1000 english word pdf

1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS!

The Top 1000 Words You Need To Know for the IELTS! These Words are Most Important for the IELTS and we have selected these words based on the previous IELTS tests with experience and expert guides.

The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level, and some Advance to basic IELTS vocabulary words, that are very important for you if you are a beginner in IELTS preparation.

We Have Provided the pdf of this IELTS Vocabulary at the end of this lesson, don’t forget to download that.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Here is the list of 1000 Vocabulary Words for Ielts with their meanings.

IELTS Vocabulary Words List 1

  • Curlerroller
  • Graspinggreedy
  • Skullcranium
  • Conscientiousvirtuous
  • Hateloathe
  • Foyerlobby
  • Maneuvermanipulate
  • Numerousmany
  • Wonderfulmarvelous
  • Bloodbathmassacre
  • Cruelmean
  • Importantmeaningful
  • Quitefairly
  • In the meantimemeanwhile
  • Reminiscencememory
  • Obligatorycompulsory
  • Unforeseenunexpected
  • Afterfollowing, next
  • Intellectualmental
  • Contemporarymodern
  • Humblemodest
  • Religiousdevout
  • Impoliterude
  • Secondmoment
  • Tempermood
  • Immobilemotionless
  • Mobilemoveable
  • Hearsayrumor
  • Patternsample
  • Homicidemurder
  • Incidentallyby the way
  • To condemnto sentence
  • Devilsatan
  • Passablesatisfactory
  • Contentedsatisfied
  • Warrantyguarantee
  • Meagerscanty
  • Almostnearly
  • Afraidscared
  • Dullblunt
  • Comiccomedian
  • Stupidsilly
  • To renewto resume
  • Hinttrace, tip
  • Uncared forneglected
  • Damagehurt
  • Easysimple
  • Transparentobvious
  • Momentoccasion
  • To beatto defeat
  • Unbiasedimpartial
  • Rudeimpolite
  • Desertedabandoned
  • To denoteto indicate, to represent
  • Unmarriedsingle
  • Crysob
  • Foxycunning
  • Depravedwicked, evil
  • Abilityskill
  • Scrumptiousdelicious
  • Mysteriousoccult
  • Couchsofa
  • Vacancyemptiness
  • Specialexceptional
  • Daybreakdawn
  • Trivialworthless
  • Nakedbare
  • To bring sth. Backto reintroduce
  • Ariseoccur
  • Conventionconference
  • Uninjuredunhurt
  • Mildgentle
  • Earthsoil
  • Moviefilm
  • Beneficialfavorable

Ielts Vocabulary Words List 2

  • To illustrateto demonstrate
  • To hazardto endanger
  • Wornold
  • Everlastingeternal
  • Enemyopponent
  • Moderncontemporary
  • Uncommonunusual
  • Non – stop
  • Pressingurgent
  • Amateurbeginner
  • To narrateto relate
  • Possibilityopportunity
  • Abandonforsake
  • Contraryopposite
  • Famousfamed, renowned
  • Militantcombative
  • Poisonoustoxic
  • Dirtysoiled
  • Helpaid
  • To intendto mean
  • Associationorganization
  • Continuepersist
  • Branchdepartment
  • Foolidiot
  • Particularspecific
  • Upsetperturb
  • Inventorystock
  • Independentautonomous
  • To bring sb. Upto raise
  • Conservativecautious
  • To overseeto supervise
  • Surplusexcess
  • Decontrolderegulate
  • Nervousperturbed
  • Choosypicky
  • Midwayhalfway
  • Deliberateplanned
  • Fantasticgreat, brilliant
  • Impatienteager
  • Believableplausible
  • Omnipotentall
  • To imitateto mimic
  • Bellystomach
  • Nicepleasing
  • Gratisfree of charge
  • Well manneredpolite
  • Ablecapable
  • To glitterto sparkle
  • Ballotpoll
  • Formerlypreviously
  • Newfresh
  • Preceptprinciple
  • Approveendorse
  • Beforeprior

Must Learn: Most Basic Vocabulary words for Beginners

  • Fanaticenthusiast
  • Precedencepriority
  • Yieldproduce
  • Economicprofitable
  • Suggestpropose
  • Inheritorheir
  • Unusualstrange
  • Impassedeadlock
  • Thriveprosper
  • Successfulprosperous
  • Hypothesisspeculation
  • Hardfirm
  • Backbonespine
  • Constitutionstructure
  • Sunrisedawn
  • Valuelessworthless
  • Awfulatrocious
  • To demonstrateto protest
  • Adultgrown
  • Measuredegree
  • Dividesplit
  • Manmadeartificial
  • To put sth. Backto postpone
  • Cussedstubborn
  • Loveablehabitable
  • Obduratestubborn
  • Intermittentsporadic
  • Drasticextreme
  • Moreoverin addition
  • Detachedindifferent
  • Immaculatespotless

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 3

  • Dedicatedcommitted
  • Ignorantunaware
  • Constantfixed
  • Intolerantbigoted
  • Congestedstuffed
  • To symbolizeto represent
  • Dashsprint
  • Hungerstarvation
  • Stablesteady
  • Stablesteady
  • Egocentricselfish
  • Hospitablecordial
  • Legitimatevalid, leva
  • Mindlesssenseless
  • Destinyfate
  • Touchysensitive
  • Loopycrazy
  • Imperativevital
  • Businesscommerce, trade
  • Honesttruthful
  • Napkinserviette
  • Disgraceshame
  • Confederateaccomplice
  • To enquireto investigate
  • Surecertain
  • To provideto supply
  • Phantasmillusion
  • Scarcityshortage
  • Delicatefragile
  • Dull (person)stupid
  • Dawndaybreak
  • Aboutapproximately
  • To hawkto peddle
  • Constantlyalways
  • To overlookto miss
  • Barreninfertile
  • Mercilesscruel
  • Bizarreweird
  • Continuouscontinual
  • Maximumuppermost
  • Bumbackside, behind, bottom
  • To mirrorto reflect
  • Commencementgraduation
  • Dumbstupid
  • Usuallygenerally, normally
  • Becomingfitting
  • Concordharmony
  • Alwaysforever
  • Bashfulshy
  • Soileddirty
  • Daringbold
  • To expireto run out
  • Insufficientinadequate
  • Signalsign
  • Foolishsilly
  • Candysweet
  • Happilyfortunately
  • Wordsynonym
  • Inflowinflux
  • Surroundingsenvironment
  • Tailoredtailor
  • Impassiveemotionless
  • Dociletame
  • Transitorytemporary
  • Internalinner
  • A narrativea story
  • To mimicto imitate
  • Gayhomosexual
  • Bidtender
  • Organicbiological
  • To confineto restrict
  • Convenienthandy
  • To migrateemigrate

