1 circle the word in each group which is different

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2 года назад

Английский язык


c word groups
Circle the word that is different.
1 live
2 men
3 engineer
4 student
5 brother

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2 года назад

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1) Job








4)How many


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1 VOCABULARY food and cooking a Circle the word that is different. Explain why. 1 beans grapes peach raspberry The others are all fruit 2 chicken duck lamb salmon The others are all 3 beetroot cabbage pear pepper The others are all 4 aubergine lemon mango melon The others are all 5 crab mussels beef prawns The others are all 6 cabbage cherry courgette cucumber The others are all​

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71. Read the text quickly. Write the correct heading above each section.

Why are boys better at IT?

Why is IT important?

Is the world changing?

Did you know that…


· more men use IT than women?

· only 33% of the people studying IT are girls?

· only 4% of computer scientists are women?

This is strange because it’s a fact that girls are just as clever as boys in science and mathematics.

2. _________________________________________

The usual explanation is that boys learn basic computer skills through video games. Girls do not usually like these violent and aggressive games, so boys have earlier experience with computers. What’s more, when the Internet started, men did not encourage women to join. Many women who use the Internet complain that men are rude and unpleasant to them.


More than 75% of future jobs will need people with computer skills.

Thousands of companies use the Internet to advertise job vacancies.

Computers are tools, not just toys, and they canhelp everyone get good jobs.

You don’t need to be a genius to learn computing. It just takes practice!

4. _________________________________________

Yes! 51% of new Internet users are women. More people are using Netiquette, which encourages women and girls to go online. More girls are learning computing, and programmers are designing imaginative and non-violent games that are fun and exciting to play.

72. Match the first part of the sentence (1-5) with second part (a-e).

1. If you want to learn computing, a.girls are as good as boys at IT.

2. Girls prefer playing b. by surfing the Internet.

3. You can find a lot of jobs c. you must practise a lot.

4. It is a fact that d. but they enable you to do many things. 5. Computers are not just toys, e. interesting and creative video games.

73. Circle the word in each group that is different.

1. imaginative creative boring interesting

2. help encourage support stop

3. fact opinion belief idea

4. typical strange unusual unlike

5. aggressive rude unpleasant nice

6. violent peaceful gentle helpful

7. silly genius intelligent clever

8. complain promise guarantee agree

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fish, potatoes, peas, cheese


1   Jack and Mary

Jack   Come on, hurry up. We need to buy some lunch quickly.

Mary   I know, I know. Where are the snacks?

J   Over here, come on. So, here are the sandwiches.

M   OK. Two sandwiches. And some crisps?

J   Yes, great. Ooh … and olives.

M   I don’t like olives.

J   Well I do. You can choose something different.

M   Strawberries! They look really nice.

J   OK! Let’s go!

2   Leo and Darcy

Leo   What do we need? What’s for dinner?

Darcy   We need fish. It’s over here.

 What else? Potatoes?

D   Yes, potatoes. And we need a vegetable.

 Potatoes are a vegetable!

D   A green vegetable!

 OK. Peas?

D   Fine. Get some peas. Oh, and we need cheese too.

 Cheese? With fish?

D   No. The cheese is for your sandwiches tomorrow.

3   Arthur and Megan

Megan   What are you planning for dinner?

Arthur   Curry, I think. I need lamb – and beef.

 Lamb and beef?

A   For two different dishes, yes.

 Is that all?

A   No, I need mushrooms too.

 OK. They’re over there, with the vegetables.

A   And rice.

 OK, let’s get the rice first. Then the mushrooms.

4   Finley and Amber

Amber   What do we need for the barbecue?

Finley   We need chicken. It’s here, look.

A   And what about some other meat?

 This beef looks nice.

A   OK. We have to get some peppers too, one of each colour.

 And we have to buy prawns. I love prawns on a barbecue!

A   Me too.

 We need lemons, of course. You can’t have prawns without lemons.

A   OK, where are the lemons?

 The fruit is over there, by the door. Come on!

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