”

The Ghost gave a withering cry. “Oh Sir, don’t scream so. I like a bit of peace in the evening,” said the Colonel. “Would you like to have a drink with me?”

The Ghost screamed again and continued to float and walk through walls and doors. The Colonel laughed at his antics.
“Sir, I’ve never been so entertained before. You must entertain my friends too.”

The ghost gave a loud yell and vanished. Colonel Vishwanathan shook his head and muttered, “It’s a pity he left in a huff. The others would have been quite amused by his antics.”

Question 2.
You are Ajay. You have forgotten to do your homework and without a legitimate excuse, you’re sure to get punished by the teacher. In an attempt to make an excuse, you have decided to come up with an elaborate story to make the teacher believe your excuse or at the very least have a good laugh. Use any of the words prompts given in the box below to help you write your ruse. Write the story in about 150-200 words.

Homework School Bicycle Water Ate
Dinosaur Giant Flying Dirty Father

I’m sorry ma’am, I couldn’t do my homework because … I was on my way back from school yesterday thinking about all the chores and homework I have to do. Then suddenly, my bicycle got a flat tire and skidded down a slope. I was lucky I didn’t have a bad fall. So I was dragging my bicycle along and on the way, I saw two elephants and their mahout’s training. It was exciting to see them and somehow these elephants looked special.

The first elephant started flapping his ears and before you know it, it got bigger and bigger and he started flying. I asked them if they could drop me, they agreed to make me ride the flying elephant but with one condition, I had to feed the elephant the next day. Feeling ecstatic, I just said, ‘Yes’.

I was over the moon when the elephant started flying. It buzzed through all the traffic and I reached home within minutes. I thanked the mahouts and dashed into the house to tell my story. After dinner, I completed my homework and decided to hit the sack.

In the morning, a loud trumpet woke me up. I saw that the elephant was back and remembering what the mahout said, I got a couple of snacks from the fridge. The elephant wouldn’t eat anything. Then all of a sudden, the elephant raised his trunk and started sucking in air like a vacuum and all the leaves in the garden and the paper from all the books in our library flew straight into the elephant’s mouth. The mahout mentioned that his elephant liked the paper. After eating it flew off with the mahout.

I went back in to get ready for school and I realised that my homework was gone and I couldn’t write a new one because the elephant ate all the paper in our house!

Question 3.
Complete the following story. It has to be a scary story that terrifies people. Give a suitable title to your story.
I stopped my scooter in front of an old and dilapidated building. A haggered, skinny old man with drooping shoulders came towards me. “Don’t go in, Sir”, he whispered. “It is dangerous…”
I stopped my scooter in front of an old and dilapidated building. A haggered, skinny old man with drooping shoulders came towards me. “Don’t go in, Sir”, he whispered. “It is dangerous…”

I got angry at the old man and asked him to go away as I had to prepare a report on old forts as a part of my museology course. He murmured something and stared at me with a strange expression.

For a moment a chill ran through my spine and I shuddered but I shrugged off the feeling and entered through the rusty gate. The atmosphere was eerie and the air was still. The withered wines on the walls of the building looked like veins on the hands of some witch. I stepped towards the stairs on the entrance of the fort and no sooner did I step on the first stair, then many bats came screeching and flew above my head. I dived down with a start and again thought of moving further. Just then I heard someone laughing. It was a hollow and strange laugh that seemed to ^ vibrate through the building. By this time, I was quite nervous and stepped down to look around.

Suddenly my blood froze to see a shadow like a figure floating above the railings of the terrace of the building. I turned only to see the same old man standing before me. Surprisingly, I felt a- sense of relief to see someone else there. The old man smiled and said, “Haven’t I told you? Now come out, as soon it will be dark and we will never be able to see the light of the day.”

Sweat poured out of my body through the air was chilly and I followed the old man in a trance-like situation. After coming out, I was about to thank the old man when to my surprise, he just disappeared in thin air. Collecting my wits I drove fast my scooter back home and decided never to pass by that way. It was really a scary experience.

Question 4.
Ultimately he won it as he was determined to accomplish his mission. The closing of a story is given above. You can start your own story but you can’t change the end. Write the story in 150-200 words.