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 4

Blameless  innocent
Crazy  insane
Noted  famous
Madness  insanity
Arrogant  haughty
Awful  terrible
To disclaim  to deny
To vary  to differ
Accurate  correct
Sacristy  vestry
Dreadful  terrible
Immoderate  excessive
Cozy  comfortable
Garbage can  trashcan
Perception  insight
Hang  out
Immediate  instant
Mind  intellect
Vague  indistinct
Understandable  comprehensible
Indisputable  undeniable
Terror  terrorism
Highbrow  intellectual
Cube  dice
Remoted  isolated
Well timed  timely
Gratuity  tip
Disadvantaged  deprived
Abundant  ample
To misconceive  to misunderstand
Denims  jeans
Connect  join
Ecstasy  joy
Magistrate  justice of the peace
Eager  keen
Wise  knowing
Crusade  campaign
To establish  to set up
Neutral  impartial
Vicious  ferocious
Interplay  interaction
To desert  to abandon
Touchdown  landing
Oblique  indirect
To accomplish  to achieve
Hashish  cannabis
To close  to shut
Defective  faulty
Mischievous  impish
Dormant  inactive
Idle  lazy
Turbulent  blustering
To disclose  to reveal
Dally  loiter
Isolated  lonely
Missing  lost
Drab  dull
Fortunate  lucky
Off  season
Mendacity  lying
Superb  magnificent
Leading  main
Chiefly  mainly
Aggressive  militant
Noon  midday
Vague  indistinct
Misfortune  mishap
Misread  misinterpret
Deceptive  misleading
Lacking  missing
Jealous  envious
Doubt  mistrust
Wrong  mistaken
Away  absent
To notify  to inform
Mannequin  model
Dicey  risky
Empty  drain
Misery  distress
Impartial  neutral
Impartial  neutral
To behave  to act
Bendy  flexible
Extra  additional

Words for Ielts List 4

To administer  to manage
Murderer  assassin
To maintain  to preserve
Mediocre  fair
Aromatic  fragrant
Dispute  debate
Ambitious  aspiring
To foretell  to predict
To ignore  to disregard
Virtue  advantage
To cope  to manage
Appreciable  considerable
Disagreeable  unpleasant
Rubbish  nonsense
To bear on sth.  to affect
Lousy  awful
To consult  to refer to
Cranky  cross
Mackintosh  waterproof coat
Pocket book  notebook
Middleman  intermediary
Paper money  notes
Infamous  notorious
Mirth  fun
Selection  choice
To quake  to tremble
Today  nowadays
Self  assured
Mean  unkind
Contaminate  defile
Impediment  obstacle
Construction (lit.)  interpretation
Hostile  antagonistic
To function  to operate
Apparent  obvious
Comfort  consolation
Unstated  unspoken
Enormous  huge, immense
Sincere  honest
Imperfect  faulty
Obsolete  out of date
Above  overhead
Total  entire,
Twosome  pair
Especially  particularly
Monotonous  boring
To hurry  to rush
Ardor  passion
Gut  intestine
Identical  duplicate
Immodest  conceited
Untrue  unfaithful
Achieve  accomplish
To annoy  to irritate, to bother
Awkward  clumsy
Completely  totally
To elevate  to raise, to promote
Insolvent  bankrupt
To rue  to regret
Essential  fundamental
Peaceable  peaceful
Nightfall  dusk
Handsome  good
Stupid  dense
Zenith  peak
Vacant  empty
Fragrance  perfume
Maybe  perhaps, possibly
Aid  help, assist
Bad (not good)  poor, naughty
Magician  conjuror
Unfortunate  unlucky
Gravestone  headstone
Housebreaking  burglary
To grab  to seize
Refrain  chorus
To disappear  to vanish
Painting  portray
Adjourn  postpone
Instructions  directions
Momentous  powerful
Priority  precedence
Stationary  fixed
Praise  compliment
Insufferable  unbearable
Previous  preceding
Exactly  precisely
Mistrust  distrust
Early  premature
Untimely  premature
Antagonize  provoke
Citation  quotation
Naughty  disobedient
Cheesy  corny, tacky
Huge  vast
Hole  gap
Magnify  expand
Lethal  deadly
Immune  exempt
Mourn  grieve
Ban  forbid
Infrequent  rare
Spontaneous  automatic
To cite  to quote
Uncooked  raw
Arrive  reach, come
Dark  dismal
Unlawful  illegal
Knowingly  deliberately
Moderately  reasonably
Insurgent  rebel
Uprising  rebellion
Clerk  receptionist
Miserable  depressing
Curative  healing
Equity  fairness
Immature  inexperienced
Artful  crafty
Practically  virtually
Conscious  aware
To arrive  to reach
Apparent  evident
Crook  criminal
Unvoiced  voiceless

