1 underline the correct word 1 mark has got

Underline the correct item.
e.g. This blue car over there is their/theirs.
25. Mark has got a new flat. His/Our flat is spacious.
26. Is Ruth yours/your sister?
27. This camera isn’t mine/my.
28. This little puppy isn’t our/ours.
29. Tina and Susan are my/mine friends.
30. What’s yours/her phone number?
31. Is this skateboard his/her?
32. Their/Theirs house is very modern.
33. Are these books her/hers?
34. What is his/hers address?


Английский язык 6 класс Spotlight Test Booklet Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 1 B (Module 1). Номер №E


Перевод задания
Подчеркните правильное слово.
например, Вот эта синяя машина − their/theirs.
25. У Марка новая квартира. His/Our квартира просторная.
26. Рут − yours/your сестра?
27. Эта камера не mine/my.
28. Этот щенок не our/ours.
29. Тина и Сьюзен − my/mine друзья.
30. Какой у yours/her номер телефона?
31. Этот скейтборд his/her?
32. Their/Theirs дом очень современный.
33. Эти книги her/hers?
34. Каков his/hers адрес?

25. Mark has got a new flat. His/Our flat is spacious.
26. Is Ruth yours/your sister?
27. This camera isn’t mine/my.
28. This little puppy isn’t our/ours.
29. Tina and Susan are my/mine friends.
30. What’s yours/her phone number?
31. Is this skateboard his/her?
32. Their/Theirs house is very modern.
33. Are these books her/hers?
34. What is his/hers address?

Перевод ответа
25. У Марка новая квартира. Его квартира просторная.
26. Рут − твоя сестра?
27. Эта камера не моя.
28. Этот щенок не наш.
29. Тина и Сьюзен − мои друзья.
30. Какой у нее номер телефона?
31. Этот скейтборд его?
32. Их дом очень современный.
33. Эти книги ее?
34. Каков его адрес?

2.1. Underline the correct item (5 scores) e.g. That blue car over there is their/theirs. 1). Mark has got a new flat. His/Our flat is spacious. 2). Is Ruth yours/your sister 3). This camera isn’t mine/my. 4). This little puppy isn’t our/ours. 5). Tina and Susan are my/mine friends. 2.2. Complete the sentences with at, on or in. (5 scores). e.g. My brother’s birthday is on Saturday. 1). They go to bed…..9:00 p.m. 2). Janet’s birthday is……May. 3). Mum wakes up at 7 o’clock ……the morning. 4). Brian and Steve play football…..Mondays. 5). I see my friends…..the weekend. 2.3. Choose and underline the correct verb (5 scores). e.g. They often … to the cinema. a) go b) goes c) are going 1. Tim usually … breakfast. a) ate b)eats c) is eating 2. Mary … Cola yesterday. a) drink b) drank c) is drinking 3. Ben … the dog at the moment. a) walks b) is walking c) walk 4. We … our grandparents every Sunday. a) visit b) visits c) are visiting 5. Jack and Frank…..last week. a) meet b) met c) are meeting 2.4. Fill in the correct prepositions (3 scores). e.g. I am fond of painting. 1. Tony is mad…football. He never misses a match on TV. 2. Are you interested … history as well 3. Anthony was not keen … classical music. 2.5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences (2 scores). 1. friends/ food/ your/ traditional/ eating/ Are 2. Linda / on/ Sundays/ her/ visits/ granny.Подскажите как пожалуйста очень надо



1-Are your friends eating traditional food
2-Linda visits her granny on Sundays.


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2018-09-29 00:00:00

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hers address?
5. This camera isn’t mine / my.
6. Are these books her / hers?

Ответ №1

1.Mark has got a new flat.His flat is spacious.

2.Is this skateboard her?

3.That black cat is our lours.

4.What is his address?

5. This camera isn’t my.

6.Are these books her?