The Determined Effort

The marathon was a week away. The leg plaster had come off but I was using crutches. Since it was for a charitable cause I was determined to contribute to it. Friends were sympathetic and tried to dissuade me. As a rebellious teenager, I refused to follow sound advice and willed myself to take a few short steps. Oh how the pain shot through my leg! I had managed to hobble to the door. Next day, my trainer arrived to coach me and by the day of the marathon, I felt well prepared. The race took off to an uneventful start but by mid-morning, the heat was oppressive. I remained calm although the leg was beginning to hurt a bit. I realized soon the runners had picked up speed and were outracing me. I pulled my muscles taut, gritted my teeth and fought off the painful sensation in my legs. The finishing line was a blur as I remember dropping to the ground at the rope.

When I came to my senses, I could hear someone saying…“Ultimately he won it and he was determined to accomplish his mission.”

Question 5.
….Suddenly it started raining and thunder rumbled. The animals frightened by the streaks of lightning and the roar of thunder, broke loose and began to run …
Write a story in 150-200 words which can have a different beginning and end but the middle must – be the same as above. «,

The Fiasco

We went to the local Auchandi Fair at the Mela Grounds. There were live performances and even exhibitions of prized animals. The star attraction at the fair was a performance by a Bollywood playback singer. There was an animal show in the neighbouring stall, but the singer was still the largest crowd puller.

I The weather was fine and the singer had everyone dancing to his lively numbers. Suddenly it started raining and thunder rumbled. The animals, frightened by the streaks of lightning and the roar of i thunder, broke loose and began to run wildly all over the grounds. The elephants began trumpeting the horses galloped and trembled in fear. The music was totally drowned in this cacophony and a stampede resulted. The orchestra deserted, and the singer was left alone on the stage.

I had never witnessed such a fiasco in my life. The police arrived, whisked away the singer and restored order all around.

Question 6.
You had been preparing for an interview for the last few days. You faced the interview and succeeded.
Write the story in 150-200 words (Take help from the outline given) from your preparation to your success.

Outline: Interview for the post of cub reporter—facing interview board—answering questions with well-prepared arguments—happy to be accepted and eager to serve.


My First Job

I was scared but eager to land my first job as a cub reporter in a children’s newspaper.

I dressed carefully for the interview and reached on time. On the threshold itself, my throat felt dry and my hands shook slightly as I turned the door knob. But when the interview board of six people, welcomed me warmly, my fears vanished. I felt composed as I was well prepared.

The board sifted through my file of write-ups. They invited me to join a group discussion on whether schools should give homework. I argued vehemently in favour, countermanding the board’s stock suggestions about burdening children, making parents into homework writing machines and children inattentive in class. The Board seemed satisfied with my refutations in favour of giving homework.

In the end, I felt a palpable air of satisfaction all around. Thus, when their final approval accepting me as a cub reporter arrived, I was faring to take off on my new assignment.

Question 7.
He was fond of his grandmother. She would bathe him, give him breakfast, prepare his bag and take him to the school. While he was in the school, she sat in the temple, saying her prayers… Complete the stoiy in your own words. (150-200 words)

A Loving Relationship

He was fond of his grandmother. She would bathe him, give him breakfast, prepare his bag and take him to the school. While he was in the school, she sat in the temple, saying her prayers and waiting for him to finish school. On the way, the duo exchanged greetings with shopkeepers, fed stale chapattis to stray animals and talked about events both local and international. One day, he told his grandmother how they had begun learning computers at school. Grandmother was interested and wanted to learn how to send mails to her children and her relatives.

When her grandson offered to teach her, she was hesitant and said her eyes would not stand the strain of looking at a computer screen for long. But he argued that if her eyes could watch television, they were good enough to stare at a computer screen. Grandmother relented and learnt to type, manipulate the mouse and click on various icons. The thrilling moment came when she was able to send a Baisakhi greeting to her sons in the town. The flood of compliments that followed nearly crashed her computer. It was a small revolution and her grandson had made it happen.

Question 8.
On the basis of the clipping shown and the outline given, write a stoiy in 150-200 words.

Outline: On way to school—chaos on main road—accident at metro construction site—scene of the accident—student volunteers help in controlling.

Story Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


A Volunteer Act

As the school bus came on the main road, I saw a huge crowd running in our direction. The driver of our bus braked at sight of the oncoming crowd. The people were furiously waving their hands and gesturing to the driver to stop the bus. Soon a police inspector arrived and asked the bus driver to take the bus to the kerb. Inside the bus, everyone had left their seats and were craning out of the windows.