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 5

Negligent  inattentive
To differentiate  to distinguish
Inferior  substandard
Win  succeed
Hold  grasp
To nominate  to appoint
To near  to approach
To impact  to affect
Charter  constitution
Eccentric  unusual
Consecutive  successive
Morose  sullen
Disagree  differ
Invoice  bill
To withstand  to resist
Insupportable  intolerable
Meeting  assembly
To convey  to communicate
To denationalize  to privatize
Abstract  summary
Attractive  appealing
Illiberal  intolerant
To overhaul  to overtake
Anyway  besides
To respond  to reply
Precis  summary
Dry  arid
To minimize  to play down
Satisfied  convinced
Vain  useless
To conform  to comply
Conflict  clash
Twister  tornado
To float  to drift
Instinct  intuition
To admit  to confess
To intensify  to heighten
Intriguing  fascinating
Moderate  lenient
Minor  lesser
To infect  to contaminate
To vacuum  to hoover
Removable  detachable
Sundown  sunset
Joy  delight
Encourage  support
Class  lesson, course
To vanquish  to conquer
Turmoil  disturbance
To transform  to convert
To deprave  to corrupt
To chop  to cut
To diminish  to decrease
To involve  to entail
To magnify  to exaggerate
Constancy  fidelity
Ornament  decoration
Diminish  curtail
Nugatory  worthless
Revolting  disgusting
Torpid  lethargic
Prompt  immediate
To operate  to function
Vast  huge
To inspect  to examine
To collect  to gather
Impetuous  reckless
To receive  to get
Beneficent  generous
Nameless  anonymous
To confuse  to mix up
Overseas  abroad
To deduce  to infer
High  elevated
Convalesce  recover
Outside  external
To renounce  to give up
More and more  increasingly
To grouse  to grumble
To assure  to guarantee
Advocate  support
Coiffure  hairstyle
Forehead  brow
Discount  reduction
To appear  to seem
Except  apart from
To survive  to outlive
Migrant  drifting
Dead  lifeless
Notwithstanding  however
A native  a local
To visualize  to imagine
Informal  casual
To begin  to start
Infuriate  enrage
Animated  lively
Chorus  refrain
Necessary  essential
Provided  if
Remorse  regret
Domesticate  cultivate
Steady  regular
Testament  testimony
If  whether
Applicable  relevant
Difficult  hard
Trustworthy  reliable
Mend  repair
Moral  ethical
Nobility  the aristocracy
Repute  reputation
Abbreviate  condense
Unhurt  unharmed
Imperative  crucial
Dilute  weaken, thin
Prosperous  affluent
To fabricate  to manufacture
Reasonable  fair
Idler  loafer
Mandatory  required
Suppress  restrain
Dossier  file
Lucid  clear
Complete  total
Diverse  distinct
Backside  behind, bottom
To answer  to reply
Home  domestic
Matters  things
Correct  right
Brow  forehead
Remainder  the rest
Object  thing
Hermetic  airtight
To learn  to memorize
Considerate  thoughtful
Considerate  thoughtful
Urgent  important
Inconsiderate  thoughtless
Silly  foolish

Ielts Vocabulary Words with Meaning List 6

Words  Meanings
To evaluate  to assess
Substantially  considerably
Dangerous  unsafe
Hall  corridor
French dressing  vinaigrette
To explode  to blow up
To collapse  to break down
To accumulate  to build up
Livid  furious
Remark  comment
Vibrate  tremble
Inflexible  rigid
To select  to choose
Spotlight  highlight
To illuminate  to clarify; to light up
Disaster  catastrophe
To encounter  to come across
To emphasize  to stress
Innocent  harmless
Undeniable  indisputable
Humiliate  embarrass
Beautiful  attractive
To impeach  to question
Bloodless  cold
Hard  tough
Dubious  doubtful
Reliable  dependable
Material  fabric
Infantile  childish
To imagine  to suppose, to assume
Clever  intelligent
Deliberately  intentionally
Last  final
Brave  courageous
Winery  vineyard

Related: 1000 Synonyms Words List in English

Infographics (Vocabulary words for IELTS with Meanings)

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

List of Vocabulary Words for IELTS

IELTS Vocabulary Words

basic vocabulary for IELTS Vocabulary words for IELTS with meaning 1000 Vocabulary words for IELTS with meaning

Download this list of

1000 Vocabulary words for IELTS in PDF (Download HERE)

Some Premium Tips For IELTS vocabulary!

How can I improve my IELTS vocabulary?

Follow these tips to Improve your IELTS Vocabulary:

  1. Make a good timetable for your study, and learn 10 new important IELTS words every day.
  2. Your first focus is on making your own dictionary, must put new words into your own dictionary, and revise them.
  3. Must practice the new words in your friend’s circle.
  4. Try to write something using new words that you learn every day.
  5. Have a significant focus on the IELTS speaking section.

How much vocabulary is enough for IELTS?

As an IELTS Vocabulary learner, you must have a collection of 6000 to 7000 most used vocabulary words. And be focused that these words cover every aspect of nature so that you can speak fluently about any topic.

How can I study for IELTS at home?

That’s the question of every second student preparing for IELTS, I will give you some promising tips that will help you and even boost your IELTS preparation at home.

  1. Learn new vocabulary Words Daily (At Least 10)*
  2. Practice these words with your speaking partner or a friend.
  3. Buy Some Good Vocabulary books for IELTS.
  4. For Making your interest, do a bit case study of some successful.
  5. Do a bit of research on IELTS.
  6. Write your new Words in a book. (Save your Vocabulary Collection)
  7. Revise your vocabulary every day.
  8. Join an online IELTS Preparation Program *

About The Author

1000 Vocabulary Words Pdf

1000 Vocabulary Words ebook

1000 vocabulary words pdf is For all CAT, MAT, XAT, IBPS, SBI, RRB, SSC, and Other Candidates and Working Professionals

Only- 199 99

1000 Vocabulary Words Pdf /ebook Details

  1. This ebook contains 1000 important vocabulary words.
  2. with synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences.
  3. with Hindi and English meanings.
  4. All the words are taken from various newspapers like The Hindu, Times Of India, The Telegraph, The Economics Times, New York Times, etc.

This 500 Vocabulary Words Pdf /ebook will help those who are willing to expand their vocabulary and also those who are preparing various exams like IBPS PO, SBI PO, SSC, CAT, XAT, CMAT, GMAT, SNAP, NMAT, UPSC, etc.

Some Vocabularies are from the ebook

1) Tarnish- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- कलंकति करना, धब्बा, कलंक, धूमिल करना
English Meaning- damage or fade something.
Synonyms- defame, stain, dirty, defile, pollute, damage, injury
Antonyms- brighten, polish, improve, purify, honor, dignify, glorify
Example Sentence- His crimes tarnished his family reputation.

2) Oblivion- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- गुमनामी, भुलक्कड़ी, विस्मृति
English Meaning- something which is forgotten.
Synonyms- forgetfulness, disregard, nothingness, limbo, nonexistence, unawareness
Antonyms- heed, awareness, mindfulness, remember, consciousness, recollection
Example Sentence- The movie put me in such a state of oblivion that I forgot to complete my homework.

3) Butcher- (noun & verb)
Hindi Meaning- कसाई, हत्या करना
English Meaning- a person whose trade is cutting up meat.
Synonyms- slaughter, murderer, perpetrator, massacre, murderer, killer, executioner
Antonyms- create, birth, renaissance, accomplish, origin, Genesis
Example Sentence- Some people don’t like to visit the meat market to see the butcher.

4) Proscribe- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- देश से निकालना, त्याग करना
English Meaning- outlaw something.
Synonyms- outlaw, prohibit, ban, disallow, exclude, denounce
Antonyms- approve, accredit, allow, permit,
Example Sentence- The government should proscribe the use of plastic to control pollution.