Вам также может понравиться

1. Underline the correct item (Выбери правильное местоимения)

1). Mark has got a new flat. His/Our flat is spacious.
2). Is Ruth yours/your sister?
3). This camera isn’t mine/my.
4). This little puppy isn’t our/ours.
5). Tina and Susan are my/mine friends.
2. Choose the correct adjective ( Выбери правильную форму прилагательных):
1. The Thames is (the shortest, shorter) than the Volga.
2. My sister speaks English (badder, worse) than I do.
3. (Taller, the tallest) trees in the world are in California.
4. Which is (the beautifulest, the most beautiful) place in this country?
5. A train is (faster, the fastest) than a bus.
3. Complete the sentences with at, on or in. (Дополни предложения предлогами at, on, in.)
1). They go to bed…..9:00 p.m.
2). Janet’s birthday is……May.
3). Mum wakes up at 7 o’clock ……the morning.
4). Brian and Steve play football…..Mondays.
5). I see my friends…..the weekend.
4. Write the ordinal numbers. (Напиши порядковые числительные)
1. one – __________________
2. three – _________________
3. five – _________________
4. twenty – ________________
5. seventeen — ______________
5. Choose the correct verb. (Выбери правильный глагол)
1. Tim usually … breakfast.
a) ate b)eats c) is eating
2. Mary … Cola yesterday.
a) drink b) drank c) is drinking
3. Ben … the dog at the moment.
a) walks b) is walking c) walk
4. We … our grandparents every Sunday.
a) visit b) visits c) are visiting
5. Jack and Frank…..last week.
a) meet b) met c) are meeting

Контрольные задания. 1 четверть.
УМК «Spotlight 6» — Английский в фокусе 
(Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дж. и др.)

Exercise 1. Read the text and underline the correct word

Hi, John!
How are you? This is my family. My parents’ names are Emily and Peter. My dad is tall with short, straight hair. He’s in his mid forties. My mum is tall and slim. Her hair is short and curly. She’s in her late thirties. My sister Karen is eight years old. She has got long, dark hair and a small nose. My brother Mark is nine years old. He has got short, fair hair, big green eyes and a big nose.
Well, that’s all about my family. Please write soon and tell me about your family. Send me a picture if you can.
Bye for now,

Example: Daniel is writing to John/ Peter

1. There fourfive people in Daniel’s family.
2. PeterMark is Daniel’s Dad.
3. Emily is Daniel’s mumsister.
4. Mark has shortlong fair hair.
5. Daniel’s mum is tall and slimfat.
6. Karen is 89 years old.
7. Mark has big, greenblue eyes.

Exercise 2. Underline the correct item.

Example: The blue car over there is theirtheirs.

1. Mark has got a new flat. HisOur flat is spacious.
2. I Ruth yoursyour sister?
3.This camera isn’t minemy
4. This little puppy isn’t ourours.
5. Tina and Susan are mymine friends.
6. What’s yoursher phone number?
7. Are this books herhers?

Exercise 3. Fill in the sentences with the words below.

Driver, road, pavement, signs, careful, ways, cross, flow, side, helmet

Road safety instructions
1. Be ………….when you cross the street.
2. Look both …………..before crossing the street.
3. Walk on the ………… .
4. Follow the traffic ……… .
5. Don’t talk to the bus ………. .
6. Don’t run into the ………… .
7. Don’t ……………between parked cars.
8. Ride your bike with the ……….. of traffic.
9. Always wear a bicycle ……….. .
10. Use the door on the pavement ………….to get out of the car.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct response.

How are you? F A Thank you very much.
I’d like to introduce you to Harry.   B Oh, hi! How are you?
What’s your postcode?   C Pleased to meet you.
How do you spell that?   D WM3 5 GH
How can I help you?   E A-D-A-M-S
Hi there, David.   F Not bad, thanks.
Here’s your card.   G I’d like to join the club, please.

   Контрольные задания. 1 четверть.

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