On enquiry from the people nearby we learnt that there had been a major accident on one of the metro station construction sites. An under-construction bridge had collapsed and a large slab of concrete had collapsed, caving in the roof of a moving bus, causing fatalities.

Before long, the sirens of ambulances screeched all around. Volunteers from nearby began to help in carrying the injured into waiting ambulances. The local minister himself joined the rescue work. Naturally, we students, could not remain inactive any longer. With the help of our teachers, we formed groups and under the direction of the local policeman, began to divert the traffic so that a traffic jam could be averted.

Question 9.
On the basis of the outline given, write a story in your own words. (150-200 words)

Outline: School fete—held annually—Ferris wheel major attraction—cancellation of Ferris wheel— last minute change—celebration as before


A Surprise At The School Fete

The much awaited annual school fete was teetering on the brink of cancellation. The venue had been taken over for holding a large book exhibition. Hence, the space for putting up the giant Ferris wheel, was unavailable.

Several alternate suggestions had been made, but we students could not be persuaded and our Principal had shelved the idea of a fete for that year. We could barely hide our disappointment, but kept hoping.

On our school Sports Day the Chief of the Army Staff was the Chief Guest. When he had praised , our impeccable march past, the school’s head boy gave a smart salute and asked for permission to speak. His request conceded, Ashish walked up to the mike and made a public appeal to the chief guest to hold the school fete in the military parade ground. To our surprise the Army General immediately agreed.

On that memorable day, besides the games stalls and school bands, what made every schoolboy’s heart race, was the sight of the giant Ferris wheel, with squealing passengers waving merrily, as they rotated in it.

Question 10.
On the basis of the outline given, write a story in 150-200 words.

Outline: Assistant for wicked magician—thief with extraordinary power of making himself disappear —police harassed by him—cruel to assistant—reported to police—magician made police disappear but assistant and other boys come to their rescue and help arrest magician


The Disappearing Trick

Surprised by an ad asking for a magician’s assistant, Rahul had applied. Before long, Rahul realized that the man was a thief who used the magician’s disappearing trick to evade detection when the police arrived on the scene.

Instead of exposing the magician right away, Rahul hatched a plan. He pleaded to be taught the disappearing trick. The magician was hesitant and put Rahul to a test. He ordered Rahul to steal his mother’s gold chain. But Rahul knew that the magician would report him to his parents and then dismiss him, ruining all chances of his learning the disappearing trick. Thus when Rahul declined the task, the magician was convinced of Rahul’s sincerity and began teaching him.

When Rahul had mastered the trick, he went to the nearest police station and handed over a horde of stolen property that his master had kept for sale. When the men went to arrest the magician, he was about to perform the disappearing act on the policemen, but Rahul swung into action and made the magician disappear. The police then conducted a thorough search of the premises, while the wicked man kept howling and pleading witlr’Rahul to make him visible again.

Question 11.
Write a story developing the idea further given in the outline in your own words. (150-200 words)

outline: Window display in toy shop—Diwali season—theft—alarm sounded—no clues found— police non-plussed—little boy spots the difference in window display leading to arrest


The Little Detective

It was Diwali time and shoppers were making last-minute purchases of sweets, fruits, and new clothes. Children were seen shopping for toys at the newly opened computer games and toys shop. Suddenly the alarm went off and an announcement was made to control all exit gates and search all shoppers’ packets. Apparently, the thieves had pointed a revolver at the shop assistant and made off with a diamond necklace. Though they had been spotted on the CCTV and the police had examined every inch of the mall premises, it seemed they thief had disappeared into thin air.

A little boy shopping with his grandparents was pleading with them to buy him ‘the toy tiger because it could roll its eyes. Intrigued by the child’s remark, his grandfather had looked intently. He realized that the eyes were those of a man hiding inside the toy.
He at once alerted the police and when they rushed to the scene, the thieves emerged from their hideout and surrendered to the police. The police rewarded the little detective with a gift of the toy tiger and his grandfather bought him an extra-large packet of mithai for Diwali.