5) Ragtag- (noun)
Hindi Meaning-
निम्न वर्ग, छिछोरे, आवारे
English Meaning- disorganized in character.
Synonyms- knavishness, villainy, roguery, heedless, negligent
Antonyms- attentive, prudent, kind, watchful, mindful
Example Sentence- A ragtag group of people always tarnish society.

You can Visit the ebook section to buy other ebooks.

1000 наиболее употребительных слов английского языка, Американский вариант, Соколова Л., 2011.

Книга содержит абсолютный минимум грамматических правил и терминов и около 1000 наиболее употребительных слов; использует русскую транскрипцию, достаточную для иллюстрации соответствия между звуками и буквами; включает в себя элементарные тексты в том числе страноведческого характера. Курс предназначен тем людям, которые приступают к самостоятельным занятиям английским языком и заинтересованы в изучении особенностей его американского варианта.

1000 наиболее употребительных слов английского языка, Американский вариант, Соколова Л., 2011

Дополнительные времена.
Мы привыкли к тому, что в русском языке действия глагола делятся на законченные (совершенный вид) и незаконченные (несовершенный вид). Таких категорий в английском языке нет. Самое близкое к идее вида — добавление up и down: Slow down when you see a red light. — Сбавь скорость, когда видишь красный свет. Таких форм незначительное количество — как правило, с глаголами движения.

Задачи учебного пособия.    
Алфавитный список 1000 слов с произношением и наиболее общими значениями.    
Список по категориям слов.    
Урок 1.Слова, слова, слова.    
Урок 2.А и THE.    
Урок 3.Начинаем действовать.    
Урок 4.Go? — Go!    
Урок 5.То and from, up and down.    
Урок 6.Практика, практика, практика.     
Урок 7.Ах эти времена!    
Урок 8.Нужен порядок.    
Урок 9.От 16 до бесконечности.    
Урок 10.Бесконечность есть бесконечность.    
Урок 11.Практика, снова практика.    
Урок 12.Как связать предложения.    
Урок 13.Маленькие, но важные слова.    
Урок 14.Снова слова, слова.     
Урок 15.Старые слова с новым значением.
Упражнения для практики.     
Texts and Dialogues.     
Useful Expressions.    
Значения и употребление 17 глаголов.     
Остров сокровищ (Р.Л. Стивенсон).    
Famous Quotes.

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Скачать книгу 1000 наиболее употребительных слов английского языка, Американский вариант, Соколова Л., 2011 — fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

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Дата публикации: 08.06.2020 07:19 UTC


Соколова :: книги по английскому языку :: английский язык

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  • Let s play, Английский язык для детей от 2 до 6 лет, Вьюнник В.A., 2011 — Методические и практические рекомендации по организации обучения английскому языку детей от 2 до 6 лет (из опыта работы автора). Рекомендовано … Книги по английскому языку
  • Английский язык для женщин, Левко Е.И., 2016 — Это пособие создано специально для женщин, которые хотят выучить английский язык. Методика автора основана на особенностях женской психологии возможности женского … Книги по английскому языку
  • 1500 самых употребительных английских слов на все случаи жизни, 2012 — Пособие включает 1500 самых употребительных английских слов с традиционной и русифицированной транскрипцией плюс примеры с параллельным переводом. Если слово многозначно, … Книги по английскому языку

Предыдущие статьи:

  • Практическая фонетика английского языка, Мучкина Е.С., Кошкина И.В., Детинко Ю.И., 2019 — Включает подробное описание транскрипции, интонации, ударения в английском языке, а также раскрывает особенности английской и русской артикуляционных баз. Приведено большое … Книги по английскому языку
  • Увлекательные уроки английского языка в школе, Красюк Н.И., 2011 — Данная книга предназначена учителям, воспитателям детских садов и родителям, т.е. тем, кто непосредственно заинтересован в развитии у детей лингвистических и … Книги по английскому языку
  • Прокачай разговорный английский, Коншин М., 2020 — Да-да, вы не по своей воле зависли в четырех стенах на неопределенный срок. Но согласитесь, что вы сами не раз … Книги по английскому языку
  • Глагольные формы и конструкции в английском языке, Езерская Н.П., Коршунова Т.С., Боровик И.В., 2014 — Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для ознакомления студентов с наиболее употребительными глагольными формами английского языка. Пособие содержит как справочный материал, так и … Книги по английскому языку

Learn English The Fun WayFun & Easy Way to Learn English

Let’s see what these 1000 Most Common Words in English are? Common words are most often found both in the speech of native speakers of any language, in print media, films, television, and in everything that surrounds a person. The ambiguity of most English words can easily explain the popularity of a particular word.

If you compare different languages, most of the popular words they have are similar: pronouns, verbs and nouns that we use most often. So if you look at the translation of the 1000 most common English words, you will see that most of them are familiar to you.

The easiest way to learn English is to use everyday common English words. These words are easier to understand and process the more you hear them.

Learn 1000 of the most common English words, and you’ll be able to understand 75% of English. You can communicate your thoughts clearly with others by learning 500 of the most basic words.

The more you use them, the better your English skills will be. It’s a wonderful way to learn from others while also learning from yourself.

1000 Most Common Words in EnglishPin

Here are the 1000 most common words in English. Let’s see how many of them do you already know?

Number Word Phonetic
1 the ði
2 of ʌv
3 and ænd
4 a
5 to tu
6 in ɪn
7 is ɪz
8 you ju
9 that ðæt
10 it ɪt
11 he hi
12 for fɔr
13 was wʌz
14 on ɑn
15 are ɑr
16 as æz
17 with wɪð
18 his hɪz
19 they ðeɪ
20 at æt
21 be bi
22 this ðɪs
23 from frʌm
24 I
25 have hæv
26 or ɔr
27 by baɪ
28 one wʌn
29 had hæd
30 not nɑt
31 but bʌt
32 what wʌt
33 all ɔl
34 were wɜr
35 when wɛn
36 we wi
37 there ðɛr
38 can kæn
39 an æn
40 your jʊər
41 which wɪʧ
42 their ðɛr
43 said sɛd
44 if ɪf
45 do du
46 will wɪl
47 each
48 about əˈbaʊt
49 how haʊ
50 up ʌp
51 out aʊt
52 them ðɛm
53 then ðɛn
54 she ʃi
55 many ˈmɛni
56 some sʌm
57 so soʊ
58 these ðiz
59 would wʊd
60 other ˈʌðər
61 into ˈɪntu
62 has hæz
63 more mɔr
64 her hɜr
65 two tu
66 like laɪk
67 him hɪm
68 see si
69 time taɪm
70 could kʊd
71 no noʊ
72 make meɪk
73 than ðæn
74 first fɜrst
75 been bɪn
76 its ɪts
77 who hu
78 now naʊ
79 people ˈpipəl
80 my maɪ
81 made meɪd
82 over ˈoʊvər
83 did dɪd
84 down daʊn
85 only ˈoʊnli
86 way weɪ
87 find faɪnd
88 use juz
89 may meɪ
90 water ˈwɔtər
91 long lɔŋ
92 little ˈlɪtəl
93 very ˈvɛri
94 after ˈæftər
95 words wɜrdz
96 called kɔld
97 just ʤʌst
98 where wɛr
99 most moʊst
100 know noʊ
101 get gɛt
102 through θru
103 back bæk
104 much mʌʧ
105 go goʊ
106 good gʊd
107 new nu
108 write raɪt
109 our ˈaʊər
110 me mi
111 man mæn
112 too tu
113 any ˈɛni
114 day deɪ
115 same seɪm
116 right raɪt
117 look lʊk
118 think θɪŋk
119 also ˈɔlsoʊ
120 around əˈraʊnd
121 another əˈnʌðər
122 came keɪm
123 come kʌm
124 work wɜrk
125 three θri
126 must mʌst
127 because bɪˈkɔz
128 does dʌz
129 heart hɑrt
130 even ˈivɪn
131 place pleɪs
132 well wɛl
133 such sʌʧ
134 here hir
135 take teɪk
136 why waɪ
137 help hɛlp
138 put pʊt
139 different ˈdɪfərənt
140 away əˈweɪ
141 again əˈgɛn
142 off ɔf
143 went wɛnt
144 old oʊld
145 number ˈnʌmbər
146 great greɪt
147 tell tɛl
148 men mɛn
149 say seɪ
150 small smɔl
151 every ˈɛvəri
152 found faʊnd
153 still stɪl
154 between bɪˈtwin
155 name neɪm
156 should ʃʊd
157 home hoʊm
158 big bɪg
159 give gɪv
160 air ɛr
161 line laɪn
162 set sɛt
163 own oʊn
164 under ˈʌndər
165 read rid
166 last læst
167 never ˈnɛvər
168 us ʌs
169 left lɛft
170 end ɛnd
171 along əˈlɔŋ
172 while waɪl
173 might maɪt
174 next nɛkst
175 sound saʊnd
176 below bɪˈloʊ
177 saw
178 something ˈsʌmθɪŋ
179 thought θɔt
180 both boʊθ
181 few fju
182 those ðoʊz
183 always ˈɔlˌweɪz
184 show ʃoʊ
185 large lɑrʤ
186 often ˈɔfən
187 together təˈgɛðər
188 asked æskt
189 house haʊs
190 don’t doʊnt
191 world wɜrld
192 going ˈgoʊɪŋ
193 want wɑnt
194 school skul
195 important ɪmˈpɔrtənt
196 until ənˈtɪl
197 form fɔrm
198 food fud
199 keep kip
200 children ˈʧɪldrən
201 feet fit
202 land lænd
203 side saɪd
204 without wɪˈθaʊt
205 boy bɔɪ
206 once wʌns
207 animal ˈænəməl
208 life laɪf
209 enough ɪˈnʌf
210 took tʊk
211 for fɔr
212 head hɛd
213 above əˈbʌv
214 kind kaɪnd
215 began bɪˈgæn
216 almost ˈɔlˌmoʊst
217 live lɪv
218 page peɪʤ
219 got gɑt
220 earth ɜrθ
221 need nid
222 far fɑr
223 hand hænd
224 high haɪ
225 year jɪr
226 mother ˈmʌðər
227 light laɪt
228 country ˈkʌntri
229 father ˈfɑðər
230 let lɛt
231 night naɪt
232 picture ˈpɪkʧər
233 being ˈbiɪŋ
234 study ˈstʌdi
235 second ˈsɛkənd
236 soon sun
237 story ˈstɔri
238 since sɪns
239 white waɪt
240 ever ˈɛvər
241 paper ˈpeɪpər
242 hard hɑrd
243 near nɪr
244 sentence ˈsɛntəns
245 better ˈbɛtər
246 best bɛst
247 across əˈkrɔs
248 during ˈdʊrɪŋ
249 today təˈdeɪ
250 however ˌhaʊˈɛvər
251 sure ʃʊr
252 knew nu
253 it’s ɪts
254 try traɪ
255 told toʊld
256 young jʌŋ
257 sun sʌn
258 thing θɪŋ
259 whole hoʊl
260 hear hir
261 example ɪgˈzæmpəl
262 heard hɜrd
263 several ˈsɛvrəl
264 change ʧeɪnʤ
265 answer ˈænsər
266 room rum
267 sea si
268 against əˈgɛnst
269 top tɑp
270 turned tɜrnd
271 learn lɜrn
272 point pɔɪnt
273 city ˈsɪti
274 play pleɪ
275 toward təˈwɔrd
276 five faɪv
277 himself hɪmˈsɛlf
278 usually ˈjuʒəwəli
279 money ˈmʌni
280 seen sin
281 didn’t ˈdɪdənt
282 car kɑr
283 morning ˈmɔrnɪŋ
284 I’m aɪm
285 body ˈbɑdi
286 upon əˈpɑn
287 family ˈfæməli
288 later ˈleɪtər
289 turn tɜrn
290 move muv
291 face feɪs
292 door dɔr
293 cut kʌt
294 dome doʊm