Question 12.
Write a story in your own words with the help of the cues mentioned in the outline. (150-200 words)

Outline: Ram Pyari—zoo jumbo—caught in kheda operations—apprenticed to eldest zoo elephant Putli Bai—taught elephant ways—trumpeting contest at a temple festival


Jumbo Ram Pyari

Ram Pyari, a 70 kg flabby baby elephant with a frisky tail and inquisitive trunk, was caught in the kheda operations. Too young to be a working elephant, Ram Pyari, was housed in a zoo under the care of elephant aunt, Putli Bai.

The elephant elder soon realized that Ram Pyari lacked training. She taught her how to hold up her little trunk in salaam, and how to trumpet tunefully.

Ram Pyari would show off her trumpeting and trunk salute to visiting school children. They would clap back. When the temple festival was ongoing next door, Ram Pyari thought it was the right time to show off her trumpeting skills. As soon as the nagaswaram players sounded the ritual notes, Ram Pyari sent off a loud trumpet, drowning the musical sound. The temple priests were furious and wanted to put a curse on the elephant.

Just then Putli Bai came to their rescue. She wrapped her trunk around Ram Pyari’s legs and pushing her into a corner stood guard over her, refusing to allow the keeper to feed her.

Poor Ram Pyari never repeated the mistake of teasing a human being again.


Learn Story Writing –

Creative, imaginative and effective short story writing in English is no doubt an artful task that’s why students are generally engrossed in with the questions like how to write a good and interesting short story plot, how to write a story plan, how to write a creative story and generally ask tips on how to write a good short story. Writing a good short story requires a lot of techniques and planning. If you are searching for a place to get how to get better at writing stories. Fortunately, you are on the right platform. Here is mantra-creative writing help for you to get enriched in this art. These creative writing techniques will enable you to make your own short stories and become a great short story writer. Especially these are the tips of story writers for beginners. Even then I would like to say that writing skills are something that rises from the innermost fold of your heart.

How to Write a Story Step by Step-

1. Remember that the whole literature is based on Illusion, Pleasure and Truth (IPT)Decide what feelings you want to arouse in the reader’s mind.
2. The first paragraph should be catchy which attracts the reader’s interest with something unusual and unexpected. Don’t insert too much of your own feeling s but target the reader and let them think.
3. Always introduce lively and multi-faceted characters but remember to give them qualities according to your plot.
4. As a writer, you have to decide who is going to narrate the story because the story is the one which has a narrator. It is much different from a novel.
5. Include some meaningful dialogues. Let your readers understand the personality of your characters and flow with them.
6. Set up the plot it is how you set up the situation, where the turning points of the story are, and what the characters do at the end of the story.
“A plot is a series of events deliberately arranged so as to reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance.” –Jane Burroway
7. Create conflict and tense atmosphere. According to Janet Burroway-
“Conflict is the fundamental element of fiction because in literature only trouble is interesting. It takes the trouble to turn the great themes of life into a story: birth, love, work, and death. ”
8. Build a climax. The main character understands what hasn’t been seen before, and realizes what must be done, or finally decides to do it.
9. Conclusion- The central character may win or may lose exposing the reality of society’s reality.

The format of Story Writing-

Beginning- Interesting phrases like- “Adam was in a fix”, “The day was departing”, “The breeze was messaging his face”, “Every morning I used to walk there but that day was different”

Character Introduction- A few dialogues can reveal the characters in a well way but remember to keep them limited otherwise the story will look like a one-act play.

Plot- Description of happenings in their best order.

Conclusion- End of the story

Marking Scheme (CBSE Board) (10 marks)

Title- 1 Mark

Fluency- 2 marks

Accuracy- 2 marks

Content- 5 marks

Download the Above Tips in PDF

Exercises/ Assignments for story writing practice-

Here are a few creative writing prompts as well as examples for your practice which will help you what to write a story about –

Solved Examples-

1. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it.

Rahul was alone at home. Suddenly the phone rang …………………….