295 group grup
296 true tru
297 half hæf
298 red rɛd
299 fish fɪʃ
300 plants plænts
301 living ˈlɪvɪŋ
302 black blæk
303 eat it
304 short ʃɔrt
305 United States juˈnaɪtəd steɪts
306 run rʌn
307 book bʊk
308 gave geɪv
309 order ˈɔrdər
310 open ˈoʊpən
311 ground graʊnd
312 cold koʊld
313 really ˈrɪli
314 table ˈteɪbəl
315 remember rɪˈmɛmbər
316 tree tri
317 course kɔrs
318 front frʌnt
319 American əˈmɛrəkən
320 space speɪs
321 inside ɪnˈsaɪd
322 ago əˈgoʊ
323 sad sæd
324 early ˈɜrli
325 I’ll aɪl
326 learned lɜrnd
327 brought brɔt
328 close kloʊs
329 nothing ˈnʌθɪŋ
330 though ðoʊ
331 idea aɪˈdiə
332 before bɪˈfɔr
333 lived laɪvd
334 became bɪˈkeɪm
335 add æd
336 become bɪˈkʌm
337 grow groʊ
338 draw drɔ
339 yet jɛt
340 less lɛs
341 wind wɪnd
342 behind bɪˈhaɪnd
343 cannot ˈkænɑt
344 letter ˈlɛtər
345 among əˈmʌŋ
346 able ˈeɪbəl
347 dog dɔg
348 shown ʃoʊn
349 mean min
350 English ˈɪŋglɪʃ
351 rest rɛst
352 perhaps pərˈhæps
353 certain ˈsɜrtən
354 six sɪks
355 feel fil
356 fire ˈfaɪər
357 ready ˈrɛdi
358 green grin
359 yes jɛs
360 built bɪlt
361 special ˈspɛʃəl
362 ran ræn
363 full fʊl
364 town taʊn
365 complete kəmˈplit
366 oh
367 person ˈpɜrsən
368 hot hɑt
369 anything ˈɛniˌθɪŋ
370 hold hoʊld
371 state steɪt
372 list lɪst
373 stood stʊd
374 hundred ˈhʌndrəd
375 ten tɛn
376 fast fæst
377 felt fɛlt
378 kept kɛpt
379 notice ˈnoʊtəs
380 can’t kænt
381 strong strɔŋ
382 voice vɔɪs
383 probably ˈprɑbəbli
384 area ˈɛriə
385 horse hɔrs
386 matter ˈmætər
387 stand stænd
388 box bɑks
389 start stɑrt
390 that’s ðæts
391 class klæs
392 piece pis
393 surface ˈsɜrfəs
394 river ˈrɪvər
395 common ˈkɑmən
396 stop stɑp
397 am æm
398 talk tɔk
399 whether ˈwɛðər
400 fine faɪn
401 round raʊnd
402 dark dɑrk
403 past pæst
404 ball bɔl
405 girl gɜrl
406 road roʊd
407 blue blu
408 instead ɪnˈstɛd
409 either ˈiðər
410 held hɛld
411 already ɔlˈrɛdi
412 warm wɔrm
413 gone gɔn
414 finally ˈfaɪnəli
415 summer ˈsʌmər
416 understand ˌʌndərˈstænd
417 moon mun
418 animals ˈænəməlz
419 mind maɪnd
420 outside ˈaʊtˈsaɪd
421 power ˈpaʊər
422 problem ˈprɑbləm
423 longer ˈlɔŋgər
424 winter ˈwɪntər
425 deep dip
426 heavy ˈhɛvi
427 carefully ˈkɛrfəli
428 follow ˈfɑloʊ
429 beautiful ˈbjutəfəl
430 everyone ˈɛvriˌwʌn
431 leave liv
432 everything ˈɛvriˌθɪŋ
433 game geɪm
434 system ˈsɪstəm
435 bring brɪŋ
436 watch wɑʧ
437 shell ʃɛl
438 dry draɪ
439 within wɪˈðɪn
440 floor flɔr
441 ice aɪs
442 ship ʃɪp
443 themselves ðɛmˈsɛlvz
444 begin bɪˈgɪn
445 fact fækt
446 third θɜrd
447 quite kwaɪt
448 carry ˈkæri
449 distance ˈdɪstəns
450 although ˌɔlˈðoʊ
451 sat sæt
452 possible ˈpɑsəbəl
453 heart hɑrt
454 real riəl
455 simple ˈsɪmpəl
456 snow snoʊ
457 rain reɪn
458 suddenly ˈsʌdənli
459 easy ˈizi
460 leaves livz
461 lay leɪ
462 size saɪz
463 wild waɪld
464 weather ˈwɛðər
465 miss mɪs
466 pattern ˈpætərn
467 sky skaɪ
468 walked wɔkt
469 main meɪn
470 someone ˈsʌmˌwʌn
471 center ˈsɛntər
472 field fild
473 stay steɪ
474 itself ɪtˈsɛlf
475 boat boʊt
476 question ˈkwɛsʧən
477 wide waɪd
478 least list
479 tiny ˈtaɪni
480 hour ˈaʊər
481 happened ˈhæpənd
482 foot fʊt
483 care kɛr
484 low loʊ
485 else ɛls
486 gold goʊld
487 build bɪld
488 glass glæs
489 rock rɑk
490 tall tɔl
491 alone əˈloʊn
492 bottom ˈbɑtəm
493 check ʧɛk
494 reading ˈrɛdɪŋ
495 fall fɔl
496 poor pur
497 map mæp
498 friend frɛnd
499 language ˈlæŋgwəʤ
500 job ʤɑb
501 music ˈmjuzɪk
502 buy baɪ
503 window ˈwɪndoʊ
504 mark mɑrk
505 heat hit
506 grew gru
507 listen ˈlɪsən
508 ask æsk
509 single ˈsɪŋgəl
510 clear klɪr
511 energy ˈɛnərʤi
512 week wik
513 explain ɪkˈspleɪn
514 lost lɔst
515 spring sprɪŋ
516 travel ˈtrævəl
517 wrote roʊt
518 farm fɑrm
519 circle ˈsɜrkəl
520 whose huz
521 correct kəˈrɛkt
522 bed bɛd
523 measure ˈmɛʒər
524 straight streɪt
525 base beɪs
526 mountain ˈmaʊntən
527 caught kɑt
528 hair hɛr
529 bird bɜrd
530 wood wʊd
531 color ˈkʌlər
532 war wɔr
533 fly flaɪ
534 yourself jərˈsɛlf
535 seem sim
536 thus ðʌs
537 square skwɛr
538 moment ˈmoʊmənt
539 teacher ˈtiʧər
540 happy ˈhæpi
541 bright braɪt
542 sent sɛnt
543 present ˈprɛzənt
544 plan plæn
545 rather ˈræðər
546 length lɛŋkθ
547 speed spid
548 machine məˈʃin
549 information ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən
550 except ɪkˈsɛpt
551 figure ˈfɪgjər
552 you’re jʊr
553 free fri
554 fell fɛl
555 suppose səˈpoʊz
556 natural ˈnæʧərəl
557 ocean ˈoʊʃən
558 government ˈgʌvərmənt
559 baby ˈbeɪbi
560 grass græs
561 plane pleɪn
562 street strit
563 couldn’t ˈkʊdənt
564 reason ˈrizən
565 difference ˈdɪfərəns
566 maybe ˈmeɪbi
567 history ˈhɪstəri
568 mouth maʊθ
569 middle ˈmɪdəl
570 step stɛp
571 child ʧaɪld
572 strange streɪnʤ
573 wish wɪʃ
574 soil sɔɪl
575 human ˈhjumən
576 trip trɪp
577 woman ˈwʊmən
578 eye
579 milk mɪlk
580 choose ʧuz
581 north nɔrθ
582 seven ˈsɛvən
583 famous ˈfeɪməs
584 late leɪt
585 pay peɪ
586 sleep slip
587 iron ˈaɪərn
588 trouble ˈtrʌbəl
589 store stɔr
590 beside bɪˈsaɪd
591 oil ɔɪl
592 modern ˈmɑdərn
593 fun fʌn
594 catch kæʧ
595 business ˈbɪznəs
596 reach riʧ
597 lot lɑt
598 won’t woʊnt
599 case keɪs
600 speak spik
601 shape ʃeɪp
602 eight eɪt
603 edge ɛʤ
604 soft sɑft
605 village ˈvɪləʤ
606 object ˈɑbʤɛkt
607 age eɪʤ
608 minute ˈmɪnət
609 wall wɔl
610 meet mit
611 record ˈrɛkərd
612 copy ˈkɑpi
613 forest ˈfɔrəst
614 especially əˈspɛʃli
615 necessary ˈnɛsəˌsɛri
616 he’s hiz
617 unit ˈjunət
618 flat flæt
619 direction dəˈrɛkʃən
620 south saʊθ
621 subject ˈsʌbʤɪkt
622 skin skɪn
623 wasn’t ˈwɑzənt
624 I’ve aɪv
625 yellow ˈjɛloʊ
626 party ˈpɑrti
627 force fɔrs
628 test tɛst
629 bad bæd
630 temperature ˈtɛmprəʧər
631 pair pɛr
632 ahead əˈhɛd
633 wrong rɔŋ
634 practice ˈpræktəs
635 sand sænd
636 tail teɪl
637 wait weɪt
638 difficult ˈdɪfəkəlt
639 general ˈʤɛnərəl
640 cover ˈkʌvər
641 material məˈtɪriəl
642 isn’t ˈɪzənt
643 thousand ˈθaʊzənd
644 sign saɪn
645 guess gɛs
646 forward ˈfɔrwərd
647 huge hjuʤ
648 ride raɪd
649 region ˈriʤən
650 nor nɔr
651 period ˈpɪriəd
652 blood blʌd
653 rich rɪʧ
654 team tim
655 corner ˈkɔrnər
656 cat kæt
657 amount əˈmaʊnt
658 garden ˈgɑrdən
659 led lɛd
660 note noʊt
661 various ˈvɛriəs
662 race reɪs
663 bit bɪt
664 result rɪˈzʌlt
665 brother ˈbrʌðər
666 addition əˈdɪʃən
667 doesn’t ˈdʌzənt
668 dead dɛd
669 weight weɪt
670 thin θɪn
671 stone stoʊn
672 hit hɪt
673 wife waɪf
674 island ˈaɪlənd
675 we’ll wil
676 opposite ˈɑpəzət
677 born bɔrn
678 sense sɛns
679 cattle ˈkætəl
680 million ˈmɪljən
681 anyone ˈɛniˌwʌn
682 rule rul
683 science ˈsaɪəns
684 afraid əˈfreɪd
685 women ˈwɪmən
686 produce ˈproʊdus
687 pull pʊl
688 son sʌn
689 meant mɛnt
690 broken ˈbroʊkən
691 interest ˈɪntrəst
692 chance ʧæns
693 thick θɪk
694 sight saɪt
695 pretty ˈprɪti
696 train treɪn
697 fresh frɛʃ
698 drive draɪv
699 lead lid
700 break breɪk
701 sit sɪt
702 bought bɑt
703 radio ˈreɪdiˌoʊ
704 method ˈmɛθəd
705 king kɪŋ
706 similar ˈsɪmələr
707 return rɪˈtɜrn
708 corn kɔrn
709 decide ˌdɪˈsaɪd
710 position pəˈzɪʃən
711 bear bɛr
712 hope hoʊp
713 song sɔŋ
714 engine ˈɛnʤən
715 board bɔrd
716 control kənˈtroʊl
717 spread sprɛd
718 evening ˈivnɪŋ
719 brown braʊn
720 clean klin
721 wouldn’t ˈwʊdənt
722 section ˈsɛkʃən
723 spent spɛnt
724 ring rɪŋ
725 teeth tiθ
726 quiet ˈkwaɪət
727 ancient ˈeɪnʧənt
728 stick stɪk
729 afternoon ˌæftərˈnun
730 silver ˈsɪlvər
731 nose noʊz
732 century ˈsɛnʧəri
733 therefore ˈðɛrˌfɔr
734 level ˈlɛvəl
735 you’ll jul
736 death dɛθ
737 hole hoʊl
738 coast koʊst
739 cross krɔs
740 sharp ʃɑrp
741 fight faɪt
742 capital ˈkæpətəl
743 fill fɪl
744 deal dil
745 busy ˈbɪzi
746 beyond bɪˈɑnd
747 send sɛnd
748 love lʌv
749 cool kul
750 cause kɑz
751 please pliz
752 meat mit
753 lady ˈleɪdi
754 west wɛst
755 glad glæd
756 action ˈækʃən
757 pass pæs
758 type taɪp
759 attention əˈtɛnʃən
760 gas gæs
761 kitchen ˈkɪʧən
762 pick pɪk
763 scale skeɪl
764 basic ˈbeɪsɪk
765 happen ˈhæpən
766 safe seɪf
767 grown groʊn
768 cost kɑst
769 wear wɛr
770 act ækt
771 hat hæt
772 arm ɑrm
773 believe bɪˈliv
774 major ˈmeɪʤər
775 gray greɪ
776 wonder ˈwʌndər
777 include ɪnˈklud
778 describe dɪˈskraɪb
779 electric ɪˈlɛktrɪk
780 sold soʊld
781 visit ˈvɪzət
782 sheep ʃip
783 I’d aɪd
784 office ˈɔfəs
785 row roʊ
786 contain kənˈteɪn
787 fit fɪt
788 equal ˈikwəl
789 value ˈvælju
790 yard jɑrd
791 beat bit
792 inch ɪnʧ
793 sugar ˈʃʊgər