Rahul’s Presence of Mind

Rahul was alone at home. Suddenly the phone rang. He hesitated for a moment but then picked up the receiver. Though he said ‘Hello’, there was no response from the other side. He repeated ‘Hello’ ‘Hello’… but still, no one replied from the other end. The phone rang again but this time somebody asked if his father was at home. When Rahul asked who was calling, the caller refused to tell about him and kept on asking his parents’ whereabouts. When Rahul refused to answer, the line was disconnected.
After some time, the doorbell rang. As Rahul peeped through the keyhole, he found a tall man with a beard, outside the door. Rahul got scared and quickly ran towards the phone and called up his father’s friend who lived in their colony and told him about the incident. His uncle asked him not to worry as he would reach soon. He quickly collected some other men from the neighbourhood, and with his pet dog, reached Rahul’s home. The tall man was looking for a way to get into the house when the dog of  Rahul’s uncle held his leg with its teeth the man panicked and tried to run away but was overpowered by all the men of the colony.
Soon, the police reached Rahul’s home and his parents also returned and thanked the neighbours. Everyone praised Rahul’s presence of mind which saved his life.


2. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it. (10)

It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly she………………………

A Childhood Saved

It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly she noticed a child begging at the platform. He appeared to be a little, sweet boy who had a small bag on his shoulder. She noticed a book in his bag. Ruhi was eager to know where the child lived. There was still more than an hour left for her train to arrive. So, she got up and started following him. The boy moved out of the station and entered a slum nearby. He got into a house which appeared to be a very dirty and unhygienic place. There were other child beggars in the house who were in the age group of 5 — 12 years. They were thin and weak. They had money but nothing to eat. Just then, a burly man entered the house. The children became quiet. He asked them for the money that they had collected by begging. The poor children handed all the money they had to him.
Ruhi understood that it was a racket of child beggars. She felt pity for those small children. She decided to inform the police. The police and an NGO ‘Bachpan Bachao’ soon reached the place. The man was perplexed on seeing the police. The police arrested him and the children were sent under the protection of the NGO from where they would be sent to their homes. Ruhi felt relieved and was appreciated by everyone. She was later rewarded by the government for her effort in rescuing the children.


3. Read the given line and complete the story in 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to your story. (10)
Last Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside………….

A Spaceship on Earth!

Last Sunday, I was watching TV. Suddenly I heard people shouting outside. It was about 10:30 p.m. As I opened my door, bright lights from outside dazzled my eyes. I went outside towards the place where a large crowd had gathered outside our colony park. There was a huge spaceship that had landed in the park. It had a thousand lights blinking and from the windows, one could see a few strange figures peeping out. I was surprised to see the aliens. Meanwhile, the police had also reached the park. People were shouting and asking the police to take the aliens out of the ship. They were very excited to see them. By this time, few scientists and researchers had also reached the spot. They had brought some instruments along with them.
As they started moving towards the spaceship, the sirens that were installed in it started blowing. We could notice the strange figures hurriedly moving inside the spaceship. Then, as if understanding the intentions of the scientists that they probably wanted to capture them, they started blowing green-coloured dust from their spaceship. Its wheels started moving like a blower and the spaceship started moving upwards. The scientists rushed out of the park. People tried to click pictures of the spaceship but their cameras showed only a black screen. The spaceship safely moved out of the hands of the humans who would have otherwise captured the aliens and started a study on them. I thanked God for saving their lives from the clutches of the inhuman humans.


4. Read the given line and complete the story in 150-200 words. Give a suitable title to your story. (10)
When Amit woke up in the morning and looked at his face in the mirror, he did not recognise the face looking back at him. ‘This is not me he cried aloud …


A Lost identity!

When Amit woke up in the morning and looked at his face in the mirror, he did not recognise the face looking back at him. ‘This is not me………… ‘ he cried aloud. The face staring at him was calm and cool. Amit moved his fingers on the surface of the mirror. It felt different. He touched his face. It appeared strange and was like touching someone else’s face. He felt scared and anxious. What had happened to his face? What had happened? He tried to recall the last evening’s events and could hardly remember anything. He opened the door of his room where another shock awaited him. He noticed some people in his house who seemed to be like his parents, grandparents and sister but everybody had the same face, the face he now shared with them.
He tried hard to remember what he had been doing the previous night. Yes, he remembered he had been reading a book ‘The Alien visited his home’. It was an old book that was kept in the attic. There were some magical words in the book which he had chanted loudly. He quickly looked for the book, opened it and tried hard to find those magical words. He also found the words which undid the effect of the words he had spoken the previous night. He muttered the words and with a loud whoosh sound, he was shaken up and fell unconscious on the floor. When he opened his eyes he was lying on his bed. He quickly got up and ran towards the mirror. It was his original face, his own.


5. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it. (10)

It was 6 o’clock in the evening and there was a lot of traffic on the road. Mohan was driving his way when suddenly two teenagers on bike overtook his car.


A Great Lesson

It was 6 o’clock in the evening and there was a lot of traffic on the road. Mohan was driving his car when suddenly two teenagers on bike overtook his car and laughing, they drove on. Mohan applied the brakes of his car in the nick of time. He was very angry but since he was getting late for an important meeting at his office, he ignored the bike riders and drove ahead. He hadn’t gone too far when he heard a loud crash. A bike had crashed on the divider of the road. The driver probably lost his balance. Mohan got out of his car quickly and rushed towards the accident. He could see the faces of the victims. They were the same teenagers who had overtaken his car. They both went riding without helmets and new they were bleeding profusely. Mohan wasted no time. With the help of some passers-by, he picked them up and immediately took them to a hospital in his car. He informed their family members using one of the boys’ mobile. The timely treatment saved the lives of both the boys who were ashamed of their actions after meeting Mohan. He forgave them and advised them to follow traffic rules as they are meant for people’s safety. They promised not to drive until they were eighteen.


 6. Read the following prompt and weave a story an about 150- 200 words. Provide a suitable title also.

The moment Hari stepped down from the train he was greeted at the platform by the people of his small town. They had gathered there with garlands and a band…..


A Real Hero Comes Back

The moment Hari stepped down from the train he was greeted at the platform by the people of his small town. They had gathered there with garlands and a band, because a real patriot, retired army man regardless of his salary, family and his own life had appeared back after one and half year.   

It started long back that China attacked India and through a newspaper, Hari came to know that there was a great shortage of manpower in the Indian Army. At the very moment, he determined to devote himself for the sake of the country by fulfilling the demand of manpower.  Though the marriage function of his daughter was going on, he did not care as he was regardless of everything in front of his country. As expected India won over China and by a collective effort of real heroes like Hari. India once more touched the horizon success and the dawn of relief was ours.

People also understood that if we are breathing in a free country it is because of the sacrifice and the devotion of people like Hari. It was raining but people enjoyed it with a real hero and considered the rain a pious sign.