794 key ki
795 product ˈprɑdəkt
796 desert ˈdɛzɜrt
797 bank bæŋk
798 farther ˈfɑrðər
799 won wʌn
800 total ˈtoʊtəl
801 sell sɛl
802 wire ˈwaɪər
803 rose roʊz
804 cotton ˈkɑtən
805 spoke spoʊk
806 rope roʊp
807 fear fɪr
808 shore ʃɔr
809 throughout θruˈaʊt
810 compare kəmˈpɛr
811 movement ˈmuvmənt
812 exercise ˈɛksərˌsaɪz
813 bread brɛd
814 process ˈprɑˌsɛs
815 nature ˈneɪʧər
816 apart əˈpɑrt
817 path pæθ
818 careful ˈkɛrfəl
819 narrow ˈnɛroʊ
820 mental ˈmɛntəl
821 nine naɪn
822 useful ˈjusfəl
823 public ˈpʌblɪk
824 according əˈkɔrdɪŋ
825 steel stil
826 salt sɔlt
827 speech spiʧ
828 forth fɔrθ
829 nation ˈneɪʃən
830 knowledge ˈnɑləʤ
831 appear əˈpɪr
832 ate eɪt
833 dinner ˈdɪnər
834 hurt hɜrt
835 spend spɛnd
836 experiment ɪkˈspɛrəmənt
837 touch tʌʧ
838 drop drɑp
839 chair ʧɛr
840 east ist
841 separate ˈsɛprət
842 truck trʌk
843 sing sɪŋ
844 column ˈkɑləm
845 twice twaɪs
846 particular pərˈtɪkjələr
847 shop ʃɑp
848 unless ənˈlɛs
849 spot spɑt
850 neither ˈniðər
851 met mɛt
852 wheel wil
853 none nʌn
854 hill hɪl
855 television ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən
856 bill bɪl
857 solve sɑlv
858 pressure ˈprɛʃər
859 report rɪˈpɔrt
860 farmer ˈfɑrmər
861 count kaʊnt
862 trade treɪd
863 chief ʧif
864 month mʌnθ
865 clothes kloʊðz
866 doctor ˈdɑktər
867 indeed ɪnˈdid
868 dance dæns
869 church ʧɜrʧ
870 original əˈrɪʤənəl
871 enjoy ɛnˈʤɔɪ
872 string strɪŋ
873 sister ˈsɪstər
874 familiar fəˈmɪljər
875 onto ˈɑntu
876 imagine ɪˈmæʤən
877 blow bloʊ
878 quick kwɪk
879 law
880 lie laɪ
881 final ˈfaɪnəl
882 rise raɪz
883 loud laʊd
884 fair fɛr
885 herself hərˈsɛlf
886 slow sloʊ
887 noise nɔɪz
888 statement ˈsteɪtmənt
889 hungry ˈhʌŋgri
890 join ʤɔɪn
891 tube tub
892 rode roʊd
893 empty ˈɛmpti
894 twenty ˈtwɛnti
895 broke broʊk
896 nice naɪs
897 effect ɪˈfɛkt
898 paid peɪd
899 motion ˈmoʊʃən
900 myself ˌmaɪˈsɛlf
901 divide dɪˈvaɪd
902 supply səˈplaɪ
903 laid leɪd
904 dear dɪr
905 surprise sərˈpraɪz
906 gun gʌn
907 entire ɪnˈtaɪər
908 fruit frut
909 crowd kraʊd
910 band bænd
911 wet wɛt
912 solid ˈsɑləd
913 northern ˈnɔrðərn
914 flower ˈflaʊər
915 star stɑr
916 feed fid
917 wooden ˈwʊdən
918 sort sɔrt
919 develop dɪˈvɛləp
920 shoulder ˈʃoʊldər
921 variety vəˈraɪəti
922 season ˈsizən
923 share ʃɛr
924 jump ʤʌmp
925 regular ˈrɛgjələr
926 represent ˌrɛprəˈzɛnt
927 market ˈmɑrkət
928 we’re wir
929 flew flu
930 finger ˈfɪŋgər
931 expect ɪkˈspɛkt
932 army ˈɑrmi
933 cabin ˈkæbən
934 camp kæmp
935 danger ˈdeɪnʤər
936 purpose ˈpɜrpəs
937 breakfast ˈbrɛkfəst
938 proper ˈprɑpər
939 coat koʊt
940 push pʊʃ
941 express ɪkˈsprɛs
942 shot ʃɑt
943 angry ˈæŋgri
944 southern ˈsʌðərn
945 dress drɛs
946 bag bæg
947 proud praʊd
948 neck nɛk
949 breath brɛθ
950 strength strɛŋkθ
951 member ˈmɛmbər
952 twelve twɛlv
953 mine maɪn
954 company ˈkʌmpəni
955 current ˈkɜrənt
956 pound paʊnd
957 valley ˈvæli
958 double ˈdʌbəl
959 till tɪl
960 match mæʧ
961 average ˈævərɪʤ
962 die daɪ
963 liquid ˈlɪkwəd
964 alive əˈlaɪv
965 stream strim
966 provide prəˈvaɪd
967 drink drɪŋk
968 experience ɪkˈspɪriəns
969 future ˈfjuʧər
970 tomorrow təˈmɑˌroʊ
971 drove droʊv
972 population ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃən
973 finish ˈfɪnɪʃ
974 station ˈsteɪʃən
975 shook ʃʊk
976 stage steɪʤ
977 oxygen ˈɑksəʤən
978 poem ˈpoʊəm
979 solution səˈluʃən
980 burn bɜrn
981 cent sɛnt
982 electricity ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪsəti
983 everybody ˈɛvriˌbɑdi
984 rat ræt
985 dust dʌst
986 worth wɜrθ
987 community kəmˈjunəti
988 captain ˈkæptən
989 bus bʌs
990 protect prəˈtɛkt
991 cook kʊk
992 raise reɪz
993 further ˈfɜrðər
994 steam stim
995 guide gaɪd
996 discover dɪˈskʌvər
997 plain pleɪn
998 usual ˈjuʒəwəl
999 seat sit
1000 accept ækˈsɛpt

These 1000 Most Frequently Used Words in the English Language are just a bit of the many English words available to you! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn more English words.

These common English words are important for you to learn. You should also make an effort to use them in everyday English conversations.

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