Need Some More Solved Examples don’t worry, click the links below-


Story Writing Class 9 & 10 (Tips, Examples & Worksheets) 2

1. Story Writing Solved Example-  My Success Story

2. Story Writing Solved Example-  Selfish Sparrow 

3. Story Writing Solved Example-  A Foolish Suspense

4. Story Writing Solved Example-  Fire of Suspense

5. Story Writing Solved Example-  God Helps Those Who Help Others

6. Story Writing Solved Example- Who is Mine?

7. Story Writing Solved Example- Let’s Be Like Sandhya

8. Story Writing Solved Example- Give Me My Family

9. Story Writing Solved Example- Be Wise To Eat

10. Story Writing Solved Example- Speak Up

11. Story Writing Solved Example- Childhood

12. Story Writing Solved Example- Religion and An Atheist: Humanity

13. Story Writing Solved Example- Death Penalty

14. Story Writing Solved Example- Mahabharata Redefined

15. Story Writing Solved Example-Freedom Can Mean Many Things

16. Story Writing Solved Example- Circle of Anger

17. Story Writing Solved Example- Self Help is the Best Help

18. Story Writing Solved Example- Brewery of Benny.

19. Story Writing Solved Example- I Am Not Scared Anymore

20. Story Writing Solved Example- Slow And Steady Wins The Race

21. Story Writing Solved Example- Fear always subdues your performance

22. Story Writing Solved Example- Never believe in ferocious and cruel animals

23. Story Writing Solved Example-Grandmother

24. Story Writing Solved Example- Food: A Blessing

25. Story Writing Solved Example- A Fun-filled Journey

26. Story Writing Solved Example- The Missing Child

27. Story Writing Solved Example- God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

28. Story Writing Solved Example- The sleepyhead

29. Story Writing Solved Example- Forest

30. Story Writing Solved Example-Health is Wealth

31. Story Writing Solved Example- Nuisance

32. Story Writing Solved Example- Competition

33. Story Writing Solved Example- ‘Am I hearing voices’

34. Story Writing Solved Example- Friends for Ever

35. Story Writing Solved Example- A Little Girl

36. Story Writing Solved Example- My Father With Kitten

37. Story Writing Solved Example-Honesty is the best Policy

38. Story Writing Solved Example- ABC

39. Story Writing Solved Example- “True Friendship”

40. Story Writing Solved Example- Importance of Good Company

41. Story Writing Solved Example- Insecurity

42. Story Writing Solved Example- Unity And Strength

43. Story Writing Solved Example-Disappointment

44. Story Writing Solved Example- Punishment

45. Story Writing Solved Example- Service to Mankind is Service to God

46. Story Writing Solved Example- BEE

47. Story Writing Solved Example- A House on Fire

48. Story Writing Solved Example- A Big Lost

49. Story Writing Solved Example- Childhood

50. Story Writing Solved Example- A Hungry Wolf

51. Story Writing Solved Example- CAPTIVATING OF BIRDS

52. Story Writing Solved Example- Brother’s Wedding

53. Story Writing Solved Example- MY FATHER ADMITTED ME IN A SCHOOL

54. Story Writing Solved Example -Feed the Dog

55. Story Writing Solved Example- Chatter Box

56. Story Writing Solved Example- Terrific Experience

57. Story Writing Solved Example- Hungry Lion

58. Story Writing Solved Example- A Naughty Calf

59. Story Writing Solved Example- Hard Work

60. Story Writing Solved Example- Greedy Goat

61. Story Writing Solved Example- Crucial Lion

62. Story Writing Solved Example-Kite Season

63. Story Writing Solved Example: Catching Butterflies

64. Story Writing Solved Example: Animals Make Fun of Humans

65. Story Writing Solved Example: The Ghost Teacher

66. Story Writing Solved Example: Birbal Excels

67. Story Writing Solved Example: He Who Dares Gets it All

68. Story Writing Solved Example: Speak Only When You Must

69. Story Writing Solved Example: Just Punishment

70. Story Writing Solved Example: A Faithful Nurse

71. Story Writing Solved Example: The Shepherd and the Wolf

72. Story Writing Solved Example: Greed has a Woeful End

73. Story Writing Solved Example: Liar

74. Story Writing Solved Example: The Tailer and the Elephant

75. Story Writing Solved Example: Union is Strength

76. Story Writing Solved Example: The Wolf and the Lamb

77. Story Writing Solved Example: Two Beggars

78. Story Writing Solved Example: Two Cats and the Monkey

79. Story Writing Solved Example: The Faithful Dog

80. Story Writing Solved Example: The Snake and the Frog

81. Story Writing Solved Example: The Monkey and the Crocodile

82. Story Writing Solved Example: Budhu

83. Story Writing Solved Example: A Patient Little Girl

84. Story Writing Solved Example: Twelve Weavers

85. Story Writing Solved Example: A Foolish Brahman

86. Story Writing Solved Example: The Clever Jester

87. Story Writing Solved Example: A Donkey and its Load of Salt

88. Story Writing Solved Example: The Hidden Treasure

89. Story Writing Solved Example: A Camel and a Jackel

90. Story Writing Solved Example: The Fox and the Grapes

91. Story Writing Solved Example: The Dishonest Doctor

92. Story Writing Solved Example: The Vain Stag

93. Story Writing Solved Example: Bad Company

94. Story Writing Solved Example: A Foolish Milkmaid

95. Story Writing Solved Example: The Blind Horse

96. Story Writing Solved Example: The Bee and the Dove

97. Story Writing Solved Example: A Slave and the Lion

98. Story Writing Solved Example: A Hungry Fox

99. Story Writing Solved Example: A Clever Fox

100. Story Writing Solved Example: A Clever Crow

101. Story Writing Solved Example: The Hare and the Tortoise

102. Story Writing Solved Example: Ornaments Temp Thieves

103. Story Writing Solved Example: Two Friends and the Bear

104. Story Writing Solved Example: The Fox and the Goat

105. Story Writing Solved Example: The Lion and the Mouse

106. Story Writing Solved Example: Belling the Cat

107. Story Writing Solved Example: The Fisherman and the Little Fish

108. Story Writing Solved Example: Half the Profit

109. Story Writing Solved Example: The Lost Camel

110. Story Writing Solved Example: God Helps Those Who Help 

111. Story Writing Solved Example: The Cap-Seller and the Monkeys

112. Story Writing Solved Example: Honesty is the Best Policy

113. Story Writing Solved Example: Money Makes the Mare Go

114. Story Writing Solved Example: Nip the Evil in the Bud

115. Story Writing Solved Example: The Inchcape Rock

116. Story Writing Solved Example: Robert Bruce and the Spider

117. Story Writing Solved Example: The Sun and the Wind 

118. Story Writing Solved Example: The Hare and the Lion 

119. Story Writing Solved Example: Three Friends and a Purse of Gold

120. Story Writing Solved Example: It is All for the Best

121. Story Writing Solved Example: Shrewd Boy

122. Story Writing Solved Example: The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs

Last updated date: 07th Apr 2023

Total views: 289.2k

Views today: 4.61k



Hint: In order to write the story, identify the subject of the given text, and form a story outline with its help. Write down points and then compile it to form a story.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Find the subject of the story and the narration. Here the subject is Snoopy and the narration is in the third person.

It was a cold, foggy morning. The dog Snoopy — reluctant to come out of its bed — just then suddenly it caught a faint scent, reminiscent of summer and the beach. Snoopy stood up, alert, and cautious. Something was odd but he could not understand. Whether he was expecting a friend or a foe, he did not know, but regardless he rushed into the porch and looked on. The scent, still distant, was now closer to him. The cloudy sky grew dark and before he could move it started raining heavily. Snoopy was determined that something unusual was going to happen, so he waited on the porch, drenched in rain. Suddenly, there was a ruffle among the trees and a dark figure came walking towards him. The scent was now stronger than ever and Snoopy felt a sense of familiarity. The figure came closer, bent down next to Snoopy, and touched him affectionately. Cheers roared from the house as the family swarmed into the porch. The scent was the summer odor of not his foe, but his family. Sana had returned home, after five long years and surprised everyone except him, Snoopy thought as he happily wagged his tail.

Note: The perspective from which the story is narrated is very important. Check the form of the given narration or use the one you are comfortable with. It must be noted that only one form must be used throughout the story.

 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


Complete the story in 150-200 words which begins as thefollowing :

It was a family picnic. The picnic spot was the bank of a river …….. …….. ……..

It was a family picnic. The picnic spot was on the bank of the river. We all went for the picnic after a long time. The most surprising part about this picnic was that it was organised by my father as he recently got a promotion in his office. My mother created lip smacking delicacies for all of us. We all got up early in the morning. The weather was absolutely perfect to be on the river side. As we reached the spot, we saw many people enjoying. Many vendors were walking around providing things for refreshment. My brother took with him a badminton set and football. We both enjoyed playing badminton. When we got tired, mother offered us the food she brought with her. We had our lunch. When we were having our lunch, a poor girl selling balloons came to me and requested me to buy a balloon so that she could arrange food for herself. Hearing this, my father gave money to me and asked to buy all the balloons. The girl got very happy. My brother went with her to the shop to help her buy food. She took the food to her little brother who was waiting for her. After lunch, we went for a small walk around river bank and reached home tired after having a wonderful time.



Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks with the help of options that follow:

I met a smart young person (a) _____________ wanted a ‘selfie’ (b) ____________ me. So we (c) ___________ on top of a boundary wall.

(a) (i) which
(ii) who
(iii) whose
(iv) whom

(b) (i) with
(ii) on
(iii) for
(iv) to

(c) (i) sit
(ii) sits
(iii) sat
(iv) sitting



Why did Anne like her father more than she liked her mother ?



The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.

                                                                               Error   Correction

A saint walks the streets of Kolkata.          e.g.    walks      walked

It can happen only at India. It                   (a)   ______     ______

is time that us realised our                        (b)   ______     ______

strength. We are greater people. We          (c)   ______     ______

have so much religious leaders.                 (d)   ______     ______



Attempt a character sketch of Mr. Gilman.



Write a story in 150-200 words based on the following outline:

two cats — hungry — a loaf of bread — can’t divide – each greedy — wants more — a clever monkey — offered to help – bit by bit — ate the bread – his fee — bread finished — cats foolish — still hungry.



Describe the difference between Anne’s and Margot’s feelings for Peter.


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